SOB 1 (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) (29 PL, - 2CP, 500pts)
SOB 1 (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) (29 PL, - 2CP, 500pts)
SOB 1 (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) (29 PL, - 2CP, 500pts)
Patrol Detachment -2CP (Imperium - Adepta Sororitas) [29 PL, -2CP, 500pts]
Configuration [-2CP]
Order Convictions
Selections: Order: Bloody Rose
Abilities: Quick to Anger
HQ [3 PL, 50pts]
Canoness [3 PL, 50pts]
Selections: Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Frag & Krak grenades
Rules: Acts of Faith, Sacred Rites, Shield of Faith
Abilities: Lead the Righteous, Rosarius, Unit: Canoness, Weapon: Bolt pistol, Chainsword,
Frag grenades, Krak grenades
Selection Rules
Acts of Faith: Before making a dice roll for a model or units from your army with the Acts of Faith ability,
you can choose to use one or more of the dice from your Miracle dice pool instead. For each individual dice
that is being rolled as part of the dice roll, you can select one Miracle dice from your Miracle dice pool to be
substituted in place of that dice. The dice that it is being substituted for is not rolled, and instead the value of
the chosen Miracle dice is used as if it had been rolled. Once all Miracle dice substitutions have been made,
remove the chosen Miracle dice from your Miracle dice pool, and roll any remaining, unsubstituted, dice that
are a part of the dice roll. You can use Miracle dice to perform an Act of Faith for any of the following types
of dice rolls:
Advance, Charge, Hit, Wound and Damage rolls; Saving throws; and Deny the Witch and Morale tests
(Codex: Adepta Sororitas p73)
Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before
any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds. ()
Sacred Rites: If every unit in your army has the ADEPTA SORORITAS and/or ADEPTUS MINISTORUM
Faction keywords, this unit gains an ability depending on which Sacred Rite is active for your army.
Determine which Sacred Rite is active for all units from your army with this ability at the start of the battle. To
do so, after deployment but before the first battle round begins, select one Sacred Rite from the following
table to be active. Alternatively, you can roll two D6 to randomly generate two Sacred Rites to be active (a
duplicate result has no additional effect, but is considered to be active for the purposes of the Battle Rites
Stratagem). In either case, Sacred Rites are active until the end of the battle.
4. Divine Guidance:
When resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon by a model with this Sacred Rite, on an unmodified
roll of 6 the Armour Penetration characteristic of that weapon is improved by 1 for that attack (e.g. AP 0
becomes AP -1).
5. The Passion:
When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model with this Sacred Rite, an unmodified hit
roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit.
In addition, one model in this unit can attempt to resist one a psychic power in your opponent's Psychic
phase in the same manner as a PSYKER by taking a Deny the Witch test, if that model is within 24" of the
enemy model manifesting that psychic power. When taking theat Deny the Witch test, roll one D6 instead of
2D6; the psychic power is resisted if the roll is greater than the result of the Psychic test that manifested the
power. (Codex: Adepta Sororitas p76)