Assignment: Riphah International University (Faisalabad Campus)

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Name. Ali Fahad

Roll No. 11468
Semester. 8th (DPT)
Subject. NPT
Submitted to. Sir. Ali Raza PT

Riphah International
(Faisalabad Campus)
Bobath Therapy:
The Bobath concept is an approach to neurological
rehabilitation that is applied in patient assessment and
treatment. The goal of applying the Bobath concept is to
promote motor learning for efficient motor control in
various environments, thereby improving participation
and function.
This is done through specific patient handling skills to
guide patients through initiation and completion of
intended tasks. This approach to neurological
rehabilitation is multidisciplinary, primarily involving
physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and
language therapists.

Principles of Bobath
Bobath is based around the brains ability to adapt to
change and reorganise and recover after neurological
The Bobath approach rests on a number of principles
that include:
Encouragement of normal movement patterns
Discouragement of muscle strength training
Promotion of maximum functional recovery to improve
quality of independence.

Stroke and CP patients:

Neurodevelopmental treatment is based on the premise
that the presence of normal postural reflex mechanisms
is fundamental to a motor skill's performance. The
normal postural reflex mechanisms consist of righting
and equilibrium reactions, reciprocal innervation, and
coordination patterns. The release of abnormal tone and
tonic reflexes seen in CP interfered with the
development of righting and equilibrium reactions
Regardless of severity, individuals of any age with
damage to their CNS can be handled with this approach.
This makes the approach different from other forms of
treatment, like motor relearning or constraint-induced
movement therapy, which can only work on high
functioning individuals.
Selective movement control for the production of
coordinated sequences of movements.

Basic Idea of Bobath approach:

The Bobath concept is a problem-solving approach used
in the evaluation and treatment of individuals with
movement and postural control disturbances due to a
lesion of the central nervous system.
They developed this approach for effective management
of neuro-motor dysfunctions manifested by children with
cerebral palsy (CP). Earlier, braces, passive stretching,
and surgery were the most common forms of
interventions. The Bobath concept provided a new
reference that viewed children with CP as having
difficulty with postural control and movement against
Treatment methods using
Bobath therapy:
Bobath physiotherapists encourage a person to move in
the most normal and energy efficient way and prevent
abnormal movement patterns in order to:
Improve ability with everyday activities
Increase independence
Achieve maximum potential
The Bobath approach also emphasises the importance of
early rehabilitation, consistency of practise and a
stimulating environment in order to promote recovery.

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