Linux Lab
Linux Lab
Linux Lab
of Karnataka, Department of Technical Education Diploma in Information Science & Engineering Fourth Semester Subject: Linux Lab Contact Hrs / week: 6
DETAILS OF CONTENTS PART-A 1. Introduction to Linux Administration 2. Understand Linux system organization Introduction to users groups & super user logging in & logging out Internal & external commands in Linux Internal commands in Linux echo, type, etc. External commands in Linux, ls, mv, rm, cat, useradd etc Command line commands who, log name, banner, cal, date, bc, man, info etc. Related exercises. 3. Working with files & directories. Know the categories of files. Files & directory commands cat, less, more, ls, comm, diff, tar Pipes & redirection- use of !, &, > ,touch, absolute & relative paths. Directory related commands pwd, cd, mkdir, rmdir Manipulating file commands - cp, mv, rm Related exercises. 4. File permissions & file utilities. File link commands chmod, umask, file, type, wc, split, cmp, diff. 5. Learn to use vi editor 6. Simple Filters head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, tr, pr. 7. Expressions & search patterns .(dot operator), *, ^, +, ?, grep, egrep, fgrep 8. Process Management commands. Process creation, status, Identifying process, ps -f & its options,
Total hrs: 96
Running process in background, Job control, Process termination. Changing process priority, Scheduling process(Usage of sleep and wait commands) 9. Communication utilities Rlogin, telnet, ping, finger, write, msg, talk, and mail. 10. Linux file system storage & file structure. 11. Linux system administration Managing file system, Disk management utilities, mounts, umount, df, du, fdisk, su, useradd etc. 12. I / O redirection I/P & o/p redirection, running multiple commands, redirecting error o/p. Null redirection, Understanding and usage of file descriptors, Formatting o/p. 13. Linux Environment Introduction, Environment variables, Command prompt system variables, Profiles, files, terminal variable stty command and its options, Command history, editing Environment variable. 14. Introduction to shell programming. Introduction, Uses of shell script, Shell special characters, comments, command separator, escaping, quoting command substitution. Creating shell script, Shell identifiers, Shell variables, Destroying a variable,Positional parameters & command line arguments , evaluating expressions,Text formatting with echo & tput script termination. 15. Shell control structures - if, case, for, while, relational and logical operators, Advanced filter sed and awk. PART-B GRADED EXERCISES
1. Write a Shell script to print the command line arguments in reverse order. 2. Write a Shell script to check whether the given number is palindrome or not. 3. Write a Shell script to sort the given array elements in ascending order using bubble sort. 4. Write a Shell script to perform sequential search on a given array elements.
5. Write a Shell script to perform binary search on a given array elements. 6. Write a Shell script to accept any two file names and check their file permissions. 7. Write a Shell script to read a path name, create each element in that path e.g: a/b/c i.e., a is directory in the current working directory, under a create b, under b create c. 8. Write a Shell script to illustrate the case-statement. 9. Write a Shell script to accept the file name as arguments and create another shell script, which recreates these files with its original contents. 10. Write a Shell script to demonstrate Terminal locking. 11. Write a Shell script to accept the valid login name, if the login name is valid then print its home directory else an appropriate message. 12. Write a Shell script to read a file name and change the existing file permissions. 13. Write a Shell script to print current month calendar and to replace the current day number by * or ** respectively. 14. Write a Shell Script to display a menu consisting of options to display disk space, the current users logged in, total memory usage, etc. ( using functions.) 15. Write a C-program to fork a child process and execute the given Linux commands. 16. Write a C-program to fork a child process, print owner process ID and its parent process ID. 17. Write a C-program to prompt the user for the name of the environment variable, check its validity and print an appropriate message. 18. Write a C-program to READ details of N students such as student name, reg number, semester and age. Find the eldest of them and display his details.
Text Book: 1. UNIX Concepts and Applications, Sumitabha Das, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. (Chapters 1.2, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19).
2. Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible, Richard Blum, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2008. (Chapters 1.2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 15). 3. Linux Lab: Hands on Linux, Dayanand Ambawade and Deven N.Shah, Wiley Dreamtch Pvt. Ltd Scheme of valuation 1 2 3 4 5 Record Writing two programs one each from part A & part B Entering two programs Executing two programs with Result Viva-voce Total Marks 05 15 + 15 = 30 05 + 05 = 10 15 + 15 = 30 25 100