Operation and Installation Manual: Prds - Prs - DSH Systems
Operation and Installation Manual: Prds - Prs - DSH Systems
Operation and Installation Manual: Prds - Prs - DSH Systems
Valve Station
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Dear Customer,
Thank you very much for dealing with us! On behalf of everyone at Forbes Marshall, we
would like to express our gratitude for choosing us to offer our services to your esteemed
organization. We look forward to hear from you, your valuable feedback is the key for
With the same idea of serving you better we have documented few points to be followed
for successful commissioning and periodic maintenance of the system. We have taken
Thank you once again for your continued patronage and assure you our best services at all
Valve Station
Operation and Maintenance Manual
PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION isolation valves are open and control valve is in operating
condition. The bypass isolation valve is closed in this
PRESSURE REDUCING STATION (PRS) condition. When the mainline breaks or is closed for
maintenance, the inlet and outlet gate valves are shut
It is a total mechanical and instrumentation system which and the bypass isolation valve is opened and the pressure
is mainly used for Pressure reducing of the fluid. Fluid can at the outlet is controlled by the bypass isolation valve.
be steam, water, nitrogen oxygen or any kind of chemical
liquid of gas. The Control valve is the heart if this system, PRESSURE REDUCING CUM DESUPER-
generally known as Final Control Element in the HEATING STATION (PRDS)
instrumentation loop. Control valve reduces the pressure
of the fluid by restricting its path by means of TRIM Pressure reducing cum Desuperheating station is used to
(consists of Plug, Seat and Spindle). It can be supplied condition the steam generated from the boiler to the
with Flanged ends for lower pressure and in Butt Weld or desired outlet pressure and temperature. The pressure
Socket weld for higher pressures. control loop is same as above, in addition to this there is a
temperature control loop, desuperheating station
There are generally two types of PRS Valves (waterline), and optionally Fixed Nozzle Desuperheater
1. PRS control valve with positioner (FND) / Variable Nozzle Desuperheater (VND)/ minicooler
is provided. The temperature control loop consists of
2. PRS control valve with roboter Temperature sensor, temperature transmitter and PID
1) PRS Control Valve with Positioner controller. Tubing is done for connection of the TT to the
water control valve of the desuperheater (waterline)
There is a pressure control loop for the PRS which consists Desuperheater (waterline) connection is made to the
of Pressure transmitter and PID controller. In the outlet PRDS valve; there are two types of water connections in
from the condensing pot, impulse piping for the pressure the PRDS valve:
transmitter is done at site. Tubing is done from the PT to
the PID controller and from controller to the positioner of 1. Top Entry PRDS
the PRS control valve. When the system is on, the outlet 2. Bottom Entry PRDS
pressure is sensed at the PT and the feedback is given to
the positioner of the control valve via the PID controller The Pressure reducing is done as with the help of the
and accordingly the valve opens or closes, hence Pressure control loop in the same manner as for the PRS.
maintaining the outlet pressure In the temperature control loop, the temperature sensor
senses the temperature which is read in the temperature
2) PRS Control Valve with Roboter transmitter and the feedback is given to the water control
For this type of valve, there is no need for a pressure valve of the waterline. The temperature transmitter sends
control loop. A tapping is taken from the outlet of the the signal to the PID controller and this in turn sends the
PRS station and is directly connected to the roboter of the feedback signal to the water control valve which controls
valve by pipe. The pressure is sensed by the roboter and the flow of the water from the waterline reaching the
monitors the opening and closing of the valve, hence PRDS valve, and water is sprayed in to the PRDS valve
controlling the outlet pressure. which mixes with the steam, hence reducing the
temperature of the steam.
Safety relief valve is used at the outlet of the system to
ensure that the pressure in the line does not exceed the When the mainline is working, the inlet and outlet
preset limit in the line. When the pressure exceeds the isolation valves are open and control valve is in operating
preset limit the safety relief valve opens at the pressure condition. The bypass isolation valve is closed in this
called the set pressure thereby releasing any excess condition. When the mainline breaks or is closed for
pressure build up in the line. maintenance, the inlet and outlet gate valves are shut
and the bypass isolation valve is opened and the pressure
When the mainline is working, the inlet and outlet at the outlet is controlled by the bypass isolation valve.
INSTALLATION AND opening the bypass isolation valve, for about 20-30
minutes and then close the valve. During this
COMMISSIONING operation check for any leakage, if any, please attend
the same before the start up.
7. Please put the water line loop in auto mode
The inter connecting pipe work connecting the water line independent of main steam line. The water pressure
with the PRDS valve is generally in customer’s scope as should be as mentioned in the drawing. Please make
the connecting distances are generally not known in sure that the capacity of the boiler feed water pump
advance and that can very easily be done at the site after should cater for both boiler and the system
the steam and water lines are laid down. requirement. Now open the inlet isolation valve and
operate the main control valve of PRDSH up to 5 –
In case your PRDS station is flanged, the piping has been 10% set the outlet pressure to the required set point.
dismantled after hydro testing, and dispatched with
proper match marking and tagging. The valves have been 8. Once you achieve the outlet pressure, and then tune
packed separately and duly marked. the PRDSH system in auto mode, once the PRDSH get
tuned to the process parameter then tune the water
PACKING LIST HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. 9. Observe the system for about 2–3 hours. This
completes the commissioning of PRDSH System.
Now you are ready to install your PRDS station on line
1. The system has to install as per the engineering
drawing. Please take care of the straight length of the INSTALLATION
main line, i.e. minimum 4 meters length of straight The place of installation should be easily accessible and
line is required. Temperature sensor should be provide ample space for maintenance and removing the
mounted only after 12 meters of length. actuator. Install a stop valve upstream and downstream
2. Once all above is done, please check all the of the pressure reducing valve to enable repair and
equipment’s are in its place as per drawing and as per maintenance work, without emptying the system. A
the direction of the arrows marked on each units, bypass line enables a continuous working by hand. The
especially on the control valve. piping before and after the pressure reducing valve must
be dimensioned so that the max. flow speed is not
3. Give the instrument pneumatic connection, which exceeded and the pressure reduction should be near to
should be free from dust, oil and moisture. Once the the user.
connection is made ready, please make sure that
these connections are tested for leakages by soap MATCH MARK
solution method.
A mark made on mating components of an engine,
4. Flushing the lines – the streamline should be flushed machine, etc., to ensure that the components are
with water for about 20-30 minutes with 1-2 kg/cm2 assembled in the correct relative positions.
water pressure before installing the control valve in
the line. Carry out the flushing for water line as well.
Please make sure that the line should be free from • Eases assembling of the station.
muck, welding burrs and other solid particles. • Reduces assembling time.
5. Once the above is done, install the valve in the line and • More accuracy while assembling a station.
calibrate the same by simulator or by the controller in
• Reduces search time of the mating components.
manual mode. Check for each loop with the
respective controller. • Simple to understand.
6. Now charge the steam line with steam, by crack It is recommended to assemble as per match mark.
Refer fig. (On next page) for match mark in station.
1. Install a strainer before the pressure reducing valve, 16. Connecting bolts for pipe flanges should be
to avoid the collection of condensate. mounted preferably from the counter flange side
(hexagon nuts from the valve side)
2. Strainer must be cleaned from time to time.
17. For application outside or in adverse environments
3. The system behind the pressure reducing valve
like corrosion promoting condition (sea water,
(downstream pressure side) the control line and
chemical vapours etc), special constructions or
actuator must be protected against excess
protection measures are recommended
18. Before installing the pressure reducing valve rinse
4. Before putting the valve into operation, check
and clean the system otherwise seat/disc will be
material, pressure, temperature and direction of
damaged and the control hole will be blocked.
19. It is not permitted to mantle/ dismantle actuator
5. Regional safety instruction must be adhered to.
with valves operating and service conditions
6. Before putting a new plant into operation or (temperature and pressure)
restarting a plant after repairs of modification,
20. Do not disconnect control line piping in service
always make sure that:
• All works has been completed
Fault Possible cause Corrective measures
Kvs value of valve unsuitable Fit valve with higher Kvs value
Valve in the control line closed Open valve in the control line
Valve doesn’t regulate Control line or flow restrictor blocked Clean control line or
flow restrictor
Media exit out of the bonnet Gland packing defect Change gland packing
Valve stem moves in jerk Valve plug slightly seized Clean internal change plug
owing to solid dirt particle and guide bush
Change valve or if
necessary seat/plug
Forbes Marshall
1) Customer Information
Customer Name :
Address :
Site :
Contact person : Phone :
Reference :
2) Product Information
Product Description :
Serial Number : Original Invoice # : Date
Input / Inlet Details :
Output / Outlet Details :
The Product is Online Offline
Connections Flanged Screwed Welded
Mounting Details :
3) Application Information
Process Media :
Pressure : Temperature :
Sensor Details :
Mounting Details :
5) Proposed Action
Repair at Site Return to Estimate First
Works or Under Warranty
Field Engineer’s Sig. Customer’s Signature :
7) Customer’s Endorsement
We accept the above repair estimate.
Signature & Stamp
3. Check whether the strainer has become clogged in the 2. Check whether proper cabling has been done between the
cleansing process. In the event of clogging, remove the temperature sensor and the controller. Also check whether
straining element, clean properly and reassemble strainer proper input signals are being received by the controller or not
4. Now connect the nozzle insert to the water circuitry (keeping 3. Check whether the controller is giving proportional control
the nozzle insert outside the steam pipe) and flush again for 5 output signals or not
minutes at the designated water pressure and visually inspect
4. The controller output signal shall be connected with proper
the atomization of the water (which should look like a fine
polarity to the I/P or E/P convertor (or electropneumatic
positioner of the water control valve, as the case may be for
5. Now install the nozzle insert into the steam pipe. your equipment)
6. Check the nozzle insert to ensure that the nozzle is at the 5. Before giving any impulse air connection, the airline shall be
centre of your steam pipeline. In case of multiple nozzles, please flushed for about 5 minutes (depends on the compressor
ensure that the central nozzle sprays from the centerline of your capacity) for any dirt, dust, oil and moisture. The signal air shall
pipe. Proper mixing of atomized water with steam ensures be given (through the air filter regulator) to the pneumatic
efficient temperature control (please make sure that no water is instrument as per recommendation on the control valve name
sprayed on the wall of the pipeline, which may result in water plate. Ensure that no leakage is observed after bubble test
carry over which will lead to water hammering and inaccurate
6. After steps 1 – 5 above, set the controller in manual mode,
temperature control)
calibrate the water control valve from 0 – 100% (the control
7. Perform COLD CHECKING with designated water pressure range of the control valve will be from 15% to 85% ONLY). Any
and temperature after 1 – 6 has been completed. Ensure that no control range below 15% and above 85% will not contribute to
leakage has been observed in the water circuitry the controllability of the process.
1. Ensure that the process is put on the manual mode on the Maintenance of the VND is straightforward and does not require
low load. any special tools or training.
2. Charge the recommended pressure and temperature water Care should be taken during any maintenance operation,
into the water circuitry with control valve in closed condition. particularly when working with grinders, compressed air and
rotating machinery.
3. Charge steam and run the process with designed loads.
Before removing the Desuperheater from the system ensure that
4. Manually open the control valve through controller gradually both steam and water pipework are pressureless and vented.
and observe the feedback of the process temperature in the Isolate any electrical appliances to the actuator and / or
controller. ancilliaries, prior to disconnection. Vent and remove instrument
air supply piping. Loosen steam flange and water flange bolting,
5. Gradually open the water control valve manually and check but vent connections before complete removal.
the position of opening where the temperature set point is met.
Once the temperature set point is met, keep the valve in the The Desuperheater may now be removed from the system. It is
same position and make a changeover from manual to auto recommended that the Desuperheater is transported to a
mode. convenient workshop which has a workbench and vice. Lift the
unit by means of straps around the body.
6. Once the control system is changed to auto mode, fine tune
the P.I.D values for optimum control Do not attempt to lift the Desuperheater
Check List for Commissioning of the Only De-superheahor.
This user
corresponds to
Variable Nozzle
Model 38/48
Dear User,
Thank you for purchasing the Forbes Marshall Variable Nozzle Desuperheater.
To maximize your benefits from this product, we request that you read this
manual thoroughly before installing the desuperheater.
A record of the product maintenance history should be kept in this
manual Service Record every time our service representative visits you.
Withdraw the piston and the stem. The After reassembly, the spray cylinder
piston and the stem are always supplied should be tack welded for added security.
as a complete assembly. If the piston It is essential that this welding is carried
shows no sign of wear and tear, then it out by a competent welder. A minimum
may be reused. Replace piston rings was of two 8mm long tacks are required,
a matter or course, any time that the unit diametrically opposite, with one weld
is disassembled. Take care not to securing the fastener ring to the body
overstress the piston rings when fitting. extension and the other securing the
The rings are marked “Top” and should spray cylinder to the fastener ring. After
always face the direction of the stuffing welding, use suitable dye penetrant
box, for proper functioning. Examine the method to check the weld. No cracks are
condition of the stem, where it runs in permitted. If necessary, grind off,
the stuffing box, remove any graphite recheck until a satisfactory weld is
with a fine grade of emery cloth, obtained.
polishing in the longitudinal direction.
Stuffing box
Refit the actuator into the
Remove all the rings, lantern rings and Desuperheater, referring to the notes
packing material from the valve body. taken during disassembly, for resetting
Clean the stuffing box carefully, using a the stem position. If the actuator is
rotating wire brush and / or honing electric, check whether the limit switches
device. Cleanliness of the packing area is are functioning correctly by manual
vital for proper valve sealing. (see fig b) operation of the unit. Set at mid stroke
before applying power and verify that
Reassembly opening and closing directions are correct
and correspond with system logics.
Before reassembling the valve, lubricate
all threads with a suitable high Before reinstalling the Desuperheater,
temperature nickel compound. Do not make sure that the connecting flange
use grease or other oil based lubricants faces are cleaned thoroughly and any
as these may lead to dismantling gasketing material removed. Insert the
problems later. Apply a thin coating of desuperheater into the steam pipe work
the compound to the piston rings to and check that the nozzle is oriented
prevent scoring. Position the slots in the correctly with the spray in the
piston rings such that they are 120 direction of the steam flow. Apply a
degrees to each other. high temperature lubricating compound
to the bolts and nuts and tighten evenly,
Reassemble the spray cylinder onto the in accordance with the manufacturer’s
body extension. Use a fine grade recommendations. Before connecting the
polishing paste to lap the seating area of water line, flush through and check for
cylinder and body extension. The seal is any contamination or restriction in the
metal to metal so a concentric seat area supply.
is vital. Always use a new fastener ring.
Set the spray cylinder into the correct Follow the procedure for Start Up, as
orientation (the water spray should detailed earlier in the installation
always be in the same direction as the instructions. Check the flange and
steam flow) and tighten the fastener stuffing box tightness. Do not over
ring. tighten the stuffing box packing gland as
this may prevent proper operation of the
desuperheater. In the event of persistent
leakage through the stem packing, then
the unit should be removed to the
workshop for further examination.
Experience shows that providing the
stuffing box, packing and steam are clean
and score free, then leak tightness is
Figure a
Figure b
This user
corresponds to
Dear User,
Thank you for purchasing the Forbes Marshall Control Valve. To maximize your benefits
from this product, we request that you read this manual thoroughly before installing
the valve. A record of the product maintenance history should be kept in this
manual Service Record every time our service representative visits you.
SECTION I - Control Valve Assembly
1.0 About The Product
1.1 Specification & Model Nos.
1.2 Drawing of the Product
1.3 Principle of Operation
3.0 Maintenance
3.1 General
3.2 Routine maintenance
4.0 Troubleshooting
4.1 Addition of gland packing rings
4.2 Replacement of gland packing rings
4.3 Replacement of seat
4.4 Replacement of plug
4.5 Recommended spares
1.0 Arca Universal Diaphragm Actuator
1.1 Drawing of the Product
1.2 Principle of Operation
4.0. Troubleshooting
4.1 Exchange of spares
4.2 Mounting succession
4.3 Recommended spares
1.0 About the Product
1.1 Specifications & Model Numbers
1 0 1
Control Valve Series 141 Control and on / off Top flange with cooling
valve series 141 with soft seating fins series 143
1. Valve body
1. Valve body 1. Valve body
2. Top Flange 2. Top Flange 2. Top Flange
4. Seat 4. Seat
3. Bottom Flange 5. Plug assembly 5. Plug assembly
4. Seat 5.1 Spring dowel pin 7. Guide bush
5.2 Upper part 8. Spindle
5. Plug 5.3 O-ring 9. Gland nut
7. Guide bush 5.4 Lower part 10. Gland follower
7. Guide bush 11. Bottom ring
8. Spindle 8. Spindle 12. Packing set
9. Gland nut 13. Slotted nut
9. Gland nut
10. Gland follower 14. Spring dowel pin
10. Gland follower 11. Bottom ring 15. Steel ball
12. Packing set 16. Gasket
11. Bottom ring 13. Slotted nut 17. Bolt
12. Packing set 14. Spring dowel pin 18. Nut
15. Steel ball 19. Low - noise cage
13. Slotted nut 16. Gasket
14. Spring dowel pin 17. Bolt
18. Nut
15. Steel ball
16. Gasket
17. Bolt
18. Nut
5. Plug
7. Guide bush
8. Spindle
9. Gland nut
18. Nut
FIG. I DRG. 140 AN
Control Valve Series 100 Control and on / off Top flange with cooling
valve series 101 with soft ring sealing fins series 103
1. Valve body
1. Valve body 1. Valve body
2. Top Flange 2. Top Flange 2. Top Flange
4. Seat 4. Seat
4. Seat 5. Plug 5. Plug
5. Plug 5.1 Spring dowel pin 7. Guide bush
5.2 Upper part 8. Spindle
7. Guide bush 5.3 O-ring 9. Gland nut
8. Spindle 5.4 Lower part 10. Gland follower
7. Guide bush 11. Bottom ring
9. Gland nut 8. Spindle 12. Packing set
9. Gland nut 13. Slotted nut
10. Gland follower
10. Gland follower 14. Spring dowel pin
11. Bottom ring 11. Bottom ring 15. Steel ball
12. Packing set 16. Gasket
12. Packing set 13. Slotted nut 17. Bolt
13. Slotted nut 14. Spring dowel pin 18. Nut
15. Steel ball 19. Low - noise cage
14. Spring dowel pin 16. Gasket
15. Steel ball 17. Bolt
18. Nut
16. Gasket
17. Bolt
18. Nut
4. Seat
5. Plug
7. Guide bush
8. Spindle
9. Gland nut
10. Gland follower
11. Bottom ring
12. Packing set
17. Bolt
18. Nut
1.3 Principle of Operation
The control valve types mentioned above are according to ANSI B 16-34. They reduce the pressure / control flow
by single step or multi-step parabolic plug or perforated plug. By changing valve lift (plug position), the annular
area between plug and seat changes, which in turn changes the flow. The flow characteristics is determined by
the profile or the size and orientation of holes in case of perforated plugs. At zero lift (close position of valve) the
plug taper rests on the tapered edge of the seat and thus provides metal to metal closing. In case of multi-step
parabolic plugs, only the last-step has taper which rests on the seat in closed position.
3.0 Maintenance
3.1 General
The valve spindle (8) must be kept clean in places with bad environmental conditions. The cleaning should be
done when the valve spindle is in the upmost position.
Endless pure graphite rings can also be carefully cut in two halves and laid around the spindle so that the
broken faces match again. Push down the ring in the stuffing box with the help of gland follower. In this case the
lift indicator coupling need not be removed. (Refer part No. 53 FIG III SECTION II)
Unscrew the slotted nut (13) and the actuator can now be taken out. Now loosen the nut (18) of top flange.
Uncrew the gland nut (9) and the gland follower (10) can be lifted up. Care should be taken while removing top
flange specially in steam and hot gas piping as slight leakage in any stop valve can pressurise the control valve.
After ensuring the the valve is pressureless, top flange alongwith plug spindle (8) assembly can be completely
taken off the body. Take out the old packing rings (12) with the help of a hook. also take the bottom ring (11) out
of the stuffing box.
Clean all the parts of stuffing box including all the threading. Also clean the top flange in guide bush (7) area and
gasket (16) area. Smear all parts with Molykote HSC or Molybedenum Disulfied grease. In some special cases
this grease cannot be used due to chemical reaction or with inflammable fluid.
Clean gasket seating area in body. Use a new gasket (16). Apply Mo-S2 grease to gasket also. Carefully place
the plug spindle assembly on seat (4). Place the top flange on the valve body. Smear bolt threads with Mo-S2
grease and tighten the nuts equally and evently.
Insert bottom ring (11) in stuffing box bore. Push packing ring around the valve spindle. Take care that the
oblique cuts on ring are staggered. Finally, assemble the gland follower (10) and screw gland nut (9). Slightly
tighten gland nut (9). Mount actuator and tighten the slotted nut (13). Connect valve spindle with the actuator
spindle using lift indicator and start the process. (Refer to 2,3).
4.3 Replacement of Seat
The seat is replaceable as it is screwed in the body. Acutator, top flange, plug, spindle assembly should be
dismantled according to 4.2 above.
Seat can be unscrewed by a special tool. Smear the thread of new seat with Mo-S2 greas (with the exception
of some special fluids.) Screw in new seat with the help of special tool.Reassemble as per 4.2 above.
For screwing and unscrewing of the seat, specially in case of larger valve size it is recommended to use
pneumatic tools.
1.0 Arca Universal Diaphragm Actuator
1.1 Drawing of the Product
Fig. III
1.2 Principle of Operation (Refer Fig. III)
The unversal diaphragm actuators are operated by compressed air. The air is admitted in the diaphragm cover
(28) which deflects a diaphragm (32) which in turn moves the actuator spindle (37) which compresses the spring
between diaphragm plate (38) and spring plate (33). By removing air from diaphragm cover, the spring expands
which results in movement of the spindle in the opposite direction. Thus the actuator spindle actuated one way
by air and the other way by spring.
3.4 Tighten 4 no. bolts (21) and also assemble cap (22) by tightening 2 nos. screws (23).
if the diaphragm cover (28), is above the increasing signal pressure effects a downward movement of the actuator
spindle (37).
If the diaphragm cover (28) is below the increasing signal pressure effects an upward movement of the actuator spindle
The handwheel arrangement is designed for one action only. For reversing the handwheel arrangement with “Diaphragm
cover below” part no. 7,8,9,10,11,15 and 17 are required. However for handwheel arrangement with “Diaphragm cover on
top”. Part No. 4,5,11,13,14 and 18 are required.
Screw designation A B D SW M L
M8 x 75 DIN 933-8.8 in mm 75 65 9 13 M8 75 UI
M10 x 150 DIN 933-8.8 in mm 145 133 11 17 M10 150 UIII and UV
Diaphragm (32)
Diaphragm (32)
O-ring (25,26)
Bearings and
Bearing and
Spring (38)
Spring (38)
O - Ring
Loosen Cyl. screws (23) and remove
cap (22) resp. hand adjustment. 1 1
Release spring (38) by turning adjustment bolt (42)
counter clockwise untill bolt turns easily and spring
plate (43) rests on spring housing (46) 2 1 2 1 1 1 1
Loosen clamp screws (52) at lift indicator (53) and
remove divided lift indicator from spindle (37) 3 2 2 2
Remove hex. bolt (21) in lower part of support. 3
Remove bolts (34,36) at diaphragm cover. If diaphragm
sticks, seperate by screw driver at peripheral slit.
If spring tension is still high, first fasten the mounting
aids. See paragraph 8 and instructions for using the
mounting aid. 2 3 3 4 3 2
Remove spacer (27) from spindle (37) and unscrew
lock nut (29) 3 5
Exchnage diaphragm (32) with a new one.
Fibre - reinforced side towards diaphragm plate. 4 6
Remove diaphragm cover (28) with support
(55) from spindle. 4
Exchange O-ring and / or slide bearing (25,26) 4 5
Take diaphragm plate (33) complete with spindle
(37) and diaphragm (32) out of housing (46) 4
Take off spring housing (46) and spring plate (43) 3
Exchange spring (38) with a new one. 5 4
Turn actuator upside down and place it on suport 4
Further mounting in reverse succession 3 3 3 4 5 4 3
to to to to to to to
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Refer para 2.1.4 and 2.3
4.3 Recommended Spares
The actuator is almost service free and the diaphragm has a long service life. We recommended to keep following
spare parts in stock.
Item No. Description
32 Diaphragam
25 Slide bearing
26 ‘O’ Ring
38 Spring
5.0 Multi Spring Actuator
5.1 Drawing of the Product
5.2 Principle of Operation
(refer above figure)
The Multi-Spring Actuators (MSA) are operated by compressed air. The air is admitted in the actuator housing (11),
which deflects the diaphragm (9), which in turn moves the actuator spindle (6) which compresses the springs between
the diaphragm plate (4) and actuator plate (1). By removing air from diaphragm cover, the springs expand which
results in the movement of the spindle in opposite direction. Thus the actuator spindle actuated one way by air and
other way by springs.
6.2 Installation
The actuator offers easy mounting of positioner, Pneumatic Controller, Air Filter Regulator and Limit Switch. The
spring housing (11) has two tapings of (M8) in front. The support (22) is constructed according to NAMUR
principle and provides two tapings of M8 of Mounting accessories.
The hand-wheel arrangement is a separate subassembly, which can be mounted at any time. In case of air to
close arrangement (valve opened on air failure) to open the valve turn the hand-wheel (30) clockwise. In case of
air to open arrangement (valve closed on air failure) to open turn the hand-wheel anti clockwise.
Attention : Before switching to automatic service with air, turn hand-wheel (30) to uppermost position.
8) Establish pneumatic connection at (11) the base of actuator housing. Pressurize assembly and check for
ease of spindle movement, lift (should be at least 0.08” more than specified) and leakage from joints
(raise supply pressure to 72.52 psi)
9) Assemble nut cover along and cap plastic at respective places.
1.9 Assemble all above parts from diaphragm plate support (7), as shown in the ‘air to close diagram.
** It is essential to order boss base (17), with two o-rings (20) and slide bearing (19) and air to close hand
wheel assembly as shown or if the actuator is without hand-wheel then nut cover (2), to be ordered.
1.10 Assemble the diaphragm plate assembly into the cover (1) as shown in figure air to close.
1.11 Tighten the spindle nut (21).
1.12 Do all the tubing to the actuator housing (11) in the vent provide (27).
** a) There are certain changes to be made in Positioner / Pneumatic Controller as the case may be.
These are explained in the respective manuals.
2. How to check diaphragm failure and air leakage ?
2.1 Give 87 Psig air supply at air inlet (27).
2.2 Put soap solution near ‘boss base assembly’ (17). All the joints, spindle and cover interface and diaphragm
clutching (periphery) and check for bubble. No leakage is allowed. in case of leakage tighten the joints or
change the o-rings with respect to the area of leakage.
3. How to change the increase / dicrease force capability ?
3.1 Force capabilities can be changed, by increasing number or type of springs. This is for MSA-I actuator.
In case of U-series, turn the adjustment bolt clock-wise till the desired lift position of valve spindle is
achived at higher air pressure. In case further force capabilities are required, change the spring type to re-
enforce from standard and if already re-enforced is used then go for higher sized actuator.
4. How to adjust (using coupling) the valve lift with the actuator lift ?
4.1 Change the position of end of valve spindle in the coupling and adjust its distance with the actuator
spindle such that the valve completes its travel.
5. How to check the spring range ?
5.1 Give air pressure to the actuator slowly.
5.2 Note the pressure reading when the actuator spindle starts moving. Suppose the spring range is 3-15
Psig. The actuator spindle starts moving at 3 Psig and attends maximum lift at 15 Psig. If any deviation in
this is not found then couple the actuator spindle with the valve spindle at the required lift.
6. How to mount various accessories on the actuator ?
6.1 Mounting the Positioner :
Mount the positioner on the support on inlet side of the valve at opposite side of air inlet of the actuator. Fit
the Positioner link on lift indicator. Fit the Positioner mounting bracket to the Positioner. Fit the threaded
pin in to stroke scanning lever depending upon valve size. Fit the positioner support / yoke.
6.2 Mounting Position Transmitter :
Fit the positioner link on the opposite side of Positioner. Mount the bracket to Position Transmitter. Fit the
stroke scanning lever to shaft, which is extruding out of the Transmitter. Fit the thread pin to stroke
scanning lever depending upon size of valve. Mount the Position Transmitter, on support on opposite to
Positioner on the other leg of support.
6.3 AFR / ALR / Booster Relay / I to P / Solenoid Valve :
Mount the bracket on actuator by loosening any of the actuator cover bolt nearest to the positioner and
accessories to be connected to it to save tubing length. Fit the AFR / ALR on the bracket.
6.4 Limit Switches :
Mount the limit switches on its bracket using screws / nuts. Mount the bracket on the hand-wheel support
using M8x20 mm size bolt. After mounting proper tubing as per plan is to be made. Ensure Zero Leakage.
Due to our continuous Product Development, the above data is subject to change without notice. For the
latest information please contact your nearest sales representative.
M8 88.51
M10 141.61
M12 265.52
M16 619.55
M20 885.1
11.0 Spring Location (on the spring plate over the boss) :
*Initially take any boss as no. 1 and count from that.
2 1,4
3 1,3,5
4 2,3,5,6
6 1 TO 6
Forbes Marshal
Field Service Report
Report # : Date
1) Customer Information
Customer Name :
Address :
Site :
Contact person : Phone :
Reference :
2) Product Information
Product Description :
5) Proposed Action
Repair at Site Return to Estimate First
Works or Under Warranty
Field Engineer’s Sig. Customer’s Signature :
Thanks for choosing our product incase if you experience any dificulty with the installation or operation of this equipment
please contact our customer service representative.
A-34/35, M.I.D.C. Estate, H Block, Pimpri, Pune 411 018. Tel.: +91(20) 27442020, Fax : +91 (20) 27442040
E mail : [email protected] 11
Forbes Marshall Forbes Marshall Arca Forbes Marshall Codel J N Marshall Krohne Marshall Spirax Marshall Forbes Vyncke
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
5 Mounting ............................................................................................................................ 5
8 Starting-up ......................................................................................................................... 6
9 Maintenance ...................................................................................................................... 6
9.1 Servicing ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
2 Warning symbols
Safety informations and warnings are intended to avert danger from the life and health of users and mainten
personnel and to prevent material damage. They are highlighted in this manual by the headings defined h
They are also marked by warning symbols next to where they appear. The heading used have the follo
meaning for the purpose of this manual and the product lables.
indicates that death, severe personal injury of substantial property damage will result if proper
STOP precautions are not taken.
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage will result if proper
precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury or property damage can result if proper precautions are no
indicates an important information about the product itself or the respective part of the instructio
manual which is essential to highlight.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
3 Safety Instructions
Warning The valve is to be used exclusively for the application according to our order confirmation. Any o
application is considered as not conforming and the user if fully responsible for any damage th
may result from this.
Unathorized modifications or the use of spare parts other than original Forbes Marshall Arca part
exclude our liability for damages that may result from this. In this case, the user is bearing th
Maintenance and repair of the actuator must be carried out only by qualified and personnel,
it is important to follow the corresponding rules and regulations for pressure vessels and steam
The actuators produce high positioning forces. Mounting and starting up must be carried out unde
careful consideration of the safety instructions.
Special reference is made to strictly follow the rules and regulations for plants with explosio
Before starting any maintenance works, it is important to ensure and well note the
following :
l Drainage of the pipeline
l Get complete information on the possible dangers, which can occur through remainders of
the flow medium and take suitable measures (safety gloves, safety glasses. etc.)
l Let the valve cool down, if required.
l Make sure that no third person can put the plant into operation.
l Remove any pressure, which might build up in a shut-off pipeline.
l Education or training according to the actual safety standards for maintenance and
use of adequate safety equipment.
l First aid training
l For plants with explosion hazards : Special training or instructions, or the
authrorisation respectively to carry out works in plants with explosive hazards.
4 Mounting site
l The valve should be accessible, at least from one side.
If mounted in an elevated level,, a service gangway, or similar should be provided.
l For valve size DN 80 or larger, and electric crane or a tackle should be available.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
5 Mounting
The valve is provided with flange connections and will be screwed into the pipeline after removing protective
from the inlet and outlet sealing surfaces (flanges) by using the gaskets provided at site.
The following should be noted :
6 Actuator Mounting
Actuator of diffrent types can be simply and easily mounted on each valve. This is achieved thro
the selection of standard parts for mounting and coupling purposes.
l If an electric actuator is used then the following information should be noted.
Caution - When the valve moves to its closed position, the supply to the motor is disconnected b
torque limit switch.
- When the valve moves to its open position, the supply to the motor is disconnected b
travel limit switch.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
8 Starting up
Warning Follow instructions under section
"Safety Instructions"on page 4.
9.1 Servicing
Warning l Clean spindle (50) regularly
- Move actuator in its upper end position and secure it.
- Clean spindle (50) with a soft cloth,
never but
use grinding paper.
9.2 Maintenance
The valve is mainly maintenance - free
After a longer period of operation or under very changing operating conditions, the valve should
serviced according to section
Starting up on page 6
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
10.2 Actuator
Warning l Move actuator in a medium position and secure it.
l Disconnect actuator and take it off
- Follow mounting instructions of the manufacturer of the actuator.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
10.7 Spindle
l The Spindle (50) can be exchanged as a unit together with the plug (26) see fig. 2a or Otherwi
l The spindle (50) is interchangeable then see fig. 2b
l Beat out the border of hex. nut (57)
l Unscrew and replace hex. nut (57)
l Pull spindle (50) out of the plug (26)
Fig 2a Plug and spindle as a Unit together Fig 2b- Plug and Spindle Interchangeable
(Picture shows example with parabolic plug)
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
11 Sectional Drawing
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
Fig 3c Std top with Pressure Balance Plug. Fig 3d Extended top with Pressure Balance Plug.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
12 Part List
Recommended spare parts are marked with an asterisk (*)
Item No. Part Name
1 Valve body
2 Top flange
15 Sleeve
20 * Seat
22 Clamping ring
25 Double guiding sleeve
26 * Valve plug (complete)
50 * Spindle
52 * Steel ball
57 * Hex. nut
58 * Gasket
65 Guide bushing
66 Double guiding bush
80 * Screw bolt
143 * Gasket
147 * Pressure balance seal rings (set)
150 Slotted nut
152 Stuffing box screw
156 * Packing set
164 * Slide bearing
166 * O-ring
167 * O-ring
168 * Gasket
169 Sleeve
180 * Sealing element
182 Spacer
186 * Soft seal o-ring
188 * Soft sealing element
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
All screw should be Tighten with a Thumb rule of “Equal and opposite”
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
Multi-spring Actuator
812 Series
Thanks for choosing our product incase if you experience any dificulty with the installation or operation of this equipment
please contact our customer service representative.
A-34/35, M.I.D.C. Estate, H Block, Pimpri, Pune 411 018. Tel.: +91(20) 27442020, Fax : +91 (20) 27442040
E mail : [email protected] 1
Forbes Marshall Forbes Marshall Arca Forbes Marshall Codel J N Marshall Krohne Marshall Spirax Marshall Forbes Vyncke
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
2 Execution
l compact design
l fabric-reinforced diaphragm
l flexible force control
l special splash-proof ventilation
l robust ductile casting yoke according to NAMUR
l the action (air-to-open/air-to-close) can be reversed with additional parts.
3 Warning symbols
Safety informations and warnings are intended to avert danger from the life and health of users and mainten
personnel and to prevent material damage. They are highlighted in this manual by the headings defined h
They are also marked by warning symbols next to where they appear. The heading used have the follo
meaning for the purpose of this manual and the product lables.
indicates that death, severe personal injury of substantial property damage will result if proper
STOP precautions are not taken.
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage will result if proper
precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury or property damage can result if proper precautions are not
indicates an important information about the product itself or the respective part of the instructio
manual which is essential to highlight.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
4 Safety Instructions
Warning Maintenance and repair of the actuator must only be carried out by qualified personnel.
The actuators produce high positioning forces. Mounting and starting up must be carried out unde
careful consideration of the safety instructions.
Special reference is made to follow the rules and regulations for plants with explosion hazards
Before starting any maintenance works it must be secured that no third person can put the plant
5 Mounting site
l The actuator should be easily accessible, at least from one side and from above.
If mounted in an elevated position, a service gangway or similar should be provided.
l For actuator size MFIII and larger, and electric crane or a hoist should be provided.
6 Mounting
The yoke of the actuator (34) is provided with a single, centred mounting hole which allows a rotation
actuator in any direction. The actuator is mounted to the valve by means of the slotted round nut of th
Actuator and valve are coupled with the stroke indicator.
Caution Note :
Mounting position : pipe line horizontal;
actuator position verticle
diaphragm chamber above the valve.
In case of other arrangements please consult us for further information.
l Arrange position of actuator and additional equipment in true alignment with the valve.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
7 Adjustment
7.1 Stroke
Caution The mounting of the stroke indicator for coupling the actuator to the valve is carrcied out accord
to the instructions for the stroke indicator.
l When coupling the actuator to the valve, make sure that no traverse rforces are transmitte
to the spindle (1).
l Do not distort the spindle (1) radially !
- The stroke sensor (35) must be arranged in the cross-axis of the yoke (34), as shown
Note sectional drawing.
l When adjusting the stroke make sure that the closing position of the armature is not block
by the internal, non-adjustable, stroke limitation of the actuator.
7.2.1 Standard
l Close connection 1"Z " at the yoke (34) by means of a screw plug.
l Connect supply air pipe to connection
2 "Z " at the yoke (34) by means of a pipe union.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
9.4 Diaphragm
Danger The springs (14) are installed with high tension. If the following instructions are not
strictly regarded, grievous injuries, resulting in death, as well as serious material
damages cannot be excluded.
STOP l Dismantle positioner, if provided
l Remove 4 hex. nuts (23) and bolts (21) evenly sepread over the circumference.
Danger l Install long bolts (21) M8 x 80 in grade 8.8 and new hex. nuts (23) in grade
- The long bolts (21) and nuts (23) in grade 8.8 are not part of our supply.
Loosen hex. nuts (23) of the short bolts (21).
Loosen hex. nuts (23) of the newly mounted bolts (21) evenly, to release the
tension off the springs (14).
l Take off upper cover (15) of actuator
l Remove pressure springs (14)
l Unscrew hex. nut (18)
l Pull reversing sleev (8) with diaphragm plate (10) off the spindle (1).
Note l Remove diaphragm (13) and replace by a new diaphragm (13)
- The texture side of the diaphragm must show to the diaphragm plate (10)
9.5 Springs
l Dismantling according to section Diaphragm on page 7 until pressure springs (14)
are dismantled.
Caution l Exchange tension springs (14) against new springs.
- The springs should always be exchanged as a complete set.
- Note carefully the arrangement of the springs (14).
Number Mounting
of springs at position
2 1 + 4
3 1 + 3 + 5
4 2 + 3 + 5 + 6
6 1 - 6
9 1 + 3 + 5 + 1 - 6
12 2 x 1 - 6
6 2
5 3
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
10 Sectional drawings
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
11 Part List
Recommended spare parts are marked with an asterisk (*)
Spare parts list.
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
Torque Moment
Thread Size [Nm]
M10 16
M12 30
M16 70
M20 100
M24 180
M27 330
All screw should be Tighten with a Thumb rule of “Equal and opposite”
Trusted Partners.
Innovative Solutions.
Operating Instruction
This operating instruction does not specify the extent of delivery. It is valid for several sizes,
designs, accessories and additional devices. It contents generally exceeds the contractual
determined extent of delivery.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 1 of 25
Operating Instruction
1 Danger and Warning Indications ........................................................................................3
2 Description ...........................................................................................................................4
3 Operation ..............................................................................................................................4
3.1 Warning Indications for the Operation ...........................................................................4
3.2 Storage Rules ................................................................................................................5
3.3 Installation Instructions ..................................................................................................6
3.4 Pressure Test.................................................................................................................8
3.5 Commissioning ..............................................................................................................9
3.6 Operational Test ............................................................................................................9
3.7 Discharge Test...............................................................................................................9
3.8 Adjustment of the Set Pressure ...................................................................................10
3.9 Functional Differences .................................................................................................10
3.10 Trouble Shooting..........................................................................................................11
4 Inspection and Maintenance Works.................................................................................12
5 Disassembly .......................................................................................................................12
5.1 Danger and Warning Indications .................................................................................12
5.2 Instructions for Disassembly........................................................................................13
5.3 Tools ............................................................................................................................13
5.4 Utilities..........................................................................................................................13
5.5 Dismantling the Safety Valve .......................................................................................14
6 Assembly ............................................................................................................................14
7 Dimensions for Mounting Bracket ...................................................................................15
8 Functionally Important Outlines at the Valve Seat .........................................................16
9 Methods to Produce Superfinished Sealing Surfaces ...................................................16
9.1 Lapping Area Production..............................................................................................16
9.2 Lapping Area Site.........................................................................................................17
10 Declaration to EC-Directive...............................................................................................18
11 Part List and Assembly Drawings VSE 1 and VSR 1 ......................................................19
12 Part List and Assembly Drawings VSE 2 and VSR 2 ......................................................22
13 Part List and Assembly Drawing VSE 4 ...........................................................................25
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 2 of 25
Operating Instruction
Nevertheless, improper use or improper installation can cause risks for the personnel or can
lead to restrictions in regard of the operational safety. Therefore, the FMPL recommends
the operator of the safety valves to take appropriate measures and make sure that the present
operating instructions are read and understood by the assigned personnel.
Application Limits
It is only allowed to use the valves according to the details of this operating
instructions and according to the parameters and application cases agreed in the
delivery contract (see nameplate). The application of the valve has to take place
adequate to the medium tolerances of the used materials.
Before commissioning and maintenance works familiarise yourself with the legal
accident prevention regulations, the local safety instructions and this operating
instruction and observe them.
Use the safety valve and its individual parts and accessories only for the purpose
intended by us.
Please observe the following points besides the notes given in the text:
! Danger of burning at safety valves and with the connected pipes while operating under
increased temperature.
! Disassembly of the safety valve only in case of pressureless plant and after cooling
! Protection against risks caused by evaporation also in case of pressureless system; for
information please contact the safety inspector concerned.
! After assembly check all sealing points in regard of tightness.
! In case of adjustment make changes at pressure screw and adjusting ring only with
clearly reduced pressure to avoid unintended response.
! Carry ear protection during adjustment, if necessary.
! Danger of burning by discharge of small amounts of possibly hot medium in case of
safety valves with open spring bonnet (VSE 1, VSR 1).
! Danger of injury while discharging at disconnected discharge line.
! Extreme vibrations can lead to inadmissible increase of operating pressure with the
possibly destruction of the safety valve or to the destruction of the balanced bellows with
unintentional escape of medium.
Exclusion of Liability
FMPL cannot be held liable in case of improper maintenance and adjustment of a
Sempell safety valve, use of inadmissible spare parts or utilities and in case of a
temporary or permanent connection of equipment with the safety valve which is not
approved by us.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 3 of 25
Operating Instruction
2 Description
Spring-loaded full lift safety relief valves are direct acting safety valves for protection of
pressure tanks against inadmissible excess-pressure.
A cylindrical compression spring creates the closing force on the valve disc against the
opening pressure of the medium below the valve disc. At normal operating conditions the valve
seat is held tight.
By changing the spring compression it is possible to change the set pressure. In case of
exceeding set pressure, the pressure of the medium prevails and the safety valve opens.
With full lift characteristic the safety valve opens rapidly at full lift and discharges the total mass
flow necessary to prevent a further pressure increase.
With normal characteristic the safety valve reaches the lift necessary for the mass flow to be
discharged after response within a pressure increase of maximum 10 %.
By means of the lifting lever at the cap the safety valve can be opened by hand with a set
pressure of 85 % at least.
The safety valves are type tested and comply with the requirements of the standards and
3 Operation
3.1 Warning Indications for the Operation
Observe safety regulations!
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 4 of 25
Operating Instruction
! Design and dimensioning: Do not use larger safety valves than necessary! In case of
back pressure use safety valves with bellows.
! Fitting and installation: Lay supply line as short as possible. Use as few bends as
! Keep supply line free from vibrations. Absorb or avoid pressure surges and waves, e. g.
caused by pumps or other valves.
! Drain the discharge line and the valve body at their lowest point. Condensate can impair
the function of the safety valve.
! Protect lines and valve against freezing.
SKB-DIN Max. weight [kg] without accessories SKB-API Max. weight [lbs] without accessories about
A 19 EA 42
B 19 FA 42
C 21
D 35 GA 77
E 70 HA 155
F-G 80 JA 175
H 90 KA 200
J-K 110 LA 245
L 150 MA-NA 310
M 170
N 200 PA 440
P 250 QA 555
Q 270
R 300 RA 665
S 300 TA 665
T 380
U 410
V 460
W 530
X 1260
Y 1600
Z 1870
At delivery provide the outsides of all ferritic parts of the safety valve except the welding edges
with a coat of paint.
The insides of the body are protected by a watery corrosion preservative that has a long-term
effect because of the film formative active agents.
In this state the safety valve can be stored in closed, dust-free and dry rooms lying on a pallet
without difficulties. Time of storage about six months. A storage of more than six months asks
for disassembly and visual check of the inner parts of the safety valve. A weather-protected
outside storage is not allowed.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 5 of 25
Operating Instruction
For spare parts out of elastic material (O-rings, scraper rings, rod and piston gaskets)
additionally apply:
Moisture: To prevent the formation of condensate, avoid moist storerooms. A relative humidity
of below 65 % is at best.
Lighting: The products of elastic materials are to protect from direct sun light and from strong
artificial light with a high ultraviolet part. Therefore supply the windows of the storerooms with a
red or orange (in no case blue) paint.
Ozone: Protect products of elastic materials from ozone (formation of cracks and
embrittlement). The storeroom may not contain ozone generating systems (fluorescing
sources of light, mercury vapour lamps, electric motors, etc.).
Oxygen: Protect products out of elastic materials from draught by storage in airtight tanks.
Oxygen causes cracking and embrittlement.
If these requirements are guaranteed for products out of elastic materials, the storage time is
about 5 years.
Note: Clean pipes before installing safety valves as otherwise the valve seats can be
damaged by foreign bodies when discharging!
3.3.1 Installation
The installation zone must be easily accessible for maintenance
works. Required free space above the safety valve see section
“Dimensions”. In case of large safety valves provide for additional X
space for lifting gears, at least 500 mm.
SKB overhead dimension X
A-G 300 mm
EA - JA 12 "
H-R 700 mm
KA - RA 26 "
S-Z 900 mm
TA 36 "
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 6 of 25
Operating Instruction
Position of installation vertical, inlet from below. Do not brace valve body when fastening; if
necessary compensate bearing of the supporting brackets.
Lay line in such a way that no static or dynamic forces nor forces caused by thermal expansion
may be transferred to the valve body.
Please note: Stresses at the valve body may lead to leaking at the valve seat!
In no case the inlet line diameter must be smaller than the inlet nominal size at the safety
The pressure loss in the inlet line must not exceed 3 % of the set pressure at the greatest
possible discharge quantity.
Check inlet line in regard of pressure vibrations according to FBR 153 as far as possible.
Attention! A pressure loss higher than the closing pressure difference may lead to
an unstable, uncontrollable behaviour of the safety valve; chattering or vibrating
may destroy the valve seat, the safety valve or the line and thus lead to failure of the
safety function or to the shutdown of the plant!
For discharge of condensate in case of gases and vapours, the inlet line must have a slope to
the tapping point of 15 degrees at least.
Attention! Condensate at the inlet of the safety valve changes the functional
behaviour and may lead to an inadmissible pressure increase. Danger of explosion!
In case of liquids with temperatures higher than the ambient temperature, the inlet line must be
assembled with slope to the safety valve, or designed as a siphon-type bend in front of the
safety valve. Thereby, a heat transmission to the safety valve is avoided which could impair the
tightness at the valve seat.
Back pressures in the exhaust line are admissible up to 15 % of the set pressure and for safety
valves with compensating piston (SN 144) up to 50 % of the set pressure, in case there are no
other restrictions, e. g. with respect to the strength of the body connection flange.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 7 of 25
Operating Instruction
At the deepest point the exhaust line must be equipped with a drain which is large enough to
enable the discharge of minor leaks, e. g. in case of untight valve seat. Particularly in the open
air exhaust line, valve body and drain must be protected against icing and freezing, e. g. by
(electrical) trace heating; merely insulating is not sufficient!
Do not exchange the drain connection G ¼" at the valve body for the lock screw (44) at orifice
letters A40 and B40. Removing the lock screw (44) may change the function of the safety
Attention! An icy, frozen or clogged exhaust line leads to the failure of the safety
function! Danger of explosion in case of excess-pressure!
Caution! In case of several safety valves with one common exhaust line, take special
safety precautions for disassembling of only one safety valve to exclude danger in
case of unintended discharge of other safety valves!
Recommendation! Sound isolate exhaust line and/or provide the same with silencer; in doing
so, regard allowable back pressure!
3.3.4 Insulating
In case of hot medium insulate inlet line and valve body. In case of gases and vapours insulate
inlet line and valve body very carefully to avoid condensation.
Attention! Condensate at the inlet of the safety valve changes the functional
behaviour and may lead to an inadmissible pressure increase; danger of explosion!
The spring bonnet and a possibly mounted cooling spacer shall not be insulated as with heated
spring the set pressure decreases.
Either flange off the safety valve and close the supply line with a blind flange or block the valve.
In case of welded-in safety valve a pressure test insert can be used.
Attention! In case of a blocked safety valve the test pressure can amount up to 1.5×
of the set pressure without consultation with FMPL.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 8 of 25
Operating Instruction
Turn in the blocking screw instead of the gag plug (17) and tighten it securely by hand so that
the disc (4) is blocked in closed position. In case of design with supplementary loading (SN
111) screw off electric solenoid including cooling spacer and replace it against a cap (13) with
blocking screw SN 100.
Attention! After the pressure test, restore and check the ready-to-operate state!
3.5 Commissioning
Attention! At safety valves with weight load, type VSE 4, remove blocking screw
before commissioning and assemble gag plug (17) with gasket (40).
The safety valve is delivered ready to operate. The set pressure is adjusted at works and
secured against unauthorised adjustments by lead seal. Higher medium temperatures can
lower the set point at approx. 1 % per 100°C and ask for a readjustment under operating
conditions. Standard values see table in section "Adjustment of the Set Pressure".
Attention! When discharging, some leaking medium may escape at the open bonnet
(8) in case of safety valves type VSE 1 / VSR 1. Danger of scalding by hot steam!
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 9 of 25
Operating Instruction
Attention! A change of the lead sealed spring adjustment must only take place in the
presence of the competent inspector.
The adjustment of the set pressure takes place on the test stand. If the set pressure is
adjusted in the plant, the pneumatic measuring device A 143 should be applied as by means of
this device the set pressure can be adjusted without increasing the operating pressure.
Remove lead seal. Unscrew cap (13). Loosen lock nut (28). For working at the tightening
screw (11) secure spindle (7) e. g. with a pin against rotation as otherwise the valve seat may
be damaged.
After the adjustment secure tightening screw (11) with lock nut (28). Mount cap (13) and lead
Standard values for the change of the set pressure in % for a quarter turn of the tightening
screw (11):
orifice letter SKB AIV AI-III, B, C D-H J-M N-R S-W X-Z
changes in % 10 7 4 3 1,5 1 0,5
Precision of the set pressure adjustment: ± 3 %
For set pressures below 3 bar the closing pressure difference may be up to 0.3 bar.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 10 of 25
Operating Instruction
Attention! Remove lock screw (44) only with lowered pressure. At operating
pressure adjusting the adjusting ring (14) may lead to unintended response of the
safety valve. When discharging the safety valve or in case of untight valve seat,
medium may escape out of the opened adjusting bore. Danger of scalding by hot
media, e. g. steam!
For adjusting, put screwdriver through the opening and adjust adjusting ring (14) groove by
groove. Its graduation equals about 0.2 mm of vertical adjustment.
Screw adjusting ring (14) up = closing pressure difference lowers. Turn in and tighten lock
screw (44) again.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 11 of 25
Operating Instruction
While controlling
! Check valve for tightness. In doing so, take care of the following indications: whistling
noises, medium at the bonnet, medium at the drain nozzle or in the exhaust line.
! Check each sealing. Replace if leaky.
! Check seat faces.
! Smooth valve seat and disc (4) with fine lapping paste. If necessary, replace disc (4).
! Equalise guide areas of the spindle (7); when doing so, do not apply material removing
machine works.
Attention! Do not treat valve seats, metallic sealing surfaces and sliding guides in
contact with the medium.
Attention! For oxygen application all parts in contact with the medium must be free
from oil and grease. Danger of explosion!
5 Disassembly
5.1 Danger and Warning Indications
Take work order and wait until the installation is switched free.
Check if the valve is pressureless and cooled down.
Residual medium may escape when opening and disassembling the valve; also at
pressureless plant further evaporations are possible.
Before disassembly switch off electrical supply, loosen plug or disconnect cable.
Loosen nuts (9.1) only when the spring (10) is released as the studs (9) cannot
absorb the initial stress in the spring (10).
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 12 of 25
Operating Instruction
5.3 Tools
! fixed spanner 10 - 80 mm
! socket wrench 17 mm
! screwdriver 8 mm
! retaining ring pliers for outer rings
! flatnose pliers
! side cutting pliers
! hammer
! punch Ø 2,5; 3; 4 mm
! seal wire
! lead seal
! lead-sealing pliers
! vernier calliper
! lapping wheel
! washer for M10, M16, M24
In case of very great safety valves (SKB X, Y and Z) it is possible that there are other parts or
parts arrangements than described in this operating instruction because of special design
conditions. Please observe special, order specific assembly drawing.
5.4 Utilities
! Lapping abrasive: Tetraboric carbide 180 - 1200, Wasels, Altena
! Lapping abrasive for disc out of material 1.4980: Diamond suspension 2 - 30 µm.
Mikrodiamant GmbH, Ostfildern
! Degreasant: Kaltron 113MDS/113MDK/113MDI35. Frigen 113TR-T.
Freon PCA/TF/T-P35/TA. Isopropyl alcohol with acetone, mixture 1 : 1.
! Lubricant for assembly (MoS2): Molykote-Spray, Dow Corning, Munich.
! Lubricant for assembly (Colloidal-Graphite) for parts in contact with the medium:
DAG156 Acheson, Ulm. Neolube 1, 2, Van Meeuven, NL-1380 AA Weesp.
! Only to facilitate assembling:
Lubricating grease for bearings, spindle thread, screws and the like:
Molykote-BR2plus (< 80 °C); BG20 (> 80 °C), Dow Corning, Munich;
Barrierta L55/2 (> 120 °C), Klüber, Munich, Mobilgrease Spec., Mobil Oil
! O-ring grease: DOW Corning, Munich
Attention: For oxygen application all parts in contact with the medium must be free
from oil and grease. Danger of explosion.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 13 of 25
Operating Instruction
Remove lead seal. Dismount cap (13). Remove split pin (29) and lifting nuts (12) or loosen and
remove checked lifting nuts (12). Measure and record distance between upper edge of spindle
(7) and tightening screw (11). Loosen lock nut (28) and release spring (10) by means of
tightening screw (11).
Loosen nuts (9.1) and lift off bonnet (8). Remove spring (10), cooling spacer (15) (if installed),
gasket (26), spindle (7) and guide bush (6). In case of VSR 1 and VSR 2 do not change
position of the adjusting ring (14); mark, if necessary. Remove disc (4) and ball (18); at orifice
letter SKB: D - W drive out dowel pin (19). The guide piston (5) will not be disassembled.
Dismount cap (13) with lever (36) only if necessary.
6 Assembly
For SKB D - W: fasten disc (4) and ball (18) by means of dowel pin (19) to the spindle (7).
Insert guide bush (6); for VSR 1 and VSR 2 observe marked position of the adjusting ring (14).
Insert disc (4), ball (18) and spindle (7). Put over cover (16) possibly with slide ring (43).
According to design put on cooling spacer (15), split ring (20), stop bush (21), distance bush
(22), pressure bush (23), spring stop (24), spring (10), spring plate (25) and roller bearing (48).
Put on bonnet (8) and screw tight with hexagonal nuts (9.1). Prestress spring (10) by means of
tightening screw (11) onto the same dimension as measured before disassembling; thus the
same set pressure as before. Secure tightening screw (11) with lock nut (28). Screw on two
lifting nuts (12) at the upper end of the spindle (7) and secure them or screw on lifting nuts (12)
and tighten with split pin (29).
Mount cap (13) and lead seal. Check easy motion and function of the lever (36) with fork (31).
If available, mount supplementary loading.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 14 of 25
Operating Instruction
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 15 of 25
Operating Instruction
9.1.1 Disc
Parts with flat seats are normally machine lapped.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 16 of 25
Operating Instruction
Allow boron carbide lapping emulsion (a mixture of grade 800 lapping powder and lapping oil)
to drip onto the constantly rotating lapping machine wheel. Load the items to be lapped into a
suitable locator that is set eccentrically to the table.
The lapping operation takes 15 to 20 minutes depending on the quality of the prepared sealing
surface. Afterwards the parts will be polished. In case of parts made of material 1.4980 the
parts will additionally polished on a tin plate with a diamond suspension; grain size 2 - 3. A
sight control and a test with an interference glass follow to check whether the surface is plane
and not convex or concave.
Grinding and/or lapping foils of different grain sizes are pasted onto a plain carrier wheel of the
machine. The prepared seating areas with 3.2 Ra roughness are alternately lapped with grain
sizes of 200-600-1000. After lapping with 200 grain size, there should be no visible tool marks.
The change takes place at intervals of about 1 minute. Lapping is carried out with oscillating
movements. Finally the seating area is cleaned and visually inspected.
9.2.1 Disc
Depending upon their size, lap the parts on glass plates or discs or rings made of grey cast
iron. Lapping abrasive: Tetra Bor lapping paste (grade 120 to 1200).
Up to a size of about 200 mm diameters lap the parts on the plates. In case of greater
diameters, use the part to be lapped as a pad and move the discs or rings. Thinly distribute the
lapping abrasive on one side and up a grain size > 400 additionally sprinkle it with oil drops.
Oscillatingly move the valve part or the lapping wheel with constant hand pressure. This
operation takes several minutes. Remove the paste with a cold cleaning and repeat the
procedure using progressively finer lapping paste. Finally a sight control follows.
Up to a size of approx. 200 mm diameter lap the discs with a mobile manual lapping machine
according to section 9.1.2.
Attention! Check body seats regularly to verify that the seat surfaces are still
rectangular to the body centre. If this is not the case, restore squareness by using a
flat grinding machine.
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 17 of 25
Operating Instruction
10 Declaration
Conformity Declaration
Pressure Device Safety Valves VSE, VSR
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 18 of 25
Operating Instruction
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 19 of 25
Operating Instruction
VSE 1, SKB S - Z
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 20 of 25
Operating Instruction
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 21 of 25
Operating Instruction
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 22 of 25
Operating Instruction
VSE 2, SKB S – Z
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 23 of 25
Operating Instruction
VSR 2 with adjusting ring (to SKB S) Accessory 110 cooling spacer
as spring protection at operating
temperatures between 400 °C and - 90 °C
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 24 of 25
Operating Instruction
Part Name
10.1 Weight
11.2 Guide screw
11.4 Distance pipe
11.6 Retaining ring
10.10.03 Ott/Sc
Erstellt / Created FM.271.01.1003 E
Angebot / Quotation
Geprüft / Checked Kommission, Pos. / Job-No., Item Blattnummer / Sheet-No. 25 of 25