Zambia: 2000 Census of Population and Housing

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Republic of Zambia

Central Statistical Office

P.O. Box 31908

November, 2003
Summary Report

for the

2000 Census of

and Housing
Central Statistical Office
P.O. Box 31908

e-mail: [email protected]

Designed and Published by Desktop Publishing Unit, CSO – Lusaka


The 2000 Census of Population and Housing was undertaken from 16th
October to 15th November, 2000. This was the fourth census since
Independence in 1964. The other three were carried out in 1969, 1980 and
1990. The 2000 Census operations were undertaken with the use of Grade
11 pupils as enumerators, Primary School Teachers as supervisors,
Professionals from within Central Statistical Office and other government
departments being as Trainers and Management Staff. Professionals and
Technical Staff of the Central Statistical Office were assigned more technical
and professional tasks.

Summary results are presented in this report. These include population

counts up to ward level. Growth rates and densities are also shown. Detailed
analytical and specialised reports show other indicators such as life
expectancy, child mortality, fertility, migration, housing indicators,
education, demographic structures and economic activity.

The success of the Census accrues to the dedicated support and involvement
of a large number of institutions and individuals. My sincere thanks go to
Co-operating partners namely the British Government, the Japanese
Government, the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Norwegian
Government, the Dutch Government, the Finnish Government, the Danish
Government, the German Government, University of Michigan, the United
Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Canadian
Government for providing financial, material and technical assistance which
enabled the Central Statistical Office carry out the Census.

Finally, we would like to show gratitude to the people of Zambia for co-
operating in providing the valuable information, to the enumerators,
supervisors, master trainers, provincial census officers, district census
officers and to all others who contributed to the collection, processing and
compilation of this valuable information in one way or another.

2000 Census Summary Report ii

Dr. Buleti G. Nsemukila
Director of Census and Statistics

November, 2003

2000 Census Summary Report iii

Table of Contents

Preface .......................................................................................................................ii

Contents ...................................................................................................................iii

List of Tables ....................................................................................................iv

List of Figures ...........................................................................................................v

List of Maps

List of Annexes ....................................................................................................... vii

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1

2. Overview of Population Results .......................................................................... 1

3. Percent Distribution of Population and Population Density ............................ 7

4. Provincial Population Patterns ............................................................................ 8

4.1 Central Province ....................................................................................... 8

4.2 Copperbelt province ................................................................................ 8
4.3 Eastern Province ....................................................................................... 9
4.4 Luapula Province ...................................................................................... 9
4.5 Lusaka Province........................................................................................ 9
4.6 Northern Province .................................................................................. 10
4.7 North-Western Province ........................................................................ 10
4.8 Southern Province .................................................................................. 10
4.9 Western Province .................................................................................... 10

5. Summary ............................................................................................................ 11

Annexes .................................................................................................................. 12

2000 Census Summary Report iv

2000 Census Summary Report v
List of Tables
Table 1. Population Size and Growth Rates by Province, 1980-2000 ................. 6

Table 2. Percent Distribution of Population and Population Density by

Province and Census Year, 1980, 1990 and 2000 ................................. 8

2000 Census Summary Report vi

List of Figures
Figure 1: Percent Distribution of Population by Province, 2000 Census ............ 7

Figure 2: Average Annual Inter-censal Population Growth Rates, 1980 -

2000 ......................................................................................................................... 7

Figure 3: Percent Distribution of Population by Province, 1980-200 Census .... 8

Figure 4: Population Density by Province, 1980 - 2000 ...................................... 8

2000 Census Summary Report vii

List of Maps

Map 1: Provincial Population Growth Rates (1990 - 2000) ................................. 2

Map 2: Population Growth Rates by District (1990 - 2000) ................................ 3

Map 3: Provincial Population Density (1990 - 2000) ........................................... 4

Map 4: District Population Density (1990 - 2000) ............................................... 5

2000 Census Summary Report viii

List of Annexes

Annex 1:Population Size and Average Annual Growth Rates by District,

Province and Census Year ........................................................................ 12

Annex 2: Population by Sex, District, Province and Percent Distribution .......... 14

Annex 3: Households and Population Distribution by Province, District,

Constituency and Ward; ........................................................................ 16

Annex 4: Key Persons Involved in the 2000 Census Analysis ............................ 42

Annex 5: 2000 Census of Population and Housing Questionnaire (Form A) ..... 43

Annex 6: 2000 Census of Population and Housing Questionnaire (Form B) ..... 45

2000 Census Summary Report ix

2000 Census Summary Report x
1. Introduction questionnaire (Form A) was
administered to either the head of
The 2000 Census of Population and the household or any other
Housing was carried out from 16th knowledgeable adult member of
October, to 15th November, 2000. the household in cases where the
The Census enumeration was head was not available. Detailed
conducted by a team of about information about a person was
30,000 staff. Census enumerators collected using Form B. This
visited all buildings in Zambia questionnaire was administered to
whether completed, incomplete, every individual member of the
abandoned, habitable and household who was present.
inhabitable for the purpose of Where the individual was too young
identifying characteristics of all to answer questions on their own
buildings, households and other or was not found at home, any
human aspects. All persons who adult with sufficient knowledge
lived in the buildings were counted. about the person not available
Persons who were present at the answered questions on their
time of the enumerator’s visit were behalf. In some cases, Form B
counted directly while those who could not be administered because
were absent were enumerated by even potential proxy respondents
proxy, that is, reported as persons did not have sufficient information
who lived there but were absent. about the persons not available.
More information was collected for
persons who were present than 2. Overview of Population Results
those who were absent.
The population count from the
Two different questionnaires, Form 2000 Census of Population and
A and Form B (Annex 4 and 5) were Housing for Zambia is 9,885,591
used to collect information during as at 25th October 2000 (Census
the Census. Form A was used to date). Of the 9,885,591 persons,
collect information on people who 4,946,298 were males while
were members of the household as 4,939,293 were females.
well as visitors who spent the Copperbelt province has the largest
previous night with the household. population followed by Lusaka,
The information collected on Form Eastern, Northern and Southern
A included full names, sex and provinces. North-western province
membership status (whether they has the smallest population
were usual members of the followed by Western and Luapula
household or visitors). This
2000 Census Summary Report 1
Provinces (refer to Table 1 and
Figure 1 for details).

Table 1 shows that the average

annual intercensal growth rate for
Zambia between 1990 and 2000
censuses was 2.5 compared to 3.1
percent between the 1980 and
1990 censuses. This shows that
Zambia’s average annual
population growth rate declined by
19.4 percent between 1990 and
2000 censuses.

There has been a decline in growth

rate in all the provinces except for
Luapula province, which recorded
an increase. The lowest population
growth rate has been that of
Copperbelt province which declined
from 1.5 in 1980 –1990 intercensal
period to 0.8 percent in the 1990-
2000 intercensal period. The
highest population growth rates
have been in Lusaka (3.5 percent),
Luapula (3.2 percent) and Northern
province (3.1 percent).

2000 Census Summary Report 2

2000 Census Summary Report 3
2000 Census Summary Report 4
2000 Census Summary Report 5
2000 Census Summary Report 6
The growth rates for provinces are spontaneous settlement of
also shown in Maps 1 and 2 and in populations along the border areas
Figure 2. depending upon the vagaries of
weather, political and socio-
The population in districts in were economic situations on either side
to the international borders grew of the international boundaries.
by much higher rates. In Luapula Given the strife in Angola and the
province, Chiengi grew by 5.9 Democratic Republic of Congo,
percent, and Nchelenge by 4.3 there would be strong motivation
percent. In Northern province, for persons from those countries to
Kaputa grew by 5.0 percent, settle spontaneously in Zambian
Mungwi by 4.2 percent and villages along the border areas.
Nakonde by 4.2 percent;
Shang’ombo (Western) by 4.1 The growth rates of Copperbelt,
percent and Solwezi (North- Southern and Western Provinces are
Western) by 4.0 percent. These lower than the national average
average annual population growth with a deviation of –1.7, -0.2 and –
rates are as a result of other factors 0.7, respectively. The remaining six
such as spontaneous settlement by provinces have higher growth rates
populations from neighbouring compared to the national average
countries (refer to Annex 1). and deviations ranged from 0.2 in
Eastern province to 1.0 in Lusaka
Zambia and its eight neighbouring Province (See Table 1).
countries have a long history of

Table 1: Population Size and Growth Rates by Province, 1980-2000

Deviation from
National Average
Province 2000 Population by Sex Average Annual Intercensal Annual Intercensal
Population Growth Rates Population Growth
Male Female Total 80 - 90 - 00 % Change 80 - 90 90 -00
Central 510,501 501,756 1,012,257 4.2 2.8 -33.3 1.1 0.3
Copperbelt 799,402 781,819 1,581,221 1.5 0.8 -46.7 -1.6 -1.7
Eastern 648,676 657,497 1,306,173 4.4 27 -38.6 1.3 0.2
Luapula 387,825 387,528 775,353 2.9 3.2 10.3 -0.2 0.7
Lusaka 705,778 685,551 1,391,329 3.7 3.5 -5.4 0.6 1.0
Northern 629,976 628,720 1,258,696 3.2 3.1 -3.1 0.1 0.6
North-Western 290,856 292,494 583,350 3.8 2.9 -23.7 0.7 0.4
Southern 601,440 610,684 1,212,124 3.7 2.3 -37.8 0.6 -0.2
Western 371,844 393,244 765,088 2.8 1.8 -35.7 -0.3 -0.7

2000 Census Summary Report 7

Zambia 4,946,298 4,939,293 9,885,591 3.1 2.5 -19.4 - -

2000 Census Summary Report 8

Figure 1: Percent Distribution of Population by Population Density is herein defined as
Province, 2000 Census
the number of people per square
Western Central kilometre. Table 2 shows area, percent
Southern 8% 10%
Copperbelt distribution of population and
population density by province and
North- 16%

census year. The area of Zambia is


Northern Eastern
752,612 square kilometres. Among
Lusaka Luapula
the provinces, Northern Province has
14% 8%
the largest area of 147,826 square
kilometres while Lusaka has the
smallest with 21,896 square
Figure 2: Average Annual Intercensal Population
Growth Rates, 1980-2000
The percent distribution of Population
5 has been declining in Copperbelt and
Western Provinces, while it has been
2 increasing in Central, Eastern, Luapula,
Lusaka, Northern and North-western
Provinces. Copperbelt Province has























currently the largest share of the




1980-1990 1990-2000 population with 16.0 percent followed

by Lusaka Province with 14.1 and
Eastern Province with 13.2 percent.
The population growth rate for
Northern Province has the fourth
Copperbelt Province has been low. It
largest share with 12.7 followed by
was anticipated in 1990 that most
Southern Province with 12.3 percent,
people who would leave the
Central Province with 10.2 percent,
Copperbelt Province as a result of the
Luapula Province with 7.8 percent and
slow economic activity would migrate
Western Province with 7.7 percent.
to their places of origin. This seems to
North-western Province has the
have happened. The high rates in
smallest share with 5.9 percent (Refer
Northern and Luapula provinces could
to Figures 1, 2 and 3) and Table 2 for
partly be due to high rates of return
migration from the Copperbelt
Province. Lusaka may have also been
The most densely populated province
affected by an inflow of people from
in Zambia is Lusaka whose density has
the Copperbelt province.
increased from 31.6 in 1980 to 45.1 in
1990 and to 63.5 persons per square
3. Percent Distribution of
kilometre in 2000. The second most
Population and Population
densely populated province is
Copperbelt with a density of 50.5
persons per square kilometre. In the

2000 Census Summary Report 9

two previous Census years (1980 and
1990), the density of Copperbelt
province has been higher than that of
Lusaka province. North-western
Province has the least density of 4.6
persons per square kilometre. Details
are presented in Maps 3 and 4, Table
2 and Figure 4.

2000 Census Summary Report 10

Table 2: Percent Distribution of Population and Population Density by Province
and Census Year, 1980, 1990 and 2000

Percent Distribution of Population Population Density

Province Area
1980 1990 2000 1980 1990 2000
Central 94,394 9.0 9.9 10.2 5.4 7.6 10.7
Copperbelt 31,328 22.1 18.8 16.0 39.9 45.6 50.5
Eastern 69,106 11.5 12.9 13.2 9.4 13.9 18.9
Luapula 50,567 7.4 7.3 7.8 8.3 10.4 15.3
Lusaka 21,896 12.2 12.8 14.1 31.6 45.1 63.5
Northern 147,826 11.9 11.9 12.7 4.6 5.8 8.5
North Western 125,826 5.4 5.6 5.9 2.4 3.1 4.6
Southern 85,283 11.9 12.4 12.3 7.9 10.6 14.2
Western 126,386 8.6 8.2 7.7 3.9 4.8 6.1
Total 752,612 100.0 100.0 100.0 7.5 9.8 13.1

Figure 3: Percent Distribution of Population by persons of whom 50.4 percent

Province, 1980-2000
were males and 49.6 percent
25 are females. The population
15 growth rate for central province
5 declined from 4.2 percent in the
1980-1990 intercensal to 2.8 in












1990 – 2000 period; a decline












of 33.3 percent. Chibombo

1980 1990 2000

District has the largest share of

Source: Census 1980, 1990 & 2000 the population in the province
with 24.1 percent of the
Figure 4: Population Density by Province, 1980-2000
province followed by Kapiri
70 Mposhi District with 19.2
50 percent. Kabwe District

30 comprises 17.5 percent of the
province′s population, Mumbwa
District 15.7 percent, Serenje





















District has 13.1 percent and



1980 1990 2000 Mkushi District has 10.6

Source: Census 1980, 1990 & 2000

Kabwe and Mumbwa districts

4. Provincial Population Patterns have growth rates of less than 1
percent. Kabwe district grew at
4.1 Central Province the rate of 0.5 percent in the
intercensal period of 1990-
Central Province had a 2000. Kapiri Mposhi district has
population of 1,012,257 the highest growth rate of 5.8

2000 Census Summary Report 11

percent followed by Chibombo
district with 4.3 percent. 4.3 Eastern Province
Mkushi has a growth rate of 3.4
percent while Serenje district Eastern Province had a
has 2.1 percent. population of 1,306,173. Of
this population, 49.7 percent
4.2 Copperbelt Province were males and 50.3 percent
were females. Eastern province
The population for Copperbelt is growing at an average annual
Province was 1,581,221. Of this growth rate of 2.7 percent. The
population 50.6 percent were average annual population
males and 49.4 percent were growth rate declined by 38.6
females. The growth rate for the percent from 4.4 percent in the
province is 0.8 percent. Kitwe 1980-1990 intercensal period.
District has the largest
population in the province with The average annual population
23.8 percent. This is closely growth rates for Petauke and
followed by Ndola district with Mambwe were 1.7 and 1.6
23.7 percent. Lufwanyama percent, in the 1990-2000
District has the smallest intercensal period, respectively,
population at 4.0 percent of the whereas all other districts in the
total population followed by province grew at a rate of above
Mpongwe at 4.1 percent. 2 percent. A further Look at the
1980-1990 inter-censal
Six districts have had growth average growth rate for the
rates of less than 1 percent. province shows that the average
Population in Mufulira District annual population growth rate
decreased at an average annual for Petauke ( which was split
growth rate of 0.6 percent per into Nyimba and Petauke in
annum in the 1990 – 2000 1993) was 5.2 percent, 0.8
intercensal period. percent above the provincial
growth rate (CSO, 1995:36). It
Mpongwe District has the is probable that the two
highest growth rate of 5.2 districts lost populations to
percent followed by Mozambique after peace was
Lufwanyama at 2.0 percent, achieved in that country.
Masaiti at 1.2 percent and Petauke was settled by refugees
Ndola at 1.1 Percent. The rest and spontaneous settlers from
of the districts have less than 1 Mozambique in the 1980-1990
percent growth rates, with inter-censal period.
Mufulira recording a decline (-
0.6 percent). 4.4 Luapula Province

2000 Census Summary Report 12

Lusaka with 3.6 percent. Kafue
The population for Luapula district has a growth rate of 2.5
province was 775,353 persons. percent while Luangwa has the
Of this population, 50.0 percent lowest growth rate of 1.1
were males and the other 50.0 percent.
percent were females. In the
1990 – 2000 intercensal period, More than three quarters (78
the population for Luapula percent) of the provincial
Province had been growing at population is in Lusaka district
an annual growth rate of 3.2 (1,084,703). Chongwe district
percent. The growth rate has 9.9 percent, Kafue district
increased from 2.9 percent has 10.8 percent, while
between 1980-1990, an Luangwa district has 1.4
increase of about 10.3 percent. percent.
The district growth rates vary 4.6 Northern Province
considerably from 1.9 percent
in Kawambwa to 5.9 percent in Northern Province had a
Chiengi, which had the highest population of 1,258,696 of
annual growth rate in the whom 50.0 percent were males
province. Mansa, Milenge and and 50.0 percent were females.
Nchelenge districts had 3.1, 3.7 The population has increased
and 4.3 percent growth rates from 925,865 in 1990. This
respectively, while Mwense and indicates an annual population
Samfya districts had 2.1 and growth rate of 3.1 percent
3.1, annual percent growth which is the third highest after
rates, respectively. Lusaka (3.5 percent) and
Luapula (3.2 percent). Among
4.5 Lusaka Province the districts in the province,
Luwingu has the lowest
The population for Lusaka population growth rate at 1.1
province increased from percent while Kaputa has the
991,226 in 1990 to 1,391,329 highest at 5.0 percent.
in 2000. This gives an annual Mpulungu had second highest
population growth rate of 3.5 at 4.3 percent.
percent. The growth rate has
increased slightly from 2.7 Kasama district has the largest
percent in the 1980 – 1990 share of population in the
intercensal period and has now province with 13.6 percent
the highest growth rate in the followed by Mbala with 11.9
country. Chongwe district has percent. Mpika is third largest
the highest annual growth rate with 11.6 percent.
of 3.7 percent, followed by

2000 Census Summary Report 13

4.7 North-western Province intercensal period 1990-2000
was 2.3 percent. There has
The population for North- been a decline in the growth
western Province increased rate from 3.7 percent in the
from 438,216 in 1990 to 1980 to 1990 period. Among
583,350 in 2000. This gives an the districts of the province,
average annual population Siavonga has the highest
growth rate of 2.9 percent. The population growth rate of 4.6
population growth rate declined percent, followed by Kazungula
from 3.8 percent between with 4.2 percent. Itezhi-tezhi
1980-90 to 2.9 percent in the had a growth rate of 3.2
1990-2000 period. percent, while Namwala had a
rate of 3.0 percent and that of
Kasempa district had the Kalomo is 2.9 percent. The
highest annual population population growth rate for
growth rate of 5.8 percent Gwembe district was minus 1.5
followed by Solwezi at 4.0 percent and this is the lowest
percent, Zambezi 2.4 percent, growth rate in the province.
Mwinilunga at 2.3 percent,
Kabompo at 2.1 percent, 4.9 Western Province
Mufumbwe at 1.7 percent and
Chavuma at 0.7 percent. The population for Western
Province increased from
Solwezi district had the largest 638,756 in 1990 to 765,088 in
share of the provincial 2000. The average annual
population with 34.9 percent growth rate for the province
followed by Mwinilunga with was 1.8 percent, a decline from
20.1 percent. Chavuma has the 2.8 percent in the previous
with 5.1 percent. Mufumbwe intercensal period of 1980 to
and Kasempa districts have 1990, representing a 35.7
percentage shares of 12.2 and percent decline.
7.5 percent, respectively.
4.8 Southern Province Among the districts,
Shang’ombo has the highest
Southern Province had a rate of growth at 4.1 percent
population of 1,212,124 of followed by Kaoma at 3.4
whom 49.6 percent were males percent. Kalabo and Senanga
and 50.4 were percent females. have growth rates of 1.0
The population increased from percent, each, while that of
965,591 in 1990.The average Sesheke was 1.3 percent and
annual population growth rate Lukulu was 2.4 percent.
for the province over the

2000 Census Summary Report 14

Kaoma and Mongu districts Lusaka Province has the highest
have the largest share of average population growth rate of
population with 21.2 percent, 3.5 percent followed by Luapula
each. Lukulu district has the (3.2 percent) and Northern (3.1
smallest with 8.9 percent. percent). The lowest growth rate is
in Copperbelt (0.8 percent)
followed by Western at 1.8 percent.

The lowest average annual

population growth rate among
5. Summary districts is that of Gwembe in
Southern Province with minus 1.5
The population of Zambia has percent followed by that of
increased from 7.8 million in 1990 Mufulira in Copperbelt Province
to 9.9 million persons in 2000. with minus 0.6 percent. The
This gives an average annual highest growth rate is that of
growth rate of 2.5 percent. Of the Chienge in Luapula Province at 5.9
current population, 50 percent are percent, closely followed by that of
males and another 50 percent are Kapiri Mposhi in Central Province
females. and Kasempa in North-western
Province, at 5.8 percent in each

2000 Census Summary Report 15

Annex 1
Population Size and Average Annual Growth Rates by District, Province and Census

Average Annual Growth Rate

1990 Population 2000 Population

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

Chibombo 78,818 79,564 158,382 121,948 119,664 241,612 4.5 4.2 4.3
Kabwe 85,398 83,628 169,026 89,003 87,755 176,758 0.4 0.5 0.5
Kapiri Mposhi 55,503 55,259 110,762 98,558 96,194 194,752 5.9 5.7 5.8
Mkushi 38,863 37,884 76,747 54,628 52,810 107,438 3.5 3.4 3.4
Mumbwa 73,467 75,460 148,927 79,795 79,066 158,861 0.8 0.5 0.7
Serenje 53,181 54,793 107,974 66,569 66,267 132,836 2.3 1.9 2.1
Total 385,230 386,588 771,818 510,501 501,756 1,012,257 2.9 2.6 2.8

Chililabombwe 33,202 32,016 65,218 34,391 33,142 67,533 0.4 0.4 0.4
Chingola 85,642 83,357 168,999 86,928 85,098 172,026 0.2 0.2 0.2
Kalulushi 35,622 33,975 69,597 38,786 37,020 75,806 0.9 0.9 0.9
Kitwe 175,812 171,212 347,024 189,650 186,474 376,124 0.8 0.9 0.8
Luanshya 74,166 70,649 144,815 74,963 72,945 147,908 0.1 0.3 0.2
Lufwanyama 26,725 25,020 51,745 32,198 30,987 63,185 1.9 2.2 2.0
Masaiti 42,309 42,522 84,831 48,892 46,689 95,581 1.5 0.9 1.2
Mpongwe 19,578 19,140 38,718 32,846 31,525 64,371 5.3 5.1 5.2
Mufulira 77,067 75,668 152,735 72,526 71,404 143,930 -0.6 -0.6 -0.6
Ndola 169,396 165,381 334,777 188,222 186,535 374,757 1.1 1.2 1.1
Total 739,519 718,940 1,458,459 799,402 781,819 1,581,221 0.8 0.8 0.8

Chadiza 33,183 33,498 66,681 42,204 41,777 83,981 2.4 2.2 2.3
Chama 27,150 28,022 55,172 37,025 37,865 74,890 3.2 3.1 3.1
Chipata 128,705 132,395 261,100 183,352 184,187 367,539 3.6 3.4 3.5
Katete 70,374 73,578 143,952 94,148 95,102 189,250 3.0 2.6 2.8
Lundazi 88,869 90,545 179,414 117,277 119,556 236,833 2.8 2.8 2.8
Mambwe 29,139 30,877 60,016 23,699 23,677 70,425 2.4 2.0 2.2
Nyimba 18,780 19,520 38,300 34,824 35,601 47,376 1.8 1.4 1.6
Petauke 96,709 103,349 200,058 116,147 119,732 235,879 1.9 1.5 1.7
Total 492,909 511,784 1,004,693 648,676 657,497 1,306,173 2.8 2.5 2.7

Chiengi 23,297 23,993 47,290 41,979 41,845 83,824 6.1 5.7 5.9
Kawambwa 41,753 43,554 85,307 50,708 51,795 102,503 2.0 1.8 1.9
Mansa 65,278 67,222 132,500 89,629 90,120 179,749 3.2 3.0 3.1
Milenge 9,847 10,198 20,045 14,449 14,341 28,790 3.9 3.5 3.7
Mwense 42,700 43,626 86,326 52,479 53,280 105,759 2.1 2.0 2.1
Nchelenge 36,369 36,392 72,761 56,343 54,776 111,119 4.5 4.2 4.3
Samfya 58,978 61,286 120,264 82,238 81,371 163,609 3.4 2.9 3.1
Total 278,222 286,271 564,493 387,825 387,528 775,353 3.4 3.1 3.2

Chongwe 48,021 47,717 95,738 70,211 67,250 137,461 3.9 3.5 3.7
Kafue 59,668 57,686 117,354 77,001 73,216 150,217 2.6 2.4 2.5
Luangwa 8,363 8,707 17,070 9,546 9,402 18,948 1.3 0.8 1.1
Lusaka 382,652 378,412 761,064 549,020 535,683 1,084,703 3.7 3.5 3.6
Total 498,704 492,522 991,226 705,778 685,551 1,391,329 3.5 3.4 3.5

Chilubi 21,349 23,001 44,350 32,936 33,402 66,338 4.4 3.8 4.1
Chinsali 44,567 45,212 89,779 64,362 64,284 128,646 3.7 3.6 3.7
Isoka 40,265 42,298 82,563 49,428 49,891 99,319 2.1 1.7 1.9
Kaputa 26,844 26,559 53,403 44,556 42,677 87,233 5.2 4.9 5.0

2000 Census Summary Report 16

Average Annual Growth Rate
1990 Population 2000 Population

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

Kasama 61,979 63,513 125,492 85,070 85,859 170,929 3.2 3.1 3.1
Luwingu 35,367 36,797 72,164 40,612 40,146 80,758 1.4 0.9 1.1
Mbala 55,285 55,695 110,980 75,085 74,549 149,634 3.1 3.0 3.0
Mpika 60,812 62,287 123,099 73,151 73,045 146,196 1.9 1.6 1.7
Mporokoso 26,979 27,909 54,888 36,975 36,954 73,929 3.2 2.9 3.0
Mpulungu 22,114 22,419 44,533 34,292 33,310 67,602 4.5 4.0 4.3
Mungwi 37,019 37,716 74,735 56,200 56,777 112,977 4.3 4.2 4.2
Nakonde 24,285 25,594 49,879 37,309 37,826 75,135 4.4 4.0 4.2
Total 456,865 469,000 925,865 629,976 628,720 1,258,696 3.3 3.0 3.1

Chavuma 13,237 14,707 27,944 14,815 15,126 29,941 1.1 0.3 0.7
Mufumbwe 12,312 12,839 25,151 35,286 35,952 71,238 2.0 1.5 1.7
Kabompo 29,090 31,074 60,164 25,810 26,094 51,904 2.3 1.9 2.1
Kasempa 20,570 21,691 42,261 21,875 22,127 44,002 5.9 5.6 5.8
Mwinilunga 45,799 48,142 93,941 58,543 58,962 117,505 2.5 2.1 2.3
Solwezi 67,270 70,458 137,728 102,241 101,556 203,797 4.3 3.7 4.0
Zambezi 24,548 26,479 51,027 32,286 32,677 64,963 2.8 2.1 2.4
Total 212,826 225,390 438,216 290,856 292,494 583,350 3.2 2.6 2.9

Choma 83,288 87,399 170,687 100,791 104,107 204,898 1.9 1.8 1.8
Gwembe 19,405 20,380 39,785 16,862 17,271 34,133 -1.4 -1.6 -1.5
Itezhi Tezhi 15,698 15,726 31,424 22,170 20,941 43,111 3.5 2.9 3.2
Kalomo 62,109 65,653 127,762 83,175 86,328 169,503 3.0 2.8 2.9
Kazungula 22,410 22,747 45,157 34,178 34,087 68,265 4.3 4.1 4.2
Livingstone 42,230 41,550 83,780 51,828 51,460 103,288 2.1 2.2 2.1
Mazabuka 81,418 80,903 162,321 102,585 100,634 203,219 2.3 2.2 2.3
Monze 65,190 68,481 133,671 80,697 82,881 163,578 2.2 1.9 2.0
Namwala 29,857 31,991 61,848 40,486 42,324 82,810 3.1 2.8 3.0
Siavonga 18,222 19,275 37,497 29,171 29,693 58,864 4.8 4.4 4.6
Sinazongwe 34,661 36,998 71,659 39,497 40,958 80,455 1.3 1.0 1.2
Total 474,488 491,103 965,591 601,440 610,684 1,212,124 2.4 2.2 2.3

Kalabo 47,997 55,881 103,878 54,176 60,630 114,806 1.2 0.8 1.0
Kaoma 56,579 60,037 116,616 79,348 83,220 162,568 3.4 3.3 3.4
Lukulu 25,671 28,382 54,053 33,585 34,790 68,375 2.7 2.1 2.4
Mongu 70,891 79,238 150,129 79,300 82,702 162,002 1.1 0.4 0.8
Senanga 46,533 52,271 98,804 52,587 56,532 109,119 1.2 0.8 1.0
Sesheke 33,283 35,141 68,424 39,355 38,814 78,169 1.7 1.0 1.3
Shang'ombo 21,859 24,993 46,852 33,493 36,556 70,049 4.4 3.9 4.1
Total 302,813 335,943 638,756 371,844 393,244 765,088 2.1 1.6 1.8

Zambia 3,841,576 3,917,541 7,759,117 4,946,298 4,939,293 9,885,591 2.6 2.3 2.5

2000 Census Summary Report 17


Population by Sex, District, Province and Percent Distribution

2000 Population Percent Distribution

Male Female Total Male Female Total
Chibombo 100.00
121,948 119,664 241,612 50.5 49.5
Kabwe 100.00
89,003 87,755 176,758 50.4 49.6
Kapiri Mposhi 100.00
98,558 96,194 194,752 50.6 49.4
Mkushi 100.00
54,628 52,810 107,438 50.8 49.2
Mumbwa 100.00
79,795 79,066 158,861 50.2 49.8
Serenje 100.00
66,569 66,267 132,836 50.1 49.9
Total 100.00
510,501 501,756 1,012,257 50.4 49.6

Chililabombwe 100.00
34,391 33,142 67,533 50.9 49.1
Chingola 100.00
86,928 85,098 172,026 50.5 49.5
Kalulushi 100.00
38,786 37,020 75,806 51.2 48.8
Kitwe 100.00
189,650 186,474 376,124 50.4 49.6
Luanshya 100.00
74,963 72,945 147,908 50.7 49.3
Lufwanyama 100.00
32,198 30,987 63,185 51.0 49.0
Masaiti 100.00
48,892 46,689 95,581 51.2 48.8
Mpongwe 100.00
32,846 31,525 64,371 51.0 49.0
Mufulira 100.00
72,526 71,404 143,930 50.4 49.6
Ndola 100.00
188,222 186,535 374,757 50.2 49.8
Total 100.00
799,402 781,819 1,581,221 50.6 49.4

Chadiza 100.00
42,204 41,777 83,981 50.3 49.7
Chama 100.00
37,025 37,865 74,890 49.4 50.6
Chipata 100.00
183,352 184,187 367,539 49.9 50.1
Katete 100.00
94,148 95,102 189,250 49.7 50.3
Lundazi 100.00
117,277 119,556 236,833 49.5 50.5
Mambwe 100.00
23,699 23,677 47,376 50.0 50.0
Nyimba 100.00
34,824 35,601 70,425 49.4 50.6
Petauke 100.00
116,147 119,732 235,879 49.2 50.8

2000 Census Summary Report 18

2000 Population Percent Distribution
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Total 100.00
648,676 657,497 1,306,173 49.7 50.3

Chienge 100.00
41,979 41,845 83,824 50.1 49.9
Kawambwa 100.00
50,708 51,795 102,503 49.5 50.5
Mansa 100.00
89,629 90,120 179,749 49.9 50.1
Milenge 100.00
14,449 14,341 28,790 50.2 49.8
Mwense 100.00
52,479 53,280 105,759 49.6 50.4
Nchelenge 100.00
56,343 54,776 111,119 50.7 49.3
Samfya 100.00
82,238 81,371 163,609 50.3 49.7
Total 100.00
387,825 387,528 775,353 50.0 50.0

Chongwe 100.00
70,211 67,250 137,461 51.1 48.9
Kafue 100.00
77,001 73,216 150,217 51.3 48.7
Luangwa 100.00
9,546 9,402 18,948 50.4 49.6
Lusaka 100.00
549,020 535,683 1,084,703 50.6 49.4
Total 100.00
1,093,603 1,073,079 1,391,329 78.6 21.4

Chilubi 100.00
32,936 33,402 66,338 49.6 50.4
Chinsali 100.00
64,362 64,284 128,646 50.0 50.0
Isoka 100.00
49,428 49,891 99,319 49.8 50.2
Kaputa 100.00
44,556 42,677 87,233 51.1 48.9
Kasama 100.00
85,070 85,859 170,929 49.8 50.2
Luwingu 100.00
40,612 40,146 80,758 50.3 49.7
Mbala 100.00
75,085 74,549 149,634 50.2 49.8
Mpika 100.00
73,151 73,045 146,196 50.0 50.0
Mporokoso 100.00
36,975 36,954 73,929 50.0 50.0
Mpulungu 100.00
34,292 33,310 67,602 50.7 49.3
Mungwi 100.00
56,200 56,777 112,977 49.7 50.3
Nakonde 100.00
37,309 37,826 75,135 49.7 50.3
Total 100.00
629,976 628,720 1,258,696 50.0 50.0

Chavuma 100.00
14,815 15,126 29,941 49.5 50.5
Kabompo 100.00
35,286 35,952 71,238 49.5 50.5
Kasempa 26,094 49.7 50.3 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 19

2000 Population Percent Distribution
Male Female Total Male Female Total
25,810 51,904
Mufumbwe 100.00
21,875 22,127 44,002 49.7 50.3
Mwinilunga 100.00
58,543 58,962 117,505 49.8 50.2
Solwezi 100.00
102,241 101,556 203,797 50.2 49.8
Zambezi 100.00
32,286 32,677 64,963 49.7 50.3
Total 100.00
290,856 292,494 583,350 49.9 50.1

Choma 100.00
100,791 104,107 204,898 49.2 50.8
Gwembe 100.00
16,862 17,271 34,133 49.4 50.6
Itezhi-tezhi 100.00
22,170 20,941 43,111 51.4 48.6
Kalomo 100.00
83,175 86,328 169,503 49.1 50.9
Kazungula 100.00
34,178 34,087 68,265 50.1 49.9
Livingstone 100.00
51,828 51,460 103,288 50.2 49.8
Mazabuka 100.00
102,585 100,634 203,219 50.5 49.5
Monze 100.00
80,697 82,881 163,578 49.3 50.7
Namwala 100.00
40,486 42,324 82,810 48.9 51.1
Siavonga 100.00
29,171 29,693 58,864 49.6 50.4
Sinazongwe 100.00
39,497 40,958 80,455 49.1 50.9
Total 100.00
601,440 610,684 1,212,124 49.6 50.4

Kalabo 100.00
54,176 60,630 114,806 47.2 52.8
Kaoma 100.00
79,348 83,220 162,568 48.8 51.2
Lukulu 100.00
33,585 34,790 68,375 49.1 50.9
Mongu 100.00
79,300 82,702 162,002 49.0 51.0
Senanga 100.00
52,587 56,532 109,119 48.2 51.8
Sesheke 100.00
39,355 38,814 78,169 50.3 49.7
Shang'ombo 100.00
33,493 36,556 70,049 47.8 52.2
Total 100.00
371,844 393,244 765,088 48.6 51.4

Zambia 4,946,298 4,939,293 9,885,591 50.0 50.0 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 20

Annex 3
Households and Population Distribution by Province, District, Constituency, and

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution

And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total

Central Province 178,820 510,501 501,756 1,012,257 50.43 49.57 100.00

Chibombo District 41,362 121,948 119,664 241,612 50.47 49.53 100.00

Chisamba Constituency 14,870 44,384 42,993 87,377 50.80 49.20 100.00

Chamuka 2,193 6,747 6,423 13,170 51.23 48.77 100.00
Chikonkomene 2,998 9,799 9,689 19,488 50.28 49.72 100.00
Chisamba 3,441 8,698 7,968 16,666 52.19 47.81 100.00
Liteta 2,966 8,830 8,734 17,564 50.27 49.73 100.00
Muswishi 3,298 10,310 10,179 20,489 50.32 49.68 100.00

Katuba Constituency 9,800 28,452 28,176 56,628 50.24 49.76 100.00

Chunga 870 2,446 2,399 4,845 50.49 49.51 100.00
Kabile 2,441 7,383 7,289 14,672 50.32 49.68 100.00
Katuba 1,726 4,875 4,756 9,631 50.62 49.38 100.00
Muchenje 1,288 3,840 3,943 7,783 49.34 50.66 100.00
Mungule 3,475 9,908 9,789 19,697 50.30 49.70 100.00

Keembe Constituency 16,666 49,112 48,495 97,607 50.32 49.68 100.00

Chaloshi 1,410 3,348 2,992 6,340 52.81 47.19 100.00
Chibombo 1,284 3,749 3,638 7,387 50.75 49.25 100.00
Chikobo 820 2,480 2,399 4,879 50.83 49.17 100.00
Chitanda 1,426 4,441 4,355 8,796 50.49 49.51 100.00
Ipongo 1,556 4,585 4,529 9,114 50.31 49.69 100.00
Kakoma 2,618 7,725 7,836 15,561 49.64 50.36 100.00
Kalola 2,140 5,989 5,890 11,879 50.42 49.58 100.00
Keembe 1,305 3,847 3,795 7,642 50.34 49.66 100.00
Lunjofwa 908 3,166 3,246 6,412 49.38 50.62 100.00
Mashikili 3,199 9,782 9,815 19,597 49.92 50.08 100.00

Kabwe District 34,203 89,003 87,755 176,758 50.35 49.65 100.00

Bwacha Constituency 14,456 36,571 35,996 72,567 50.40 49.60 100.00

Ben Kapufi 898 2,361 2,358 4,719 50.03 49.97 100.00
Bwacha 1,568 4,257 4,346 8,603 49.48 50.52 100.00
Chililalila 830 2,021 1,960 3,981 50.77 49.23 100.00
Chimanimani 846 2,213 2,281 4,494 49.24 50.76 100.00
Kang'omba 661 1,623 1,493 3,116 52.09 47.91 100.00
Kawama 1,559 3,831 3,713 7,544 50.78 49.22 100.00
Makululu 632 1,508 1,608 3,116 48.40 51.60 100.00
Moomba 1,904 4,547 4,423 8,970 50.69 49.31 100.00
Munga 770 1,910 1,662 3,572 53.47 46.53 100.00
Munyama 889 2,281 2,165 4,446 51.30 48.70 100.00
Muwowo 1,159 2,982 2,765 5,747 51.89 48.11 100.00
Ngungu 1,096 2,977 3,050 6,027 49.39 50.61 100.00
Zambezi 1,644 4,060 4,172 8,232 49.32 50.68 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 21

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Kabwe Constituency 19,747 52,432 51,759 104,191 50.32 49.68 100.00
Chirwa 3,536 8,928 9,203 18,131 49.24 50.76 100.00
David Ramushu 1,142 2,905 2,834 5,739 50.62 49.38 100.00
Highridge 1,528 4,607 4,325 8,932 51.58 48.42 100.00
Justine Kabwe 948 2,688 2,655 5,343 50.31 49.69 100.00
Kalonga 1,706 4,734 4,679 9,413 50.29 49.71 100.00
Kaputula 2,818 7,371 7,153 14,524 50.75 49.25 100.00
Luangwa 3,152 8,170 8,248 16,418 49.76 50.24 100.00
Luansase 190 526 496 1,022 51.47 48.53 100.00
Mpima 1,015 2,839 2,767 5,606 50.64 49.36 100.00
Nakoli 1,677 3,731 3,625 7,356 50.72 49.28 100.00
Njanji 1,042 3,102 3,098 6,200 50.03 49.97 100.00
Waya 993 2,831 2,676 5,507 51.41 48.59 100.00

Kapiri-Mposhi District 35,010 98,558 96,194 194,752 50.61 49.39 100.00

Kapiri-Mposhi Constituency 35,010 98,558 96,194 194,752 50.61 49.39 100.00

Chang’ondo 3,164 9,751 9,471 19,222 50.73 49.27 100.00
Chibwelelo 1,080 2,923 2,839 5,762 50.73 49.27 100.00
Chipepo 4,116 11,185 11,179 22,364 50.01 49.99 100.00
Kakwelesa 3,026 9,499 9,062 18,561 51.18 48.82 100.00
Kampumba 636 2,205 2,169 4,374 50.41 49.59 100.00
Kapiri Mposhi 7,526 19,716 19,366 39,082 50.45 49.55 100.00
Lunchu 4,147 12,425 12,490 24,915 49.87 50.13 100.00
Luanchele 1,507 4,054 4,127 8,181 49.55 50.45 100.00
Mpunde 3,344 9,367 8,939 18,306 51.17 48.83 100.00
Mukubwe 2,381 5,873 5,473 11,346 51.76 48.24 100.00
Mushimbili 3,107 8,984 8,653 17,637 50.94 49.06 100.00
Ngabwe 976 2,576 2,426 5,002 51.50 48.50 100.00

Mkushi District 19,357 54,628 52,810 107,438 50.85 49.15 100.00

Mkushi North Constituency 15,493 42,878 41,515 84,393 50.81 49.19 100.00
Chalata 1,462 3,872 3,725 7,597 50.97 49.03 100.00
Chibefwe 2,499 6,623 6,528 13,151 50.36 49.64 100.00
Chikanda 1,647 5,008 4,856 9,864 50.77 49.23 100.00
Kalwa 244 657 626 1,283 51.21 48.79 100.00
Mushibemba 1,293 3,246 3,024 6,270 51.77 48.23 100.00
Musofu 830 2,462 2,399 4,861 50.65 49.35 100.00
Nkumbi 1,505 4,182 4,143 8,325 50.23 49.77 100.00
Nshinso 2,693 8,065 7,985 16,050 50.25 49.75 100.00
Tembwe 1,536 3,774 3,509 7,283 51.82 48.18 100.00
Upper Lunsemfwa 1,784 4,989 4,720 9,709 51.39 48.61 100.00

Mkushi South Constituency 3,864 11,750 11,295 23,045 50.99 49.01 100.00
Ching’ombe 702 2,077 2,009 4,086 50.83 49.17 100.00
Chipaba 152 420 414 834 50.36 49.64 100.00
Kamimbya 915 2,951 3,047 5,998 49.20 50.80 100.00
Munda 1,807 5,476 4,999 10,475 52.28 47.72 100.00
Mwalala 288 826 826 1,652 50.00 50.00 100.00

Mumbwa District 26,138 79,795 79,066 158,861 50.23 49.77 100.00

Mwembeshi Constituency 6,147 18,631 18,189 36,820 50.60 49.40 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 22

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Chabota 663 2,180 2,259 4,439 49.11 50.89 100.00
Kalundu 1,017 3,209 3,089 6,298 50.95 49.05 100.00
Kapyanga 324 1,129 1,057 2,186 51.65 48.35 100.00
Makombwe 986 2,884 2,859 5,743 50.22 49.78 100.00
Milandu 1,525 4,152 3,865 8,017 51.79 48.21 100.00
Nampundwe 1,732 5,077 5,060 10,137 50.08 49.92 100.00

Mumbwa Constituency 11,269 32,812 32,598 65,410 50.16 49.84 100.00

Chibolyo 563 1,580 1,608 3,188 49.56 50.44 100.00
Kalyanyembe 1,463 4,058 3,932 7,990 50.79 49.21 100.00
Mpusu 260 681 605 1,286 52.95 47.05 100.00
Mumbwa 1,695 4,711 4,557 9,268 50.83 49.17 100.00
Mupona 2,747 7,327 7,311 14,638 50.05 49.95 100.00
Nalusanga 1,485 5,203 5,348 10,551 49.31 50.69 100.00
Nambala 603 1,789 1,791 3,580 49.97 50.03 100.00
Shimbizhi 2,453 7,463 7,446 14,909 50.06 49.94 100.00

Nangoma Constituency 8,722 28,352 28,279 56,631 50.06 49.94 100.00

Chisalu 1,995 6,530 6,545 13,075 49.94 50.06 100.00
Choma 649 2,149 2,172 4,321 49.73 50.27 100.00
Myooye 1,039 3,331 3,381 6,712 49.63 50.37 100.00
Nakasa 1,627 5,076 4,987 10,063 50.44 49.56 100.00
Nalubanda 1,334 4,404 4,259 8,663 50.84 49.16 100.00
Nangoma 2,078 6,862 6,935 13,797 49.74 50.26 100.00

Serenje District 22,750 66,569 66,267 132,836 50.11 49.89 100.00

Chitambo Constituency 6,971 20,468 20,318 40,786 50.18 49.82 100.00

Chalilo 1,015 3,358 3,161 6,519 51.51 48.49 100.00
Chipundu 1,079 3,193 3,202 6,395 49.93 50.07 100.00
Chitambo 1,862 5,021 5,125 10,146 49.49 50.51 100.00
Lulimala 988 2,814 2,850 5,664 49.68 50.32 100.00
Luombwa 390 1,391 1,343 2,734 50.88 49.12 100.00
Muchinka 1,648 4,691 4,637 9,328 50.29 49.71 100.00

Muchinga Constituency 7,515 22,273 22,222 44,495 50.06 49.94 100.00

Chibale 1,015 3,045 2,926 5,971 51.00 49.00 100.00
Chisomo 506 1,267 1,334 2,601 48.71 51.29 100.00
Kabansa 108 289 311 600 48.17 51.83 100.00
Kanona 946 3,355 3,179 6,534 51.35 48.65 100.00
Lukusanshi 589 1,708 1,759 3,467 49.26 50.74 100.00
Mailo 1,363 3,650 3,860 7,510 48.60 51.40 100.00
Masaninga 1,880 5,430 5,330 10,760 50.46 49.54 100.00
Sancha 529 1,784 1,780 3,564 50.06 49.94 100.00
Serenje 579 1,745 1,743 3,488 50.03 49.97 100.00

Serenje Constituency 8,247 23,828 23,727 47,555 50.11 49.89 100.00

Ibolelo 3,314 9,032 8,842 17,874 50.53 49.47 100.00
Kabamba 827 2,429 2,486 4,915 49.42 50.58 100.00
Muchinda 1,941 5,727 5,658 11,385 50.30 49.70 100.00
Musangashi 1,190 3,562 3,636 7,198 49.49 50.51 100.00
Ng'answa 975 3,078 3,105 6,183 49.78 50.22 100.00

Copperbelt Province 289,647 799,402 781,819 1,581,221 50.56 49.44 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 23

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total

Chililabombwe District 11,997 34,391 33,142 67,533 50.92 49.08 100.00

Chililabombwe Constituency 11,997 34,391 33,142 67,533 50.92 49.08 100.00

Anoya Zulu 175 619 579 1,198 51.67 48.33 100.00
Chilimina 614 1,427 1,378 2,805 50.87 49.13 100.00
Chitambi 825 1,851 1,582 3,433 53.92 46.08 100.00
Chitimukulu 108 407 352 759 53.62 46.38 100.00
Helen Kaunda 353 1,484 1,472 2,956 50.20 49.80 100.00
James Phiri 945 3,170 3,028 6,198 51.15 48.85 100.00
Joseph Mwila 387 1,062 1,054 2,116 50.19 49.81 100.00
Kafue 670 2,050 1,942 3,992 51.35 48.65 100.00
Kakoso 786 2,120 2,106 4,226 50.17 49.83 100.00
Kamima 384 1,363 1,232 2,595 52.52 47.48 100.00
Kawama 732 1,589 1,517 3,106 51.16 48.84 100.00
Mathew Nkoloma 649 2,281 2,211 4,492 50.78 49.22 100.00
Mukuka 669 1,677 1,756 3,433 48.85 51.15 100.00
Mumba 374 1,103 1,136 2,239 49.26 50.74 100.00
Mvula 386 1,340 1,272 2,612 51.30 48.70 100.00
Nakatindi 2,104 5,564 5,412 10,976 50.69 49.31 100.00
Ngebe 496 1,713 1,567 3,280 52.23 47.77 100.00
Silwizya 449 1,018 1,011 2,029 50.17 49.83 100.00
Yeta 463 1,541 1,468 3,009 51.21 48.79 100.00
Yotamu Muleya 428 1,012 1,067 2,079 48.68 51.32 100.00

Chingola District 29,215 86,928 85,098 172,026 50.53 49.47 100.00

Nchanga Constituency 14,017 36,348 35,554 71,902 50.55 49.45 100.00

Buntungwa 1,414 5,336 5,204 10,540 50.63 49.37 100.00
Kabundi 1,584 5,862 5,601 11,463 51.14 48.86 100.00
Kapisha 4,376 10,995 11,350 22,345 49.21 50.79 100.00
Kasala 504 2,099 2,023 4,122 50.92 49.08 100.00
Kwacha 902 2,734 2,589 5,323 51.36 48.64 100.00
Nchanga 949 2,647 2,331 4,978 53.17 46.83 100.00
Nsansa 1,128 3,960 3,834 7,794 50.81 49.19 100.00
Sekela 764 2,715 2,622 5,337 50.87 49.13 100.00

Chingola Constituency 17,573 50,580 49,544 100,124 50.52 49.48 100.00

Chabanyama 1,178 3,568 3,733 7,301 48.87 51.13 100.00
Chikola 1,030 3,267 3,428 6,695 48.80 51.20 100.00
Chingola 1,218 3,474 3,424 6,898 50.36 49.64 100.00
Chitimukulu 1,060 3,039 3,140 6,179 49.18 50.82 100.00
Chiwempala 1,314 3,830 3,737 7,567 50.61 49.39 100.00
G. Chifwembe 595 1,780 1,706 3,486 51.06 48.94 100.00
Ipafu 647 1,713 1,561 3,274 52.32 47.68 100.00
Kabungo 1,308 3,463 3,570 7,033 49.24 50.76 100.00
Kalilo 952 2,772 2,449 5,221 53.09 46.91 100.00
Kasompe 686 1,675 1,723 3,398 49.29 50.71 100.00
Lulamba 1,348 5,112 5,009 10,121 50.51 49.49 100.00
Maiteneke 1,041 3,171 3,007 6,178 51.33 48.67 100.00
Mimbula 827 2,437 2,486 4,923 49.50 50.50 100.00
Muchinshi 537 1,348 1,356 2,704 49.85 50.15 100.00
Musenge 1,862 4,507 3,831 8,338 54.05 45.95 100.00
Mutenda 954 2,578 2,461 5,039 51.16 48.84 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 24

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Twatasha 1,037 2,846 2,923 5,769 49.33 50.67 100.00

Kalulushi District 13,549 38,786 37,020 75,806 51.16 48.84 100.00

Kalulushi Constituency 13,549 38,786 37,020 75,806 51.16 48.84 100.00

Buseko 536 1,258 1,291 2,549 49.35 50.65 100.00
Chambishi 1,051 4,240 3,910 8,150 52.02 47.98 100.00
Chati 660 2,003 2,090 4,093 48.94 51.06 100.00
Chembe 1,469 4,062 3,645 7,707 52.71 47.29 100.00
Chibuluma 448 985 1,052 2,037 48.36 51.64 100.00
Dongwe 193 655 636 1,291 50.74 49.26 100.00
Ichimpe 553 1,391 1,321 2,712 51.29 48.71 100.00
Kafue 908 2,452 2,446 4,898 50.06 49.94 100.00
Kalanga 1,167 3,543 3,382 6,925 51.16 48.84 100.00
Kalengwa 326 872 923 1,795 48.58 51.42 100.00
Kalungwishi 369 1,145 1,082 2,227 51.41 48.59 100.00
Kankonshi 188 470 542 1,012 46.44 53.56 100.00
Luapula 418 1,282 1,225 2,507 51.14 48.86 100.00
Lubuto 554 1,856 1,849 3,705 50.09 49.91 100.00
Lukoshi 305 753 579 1,332 56.53 43.47 100.00
Lulamba 529 1,526 1,341 2,867 53.23 46.77 100.00
Musakashi 1,792 5,353 5,116 10,469 51.13 48.87 100.00
Mwambashi 836 2,028 1,798 3,826 53.01 46.99 100.00
Ngeshi 487 1,331 1,293 2,624 50.72 49.28 100.00
Remmy Chisupa 760 1,581 1,499 3,080 51.33 48.67 100.00

Kitwe District 65,409 189,650 186,474 376,124 50.42 49.58 100.00

Chimwemwe Constituency 15,217 43,589 44,082 87,671 49.72 50.28 100.00

Buntungwa 2,841 9,023 8,935 17,958 50.25 49.75 100.00
Chimwemwe 2,008 6,264 6,399 12,663 49.47 50.53 100.00
Itimpi 1,777 4,110 4,160 8,270 49.70 50.30 100.00
Kawama 3,115 8,992 8,889 17,881 50.29 49.71 100.00
Lubuto 1,520 5,260 5,419 10,679 49.26 50.74 100.00
Twatasha 3,956 9,940 10,280 20,220 49.16 50.84 100.00

Kamfinsa Constituency 10,150 27,959 27,495 55,454 50.42 49.58 100.00

Bupe 3,482 10,804 10,698 21,502 50.25 49.75 100.00
Kafue 1,185 2,662 2,583 5,245 50.75 49.25 100.00
Kamfinsa 1,354 3,333 3,210 6,543 50.94 49.06 100.00
Ndeke 4,135 11,160 11,004 22,164 50.35 49.65 100.00

Kwacha Constituency 17,534 49,454 48,179 97,633 50.65 49.35 100.00

Bulangililo 3,152 9,365 9,286 18,651 50.21 49.79 100.00
Ipusukilo 4,758 12,278 11,941 24,219 50.70 49.30 100.00
Kwacha 1,992 6,278 6,116 12,394 50.65 49.35 100.00
Lubwa 2,377 6,737 6,437 13,174 51.14 48.86 100.00
Riverside 5,255 14,796 14,399 29,195 50.68 49.32 100.00

Nkana Constituency 11,084 32,725 31,718 64,443 50.78 49.22 100.00

Buchi 2,872 8,665 8,566 17,231 50.29 49.71 100.00
Mindolo 2,408 7,287 6,929 14,216 51.26 48.74 100.00
Miseshi 1,587 5,881 5,585 11,466 51.29 48.71 100.00
Mukuba 1,451 3,871 3,792 7,663 50.52 49.48 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 25

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Parklands 1,430 3,551 3,658 7,209 49.26 50.74 100.00
Rokana 1,336 3,470 3,188 6,658 52.12 47.88 100.00

Wusakile Constituency 11,418 35,923 35,000 70,923 50.65 49.35 100.00

Chamboli 2,515 9,750 9,553 19,303 50.51 49.49 100.00
Chibote 1,806 7,014 6,625 13,639 51.43 48.57 100.00
Luangwa 4,295 10,880 10,575 21,455 50.71 49.29 100.00
Wusakile 2,802 8,279 8,247 16,526 50.10 49.90 100.00

Luanshya District 27,239 74,963 72,945 147,908 50.68 49.32 100.00

Luanshya Constituency 15,915 41,089 40,038 81,127 50.65 49.35 100.00

Buntungwa 1,978 4,720 4,663 9,383 50.30 49.70 100.00
Buteko 1,674 4,940 4,733 9,673 51.07 48.93 100.00
Chitwi 538 1,248 1,157 2,405 51.89 48.11 100.00
Fisenge 3,090 7,010 6,432 13,442 52.15 47.85 100.00
James Phiri 677 2,078 2,004 4,082 50.91 49.09 100.00
Levi Chito 1,768 4,564 4,824 9,388 48.62 51.38 100.00
Mikomfwa 1,003 2,901 2,874 5,775 50.23 49.77 100.00
Mipundu 939 2,691 2,657 5,348 50.32 49.68 100.00
Mpelembe 1,146 3,166 3,086 6,252 50.64 49.36 100.00
Twashuka 1,990 4,751 4,679 9,430 50.38 49.62 100.00
Zambezi 1,112 3,020 2,929 5,949 50.76 49.24 100.00

Roan Constituency 11,324 33,874 32,907 66,781 50.72 49.28 100.00

Baluba 530 1,963 1,885 3,848 51.01 48.99 100.00
Chilabula 526 1,144 1,127 2,271 50.37 49.63 100.00
Justine Kabwe 846 2,573 2,470 5,043 51.02 48.98 100.00
Kafubu 540 1,658 1,660 3,318 49.97 50.03 100.00
Kafue 1,756 4,940 4,767 9,707 50.89 49.11 100.00
Kasengu 619 2,510 2,413 4,923 50.99 49.01 100.00
Kawama 735 1,731 1,472 3,203 54.04 45.96 100.00
Lumumba 886 2,552 2,499 5,051 50.52 49.48 100.00
Miluashi 953 2,831 2,776 5,607 50.49 49.51 100.00
Mpatamatu 511 1,588 1,568 3,156 50.32 49.68 100.00
Mulungushi 809 2,282 2,518 4,800 47.54 52.46 100.00
Ngebe 1,218 3,836 3,687 7,523 50.99 49.01 100.00
Nkoloma 461 1,419 1,361 2,780 51.04 48.96 100.00
Nkulumashimba 934 2,847 2,704 5,551 51.29 48.71 100.00

Lufwanyama District 12,932 32,198 30,987 63,185 50.96 49.04 100.00

Lufwanyama Constituency 12,932 32,198 30,987 63,185 248.98 239.61 488.59

Boso 1,386 3,346 3,320 6,666 241.41 239.54 480.95
Bulaya 193 427 356 783 221.24 184.46 405.70
Chibanga 2,428 6,064 5,886 11,950 249.75 242.42 492.17
Kabundia 1,067 2,814 2,811 5,625 263.73 263.45 527.18
Kafubu 1,021 2,505 2,526 5,031 245.35 247.40 492.75
Kansoka 1,038 2,423 2,543 4,966 233.43 244.99 478.42
Lufwanyama 640 1,657 1,615 3,272 258.91 252.34 511.25
Mpindi 513 1,299 1,276 2,575 253.22 248.73 501.95
Mukombo 1,800 4,367 3,563 7,930 242.61 197.94 440.56
Mushingashi 1,542 4,047 4,028 8,075 262.45 261.22 523.67

2000 Census Summary Report 26

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Mwelushi 369 988 932 1,920 267.75 252.57 520.33
Sokontwe 935 2,261 2,131 4,392 241.82 227.91 469.73

Masaiti District 19,792 48,892 46,689 95,581 51.15 48.85 100.00

Kafulafuta Constituency 6407 14541 13589 28130 51.69 48.31 100.00

Chondwe 632 1,682 1,642 3,324 50.60 49.40 100.00
Ishitwe 415 1,106 995 2,101 52.64 47.36 100.00
Majaliwa 1,629 3,780 3,471 7,251 52.13 47.87 100.00
Mutaba 2,492 6,119 5,740 11,859 51.60 48.40 100.00
Mwatishi 790 1,854 1,741 3,595 51.57 48.43 100.00

Masaiti Constituency 13385 34351 33100 67451 50.93 49.07 100.00

Chilulu 699 1,656 1,625 3,281 50.47 49.53 100.00
Chinondo 2,547 6,433 6,238 12,671 50.77 49.23 100.00
Kashitu 1,939 4,879 4,640 9,519 51.26 48.74 100.00
Katuba 965 2,373 2,168 4,541 52.26 47.74 100.00
Lumano 2,527 5,763 5,525 11,288 51.05 48.95 100.00
Miengwe 449 1,168 1,114 2,282 51.18 48.82 100.00
Miputu 1,213 2,830 2,636 5,466 51.77 48.23 100.00
Mishikishi 2,428 6,073 5,991 12,064 50.34 49.66 100.00
Shimibanga 1,067 3,176 3,163 6,339 50.10 49.90 100.00

Mpongwe District 12,364 32,846 31,525 64,371 51.03 48.97 100.00

Mpongwe Constituency 12,364 32,846 31,525 64,371 51.03 48.97 100.00

Chowa 3,179 8,333 7,937 16,270 51.22 48.78 100.00
Ibenga 2,331 6,364 6,115 12,479 51.00 49.00 100.00
Ipumbu 299 793 750 1,543 51.39 48.61 100.00
Kalweo 606 1,723 1,711 3,434 50.17 49.83 100.00
Kanyenda 1,415 3,747 3,610 7,357 50.93 49.07 100.00
Kasamba 356 883 888 1,771 49.86 50.14 100.00
Kashiba 361 951 1,015 1,966 48.37 51.63 100.00
Kasonga 459 1,359 1,322 2,681 50.69 49.31 100.00
Mpongwe 757 2,008 1,915 3,923 51.19 48.81 100.00
Munkumpu 2,264 5,731 5,369 11,100 51.63 48.37 100.00
Musofu 337 954 893 1,847 51.65 48.35 100.00

Mufulira District 26,097 72,526 71,404 143,930 50.39 49.61 100.00

Kankoyo Constituency 7,565 20,655 20,181 40,836 50.58 49.42 100.00

Buntungwa 648 1,841 1,835 3,676 50.08 49.92 100.00
Butondo 973 3,271 3,038 6,309 51.85 48.15 100.00
Fibusa 1,390 3,900 3,946 7,846 49.71 50.29 100.00
John Kampengele 842 2,269 2,230 4,499 50.43 49.57 100.00
Kwacha 1,038 3,317 3,315 6,632 50.02 49.98 100.00
Lwansobe 1,434 3,026 2,914 5,940 50.94 49.06 100.00
Minambe 802 1,807 1,807 3,614 50.00 50.00 100.00
Mpelempe 438 1,224 1,096 2,320 52.76 47.24 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 27

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Kantanshi Constituency 9,504 28,285 27,224 55,509 50.96 49.04 100.00
Bwafwano 668 1,722 1,680 3,402 50.62 49.38 100.00
Bwembya Silwizya 394 1,585 1,567 3,152 50.29 49.71 100.00
David Kaunda 874 2,496 2,445 4,941 50.52 49.48 100.00
Francis Mukuka 864 2,484 2,349 4,833 51.40 48.60 100.00
Maina Soko 914 2,439 2,520 4,959 49.18 50.82 100.00
Mulungushi 1,261 4,657 4,436 9,093 51.22 48.78 100.00
Murundu 1,465 3,455 3,224 6,679 51.73 48.27 100.00
Mutundu 882 2,210 1,966 4,176 52.92 47.08 100.00
Shinde 2,182 7,237 7,037 14,274 50.70 49.30 100.00

Mufulira Constituency 9,028 23,586 23,999 47,585 49.57 50.43 100.00

Bwananyina 2,254 5,376 5,480 10,856 49.52 50.48 100.00
Chachacha 1,219 3,571 3,353 6,924 51.57 48.43 100.00
Hanky Kalanga 1,849 4,503 4,635 9,138 49.28 50.72 100.00
Kafue 147 406 368 774 52.45 47.55 100.00
Kamuchanga 1,319 3,762 4,168 7,930 47.44 52.56 100.00
Kansuswa 864 2,175 2,262 4,437 49.02 50.98 100.00
Kasempa 760 2,224 2,312 4,536 49.03 50.97 100.00
Kawama 615 1,569 1,421 2,990 52.47 47.53 100.00
Ndola District 71,053 188,222 186,535 374,757 50.23 49.77 100.00

Bwana Mkubwa Constituency 19,998 52,117 51,078 103,195 50.50 49.50 100.00
Chichele 5,644 14,821 14,804 29,625 50.03 49.97 100.00
Itawa 3,621 10,126 9,941 20,067 50.46 49.54 100.00
Kantolomba 1,448 3,568 3,609 7,177 49.71 50.29 100.00
Kavu 1,022 2,348 2,278 4,626 50.76 49.24 100.00
Munkulungwe 3,415 7,911 7,292 15,203 52.04 47.96 100.00
Mushili 4,848 13,343 13,154 26,497 50.36 49.64 100.00

Chifubu Constituency 13,552 38,462 38,180 76,642 50.18 49.82 100.00

Chifubu 2,089 6,256 6,340 12,596 49.67 50.33 100.00
Fibobe 2,042 5,996 5,949 11,945 50.20 49.80 100.00
Kamba 2,188 6,530 6,225 12,755 51.20 48.80 100.00
Kawama 2,800 7,338 7,349 14,687 49.96 50.04 100.00
Pamodzi 4,433 12,342 12,317 24,659 50.05 49.95 100.00

Kabushi Constituency 14,318 41,164 41,627 82,791 49.72 50.28 100.00

Kabushi 1,460 4,327 4,363 8,690 49.79 50.21 100.00
Kafubu 2,146 6,228 6,133 12,361 50.38 49.62 100.00
Kaloko 1,258 3,699 3,706 7,405 49.95 50.05 100.00
Lubuto 3,970 11,304 11,441 22,745 49.70 50.30 100.00
Masala 1,459 4,236 4,306 8,542 49.59 50.41 100.00
Mukuba 1,641 4,276 4,376 8,652 49.42 50.58 100.00
Skyways 1,248 3,525 3,613 7,138 49.38 50.62 100.00
Toka 1,136 3,569 3,689 7,258 49.17 50.83 100.00

Ndola Central Constituency 23,185 56,479 55,650 112,129 50.37 49.63 100.00
Chipulukusu 6,879 15,877 15,348 31,225 50.85 49.15 100.00
Kanini 2,548 5,943 5,906 11,849 50.16 49.84 100.00
Kanseshi 3,246 9,430 9,577 19,007 49.61 50.39 100.00
Nkwazi 2,514 5,778 5,561 11,339 50.96 49.04 100.00
Twapia 5,866 13,975 13,793 27,768 50.33 49.67 100.00
Yengwe 2,132 5,476 5,465 10,941 50.05 49.95 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 28

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total

Eastern Province 254,603 648,676 657,497 1,306,173 49.66 50.34 100.00

Chadiza District 15,928 42,204 41,777 83,981 50.25 49.75 100.00

Chadiza Constituency 9,609 25,819 25,848 51,667 49.97 50.03 100.00

Ambidzi 482 1,164 1,158 2,322 50.13 49.87 100.00
Chadiza 1,331 3,774 3,757 7,531 50.11 49.89 100.00
Chamandala 741 1,889 1,917 3,806 49.63 50.37 100.00
Chilenga 720 1,837 1,939 3,776 48.65 51.35 100.00
Kampini 584 1,448 1,486 2,934 49.35 50.65 100.00
Kandabwako 570 1,654 1,602 3,256 50.80 49.20 100.00
Mangwe 1,327 3,852 3,718 7,570 50.89 49.11 100.00
Manje 1,481 4,098 4,126 8,224 49.83 50.17 100.00
Naviluri 1,118 2,747 2,771 5,518 49.78 50.22 100.00
Nsadzu 595 1,781 1,812 3,593 49.57 50.43 100.00
Taferansoni 660 1,575 1,562 3,137 50.21 49.79 100.00

Vubwi Constituency 6,317 16,385 15,929 32,314 50.71 49.29 100.00

Chadzombe 630 1,611 1,502 3,113 51.75 48.25 100.00
Chisiya 742 1,892 1,761 3,653 51.79 48.21 100.00
Dzodwe 597 1,421 1,405 2,826 50.28 49.72 100.00
Kabvumo 370 1,007 1,024 2,031 49.58 50.42 100.00
Khumba 644 1,682 1,715 3,397 49.51 50.49 100.00
Mbozi 599 1,585 1,533 3,118 50.83 49.17 100.00
Mlawe 577 1,395 1,321 2,716 51.36 48.64 100.00
Mwangazi 892 2,422 2,418 4,840 50.04 49.96 100.00
Vumbwi 1,268 3,370 3,250 6,620 50.91 49.09 100.00

Chama District 14,397 37,025 37,865 74,890 49.44 50.56 100.00

Chama North Constituency 7,624 19,231 19,333 38,564 49.87 50.13 100.00
Chisunga 350 801 790 1,591 50.35 49.65 100.00
Kalinkhu 466 1,184 1,228 2,412 49.09 50.91 100.00
Kamphemba 1,604 4,229 4,230 8,459 49.99 50.01 100.00
Luangwa 1,263 3,109 3,154 6,263 49.64 50.36 100.00
Manthepa 555 1,447 1,408 2,855 50.68 49.32 100.00
Mazonde 205 575 564 1,139 50.48 49.52 100.00
Mbazi 447 1,070 1,004 2,074 51.59 48.41 100.00
Mphalansenga 388 961 937 1,898 50.63 49.37 100.00
Muchinga 958 2,399 2,364 4,763 50.37 49.63 100.00
Mwalala 490 1,328 1,427 2,755 48.20 51.80 100.00
Ndunda 898 2,128 2,227 4,355 48.86 51.14 100.00

Chama South Constituency 6,773 17,794 18,532 36,326 48.98 51.02 100.00
Bazimu 1,243 3,193 3,199 6,392 49.95 50.05 100.00
Chibungwe 304 1,133 1,147 2,280 49.69 50.31 100.00
Chilenje 735 1,835 1,959 3,794 48.37 51.63 100.00
Chipala 134 344 368 712 48.31 51.69 100.00
Lumezi 741 1,984 2,214 4,198 47.26 52.74 100.00
Lunzi 1,126 2,963 3,127 6,090 48.65 51.35 100.00
Mabinga 948 2,666 2,708 5,374 49.61 50.39 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 29

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Mapamba 764 1,734 1,802 3,536 49.04 50.96 100.00
Vilimukulu 778 1,942 2,008 3,950 49.16 50.84 100.00

Chipata District 70,347 183,352 184,187 367,539 49.89 50.11 100.00

Chipangali Constituency 19,310 50,723 49,910 100,633 50.40 49.60 100.00

Chipangali 2,650 7,755 7,531 15,286 50.73 49.27 100.00
Kasenga 2,660 7,002 6,741 13,743 50.95 49.05 100.00
Msandile 5,091 12,107 11,916 24,023 50.40 49.60 100.00
Nthope 2,643 7,648 7,510 15,158 50.46 49.54 100.00
Rukuzye 3,286 8,155 8,106 16,261 50.15 49.85 100.00
Sisinje 2,980 8,056 8,106 16,162 49.85 50.15 100.00

Chipata Constituency 21,959 59,047 58,295 117,342 50.32 49.68 100.00

Dilika 8,198 21,843 21,398 43,241 50.51 49.49 100.00
Kanjala 4,302 11,419 11,075 22,494 50.76 49.24 100.00
Msanga 9,459 25,785 25,822 51,607 49.96 50.04 100.00

Kasenengwa Constituency 15,967 39,696 41,422 81,118 48.94 51.06 100.00

Chingazi 1,975 4,932 5,100 10,032 49.16 50.84 100.00
Chiparamba 1,563 3,875 4,117 7,992 48.49 51.51 100.00
Kwenje 4,466 11,449 11,992 23,441 48.84 51.16 100.00
Makungwa 2,989 6,863 7,048 13,911 49.34 50.66 100.00
Mboza 2,589 6,960 7,201 14,161 49.15 50.85 100.00
Ngongwe 2,384 5,617 5,964 11,581 48.50 51.50 100.00

Luangeni Constituency 13,111 33,886 34,560 68,446 49.51 50.49 100.00

Chikando 2,345 6,276 6,481 12,757 49.20 50.80 100.00
Kazimule 1,156 3,172 3,031 6,203 51.14 48.86 100.00
Makangila 1,948 4,711 4,794 9,505 49.56 50.44 100.00
Mkhova 3,575 9,068 9,494 18,562 48.85 51.15 100.00
Nsingo 4,087 10,659 10,760 21,419 49.76 50.24 100.00

Katete District 38,387 94,148 95,102 189,250 49.75 50.25 100.00

Milanzi Constituency 9,616 24,395 24,248 48,643 50.15 49.85 100.00

Chindwale 820 1,995 2,017 4,012 49.73 50.27 100.00
Chimwa 283 684 761 1,445 47.34 52.66 100.00
Dole 1,111 2,670 2,769 5,439 49.09 50.91 100.00
Kafumbwe 1,365 3,090 3,152 6,242 49.50 50.50 100.00
Kapangulula 1,668 4,073 4,082 8,155 49.94 50.06 100.00
Kapoche 394 940 945 1,885 49.87 50.13 100.00
Kazala 1,336 4,095 3,788 7,883 51.95 48.05 100.00
Milanzi 953 2,276 2,233 4,509 50.48 49.52 100.00
Mwandafisi 1,686 4,572 4,501 9,073 50.39 49.61 100.00
Mkaika Constituency 15,068 37,422 37,847 75,269 49.72 50.28 100.00
Chavuka 3,006 6,877 6,877 13,754 50.00 50.00 100.00
Chimtende 2,472 6,234 6,249 12,483 49.94 50.06 100.00
Kadula 1,311 3,169 3,291 6,460 49.06 50.94 100.00
Matunga 1,188 2,922 2,915 5,837 50.06 49.94 100.00
Mkaika 2,466 6,025 6,135 12,160 49.55 50.45 100.00
Mphangwe 2,912 7,991 8,155 16,146 49.49 50.51 100.00
Vulamkolo 1,713 4,204 4,225 8,429 49.88 50.12 100.00

Sinda Constituency 13,703 32,331 33,007 65,338 49.48 50.52 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 30

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Chiwuyu 1,673 3,814 3,962 7,776 49.05 50.95 100.00
Kamwaza 1,367 3,209 3,339 6,548 49.01 50.99 100.00
Kasangazi 1,849 4,384 4,469 8,853 49.52 50.48 100.00
Luandazi 1,319 3,012 3,007 6,019 50.04 49.96 100.00
Mng'omba 1,718 4,028 4,132 8,160 49.36 50.64 100.00
Mnyamazi 1,019 2,295 2,276 4,571 50.21 49.79 100.00
Nchingilizya 920 2,095 2,170 4,265 49.12 50.88 100.00
Nyamasonkho 1,712 4,193 4,260 8,453 49.60 50.40 100.00
Sinda 2,126 5,301 5,392 10,693 49.57 50.43 100.00

Lundazi District 46,178 117,277 119,556 236,833 49.52 50.48 100.00

Chasefu Constituency 14,468 37,794 38,714 76,508 49.40 50.60 100.00

Chaboli 1,365 3,133 3,160 6,293 49.79 50.21 100.00
Kajilime 1,913 5,500 5,730 11,230 48.98 51.02 100.00
Kapilinsanga 1,695 3,887 4,115 8,002 48.58 51.42 100.00
Luwerezi 679 1,863 1,905 3,768 49.44 50.56 100.00
Magodi 2,708 7,450 7,687 15,137 49.22 50.78 100.00
Manda Hill 801 2,220 2,212 4,432 50.09 49.91 100.00
Membe 703 1,853 1,941 3,794 48.84 51.16 100.00
Nkhanga 3,123 7,617 7,559 15,176 50.19 49.81 100.00
Susa 1,481 4,271 4,405 8,676 49.23 50.77 100.00

Lumezi Constituency 12,541 32,041 32,557 64,598 49.60 50.40 100.00

Chamtonga 2,949 8,015 7,965 15,980 50.16 49.84 100.00
Chibande 1,444 3,002 3,130 6,132 48.96 51.04 100.00
Diwa 2,472 7,421 7,230 14,651 50.65 49.35 100.00
Kamimba 1,842 4,691 4,855 9,546 49.14 50.86 100.00
Kazembe 903 2,087 2,236 4,323 48.28 51.72 100.00
Lukusuzi 544 1,205 1,260 2,465 48.88 51.12 100.00
Lumimba 1,316 3,033 3,221 6,254 48.50 51.50 100.00
Wachitangati 1,071 2,587 2,660 5,247 49.30 50.70 100.00

Lundazi Constituency 19,169 47,442 48,285 95,727 49.56 50.44 100.00

Chilola 1,612 3,652 3,686 7,338 49.77 50.23 100.00
Chimaliro 1,653 4,155 4,265 8,420 49.35 50.65 100.00
Lunewa 2,159 5,051 5,440 10,491 48.15 51.85 100.00
Mnyamazi 4,502 11,739 11,671 23,410 50.15 49.85 100.00
Msuzi 2,813 7,305 7,435 14,740 49.56 50.44 100.00
Ndonda 1,494 3,466 3,609 7,075 48.99 51.01 100.00
Nthitimila 1,879 4,732 4,864 9,596 49.31 50.69 100.00
Vuu 3,057 7,342 7,315 14,657 50.09 49.91 100.00

Mambwe District 9,578 23,699 23,677 47,376 50.02 49.98 100.00

Malambo Constituency 9,578 23,699 23,677 47,376 50.02 49.98 100.00

Chikowa 293 695 699 1,394 49.86 50.14 100.00
Chipapa 522 1,241 1,284 2,525 49.15 50.85 100.00
Jumbe 941 2,434 2,407 4,841 50.28 49.72 100.00
Kakumbi 1,119 2,812 2,737 5,549 50.68 49.32 100.00
Kasamanda 831 2,172 2,045 4,217 51.51 48.49 100.00
Malama 227 490 491 981 49.95 50.05 100.00
Mnkhanya 2,285 5,626 5,698 11,324 49.68 50.32 100.00
Mphomwa 175 524 507 1,031 50.82 49.18 100.00
Msoro 168 474 443 917 51.69 48.31 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 31

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Ncheka 865 2,146 2,253 4,399 48.78 51.22 100.00
Ndima 1,184 2,917 2,945 5,862 49.76 50.24 100.00
Nsefu 964 2,168 2,168 4,336 50.00 50.00 100.00
Nyimba District 13,201 34,824 35,601 70,425 49.45 50.55 100.00

Nyimba Constituency 13,201 34,824 35,601 70,425 49.45 50.55 100.00

Chamilala 754 1,850 1,849 3,699 50.01 49.99 100.00
Chinambi 1,099 2,981 3,101 6,082 49.01 50.99 100.00
Chinsumbwe 271 720 668 1,388 51.87 48.13 100.00
Chiweza 1,152 3,236 3,188 6,424 50.37 49.63 100.00
Kaliwe 1,123 2,952 3,015 5,967 49.47 50.53 100.00
Katipa 348 890 860 1,750 50.86 49.14 100.00
Luangwa 423 1,176 1,214 2,390 49.21 50.79 100.00
Lwezi 1,429 3,763 3,727 7,490 50.24 49.76 100.00
Mombe 857 2,049 2,062 4,111 49.84 50.16 100.00
Ngozi 2,205 5,767 6,065 11,832 48.74 51.26 100.00
Nyimba 1,231 3,513 3,761 7,274 48.30 51.70 100.00
Vizimumda 2,307 5,927 6,091 12,018 49.32 50.68 100.00

Petauke District 46,587 116,147 119,732 235,879 49.24 50.76 100.00

Kapoche Constituency 18,886 46,092 48,303 94,395 48.83 51.17 100.00

Chingombe 2,570 6,040 6,584 12,624 47.85 52.15 100.00
Kapoche 1,496 3,359 3,643 7,002 47.97 52.03 100.00
Kaumbwe 3,340 8,198 8,599 16,797 48.81 51.19 100.00
Manjazi 2,882 7,100 7,549 14,649 48.47 51.53 100.00
Manyane 2,443 6,267 6,401 12,668 49.47 50.53 100.00
Mtambazi 3,117 7,936 8,190 16,126 49.21 50.79 100.00
Mwangaila 3,038 7,192 7,337 14,529 49.50 50.50 100.00

Petauke Constituency 18,564 47,182 48,637 95,819 49.24 50.76 100.00

Chililamanyama 3,265 7,906 8,115 16,021 49.35 50.65 100.00
Kovyane 1,921 4,624 4,812 9,436 49.00 51.00 100.00
Mbala 2,052 5,004 5,341 10,345 48.37 51.63 100.00
Msumbazi 2,798 7,211 7,337 14,548 49.57 50.43 100.00
Nsimbo 1,158 3,479 3,494 6,973 49.89 50.11 100.00
Nyika 4,998 13,268 13,516 26,784 49.54 50.46 100.00
Ongolwe 2,372 5,690 6,022 11,712 48.58 51.42 100.00

Msanzala Constituency 9,137 22,873 22,792 45,665 50.09 49.91 100.00

Chisangu 2,258 5,865 5,608 11,473 51.12 48.88 100.00
Lusangazi 431 1,118 1,115 2,233 50.07 49.93 100.00
Mateyo Mzeka 1,544 3,730 3,755 7,485 49.83 50.17 100.00
Mawanda 1,631 3,803 3,883 7,686 49.48 50.52 100.00
Nyakawise 1,655 4,438 4,424 8,862 50.08 49.92 100.00
Singozi 1,618 3,919 4,007 7,926 49.44 50.56 100.00

Luapula Province 164,739 387,825 387,528 775,353 50.02 49.98 100.00

Chienge District 18,681 41,979 41,845 83,824 50.08 49.92 100.00

Chienge Constituency 18,681 41,979 41,845 83,824 50.08 49.92 100.00

Chienge 1,701 3,784 3,780 7,564 50.03 49.97 100.00
Chipamba 1,125 2,631 2,612 5,243 50.18 49.82 100.00
Chipungu 2,975 6,277 6,062 12,339 50.87 49.13 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 32

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Chitutu 879 1,965 1,994 3,959 49.63 50.37 100.00
Ifuna 1,297 2,997 3,021 6,018 49.80 50.20 100.00
Kalobwa 1,929 4,436 4,340 8,776 50.55 49.45 100.00
Kalungwishi 1,635 3,584 3,707 7,291 49.16 50.84 100.00
Kantete 1,399 3,344 3,390 6,734 49.66 50.34 100.00
Lambwe Chomba 1,774 3,906 4,060 7,966 49.03 50.97 100.00
Mununga 1,942 4,644 4,645 9,289 49.99 50.01 100.00
Munwa 1,184 2,702 2,550 5,252 51.45 48.55 100.00
Mwabu 841 1,709 1,684 3,393 50.37 49.63 100.00

Kawambwa District 21,451 50,708 51,795 102,503 49.47 50.53 100.00

Kawambwa Constituency 7,077 17,563 17,920 35,483 49.50 50.50 100.00

Fisaka 600 1,377 1,428 2,805 49.09 50.91 100.00
Iyanga 720 1,791 1,776 3,567 50.21 49.79 100.00
Kawambwa 1,195 2,676 2,829 5,505 48.61 51.39 100.00
Luena 1,009 2,629 2,588 5,217 50.39 49.61 100.00
Ng'ona 2,061 5,384 5,544 10,928 49.27 50.73 100.00
Ntumbachushi 374 884 881 1,765 50.08 49.92 100.00
Senga 1,118 2,822 2,874 5,696 49.54 50.46 100.00

Mwansabombwe Constituency 8,014 17,546 18,000 35,546 49.36 50.64 100.00

Chipita 1,107 2,344 2,431 4,775 49.09 50.91 100.00
Kayo 599 1,326 1,343 2,669 49.68 50.32 100.00
Lufubu 1,187 2,688 2,500 5,188 51.81 48.19 100.00
Mbereshi 992 2,347 2,350 4,697 49.97 50.03 100.00
Mulele 1,326 2,842 3,050 5,892 48.23 51.77 100.00
Mununshi 847 1,919 2,054 3,973 48.30 51.70 100.00
Mwansabombwe 1,956 4,080 4,272 8,352 48.85 51.15 100.00

Pambashe Constituency 6,360 15,599 15,875 31,474 49.56 50.44 100.00

Chibote 490 1,224 1,221 2,445 50.06 49.94 100.00
Ilombe 1,911 4,590 4,793 9,383 48.92 51.08 100.00
Kabanse 1,054 2,592 2,589 5,181 50.03 49.97 100.00
Luongo 835 2,212 2,133 4,345 50.91 49.09 100.00
Mulunda 1,690 4,076 4,248 8,324 48.97 51.03 100.00
Pambashe 380 905 891 1,796 50.39 49.61 100.00

Mansa District 36,634 89,629 90,120 179,749 49.86 50.14 100.00

Bahati Constituency 14,207 34,390 34,582 68,972 49.86 50.14 100.00

Kaole 4,620 11,389 11,686 23,075 49.36 50.64 100.00
Katangashi 1,079 2,244 2,266 4,510 49.76 50.24 100.00
Mansa 1,176 2,927 2,868 5,795 50.51 49.49 100.00
Misakalala 1,798 4,344 4,309 8,653 50.20 49.80 100.00
Mushipashi 872 2,064 2,048 4,112 50.19 49.81 100.00
Mutuna 2,378 6,088 6,091 12,179 49.99 50.01 100.00
Myulu 2,284 5,334 5,314 10,648 50.09 49.91 100.00

Chembe Constituency 22,427 55,239 55,538 110,777 49.87 50.13 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 33

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Chansunsu 3,230 7,329 7,465 14,794 49.54 50.46 100.00
Chibeleka 2,359 5,737 5,771 11,508 49.85 50.15 100.00
Chilyapa 3,120 8,795 8,741 17,536 50.15 49.85 100.00
Luapula 4,080 9,883 10,234 20,117 49.13 50.87 100.00
Lukangaba 3,047 7,117 7,196 14,313 49.72 50.28 100.00
Lwingishi 2,162 5,339 5,236 10,575 50.49 49.51 100.00
Muchinka 2,536 6,529 6,412 12,941 50.45 49.55 100.00
Mukenshi 1,893 4,510 4,483 8,993 50.15 49.85 100.00

Milenge District 5,762 14,449 14,341 28,790 50.19 49.81 100.00

Mansa Constituency 5,762 14,449 14,341 28,790 50.19 49.81 100.00

Chipungu 51 236 257 493 47.87 52.13 100.00
Chiswishi 297 708 685 1,393 50.83 49.17 100.00
Fibalala 439 1,104 1,105 2,209 49.98 50.02 100.00
Itemba 943 2,231 2,229 4,460 50.02 49.98 100.00
Kapalala 249 613 592 1,205 50.87 49.13 100.00
Mikula 1,212 3,354 3,261 6,615 50.70 49.30 100.00
Milambo 680 1,576 1,637 3,213 49.05 50.95 100.00
Mulumbi 495 1,217 1,209 2,426 50.16 49.84 100.00
Mumbotuta 443 1,115 1,080 2,195 50.80 49.20 100.00
Nsaka 148 408 357 765 53.33 46.67 100.00
Nsunga 258 584 613 1,197 48.79 51.21 100.00
Sokontwe 547 1,303 1,316 2,619 49.75 50.25 100.00

Mwense District 22,746 52,479 53,280 105,759 49.62 50.38 100.00

Chipili Constituency 5,618 13,769 13,620 27,389 50.27 49.73 100.00

Chibalashi 1,037 2,430 2,478 4,908 49.51 50.49 100.00
Mumbwe 781 1,954 1,883 3,837 50.93 49.07 100.00
Nalupembe 1,344 3,428 3,387 6,815 50.30 49.70 100.00
Nkonge 1000 2,427 2,379 4,806 50.50 49.50 100.00
Nsenga 1,456 3,530 3,493 7,023 50.26 49.74 100.00

Mambilima Constituency 6,793 15,498 15,570 31,068 49.88 50.12 100.00

Chibembe 726 2,098 1,970 4,068 51.57 48.43 100.00
Kalanga 1,316 2,970 2,978 5,948 49.93 50.07 100.00
Mambilima 1,257 2,596 2,731 5,327 48.73 51.27 100.00
Mpasa 495 1,174 1,119 2,293 51.20 48.80 100.00
Munwa 366 707 806 1,513 46.73 53.27 100.00
Musonda 1,278 3,102 3,007 6,109 50.78 49.22 100.00
Nsomfi 1,355 2,851 2,959 5,810 49.07 50.93 100.00

Mwense Constituency 10,335 23,212 24,090 47,302 49.07 50.93 100.00

Chachacha 875 2,118 2,050 4,168 50.82 49.18 100.00
Kaombe 883 2,012 2,110 4,122 48.81 51.19 100.00
Kapela 1,323 2,893 3,060 5,953 48.60 51.40 100.00
Kasengu 1,294 3,085 3,230 6,315 48.85 51.15 100.00
Katiti 1,121 2,420 2,550 4,970 48.69 51.31 100.00
Luche 1,999 4,359 4,516 8,875 49.12 50.88 100.00
Nkanga 1,667 3,668 3,828 7,496 48.93 51.07 100.00
Pebkabesa 1,173 2,657 2,746 5,403 49.18 50.82 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 34

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total

Nchelenge District 24,369 56,343 54,776 111,119 50.71 49.29 100.00

Nchelenge Constituency 24,369 56,343 54,776 111,119 50.71 49.29 100.00

Chisenga 2,318 5,053 4,638 9,691 52.14 47.86 100.00
Kabuta 3,589 8,768 8,655 17,423 50.32 49.68 100.00
Kasamba 2,222 4,931 4,974 9,905 49.78 50.22 100.00
Kashikishi 4,282 9,955 9,819 19,774 50.34 49.66 100.00
Katofyo 1,661 3,715 3,775 7,490 49.60 50.40 100.00
Kilwa 1,713 3,606 3,429 7,035 51.26 48.74 100.00
Mofwe 973 2,352 2,238 4,590 51.24 48.76 100.00
Mulwe 1,568 3,659 3,641 7,300 50.12 49.88 100.00
Munkombwe 215 535 496 1,031 51.89 48.11 100.00
Mwatishi 2,657 6,215 5,937 12,152 51.14 48.86 100.00
Nchelenge 1,671 3,929 3,710 7,639 51.43 48.57 100.00
Shabo 1,500 3,625 3,464 7,089 51.14 48.86 100.00

Samfya District 35,096 82,238 81,371 163,609 50.26 49.74 100.00

Bangweulu Constituency 15,932 37,990 38,013 76,003 49.98 50.02 100.00

Chimana 4,725 11,687 11,672 23,359 50.03 49.97 100.00
Isamba 858 1,989 1,996 3,985 49.91 50.09 100.00
Kapata 2,842 6,566 6,434 13,000 50.51 49.49 100.00
Katanshya 2,079 4,412 4,708 9,120 48.38 51.62 100.00
Lumanya 2,751 6,862 6,826 13,688 50.13 49.87 100.00
Mano 1,071 2,357 2,442 4,799 49.11 50.89 100.00
Musaba 1,606 4,117 3,935 8,052 51.13 48.87 100.00

Chifunabuli Constituency 14,640 34,274 34,254 68,528 50.01 49.99 100.00

Chifunabuli 2,319 5,562 5,342 10,904 51.01 48.99 100.00
Chinkutila 1,581 3,393 3,533 6,926 48.99 51.01 100.00
Chishi 753 1,850 1,976 3,826 48.35 51.65 100.00
Kafumbo 1,772 4,203 4,005 8,208 51.21 48.79 100.00
Kapamba 1,092 2,499 2,511 5,010 49.88 50.12 100.00
Kasansa 2,893 6,843 7,113 13,956 49.03 50.97 100.00
Kasongole 2,194 4,944 4,943 9,887 50.01 49.99 100.00
Masonde 1,280 3,188 3,246 6,434 49.55 50.45 100.00
Mbabala 756 1,792 1,585 3,377 53.06 46.94 100.00

Luapula Constituency 4,524 9,974 9,104 19,078 52.28 47.72 100.00

Lunga 940 1,888 1,955 3,843 49.13 50.87 100.00
Ncheta 1,033 2,527 2,106 4,633 54.54 45.46 100.00
Nkutila 1,666 3,560 3,200 6,760 52.66 47.34 100.00
Nsalushi 885 1,999 1,843 3,842 52.03 47.97 100.00

Lusaka Province 272,094 705,778 685,551 1,391,329 50.73 49.27 100.00

Chongwe District 23,786 70,211 67,250 137,461 51.08 48.92 100.00

Chongwe Constituency 17,389 51,351 48,930 100,281 51.21 48.79 100.00

Chinkuli 1,177 4,640 4,358 8,998 51.57 48.43 100.00
Chongwe 3,181 8,627 8,602 17,229 50.07 49.93 100.00
Kanakantapa 2,149 6,609 6,669 13,278 49.77 50.23 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 35

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Kapwayambale 1,772 4,642 4,218 8,860 52.39 47.61 100.00
Lukoshi 2,653 7,862 6,955 14,817 53.06 46.94 100.00
Lwimba 618 1,914 1,919 3,833 49.93 50.07 100.00
Manyika 1,774 5,102 5,021 10,123 50.40 49.60 100.00
Nakatindi 1,011 3,095 2,801 5,896 52.49 47.51 100.00
Ntandabale 3,054 8,860 8,387 17,247 51.37 48.63 100.00

Rufunsa Constituency 6,397 18,860 18,320 37,180 50.73 49.27 100.00

Bunda Bunda 1,271 3,608 3,432 7,040 51.25 48.75 100.00
Mankanda 837 2,056 2,030 4,086 50.32 49.68 100.00
Mwachilele 1,324 4,442 4,243 8,685 51.15 48.85 100.00
Nyangwena 901 2,754 2,520 5,274 52.22 47.78 100.00
Rufunsa 1,799 5,245 5,353 10,598 49.49 50.51 100.00
Shikabeta 265 755 742 1,497 50.43 49.57 100.00

Kafue District 29,311 77,001 73,216 150,217 51.26 48.74 100.00

Kafue Constituency 17,832 47,817 45,727 93,544 51.12 48.88 100.00

Chikupi 1,243 3,338 2,824 6,162 54.17 45.83 100.00
Chiyaba 538 1,432 1,249 2,681 53.41 46.59 100.00
Kafue 1,760 4,726 4,634 9,360 50.49 49.51 100.00
Kambale 964 2,293 2,026 4,319 53.09 46.91 100.00
Kasenje 7,111 19,042 18,748 37,790 50.39 49.61 100.00
Lukolongo 611 1,568 1,430 2,998 52.30 47.70 100.00
Malundu 3,193 8,670 8,142 16,812 51.57 48.43 100.00
Matanda 1,291 3,731 3,641 7,372 50.61 49.39 100.00
Mungu 1,121 3,017 3,033 6,050 49.87 50.13 100.00

Chilanga Constituency 11,479 29,184 27,489 56,673 51.50 48.50 100.00

Chilanga 1,231 3,277 3,266 6,543 50.08 49.92 100.00
Chilongolo 2,500 6,215 5,788 12,003 51.78 48.22 100.00
Chinyanja 1,244 3,586 3,515 7,101 50.50 49.50 100.00
Nakachenje 2,270 5,465 4,995 10,460 52.25 47.75 100.00
Namalombwe 2,539 6,242 5,763 12,005 52.00 48.00 100.00
Nyemba 1,695 4,399 4,162 8,561 51.38 48.62 100.00

Luangwa District 3,681 9,546 9,402 18,948 50.38 49.62 100.00

Feira Constituency 3,681 9,546 9,402 18,948 50.38 49.62 100.00

Chikoma 302 775 746 1,521 50.95 49.05 100.00
Chiriwe 165 461 440 901 51.17 48.83 100.00
Dzalo 540 1,517 1,389 2,906 52.20 47.80 100.00
Kabawo 20 52 55 107 48.60 51.40 100.00
Kapoche 349 883 877 1,760 50.17 49.83 100.00
Katondwe 321 911 900 1,811 50.30 49.70 100.00
Kaunga 262 631 652 1,283 49.18 50.82 100.00
Lunya 126 330 291 621 53.14 46.86 100.00
Mandombe 194 480 472 952 50.42 49.58 100.00
Mankhokwe 196 530 516 1,046 50.67 49.33 100.00
Mburuma 310 820 787 1,607 51.03 48.97 100.00
Mkaliva 131 312 323 635 49.13 50.87 100.00
Mphuka 232 567 611 1,178 48.13 51.87 100.00
Mwalilia 346 843 887 1,730 48.73 51.27 100.00
Phwazi 187 434 456 890 48.76 51.24 100.00
Lusaka District 215,316 549,020 535,683 1,084,703 50.61 49.39 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 36

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total

Chawama Constituency 28,750 71,436 68,562 139,998 51.03 48.97 100.00

Chawama 11,985 30,163 29,422 59,585 50.62 49.38 100.00
Lilayi 6,287 15,886 15,245 31,131 51.03 48.97 100.00
Nkoloma 10,478 25,387 23,895 49,282 51.51 48.49 100.00

Kabwata Constituency 15,844 44,495 45,061 89,556 49.68 50.32 100.00

Chilenje 5,655 16,585 16,772 33,357 49.72 50.28 100.00
Kabwata 3,655 9,970 10,459 20,429 48.80 51.20 100.00
Kamwala 4,801 13,113 12,724 25,837 50.75 49.25 100.00
Libala 1,733 4,827 5,106 9,933 48.60 51.40 100.00

Kanyama Constituency 37,594 87,618 83,185 170,803 51.30 48.70 100.00

Harry Mwaanga 17,075 40,415 38,960 79,375 50.92 49.08 100.00
Kanyama 15,775 35,767 33,249 69,016 51.82 48.18 100.00
Munkolo 4,744 11,436 10,976 22,412 51.03 48.97 100.00

Lusaka Central Constituency 19,344 49,489 49,942 99,431 49.77 50.23 100.00
Independence 3,956 9,649 10,133 19,782 48.78 51.22 100.00
Kabulonga 7,784 19,545 18,967 38,512 50.75 49.25 100.00
Lubwa 6,059 16,414 16,977 33,391 49.16 50.84 100.00
Silwizya 1,545 3,881 3,865 7,746 50.10 49.90 100.00

Matero Constituency 35,868 96,131 93,349 189,480 50.73 49.27 100.00

Kapwepwe 7,180 19,518 19,092 38,610 50.55 49.45 100.00
Lima 10,076 25,042 24,133 49,175 50.92 49.08 100.00
Matero 7,779 20,837 20,568 41,405 50.32 49.68 100.00
Muchinga 4,959 14,635 14,258 28,893 50.65 49.35 100.00
Mwembeshi 5,874 16,099 15,298 31,397 51.28 48.72 100.00

Munali Constituency 34,280 88,226 87,924 176,150 50.09 49.91 100.00

Chainda 4,650 11,649 11,651 23,300 50.00 50.00 100.00
Chakunkula 3,747 10,204 10,205 20,409 50.00 50.00 100.00
Kalingalinga 6,475 15,706 16,374 32,080 48.96 51.04 100.00
Mtendere 12,271 31,184 30,507 61,691 50.55 49.45 100.00
Munali 7,137 19,483 19,187 38,670 50.38 49.62 100.00

Mandevu Constituency 43,636 111,625 107,660 219,285 50.90 49.10 100.00

Chaisa 3,902 9,248 8,730 17,978 51.44 48.56 100.00
Justine Kabwe 6,710 16,668 16,555 33,223 50.17 49.83 100.00
Mulungushi 1,590 4,143 3,959 8,102 51.14 48.86 100.00
Ngwerere 9,826 26,001 25,217 51,218 50.77 49.23 100.00
Raphael Chota 14,370 37,331 35,977 73,308 50.92 49.08 100.00
Roma 7,238 18,234 17,222 35,456 51.43 48.57 100.00

Northern Province 258,887 629,976 628,720 1,258,696 50.05 49.95 100.00

Chilubi District 14,341 32,936 33,402 66,338 49.65 50.35 100.00

Chilubi Constituency 14,341 32,936 33,402 66,338 49.65 50.35 100.00

Bulilo 837 1,912 2,003 3,915 48.84 51.16 100.00
Bumba 762 1,982 2,070 4,052 48.91 51.09 100.00
Chifwenge 887 2,161 2,128 4,289 50.38 49.62 100.00
Chiloba 963 2,225 2,276 4,501 49.43 50.57 100.00
Chinkundu 824 1,876 1,909 3,785 49.56 50.44 100.00
Chisupa 691 1,788 1,750 3,538 50.54 49.46 100.00
Kambashi 679 1,447 1,583 3,030 47.76 52.24 100.00
Kanana 542 1,252 1,258 2,510 49.88 50.12 100.00
Kanchindi 551 1,227 1,207 2,434 50.41 49.59 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 37

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Kapoka 504 1,100 1,034 2,134 51.55 48.45 100.00
Kashitu 705 1,533 1,572 3,105 49.37 50.63 100.00
Katamba 1,192 2,843 2,901 5,744 49.50 50.50 100.00
Kawena 623 1,188 1,226 2,414 49.21 50.79 100.00
Luangwa 456 942 878 1,820 51.76 48.24 100.00
Mofu 849 1,858 2,038 3,896 47.69 52.31 100.00
Mpanshya 714 1,731 1,826 3,557 48.66 51.34 100.00
Mubemba 476 1,063 1,046 2,109 50.40 49.60 100.00
Mulanda 787 1,834 1,802 3,636 50.44 49.56 100.00
Muteka 499 976 1,045 2,021 48.29 51.71 100.00
Ndela 800 1,998 1,850 3,848 51.92 48.08 100.00

Chinsali District 25,274 64,362 64,284 128,646 50.03 49.97 100.00

Chinsali Constituency 14,207 37,259 36,780 74,039 50.32 49.68 100.00

Chilinda 1,699 4,836 4,652 9,488 50.97 49.03 100.00
Chilunda 325 906 917 1,823 49.70 50.30 100.00
Chipanga 1,047 3,697 3,515 7,212 51.26 48.74 100.00
Ichinga 3,404 9,116 9,199 18,315 49.77 50.23 100.00
Itapa 2,382 6,382 6,213 12,595 50.67 49.33 100.00
Kaunga 1,759 4,032 3,967 7,999 50.41 49.59 100.00
Lubwa 1,795 4,163 4,130 8,293 50.20 49.80 100.00
Luko 243 520 549 1,069 48.64 51.36 100.00
Malalo 474 1,091 1,120 2,211 49.34 50.66 100.00
Munwakubili 1,079 2,516 2,518 5,034 49.98 50.02 100.00

Shiwangandu Constituency 11,067 27,103 27,504 54,607 49.63 50.37 100.00

Chamusenga 1,031 2,530 2,537 5,067 49.93 50.07 100.00
Chandaula 924 2,147 2,167 4,314 49.77 50.23 100.00
Chibanda 2,517 6,300 6,443 12,743 49.44 50.56 100.00
Chimpandu 1,380 3,227 3,296 6,523 49.47 50.53 100.00
Ichingo 971 2,352 2,478 4,830 48.70 51.30 100.00
Makumbi 560 1,534 1,575 3,109 49.34 50.66 100.00
Mayembe 488 1,317 1,402 2,719 48.44 51.56 100.00
Muchinga 1,335 3,363 3,313 6,676 50.37 49.63 100.00
Mwiche 590 1,427 1,346 2,773 51.46 48.54 100.00
Nkulungwe 1,271 2,906 2,947 5,853 49.65 50.35 100.00

Isoka District 19,223 49,428 49,891 99,319 49.77 50.23 100.00

Isoka East Constituency 7,865 20,846 21,234 42,080 49.54 50.46 100.00
Kakoma 1,044 2,598 2,602 5,200 49.96 50.04 100.00
Kalanga 1,439 3,819 3,811 7,630 50.05 49.95 100.00
Luhoka 517 1,315 1,383 2,698 48.74 51.26 100.00
Mafinga 733 1,800 1,773 3,573 50.38 49.62 100.00
Mukutu 1,225 3,148 3,208 6,356 49.53 50.47 100.00
Ntonga 1,030 3,086 3,269 6,355 48.56 51.44 100.00
Thendere 1,877 5,080 5,188 10,268 49.47 50.53 100.00

Isoka West Constituency 11,358 28,582 28,657 57,239 49.93 50.07 57,239
Kantenshya 1,058 2,725 2,686 5,411 50.36 49.64 5,411
Kapililonga 1,427 3,644 3,669 7,313 49.83 50.17 7,313
Kasoka 2,250 5,689 5,784 11,473 49.59 50.41 11,473
Luangwa 647 1,565 1,579 3,144 49.78 50.22 3,144
Milongo 1,648 4,140 3,986 8,126 50.95 49.05 8,126
Mpungu 1,513 3,702 3,663 7,365 50.26 49.74 7,365
Nkombwa 907 2,263 2,279 4,542 49.82 50.18 4,542
Sansamwenje 1,908 4,854 5,011 9,865 49.20 50.80 9,865

2000 Census Summary Report 38

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total

Kaputa District 18,520 44,556 42,677 87,233 51.08 48.92 100.00

Chimbamilonga Constituency 9,041 21,582 20,763 42,345 50.97 49.03 100.00

Chishela 510 1,281 1,226 2,507 51.10 48.90 100.00
Chubo 443 1,142 1,043 2,185 52.27 47.73 100.00
Fungwa 653 1,630 1,608 3,238 50.34 49.66 100.00
Kakusu 604 1,605 1,473 3,078 52.14 47.86 100.00
Kampinda 1,141 2,771 2,803 5,574 49.71 50.29 100.00
Kashikishi 905 2,175 1,901 4,076 53.36 46.64 100.00
Mukubwe 778 1,717 1,804 3,521 48.76 51.24 100.00
Munwa 1,586 3,683 3,489 7,172 51.35 48.65 100.00
Mwambeshi 326 853 810 1,663 51.29 48.71 100.00
Nsumbu 2,093 4,725 4,606 9,331 50.64 49.36 100.00

Kaputa Constituency 9,479 22,974 21,914 44,888 51.18 48.82 100.00

Chipili 1,577 4,142 3,604 7,746 53.47 46.53 100.00
Chiyilunda 528 1,267 1,199 2,466 51.38 48.62 100.00
Choma 415 1,197 1,154 2,351 50.91 49.09 100.00
Kaleulu 1,905 4,402 4,408 8,810 49.97 50.03 100.00
Kalungwishi 590 1,419 1,461 2,880 49.27 50.73 100.00
Mofwe 216 558 512 1,070 52.15 47.85 100.00
Mowa 481 1,010 955 1,965 51.40 48.60 100.00
Munkonge 1,347 3,137 3,017 6,154 50.97 49.03 100.00
Mwawe 1,111 2,652 2,582 5,234 50.67 49.33 100.00
Nkota 1,307 3,190 3,022 6,212 51.35 48.65 100.00

Kasama District 35,020 85,070 85,859 170,929 49.77 50.23 100.00

Kasama Constituency 17,202 43,389 43,983 87,372 49.66 50.34 100.00

Bululu 2,854 6,665 6,678 13,343 49.95 50.05 100.00
Buseko 1,301 3,600 3,604 7,204 49.97 50.03 100.00
Chilunga 2,120 4,733 4,735 9,468 49.99 50.01 100.00
Kasenga 1,725 4,128 4,136 8,264 49.95 50.05 100.00
Lukulu 900 2,188 2,194 4,382 49.93 50.07 100.00
Lukupa 2,067 4,796 4,989 9,785 49.01 50.99 100.00
Mulilansolo 6,235 17,279 17,647 34,926 49.47 50.53 100.00

Lukasha Constituency 17,818 41,681 41,876 83,557 49.88 50.12 100.00

Chiba 3,052 6,770 6,844 13,614 49.73 50.27 100.00
Chibundu 1,845 4,219 4,147 8,366 50.43 49.57 100.00
Chumbu 791 1,748 1,895 3,643 47.98 52.02 100.00
Kapolongolo 5,693 13,630 13,714 27,344 49.85 50.15 100.00
Lualuo 2,343 5,477 5,542 11,019 49.71 50.29 100.00
Lusenga 1,787 4,284 4,306 8,590 49.87 50.13 100.00
Mukanga 1,514 3,698 3,672 7,370 50.18 49.82 100.00
Musowa 793 1,855 1,756 3,611 51.37 48.63 100.00

Luwingu District 16,877 40,612 40,146 80,758 50.29 49.71 100.00

Lubansenshi Constituency 6,927 17,513 17,348 34,861 50.24 49.76 100.00

Chifwele 651 1,570 1,498 3,068 51.17 48.83 100.00
Chulungoma 2,196 6,237 6,215 12,452 50.09 49.91 100.00
Ipusukilo 706 1,655 1,732 3,387 48.86 51.14 100.00
Isangano 595 1,202 1,277 2,479 48.49 51.51 100.00
Lwata 688 1,595 1,516 3,111 51.27 48.73 100.00
Masonde 726 1,893 1,840 3,733 50.71 49.29 100.00
Mushitu Wambo 598 1,499 1,385 2,884 51.98 48.02 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 39

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Namukolo 767 1,862 1,885 3,747 49.69 50.31 100.00

Lupoposhi Constituency 9,950 23,099 22,798 45,897 50.33 49.67 100.00

Bwalinde 1,231 2,542 2,527 5,069 50.15 49.85 100.00
Ibale 348 682 606 1,288 52.95 47.05 100.00
Ilambo 639 1,197 1,304 2,501 47.86 52.14 100.00
Isansa 858 1,881 1,918 3,799 49.51 50.49 100.00
Itandashi 1,007 2,264 2,307 4,571 49.53 50.47 100.00
Kaela 641 1,556 1,366 2,922 53.25 46.75 100.00
Kampemba 654 1,670 1,563 3,233 51.65 48.35 100.00
Kanfinsa 828 1,738 1,678 3,416 50.88 49.12 100.00
Katilye 350 905 910 1,815 49.86 50.14 100.00
Mufili 1,395 4,102 4,060 8,162 50.26 49.74 100.00
Munshinga 580 1,363 1,313 2,676 50.93 49.07 100.00
Mwelawamanu 1,419 3,199 3,246 6,445 49.64 50.36 100.00

Mbala District 30,585 75,085 74,549 149,634 50.18 49.82 100.00

Mbala Constituency 16,546 40,652 40,384 81,036 50.17 49.83 100.00

Intala 3,899 9,102 9,043 18,145 50.16 49.84 100.00
Kawimbe 2,679 6,931 6,989 13,920 49.79 50.21 100.00
Lwandi 2,955 7,125 7,087 14,212 50.13 49.87 100.00
Moto Moto 3,465 8,630 8,557 17,187 50.21 49.79 100.00
Mwambezi 1,675 4,407 4,358 8,765 50.28 49.72 100.00
Nsunzu 1,873 4,457 4,350 8,807 50.61 49.39 100.00

Senga Hill Constituency 14,039 34,433 34,165 68,598 50.20 49.80 100.00
Chela 1,970 4,571 4,704 9,275 49.28 50.72 100.00
Chimbili 1,675 3,947 3,868 7,815 50.51 49.49 100.00
Chinyika 1,321 3,157 3,106 6,263 50.41 49.59 100.00
Chipembe 960 2,288 2,337 4,625 49.47 50.53 100.00
Chozi 1,345 3,582 3,464 7,046 50.84 49.16 100.00
Lapisha 1,670 4,275 4,143 8,418 50.78 49.22 100.00
Malamba 1,306 3,306 3,190 6,496 50.89 49.11 100.00
Mukololo 2,114 5,160 5,157 10,317 50.01 49.99 100.00
Mwiluzi 1,678 4,147 4,196 8,343 49.71 50.29 100.00
Mpika District 30,027 73,151 73,045 146,196 50.04 49.96 100.00

Kachibiya Constituency 11,753 26,863 27,266 54,129 49.63 50.37 100.00

Chambeshi 1,748 4,207 4,203 8,410 50.02 49.98 100.00
Chawama 633 1,492 1,532 3,024 49.34 50.66 100.00
Chibwa 1,030 2,476 2,405 4,881 50.73 49.27 100.00
Lubaleshi 1,842 4,378 4,247 8,625 50.76 49.24 100.00
Lukulu 1,604 3,653 3,739 7,392 49.42 50.58 100.00
Lulimala 1,159 2,929 3,086 6,015 48.69 51.31 100.00
Lulingila 1,395 2,459 2,799 5,258 46.77 53.23 100.00
Mumbubu 1,438 3,348 3,352 6,700 49.97 50.03 100.00
Munikashi 904 1,921 1,903 3,824 50.24 49.76 100.00

Mfuwe Constituency 6,907 16,878 16,612 33,490 50.40 49.60 100.00

Chifungwe 759 1,612 1,653 3,265 49.37 50.63 100.00
Chikanda 1,463 3,781 3,790 7,571 49.94 50.06 100.00
Chipembele 1,318 3,343 3,293 6,636 50.38 49.62 100.00
Muchinga 683 1,435 1,486 2,921 49.13 50.87 100.00
Mupamadzi 1,901 4,648 4,435 9,083 51.17 48.83 100.00
Mutekwe 783 2,059 1,955 4,014 51.30 48.70 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 40

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total

Mpika Constituency 11,367 29,410 29,167 58,577 50.21 49.79 100.00

Kanchibiya 915 2,253 2,192 4,445 50.69 49.31 100.00
Lubambala 2,337 6,727 6,632 13,359 50.36 49.64 100.00
Lwitikila 1,911 4,801 4,763 9,564 50.20 49.80 100.00
Musakanya 2,283 6,186 6,308 12,494 49.51 50.49 100.00
Nachikufu 3,921 9,443 9,272 18,715 50.46 49.54 100.00

Mporokoso District 14,897 36,975 36,954 73,929 50.01 49.99 100.00

Lunte Constituency 8,640 21,324 21,108 42,432 50.25 49.75 100.00

Isenga 800 2,026 2,000 4,026 50.32 49.68 100.00
Kalungwishi 1,020 2,411 2,349 4,760 50.65 49.35 100.00
Kansanshi 765 1,919 1,954 3,873 49.55 50.45 100.00
Kanyanta 633 1,538 1,634 3,172 48.49 51.51 100.00
Luangwa 454 1,223 1,167 2,390 51.17 48.83 100.00
Lubushi 634 1,451 1,485 2,936 49.42 50.58 100.00
Lunte 836 2,082 2,096 4,178 49.83 50.17 100.00
Malaila 746 1,758 1,755 3,513 50.04 49.96 100.00
Malambwa 391 1,004 942 1,946 51.59 48.41 100.00
Musonde 1,161 2,971 2,816 5,787 51.34 48.66 100.00
Nchelenge 1,200 2,941 2,910 5,851 50.26 49.74 100.00

Mporokoso Constituency 6,257 15,651 15,846 31,497 49.69 50.31 100.00

Chikulu 349 972 987 1,959 49.62 50.38 100.00
Chimpolonge 591 1,470 1,464 2,934 50.10 49.90 100.00
Chisha Mwamba 1,365 3,284 3,305 6,589 49.84 50.16 100.00
Kapumo 513 1,070 1,150 2,220 48.20 51.80 100.00
Lumangwe 844 2,158 2,185 4,343 49.69 50.31 100.00
Mabale 1,097 2,828 2,783 5,611 50.40 49.60 100.00
Mikomba 500 1,465 1,520 2,985 49.08 50.92 100.00
Mumbuluma 425 1,090 1,037 2,127 51.25 48.75 100.00
Mutotoshi 573 1,314 1,415 2,729 48.15 51.85 100.00

Mpulungu District 14,467 34,292 33,310 67,602 50.73 49.27 100.00

Mpulungu Constituency 14,467 34,292 33,310 67,602 50.73 49.27 100.00

Chibulula 1,865 4,145 4,094 8,239 50.31 49.69 100.00
Chilumba 46 79 80 159 49.69 50.31 100.00
Chisha 1,531 4,007 3,763 7,770 51.57 48.43 100.00
Isoko 1,843 4,021 3,823 7,844 51.26 48.74 100.00
Isunga 440 1,020 1,057 2,077 49.11 50.89 100.00
Itumbwe 181 949 855 1,804 52.61 47.39 100.00
Iyendwe 710 1,477 1,494 2,971 49.71 50.29 100.00
Kapembwa 313 725 633 1,358 53.39 46.61 100.00
Katwe 342 800 825 1,625 49.23 50.77 100.00
Mpulungu 4,853 11,189 11,169 22,358 50.04 49.96 100.00
Mumila 692 1,751 1,654 3,405 51.42 48.58 100.00
Vyamba 1,650 4,129 3,863 7,992 51.66 48.34 100.00

Mungwi District 24,351 56,200 56,777 112,977 49.74 50.26 100.00

Malole Constituency 24,351 56,200 56,777 112,977 49.74 50.26 100.00

Chafubu 3,094 7,006 7,054 14,060 49.83 50.17 100.00
Chambeshi 1,576 3,565 3,558 7,123 50.05 49.95 100.00
Fibwe 1,952 4,846 4,718 9,564 50.67 49.33 100.00
Fube 2,445 5,819 5,863 11,682 49.81 50.19 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 41

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Iyaya 1,691 3,716 3,864 7,580 49.02 50.98 100.00
Kabisha 1,801 4,029 4,167 8,196 49.16 50.84 100.00
Kalungu 2,856 6,395 6,512 12,907 49.55 50.45 100.00
Lubala 2,070 4,884 4,798 9,682 50.44 49.56 100.00
Mfinshe 1,021 2,302 2,323 4,625 49.77 50.23 100.00
Mpanda 1,950 4,409 4,476 8,885 49.62 50.38 100.00
Mungwi 2,369 5,907 6,064 11,971 49.34 50.66 100.00
Ngulula 1,526 3,322 3,380 6,702 49.57 50.43 100.00

Nakonde District 15,305 37,309 37,826 75,135 49.66 50.34 100.00

Nakonde Constituency 15,305 37,309 37,826 75,135 49.66 50.34 100.00

Chiwanza 1,019 2,562 2,702 5,264 48.67 51.33 100.00
Ilonda 758 2,062 2,110 4,172 49.42 50.58 100.00
Isunda 1,183 2,936 2,807 5,743 51.12 48.88 100.00
Luchinde 1,094 2,824 2,973 5,797 48.71 51.29 100.00
Mpande 1,210 3,019 3,103 6,122 49.31 50.69 100.00
Mukulika 454 1,141 1,137 2,278 50.09 49.91 100.00
Mulalo 1,288 3,359 3,402 6,761 49.68 50.32 100.00
Musele 746 1,899 1,968 3,867 49.11 50.89 100.00
Musyani 1,190 2,971 2,915 5,886 50.48 49.52 100.00
Nakonde 4,376 9,671 9,757 19,428 49.78 50.22 100.00
Ngumba 985 2,360 2,322 4,682 50.41 49.59 100.00
Popomozi 1,002 2,505 2,630 5,135 48.78 51.22 100.00

North-Western Province 111,133 290,856 292,494 583,350 49.86 50.14 100.00

Chavuma District 6,298 14,815 15,126 29,941 49.48 50.52 100.00

Chavuma Constituency 6,298 14,815 15,126 29,941 49.48 50.52 100.00

Chambi Mandalo 284 648 638 1,286 50.39 49.61 100.00
Chavuma 1,330 3,209 3,513 6,722 47.74 52.26 100.00
Chibombo Mbalanga 336 830 821 1,651 50.27 49.73 100.00
Chiyeke Kakoma 1,225 2,835 2,949 5,784 49.01 50.99 100.00
Kalombo Kamusamba 807 1,703 1,676 3,379 50.40 49.60 100.00
Kambuya Mukelangombe 213 551 559 1,110 49.64 50.36 100.00
Kanyinda Likundu 164 370 355 725 51.03 48.97 100.00
Lingelengenda 334 771 785 1,556 49.55 50.45 100.00
Lukolwe Musanga 374 913 866 1,779 51.32 48.68 100.00
Nguvu 213 445 479 924 48.16 51.84 100.00
Nyantanda Nyambongila 357 971 998 1,969 49.31 50.69 100.00
Sanjongo 661 1,569 1,487 3,056 51.34 48.66 100.00

Kabompo District 14,029 35,286 35,952 71,238 49.53 50.47 100.00

Kabompo East Constituency 7,287 18,223 18,539 36,762 49.57 50.43 100.00
Chiteve 137 312 280 592 52.70 47.30 100.00
Dihamba 286 665 735 1,400 47.50 52.50 100.00
Kashinakaji 200 586 549 1,135 51.63 48.37 100.00
Kaula 2,347 5,938 5,932 11,870 50.03 49.97 100.00
Kawanda 1,296 3,176 3,189 6,365 49.90 50.10 100.00
Loloma 2,173 5,276 5,493 10,769 48.99 51.01 100.00
Lusongwa 552 1,617 1,694 3,311 48.84 51.16 100.00
Manyinga 296 653 667 1,320 49.47 50.53 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 42

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total

Kabompo West Constituency 6,742 17,063 17,413 34,476 49.49 50.51 100.00
Chikenge 281 690 665 1,355 50.92 49.08 100.00
Chikonkwelo 322 730 726 1,456 50.14 49.86 100.00
Kabompo 1,647 4,530 4,617 9,147 49.52 50.48 100.00
Kabulamema 671 1,734 1,739 3,473 49.93 50.07 100.00
Kamafwafwa 444 1,051 1,128 2,179 48.23 51.77 100.00
Kamisombo 770 1,986 2,010 3,996 49.70 50.30 100.00
Katuva 179 519 517 1,036 50.10 49.90 100.00
Kayombo 301 834 844 1,678 49.70 50.30 100.00
Lubi 456 1,080 1,062 2,142 50.42 49.58 100.00
Lunyiwe 426 1,023 1,087 2,110 48.48 51.52 100.00
Maveve 326 751 760 1,511 49.70 50.30 100.00
Mumbeji 919 2,135 2,258 4,393 48.60 51.40 100.00

Kasempa District 9,265 25,810 26,094 51,904 49.73 50.27 100.00

Kasempa Constituency 9,265 25,810 26,094 51,904 49.73 50.27 100.00

Dengwe 531 1,382 1,391 2,773 49.84 50.16 100.00
Ingwe 658 1,820 1,883 3,703 49.15 50.85 100.00
Jifumpa 138 342 341 683 50.07 49.93 100.00
Kalombe 342 954 930 1,884 50.64 49.36 100.00
Kamakechi 198 614 593 1,207 50.87 49.13 100.00
Kamakuku 210 599 587 1,186 50.51 49.49 100.00
Kamatete 364 1,127 1,114 2,241 50.29 49.71 100.00
Kamusongolwa 227 659 667 1,326 49.70 50.30 100.00
Kanongo 719 2,064 2,074 4,138 49.88 50.12 100.00
Kantenda 745 2,118 2,157 4,275 49.54 50.46 100.00
Kelongwe 253 669 674 1,343 49.81 50.19 100.00
Kikonkomene 627 1,787 1,833 3,620 49.36 50.64 100.00
Mpungu 474 1,311 1,316 2,627 49.90 50.10 100.00
Mukema 593 1,752 1,781 3,533 49.59 50.41 100.00
Mukinge 566 1,559 1,636 3,195 48.79 51.21 100.00
Mukunanshi 504 1,318 1,303 2,621 50.29 49.71 100.00
Njenga 844 2,271 2,234 4,505 50.41 49.59 100.00
Nkeyama 84 220 260 480 45.83 54.17 100.00
Nselauke 708 1,931 1,998 3,929 49.15 50.85 100.00
Nyoka 480 1,313 1,322 2,635 49.83 50.17 100.00

Mufumbwe District 7,777 21,875 22,127 44,002 49.71 50.29 100.00

Mufumbwe Constituency 7,777 21,875 22,127 44,002 49.71 50.29 100.00

Chizela 512 1,508 1,534 3,042 49.57 50.43 100.00
Kabipupu 209 604 581 1,185 50.97 49.03 100.00
Kalambu 1,047 3,255 3,255 6,510 50.00 50.00 100.00
Kalengwa 314 807 844 1,651 48.88 51.12 100.00
Kamabute 472 1,301 1,400 2,701 48.17 51.83 100.00
Kaminzekinzeke 410 1,151 1,124 2,275 50.59 49.41 100.00
Kashima East 180 570 606 1,176 48.47 51.53 100.00
Kashima West 903 2,354 2,385 4,739 49.67 50.33 100.00
Kikonge 297 797 822 1,619 49.23 50.77 100.00
Lalafuta 660 1,730 1,711 3,441 50.28 49.72 100.00
Matushi 1,165 3,125 3,231 6,356 49.17 50.83 100.00
Munyambala 254 752 733 1,485 50.64 49.36 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 43

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Mushima 652 1,965 2,013 3,978 49.40 50.60 100.00
Musonweji 248 734 679 1,413 51.95 48.05 100.00
Shukwe 454 1,222 1,209 2,431 50.27 49.73 100.00

Mwinilunga District 22,590 58,543 58,962 117,505 49.82 50.18 100.00

Mwinilunga East Constituency 11,294 29,757 29,858 59,615 49.92 50.08 100.00
Chibwika 634 1,660 1,621 3,281 50.59 49.41 100.00
Chisasa 642 1,673 1,734 3,407 49.10 50.90 100.00
Kakoma 1,294 3,277 3,295 6,572 49.86 50.14 100.00
Kamapanda 1,373 3,613 3,491 7,104 50.86 49.14 100.00
Kanyama 1,613 4,287 4,316 8,603 49.83 50.17 100.00
Kasampula 171 475 510 985 48.22 51.78 100.00
Lumwana 889 2,397 2,327 4,724 50.74 49.26 100.00
Mudyanyama 530 1,291 1,305 2,596 49.73 50.27 100.00
Mundwiji 1,353 3,566 3,503 7,069 50.45 49.55 100.00
Ntambu 1,343 3,732 3,780 7,512 49.68 50.32 100.00
Sailung'a 490 1,350 1,454 2,804 48.15 51.85 100.00
Samuteba 962 2,436 2,522 4,958 49.13 50.87 100.00
Mwinilunga West Constituency 11,296 28,786 29,104 57,890 49.73 50.27 100.00
Chana Chamuhinga 584 1,490 1,460 2,950 50.51 49.49 100.00
Ikelenge 1,468 3,774 3,826 7,600 49.66 50.34 100.00
Jimbe 659 1,730 1,747 3,477 49.76 50.24 100.00
Kanong'esha 2,718 6,709 6,746 13,455 49.86 50.14 100.00
Mukangala 645 1,717 1,794 3,511 48.90 51.10 100.00
Mulumbi 2,413 6,429 6,519 12,948 49.65 50.35 100.00
Mwininyilamba 1,189 2,959 2,977 5,936 49.85 50.15 100.00
Nyakaseya 1,620 3,978 4,035 8,013 49.64 50.36 100.00

Solwezi District 38,546 102,241 101,556 203,797 50.17 49.83 100.00

Solwezi Central Constituency 13,066 34,755 34,343 69,098 50.30 49.70 100.00
Kamalamba 2,466 6,151 6,182 12,333 49.87 50.13 100.00
Kapijimpanga 2,939 7,213 7,172 14,385 50.14 49.86 100.00
Kimasala 3,032 8,187 8,141 16,328 50.14 49.86 100.00
Sandang'ombe 1,465 4,345 4,220 8,565 50.73 49.27 100.00
Tuvwananai 3,164 8,859 8,628 17,487 50.66 49.34 100.00

Solwezi East Constituency 7,337 19,452 19,342 38,794 50.14 49.86 100.00
Chikola 887 2,442 2,296 4,738 51.54 48.46 100.00
Kalilele 512 1,390 1,297 2,687 51.73 48.27 100.00
Kangwena 1,033 2,586 2,619 5,205 49.68 50.32 100.00
Mapunga 1,112 2,913 2,903 5,816 50.09 49.91 100.00
Mujimanzovu 468 1,255 1,311 2,566 48.91 51.09 100.00
Mulonga 1,839 4,794 4,850 9,644 49.71 50.29 100.00
Musaka 1,486 4,072 4,066 8,138 50.04 49.96 100.00

Solwezi West Constituency 18,143 48,034 47,871 95,905 50.08 49.92 100.00
Chovwe 957 2,651 2,691 5,342 49.63 50.37 100.00
Kibanza 361 957 841 1,798 53.23 46.77 100.00
Matebo 4,768 11,998 11,744 23,742 50.53 49.47 100.00
Mukumbi 1,249 3,619 3,614 7,233 50.03 49.97 100.00
Mumbezhi 1,485 4,182 4,239 8,421 49.66 50.34 100.00
Mumena 6,004 16,379 16,285 32,664 50.14 49.86 100.00
Musele 1,769 4,380 4,528 8,908 49.17 50.83 100.00
Shilenda 1,450 3,868 3,929 7,797 49.61 50.39 100.00

Zambezi District 12,628 32,286 32,677 64,963 49.70 50.30 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 44

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Zambezi East Constituency 8,901 22,944 23,062 46,006 49.87 50.13 100.00
Chilenga Chizenzi 1,071 2,648 2,634 5,282 50.13 49.87 100.00
Chitokoloki 550 1,471 1,424 2,895 50.81 49.19 100.00
Chivweji Kasesi 1,045 2,558 2,646 5,204 49.15 50.85 100.00
Dipalata 280 706 755 1,461 48.32 51.68 100.00
Lunkunyi 466 1,127 1,124 2,251 50.07 49.93 100.00
Lwitadi Lwatembo 635 1,694 1,737 3,431 49.37 50.63 100.00
Mpidi Kakonga 1,156 2,718 2,795 5,513 49.30 50.70 100.00
Mukandakunda 1,329 3,318 3,340 6,658 49.83 50.17 100.00
Nyakulenga 1,254 3,287 3,342 6,629 49.59 50.41 100.00
Zambezi 1,115 3,417 3,265 6,682 51.14 48.86 100.00

Zambezi West Constituency 3,727 9,342 9,615 18,957 49.28 50.72 100.00
Likungu 516 1,187 1,210 2,397 49.52 50.48 100.00
Mapachi Chinyingi 1,353 3,277 3,434 6,711 48.83 51.17 100.00
Matondo Nyachikanji 578 1,557 1,618 3,175 49.04 50.96 100.00
Muyembe Liyoyu 874 2,243 2,363 4,606 48.70 51.30 100.00
Mwange Nyawanda 406 1,078 990 2,068 52.13 47.87 100.00

Southern Province 204,398 601,440 610,684 1,212,124 49.62 50.38 100.00

Choma District 33,655 100,791 104,107 204,898 49.19 50.81 100.00

Choma Constituency 13,353 36,873 36,979 73,852 49.93 50.07 100.00

Kalundanya 2,254 5,686 5,554 11,240 50.59 49.41 100.00
Mubula 2,330 5,520 5,341 10,861 50.82 49.18 100.00
Nakeempa 948 2,937 3,006 5,943 49.42 50.58 100.00
Namuswa 1,491 4,567 4,745 9,312 49.04 50.96 100.00
Siasikabole 1,153 3,700 3,849 7,549 49.01 50.99 100.00
Sikalundu 1,588 4,408 4,434 8,842 49.85 50.15 100.00
Simacheche 1,022 2,694 2,783 5,477 49.19 50.81 100.00
Singani 1,194 3,662 3,600 7,262 50.43 49.57 100.00
State Land 1,373 3,699 3,667 7,366 50.22 49.78 100.00
Mbabala Constituency 9,463 30,144 30,954 61,098 49.34 50.66 100.00
Chilalantambo 1,313 4,040 4,031 8,071 50.06 49.94 100.00
Kabimba 447 1,498 1,609 3,107 48.21 51.79 100.00
Macha 739 2,554 2,665 5,219 48.94 51.06 100.00
Mang'unza 745 2,446 2,544 4,990 49.02 50.98 100.00
Mapanza 859 2,780 2,907 5,687 48.88 51.12 100.00
Mbabala 1,713 5,576 5,855 11,431 48.78 51.22 100.00
Simamvwa 1,924 5,419 5,309 10,728 50.51 49.49 100.00
Simaubi 1,723 5,831 6,034 11,865 49.14 50.86 100.00

Pemba Constituency 10,839 33,774 36,174 69,948 48.28 51.72 100.00

Batoka 2,041 6,234 6,685 12,919 48.25 51.75 100.00
Habunkululu 1,016 3,400 3,702 7,102 47.87 52.13 100.00
Hamaundu 2,079 6,413 6,638 13,051 49.14 50.86 100.00
Kasiya 1,648 5,157 5,551 10,708 48.16 51.84 100.00
Kauba 844 2,762 3,063 5,825 47.42 52.58 100.00
Maambo 1,674 5,058 5,367 10,425 48.52 51.48 100.00
Nachibanga 1,164 3,778 4,085 7,863 48.05 51.95 100.00
Pemba 373 972 1,083 2,055 47.30 52.70 100.00

Gwembe District 5,604 16,862 17,271 34,133 49.40 50.60 100.00

Gwembe Constituency 5,604 16,862 17,271 34,133 49.40 50.60 100.00

Bbondo 696 1,803 1,811 3,614 49.89 50.11 100.00
Chibuwe 458 1,346 1,284 2,630 51.18 48.82 100.00
Chisale 187 604 691 1,295 46.64 53.36 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 45

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Fumbo 426 1,287 1,360 2,647 48.62 51.38 100.00
Jongola 542 1,734 1,749 3,483 49.78 50.22 100.00
Jumbo/Kkoma 484 1,571 1,688 3,259 48.20 51.80 100.00
Katokota 290 707 676 1,383 51.12 48.88 100.00
Lukonde 909 2,752 2,868 5,620 48.97 51.03 100.00
Luumbo 433 1,403 1,464 2,867 48.94 51.06 100.00
Masanga 382 1,201 1,163 2,364 50.80 49.20 100.00
Siampande 357 1,114 1,153 2,267 49.14 50.86 100.00
Sinafala 440 1,340 1,364 2,704 49.56 50.44 100.00

Itezhi-Tezhi District 7,998 22,170 20,941 43,111 51.43 48.57 100.00

Itezhi-Tezhi Constituency 7,998 22,170 20,941 43,111 51.43 48.57 100.00

Banamwaze 297 831 854 1,685 49.32 50.68 100.00
Basanga 876 2,074 1,992 4,066 51.01 48.99 100.00
Itezhi-Tezhi 484 1,764 1,000 2,764 63.82 36.18 100.00
Itumbi 983 2,453 2,428 4,881 50.26 49.74 100.00
Kabulungwe 304 769 686 1,455 52.85 47.15 100.00
Lubanda 917 2,483 2,377 4,860 51.09 48.91 100.00
Luchena 427 1,047 1,027 2,074 50.48 49.52 100.00
Luubwe 267 772 699 1,471 52.48 47.52 100.00
Makunka 209 662 644 1,306 50.69 49.31 100.00
Masemu 2,096 5,659 5,498 11,157 50.72 49.28 100.00
Mbila 744 2,497 2,532 5,029 49.65 50.35 100.00
Nyambo 394 1,159 1,204 2,363 49.05 50.95 100.00

Kalomo District 26,921 26,921 26,921 169,503 15.88 15.88 31.76

Dundumwenzi Constituency 6,475 21,717 22,603 44,320 49.00 51.00 100.00

Chamuka 242 988 1,029 2,017 48.98 51.02 100.00
Chikanta 1,354 4,339 4,565 8,904 48.73 51.27 100.00
Kasukwe 1,806 6,153 6,381 12,534 49.09 50.91 100.00
Munyeke 1,243 3,997 4,195 8,192 48.79 51.21 100.00
Namela 1,830 6,240 6,433 12,673 49.24 50.76 100.00

Kalomo Constituency 14,243 43,055 44,596 87,651 49.12 50.88 100.00

Chawila 789 2,265 2,374 4,639 48.83 51.17 100.00
Choonga 2,569 7,267 7,515 14,782 49.16 50.84 100.00
Kalonda 1,842 5,517 5,646 11,163 49.42 50.58 100.00
Mayoba 2,679 8,770 8,854 17,624 49.76 50.24 100.00
Nachikungu 940 2,915 3,135 6,050 48.18 51.82 100.00
Namwianga 934 2,835 2,692 5,527 51.29 48.71 100.00
Siachitema 3,151 9,686 10,346 20,032 48.35 51.65 100.00
Simayakwe 1,044 3,034 3,248 6,282 48.30 51.70 100.00
Sipatunyana 295 766 786 1,552 49.36 50.64 100.00

Mapatizya Constituency 6,203 18,403 19,129 37,532 49.03 50.97 100.00

Chidi 1,749 5,246 5,519 10,765 48.73 51.27 100.00
Luyaba 943 2,896 3,066 5,962 48.57 51.43 100.00
Mbwiko 824 2,137 2,199 4,336 49.29 50.71 100.00
Siamafumba 1,611 4,926 5,179 10,105 48.75 51.25 100.00
Simwatachela 673 1,895 1,855 3,750 50.53 49.47 100.00
Zimba 403 1,303 1,311 2,614 49.85 50.15 100.00

Kazungula District 12,601 34,178 34,087 68,265 50.07 49.93 100.00

Katombola Constituency 12,601 34,178 34,087 68,265 50.07 49.93 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 46

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Chooma 495 1,529 1,539 3,068 49.84 50.16 100.00
Kanchele 2,000 5,088 4,922 10,010 50.83 49.17 100.00
Katapazi 755 2,008 2,101 4,109 48.87 51.13 100.00
Kauwe 1,593 5,353 5,474 10,827 49.44 50.56 100.00
Moomba 372 813 831 1,644 49.45 50.55 100.00
Mukuni 1,591 3,636 3,640 7,276 49.97 50.03 100.00
Musokotwane 1,198 2,931 2,901 5,832 50.26 49.74 100.00
Ngwezi 704 1,884 1,807 3,691 51.04 48.96 100.00
Nyawa 928 3,180 3,335 6,515 48.81 51.19 100.00
Sekute 999 2,663 2,674 5,337 49.90 50.10 100.00
Sikaunzwe 1,382 3,447 3,214 6,661 51.75 48.25 100.00
Simango 584 1,646 1,649 3,295 49.95 50.05 100.00

Livingstone District 18,856 51,828 51,460 103,288 50.18 49.82 100.00

Livingstone Constituency 18,856 51,828 51,460 103,288 50.18 49.82 100.00

Akapelwa 943 2,356 2,348 4,704 50.09 49.91 100.00
Dambwa 1,841 5,037 5,018 10,055 50.09 49.91 100.00
Dr. Mubitana 486 1,318 1,239 2,557 51.54 48.46 100.00
Freedom 1,108 3,390 3,476 6,866 49.37 50.63 100.00
Kariba 472 1,555 1,443 2,998 51.87 48.13 100.00
Libuyu 2,267 6,118 6,110 12,228 50.03 49.97 100.00
Linzuma 518 1,588 1,624 3,212 49.44 50.56 100.00
Maramba 1,523 4,379 4,504 8,883 49.30 50.70 100.00
Musi-o-tunya 1,414 3,953 3,845 7,798 50.69 49.31 100.00
Mwalibonena 2,661 6,359 6,490 12,849 49.49 50.51 100.00
Namatama 1,132 2,688 2,563 5,251 51.19 48.81 100.00
Nansanzu 1,146 3,310 3,115 6,425 51.52 48.48 100.00
Shungu 721 1,970 1,881 3,851 51.16 48.84 100.00
Simonga 1,760 5,459 5,511 10,970 49.76 50.24 100.00
Zambezi 864 2,348 2,293 4,641 50.59 49.41 100.00

Mazabuka District 36,210 102,585 100,634 203,219 50.48 49.52 100.00

Chikankata Constituency 10,166 29,366 29,249 58,615 50.10 49.90 100.00

Chitete 1,374 4,731 4,608 9,339 50.66 49.34 100.00
Kasenga 1,187 3,217 3,070 6,287 51.17 48.83 100.00
Mabweatuba 1,854 5,356 5,386 10,742 49.86 50.14 100.00
Malala 1,150 3,418 3,545 6,963 49.09 50.91 100.00
Namalundu 733 2,038 1,911 3,949 51.61 48.39 100.00
Nansenga 1,334 3,878 3,892 7,770 49.91 50.09 100.00
Upper Kaleya 2,534 6,728 6,837 13,565 49.60 50.40 100.00

Magoye Constituency 10,326 31,829 32,434 64,263 49.53 50.47 100.00

Chivuna 3,356 10,626 11,147 21,773 48.80 51.20 100.00
Itebe 500 1,462 1,271 2,733 53.49 46.51 100.00
Kalama 386 1,081 1,059 2,140 50.51 49.49 100.00
Konkola 499 1,685 1,684 3,369 50.01 49.99 100.00
Munenga 479 1,675 1,730 3,405 49.19 50.81 100.00
Munjile 322 1,071 1,071 2,142 50.00 50.00 100.00
Mwanachingwala 1,777 4,462 4,489 8,951 49.85 50.15 100.00
Ngwezi 3,007 9,767 9,983 19,750 49.45 50.55 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 47

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total

Mazabuka Constituency 15,718 41,390 38,951 80,341 51.52 48.48 100.00

Chizobo 4,603 12,430 12,057 24,487 50.76 49.24 100.00
Lubombo 1,926 4,813 4,806 9,619 50.04 49.96 100.00
Mazabuka 2,799 6,416 5,985 12,401 51.74 48.26 100.00
Nakambala 3,957 11,058 9,837 20,895 52.92 47.08 100.00
Nega-Nega 2,433 6,673 6,266 12,939 51.57 48.43 100.00

Monze District 26,398 80,697 82,881 163,578 49.33 50.67 100.00

Bweengwa Constituency 7,039 24,360 25,291 49,651 49.06 50.94 100.00

Bweengwa 1,658 6,731 7,212 13,943 48.28 51.72 100.00
Choongo East 1,557 5,045 5,247 10,292 49.02 50.98 100.00
Choongo West 919 2,987 3,128 6,115 48.85 51.15 100.00
Kaila 815 2,660 2,656 5,316 50.04 49.96 100.00
Keemba 1,385 4,625 4,854 9,479 48.79 51.21 100.00
Malundu 705 2,312 2,194 4,506 51.31 48.69 100.00

Monze Constituency 15,664 45,484 46,619 92,103 49.38 50.62 100.00

Bbombo 990 3,092 3,239 6,331 48.84 51.16 100.00
Chipembele 2,314 6,420 6,601 13,021 49.30 50.70 100.00
Chisekesi 2,025 6,069 5,926 11,995 50.60 49.40 100.00
Hatontola 1,798 6,024 5,935 11,959 50.37 49.63 100.00
Hufwa 841 2,634 2,745 5,379 48.97 51.03 100.00
Katimba 823 2,614 2,920 5,534 47.24 52.76 100.00
Manungu 2,757 6,683 6,922 13,605 49.12 50.88 100.00
Mayaba 871 2,500 2,620 5,120 48.83 51.17 100.00
Monze 2,043 5,772 6,051 11,823 48.82 51.18 100.00
Ufwenuka 1,202 3,676 3,660 7,336 50.11 49.89 100.00

Moomba Constituency 3,695 10,853 10,971 21,824 49.73 50.27 100.00

Chona 548 1,671 1,666 3,337 50.07 49.93 100.00
Moomba 421 1,226 1,170 2,396 51.17 48.83 100.00
Mwanza East 832 2,583 2,630 5,213 49.55 50.45 100.00
Mwanza West 1,894 5,373 5,505 10,878 49.39 50.61 100.00

Namwala District 12,075 40,486 42,324 82,810 48.89 51.11 100.00

Namwala Constituency 12,075 40,486 42,324 82,810 48.89 51.11 100.00

Baambwe 525 1,411 1,463 2,874 49.10 50.90 100.00
Chitongo 553 2,049 2,127 4,176 49.07 50.93 100.00
Kabulamwanda 629 2,236 2,348 4,584 48.78 51.22 100.00
Kakuweza Ngabo 927 2,725 2,774 5,499 49.55 50.45 100.00
Kantengwa 806 2,402 2,216 4,618 52.01 47.99 100.00
Maala 824 2,616 2,760 5,376 48.66 51.34 100.00
Mbeza 427 1,377 1,381 2,758 49.93 50.07 100.00
Moobola 1,797 6,096 6,578 12,674 48.10 51.90 100.00
Nakamboma 2,569 9,281 9,843 19,124 48.53 51.47 100.00
Namakube 1,220 4,518 4,796 9,314 48.51 51.49 100.00
Namwala Central 977 2,736 2,796 5,532 49.46 50.54 100.00
Ndema 821 3,039 3,242 6,281 48.38 51.62 100.00

Siavonga District 10,504 29,171 29,693 58,864 49.56 50.44 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 48

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Siavonga Constituency 10,504 29,171 29,693 58,864 49.56 50.44 100.00
Chirundu 1,883 4,779 4,761 9,540 50.09 49.91 100.00
Ibwemunyama 504 1,599 1,600 3,199 49.98 50.02 100.00
Kariba 1,975 5,067 4,623 9,690 52.29 47.71 100.00
Lusangazi 925 2,804 2,961 5,765 48.64 51.36 100.00
Lusitu 548 1,657 1,770 3,427 48.35 51.65 100.00
Manchavwa 607 1,560 1,462 3,022 51.62 48.38 100.00
Mulimya 587 1,628 1,679 3,307 49.23 50.77 100.00
Nanyangwe 340 874 912 1,786 48.94 51.06 100.00
Ng'ombe Ilede 1,360 3,889 4,156 8,045 48.34 51.66 100.00
Sikoongo 830 2,585 2,875 5,460 47.34 52.66 100.00
Simaamba 574 1,425 1,405 2,830 50.35 49.65 100.00
Sinadambwe 371 1,304 1,489 2,793 46.69 53.31 100.00
Sinazongwe District 13,576 39,497 40,958 80,455 49.09 50.91 100.00

Sinazongwe Constituency 13,576 39,497 40,958 80,455 49.09 50.91 100.00

Maamba 1,821 5,095 5,204 10,299 49.47 50.53 100.00
Mabinga 185 561 539 1,100 51.00 49.00 100.00
Malima 939 3,767 3,943 7,710 48.86 51.14 100.00
Muuka 848 2,398 2,458 4,856 49.38 50.62 100.00
Mweemba 2,304 6,075 6,284 12,359 49.15 50.85 100.00
Mweenda 697 2,000 2,168 4,168 47.98 52.02 100.00
Mweezya 862 2,357 2,444 4,801 49.09 50.91 100.00
Namazambwe 574 1,602 1,566 3,168 50.57 49.43 100.00
Nang'ombe 2,719 8,358 8,830 17,188 48.63 51.37 100.00
Nkandambwe 1,035 2,925 3,152 6,077 48.13 51.87 100.00
Sinazongwe 1,125 3,113 3,015 6,128 50.80 49.20 100.00
Tekelo 467 1,246 1,355 2,601 47.90 52.10 100.00

Western Province 150,420 371,844 393,244 765,088 48.60 51.40 100.00

Kalabo District 23,970 54,176 60,630 114,806 47.19 52.81 100.00

Kalabo Constituency 11,533 26,309 28,859 55,168 47.69 52.31 100.00

Buleya 1,184 2,440 2,666 5,106 47.79 52.21 100.00
Kandambo 570 1,296 1,416 2,712 47.79 52.21 100.00
Liumba 841 1,804 1,978 3,782 47.70 52.30 100.00
Luanginga 1,191 3,707 3,641 7,348 50.45 49.55 100.00
Lukona 1,451 3,484 3,930 7,414 46.99 53.01 100.00
Lutwi 1,531 3,228 3,576 6,804 47.44 52.56 100.00
Mapungu 665 1,563 1,695 3,258 47.97 52.03 100.00
Ndoka 1,764 3,752 4,123 7,875 47.64 52.36 100.00
Ng’uma 942 2,333 2,691 5,024 46.44 53.56 100.00
Yuka 1,394 2,702 3,143 5,845 46.23 53.77 100.00

Liuwa Constituency 5,116 11,673 12,860 24,533 47.58 52.42 100.00

Kuuli 802 1,881 2,117 3,998 47.05 52.95 100.00
Libonda 1,436 3,697 3,892 7,589 48.72 51.28 100.00
Likulundundu 755 1,807 2,032 3,839 47.07 52.93 100.00
Siluwe 657 1,306 1,492 2,798 46.68 53.32 100.00
Sishekanu 1,466 2,982 3,327 6,309 47.27 52.73 100.00

Sikongo Constituency 7,321 16,194 18,911 35,105 46.13 53.87 100.00

Licha 1,472 3,143 3,766 6,909 45.49 54.51 100.00
Liumena 874 1,794 2,153 3,947 45.45 54.55 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 49

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Lueti 540 1,367 1,729 3,096 44.15 55.85 100.00
Lwambi 425 973 1,159 2,132 45.64 54.36 100.00
Maala 977 2,300 2,528 4,828 47.64 52.36 100.00
Mambolomoka 379 888 1,100 1,988 44.67 55.33 100.00
Mutala 530 1,175 1,261 2,436 48.23 51.77 100.00
Mwenyi 722 1,554 1,756 3,310 46.95 53.05 100.00
Nengu 396 858 1,086 1,944 44.14 55.86 100.00
Tuuwa 1,006 2,142 2,373 4,515 47.44 52.56 100.00

Kaoma District 29,984 79,348 83,220 162,568 48.81 51.19 100.00

Kaoma Constituency 12,288 37,493 38,708 76,201 49.20 50.80 100.00

Lalafuta 964 2,776 2,796 5,572 49.82 50.18 100.00
Litoya 1,483 4,205 4,336 8,541 49.23 50.77 100.00
Mulamatila 3,760 9,843 10,009 19,852 49.58 50.42 100.00
Naliele 1,454 3,570 3,831 7,401 48.24 51.76 100.00
Namilangi 3,155 8,548 9,086 17,634 48.47 51.53 100.00
Nkeyema 1,574 4,951 4,915 9,866 50.18 49.82 100.00
Shitwa 1,342 3,600 3,735 7,335 49.08 50.92 100.00
Luampa Constituency 7,470 14,776 15,903 30,679 48.16 51.84 100.00
Luampa 962 2,119 2,392 4,511 46.97 53.03 100.00
Lui 1,669 4,047 4,397 8,444 47.93 52.07 100.00
Mbanyutu 1,100 2,727 2,868 5,595 48.74 51.26 100.00
Mulwa 912 2,303 2,596 4,899 47.01 52.99 100.00
Namando 571 1,391 1,419 2,810 49.50 50.50 100.00
Nyambi 802 2,189 2,231 4,420 49.52 50.48 100.00

Mangango Constituency 10,226 27,079 28,609 55,688 48.63 51.37 100.00

Kanabilumbu 538 1,484 1,475 2,959 50.15 49.85 100.00
Luambuwa 1,193 3,158 3,592 6,750 46.79 53.21 100.00
Mangango 1,193 3,531 3,676 7,207 48.99 51.01 100.00
Mushwala 3,452 8,472 8,996 17,468 48.50 51.50 100.00
Namafulu 1,287 3,499 3,822 7,321 47.79 52.21 100.00
Nkenga 1,178 3,048 3,129 6,177 49.34 50.66 100.00
Shikombwe 1,385 3,887 3,919 7,806 49.80 50.20 100.00

Lukulu District 13,488 33,585 34,790 68,375 49.12 50.88 100.00

Lukulu East Constituency 9,569 23,936 24,808 48,744 49.11 50.89 100.00
Dongwe 299 1,007 1,040 2,047 49.19 50.81 100.00
Kamilende 722 2,018 1,925 3,943 51.18 48.82 100.00
Kang'oti 799 1,758 1,990 3,748 46.91 53.09 100.00
Kashamba 123 322 305 627 51.36 48.64 100.00
Kawaya 340 952 923 1,875 50.77 49.23 100.00
Likapai 556 1,446 1,561 3,007 48.09 51.91 100.00
Luanchima 1,081 2,313 2,430 4,743 48.77 51.23 100.00
Lukau 405 967 1,096 2,063 46.87 53.13 100.00
Mbanga 706 1,844 1,989 3,833 48.11 51.89 100.00
Mwandi 2,196 5,565 5,604 11,169 49.83 50.17 100.00
Mwito 1,033 2,598 2,695 5,293 49.08 50.92 100.00
Namayula 670 1,582 1,617 3,199 49.45 50.55 100.00
Simakumba 639 1,564 1,633 3,197 48.92 51.08 100.00

Lukulu West Constituency 3,919 9,649 9,982 19,631 49.15 50.85 100.00
Kakwacha 331 647 650 1,297 49.88 50.12 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 50

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Kashizhi 1,008 2,385 2,422 4,807 49.62 50.38 100.00
Lupui 353 941 958 1,899 49.55 50.45 100.00
Lutembwe 393 1,021 1,100 2,121 48.14 51.86 100.00
Matala 314 744 809 1,553 47.91 52.09 100.00
Mitete 580 1,373 1,475 2,848 48.21 51.79 100.00
Nyaala 940 2,538 2,568 5,106 49.71 50.29 100.00

Mongu District 32,054 79,300 82,702 162,002 48.95 51.05 100.00

Luena Constituency 8,806 20,370 22,078 42,448 47.99 52.01 100.00

Ikwichi 387 912 1,019 1,931 47.23 52.77 100.00
Limulunga 2,367 5,642 6,106 11,748 48.03 51.97 100.00
Mabili 424 941 934 1,875 50.19 49.81 100.00
Namboma 795 1,808 1,922 3,730 48.47 51.53 100.00
Nangula 2,633 6,026 6,560 12,586 47.88 52.12 100.00
Ndanda 1,012 2,278 2,609 4,887 46.61 53.39 100.00
Ushaa 1,188 2,763 2,928 5,691 48.55 51.45 100.00

Mongu Constituency 16,005 41,370 41,939 83,309 49.66 50.34 100.00

Imwiko 2,085 5,973 5,678 11,651 51.27 48.73 100.00
Kaande 389 1,005 996 2,001 50.22 49.78 100.00
Kambule 967 2,794 2,752 5,546 50.38 49.62 100.00
Kanyonyo 1,911 5,019 5,292 10,311 48.68 51.32 100.00
Katongo 1,685 4,065 4,293 8,358 48.64 51.36 100.00
Lealui 1,968 4,828 5,049 9,877 48.88 51.12 100.00
Lewanika 885 2,335 2,290 4,625 50.49 49.51 100.00
Lumbo 1,387 3,452 3,288 6,740 51.22 48.78 100.00
Mabumbu 768 1,695 1,793 3,488 48.60 51.40 100.00
Mulambwa 1,296 3,729 3,897 7,626 48.90 51.10 100.00
Namushakende 1,118 2,658 2,844 5,502 48.31 51.69 100.00
Yeta 1,544 3,817 3,767 7,584 50.33 49.67 100.00

Nalikwanda Constituency 7,243 17,560 18,685 36,245 48.45 51.55 100.00

Imalyo 1,040 2,725 2,894 5,619 48.50 51.50 100.00
lui 1,660 4,231 4,569 8,800 48.08 51.92 100.00
Mbekise 966 2,288 2,345 4,633 49.38 50.62 100.00
Mutondo 963 2,415 2,539 4,954 48.75 51.25 100.00
Nakanyaa 1,542 3,511 3,723 7,234 48.53 51.47 100.00
Nakato 1,072 2,390 2,615 5,005 47.75 52.25 100.00
Senanga District 20,956 52,587 56,532 109,119 48.19 51.81 100.00

Nalolo Constituency 9,509 23,337 25,394 48,731 47.89 52.11 100.00

Kambai 1,656 4,162 4,356 8,518 48.86 51.14 100.00
Kataba 809 1,930 2,207 4,137 46.65 53.35 100.00
Lyamakumba 2,137 5,395 5,838 11,233 48.03 51.97 100.00
Makoka 1,538 3,688 4,066 7,754 47.56 52.44 100.00
Muoyo 726 1,887 1,973 3,860 48.89 51.11 100.00
Nangucha 1,602 3,814 4,234 8,048 47.39 52.61 100.00
Silowana 1,041 2,461 2,720 5,181 47.50 52.50 100.00

Senanga Constituency 11,447 29,250 31,138 60,388 48.44 51.56 100.00

Imatongo 1,601 3,947 4,064 8,011 49.27 50.73 100.00
Lipuwe 1,939 4,615 4,988 9,603 48.06 51.94 100.00
Mata 512 1,289 1,384 2,673 48.22 51.78 100.00
Mwanambunyi 2,151 5,426 6,093 11,519 47.10 52.90 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 51

Province, District, Constituency 2000 Population Percent Distribution
And Ward Households Males Females Total Males Females Total
Sikabuli 538 1,469 1,495 2,964 49.56 50.44 100.00
Silwizi 945 2,483 2,652 5,135 48.35 51.65 100.00
Nalunywa 1,418 3,567 3,815 7,382 48.32 51.68 100.00
Wanyau 2,343 6,454 6,647 13,101 49.26 50.74 100.00

Sesheke District 15,929 39,355 38,814 78,169 50.35 49.65 100.00

Mulobezi Constituency 5,112 12,278 12,235 24,513 50.09 49.91 100.00

Kamanga 378 863 911 1,774 48.65 51.35 100.00
Luamuloba 930 2,210 2,213 4,423 49.97 50.03 100.00
Machile 696 1,517 1,547 3,064 49.51 50.49 100.00
Mulobezi 835 2,221 2,189 4,410 50.36 49.64 100.00
Namwinda 857 2,208 2,137 4,345 50.82 49.18 100.00
Sichili 1,416 3,259 3,238 6,497 50.16 49.84 100.00

Mwandi Constituency 4,668 11,663 11,513 23,176 50.32 49.68 100.00

Luanja 544 1,292 1,323 2,615 49.41 50.59 100.00
Luazamba 811 1,997 2,016 4,013 49.76 50.24 100.00
Mabumbu 672 1,623 1,562 3,185 50.96 49.04 100.00
Magumwi 461 1,188 1,110 2,298 51.70 48.30 100.00
Mushukula 609 1,575 1,608 3,183 49.48 50.52 100.00
Mwandi 773 2,042 2,102 4,144 49.28 50.72 100.00
Sankolonga 441 1,164 1,103 2,267 51.35 48.65 100.00
Simungoma 357 782 689 1,471 53.16 46.84 100.00

Sesheke Constituency 6,149 15,414 15,066 30,480 50.57 49.43 100.00

Imusho 296 758 755 1,513 50.10 49.90 100.00
Kalobolelwa 819 1,764 1,815 3,579 49.29 50.71 100.00
Luampungu 785 1,982 1,971 3,953 50.14 49.86 100.00
Lusu 794 1,882 1,847 3,729 50.47 49.53 100.00
Maondo 966 2,230 2,134 4,364 51.10 48.90 100.00
Mulimambango 2,489 6,798 6,544 13,342 50.95 49.05 100.00

Shang'ombo District 14,039 33,493 36,556 70,049 47.81 52.19 100.00

Sinjembela Constituency 14,039 33,493 36,556 70,049 47.81 52.19 100.00

Beshe 1,574 3,658 4,020 7,678 47.64 52.36 100.00
Kalongola 802 1,904 2,034 3,938 48.35 51.65 100.00
Kaunga Mashi 1,465 3,140 3,490 6,630 47.36 52.64 100.00
Mbeta 1,498 3,619 3,797 7,416 48.80 51.20 100.00
Mufulani 607 1,524 1,664 3,188 47.80 52.20 100.00
Mulonga 2,010 4,917 5,275 10,192 48.24 51.76 100.00
Mutomena 722 1,752 1,886 3,638 48.16 51.84 100.00
Nalwashi 387 870 975 1,845 47.15 52.85 100.00
Sikabenga 1,499 3,577 3,854 7,431 48.14 51.86 100.00
Simu 1,937 4,710 5,209 9,919 47.48 52.52 100.00
Sioma 566 1,679 1,834 3,513 47.79 52.21 100.00
Sipuma 972 2,143 2,518 4,661 45.98 54.02 100.00

2000 Census Summary Report 52


2000 Census Analysis Secretariat

External Editors
Dr. Buleti G. Nsemukila
Modesto F. C. Banda Dr. Jacob R. S. Malungo
William C. Mayaka
Kumbutso Dzekedzeke
Chibwe Lwamba
Patrick Mumba Chewe
Margaret T. Mwanamwenge
Batista M. Chilopa
Rchard Banda Programmers

Analysts Joseph V. Chanda

George Namasiku
Chibwe Lwamba Elijah Kashona
Margaret T. Mwanamwenge Gift Himuhya

Assistant Analysts Desktop Publishing Officers

Litia Simbangala Anthony Nkole

Josephine Chewe Perry Musenge
Chola Nakazwe Webster S. Chileshe
Gerson Banda Makoselo C. Bowa
Musumali Shindano
Palver Sikanyiti Support Staff
Linda Chonya
Alice Mbewe
Internal Editors Margaret M. Ndakala
Maambo Simataa
Dr. Buleti G. Nsemukila Akayombokwa Ngubai
William C. Mayaka Edson Malasha Phiri
Modesto F. C. Banda Tedson Jere
Peter Mukuka Michael Kunda
John Kalumbi
Patrick Mumba Chewe
Iven Sikanyiti

2000 Census Summary Report 42

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