What Was The Black Plague

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What was the Black Plague?

Black Death Vocabulary

Epidemic (n.)-  a Pandemic (adj.)- Plague- (n.) a contagious bacterial disease Yersinia Pestis- (n.) Buboes- (n.) swollen
widespread occurrence widespread over a whole characterized by fever, insanity, and formation of the bacteria that lymph nodes in the
of a disease  country or the world buboes, and sometimes an infection of the lungs causes plague armpit or groin

The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, was a

devastating epidemic that struck large portions of Asia, the
Middle East, and Europe in the 14th century (1300s). In Europe,
it killed between ⅓ and ⅔ of the population, depending on the
region. In total around the world, at least 75 million people
were killed by the disease in the mid 1300s. 

Most scientists now believe that the Black Death was an

outbreak of bubonic plague, which is a disease caused by the
bacterium Yersinia pestis which lives in rodents like rats. Rats,
which were common in Medieval cities, often had fleas on them.
The fleas bit the rats, then jumped onto humans and bit them,
which spread the disease to humans. Once the disease was in a
person it was spread from person to person through body fluid
and coughing. Created in 1493, this image was inspired by the Black Death and depicts the Dance of Death,
This passage was adapted by New Visions from the Black Death on New World Encyclopedia which is published under the CC-BY- which was a common theme in Medieval art because of the fear of the plague. 
Image is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons and is public domain. 
SA 3.0 license. 
“What was the Black Death? What were the Symptoms” from ClickView
(transcript), Bubonic Plague from the BBC’s “Filthy Cities” (43:38-51:00),

Coroner’s Report: Plague

Connect Cause
and Effect
➡ Directions: Watch the clips on the Black Death linked above, then answer the
questions below.

1. According the video(s) and above, 2. What caused the 3. Why did the Black Death spread so
what was the Black Death?   Black Death? far and kill so many people?  
Check for Understanding

Event: The Black Death

What was the Black Death?

Who was affected?




Combined Context

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