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PIC Controller

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The Tutorial Book

Have fun with PIC microcontrollers, Jal v2 and Jallib

2008 2009 Jallib Group
Step by step tutorials, covering basic features of PIC microcontrollers, using jalv2 compiler and jallib libraries. (version 0.1)

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Chapter 1: Back to basics................................................................................5
TODO: Introduction................................................................................................................................. 7 Installation................................................................................................................................................ 8 Getting Started........................................................................................................................................10 Blink A Led (Your First Project)........................................................................................................... 14 Setting up a serial link (UART) -- TODO..............................................................................................23

Chapter 2: PIC peripherals...........................................................................25

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)........................................................................................................... 27 Having fun with PWM and a LED (part 1)................................................................................ 28 Having fun with PWM and a piezo buzzer (or a speaker) (part 2)............................................ 33 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) -- TODO...................................................................................... 36 IC...........................................................................................................................................................37 Building an i2c slave with jallib (part 1)....................................................................................38 Building an i2c slave with jallib (part 2)....................................................................................39 Building an i2c slave with jallib (part 3)....................................................................................43

Chapter 3: Experimenting external parts....................................................49

Interfacing a Sharp GP2D02 IR ranger.................................................................................................. 51 Interfacing a HD44780-compatible LCD display.................................................................................. 58

License..................................................................................................................................67 Appendix..............................................................................................................................69
Materials, tools and other additional how-tos........................................................................................ 70 Building a max232 circuit for serial port communication......................................................... 71

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Back to basics...
Topics: TODO: Introduction Installation Getting Started Blink A Led (Your First Project) Setting up a serial link (UART) -- TODO

This chapter is about exploring basic tutorials. As a beginner, these are the very first steps you should experiment and fully understand before going further. As an advanced user, these tutorials are also here to help you testing new chips, or... when things go wrong and you can't figure out why, going back to basics Don't worry, everything is gonna be alright...

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TODO: Introduction

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Jallib Group Jallib Group JALv2 & Jallib installation guide Windows Install: 1. 2. 3. 4. Download jalpack (installer executable) from http://jaledit.googlecode.com/files/JALPack_2.4_0.4_0.6.1.0.exe Run the setup file Run JalEdit.exe from the jaledit directory (optional) Click Tools Menu -> Environment Options -> Programmer, Then Set the Programmer Executable Path

You should get something like this on windows:

Linux Install 1. Go to http://code.google.com/p/jallib/downloads/list, get the link location of the jallib-pack (.tar.gz file) 2. Go to the directory you wish to install JALv2 3. Download the package with: $ wget [link location of the jallib-pack] or simply use your favorite browser to download archive in the appropriate directory. 4. unzip the package with: $ tar xzf [filename.tar.gz] Note: Jaledit runs under Wine on Linux

You should get something like this on linux:

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Getting Started
Matthew Schinkel Jallib Group Guide to getting started with PIC microcontrollers JALv2 & Jallib So, youve heard all the hype about PIC microcontrollers & JALv2 and want to hear more?

Lets start with some questions you may have. Why use PIC microcontrollers, JALv2, and this book? Simple usage: Yes, thats right, microcontrollers are simple to use with the help of this open source language JAL. Not only are microcontrollers simple to use, but many other complex external hardware is made easy such as: USB, Analog to digital conversion (ADC), serial communication, Hard Disks, SD Cards, LCD displays, sensors and many more. All you will need is a small amount of knowledge about general electronics. We will teach you the rest you need to know! Circuit Simplicity: Would you like to reduce the size of your circuits? What are you currently using to build your digital circuits? When I got started, I liked to use things like the 74LS series, simple CMOS gate chips, 555 timers etc. You can build just about anything with these simple chips, but how many will you need to complete your project? One of the projects I built some time ago used five 74ls chips. With a microcontroller, I can now reduce my circuit to 1 microcontroller. Bigger Projects: When I say bigger, I mean cooler projects! There is no limit to what you can build! Choose from our small projects to build a large project of your own. What functionality do you need for your project? Check out our tutorial section for a complete list of compatible features you can use for your circuit.

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What do I need to get started? You will need the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PIC microcontroller chip PIC programmer Programming language (JALv2) + Libraries (JALLIB) + Editor, see our installation guide. Computer (preferably one with a serial port) PIC programming / burning software Regular electronic stuff such as breadboard, resistors, wire, multimeter etc. Oscilloscope is not required but suggested for some advanced projects.

Follow our Installation Guide for free programming language, libraries & text editor How much will it cost? Yes, getting started with microcontrollers has its price. A microcontroller can cost you anywhere between $1 to $10 USD, and a programmer will cost $20 to $50. But you can't put a price on FUN! The programming language JALv2 is FREE, other languages will cost you somewhere between $200 and $2000. When you compare this price to the price you are currently spending on those many ICs you currently require to build your circuits, this may be cheaper. You will not need many of your smaller ICs, and some specialty chips can be replaced. Of course youre going to save time and breadboard space as well! As an example... Instead of buying a UART chip for serial communication, you can now use the microcontrollers internal UART for communication to your PC or other projects. What PIC microcontroller should I buy?

PIC16F877 or PIC16F877A seem to be the most popular mid-range PIC at the moment (in the image above). You should be able to find them at your local electronics store for around $10. This microcontroller has many features and a good amount of memory. It will be sufficient for most of your projects. We will build our first project on this chip. There are many low-end PICs to choose from, PIC16F84, PIC16F88 are smaller chips for around $5. There are also very low end 8 pin PICs such as 12F675 for $1. If youre looking for speed, functionality, and a whole lot of memory space, you can go with a PIC18Fxxx chip. Some of these have USB capability. I would suggest one of the following: 18F452, 18F4550, 18F2550. These PICs will also work in our getting started blink a led tutorial with the same circuit diagram. For future tutorials, the circuits may need some modifications. Heres a price chart from the manufacturers sales website: PIC 16F877 16F877A 18F4550 16F84 12F675 Price USD $5.92 $5.20 $4.47 $5.01 $1.83

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PIC 18F452 18F4550 18F4550 18F2550 What programmer should I buy?

Price USD $1.01 $4.14 $4.47 $4.51

Any pic programmer will do. The only suggestions I have is to make sure it can program a wide variety of PICs such as the ones listed above, and make sure it has a ICSP port for future use. ICSP is for in-circuit programming. Here are some images of programmers we use:

What editor should I use? Any text editor is fine, but if you are on a windows machine. We suggest the free editor JAL Edit which will highlight & color important text as well as compile your JAL program to a hex file for burning to your microcontroller. If you followed our installation guide, you will already have this editor.

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What programming/burning software should I use? Did your programmer come with software? There are many to choose from so use whatever you prefer. I use Micropro from http://www.ozitronics.com/micropro.html. Its a free, open source software for programming a wide range of PICs. It supports many types of programmers.

OK, enough of this boring stuff, lets build something! Start with the Blink A Led Tutorial.

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Blink A Led (Your First Project)

Matthew Schinkel Jallib Group In this tutorial we are going to learn how to connect our first circuit and blink our first led. Where to we start? Lets make a led blink on and off, how fun is that! So, youve followed the installation guide and now have a Programming language (JALv2) + Libraries (JALLIB) + Editor. We will be using JALEdIt for our first example. Setup your workspace Start by getting out your programmer and connect it to your PC. Some connect by serial port, some connect via USB. I actually use a serial port programmer attached to a USB-to-Serial adapter to free up my serial port for other projects. If you are using a serial port programmer you need to check that you have a regular serial cable and is not a null modem cable. Using your multimeter, check that each pin of your serial cable matches, if pins 7 & 8 are crossed, it is a null modem cable.

Get out your PIC microcontroller (we will now refer to it as a PIC). You can use PICs 16f877, 16f877A, 18F2550 , 18F452 or 18F4550 for this project since the port pin outs are the same for all of them. I will use 16f877A for this blink a led project. Now check PC connectivity to your programmer. Open your programming software on your PC, check the settings within your software to change the serial port number and programmer type (if available). Your programmer software may tell you that your board is connected, if not, put your PIC in your programmer and do some basic tests such as read chip, blank / erase chip

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If you are using Micropro, click on file -> port, and file -> programmer -> (your programmer type). If you do not know the programmer type, you will have to guess until Micropro says something like K149-BC board connected, Put your PIC in your programmer and choose your PIC type from the Chip Selector text box. Now do some basic read/erase tests.

Build your circuit Well, it looks like were all set to go, so grab your breadboard and other components, put together the following circuit:

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And heres what it looks like. Notice the additional orange wire to the left of my PIC, this ensures that I always put my PIC in the correct position after programming. Do not connect your power 5v supply till your circuit is complete and checked over at least twice. You will burn your PIC if power is on while building your circuit. You will want an on/off switch for your power supply.

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Your circuit is done, and it looks pretty, but it doesnt do anything :o(.. Understand the jalv2 directory structure First take a look at your jalv2 installation directory on your PC, wherever you installed it.

compiler holds the jalv2.exe compiler program to convert your JAL code to microcontroller hex code

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JALEdIt JAL text editor where you will write your code lib A set of libraries to make things work sample Working examples. Create yourself a folder called workspace, and in that folder create a folder called blink_a_led (eg. C: \jalv2\workspace\blink_a_led\) Setup your editor & .jal file Open up your favorite text editor. I will use JALEdIt. Run jaledit.exe from the JALEdIt directory. Start a new document, and save it in jalv2\workspace\blink_a_led\ and name it blink_a_led.jal (eg: C:\jalv2\workspace \blink_a_led\blink_a_led.jal) Lets write some code So now were going to write the code that will make our led blink. All code will be in highlighted text. You can read more about JAL language usage here: http://www.casadeyork.com/jalv2/language.html Title & Author Block Start out by writing a nice title block so everyone knows who created it. Heres an example Title block from Rob Hamerlings working 16f877a_blink.jal blink a led example in the sample directory. Every PIC has at least one working sample. You can see that two dashes - declare a comment so your notes get ignored by the compiler. The character ; can also be used for comments. We will comment our code as we go along so it is easier for us to read our own code. -- ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blink-a-led of the Microchip pic16f877a --- Author: Rob Hamerling, Copyright (c) 2008..2009, all rights reserved. --- Adapted-by: --- Compiler: 2.4l --- This file is part of jallib (http://jallib.googlecode.com) -- Released under the BSD license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsdlicense.php) --- Description: -- Sample blink-a-led program for Microchip PIC16f877a. --- Sources: --- Notes: -- - File creation date/time: 14 Oct 2009 20:24:20. --- -----------------------------------------------------Choose your PIC Write the following code to choose the PIC you are using, change 16f877a to whatever PIC you have: include 16f877a -- target PICmicro

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Choose your crystal speed Write the following code according to the speed of the crystal you are using in your circuit. I suggest 20mhz for 16f877. You can check your chips datasheet for its max speed. Higher speeds may not work the way you want them to on a temporary breadboard. -- This program assumes a 20 MHz resonator or crystal -- is connected to pins OSC1 and OSC2. pragma target clock 20_000_000 -- oscillator frequency Configure PIC Settings The following code sets some of the PICs internal settings, called fuses. A OSC setting of HS tells the PIC there is an external clock or crystal oscillator source. You must disable analog pins with enable_digital_io() , you dont need to worry about the others. -- configuration memory settings (fuses) pragma target OSC HS -- HS crystal or resonator pragma target WDT disabled -- no watchdog pragma target LVP disabled -- no Low Voltage Programming -enable_digital_io() -- disable analog I/O (if any) -Choose an output pin Lets choose an output pin to control our led. As you can see from the circuit, our led is connected to pin #2. Lets check our datasheet to find the pin name from the pin out diagram. The PDF datasheet for this PIC and for all others can be downloaded from the microchip website. Here is the datasheet for this PIC http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/30292c.pdf , and here is the pin out diagram from the datasheet:

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As you can see, we are using the pin RA0/ANO at pin #2. RA0 is the pin name we are looking for. AN0 is another name for this same pin (used in the analog to digital tutorial), but we can ignore it in this tutorial. In the JAL language RA0 is written as pin_A0 Now lets read the details of this pin in the datasheet on page 10. As you can see RA0 is a TTL Digital I/O pin. We are checking this to make sure it is not a open drain output. Open drain outputs (like pin RA4) require a pull-up resistor from the pin to V+

Now write code for pin A0. We are writing an alias only because in the future we can refer to pin 2 (A0) as led. This way we no longer need to remember the name of the pin (except for the directional register in the next line of code we will write). --- You may want to change the selected pin: alias led is pin_A0 Configure the pin as an input or output Now we must tell the PIC if this is an input or an output pin. The directional setting is always named (pin_ + pinname_ + direction). Since we are writing data to the port, to turn the led on, it is an output. pin_A0_direction = output

We could make an alias for this as well: alias led_direction is pin_A0_direction, then write led_direction = output. This way, we can change it from output to input in the middle of the program without knowing the pin name. But in this case, we will only use pin_A0_direction once in our program so there is no need to make an alias. Write your program So, now that we have the led under our control, lets tell it what to do. We will want our led to continue doing whatever we want it to do forever, so well make a loop forever loop It is good practice to indent before each line within the loop for readability. 3 spaces before each line is the standard for Jallib.

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In this loop, we will tell the led to turn on. led = ON now have some delay (250ms) a quarter of a second so we can see the led on. _usec_delay(250000) turn the led off again led = OFF and have another delay before turning it back on again _usec_delay(250000) close our loop, when the PIC gets to this location, it will go back to the beginning of the loop end loop -And thats it for our code. Save your file, It should look something like this: -- ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Blink-a-led of the Microchip pic16f877a --- Author: Rob Hamerling, Copyright (c) 2008..2009, all rights reserved. --- Adapted-by: --- Compiler: 2.4l --- This file is part of jallib (http://jallib.googlecode.com) -- Released under the BSD license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsdlicense.php) --- Description: -- Sample blink-a-led program for Microchip PIC16f877a. --- Sources: --- Notes: -- - File creation date/time: 14 Oct 2009 20:24:20. --- ------------------------------------------------------include 16f877a -- target PICmicro --- This program assumes a 20 MHz resonator or crystal -- is connected to pins OSC1 and OSC2. pragma target clock 20_000_000 -- oscillator frequency -- configuration memory settings (fuses) pragma target OSC HS -- HS crystal or resonator pragma target WDT disabled -- no watchdog pragma target LVP disabled -- no Low Voltage Programming -enable_digital_io() -- disable analog I/O (if any) --- You may want to change the selected pin: alias led is pin_A0 pin_A0_direction = output -forever loop led = on _usec_delay(250000) led = off _usec_delay(250000)

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end loop -Compile your code to .hex Now lets get this beautiful code onto our PIC. Your PIC cannot understand JAL, but it does understand hex, this is what the compiler is for. The compiler takes people readable code and converts it to code your PIC can understand. If you are using JALEdIt, click the compile menu at the top and choose compile. If you are using your own text editor in windows, you will need to open windows command prompt. Click start -> run and type cmd and press OK. Now type (path to compiler) + (path to your .jal file) + (-s) + (path to JALLIB libraries) + (options) Heres an example: C:\jalv2\compiler\jalv2.exe "C:\jalv2\workspace\blink_a_led\blink_a_led.jal" -s "C:\jalv2\lib" -no-variable-reuse The option -no-variable-reuse will use more PIC memory, but will compile faster. If all this went ok, you will now have a blink_a_led.hex located in the same directory as your blink_a_led.jal, If there where errors or warnings, the compiler will tell you. A error means the code has an problem and could not generate any .hex file. If there is a warning, the hex file was generated ok and may run on your PIC but the code should be fixed. Write the hex file to your PIC Take your PIC out of your circuit and put it in your programmer. With your programming software, open the blink_a_led.hex file. You should see that hex data loaded in your software. Now click the Write button. Your software will tell you when it is done. Let's Try It Put your PIC back into your circuit, double check your circuit if you havent already, and make sure your PIC is facing the correct direction. Apply power to your circuit. Its alive! You should see your led blinking! Congratulations on your first JALv2 + JALLIB circuit! Here's a youtube video of the result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYuPZO7isoo

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Setting up a serial link (UART) -- TODO

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PIC peripherals
Topics: Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) -TODO IC

This chapter covers main and widely used PIC microcontroller peripherals, like PWM, ADC, etc... For each section, you'll find some basic theory explaining how things works, then a real-life example.

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Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

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Having fun with PWM and a LED (part 1)

Sbastien Lelong Jallib Group Pulse Width ModulationIn this "Step-by-Step" tutorial, we're going to (try to) have some fun with PWM. PWM stands for , and is quite weird when you first face this (this was at least my first feeling). So, how does PWM look like ?... PWM is about switching one pin (or more) high and low, at different frequencies and duty cycles. This is a on/off process. You can either vary: the frequency, or the duty cycle, that is the proportion where the pin will be high

Both have a 50% duty cycle (50% on, 50% off), but the upper one's frequency is twice the bottom
Figure 1: PWM: same duty cycle, different frequencies.

Three different duty cycle (10%, 50% and 90%), all at the same frequency
Figure 2: PWM: same frequency, different duty cycles

But what is PWM for ? What can we do with it ? Many things, like:

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producing variable voltage (to control DC motor speed, for instance) playing sounds: duty cycle is constant, frequency is variable playing PCM wave file (PCM is Pulse Code Modulation) ...

One PWM channel + one LED = fun For now, and for this first part, we're going to see how to control the brightness of a LED. If simply connected to a pin, it will light at its max brightness, because the pin is "just" high (5V). Now, if we connect this LED on a PWM pin, maybe we'll be able to control the brightness: as previously said, PWM can be used to produce variable voltages. If we provide half the value (2.5V), maybe the LED will be half its brightness (though I guess the relation between voltage and brightness is not linear...). Half the value of 5V. How to do this ? Simply configure the duty cycle to be 50% high, 50% low. But we also said PWM is just about switching a pin on/off. That is, either the pin will be 0V, or 5V. So how will we be able to produce 2.5V ? Technically speaking, we won't be able to produce a real 2.5V, but if PWM frequency is high enough, then, on the average, and from the LED's context, it's as though the pin outputs 2.5V. Building the whole Enough theory, let's get our hands dirty. Connecting a LED to a PWM pin on a 16f88 is quite easy. This PIC has quite a nice feature about PWM, it's possible to select which pin, between RB0 and RB3, will carry the PWM signals. Since I use tinybootloader to upload my programs, and since tiny's fuses are configured to select the RB0 pin, I'll keep using this one (if you wonder why tinybootloader interferes here, read this post).

Figure 3: Connecting a LED to a PWM pin

On a breadboard, this looks like this:

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The connector brings +5V on the two bottom lines (+5V on line A, ground on line B).

LED is connected to RB0 Writing the software For this example, I took one of the 16f88's sample included in jallib distribution (16f88_pwm_led.jal), and just adapt it so it runs at 8MHz, using internal clock. It also select RB0 as the PWM pin.

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So, step by step... First, as we said, we must select which pin will carry the PWM signals... pragma target CCP1MUX and configure it as output var volatile bit pin_ccp1_direction is pin_b0_direction pin_ccp1_direction = output -- (simply "pin_b0_direction = output" would do the trick too) Then we include the PWM library. include pwm_hardware Few words here... This library is able to handle up to 10 PWM channels (PIC using CCP1, CCP2, CCP3, CCP4, ... CCP10 registers). Using conditional compilation, it automatically selects the appropriate underlying PWM libraries, for the selected target PIC. Since 16f88 has only one PWM channel, it just includes "pwm_ccp1" library. If we'd used a 16f877, which has two PWM channels, it would include "pwm_ccp1" and "pwm_ccp2" libraries. What is important is it's transparent to users (you). OK, let's continue. We now need to configure the resolution. What's the resolution ? Given a frequency, the number of values you can have for the duty cycle can vary (you could have, say, 100 different values at one frequency, and 255 at another frequency). Have a look at the datasheet for more. What we want here is to have the max number of values we can for the duty cycle, so we can select the exact brightness we want. We also want to have the max frequency we can have (ie. no pre-scaler). pwm_max_resolution(1) If you read the jalapi documentation for this, you'll see that the frequency will be 7.81kHz (we run at 8MHz). PWM channels can be turned on/off independently, now we want to activate our channel: pwm1_on() Before we dive into the forever loop, I forgot to mention PWM can be used in low or high resolution. On low resolution, duty cycles values range from 0 to 255 (8 bits). On high resolution, values range from 0 to 1024 (10 bits). In this example, we'll use low resolution PWM. For high resolution, you can have a look at the other sample, 16f88_pwm_led_highres.jal. As you'll see, there are very few differences. Now let's dive into the loop... forever loop var byte i i = 0 -- loop up and down, to produce different duty cycle while i < 250 loop pwm1_set_dutycycle(i) _usec_delay(10000) i = i + 1 end loop while i > 0 loop pwm1_set_dutycycle(i) _usec_delay(10000) i = i - 1 end loop -- turning off, the LED lights at max. _usec_delay(500000) pwm1_off() _usec_delay(500000) pwm1_on() end loop RB0 -- ccp1 pin on B0

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Quite easy right ? There are two main waves: one will light up the LED progressively (0 to 250), another will turn it off progressively (250 to 0). On each value, we set the duty cycle with pwm1_set_dutycycle(i) and wait a little so we, humans, can see the result. About the result, how does this look like ? See this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9_TfEmUSf0 "I wanna try, where are the files ?" To run this sample, you'll need the last jallib pack (at least 0.2 version). You'll also find the exact code we used here.

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Having fun with PWM and a piezo buzzer (or a speaker) (part 2)
Sbastien Lelong Jallib Group In previous tutorial, we had fun by controlling the brightness of a LED, using PWM. This time, we're going to have even more fun with a piezo buzzer, or a small speaker. If you remember, with PWM, you can either vary the duty cycle or the frequency. Controlling the brightness of a LED, ie. produce a variable voltage on the average, can be done by having a constant frequency (high enough) and vary the duty cycle. This time, this will be the opposite: we'll have a constant duty cycle, and vary the frequency. What is a piezo buzzer ? It's a "component" with a material having piezoelectric ability. Piezoelectricity is the ability for a material to produce voltage when it get distorted. The reverse is also true: when you produce a voltage, the material gets distorted. When you stop producing a voltage, it gets back to its original shape. If you're fast enough with this on/off voltage setting, then the piezo will start to oscillate, and will produce sound. How sweet... Constant duty cycle ? Why ? So we now know why we need to vary the frequency. This will make the piezo oscillates more and less, and produces sounds at different levels. If you produce a 440Hz frequency, you'll get a nice A3. But why having a constant duty cycle ? What is the role of the duty cycle in this case ? Remember: when making a piezo oscillate, it's not the amount of volts which is important, it's how you turn the voltage on/off1: when setting the duty cycle to 10%: during a period, piezo will get distorted 10% on the time, and remain inactive 90% on the time. The oscillation proportion is low. when setting the duty cycle to 50%: the piezo is half distorted, half inactive. The oscillation proportion is high, because the piezo oscillates at the its maximal amplitude, it's half and equally distorted and inactive. when setting the duty cycle to 90%: the piezo will get distorted during 90% of a period, then nothing. The oscillation proportion is low again, because the proportion between distortion and inactivity is not equal.

So, to summary, what is the purpose of the duty cycle in our case ? The volume ! You can vary the volume of the sound by modifying the duty cycle. 0% will produce no sounds, 50% will be the max volume. Between 50% and 100% is the same as between 0% and 50%. So, when I say when need a constant duty cycle, it's not that true, it's just that we'll set it at 50%, so the chances we hear something are high :) Let's produce sounds ! The schematics will use is exactly the same as on the previous post with the LED, except the LED is replaced with a piezo buzzer, like this:

I guess this is about energy or something like that. One guru could explain the maths here...

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By the way, how to observe the "duty cycle effect" on the volume ? Just program your PIC with the previous experiment one, which control the brightness of a LED, and power on the circuit. I wanted to show a video with sounds, but the frequency is too high, my camera can't record it... Anyway, that's a little bit boring, we do want sounds... Writing the software The software part has a lot of similarities with the previous experiment. The initialization is the same, I let you have a look. Only the forever loop has changed: var dword counter = 0 forever loop

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for 100_000 using counter loop pwm_set_frequency(counter) -- Setting @50% gives max volume -- must be re-computed each time the frequency -- changes, because it depends on PR2 value pwm1_set_percent_dutycycle(50) end loop end loop Quite straightforward: we "explore" frequencies between 0 and 100 000 Hz, using a counter we use pwm_set_frequency(counter) to set the frequency, in Hertz. It takes a dword as parameter (ie. you can explore a lot of frequencies...) finally, as we want a 50% duty cycle, and since its value is different for each frequency setting, we need to recompute it on each loop. Note: jallib's PWM libraries are coming from a "heavy refactoring" of Guru Stef Mientki's PWM library. While integrating it to jallib, we've modified the library so frequencies can be set and changed during program execution. This wasn't the case before, because the frequency was set as a constant. So, how does this look like ? Hope you'll like the sweet melody :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ9OhQUKGtQ "Where can I download the files ?" As usual, you'll need the last jallib pack (at least 0.2 version). You'll also find the exact code we used here.

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Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) -- TODO

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Building an i2c slave with jallib (part 1)

Sbastien Lelong Jallib Group i2c is a nice protocol: it is quite fast, reliable, and most importantly, it's addressable. This means that on a single 2wire bus, you'll be able to plug up to 128 devices using 7bits addresses, and even 1024 using 10bits address. Far enough for most usage... I won't cover i2c in depth, as there are plenty resources on the Web (and I personally like this page). A few words before getting our hands dirty... i2c is found in many chips and many modules. Most of the time, you create a master, like when accessing an EEPROM chip. This time, in this three parts tutorial, we're going to build a slave, which will thus respond to master's requests. The slave side is somewhat more difficult (as you may have guess from the name...) because, as it does not initiate the talk, it has to listen to "events", and be as responsive as possible. You've guessed, we'll use interrupts. I'll only cover i2c hardware slave, that is using SSP peripheral2. Implementing an i2c software slave may be very difficult (and I even wonder if it's reasonable...). There are different way implementing an i2c slave, but one seems to be quite common: defining a finite state machine. This implementation is well described in Microchip AppNote AN734. It is highly recommended that you read this appnote, and the i2c sections of your favorite PIC datasheet as well (I swear it's quite easy to read, and well explained). Basically, during an i2c communication, there can be 5 distinct states: 1. Master writes, and last byte was an address: to sum up, master wants to talk to a specific slave, identified by the address, it wants to send data (write) 2. Master writes, and last byte was data: this time, master sends data to the slave 3. Master read, and last byte was an address: almost the same as 1., but this time, master wants to read something from the salve 4. Master read, and last byte was data: just the continuation of state 3., master has started to read data, and still wants to read more data 5. Master sends a NACK: basically, master doesn't want to talk to the slave anymore, it hangs up... Note: in the i2c protocol, one slave has actually two distinct addresses. One is for read operations, and it ends with bit 1. Another is for write operations, and it ends with bit 0. Example: consider the following address (8-bits long, last bit is for operation type) 0x5C => 0b_0101_1100 => write operation The same address for read operation will be: 0x93 => 0b_0101_1101 => read operation Note: jallib currently supports up to 128 devices on a i2c bus, using 7-bits long addresses (without the 8th R/W bits). There's currently no support for 10-bits addresses, which would give 1024 devices on the same bus. If you need it, please let us know, we'll modify libraries as needed ! OK, enough for today. Next time, we'll see how two PICs must be connected for i2c communication, and we'll check the i2c bus is fully working, before diving into the implementation.

some PICs have MSSP, this means they can also be used as i2c hardware Master

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Building an i2c slave with jallib (part 2)

Sbastien Lelong Jallib Group In previous tutorial, we saw a basic overview of how to implement an i2c slave, using a finite state machine implementation. Today, we're going to get our hands a little dirty, and starts connecting our master/slave together. Checking the hardware and the i2c bus... First of all, i2c is quite hard to debug, especially if you don't own an oscilloscope (like me). So you have to be accurate and rigorous. That's why, in this second part of this tutorial, we're going to setup the hardware, and just make sure the i2c bus is properly operational. Connecting two PIC together through i2c is quite easy from a hardware point of view. Just connect SDA and SCL together, and don't forget pull-ups resistors. There are many differents values for these resistors, depending on how long the bus is, or the speed you want to reach. Most people use 2.2K resistors, so let's do the same ! The following schematics is here to help:

In this circuit, both PIC have a LED connected, which will help us understand what's going on. On a breadboard, this looks like that:

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The master is on the right side, the slave on the left. I've put the two pull-ups resistors near the master:

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Green and orange wires connect the two PICs together:

The goal of this test is simple: check if the i2c bus is properly built and operational. How ? PIC 16F88 and its SSP peripheral is able to be configured so it triggers an interrupts when a Start or Stop signal is detected. Read this page (part of an nice article on i2c, from last post's recommandations). How are we gonna test this ? The idea of this test is simple: 1. 2. 3. 4. On power, master will blink a LED a little, just to inform you it's alive On the same time, slave is doing the same Once master has done blinking, it sends a i2c frame through the bus If the bus is properly built and configured, slave will infinitely blink its LED, at high speed

Note master will send its i2c frame to a specific address, which don't necessarily need to be the same as the slave one (and I recommand to use different addresses, just to make sure you understand what's going on). What about the sources ? Download last jallib pack, and check the following files (either in lib or sample directories): i2c_hw_slave.jal: main i2c library 16f88_i2c_sw_master_check_bus.jal: code for master 16f88_i2c_hw_slave_check_bus.jal: code for slave

The main part of the slave code is the way the initialization is done. A constant is declared, telling the library to enable Start/Stop interrupts. const SLAVE_ADDRESS = 0x23 -- whatever, it's not important, and can be -- different from the address the master wants -- to talk to -- with Start/Stop interrupts const bit i2c_enable_start_stop_interrupts = true -- this init automatically sets global/peripherals interrupts i2c_hw_slave_init(SLAVE_ADDRESS)

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And, of course, the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR): procedure i2c_isr() is pragma interrupt if ! PIR1_SSPIF then return end if -- reset flag PIR1_SSPIF = false -- tmp store SSPSTAT var byte tmpstat tmpstat = SSPSTAT -- check start signals if (tmpstat == 0b_1000) then -- If we get there, this means this is an SSP/I2C interrupts -- and this means i2c bus is properly operational !!! while true loop led = on _usec_delay(100000) led = off _usec_delay(100000) end loop end if end procedure The important thing is to: check if interrupt is currently a SSP interrupts (I2C) reset the interrupt flag, analyze SSPSTAT to see if Start bit is detected if so, blinks 'til the end of time (or your battery)

Now, go compile both samples, and program two PICs with them. With a correct i2c bus setting, you should see the following: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NalAkRhFP-s On this next video, I've removed the pull-ups resistors, and it doesn't work anymore (slave doesn't high speed blink its LED). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNK_cCgWctY Next time (and last time on this topic), we'll see how to implement the state machine using jallib, defining callback for each states.

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Building an i2c slave with jallib (part 3)

Sbastien Lelong Jallib Group In previous parts of this tutorial, we've seen a little of theory, we've also seen how to check if the i2c bus is operational, now the time has come to finally build our i2c slave. But what will slave will do ? For this example, slave is going to do something amazing: it'll echo received chars. Oh, I'm thinking about something more exciting: it will "almost" echo chars: if you send "a", it sends "b" if you send "b", it sends "c" if you send "z", it sends "{"3

Building the i2c master Let's start with the easy part. What will master do ? Just collect characters from a serial link, and convert them to i2c commands. So you'll need a PIC to which you can send data via serial. I mean you'll need a board with serial com. capabilities. I mean we won't do this on a breadboard... There are plenty out there on the Internet, pick your choice. If you're interested, you can find one on my SirBot site: dedicated to 16f88, serial com. available, and i2c ready (pullups resistors). It looks like this:

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Two connectors are used for earch port, PORTA and PORTB, to plug daughter boards, or a breadboard in our case. The i2c initialization part is quite straight forward. SCL and SDA pins are declared, we'll use a standard speed, 400KHz: -- I2C io definition var volatile bit i2c_scl is pin_b4 var volatile bit i2c_scl_direction is pin_b4_direction var volatile bit i2c_sda is pin_b1 var volatile bit i2c_sda_direction is pin_b1_direction -- i2c setup const word _i2c_bus_speed = 4 ; 400kHz const bit _i2c_level = true ; i2c levels (not SMB) include i2c_software i2c_initialize() We'll also use the level 1 i2c library. The principle is easy: you declare two buffers, one for receiving and one for sending bytes, and then you call procedure specifying how many bytes you want to send, and how many are expected to be returned. Joep has written a nice post about this, if you want to read more about this. We'll send one byte at a time, and receive one byte at a time, so buffers should be one byte long. const single_byte_tx_buffer = 1 -- only needed when length is 1 var byte i2c_tx_buffer[1] var byte i2c_rx_buffer[1] include i2c_level1 What's next ? Well, master also has to read chars from a serial line. Again, easy: const usart_hw_serial = true const serial_hw_baudrate = 57_600 include serial_hardware serial_hw_init() -- Tell the world we're ready ! serial_hw_write("!")

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So when the master is up, it should at least send the "!" char. Then we need to specify the slave's address. This is a 8-bits long address, the 8th bits being the bit specifying if operation is a read or write one (see part 1 for more). We then need to collect those chars coming from the PC and sends them to the slave. The following should do the trick (believe me, it does :)) var byte icaddress = 0x5C -- slave address

forever loop if serial_hw_read(pc_char) then serial_hw_write(pc_char) -- echo -- transmit to slave -- we want to send 1 byte, and receive 1 from the slave i2c_tx_buffer[0] = pc_char var bit _trash = i2c_send_receive(icaddress, 1, 1) -- receive buffer should contain our result ic_char = i2c_rx_buffer[0] serial_hw_write(ic_char) end if end loop The whole program is available on jallib SVN repository here. Building the i2c slave So this is the main part ! As exposed on first post, we're going to implement a finite state machine. jallib comes with a library where all the logic is already coded, in a ISR. You just have to define what to do for each state encountered during the program execution. To do this, we'll have to define several callbacks, that is procedures that will be called on appropriate state. Before this, we need to setup and initialize our slave. i2c address should exactly be the same as the one defined in the master section. This time, we won't use interrrupts on Start/Stop signals; we'll just let the SSP module triggers an interrupts when the i2c address is recognized (no interrupts means address issue, or hardware problems, or...). Finally, since slave is expected to receive a char, and send char + 1, we need a global variable to store the results. This gives: include i2c_hw_slave const byte SLAVE_ADDRESS = 0x5C i2c_hw_slave_init(SLAVE_ADDRESS) -- will store what to send back to master -- so if we get "a", we need to store "a" + 1 var byte data Before this, let's try to understand how master will talk to the slave (italic) and what the slave should do (underlined), according to each state (with code following): state 1: master initiates a write operation (but does not send data yet). Since no data is sent, slave should just do... nothing (slave just knows someone wants to send data). procedure i2c_hw_slave_on_state_1(byte in _trash) is pragma inline -- _trash is read from master, but it's a dummy data -- usually (always ?) ignored end procedure state 2: master actually sends data, that is one character. Slave should get this char, and process it (char + 1) for further sending. procedure i2c_hw_slave_on_state_2(byte in rcv) is pragma inline -- ultimate data processing... :) data = rcv + 1

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end procedure state 3: master initiates a read operation, it wants to get the echo back. Slave should send its processed char. procedure i2c_hw_slave_on_state_3() is pragma inline i2c_hw_slave_write_i2c(data) end procedure state 4: master still wants to read some information. This should never occur, since one char is sent and read at a time. Slave should thus produce an error. procedure i2c_hw_slave_on_state_4() is pragma inline -- This shouldn't occur in our i2c echo example i2c_hw_slave_on_error() end procedure state 5: master hangs up the connection. Slave should reset its state. procedure i2c_hw_slave_on_state_5() is pragma inline data = 0 end procedure

Finally, we need to define a callback in case of error. You could do anything, like resetting the PIC, and sending log/ debug data, etc... In our example, we'll blink forever: procedure i2c_hw_slave_on_error() is pragma inline -- Just tell user user something's got wrong forever loop led = on _usec_delay(200000) led = off _usec_delay(200000) end loop end procedure Once callbacks are defined, we can include the famous ISR library. include i2c_hw_slave_isr So the sequence is: 1. include i2c_hw_slave, and setup your slave 2. define your callbacks, 3. include the ISR The full code is available from jallib's SVN repository: i2c_hw_slave.jal i2c_hw_slave_isr.jal 16f88_i2c_sw_master_echo.jal 16f88_i2c_hw_slave_echo.jal

All those files and other dependencies are also available in last jallib-pack (see jallib downloads) Connecting and testing the whole thing... As previously said, the board I use is ready to be used with a serial link. It's also i2c ready, I've put the two pull-ups resistors. If your board doesn't have those resistors, you'll have to add them on the breadboard, or it won't work (read part 2 to know and see why...). I use a connector adapted with a PCB to connect my main board with my breadboard. Connector's wires provide power supply, 5V-regulated, so no other powered wires it required.

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Connector, with power wires

Everything is ready...

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Crime scene: main board, breadboard and battery pack Once connected, power the whole and use a terminal to test it. When pressing "a", you'll get a "a" as an echo from the master, then "b" as result from the slave.

What now ? We've seen how to implement a simple i2c hardware slave. The ISR library provides all the logic about the finite state machine. You just have to define callbacks, according to your need. i2c is a widely used protocol. Most of the time, you access i2c devices, acting as a master. We've seen how to be on the other side, on the slave side. Being on the slave side means you can build modular boards, accessible with a standard protocol. For instance, I've built a DC motor controller daughter board using this. It's a module, a unit on its own, just plug, and send/receive data, with just two wires. And I also plan to build a LCD controller board, but that's for another "Step by Step" post :)4

and actually this LCD controller was being built by Jallib guys (Joep, Albert, Richard, Rob), and known as "LCD interface" project. See here for more.


Experimenting external parts
Topics: Interfacing a Sharp GP2D02 IR ranger Interfacing a HD44780compatible LCD display

You now have learned enough and can start to interface your PIC with externals parts. Without being exhaustive, this chapter explains how to use a PIC with several widely used parts, like LCD screen.

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Interfacing a Sharp GP2D02 IR ranger

Sbastien Lelong Jallib Group Sharp IR rangers are widely used out there. There are many different references, depending on the beam pattern, the minimal and maximal distance you want to be able to get, etc... The way you got results also make a difference: either analog (you'll get a voltage proportional to the distance), or digital (you'll directly get a digital value). This nice article will explain these details (and now I know GP2D02 seems to be discontinued...) Overview of GP2D02 IR ranger GP2D02 IR ranger is able to measure distances between approx. 10cm and 1m. Results are available as digital values you can access through a dedicated protocol. One pin, Vin, will be used to act on the ranger. Another pin, Vout, will be read to determine the distance. Basically, getting a distance involves the following: 1. First you wake up the ranger and tell it to perform a distance measure 2. Then, for each bit, you read Vout in order to reconstitute the whole byte, that is, the distance 3. finally, you switch off the ranger The following timing chart taken from the datasheet will explain this better.

Figure 4: GD2D02 IR ranger : timing chart

Note: the distances obtained from the ranger aren't linear, you'll need some computation to make them so. Sharp GP2D02 IR ranger looks like this:

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Red wire is for +5V Black wire ground Green wire is for Vin pin, used to control the sensor Yellow wire is for Vout pin, from which 8-bits results read

(make a mental note of this...) Interfacing the Sharp GP2D02 IR ranger Interfacing such a sensor is quite straight forward. The only critical point is Vin ranger pin can't handle high logic level of the PIC's output, this level mustn't exceed 3.3 volts. A zener diode can be used to limit this level. Note: be careful while connecting this diode. Don't forget it, and don't put it in the wrong side. You may damage your sensor. And I'm not responsible for ! You've been warned... That's said, I already forgot it, put it in the wrong side, and thought I'd killed my GP2D02, but this one always got back to life. Anyway, be cautious ! Here's the whole schematic. The goal here is to collect data from the sensor, and light up a LED, more or less according to the read distance. That's why we'll use a LED driven by PWM.

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Figure 5: Interfacing Sharp GP2D02 IR range : schematic

Here's the ranger with the diode soldered on the green wire (which is Vin pin, using your previously created mental note...):

I've also added thermoplastic rubber tubes, to cleanly join all the wires:

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Finally, in order to easily plug/unplug the sensor, I've soldered nice polarized connectors:

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Writing the program jallib >=0.3 contains a library, ir_ranger_gp2d02.jal, used to handle this kind of rangers. The setup is quite straight forward: just declare your Vin and Vout pins, and pass them to the gp2d02_read_pins(). This function returns the distance as a raw value. Directly passing pins allows you to have multiple rangers of this type (many robots have many of them arranged in the front and back sides, to detect and avoid obstacles). Using PWM libs, we can easily make our LED more or less bright. In the mean time, we'll also transmit the results through a serial link. var volatile bit gp2d02_vin is pin_a4 var volatile bit gp2d02_vout is pin_a6 var bit gp2d02_vin_direction is pin_a4_direction var bit gp2d02_vout_direction is pin_a6_direction include ir_ranger_gp2d02 -- set pin direction (careful: "vin" is the GP2D02 pin's name, -- it's an input for GP2D02, but an output for PIC !) gp2d02_vin_direction = output gp2d02_vout_direction = input var byte measure forever loop -- read distance from ranger num. 0 measure = gp2d02_read_pins(gp2d02_vin,gp2d02_vout) -- results via serial serial_hw_write(measure) -- now blink more or less pwm1_set_dutycycle(measure) end loop Note: I could directly pass pin_A4 and pin_A6, but to avoid confusion, I prefer using aliases.

A sample, 16f88_ir_ranger_gp2d02.jal, is available in jallib SVN repositoryjallib released packages, and also in , starting from version 0.3. You can access downloads here. Building the whole on a breadboard Building the whole on a breadboard

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I usually power two tracks on the side, used for the PIC and for the ranger:

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Using the same previously created mental note, I connected the yellow Vout pin using a yellow wire, and the green Vin pin using a green wire...

Testing (and the video) Time to test this nice circuit ! Power the whole, and check no smoke is coming from the PIC or (and) the ranger. Now get an object, like you hand, more or less closed to the ranger and observe the LED, or the serial output... Sweet ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5AZwv7LzyM

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Interfacing a HD44780-compatible LCD display

Sbastien Lelong Jallib Group In this "Step by Step" tutorial, we're going to (hopefully) have some fun with a LCD display. Particularly one compatible with HD44780 specifications, which seems to be most widely used. Setting up the hardware As usual, there are plenty resources on the web. I found this one quite nice, covering lots of thing. Basically, LCDs can be accessed with two distinct interfaces: 4-bit or 8-bit interfaces. 4-bit interface requires less pins (4 pins), but is somewhat slow, 8-bit interface requires more pins (8 pins) but is faster. jallib comes with the two flavors, it's up to you deciding which is most important, but usually, pins are more precious than speed, particularly when using a 16F88 which only has 16 I/O pins (at best). Since 4-bit interface seems to be most used, and we'll use this one here... So, I've never used LCD, to be honest. Most guys consider it as an absolute minimum thing to have, since it can help a lot when debugging, by printing messages. I tend to use serial for this... Anyway, I've been given a LCD, so I can't resist anymore :) The LCD I have seems to be quite a nice beast ! It has 4 lines, is 20 characters long.

Looking closer, "JHD 204A" seems to be the reference. Near the connector, only a "1" and a "16". No pin's name.

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Googling the whole points to a forum, and at least a link to the datasheet. A section describes the "Pin Assignement". Now I'm sure about how to connect this LCD.

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For this tutorial, we're going to keep it simple: as previously said, we'll use 4-bit interface. This means we'll use DB4, DB5, DB6 and DB7 pins (respectively pin 11, 12, 13 and 14). we won't read from LCD, so R/W pin must be grounded (pin 5) we won't use contrast as well, V5 pin (or Vee) must be grounded (pin 3)

Including pins for power, we'll use 10 pins out of the 16 available, 6 being connected to the PIC (RS, EN and 4 data lines). For convenience, I soldered a male connector on the LCD. This will help when building the whole on a breadboard.

So we now have everything to build the circuit. Here's the schematic. It also includes a LED, it will help us checking everything is ok while powering up the board.

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Using a breadboard, it looks like this:

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Writing the software For this tutorial, we'll use one of the available samples from jallib repository. I took one for 16f88, and adapt it to my board (specifically, I wanted to use PORTA when connecting the LCD, and let PORTB's pins as is). As usual, writing a program with jallib starts with configuring and declaring some parameters. So we first have to declare which pins will be connected: -var var var var LCD bit bit bit bit IO definition lcd_rs lcd_rs_direction lcd_en lcd_en_direction is is is is pin_a6 pin_a6_direction pin_a7 pin_a7_direction -- LCD command/data select. -- LCD data trigger port

var byte lcd_dataport is porta_low -- LCD data var byte lcd_dataport_direction is porta_low_direction -- set direction lcd_rs_direction = output lcd_en_direction = output lcd_dataport_direction = output

This is, pin by pin, the translation of the schematics. Maybe except porta_low. This represents pin A0 to A3, that is pins for our 4 lines interface. porta_high represents pin A4 to A7, and porta reprensents the whole port, A0 to A7. These are just "shorcuts". We also have to declare the LCD geometry: const byte LCD_ROWS const byte LCD_CHARS = 4 = 20 -- 4 lines -- 20 chars per line

Once declared, we can then include the library and initialize it: include lcd_hd44780_4 -- LCD library with 4 data lines

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-- initialize LCD

For this example, we'll also use the print.jal library, which provides nice helpers when printing variables. include print Now the main part... How to write things on the LCD. You can either use a procedure call: lcd_write_char("a") or you can use the pseudo-variable : lcd = "a" lcd_cursor_position(x,y) will set the cursor position. x is the line, y is the row, starting from 0 finally, lcd_clear_screen() will, well... clear the screen !

Full API documentation is available on jalapi. So, for this example, we'll write some chars on each line, and print an increasing (and incredible) counter: const byte str1[] = "Hello world!" const byte str2[] = "third line" const byte str3[] = "fourth line" print_string(lcd, str1) lcd_cursor_position(2,0) print_string(lcd, str2) lcd_cursor_position(3,0) print_string(lcd, str3) var byte counter = 0 forever loop counter = counter + 1 lcd_cursor_position(1,0) print_byte_hex(lcd, counter) delay_100ms(3) if counter == 255 then lcd_cursor_position(1,1) lcd = " " lcd = " " end if end loop The full and ready-to-compile code is available on jallib repository: blog_16f88_sl_lcd_hd44780_4.jal -- loop forever -- update counter -- second line -- output in hex format -- wait a little -- counter wrap -- 2nd line, 2nd char -- clear 2nd char -- clear 3rd char -- define strings

-- show hello world! -- to 3rd line -- to 4th line

You'll need last jallib-pack, available on jallib's download section. How does this look when running ? Here's the video ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIVMuaz8OS8

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We, Jallib Group, want this book to be as open and free as possible. We decided to release it under Creative Common Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 license.

Basically (and repeating what's on Creative Common website), you are free: to Share - to copy, distribute, and transmit the work to Remix - to adapt the work

Under the following conditions: Attribution - You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Noncommercial - You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Share Alike - If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license.

Full license lecal code can be read at: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/legalcode This license applies to the book content itself, not on codes, libraries, examples, etc... you may find, or when it's explicitely stated work is released under another license. For instance, most work on Jallib is released under BSD and ZLIB license, not under this Creative Common license. In doubt, please ask on Jallib Group (http:// groups.google.com/group/jallib)

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Materials, tools and other additional how-tos

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Building a max232 circuit for serial port communication

Matthew Schinkel Jallib Group In this tutorial, we're going to build a serial port that can connect your PIC's TX and RX pins to your pc or other hardware using a max232 chip. Many circuits will require some serial port communication, you may buy yourself a rs232 to TTL adapter off the net for as little as $10, or you can build one yourself. The max232 is a very popular chip. It converts your 5v circuit to the 12v required for serial communication to things like your PC. Many microcontrollers have RX and TX output pins. Here is a image of the max232 adapter I purchased. It has input pins for RX, TX, CT, RT as well as GND and 5v. The RX and TX pins can be directly connected to your PIC.

Now, lets build our own! First get yourself a RS232 port, you can cut up one of your serial port cords, or buy a port from the store for a dollar or two.

I am going to use a cut serial port cord since it already has leads on it, and is long enough to reach my pc. Use your millimeter to find the pin numbers, and touch up the wires with solder so theyll go into your breadboard easily. Now build the circuit, As you can see, you will need the max232 chip from your local electronics store and a few 1uf capacitors.

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Great job, now connect the RX and TX pins to your circuit, and plug the rs232 port directly your pc, or to a usb-toserial adapter, or even to a bluetooth-to-serial adapter for short range wireless. I strongly suggest you make this on a PCB with pins that will plug to your breadboard. youll use it a lot!

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You can use serial_hardware lib or serial_software lib to transmit data to your pc, check for it in the other jallib projects. I suggest the software realterm for sending/receiving data to your PIC Open Source REALTERM http://realterm.sourceforge.net/ It can be downloaded for free from http://sourceforge.net/projects/realterm/files/ Open the software, click Port, choose your speed and port number and press open Hex output

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Ascii output

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