FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
FIELD STUDY 1: Observations of Teaching - Learning in Actual School Environment
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in managing time, space and resources
to provide an environment which is appropriate to the learners and conducive to learning.
Your Map
Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation.
FS 1
Observe a class. STUDY 1: Observations of
• Teaching
Using a checklist, -find
Learning invirtual
out the evident Actual School
components. Environment
• Describe how the virtual classroom is structured/ designed to
allow everyone to participate in the learning activities.
Eldy Owen T. Layno
• Relate the data in your checklist to the learners’ behavior.
• Reflect on how virtual classroom management affects
Institute of Arts, Sciences and Teacher Education
An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the
provided space.
1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their
2. How many boys are there? How many girls?
3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?
4. Can the learners already work independently?
5. Describe their span of attention.
6. Look into their listening skills and ability to concentrate.
In terms of their attention, it depends on how the teacher motivates the class.
They also need a guide from the teacher to correct their wrong doings. Additionally,
they would only participate in the class if the teacher was enthusiastic. Furthermore,
they are just concentrating only when they are interested. But most of the time they
are not listening to what the teacher has told them.
An Observation Guide for the VIRTUAL CLASSROOM VISIT
Observation Notes:
Yes, the virtual classroom has a rule. Teacher flashes the virtual classroom rules
in the first slide of the PowerPoint; thus, every student is reminded if ever they commit
mistakes or do inappropriate behavior. Teacher starts with an opening prayer, then
greetings, followed by asking the students how was their day, and their module. Then the
teacher asked the students to remind them what was the topic last time. And proceed in
the proper discussion.
When the teacher discussing some of the students unmute their mic and create
some inappropriate noise, then the teacher will stop the discussion and gives precise
disciplinary action to the students. In reinforcing students, the teacher gives positive
feedback, and he respects the answers of the students, even if it's wrong. He also gives
certificates when the students have shown excellence in class.
that kind of routine in their daily
activity in their lives.
Handling Misbehavior students The effect on the students is that they
Misbehaviors/off- observed in virtual class. will be able to know their misbehavior
task behavior They always unmute their attitude and know their limitations.
mic to distract their
teacher or their
classmates. So that the
teacher gives precise
disciplinary action to the
Reinforcement of The teacher gives The effect on the students is that they
Positive Behavior certificate to the students will be motivated to strive hard to be
that will do positive excellent in class.
behavior and excellence
in class.
1. How did the virtual classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior?
Students behavior is influenced by virtual classroom organization and routines since they
are aware of their limits. When the online class begins, Sir Policarpio reminds the
students of the rules they must adhere to. In that way, the minds of the students are set
that they are rules need to be obeyed because of this they'll practice their proper attitude
and act politely. Moreover, it serves as a guide for the students on how to manage their
task in online classes.
2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the virtual classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
I think when designing the virtual classroom organization and routine, the teacher should
keep in mind the impact on the students, as well as the outcome of these things, whether
they are helpful or not. Also, the fit theory is the theory of John Dewy which is the
experimental learning or the learning by doing. The simple notion behind learning by
doing is that we can learn more about something by doing it. For example, when you are
forced into a situation where you have to do what you need to learn, it’s easier to
remember those things. Every action provides personalized learning experiences, and it’s
where motivation is built. That motivation connects to what is learned and felt. It teaches
that learning is relevant and meaningful.
3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the students? In
motivating them? Why were they effective?
I guess the effective strategy in managing the behavior of the students is that teacher
should be innovative and engage the students in interesting activities so that the students
will be attentive in the discussions.
Your Reflections
1. Imagine yourself organizing your virtual classroom in the future. In what year/grade level do
you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider at this level? Why?
I see myself teaching Grade 10 students. If ever I'll be organizing a virtual classroom, similar to
other teachers, I will do the same routines and procedures which are applicable to the students.
The routines I will practice is first, pray before the discussion start and then I will ask students
how was their day, their modules and their mental health. I would also do an innovative
discussion and engage them in interesting activities.
2. List the rules you are likely to implement in this level? Why would you choose these rules?
Well, I choose these rules because I want to have a harmonious class and smooth discussions.
Additionally, to discipline the students to be responsible and to have a discipline to their selves.
Yes, learners should be involved in class rules so that they are aware of the dos and don'ts in
virtual classrooms and are aware of their restrictions when participating in virtual classes.
Moreover, students will have an idea already whatever consequences might be given if ever they
will violate the said rules in virtual class.
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This module is only for the exclusive use of a bona fide student of Mabalacat City College.