MDSP Vol.003
MDSP Vol.003
MDSP Vol.003
3. A 6-spline shaft (d=0.85D, b=0.25D, t=0.0750) 19 medium plow steel wire rope arrying an
8800 Ib load is bent around a 25-in sheave if
and to slide when not under load has a diameter breaking strength of rope is 8.5 tons.
of 2.8-in. Determine the overall power 1.2 C. 2.0
transmitted if the shearing force is 2300 lbs and 0.2 D. 2.1
shaft rotates at 2600 rpm. Answer: C (2.0)
A. 775.6 hp C. 776.5 hp
B. 577.6 hp D. 677.5 hp 12. A wire rope is used with total load of 8500 kg
Answer: D (677.5 hp) and bending load of 55,000 kg. If bearing
strength of the rope is 120,000 kg, find the
4. An 1.50 diameter, 10-spline shaft (d=0.91D, factor of safety in the rope.
b=0.156D, t=0.045D) and permanent fir has a A. 5.6 C. 7.6
compressive force of 2000 Ibs. Find the total B. 4.6 D. 8.6
torque transmitted if the hub length is 1.75-in. Answer: C(7.6)
A. 32514 in-lb C. 23514 in-b
B. 52341 in-lb D. 14325 in-lb 13. A 6 x 19 IPS wire rope has a wire rope diameter
Answer: D (14325 in-Ib) of 1.75-in and sheave diameter of 60-in. Find
the equivalent bending load of the rope.
5. A 4-spline shaft (d=0.80D, b=0.25D, t=0.10D) A. 64151.7 ibs C. 63157.8 ibs
and to slide when not under load has a diameter B. 65418.3 Ibs D. 62135.6 lbs
of 2.5-in. Calculate the shearing stress if the Answer: A (64151.7 Ibs)
shearing force is 2400 lbs. The hub length is 2
in. 14. A 6x 19 IPS wire rope has a wire rope diameter
A. 480 psi C. 280 psi of 2-in and sheave diameter of 50-in. Find the
8. 380 psi D. 580 psi bending stress of the rope.
Answer: A (480 psi) A. 76500 psi C. 74500 psi
B. 75600 psi D. 75400 ps
6. A 2-in diameter, 6-spline shaft (d=0.90D, Answer: B (75600 psi)
b-0.25D, t=0.05D) and permanent fit has a
compressive force of 2200 lbs. Calculate the 15. A 6 x 19 IPS wire rope with rope diameter of
compressive stress for a hub length of 1.50-in. 2.5-in is to be used for hoisting. Find the weight
A. 4222.44 psi C. 4442.44 psi of the rope if the depth of the mine hoist is 110
B. 2444.44 psi D. 2244.44 psi
Answer: B (2444.44 psi) A. 3564.9 lbs C. 3256.9 lbs
B. 3625.9 lbs D. 3562.9 lbs
7. The transmisslon gears of an automobille are Answer: D (3562.9 Ibs)
carried on a 2.5-In, 6-spline shaft (d=0.80D,
w=0.25D, h=0.100) to sllde when under load. 16. A helical spring is made by wrapplng steel wire
The hub length of each gear is 1-5/8-in. 20 mm diameter around a forming cylinder 160
Determine the total horsepower transmitted at mm in diameter. Calculate the elongation of the
3000 rpm, with 820 psi permissible pressure on spring without exceeding a shearing stress of
the spllnes. 150 MPa if it is composed of 20 turns. Let
A. 701 hp C. 107 hp G-80,000MPa.
B. 017 hp D. 710 hp A. 124.7 mm C. 127.5 mnm
Answer: C (107 hp) B. 129.7 mm D. 127.4 mm
Answer: D (127.4 mm)
8. Find the probable bending load and equivalent
bending In a 2-in, 6 x 7 steel rope made from 17. Compute the deflection of a 20 coils helical
0.090-In wlre, when it is used on an 85-In spring having a load of 120 kg. The modulus of
sheave. elasticlty In shear of spring is 95 GPa, OD of 9.5
18913.9 Ibs C. 19523.9 Ibs cm and wire dlameter of 9.5 mm. The spring Is
B. 12698.3 Ibs D. 19312.9 lbs squared and ground ends.
Answer D (19312.9 Ibs) A. 167.4 mm C. 164.7 mm
B. 4.5 hp D. 2.5 hp
Answer: C (78.4 mm) Answer: D (2.5 hp)
36. A leaf spring is made of 4-in wide 45. What is the working stress of
a 40 mm diameter
15-in and thickness of 0.20-in. The
bolt whlch is screwed up tightly in a packed joint
length of
spring has three full-length and six graduated when the working strength is 12
leaves. If the central load carried is 1200 lb, find A. 32358 psi C. 32258 psi
the deflection. B. 35328 psi D. 52328 psi
A. 1.21 in C. 2.22 in
Answer: C (32258 psi)
B. 1.22 inD. 1.11 In
Answer: A (1.21 in) screw has a lead of 25 mm. Find
46. A triple thread
the number of thread per inch.
37. A leaf spring is made of 3.5-in wide with A. 0.348 thread per inch
effective length of 18-In and thickness of 0.3-in. B. 3.048 thread per inch
The spring has two full-length and five C. 0.483 thread per inch
graduated leaves. If the central load carried D. 3.480 thread per inch
600 lbs, find the maximum stress for the leaves. Answer: B (3.048 thread per inch)
A. 19285.7 psi C. 19278.5 psi
B. 19587.6 psl D. 19456.23 psl of 70%
47. A square thread screw has an efficiency
Answer: A (19285.7 psi) thread is 0.10 and collar friction
when friction of
is negligible. Find the lead angle, in deg.
Transmisslon gears of an automobile are carried on
A. 14.3 deg C. 15.3 deg
2.25-in, 10-spline shaft (d=0.81D, b=0.156, t=0.095D) B. 16.3 deg D. 12.3 deg
and slide when under load. The hub length of each gear
850 psi Answer: A (14.3 deg)
is 1-5/8-in. It transmits at 2800 rpm with
on the spline. Determine:
permissible pressure 48. A square thread power Screw has a pitch
38. Area under compression in the spline diameter of 1.8 and lead of 1-in. Neglecting
A. 3.047 in2 C. 0.347 in2
D. 0.473 in collar friction, compute the coefficient of friction
B. 4.374 in2
for the threads if the screw efficiency is 65%.
Answer: C (0.347 in2) A. 0.90803 C. 0.80903
B. 0.09083 D. 0.30980
39. The compressive force per spline
C. 592.3 Ibs Answer: B (0.09083)
A. 954.3 lbs
B. 259.3 Ibs D. 295.3 Ibs 49. A cylinder head of a steam engine is held on by
Answer: D (295.3 Ibs) 16 bolts. The effective diameter of the cylinder
is 40 cm and the steam pressure is 9 kg/cm-.
40. Total horsepower Assuming that the bolts are not initially stressed,
A. 911.5 hp C. 511.5 hp find the diameter of each of the bolts if the
B. 119.5 hp D. 519.5 hp tensile stress is not to exceed 250 kg/cms
Answer: B (119.5 hp) A. 19.87 mm C. 17.98 mm
41. A cylinder head of a steam engine is held on by B. 18.97 mm D. 17.87 mm
16 botts. The effective diameter of the cylinder Answer: B (18.97 mm)
is 40 cm and the steam pressure is 9 kg/cm-.
50. An eyebolt is lifting a block weighing 580 lbs.
Assuming that the bolts are not initially stressed, The eyeboit is of SAE C 1040 material with
find the diameter of each of the bolts if Su=68 ksi and Sy=65 ksi, what is the stress
tensile stress is not to exceed 250 kg/cm2.
area (in inches square) of the bolt if it is under
A. 18.97 mm C. 97.18 mm
the unified coarse serles thread?
B. 81.97 mm D. 81.79 mm
A. 0.1271 in2 C. 0.1371 in2
Answer: A (18.97 mm) B. 0.1471 in2 D. 0.1571 in2
580 Ibs. Answer: C (0.1371 in)
42. An eyebolt is lifting a block weighing
SAE C 1040 material with
The eyebolt is of
stress 51. Compute the diameter of a set screw required to
Su=68 ksi and Sy=65 ksl, what is the transmit 8 HP at shaft speed of 850 rpm. The
area (in inches square) of the
bolt if it is under
the unifled coarse series thread? shaft dlameter is 2-in.
A. 0.1271 in2 C. 0.1371 in2 A. 0.3315 In C. 0.1335 In
B. 0.1471 in2 D. 0.1571 in2 B. 0.1553 in D. 0.5331 in
Answer: D (0.5331 in)
Answer: C (0.1371 in)
set screw requlred to 52. What is the friction horsepower acting on a
43. Compute the dlameter of a collar loaded with 600 kg welght? The collar has
transmit 8 HP at a shaft speed of 850 rpm. The
shaft diameter is 2-in. an outside radius of 110 mm and 80 mm inslde
radius. The coefficient of friction of the collar is
0.4331 in C. 0.5113 in
B. 0.5331 in D. 0.4332 in 0.2. Assume the speed is 160 rpm.
A. 5.2 hp C. 2.4 hp
Answer: B (0.5331)
B. 2.3 hp D. 2.5 hp
Answer: D (2.5 hp)
44. What is the friction horsepower acting on
collar loaded with 600 kg welght? The collar
mm inside 53. What is the working stress of a 40 mm diameter
an outside radius of 110 mm and 80
bolt which Is screwed up tightly in a packed joint
radlus. The coefficlent of friction of the collar is
0.2. Assume the speed is 160 rpm. when the working strength is 12 tons?
C. 1.5 hp A. 22538 psi C. 32258 psi
A. 3.5 hp
B. 22853 psi D. 58223 psi B. 2 hp D. 5 hp
Answer: C (32258 psi) Answer: B (2 hp)
54. A triple thread screw has a lead of 25 mm. Find the 63. The cylinder head of ammonia compressor
and flange pressure of 100
number of thread per inch. gasket are of 90 cm
Find the torque applied on the bolt if
A. 3.048 thread per inch kg/cm2, and
B. 4.038 thread per inch the nominal diameter of bolt used is 3/5-in
there are 6 bolts.
C. 5.048 thread per Inch
D. 6.0384 thread per inch A. 793 in-lbs C. 739 in-lbs
B. 397 in-Ibs D. 973 in-lbs
Answer: A (3.048 thread per inch)
Answer: B (397 in-lbs)
55. A square thread screw has an efficiency of 70%
when friction of thread is 0.10 and collar friction 64. A 14 cm x18 cm air compressor has 6 bolts on
cylinder head with yield stress of 450 MPa. If
is negligible. Find the lead angle, in deg. the
A. 15.3 deg C. 13.4 deg the bolt stress area is 0.14 in, calculate
maximum pressure inside the cylinder.
3. 14.3 deg D. 12.3 deg
A. 341.3 psi C. 134.3 psi
Answer: B (14.3 deg)
B. 431.3 psl D. 143.3 psl
56. A square thread power screw has pltch dlarmeter Answer: D (143.3 psl)
of 1.8 and lead of 1-n. Neglecting collar frictlon, to
65. Determine the diameter of the bolt required
Compute the coefficlent af friction for threads if if the worklng strength of the
the screw efficiency is 65%. tightly pack joint
of 7 mm and mean diameter of 35 mm. If it is shock load of 1.30 and the adjustect horsepower
used to lift a load of 30 kN and coefficient of capacity of V-belt are 5 hp. Determine the
friction of thread is 0.18, find the torque number of belts required.
required to turn the screw. A 8 belts C. 7 belts
A. 0.1924 kN-m C. 0.1492 kN-m B. 6 belts D. 9 belts
B. 0.1249 kN-m D. 0.1294 kN-m Answer: D (9 belts)
Answer: D (0.1294 kN-m)
71. A 3/8-in ffat belt is 12-in wide and is used in 28-
62. The total torque required to turn the power in diameter pulley rotating at 700 rprm. The
screw is 55 N-m. If the linear speed of screw is specific weight of belt ís 0.038 Ib/ina, The angle
of contact is 160 deg. If coefficient of friction is
8 f/min and lead of 9 mm, determine the
0.32 and stress is 380 psl, how much power can
horsepower input of the power screw. it deliver?
A. 3 hp C. 4 hp
12 cm diameter
connected puleys has distance is 60
81. A belt If the center
C. 112.4 hp diameter. smaller
A. 113.4 hp and 35 cm
of contact of the
B. 112.3 hp D. 114.3 hp find the angle
Answer: D (114.3 hp) pulley. C. 178 deg
A. 168 deg
of an open belt to
D. 138 deg
72. Determine the belt length B. 158 deg
and 14 cm diameter pulley at Answer: B (158 deg))
connect 8 cm
center distance of 50 cm. c o n n e c t e d 310
transmitted in a belt
A. 136.98 cm C. 198.36 cm 82. The torque 5 kN-m. Find the power
diameter pulley is
B. 163.98 cm D. 189.36
cm mm 25 m/s.
if belt speed
Answer: A (136.98 cm) driving the pulley C. 706.52 kW
608.5 kWV
A D. 708.5 kW
on the small pulley for B. 806.5 kw
73. Find the angle of contact 75-In. If Answer: B (806.5 kW)
belt drive with center distance of
and 8-in, respectively. driving a
pulley diameters are 9-in pulley turning
at 650 rpm is
A. 137.12 deg C. 173.12 deg A 10 m If the total belt
83. m e a n s of belt.
B. 127.12 deg D. 147.12 deg9 24 cm pulley by the driving gear.
is 6%, find the speed of
Answer: C (173.12 deg) slip
C. 523.8 rpm
A. 352.8 rpm
D. 253.8 rpm
has an elastomer envelop B. 852.3 rpm
74. A nylon-core flat belt belt Answer: D (253.8 rpm)
wide and transmíts 70 kw at a
200 mn
is used in a crossed
speed of 30 m/s.
The belt
diameter length of an open belt to
connect a 280 mm the belt
Configuration to 84. Determine
cm diameter pulley at
910 mm diameter
connect the 5 cm
and 10
driving pulley to a
of 5 cm. Calculate the distance of 75 cm.
pulley at a shaft spacing a center :
belt length and the angles
of wrap. A. 471.3 cm C.174.3cm
D. 417.3 cm
94.11 m, 613.9 deg 714.3 cmn
A. 12.94m, 169.6 degC. B.
14.94 391.6 degD.11.94 m, 193.6 deg Answer: C (9174.3 cm)
B. m,
Answer: D (11.94 m, 193.6 deg) small pulley for
contact on the
Find the angle bf if
tensions based on a coefficient
85. with center distance
of 73-in
a belt drive
75. Compute the belt are 7-in and 14-in, respectively.
of friction of 0.35 pulley diameters
2.03 kN, 4.36 kN 174 deg C. 471 deg e 81)- 7S
A. 1.03 kN, 3.36 kNC. A.
D. 4.03 kN, 5.46 kN D. 374 deg
B. 3.03 kN, 4.46 kN B. 274 deg
Answer: A1.03 kN, 3.36 kN) Answer: A (174 de9
13.5 ft/sec D. 12 fYsec
Answer: A (15.5 ft/sec)
320 kw
98. An 80-mm diameter shaft is transmitting
at 620 rpm. A solkd coupling has six, 18 mm
diameter bolts. Calculate the required bolt circle
of the coupting based on the average shearing , t
stress of 4O MPa In the bolts.
A. 262.4 mm C. 161.4 mm
B. 363.4 mm D. 464.4 mm
Answer: C (161.4 mm)