Seneca G1000 Information Manual 1
Seneca G1000 Information Manual 1
Seneca G1000 Information Manual 1
Published by
Piper Aircraft, Inc.
Issued: April 30, 2013
© 2013 Piper Aircraft, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Application of this handbook is limited to the specific Piper PA-34-220T
model airplane designated by serial number and registration number on the face
of the title page of this handbook.
This handbook cannot be used for operational
purposes unless kept in a current status.
Inspection, maintenance and parts requirements for
all non-PIPER APPROVED STC installations are
not included in this handbook. When a non-PIPER
APPROVED STC installation is incorporated on
the airplane, those portions of the airplane
affected by the installation must be inspected in
accordance with the inspection program
published by the owner of the STC. Since non-
PIPER APPROVED STC installations may change
systems interface, operating characteristics
and component loads or stresses on adjacent
structures, PIPER provided inspection criteria
may not be valid for airplanes with non-PIPER
APPROVED STC installations.
The Pilot’s Operating Handbook and FAA Approved Airplane Flight
Manual, with the exception of the equipment list, is kept current by revisions
which are distributed to the registered airplane owners. The equipment list was
current at the time the airplane was certified by the manufacturer and thereafter
must be maintained by the owner.
Table of Contents
Section 1 General
Section 2 Limitations
Section 3 Emergency Procedures
Section 4 Normal Procedures
Section 5 Performance
Section 6 Weight and Balance
Section 7 Description and Operation of
the Airplane and its systems
Section 8 Airplane Handling, Servicing
and Maintenance
Section 9 Supplements
Section 10 Operating Tips
Paragraph Page
No. No.
This Pilot’s Operating Handbook is designed for maximum utilization as
an operating guide for the pilot. It includes the material required to be furnished
to the pilot by the Federal Aviation Regulations and additional information
provided by the airplane manufacturer and constitutes the FAA Approved
Airplane Flight Manual.
This handbook is not designed as a substitute for adequate and competent
flight instruction, knowledge of current airworthiness directives and applicable
federal air regulations or advisory circulars. It is not intended to be a guide for
basic flight instruction or a training manual and should not be used for
operational purposes unless kept in a current status.
Assurance that the airplane is in an airworthy condition is the responsibility
of the owner. The pilot in command is responsible for determining that the
airplane is safe for flight. The pilot is also responsible for remaining within the
operating limitations as outlined by instrument markings, placards, and this
Although the arrangement of this handbook is intended to increase its
in-flight capabilities, it should not be used solely as an occasional operating
reference. The pilot should study the entire handbook to become familiar
with the limitations, performance, procedures and operational handling
characteristics of the airplane before flight.
The handbook has been divided into numbered sections, each provided with
a finger-tip tab divider for quick reference. The limitations and emergency
procedures have been placed ahead of the normal procedures, performance and
other sections to provide easier access to information that may be required in
flight. The Emergency Procedures Section has been furnished with a red tab
divider to present an instant reference to the section. Provisions for expansion
of the handbook have been made by the deliberate omission of certain paragraph
numbers, figure numbers, item numbers and pages noted as being intentionally
left blank.
In countries other than the United States of
America, FAA operating rules may not apply.
Operators must ensure that the aircraft is operated
in accordance with national operating rules.
Figure 1-1
(a) Number of Engines 2
(b) Engine Manufacturer Continental Motors, Inc.
(c) Engine Model Number
(1) Left TSIO-360RB
(2) Right LTSIO-360RB
Max. Cont.
(d) Rated Horsepower 220 BHP
(e) Rated Speed (rpm) 2600
(f) Bore (inches) 4.438
(g) Stroke (inches) 3.875
(h) Displacement (cubic inches) 360
(i) Compression Ratio 7.5:1
(j) Engine Type Six Cylinder, Direct Drive,
Horizontally Opposed,
Air Cooled
(a) Number of Propellers 2
(b) Propeller Manufacturer McCauley
(c) Propeller Hub & Blade Models*
(1) Left 3AF32C522/82NJA-6
(2) Right 3AF32C523/L82NJA-6
*The propellers have the same designation when deicing boots are installed.
1.7 FUEL
(a) Fuel Capacity (U.S. gal.) (total) 128
(c) Fuel
(1) Minimum Grade 100 Green or 100LL
Blue Aviation Grade
(2) Alternate Fuels Refer to latest revision of
Continental Service Bulletin
Fuel and Oil Grades.
1.9 OIL
(a) Oil Capacity (U.S. qts.) (per engine) 8
(b) Oil Specification Refer to latest revision of
Continental Service Bulletin
Fuel and Oil Grades.
(c) Oil Viscosity
Aviation S.A.E.
Grade No.
(1) Below 40°F 1065 30
(2) Above 40°F 1100 50
When operating temperatures overlap indicated ranges, use the lighter
grade of oil. Multi-viscosity oils meeting Continental Motors, Inc.
Specification MHS-24A are approved.
The Garmin G1000 GNSS navigation system has been found to comply
with the requirements for GPS Class II oceanic and remote navigation (RNP-
10) without time limitations in accordance with AC 20-138C and FAA Order
8400.12C. The Garmin GNSS navigation system can be used without reliance
on other long range navigation systems. This does not constitute an operational
Paragraph Page
No. No.
section 2
This section provides the FAA Approved operating limitations, instrument
markings, color coding and basic placards necessary for the operation of the
airplane and its systems.
Maneuvering speed decreases at lighter weight as
the effects of aerodynamic forces become more
pronounced. Linear interpolation may be used for
intermediate gross weights. Maneuvering speed
should not be exceeded while operating in rough
Maximum Operating Maneuvering Speed
(Vo) - Do not make full or abrupt control
movements above this speed.
4750 lbs. 139 140
3740 lbs. 122 124
A maximum temperature of 1700°F is allowed for
60 seconds, in order to determine peak T.I.T. for
fuel management.
Straight line variation between points given.
The datum used is 78.4 inches ahead of the wing
leading edge at the inboard edge of the fuel tank.
It is the responsibility of the airplane owner and
the pilot to ensure that the airplane is properly
loaded. See Section 6 (Weight and Balance) for
proper loading instructions.
The unusable fuel for this airplane has been
determined as 3.0 U.S. gallons in each wing in
critical flight attitude
(c) Databases
Navigation Database
For operations within the U.S. Nation Airspace System on RNP and
RNAV procedures when GPS WAAS SBAS signals are not available, the
availability of GPS RAIM shall be confirmed for the intended route of
flight. In the event of a predicted continuous loss of RAIM of more than
five minutes for any part of the intended route of flight, the flight should be
delayed, canceled, or re-routed on a track where RAIM requirements can
be met.
When RAIM is required for GPS integrity (GPS WAAS SBAS not
available) during instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), other non-
GPS navigation equipment appropriate to the operation, must be available.
(e) Enroute
Whenever possible, RNP and RNAV routes including Standard Instrument
Departures (SIDs) and Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODPs), Standard
Terminal Arrival (STAR), and enroute RNAV “Q” and RNAV “T” routes
should be loaded into the flight plan from the database in their entirety,
rather than loading route waypoints from the database into the flight plan
individually. Selecting and inserting individual named fixes from the data-
base is permitted, provided all fixes along the published route to be flown
are inserted. Manual entry of waypoints using latitude/longitude or place/
bearing is prohibited.
Navigation information is referenced to WGS-84 reference system, and
should only be used where the Aeronautical Information Publication
(including electronic data and aeronautical charts) conform to WGS-84 or
(f) Approaches
(1) Vertical Guidance
Advisory vertical guidance deviation information is only an aid to help
pilots comply with altitude restrictions. When using advisory vertical
guidance, the pilot must use the primary barometric altimeter to ensure
compliance with all altitude restrictions, particularly during instrument
approach operations.
When GPS WAAS SBAS corrections are unavailable or if operating
outside of GPS WAAS SBAS coverage, instrument approaches
utilizing the GPS receiver will be conducted in the approach mode and
Fault Detection and Exclusion mode. Loss of Integrity annunciations
must not be displayed at the Final Approach Fix. Vertical guidance
from GPS will not be available if GPS WAAS SBAS corrections are
unavailable or if operating outside of GPS WAAS SBAS coverage.
(1) If the PFD1 is inoperative during DAY or NIGHT VFR, the MFD
must be operative.
(2) If the MFD is inoperative, the PFD1 must be operative for ALL
flight operations.
(3) If this standby instrument parameter is inoperative, the equivalent
parameter on PFD1 must be operative.
(4) Number Installed is 2 for the optional dual AHRS, ADC, and
magnetometer installation.
IFR operations should not be conducted if system
alerts are present for any equipment required for
IFR (see table above).
See Section 2.29 (m) for approved VFR and IFR
operations when the EFD1000 has an invalid or
failed function.
During flight, severe icing conditions that exceed those for which the
airplane is certificated shall be determined by the following visual cues. If one
or more of these visual cues exists, immediately request priority handling from
Air Traffic Control to facilitate a route or an altitude change to exit the icing
Unusually extensive ice accumulation on the airframe and windshield in
areas not normally observed to collect ice.
Accumulation of ice on the upper surface of the wing, aft of the
protected area.
Accumulation of ice on the engine nacelles and propeller spinners farther aft
than normally observed.
Since the autopilot, when installed and operating, may mask tactile cues
that indicate adverse changes in handling characteristics, use of the autopilot is
prohibited when any of the visual cues specified above exist, or when unusual
lateral trim requirements or autopilot trim warnings are encountered while the
airplane is in icing conditions.
All wing icing inspection lights must be operative prior to flight into
known or forecast icing conditions at night. [NOTE: This supersedes any relief
provided by the Master Minimum Equipment List (MMEL).]
In full view of the pilot:
On the instrument panel near gear selector switch:.
Paragraph Page
No. No.
3.1 General..................................................................................... 3-1
Crew Alerting System (CAS) Messages............................. 3-2
PFD Annunciations and Alerts............................................ 3-9
Aural Alerts......................................................................... 3-11
Overriding Considerations................................................... 3-12
Terminology........................................................................ 3-12
3.3 Airspeeds for Safe Operations................................................. 3-13
3.5 Emergency Procedures Checklist............................................. 3-13
3.5a Engine Inoperative Procedures................................................. 3-13
Identifying Dead Engine and
Verifying Power Loss.......................................................... 3-13
Engine Securing Procedure
(Feathering Procedure) ........................................................ 3-14
Engine Failure During Takeoff
(Speed Below 85 KIAS or Gear Down) ............................. 3-15
Engine Failure During Takeoff
(Speed Above 85 KIAS) .................................................... 3-15
Engine Failure During Climb................................................... 3-17
Engine Failure During Flight
(Speed Below Vmca) ......................................................... 3-18
One Engine Inoperative Landing............................................. 3-19
One Engine Inoperative Go-Around........................................ 3-20
This section provides the recommended procedures for coping with various
emergency or critical situations. All of the emergency procedures required by the
FAA as well as those necessary for operation of the airplane, as determined by
its operating and design features, are presented.
Checklists within this section may be divided into two basic parts. The
first part, shown in the outlined boxes, contains the emergency procedures
checklists. The second part of the section, shown immediately below the
outlined boxes, provides amplified emergency procedures corresponding to the
emergency procedures checklist items. These amplified emergency procedures,
if required, contain additional information to provide the pilot with a more
complete description of the procedures so they may be more thoroughly
Pilots must familiarize themselves with the procedures given in this section
and must be prepared to take the appropriate action should an emergency
situation arise. The procedures are offered as a course of action for coping with
the particular situation or condition described. They are not a substitute for sound
judgement and common sense.
Most basic emergency procedures are a normal part of pilot training. The
information presented in this section is not intended to replace this training. This
information is intended to provide a source of reference for the procedures which
are applicable to this airplane. The pilot should review standard emergency
procedures periodically to remain proficient in them.
The following tables show the color and significance of the Warning,
Caution and Advisory messages which may appear on the Garmin G1000
CAS Event CAS Message Page Cause*
Non-hidden CAS Messages
Alternator Failure L ALTR FAIL Sect. 9 Left and/or right alternator is
Supp. 3 turned ON and has failed as
R ALTR FAIL determined by voltage regulator.
3-63 Forward baggage door is open
Open whenever the engine is operating
or the aircraft is in flight.
Cylinder Head L ENG CHT
3-30 CHT greater than or equal to
Temperature 460°F.
Exceedance R ENG CHT
Landing Gear CHECK GEAR 3-33 Landing gear not down and
Position Unsafe locked when aircraft is in
the takeoff or landing phase
of flight with MAP less than
or equal to 14 in Hg (mutable
chimes) or flaps greater than 10
deg (non-mutable chimes).
Landing gear selected up while
on the ground.
Landing Gear Failure GEAR SYS 3-33 Landing gear system has a
malfunction while on the
Heater Overheat HTR OVRHEAT 3-62 Heater overheat as sensed by
heater unit.
Propeller Heat PROP HEAT FAIL Sect. 9 Propeller heat is selected ON
Malfunction Supp. 3 and propeller heat current
greater than 18 amps or less
than 14 amps.
Starter Engaged L START ENGD 3-63 Engine starter engaged for
greater than 30-seconds.
*CAS Messages/Alerts may have small time delays to avoid nuisance alarms.
REPORT: VB-2230 ISSUED: April 30, 2013
CAS Event CAS Message Page Cause*
Hidden CAS Messages – Check Engine Indicating System
Alternator Amperage - 3-36 Left and/or right alternator
amperage greater than 85 amps
Battery Voltage - N/A Primary battery voltage less
24 volts when less than 1100
25 volts when greater than
1100 RPM.
Primary battery voltage greater
than or equal to 32 volts.
Emergency Battery - 3-31 Emergency battery voltage
Voltage less than or equal to 20 volts
or greater than or equal to 32
Total Fuel Quantity - 3-31 Total fuel quantity less than or
Low equal to 10 GAL.
Landing Gear - 3-33 Malfunction in any or all of the
Failure landing gear (L, N, R).
Manifold Pressure - N/A MAP greater than 38.0 in. Hg
Exceedance for more than 5 seconds, or
MAP greater than 39 in. Hg
Oil Pressure - 3-29 Oil Pressure less than or equal
Exceedance to 10 PSI or greater than or
equal to 100 PSI for more than
Oil Temperature - 3-29 Oil Temperature greater than
Exceedance 240°F
Propeller - 3-62 Prop Speed greater than 2600 RPM
Overspeed for 5-seconds or greater than 2650
RPM immediately
Turbine Inlet - 3-30 TIT greater than 1650ºF for
Temperature more than 5-seconds, or TIT
Exceedance greater than or equal to 1700ºF
*CAS Messages/Alerts may have small time delays to avoid nuisance alarms.
*CAS Messages/Alerts may have small time delays to avoid nuisance alarms.
*CAS Messages/Alerts may have small time delays to avoid nuisance alarms.
Comparator Annunciations
(For dual AHRS/ADC installations only)
Comparator Window
Text Condition
ALT MISCOMP Difference in altitude sensors is greater than or equal
to 200 feet.
IAS MISCOMP If both airspeed sensors detect less than 35 knots, this
is inhibited.
If either airspeed sensor detects greater than or equal
to 35 knots, and the difference in sensors is greater
than 10 knots.
If either airspeed sensor detects greater than or equal
to 80 knots, and the difference in sensors is greater
than 7 knots.
HDG MISCOMP Difference in heading sensors is greater than 6
PIT MISCOMP Difference in pitch sensors is greater than 5 degrees.
Reversionary Sensor
Window Text Condition
BOTH ON ADC1 Both PFD’s are displaying data from the number 1
Air Data Computer.
BOTH ON ADC2 Both PFD’s are displaying data from the number 2
Air Data Computer.
BOTH ON AHRS1 Both PFD’s are displaying data from the number 1
Attitude and Heading Reference System.
BOTH ON AHRS2 Both PFD’s are displaying data from the number 2
Attitude and Heading Reference System.
BOTH ON GPS1 Both PFD’s are displaying data from the number 1
GPS Receiver.
BOTH ON GPS2 Both PFD’s are displaying data from the number 2
GPS Receiver.
USING ADC 1 The PFD displaying this annunciation is displaying
data from the number 1 Air Data Computer.
USING ADC 2 The PFD displaying this annunciation is displaying
data from the number 2 Air Data Computer.
Many emergencies require some urgency in landing the aircraft. The
degree of urgency varies with the emergency; therefore the terms “land
as soon as possible” and “land as soon as practical” are employed. These
terms are defined as follows:
Land as soon as possible - A landing should be accomplished at the
nearest suitable airfield considering the severity of the emergency, weather
conditions, field facilities, and ambient lighting.
Land as soon as practical - Emergency conditions are less urgent, and
although the mission is to be terminated, the emergency is such that an
immediate landing at the nearest suitable airfield may not be necessary.
If engine failure occurs during the takeoff roll, the takeoff MUST be
aborted. If engine failure occurs after liftoff and 85 KIAS has not been
attained or the gear has not been retracted, the takeoff should also be
Under some conditions of loading and
density altitude, aircraft single engine climb
performance (See Section 5) and obstacle
clearance may make a one engine inoperative
go-around impossible. Sudden application of
power during one engine inoperative operation can
make control of the airplane more difficult.
One Engine Go-Around is not possible from the
approach configuration unless sufficient altitude
is available to raise flaps and landing gear in a
A one engine inoperative go-around should be
avoided if at all possible.
Significant climb performance penalties can result from landing gear, flap,
or windmilling propeller drag. These penalties are approximately as listed
Landing gear extended/Flaps Up........................................-200 ft./min.
Flaps extended 25°/Gear Down..........................................-300 ft./min.
Flaps extended 40º/Gear Down......................................... - 350 ft./min.
Inoperative engine propeller windmilling
(Gear and Flaps Up).....................................................-200 ft./min.
The propeller on the inoperative engine must be
feathered, the landing gear retracted, and the wing
flaps retracted for continued flight.
Fuel Selector (Operative Engine)........................................................ ON
Fuel Selector (Inoperative Engine)....................................................OFF
FUEL PUMP Switch (Operative Engine).............................................. ON
If fire continues:
Remaining engine.................................................................SHUT DOWN
Airplane................................................................................... EVACUATE
If fire has spread to the ground from excess fuel,
taxi away from fire area if possible.
The procedure given below is general and pilot
judgement should be the deciding factor for action
in such an emergency.
Turbocharger Failure
If a turbocharger failure is the result of loose,
disconnected or burned through exhaust system
components, a potentially serious fire hazard exists.
If a failure within the exhaust system is suspected
in flight, shut down the engine immediately and
exhaust system failure occurs prior to takeoff, DO
A turbocharger malfunction at altitudes above
10,000 feet MSL may result in an overly rich fuel
mixture, which could result in a partial power
loss and/or a rough running engine. In worst case
conditions a complete loss of engine power may
Mixture................................................................................... CUT-OFF
Throttle..................................................................CRUISE SETTING
PROPELLER................................................................. FULL INCREASE
Mixture..............................ADVANCE SLOWLY until engine restarts
and adjust for smooth engine operation
POWER.........................................REDUCE TO MINIMUM REQUIRED
Land as soon as possible
Throttle....................................................................... As Required
Propeller..................................................................... As Required
Mixture......................................................................... As Required
Land as soon as possible.
Expect manifold pressure response to throttle movements
to be sensitive.
Throttle..................REDUCE as necessary to keep manifold pressure
within limits
Propeller..................................................................... As Required
Mixture............................................................................... FULL RICH
Land as soon as possible.
Oil Pressure
Indication: Master Warning, Triple Chime, Flashing Red Oil
Pressure Indication
Low Oil Pressure:
THROTTLE (Affected Engine)....... ..……….…MINIMUM REQUIRED
PROPELLER (Affected Engine).…………..…………….….DECREASE
If accompanied by high oil temperature, land as soon as possible.
If accompanied by normal oil temperature, land as soon as practical.
High Oil Pressure:
Throttle (Affected Engine).………………..MINIMUM REQUIRED
PROPELLER (Affected Engine).…………..…..……………DECREASE
Land as soon as practical.
Oil Temperature
Indication: Master Warning, Triple Chime, Flashing Red Oil
Temperature Indication
THROTTLE (Affected Engine)........................... MINIMUM REQUIRED
MIXTURE (Affected Engine)................................................. FULL RICH
COWL FLAP (Affected Engine)....................................................... OPEN
Airspeed..................................................................INCREASE if practical
Land as soon as possible and investigate the problem. Prepare for
power off Landing.
Avoid unusual attitudes such as prolonged slips
towards the low quantity tank as this will decrease
the time remaining prior to fuel starvation.
If one tank has low fuel quantity:
Engine with low fuel quantity.............................. CROSSFEED (X-FEED)
Land as soon as practical.
If both tanks have low fuel quantity:
FUEL Selectors....................................................................................... ON
Land as soon as possible.
The L FUEL QTY or R FUEL QTY warning CAS messages alert the
pilot of low fuel quantity in each fuel tank individually, not necessarily low
total fuel quantity. If fuel quantities were balanced at the beginning of the
flight and fuel consumption for each engine has been relatively constant
throughout the flight, expect the total fuel quantity to be low whenever the
quantity in either tank is low. If the total fuel quantity is less than or equal
to 10 GAL, the gauge title and the total fuel quantity digital value will flash
red. No CAS messages accompany total fuel quantity low.
Should a malfunction of the engine driven fuel pump occur, the standby
fuel pump system can supply sufficient fuel flow for the engine to generate
power. Any combination of RPM and Manifold Pressure defined in the
Power Setting Table may be used, but leaning may be required for smooth
operation. Normal cruise, descent and approach procedures should be used.
The CHECK GEAR aural alert is activated to remind the pilot that
the landing gear are not down when the aircraft is in an expected landing
configuration of MAP less than 14 In. Hg. and/or flaps extended greater
than 10º. CHECK GEAR is a caution when above ~400 feet AGL and
a warning when below ~400 feet AGL. The CHECK GEAR aural alert
produced by MAP less than 14 In Hg. can be silenced by pressing the
Master Warn Reset or Master Caution Reset switch as appropriate. The
CHECK GEAR aural alert produced by flaps set greater than 10º can only
be silenced by retracting the flaps to 10º or less. The Master Warn Reset
and Master Caution Reset switches are unable to silence the CHECK GEAR
aural alert produced by flaps set greater than 10º.
Gear Up Landing
During the gear up landing, red landing gear
position indications as well as CAS messages
such as CHECK GEAR and/or GEAR SYS may
be present.
The LEFT ALTR and RIGHT ALTR circuit
breakers should not be opened manually when the
alternators are functioning properly.
If neither alternator resets, the battery will become the primary source
of electrical power. As battery power is depleted, there may be a point
where the system voltage reduces to a level that is insufficient to support
the required electrical load. In this occurrence, the emergency battery
should activate automatically. If the emergency battery does not activate
automatically, the BATT MASTR, ALTR 1, and ALTR 2 switches should
be turned OFF, thereby allowing the emergency battery to be the only
remaining source of electrical power. Refer to Complete Electrical Failure
checklist if further flight is required.
An appropriately charged emergency battery is
designed to provide electrical power to all items on
the emergency bus for a minimum of 30-minutes.
Every attempt must be made to land the airplane
prior to 30-minutes of emergency battery usage.
The VOLTS indication on the EIS window
automatically changes to the emergency bus
voltage (E VOLTS) when operating exclusively
on the emergency bus.
Cooling air for PFD1, GIA1 and the transponder
will be lost when operating exclusively on the
emergency bus as indicated by the PFD1 FAN
FAIL and AV FAN FAIL advisory CAS messages.
Prior to landing:
FLAPS................................................................................ INOPERATIVE
Landing Gear.......................................................Use Manual Extension of
Landing Gear Procedure
The autopilot reverts to its dedicated sensors
to hold wings level and altitude constant. The
autopilot should be disconnected to change wings
level and/or altitude conditions. The autopilot can
be reengaged in wings level and altitude hold if
If PFD failure occurs while operating on NAV 1
DME, the NAV 1 DME information will continue
to be available. If the pilot subsequently selects
NAV 2 DME, NAV 1 DME cannot be reselected.
If the pilot’s PFD fails, the MFD and the co-pilot’s
PFD will remain in normal mode. Pushing the
DISPLAY BACKUP button on the audio panel
allows the MFD to display AHRS and ADC
information but lose the EIS page and certain map
functions such as radar. The following features will
become inoperative if there is a complete loss of
PFD1 functionality:
• Com 1 (red x’d but 121.5 MHz remains available)
• Nav 1
• GPS 1
• GDL 69 (Garmin Datalink - XM)
• Traffic
During failure of the pilot’s PFD, simultaneous use
of ALT and VS on the autopilot is not available.
MFD Failure
Indication: MFD display goes blank.
PFD 1 and PFD 2 should automatically revert to
the reversionary mode display.
DISPLAY BACKUP on audio panel......................PUSH (button extended)
Exit and avoid IFR and icing conditions as soon as practical.
The pilot’s PFD and co-pilot’s PFD will revert to a
reversionary mode display. The following features
will become inoperative if there is a complete loss
of MFD functionality:
• GPS 2
• GWX (Weather Radar)
• Stormscope
For partial AHRS failures, a red-x and amber text
will appear over the affected parameter(s).
In Flight:
white annunciations and BOTH ON AHRS1 amber
annunciation on PFD.
System Messages (MSG Softkey)............................................CONSIDER
AHRS 2 Circuit Breaker (Row 2, Col. 5).........................................RESET
AHRS 2 SENSOR Softkey............................................................ SELECT
If AHRS 2 data still invalid:
AHRS 1 SENSOR Softkey............................................................ SELECT
For partial AHRS failures, the system will not
autorevert to the good AHRS but a red-x and amber
text will appear over the affected parameter(s).
If a MISCOMPARE annunciation is displayed on
the PFD, compare AHRS parameters and other
related sources of information and select the good
AHRS via the SENSOR softkey on the PFD.
In Flight:
annunciations, and red-x’s and amber text on all AHRS
Standby Instrument....................VERIFY NO FAILURE INDICATIONS
Attitude and Heading............................................Use Standby Instrument
The autopilot will no longer function in heading
mode but will function properly during GPS or
VOR navigation. Although the course pointer
will point upwards at all times, the autopilot will
fly the course set via the CRS knob and obey the
CDI indications.
On Ground:
Indication: Red-x’s and amber text on all ADC parameters.
System Messages (MSG Softkey)............................................CONSIDER
ADC 1 Circuit Breaker (Row 1, Col. 6)..........................................RESET
If ADC 1 data still invalid:
Avoid flight in IFR and icing conditions.
In Flight:
Indication: Red-x’s and amber text on all ADC parameters.
Standby Instrument.......................... VERIFY NO AIR DATA FAILURE
Airspeed, Altitude and Vertical Speed................................... USE Standby
System Messages (MSG Softkey)............................................CONSIDER
ADC 1 Circuit Breaker (Row 1, Col. 6)..........................................RESET
During failure of ADC 1, the traffic system will
be inoperative.
During failure of ADC 1, simultaneous use of
ALT and VS on the autopilot is not available.
If ADC 1 data still invalid:
Avoid flight in IFR and icing conditions.
On Ground:
Indication: IAS NO COMP, ALT NO COMP white annunciations on
PFD; Red-x’s and amber text on all ADC1 parameters.
System Messages (MSG Softkey)............................................CONSIDER
ADC 1 Circuit Breaker (Row 1, Col. 6)..........................................RESET
If ADC 1 data still invalid:
ADC 2 SENSOR softkey.............................................................. SELECT
In Flight:
Indication: IAS NO COMP, ALT NO COMP white annunciations
and BOTH ON ADC 2 amber annunciation on PFD.
System Messages (MSG Softkey)............................................CONSIDER
ADC 1 Circuit Breaker (Row 1, Col. 6)..........................................RESET
If ADC 1 data still invalid:
ADC 2 data............................................ CROSSCHECK with STANDBY
For partial ADC failures, the system will not
autorevert to the good ADC but a red-x and amber
text will appear over the affected parameter(s).
If a MISCOMPARE annunciation is displayed
on the PFD, compare ADC parameters and other
related sources of information and select the good
ADC via the SENSOR softkey on the PFD.
In Flight:
Indication: IAS NO COMP, ALT NO COMP white annunciations
and BOTH ON ADC 1 amber annunciation on PFD.
System Messages (MSG Softkey)............................................CONSIDER
ADC 2 Circuit Breaker (Row 2, Col. 6)..........................................RESET
If ADC 2 data still invalid:
ADC 1 data............................................ CROSSCHECK with STANDBY
For partial ADC failures, the system will not
autorevert to the good ADC but a red-x and amber
text will appear over the affected parameter(s).
If a MISCOMPARE annunciation is displayed
on the PFD, compare ADC parameters and other
related sources of information and select the good
ADC via the SENSOR softkey on the PFD.
In Flight:
Indication: IAS NO COMP, ALT NO COMP white annunciations and
red-x’s and amber text on all ADC parameters.
Standby Instrument.......................... VERIFY NO AIR DATA FAILURE
Airspeed, Altitude and Vertical Speed................................... USE Standby
System Messages (MSG Softkey)............................................CONSIDER
ADC 1 Circuit Breaker (Row 1, Col. 6)..........................................RESET
ADC 2 Circuit Breaker (Row 2, Col. 6)..........................................RESET
During failure of ADC 1 and ADC 2, the traffic
system will be inoperative.
During failure of ADC 1 and ADC 2, simultaneous
use of ALT and VS on the autopilot is not
1. Set power based on throttle lever position, engine sound and speed.
2. Monitor other indications to determine the health of the engine.
3. Use known power settings and power setting tables for approximate
fuel flow values.
4. Use other system information, such as annunciator messages, fuel
totalizer quantity and flow, to safely complete the flight.
If indications for any of the following are invalid:
• Left engine parameters
• L Fuel Qty
GEA 1 circuit breaker (Row 3, Col. 9)..................................................RESET
If all GEA 1 parameters are still unavailable, land as soon as practical.
If a red-x appears over the CAS message window, land has soon as
If power is lost to the audio panel a fail-safe
communications path becomes available between
the pilot’s headset/microphone and COM1.
DR mode uses heading, airspeed and last known
GPS position to estimate the airplanes current
All maps with an airplane symbol show a ghosted
airplane and a “DR” label.
Traffic Information System (TIS) and Traffic
Advisory System (TAS) are not dependent on
GPS information. The position of displayed traffic
relative to the airplane symbol on the map is still
Prior to landing:
Federal Aviation Administration Regulations do
not require spin demonstration of multi-engine
airplanes; spin tests have not been conducted. The
recovery technique presented is based on the best
available information.
Emergency Descent
THROTTLES................................................................................ closed
Propellers............................................................... full INCREASE required for
smooth operation
Landing gear.................................................... extend below 128 KIAS
Airspeed.............................................................. Maintain 128 KIAS Max.
Combustion heater will automatically cut-off.
Propeller Overspeed
Indication: Master Warning, Triple Chime, Flashing Red Propeller
Speed Indication
THROTTLE (affected engine)......................................................REDUCE
PROPELLER (affected engine)............................................... DECREASE
(do not feather)
OIL PSI Indication (affected engine)............................................. CHECK
THROTTLE (affected engine)........................................... AS REQUIRED
(remain below 2600 rpm)
The forward baggage door should always be closed and locked prior to
flight. The key can only be removed from the baggage door when it is in the
locked position. Should the baggage door open in flight, every reasonable
attempt should be made to attain a stabilized attitude and airspeed that keeps
the baggage door in a streamlined (closed) position.
Starter Engaged
Indication: Master Warning, Triple Chime, L START ENGD / R START ENGD
If on the ground:
THROTTLE (Affected Engine)....................................................REDUCE
ENG START Circuit Breaker (Row 3, Col. 6)...................................PULL
If in flight:
THROTTLE (Affected Engine)....................................................REDUCE
ENG START Circuit Breaker (Row 3, Col. 6)...................................PULL
Paragraph Page
No. No.
Preheating............................................................................ 4-17
Paragraph Page
No. No.
section 4
normal procedures
4.1 general
This section provides the normal operating procedures for the PA-34-220T,
SENECA V airplane. All of the normal operating procedures required by the
FAA as well as those procedures which have been determined as necessary for
the operation of the airplane, as determined by the operating and designed
features, are presented.
Normal operating procedures associated with optional systems and
equipment which require handbook supplements are presented in Section 9,
These procedures are provided to supply information on procedures which
are not the same for all airplanes and as a source of reference and review. Pilots
should familiarize themselves with these procedures to become proficient in the
normal operation of the airplane.
This section also contains Icing Information. A series of guidelines are
presented to help recognize, operate in, and exit from an inadvertant encounter
with severe icing.
This section is divided into two parts. The first part is a short form checklist
supplying an action - reaction sequence for normal procedures with little
emphasis on the operation of the systems.
The second part of this section, if required, is shown immediately below
the related short form checklist. They contain the amplified normal procedures
which provide detailed information and explanations of the procedures and how
to perform them. This portion of the section is not intended for use as an inflight
reference due to the lengthy explanation, whereas the short form checklists
should be used on the ground and in flight.
Figure 4-1
The flap position should be noted before boarding
the airplane. The flaps must be placed in the up
position before they will be locked and support
weight on the step.
If electrical power is removed from the Aspen
EFD-1000 standby instrument prior to completion
of its self-test, the unit will remain ON and deplete
its internal battery. If this occurs, turn the BATT
MASTR switch ON and wait for the self-test to be
completed or press the red REV button on the unit
to turn it OFF.
Control Wheel....................................................................release restraints
Static System.................................................................................... DRAIN
PARK BRAKE......................................................................................SET
LEFT/RIGHT ENG MAG Switches..................................................... OFF
LEFT/RIGHT FUEL PUMP Switches................................................. OFF
Flight Controls.......................................................PROPER OPERATION
GEAR Selector................................................................................. DOWN
MIXTURE................................................................................... CUT-OFF
Alternate Static Source............................................................... NORMAL
COWL FLAPS................................................................................... OPEN
Stabilator & Rudder Trim.......................................................... NEUTRAL
FUEL Selectors....................................................................................... ON
AVION MASTER Switch.................................................................... OFF
All Electrical Switches.......................................................................... OFF
BATT MASTR Switch........................................................................... ON
LANDING GEAR Indications..................................................... 3 GREEN
FUEL QTY Indications............................................. CHECK QUANTITY
BATT MASTR Switch......................................................................... OFF
Windows...........................................................................CHECK CLEAN
Required Certificates/Documents............................ VERIFY ON BOARD
POH.......................................................................... VERIFY ON BOARD
Baggage .................................................... STOW PROPERLY - SECURE
Crossfeed drains............................................................................... drain
While setting the stabilator and rudder trim to the neutral position, listen
for any noise in the systems which may indicate binding.
Crossfeed Drains.............................................................CHECK CLOSED
Surface Condition................................ CLEAR of ICE, FROST & SNOW
Flap and Hinges.............................................................................. CHECK
Aileron, Hinges & Freedom of Movement..................................... CHECK
Static Wicks.................................................................................... CHECK
Wing Tip and Nav/Anti-Collision Lights....................................... CHECK
Fuel Filler Cap................................................................................ CHECK
Fuel Quantity and Color................................................... ..............CHECK
Fuel Filler Cap...................................................... ........................SECURE
OAT Probe...................................................................................... CHECK
Fuel Tank Vent................................................................................CLEAR
When draining any amount of fuel, care should be
taken to ensure that no fire hazard exists before
starting engine.
The main gear strut extension (exposed area) corresponds to that for the
airplane under a normal static load (empty weight of the airplane plus full
fuel and oil).
General Condition........................................................................... CHECK
Windshield...................................................................................... CLEAN
Landing Lights................................................................................ CHECK
Tow bar......................................................... removed and stowed
Nose Gear Strut....................................................... PROPER INFLATION
(1.2 + .25 in.)
Nose Wheel Tire and Gear Door.................................................... CHECK
Forward baggage door.................................. SECURED AND LOCKED -
KEY REMOVED (in locked position only
The nose gear strut extension (exposed area) corresponds to that for the
airplane under a normal static load (empty weight of the airplane plus full
fuel and oil). The key remains in the forward baggage door while the door
is open and/or unlocked and can only be removed once the door is locked.
Surface Condition................................ CLEAR of ICE, FROST & SNOW
Main Gear Strut....................................................... PROPER INFLATION
(3.2 + .50 in.)
Main Wheel Tire and Gear Door.................................................... CHECK
Brake, Block & Disc....................................................................... CHECK
Cowl Flap Area............................................... CHECK OPEN & SECURE
Engine Cowling......................... ..................CHECK for Leaks & Security
Propeller & Spinner........................................................................ CHECK
Air Inlets..........................................................................................CLEAR
Engine Oil & Cap.................................CHECK QUANTITY & SECURE
Fuel Filter Drain............................................................................... drain
Tie Down.....................................................................................REMOVE
Wing Tank Drains (2)............................................ ..........................DRAIN
Fuel Tank Vent................................................................................CLEAR
When draining any amount of fuel, care should be
taken to ensure that no fire hazard exists before
starting engine.
Pitot Tube...................................... ............CHECK/NO OBSTRUCTIONS
OAT Probe............................................. .........................................CHECK
Stall Warning Vanes (2)............................................ .....................CHECK
Fuel Filler Cap............................................................CHECK & SECURE
Wing Tip and Nav/Anti-Collision Lights....................................... CHECK
Aileron, Hinges & Freedom of Movement..................................... CHECK
Flap and Hinges.............................................................................. CHECK
Static Wicks.................................................................................... CHECK
The main gear strut extension (exposed area) corresponds to that for
the airplane under a normal static load (empty weight of the airplane plus
full fuel and oil).
The stall vanes should be checked for damage and freedom of
movement. A squat switch in the stall warning system does not allow the
units to be activated on the ground.
BATT MASTR Switch........................................................................... ON
Interior Lighting (Night Flight)........................................... ON & CHECK
Care should be taken when an operational check of
the heated pitot head is being performed. The unit
becomes very hot. Ground operation should be
limited to 3 minutes maximum to avoid damaging
the heating elements.
PITOT/STALL WARN HEAT Switch................................................... ON
STROBE/NAV/TAXI/LANDING LIGHTS Switches........................... ON
Pitot Head........................................................................CHECK - WARM
Stall Warning Vanes.......................................................CHECK - WARM
REPORT: VB-2230 ISSUED: April 30, 2013
If the E VOLTS indication is less than 23.3 VOLTS, the voltage can be
checked again at the end of the GROUND CHECK checklist (after being
charged by the primary electrical system) or can be conditioning charged
by ground personnel prior to further checks. In either case, the E VOLTS
indication must not be less than 23.3 volts prior to IFR operations.
REPORT: VB-2230 ISSUED: April 30, 2013
After engine start and the throttle is set as desired, the oil pressure
should be checked for a positive indication. If no oil pressure is indicated
within 30-seconds, shut down the engine and have it checked. In cold
weather it may take somewhat longer for an oil pressure indication.
After engine start and the throttle is set as desired, the oil pressure
should be checked for a positive indication. If no oil pressure is indicated
within 30-seconds, shut down the engine and have it checked. In cold
weather it may take somewhat longer for a positive oil pressure indication.
The EMERG BATT switch may remain ON while
using external power. The emergency bus does
not receive power from the external power source
due to a relay in the circuit.
External Power Source Unit................................... REMOVE (If Applied)
THROTTLES...................................................................1000 - 1200 RPM
Idle fuel mixture will be rich at high density
altitudes. Under extreme conditions it may be
necessary to manually lean the mixture in order
to sustain engine operation at low RPM. When
practical, operate the engines at higher idling
AVION MASTER Switch...................................................................... ON
EMERG BATT Switch........................................................ VERIFY ARM
Multi-Function Display (MFD)...............................VERIFY DATABASE
MFD Aux-Weight Planning.............. ENTER WEIGHTS AS REQUIRED
Fuel Totalizer (weight)...................FOB SYNC or ENTER MANUALLY
CAS Messages................................... CONSIDER ANY ILLUMINATED
Lights................................................................................. AS REQUIRED
FUEL Selectors................................................ ON, CHECK X-FEED, ON
CABIN HEAT and DEFROSTER Switches.........................AS DESIRED
TAWS and TRAFFIC (if installed).................................................... TEST
COM/NAV Radios & AVIONICS.....................................CHECK & SET
MASTER WARN and MASTER CAUTION Switches.......................TEST
Autopilot Preflight Procedures.......................... PERFORM Per Procedure
Defined in S-TEC System 55X
Autopilot Supplement (see Section 9)
Manual Electric Trim Preflight Procedures PERFORM Per Procedure
Defined in S-TEC System 55X
Autopilot Supplement (see Section 9)
Standby Flight Instrument....................... VERIFY ON with NO RED-X’s
Altimeter/Standby Altimeter..................................................................SET
Passenger Briefing...................................................................COMPLETE
PARK BRAKE........................................................................... RELEASE
(Press toe brakes while pushing PARK BRAKE control knob)
Taxi Area.........................................................................................CLEAR
LEFT/RIGHT FUEL PUMP Switches.............................. AS REQUIRED
During extended periods of engine idle at high
ambient temperatures, fuel flow to the engine
can be interrupted by the formation of fuel vapor
bubbles in the fuel line. This condition can be
corrected by turning the electric fuel pump ON,
to provide positive pressure to the engine driven
pump inlet.
Idle fuel mixture will be rich at high density
altitudes. Under extreme conditions it may be
necessary to manually lean the mixture in order
to sustain engine operation at low RPM. When
practical, operate the engines at higher idling
Turns during taxiing should be made using rudder pedal motion and
differential power rather than braking. This will extend the life of the brakes.
Alternate air is unfiltered. Use of ALT AIR during
ground or flight operations, when dust or other
contaminant’s are present, may result in engine
damage from particle ingestion.
PARK BRAKE......................................................................................SET
MIXTURES............................................................................. FULL RICH
PROPELLERS............................................................... FULL INCREASE
THROTTLES.............................................................................. 1000 RPM
Engine Instruments......................................................................... CHECK
THROTTLES.............................................................................. 1500 RPM
PROPELLERS (Max. Drop - 300 RPM).................FEATHER - CHECK
THROTTLES.............................................................................. 2300 RPM
ALT AIR.............................................................CHECK ON (observe
approx. 25 RPM drop) then OFF
PROPELLERS (Max. Drop - 300 RPM).................................EXERCISE
THROTTLES.............................................................................. 2000 RPM
MAG (Max. Drop - 150 RPM:
Max. Diff. - 50 RPM)................................................................ CHECK
VOLTS Indication....................................... CHECK BUS (28 + 1 VOLT)
ALTR AMPS Indication...............................................CHECK NORMAL
If flight into icing conditions (in visible moisture
below +5°C) is anticipated check the aircraft
ice protection system (optional equipment),
including the pitot heat, as described in Section
9, Supplement 3 Ice Protection System.
THROTTLES........................................................CLOSE - CHECK IDLE
THROTTLES...................................................................800 to 1000 RPM
Friction Handle......................................................................................SET
Doors..................................................................... CLOSED & LATCHED
Seat Backs........................................................................................ ERECT
Seats........................................... ADJUSTED & LOCKED IN POSITION
Seat Belts, Harnesses.......................................... FASTENED/ADJUSTED
Armrests....................................................................................... STOWED
BATT MASTR Switch........................................................... VERIFY ON
LEFT/RIGHT ALTR Switches............................................... VERIFY ON
EMERG BATT Switch........................................................ VERIFY ARM
LEFT/RIGHT FUEL PUMP Switches................................................... ON
Flight Instruments........................................................................... CHECK
Standby Flight Instruments............................................................. CHECK
CAS Messages................................... CONSIDER ANY ILLUMINATED
PFD Annunciations............................ CONSIDER ANY ILLUMINATED
System Messages (MSG Softkey)............................................CONSIDER
Engine Indications.......................................................................... CHECK
If flight into icing conditions (in visible moisture
below +5°C) is anticipated or encountered during
climb, cruise or descent, activate the aircraft ice
protection system, including the pitot heat, as
described in Section 9, Supplement 3 Ice Protection
Refer to paragraph 4.21, Icing Information, prior
to any flight operations. (Takeoff, cruise, landing,
Fast taxi turns immediately prior to takeoff should
be avoided to prevent unporting fuel feed lines.
Takeoffs are normally made with full throttle.
However, under some off standard conditions,
the manifold pressure indication can exceed its
indicated limit at full throttle. Limit manifold
pressure to 38 in. Hg. maximum.
When a short field effort is required but the situation presents a wide
margin on obstacle clearance, the safest short field technique to use is with
the flaps up (0º). In the event of an engine failure, the airplane is in the best
flight configuration to sustain altitude immediately after the gear is raised.
The distances required using this takeoff procedure are given on a chart
in the Performance Section of this handbook.
When the shortest possible ground roll and the greatest clearance
distance over a 50-foot obstacle is desired, use a 25-degree flap setting. Set
the stabilator trim indicator slightly nose up from the takeoff range. Apply
and hold the brakes and bring the engines to full power before release.
Release the brakes, accelerate to 73 KIAS and rotate firmly so that when
passing through the 50-foot height the airspeed is approximately 76 KIAS.
Retract the gear when a gear down landing is no longer possible on the
runway. Select Landing Light off after gear retraction and use Taxi/Rec
Lights as required.
It should be noted that the airplane is momentarily near Vmc when
using the above procedure. IN THE EVENT THAT AN ENGINE
It should also be noted that when a 25-degree flap setting is used on the
takeoff roll, an effort to hold the airplane on the runway too long may result
in a wheel barrowing tendency. This should be avoided.
Sometime prior to the start of the approach, verify the altimeters are set
and the navigation source information being provided to the HSI is set for
the desired published approach.
During the approach to landing, the CHECK GEAR aural alert may
sound, along with the appropriate CAS message. The mutable CHECK
GEAR aural alert is produced by manifold pressure(s) less than 14 in. Hg
and the non-mutable CHECK GEAR aural alert is produced when the flaps
are extended beyond 10º. The severity of the CAS message is related to the
aircraft’s proximity of the ground, with a caution being generated above
~400 feet AGL and a warning being generated below ~400 feet AGL. See
Section 7 for complete details.
Prior to entering the traffic pattern, the autopilot should be disengaged
and yaw damper should be selected to AUTO or OFF and the aircraft should
be slowed to approximately 120 KIAS. This speed should be maintained on
the downwind leg and the landing checks should be made.
Maintain a traffic pattern speed of 100 KIAS and a final approach speed
of 90 KIAS. If the aircraft is lightly loaded, the final approach speed may be
reduced to 79 KIAS.
When the power is reduced on close-in final approach, the propeller
controls should be advanced to full increase position to provide maximum
power in the event of a go-around.
The landing gear position should be checked again on final approach by
checking the three green indications on the EIS display and looking at the
external mirror to verify that the nose gear is extended.
REPORT: VB-2230 ISSUED: April 30, 2013
TAS aural alerts will be muted during all gear
down operations.
The air conditioner should be OFF to ensure
maximum rate of climb in the event of a go-around.
Pump the toe brakes to ensure that the system
is capable of uniform/adequate braking during
landing rollout.
Flap position for landing will depend on runway length and surface
wind. Full flaps will reduce stall speed during final approach and will permit
contact with the runway at a slower speed.
Good pattern management includes a smooth, gradual reduction of
power on final approach, with the power fully off before the wheels touch
the runway. This allows the CHECK GEAR aural alert to sound if the gear
is not down and locked. If electric trim is available, it can be used to assist a
smooth back pressure during flare out.
Maximum braking after touchdown is achieved by retracting the
flaps, applying back pressure to the control wheel and applying pressure
on the brakes. However, unless extra braking is needed or unless a strong
crosswind or gusty wind conditions exists, it is best to wait until turning off
the runway to retract the flaps. This will permit full attention to be given to
the landing and landing roll, and will also prevent the pilot from accidentally
reaching for the gear handle instead of the flap handle.
NORMAL Landing
FLAPS (Below 113 KIAS)................................................... FULL DOWN
Airspeed......................................................................................... 88 KIAS
Trim.................................................................................... AS REQUIRED
THROTTLES..................................................................... AS REQUIRED
Touchdown....................MAIN WHEELS then GENTLY LOWER NOSE
Braking............................................................................... AS REQUIRED
For a normal landing, approach with full flaps (40°) and partial power until
shortly before touch-down. Hold the nose up as long as possible before and
after contacting the ground with the main wheels.
If a crosswind or high wind landing is necessary, approach with higher than
normal speed and with 0° to 25° of flaps. Immediately after touchdown,
raise the flaps.
ISSUED: April 30, 2013 REPORT: VB-2230
Section 4
Normal Procedures PA-34-220T, Seneca V
MIXTURES............................................................................. FULL RICH
PROPELLERS............................................................... FULL INCREASE
THROTTLES.......................................................................... FULL OPEN
Control Wheel........................................ BACK PRESSURE TO OBTAIN
FLAPS.......................................................................RETRACT SLOWLY
GEAR Selector.........................................................................................UP
COWL FLAPS................................................................... AS REQUIRED
Trim.................................................................................... AS REQUIRED
Idle fuel mixture will be rich at high density
altitudes. Under extreme conditions it may be
necessary to manually lean the mixture in order
to sustain engine operation at low RPM. When
practical, operate the engines at higher idling
Stopping Engine
CABIN HEAT Switch (if ON)............................... FAN 2 MIN. then OFF
AVION MASTER Switch.................................................................... OFF
LEFT/RIGHT FUEL PUMP Switches................................................. OFF
EMERG BATT Switch.......................................................... ...............OFF
All Electrical Equipment....................................................................... OFF
MIXTURES................................................................................. CUT-OFF
LEFT/RIGHT ENG MAG Switches..................................................... OFF
LEFT/RIGHT ALTR Switches............................................................. OFF
Interior Lights (at night)....................................................................... OFF
Exterior Lights.............................................................. ........................OFF
BATT MASTR Switch......................................................................... OFF
The flaps must be placed in the UP position for the flap step to support
weight. Passengers should be cautioned accordingly.
If necessary, the airplane should be moved on the ground with the aid
of the optional nose wheel tow bar, which is stowed in the forward
baggage compartment.
The parking brake should be set and the ailerons and stabilator should
be secured by looping the seatbelt through the control wheel and pulling
it snug. The rudder need not be secured under normal conditions, as its
connection to the nose wheel holds it in position. The flaps are locked when
in the fully retracted position.
Wheel chocks should be positioned in place. Tie-down ropes may be
attached to mooring rings under each wing and to the tail skid.
REPORT: VB-2230 ISSUED: April 30, 2013
The loss of altitude during a power off stall with the gear and flaps
retracted may be as much as 400 feet. The loss of altitude with the gear down
and 40° of flaps may also be as much as 400 feet.
The stall warning system is inoperative with the
4.11 Reserved
The intentional one engine inoperative speed, Vsse, for the SENECA V is
85 KIAS.
The Vmca demonstration, which may be required for the FAA flight test for
the multi-engine rating, approaches an uncontrolled flight condition with power
reduced on one engine. The demonstration and all intentional one engine
operations should not be performed at an altitude of less than 4000 feet above the
ground. The recommended procedure for Vmca demonstration is to reduce the
power to idle on the simulated inoperative engine at or above the intentional
one engine inoperative speed, Vsse, and slow down approximately one
knot per second until the FAA Required Demonstration Speed, stall buffet or
warning, rudder or ailerons at full travel, or Vmca (red line on the Airspeed
Indicator) is reached.
Use rudder to maintain directional control
(heading) and ailerons to maintain 5° bank towards
the operative engine (lateral attitude). At the first
sign of either Vmca (airspeed indicator red line)
or stall warning (which may be evidenced by:
inability to maintain heading or bank attitude,
aerodynamic stall buffet, or STALL..STALL aural
alert), immediately initiate recovery; reduce power
to idle on the operative engine, and immediately
lower the nose to regain Vmca and continue
accelerating to Vsse.
One engine inoperative stalls are not recommended.
The above statement notwithstanding, the noise level stated above has been
verified by and approved by the Federal Aviation Administration in noise level
test flights conducted in accordance with FAR 36, Noise Standards - Aircraft
Type and Airworthiness Certification. This aircraft model is in compliance with
all FAR 36 Appendix G noise standards applicable to this type.
The corrected noise level of this aircraft as measured per ICAO Annex 16,
Chapter 10, is 77.6 dB(A) for aircraft with the three blade propeller.
Paragraph Page
No. No.
This section contains the required FAA performance information applicable
to this aircraft. Additional information is provided for flight planning purposes.
The performance charts are unfactored and do not make any allowance for
varying degrees of pilot proficiency or mechanical deterioration of the aircraft.
This performance, however, can be duplicated by following the stated procedures
in a properly maintained airplane.
Effects of conditions not considered on the charts must be evaluated by the
pilot, such as the effect of soft or grass runway surface on takeoff and landing
performance, or the effect of winds aloft on cruise and range performance.
Endurance can be grossly affected by improper leaning procedures, and inflight
fuel flow and quantity checks are recommended.
Performance information derived by extrapolation
beyond the limits shown on the charts should not
be used for flight planning purposes.
The basic empty weight for the airplane as certified at the factory
has been entered in Figure 6-5. If any alterations to the airplane have
been made affecting weight and balance, reference to the aircraft
logbook and Weight and Balance Record (Figure 6-7) should be made
to determine the current basic empty weight of the airplane.
Make use of the Weight and Balance Loading Form (Figure 6-11)
and C.G. Range and Weight graph (Figure 6-15) to determine the total
weight of the airplane and the center of gravity position. Example:
The conditions and calculations for the example flight are listed
below. The takeoff and landing distances required for the example
flight have fallen well below the available runway lengths.
Departure Destination
Airport Airport
(1) Pressure Altitude 2000 ft. 3000 ft.
(2) Temperature 21°C 22°C
(3) Wind Component 9 KTS 10 KTS
(Headwind) (Headwind)
(4) Runway Length Available 7400 ft. 9000 ft.
(5) Runway Required
(Normal Procedure, Std. Brakes)
Takeoff 1620 ft.*
Accelerate and Stop 3032 ft.**
Landing 2240 ft.***
The remainder of the performance charts used
in this flight plan example assume a no wind
condition. The effect of winds aloft must be
considered by the pilot when computing climb,
cruise and descent performance.
* reference Figure 5-15
** reference Figure 5-11
*** reference Figure 5-45
(c) Climb
The desired cruise pressure altitude and corresponding cruise
outside air temperature values are the first variables to be considered in
determining the climb components from the Fuel, Time and Distance
to Climb graph ( Figure 5-25). After the fuel, time and distance for the
cruise pressure altitude and outside air temperature values have been
established, apply the existing conditions at the departure field to the
graph (Figure 5-25). Now, subtract the values obtained from the graph
for the field of departure conditions from those for the cruise pressure
The remaining values are the true fuel, time and distance
components for the climb segment of the flight plan corrected for field
pressure altitude and temperature.
The following values were determined from the above instructions
in the flight planning example.
(d) Descent
(e) Cruise
Calculate the cruise fuel for the cruise power setting from the
information provided on Figure 5-29.
The total fuel calculations for the example flight plan are shown
Figure Page
No. No.
Figure 5-1
Figure 5-3
Figure 5-7
Figure 5-9
Figure 5-31
Paragraph Page
No. No.
In order to achieve the performance and flying characteristics which are
designed into the airplane, it must be flown with the weight and center
of gravity (C.G.) position within the approved operating range (envelope).
Although the airplane offers flexibility of loading it cannot be flown with the
maximum number of adult passengers, full fuel tanks and maximum baggage.
The pilot must ensure that the airplane is loaded within the loading envelope
before a takeoff.
(a) Preparation
(1) Be certain that all items checked in the airplane equipment list are
installed in the proper location in the airplane.
(2) Remove excessive dirt, grease, moisture, foreign items such as rags
and tools from the airplane before weighing.
(3) Defuel airplane. Then open all fuel drains until all remaining fuel
is drained. Operate each engine until all undrainable fuel is used
and engine stops. Then add the unusable fuel (6.0 gallons total,
3.0 gallons each wing).
(4) Fill with oil to full capacity.
(5) Place pilot and copilot seats in fourth (4th) notch, aft of forward
position. Put flaps in the fully retracted position and all control
surfaces in the neutral position. Tow bar should be in the proper
location and all entrance and baggage doors closed.
(6) Weigh the airplane inside a closed building to prevent errors in
scale readings due to wind.
(b) Leveling
(1) With airplane on scales, block main gear oleo pistons in the fully
extended position.
(2) Level airplane (refer to Figure 6-3) deflating nose wheel tire, to
center bubble on level.
(c) Weighing- Airplane Basic Empty Weight
(1) With the airplane level and the brakes released, record the weight
shown on each scale. Deduct the tare, if any, from each reading.
Scale Net
Scale Position and Symbol Reading Tare Weight
Nose Wheel (N)
Right Main Wheel (R)
Left Main Wheel (L)
Basic Empty Weight, as Weighed (T)
Figure 6-1
Figure 6-3
(2) The basic empty weight center of gravity (as weighed including
optional equipment, full oil and unusable fuel) can be determined
by the following formula:
Where: T = N + R + L
The basic empty weight of the airplane as certified at the factory has been
entered in the Weight and Balance Record (Figure 6-7). This form is provided
to present the current status of the airplane basic empty weight and a complete
history of previous modifications. Any change to the permanently installed
equipment or modification which affects weight or moment must be entered in
the Weight and Balance Record.
Registration Number___________________________________
C.G. Arm
Weight x (Inches Aft = Moment
(Lbs.) of Datum) (In-Lbs.)
Standard Empty Weight* Computed
Optional Equipment
* The standard empty weight includes full oil capacity and 6.0 gallons of
unusable fuel.
this basic empty weight, c.g. and useful load are for
the airplane as CERTIFIed at the factory. refer to the
appropriate aircraft record when alterations have
been made.
** Includes fuel allowances for start-up, taxi and run-up (23 lbs.).
Actual fuel allowance for start-up, taxi and run-up
(23 lbs. max.) should be determined based on local
operating condition.
Arm Aft
Weight Datum Moment
(Lbs.) (Inches) (In-Lbs)
Basic Empty Weight 3212 88.5 284262
Pilot and Front Passenger 340 85.5 29070
Passengers (Center Seats) 236 119.1 28108
(Aft Facing)
The center of gravity (C.G.) of this sample loading problem is at 93.9 inches aft of the datum
line. Locate this point (93.9) on the C.G. range and weight graph. Since this point falls within the
weight - C.G. envelope, this loading meets the weight and balance requirements.
Locate the center of gravity for the landing weight on the C.G. range and weight graph. If
this point falls within the weight C.G. envelope, the loading may be assumed acceptable for landing
Arm Aft
Weight Datum Moment
(Lbs.) (Inches) (In-Lbs)
Basic Empty Weight
Pilot and Front Passenger 85.5
Passengers (Center Seats) 119.1
(Aft Facing)
The center of gravity (C.G.) for the takeoff weight of the actual loading problem is at _______
inches aft of the datum line. Locate this point (_____) on the C.G. range and weight graph.
If this point falls within the weight - C.G. envelope, this loading meets the weight and balance
Locate the center of gravity for the landing weight on the C.G. range and weight graph. If this
point falls within the weight C.G. envelope, the loading may be assumed acceptable for landing.
it is the responsibility of the pilot and aircraft owner to ensure that
the airplane is loaded properly.
Figure 6-13
Paragraph Page
No. No.
7.1 The Airplane............................................................................. 7-1
7.3 Airframe................................................................................... 7-1
7.5 Engines and Propellers............................................................. 7-2
7.7 Engine Controls........................................................................ 7-6
7.9 Garmin G1000 Avionics System.............................................. 7-8
7.11 Standby Instruments................................................................. 7-45
7.13 Landing Gear............................................................................ 7-46
7.15 Brake System............................................................................ 7-53
7.17 Flight Control System.............................................................. 7-54
7.19 Fuel System.............................................................................. 7-56
7.21 Electrical System...................................................................... 7-60
7.23 Pitot Static System................................................................... 7-71
7.25 Heating, Ventilating and Defrosting System........................... 7-73
7.27 Instrument Panel....................................................................... 7-77
7.29 Cabin Features.......................................................................... 7-82
7.31 Baggage Area........................................................................... 7-85
7.33 Finish........................................................................................ 7-87
7.35 Stall Warning............................................................................ 7-87
7.37 Emergency Locator Transmitter............................................... 7-88
Artex ME-406 Operation..................................................... 7-88
The basic airframe is of aluminum alloy with steel engine mounts and
landing gear and thermo-plastic or fiberglass fairings. Aerobatics are prohibited
in this airplane since the structure is not designed for aerobatic loads.
The engines are equipped with engine mounted oil coolers with low
temperature bypass systems and engine mounted oil filters. A winterization plate
is provided to restrict air during winter operation. (See Winterization in Section
8). Asymmetric thrust is eliminated by the counter-rotation of the engines, the
left engine rotating in a clockwise direction when viewed from the cockpit, and
the right engine rotating counterclockwise.
The engine oil dipstick is accessible through an access door on the top of
the engine cowling. The oil dipsticks are not interchangeable from one engine
to the other.
Alternate air is unfiltered. Use of alternate air
during ground or flight operations when dust
or other contaminants are present may result in
engine damage from particle ingestion.
The engine air induction system receives ram air through a flush inlet
located on the right side of the lower cowling. Air enters this inlet and flows
through a removable air filter located in an airbox which is an integral part of the
cowling. The filter removes dust and other foreign matter from the induction air.
However, in the event the flush inlet or the filter should become obstructed by ice
or other causes, the pilot must manually select alternate air to provide air to the
engine. This alternate air control is located on the center console just below the
engine control quadrant. When the induction air lever is up, or on primary air, the
engine is operating on filtered air drawn through the flush inlet in the cowling.
When the lever is down, or on alternate air, the engine is operating on unfiltered
air, drawn from inside the cowling. In addition to the alternate air door, this lever
actuation also controls a butterfly valve located in the air duct which supplies
cooling air to the aftercooler. The purpose of this valve is to simultaneously
close off the cooling air to the induction aftercooler when alternate air is
selected thus providing additional heat to the induction air to eliminate any
ice in the induction system should it form.
The Seneca V is equipped with all metal. Three blade, constant speed,
controllable pitch and fully feathering McCauley propellers.
The friction adjustment lever on the right side of the control quadrant may
be adjusted to increase or decrease the friction holding the throttle, propeller, and
mixture controls or to lock the controls in a selected position.
The alternate air controls are located on the control quadrant just below the
engine control levers. When an alternate air lever is in the up, or off, position
the engine is operating on filtered air; when the lever is in the down, or on,
position the engine is operating on unfiltered, heated air. Should the primary air
source become blocked, the alternate air control lever must be moved and locked
to the down (alternate air ON) position.
The cowl flap control levers (Figure 7-1), located below the control
quadrant, are used to regulate cooling air for the engines. The levers have three
positions: full open, full closed, and intermediate. A lock incorporated in each
control lever locks the cowl flap in the selected position. To operate the cowl
flaps, depress the lock and move the lever toward the desired setting. Release the
lock after initial movement and continue movement of the lever. The control will
stop and lock into place at the next setting. The lock must be depressed for each
selection of a new cowl flap setting. The full open position is used for climb and
ground operations while the intermediate lever position is used for single engine
Autopilot Integration
The G1000 system provides heading, course (VHF and GPS), and altitude
information to the Cobham/S-TEC System 55X Autopilot via the heading bug,
course deviation indicator (CDI), and altitude preselect, respectively. Altitude
changes are commanded using a combination of S-TEC 55X and G1000 inputs.
To capture a new altitude, first input the desired altitude using the altitude
(ALT) preselect on the PFD, then use the S-TEC 55X to select ALT and VS
simultaneously. The desired vertical speed must be input from the S-TEC 55X
and the VS target/bug will be shown on the VS scale of the PFD. The Altitude
preselect will flash when approaching within 1000 feet of the selected altitude,
and an audio tone is played when approaching or deviating within 200 feet of
the selected altitude. Flight director command bars on the PFD attitude indicator
are always displayed when the autopilot master switch is in either the FD/AP or
FD position and a vertical mode on the autopilot is active. When the autopilot
master switch is in the FD position, the autopilot servos will be disengaged,
the annunciation FD will be shown on the PFD, and the aircraft must be flown
manually. Autopilot control is not available from the MFD when in reversionary
mode or the co-pilot’s PFD. Autopilot mode annunciations are shown on the
autopilot computer and on the autopilot annunciator row at the top of each PFD.
An additional annunciator “TRIM” appears in the autopilot annunciator field
of the PFD. It appears whenever the FD/AP switch is turned ON and elevator
trim is running. If elevator trim is activated by the switches on the control yoke,
the TRIM annunciation will flash continuously. If elevator trim is activated
by the autopilot (auto-trim), the TRIM annunciation will appear steady for the
first 3-seconds of continuous activation, then flash. The TRIM annunciation
does not appear when the trim wheel is moved manually or when the autopilot
is selected off. Refer to Section 9, S-TEC System 55X Autopilot, for autopilot
preflight checks and detailed instructions on operation of the autopilot and flight
director. For additional information, see the S-TEC System 55X Pilot Operating
Handbook, P/N 87109.
Multi-Function Display
The Multi-Function Display (MFD) is located in the center of the instrument
panel, between the two PFD’s. The primary functions of the MFD include the
display of:
• Engine parameters
• Aircraft system parameters
• Dedicated map pages for:
• Navigation Map
• Traffic Map
• Weather Radar
• Stormscope
• Weather Datalink
In addition to map functions, the MFD incorporates features for waypoint
information, auxiliary information, flight plan information, and nearest
information. These features are selected by use of the large FMS knob on
the MFD. The selection options disappear after 10-seconds of inactivity and
reappear by activating the large FMS knob.
Along the left side of the MFD is an Engine Indicating System (EIS) window
that displays engine parameters, electrical system parameters, fuel quantity, flap
position and landing gear position and status. The Engine Indicating System
(EIS) window is displayed at all times, regardless of the page selection.
The MFD also incorporates a dedicated Engine Indicating System (EIS)
page as shown in Figure 7-2. Some of the parameters that normally appear in
the EIS window now appear in different locations on the EIS page. Additionally,
there are a few engine and system parameters displayed on the EIS page that do
not appear in the EIS window. Parameters that are shown on the EIS page that
do not appear on the EIS window have dedicated CAS messages to alert the pilot
during instances when EIS page is not being displayed.
Figure 7-2
If the G1000 system is configured to use the
optional Traffic Advisory System (TAS), TIS will
not be available for use.
If the G1000 system is configured to use the
optional Traffic Advisory System (TAS), TIS will
not be available for use.
If the TAWS system has failed or the TAWS alerts
are inhibited manually when the Final Approach
Fix is the active waypoint on a GPS WAAS
approach, a LOW ALT annunciation may appear
on the PFD next to the altimeter if the current
aircraft altitude is at least 164 feet below the
prescribed altitude at the Final Approach Fix.
TAWS-B Page:
The TAWS-B Page is located in the Map Page Group on the MFD.
The TAWS Page is specialized to show terrain, obstacle, and potential
impact point data in relation to the aircraft’s current altitude, without clut-
ter from the base map. Aviation data (airports, VORs, and other NAVAIDs)
can be displayed for reference. If an obstacle and the projected flight path
of the aircraft intersect, the display automatically zooms in to the closest
potential point of impact on the TAWS-B Page.
Aircraft orientation on this map is always heading up unless there is no
valid heading. Two views are available relative to the position of the aircraft;
the 360° default display and the radar-like ARC (120°) display. Map range
is adjustable with the RANGE Knob from 1 to 200 nm, as indicated by the
map range rings or arcs.
Excessive Descent
Rate Warning (EDR) PULL-UP PULL-UP “Pull Up” WARNING
Reduced Required
“Terrain, Terrain;
Terrain Clearance PULL-UP TERRAIN - PULL-UP
Pull Up, Pull Up”
Warning (RTC)
Reduced Required
“Obstacle, Obstacle;
Obstacle Clearance PULL-UP OBSTACLE - PULL-UP
Pull Up, Pull Up”
Warning (ROC)
“Obstacle Ahead, Pull
Imminent Obstacle PULL-UP OBSTACLE AHEAD - PULL-UP Up; Obstacle Ahead, WARNING
Impact Warning (IOI)
Pull Up”
Reduced Required
“Caution, Terrain;
Caution, Terrain”
Caution (RTC)
Reduced Required
“Caution, Obstacle;
Caution, Obstacle”
Caution (ROC)
Premature Descent
Alert Caution (PDA)
Altitude Callout
None None “Five-Hundred” N/A
Excessive Descent
Weather Mode:
To activate the radar’s Weather mode while on the ground, proceed to the
Map Page Group on the MFD, rotate the small FMS knob to the Weather
Radar Page, select the MODE softkey, and then select the STANDBY
mode softkey. After the system goes through a 60-second warm-up
period (countdown is displayed on the screen) the radar will enter
STANDBY mode. To begin radar transmitting, select the WEATHER
mode softkey. A pop-up menu will appear alerting the pilot that the
radar is being activated on the ground and safety precautions should be
To activate the radar while in flight, proceed to the Map Page Group on
the MFD, rotate the small FMS knob to the Weather Radar Page, select
the MODE softkey, and then select the WEATHER mode softkey. After
the system goes through a 60-second warm-up period (countdown is dis-
played on the screen) the radar will begin transmitting.
If the MFD fails or is in reversionary mode, the weather radar system
automatically switches to STANDBY mode and will not function. When
the weather radar system is in either the Weather or Ground Map mode,
the system automatically switches to Standby mode upon landing.
Ground Map
Mode Color Intensity
Black 0 dB
Light Blue > 0 dB to < 9 dB
Yellow 9 dB to < 18 dB
Magenta 18 dB to < 27 dB
Blue 27 dB and greater
Ground Target Return Intensities
Table 3
Pulling the SiriusXM circuit breaker will disable
the Garmin Datalink (GDL), which include
SiriusXM weather and SiriusXM radio.
SiriusXM Weather:
Received graphical weather information and associated text is displayed on
the Multi Function Display (MFD) and the Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Inset Map. SiriusXM satellite weather operates in the S-band frequency
range and provides continuous reception capabilities at any altitude through-
out North America.
The primary map for viewing SiriusXM Weather data is the Weather Data
Link Page in the Map Page Group. This is the only G1000 map display capa-
ble of showing information for all available SiriusXM weather products.
The G1000 utilizes several databases. Database titles display in yellow if they
have expired or are in question. Database cycle information is displayed at
power up on the MFD screen, but more detailed information is available on
the AUX pages. Internal database validation prevents incorrect data from
being displayed.
The upper Secure Digital (SD) data card slot is typically vacant as it is used
for software maintenance and navigational database updates. The lower
data card slot should contain a data card with the system’s terrain/ obstacle
information and optional data such as Safe Taxi, Flight Charts and JeppView
electronic charts.
Databases (Continued)
Terrain Database
The terrain databases are updated periodically and have no expiration
date. Coverage of the terrain database is between North 75° latitude
and South 60° latitude in all longitudes. Coverage of the airport terrain
database is worldwide.
Obstacle Database
The obstacle database contains data for obstacles, such as towers, that
pose a potential hazard to aircraft. Obstacles 200 feet and higher are
included in the obstacle database. It is very important to note that not
all obstacles are necessarily charted and therefore may not be contained
in the obstacle database. Coverage of the obstacle database includes the
United States and Europe. This database is updated on a 56-day cycle
and has no expiration date.
Navigation Database
Navigation database coverage options include the Americas,
International, or Worldwide. This database is updated on a 28-day
FliteCharts Database
The Garmin FliteCharts database contains procedure charts for the
coverage area purchased. This database is updated on a 28-day cycle. If
not updated within 180 days of the expiration date, FliteCharts will no
longer function.
JeppView Database
The Jeppesen JeppView electronic charts database contains procedure
charts for the coverage area purchased. An own-ship position icon will
be displayed on these charts. This database is updated on a 14-day cycle.
If not updated within 70 days of the expiration date, JeppView will no
longer function.
Audio Panel
The audio panel contains traditional transmitter and receiver selectors, as well
as an integral intercom and marker beacon system. The marker beacon lights
appear on the PFD and the marker beacon audio can be heard on the cockpit
speaker. In addition, a clearance recorder records the last 2½ minutes of received
audio. Lights above the audio panel selection buttons indicate which selections
are active. If a failure of Com 1 and Com 2 occurs, a fail-safe communica-
tions path is available between the pilot’s headset/microphone and Com 1. The
fail-safe communications path is activated by pulling the AUDIO MKR circuit
breaker located on the circuit breaker panel, (Row 1, Col. 7).
The PILOT knob located towards the bottom of the audio panel allows switching
between volume and squelch control as indicated by illumination of VOL or SQ.
Turn the knob to adjust intercom volume or squelch. The MAN SQ key must be
selected to allow squelch adjustment.
The red DISPLAY BACKUP button at the bottom of the audio panel allows
manual selection of the reversionary display mode.
If electrical power is removed from the Aspen
EFD-1000 standby instrument prior to completion
of its self-test, the unit will remain ON and deplete
its internal battery. If this occurs, turn the BATT
MASTR switch ON and wait for the self-test to be
completed or press the red REV button on the unit
to turn it OFF.
When the landing gear is retracted, the main wheels retract inboard into the
wings and the nose wheel retracts forward into the nose section. Aerodynamic
loads and springs assist in gear extension and in locking the gear in the down
position. During gear extension, once the nose gear has started toward the
down position, the airstream pushes against it and assists in moving it
to the downlocked position. After the gear is down and the downlock hooks
engage, springs maintain force on each hook to keep it locked until it is released
by hydraulic pressure.
A convex mirror on the left engine nacelle serves as a taxiing aid and allows
the pilot to visually confirm the condition of the nose gear.
Safety Switch
To prevent inadvertent gear retraction should the gear selector switch be
placed in the UP position when the airplane is on the ground, a squat
switches located on the left and right main gear will prevent the hydraulic
pump from actuating if the master switch is turned on. If the squat switches
disagree, there is additional logic in the Garmin software that determines if the
aircraft is on the ground. On takeoff, when the landing gear oleo strut drops
to its full extension, the safety switch closes to complete the circuit which
allows the hydraulic pump to be activated to raise the landing gear when the
gear selector is moved to the UP position. During the preflight check, be sure
the landing gear selector is in the DOWN position and that the three green gear
indicator lights appear on the MFD.
If the emergency gear knob has been pulled
out due to an actual gear system malfunction,
leave the control in its extended position until
the airplane has been put on jacks to check the
proper function of the landing gear hydraulic
and electrical systems. See PA-34-220T (Seneca
V) Maintenance Manual for proper landing gear
system check out procedures.
Ground Operation
The nose gear is steerable through a 27 degree arc either side of center by
use of a combination of full rudder pedal travel and brakes. A gear centering
spring, incorporated in the nose gear steering system, prevents shimmy
tendencies. A bungee assembly reduces ground steering effort and dampens
shocks and bumps during taxiing. When the gear is retracted, the nose wheel
centers as it enters the wheel well, and the steering linkage disengages to reduce
pedal loads in flight. The landing lights, located on the nose gear, turn off
automatically when the gear is retracted.
All three landing gear carry 6.00 x 6 tires. The nose wheel has a 6-ply tire
and the main wheels have 8-ply tires. For information on servicing the tires, see
Tire Inflation in Section 8 of this Handbook.
Struts for the landing gear are air-oil assemblies. Strut exposure should be
checked during each preflight inspection. If a need for service or adjustment is
indicated, refer to the instructions printed on the units. Should more detailed
landing gear service information be required, refer to the PA-34-220T
(Seneca V) Maintenance Manual.
Parking Brake
The parking brake knob is located on the lower left instrument panel. To
set the parking brake, first depress and hold the toe brake pedals and then pull
out the PARK BRAKE knob. To release the parking brake, first depress and
hold the toe brake pedals and then push in on the PARK BRAKE knob.
No braking will occur if knob is pulled prior to
brake application.
Control Surfaces
The ailerons are of the Frise type. This design allows the leading edge of
the aileron to extend into the airstream to provide increased drag and improved
roll control. The differential deflection of the ailerons tends to eliminate adverse
yaw in turning maneuvers and to reduce the amount of coordination required
in normal turns.
The horizontal tail surface (stabilator) is of the all movable slab type with
an anti-servo tab mounted on the trailing edge. This tab, actuated by a control
mounted on the console between the front seats, also acts as a longitudinal trim
tab (refer to Figure 7-9).
The vertical tail is fitted with a rudder which incorporates a combination
rudder trim and servo tab. The rudder trim control is located on the control
console between the front seats (refer to Figure 7-9).
Figure 7-9
Fuel Drains
Before each flight, fuel must be drained from low points in the fuel system
to ensure that any accumulation of moisture or sediment is removed from the
system and to check for proper fuel. Fuel drains are provided for each fuel filter
(2), each fuel tank (4), and each crossfeed line (2).
The fuel filter drains are located on the outboard underside of each engine
nacelle; two fuel tank drains are located on the underside of each wing; fuel
crossfeed drains are located at the lowest point in the fuel system, on the
underside of the fuselage, just inboard of the trailing edge of the right wing flap.
When one engine is inoperative and the fuel
selector for the operating engine is on X FEED, the
selector for the inoperative engine must be in the
OFF position. Do not operate with both selectors
on X FEED. Do not take off with a selector on X
FEED. Fuel and vapor are always returned to the
tank on the same side as the operating engine.
Figure 7-13
Primary electrical power is supplied by two 28 volt, 85 ampere alternators
(Figure 7-15), one mounted on each engine.
Primary Battery
A 19 ampere-hour, flooded lead acid 24 volt battery provides current for
starting, use of electrical equipment when the engines are not running, and for a
source of stored electrical power to back up the dual alternators. During normal
operations, the battery is charged by the alternators. If it becomes necessary to
charge the battery by an external source, it should be removed from the airplane
prior to charging. The battery is mounted under the raised floorboard in the aft
fuselage baggage area.
Emergency Battery
The electrical system also includes an emergency battery, whose function
is to provide electrical power to equipment on the emergency bus during a
complete electrical failure or when electrical power from the primary electrical
system is insufficient. With the EMERG BATT switch in the ARM position,
power is applied to this equipment automatically after a total electrical failure.
Functions available via the emergency bus include all standby instrument
functions, all PFD1 functions with the exception of Com2 and Nav2, and the
audio panel. The emergency battery is sized to provide this functionality for a
minimum duration of 30 minutes.
30-minutes of power from the emergency battery
is only available if the voltage of this battery at
the time of total electrical failure is greater than
23.3 volts. The emergency battery voltage must
be checked prior to flight.
Voltage Regulators
Two solid-state voltage regulators, one for each alternator circuit, maintain
proper load sharing between the alternators and regulate electrical system bus
voltage to 28 volts. The voltage regulators are designed to prevent damage from
occurring to the electrical and avionics equipment by removing the alternator
from the circuit if its output exceeds 32 volts. In this situation, a L ALTR FAIL
or R ALTR FAIL warning CAS message will illuminate depending on which
alternator has been removed from the circuit.
Figure 7-19
90 90 60 60 35 35 35
Battery amps (BATT AMPS) indications are positive when the battery is
accepting a charge from the alternators and negative when discharging to meet
the required electrical load. After engine starting, or whenever battery usage
has been demanded, the BATT AMPS indication will be positive, indicating
that it is accepting current from the alternator(s). During operations with the
alternators OFF, or whenever the battery is at a higher voltage than the remaining
power sources, the BATT AMPS indication will be negative, indicating that it is
delivering current to the system.
When either alternator fails or is turned OFF while its engine is operating,
a L ALTR FAIL or R ALTR FAIL warning CAS message will appear. An
alternator failure may be due to an over-voltage condition, resulting in its
voltage regulator shutting off voltage that alternator. In all scenarios, the status
of the alternator should be verified by noting the alternator indications on the
EIS window. When either alternator experiences an over-current situation, the
ALTR AMPS indication for that alternator will turn red and a master warning
will be activated. There is not a CAS message associated with this condition.
Exterior lighting consists strobe lights, navigation lights, taxi lights and
landing lights. These lighting switches are all three-position rocker switches and
are located on the left side of the overhead switch panel. The center position
for each switch if the OFF position. Selecting STROBE LIGHTS activates both
wingtip strobe lights and the vertical fin strobe light. Selecting the FIN STROBE
activates the vertical fin strobe light only. Selecting TAXI LIGHT activates two
lights located on the nose gear. These lights extinguish automatically whenever
the landing gear are raised. Selecting LANDING LIGHTS activates both
forward facing wingtip lights as well as both lights located on the nose gear.
Selecting the PULSE lights activates both forward facing wingtip lights in an
alternating/pulsing fashion.
Anti-collision lights should not be operating
when flying through cloud, fog or haze, since the
reflected light can produce spatial disorientation.
Strobe lights should not be used in close proximity
to the ground, such as during taxiing, takeoff or
landing. Fin strobe (if installed) may be used on
An optional cabin courtesy light system consists of a front entrance light
over the forward cabin door and rear entrance light over the aft cabin door.
These lights are operated individually with switches that are incorporated
as part of each light assembly. The courtesy light circuit is independent of
the aircraft battery switch; therefore, the lights can be operated regardless of the
position of the battery switch. Unless the engines are running, the courtesy lights
should not be left on for extended time periods, as battery depletion could result.
External power is supplied directly to the main
electrical bus. Unless noted in the checklists, all
electrical equipment should be turned OFF prior
to applying external or removing external power.
Turn the battery master and alternator switches and all electrical equipment
OFF unless noted in the checklists.. Since the EMERG BATT switch was placed
in the ARM position during the BEFORE STARTING ENGINE checklist, it
may remain in the ARM position during external power engine starting. For
safety measures, there is a relay in the emergency bus circuitry that removes
power from the emergency bus during external power applications. Insert the
external power source plug into the external power receptacle. This completes
a circuit which permits current to flow from the external power source directly
to the starter contactors and the main electrical bus. Instructions on a placard
located on the cover of the receptacle should be followed when starting with
external power. For instructions on the use of the external power, refer to
Engine Start CHECKLISTS - Section 4.
If one or more of the pitot static instruments malfunction, the system should
be checked for dirt, leaks, or moisture. The pitot and static lines may be drained
through separate drains located on the side panel to the lower-left of the pilot’s
With instant starting and no need for priming, heat should be felt within a
few seconds. When cabin air reaches the temperature selected on the cabin
temperature lever, ignition of the heater cycles automatically to maintain the
selected temperature.
The combustion heater uses fuel from the airplane fuel system. An electric
fuel pump draws fuel from the right tank at a rate of approximately one-half
gallon per hour. Fuel used for heater operation should be considered when
planning for a flight.
To introduce fresh, unheated air into the cabin during flight, the air intake
should be open and the heater off. Ram air enters the system and can be
individually regulated at each cabin floor outlet.
When heat is not desired during ground operation, place the three-position
switch in the FAN position and the ventilation blower sends fresh air through the
heater ductwork for cabin ventilation and windshield defogging. When the heater
controls are used either for cabin heat or for ventilation, air is automatically
ducted to the windshield area for defrosting.
The flow of defroster air to the windshield area can be increased by the
activation of a defroster fan. The fan is controlled by a two-position defroster
switch located on the control console between the front seats and labeled
Safety Switches
Two safety switches activated by the intake valve and located aft of the
heater unit prevent both fan and heater operation when the air intake lever is
in the closed position. A micro switch, which actuates when the landing gear is
retracted, turns off the ventilation blower so that in flight the cabin air is
circulated by ram air pressure only.
Overhead Ventilation
Overhead outlets also supply fresh air for cabin ventilation. The occupant
of each seat can manually adjust a louvered outlet in the ceiling to regulate the
flow of fresh air to that seat area. Pulling the CABIN AIR control, located in
the ceiling behind the speaker, stops the flow of air through the ceiling outlets.
The three Garmin display units (PFD1, MFD, and PFD2) are located left-
to-right across the instrument panel. Refer to Section 7 of this POH and to the
latest appropriate version of Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Guide P/N 190-01404-00 for
detailed information on the Garmin displays. The Aspen standby instrument
is located to the left of the PFD1. The autopilot is located below the standby
instrument. Autopilot modes are presented on the face of the autopilot computer
and on the autopilot annunciator row of each PFD.
The miscellaneous switch group, located below the Garmin audio panel
are (from left to right) air conditioner control, fan control, yaw damper, and
autopilot/flight director. If the optional air conditioner is not installed, the switch
location will have a blank cover plate.
The ice protection switch group, located below the MFD, are (from left to
right) surface de-ice, pitot/stall warning heat, prop heat, windshield heat, and
the ice light. If the optional ice protection system is not installed, the switch
locations for the optional equipment will have a blank cover plate.
Engine and electrical switches are located in a single row in the overhead
switch panel. The row of switches (from left to right) are strobe lights, navigation
lights, taxi light, landing lights, left engine starter, left engine magnetos, left
engine fuel pump, left engine alternator, battery master, right engine alternator,
right engine fuel pump, right engine magnetos, right engine starter, day/night
switch (located on the instrument panel above the PFD in S/N 3449459 only),
emergency battery master, and avionics master.
Note: Not shown is the DAY/NIGHT switch above the pilot’s PFD on
S/N 3449459 only.
Cabin entry for the center and rear seats is made through the aft cabin door
on the left side. The cabin door is double latched. To close the cabin door, pull
the door closed with both the arm rest and the upper assist strap. Then engage the
top latch to the LATCHED position. Both latches must be secure before flight.
The aft cargo door is opened by a lever located on the forward edge of the
door. Pulling down on the lever disengages two locking pins from the frame.
All seat backs have three positions: normal, intermediate and recline. An
adjustment lever is located at the base of each seat back on the outboard side.
The pilot and co-pilot seats are adjustable fore, aft and vertically. They are
adjustable fore and aft by lifting the bar below the seat front and moving to the
desired position. Release the handle and move the seat until the locking pin
engages. Pivoting armrests are provided on the inboard side of each front seat.
To raise the vertically adjustable pilot and copilot seats, push back on the
pushbutton located at the lower right of each seat, relieve the weight from the
seat and it will rise. To lower the seat, push the button and apply weight until the
proper position is reached.
The center and rear seats are easily removed to provide room for bulky
items. Removal of the seats is accomplished by removing the two bolts holding
the aft attach points and sliding the seat aft.
To remove the center seats, retainers securing the
back legs of the seats must be unlocked. Releasing
the retainers is accomplished by depressing the
plunger behind each rear leg. Any time the seats
are installed in the airplane, the retainers should be
in the locked position.
To remove the rear seats, depress the plunger behind each front leg and slide
seat to rear.
Removal of any seats(s) require Weight and
Balance computations. Refer to Section 6 of this
POH to determine suitability for flight with seats
The shoulder harness is routed over the shoulder adjacent to the window
and attached to the seat belt in the general area of the occupant’s inboard hip. A
check of the inertial reel mechanism is made by pulling sharply on the strap. The
reel should lock in place and prevent the strap from extending. For normal body
movements, the strap will extend or retract as required.
An cabin work table, serving the two seats on the right side of the passenger
cabin, is offered with the club seating arrangement. The table must be stowed
during takeoff and landing. If the table is to be used, it should be set up after a
level cruise is established.
To set the cabin work table, simply pull up then out. To stow the cabin work
table, lift up and slide it back in to the side panel..
Optional Features
See Section 9 for optional features available with this model aircraft.
It is the pilot’s responsibility to be sure that the
nose baggage door is latched and locked properly.
If the nose baggage door key can be removed in
the unlocked position, immediate service to or
replacement of the locking mechanism should
A sensor in the forward baggage doorjamb senses the position of the latch
pin. Failure to latch the forward baggage door will activate a BAGGAGE DOOR
advisory CAS message whenever the latch pin is not in the closed position and
neither engine is running. A warning CAS message will activate if the latch pin
is not in the closed position and either engine is running.
It is the pilot’s responsibility to be sure when
baggage is loaded that the airplane C.G. falls
within the allowable C.G. range. (See Weight and
Balance Section.)
All exterior surfaces are finished with polyurethane.
To allow proper paint matching, paint colors and mixing numbers are noted
in the front of the original airframe logbook.
The stall warning indicator is activated by two lift detectors on the leading
edge of the left wing, outboard of the engine nacelle. The inboard detector
activates the indicator when the flaps are in the 25 and 40 degree positions, the
outboard when the flaps are set to 0° to 10°.
The transmitter can be activated manually at any time by placing either the
remote switch in the cockpit or the ELT switch to the ON position.
Three sweeps of the emergency tone and an
illuminated warning light indicates a normally
functioning unit. The warning light must
illuminate during the first 3 second test period. If
it does not illuminate, a problem is indicated such
as a “G” switch failure.
The ELT should be checked during postflight to make certain the unit has
not been activated. Check by selecting 121.50 MHz on an operating receiver.
If a downward sweeping audio tone is heard the ELT may have been activated.
Set the remote switch to ON. If there is no change in the volume of the signal,
your airplane’s ELT is probably transmitting. Setting the remote switch back to
OFF will automatically reset the ELT and should stop the signal being received
on 121.50 MHz.
Paragraph Page
No. No.
This section provides general guidelines relating to the handling, servicing,
and maintenance of the SENECA V. For complete maintenance instructions,
refer to the PA-34-220T Maintenance Manual.
Inspection, maintenance and parts requirements
for all non-PIPER approved STC installations are
not included in this handbook. When a non-PIPER
approved STC installation is incorporated on the
airplane, those portions of the airplane affected by
the installation must be inspected in accordance
with the inspection program published by the
owner of the STC. Since non-PIPER approved
STC installations may change systems interface,
operating characteristics and component loads or
stresses on adjacent structures, PIPER provided
inspection criteria may not be valid for airplanes
with non-PIPER approved STC installations.
Modifications must be approved in writing by
PIPER prior to installation. Any and all other
installations, whatsoever, of any kind will void
this warranty in it’s entirety.
Use only genuine PIPER parts or PIPER approved
parts obtained from PIPER approved sources, in
connection with the maintenance and repair of
PIPER airplanes.
Genuine PIPER parts are produced and inspected
under rigorous procedures to insure airworthiness
and suitability for use in PIPER airplane applica-
tions. Parts purchased from sources other than
PIPER, even though identical in appearance, may
not have had the required tests and inspections
performed, may be different in fabrication tech-
niques and materials, and may be dangerous when
installed in an airplane.
Piper takes a continuing interest in having owners get the most efficient use
from their airplane and keeping it in the best mechanical condition. Consequently,
Piper, from time to time, issues service releases including Service Bulletins,
Service Letters, Service Spares Letters, and others relating to the airplane.
Piper Service Spares Letters offer improved parts, kits and optional
equipment which were not available originally, and which may be of interest
to the owner.
All inspection intervals, replacement time limits,
overhaul time limits, the method of inspection,
life limits, cycle limits, etc., recommended by
Piper are solely based on the use of new, remanu-
factured or overhauled Piper approved parts. If
parts are designed, manufactured, remanufactured,
overhauled and/or approved by entities other than
Piper, then the data in Piper’s maintenance/service
manuals and parts catalogs are no longer applica-
ble and the purchaser is warned not to rely on such
data for non-Piper parts. All inspection intervals,
replacement time limits, overhaul time limits, the
method of inspection, life limits, cycle limits, etc.,
for such non-Piper parts must be obtained from the
manufacturer and/or seller of such non-Piper parts.
In addition, but in conjunction with the above, the FAA requires periodic
inspections on all aircraft to keep the Airworthiness Certificate in effect. The
owner is responsible for assuring compliance with these inspection requirements
and for maintaining proper documentation in logbooks and/or maintenance
The owner or pilot is required to ascertain that the following Aircraft Papers
are in order and in the aircraft.
When towing with power equipment, do not turn
the nose gear beyond its steering radius in either
direction, as this will result in damage to the nose
gear and steering mechanism.
Do not tow the airplane when the controls are
(1) Taxi a few feet forward and apply the toe brakes to determine
their effectiveness.
(2) Taxi with the propeller set in low pitch, high RPM setting.
(3) While taxiing, make slight turns to ascertain the effectiveness
of the steering.
(4) Observe wing clearance when taxiing near buildings or other
stationary objects. If possible, station an observer outside the
(5) When taxiing over uneven ground, avoid holes and ruts.
No braking will occur if knob is pulled prior to
brake application.
Care should be taken when setting brakes that
are overheated or during cold weather when
accumulated moisture may freeze a brake.
(3) Aileron and stabilator controls should be secured with the front
seat belt and chocks used to properly block the wheels.
(d) Mooring
The airplane should be moored for immovability, security and
protection. The following procedures should be used for the proper
mooring of the airplane:
Figure 8-1
Aviation Grade S.A.E. No.
Figure 8-3
Each fuel tank is provided with a fuel quick drain to check for
contamination. Each tank should be checked for contamination in
accordance with the above procedure. Crossfeed drains are located on
the bottom of the fuselage inboard of the right flap. The fuel drained
at each quick drain should be collected in a transparent container and
examined for contamination.
When draining fuel, be sure that no fire hazard
exists before starting the engines.
Interchange the tires on the main wheels, if necessary, to produce even wear.
All wheels and tires are balanced before original installation, and the relationship
of the tire, tube, and wheel should be maintained if at all possible. Unbalanced
wheels can cause extreme vibration on takeoff. In the installation of new
components, it may be necessary to rebalance the wheel with the tire mounted.
When checking the pressure, examine the tires for wear, cuts, bruises, and
Lubrication at regular intervals is an essential part of the maintenance of
an airplane. For lubrication instructions and a chart showing lubrication points,
types of lubricants to be used, lubrication methods and recommended
frequencies, refer to the PA-34-220T Maintenance Manual.
(a) Cleaning Landing Gear
(3) Allow the solvent to remain on the gear from five to ten
minutes. Then rinse the gear with additional solvent and allow
to dry.
(4) Remove the cover from the wheel and remove the catch pan.
(4) To remove stubborn oil and grease, use a cloth dampened with
(2) Wash with mild soap and warm water or with aircraft plastic
cleaner. Use a soft cloth or sponge in a straight back and forth
motion. Do not rub harshly.
Do not use gasoline, alcohol, benzene, carbon
tetrachloride, thinner, acetone, or window cleaning
Solvent cleaners require adequate ventilation.
In cold weather. wash the boots with the airplane inside a warm
hangar if possible. If the cleaning is to be done outdoors, heat the soap
and water solution before taking it out to the airplane. If difficulty is
encountered with the water freezing on boots direct a blast of warm air
along the region being cleaned using a portable ground heater.
As an alternate cleaning solvent, use benzol or nonleaded
gasoline. Moisten the cleaning cloth in the solvent, scrub lightly, and
then, with a clean, dry cloth, wipe dry so that the cleaner does not have
time to soak into the rubber. Petroleum products such as these are
injurious to rubber, and therefore should be used sparingly if at all.
For winter operation a winterization kit is installed on the inlet opening
of the oil cooler outboard chamber of the plenum chamber. This kit should be
installed whenever the ambient temperature is 50°F or less. When the kit is not
being used it can be stowed in the nose cone compartment, left hand side,
forward of the door, using the strap provided.
* Optional equipment
Paragraph/Supplement Page
No. No.
9.1 General .................................................................................... 9-1
1 Fixed Oxygen System Installation..............................(6 pages) 9-3
2 Air Conditioning Installation......................................(6 pages) 9-9
3 Ice Protection System Installation............................(26 pages) 9-15
4 Propeller Synchrophaser Installation..........................(4 pages) 9-41
5 WX-500 Stormscope - Optional.................................(6 pages) 9-45
6 S-TEC System 55X Autopilot Two Axis -
Automatic Flight Guidance System.....................(14 pages) 9-51
7 Bendix/King KR-87 Digital ADF with
Garmin PFD Indicator.........................................(10 pages) 9-65
8 Bendix/King KN-63 DME.........................................(4 pages) 9-75
This section provides information in the form of Supplements which are
necessary for efficient operation of the airplane when equipped with one or
more of the various optional systems and equipment not approved with the
standard airplane.
All of the supplements provided in this section are FAA Approved and
consecutively numbered as a permanent part of this Handbook. The information
contained in each Supplement applies only when the related equipment is
installed in the airplane.
Eric A. Wright
Piper Aircraft, Inc.
Vero Beach, Florida
This supplement supplies information necessary for the operation of the
airplane when the optional fixed oxygen system is installed in accordance with
FAA Approved Piper data.
This fixed oxygen system provides supplementary oxygen for the crew
and passengers during high altitude flights (above 10,000 feet). The major
components of the Scott oxygen system are a 77 cubic foot oxygen cylinder, an
oxygen supply gauge located on the ENGINE page of the MFD, an ON-OFF
flow control knob, a pressure regulator, six plug-in receptacles and six oxygen
The oxygen cylinder is mounted in the forward baggage compartment. When
fully charged, the cylinder contains oxygen at a pressure of 1850 psi at 70°F.
The oxygen flow control knob, labeled OXYGEN - PULL ON is also mounted
in the pilot’s instrument panel. The pressure regulator is mounted directly on the
oxygen cylinder, once the oxygen flow control knob is on, each of the oxygen
plug-in receptacles operates as an automatic on-off valve. The oxygen cylinder
can be recharged through the forward baggage compartment on the left side of
the fuselage. There is a pressure gauge located at the oxygen cylinder to assist
in the servicing process.
If high altitude flight is anticipated, it should be determined that the oxygen
supply is adequate for the proposed flight and that the passengers are briefed.
When oxygen is required, the control knob should be pulled to the ON position,
allowing oxygen to flow from the cylinder through the system. Connecting the
constant flow mask fitting to a receptacle and turning it 90 degrees clockwise,
automatically releases oxygen to the mask through the on-off valve feature of
the receptacle. The occupant then dons the mask and breathes normally for a
sufficient supply of oxygen.
Each mask assembly oxygen line incorporates a flow indicator. When the red
pellet in the indicator disappears, oxygen is flowing through the line normally.
If the red indicator appears in any of the lines during a period when oxygen use
is essential, descend immediately to a safe altitude.
When not in use, masks may be stowed in the storage pockets behind the front
and center seats. Always remove fittings from the oxygen receptacles and
stow the mask when they are not in use. If the control knob is pulled on and the
fitting is in the receptacle, oxygen will flow through the mask continuously.
Masks may be damaged if they are not properly stowed.
Positively NO SMOKING while oxygen is being
used by anyone in the aircraft.
To stop the flow of oxygen through the system, the control knob should
be pushed to the OFF position. To bleed down low pressure lines, it is
recommended that the mask assembly be left connected to the outlet for at least
three minutes after the control knob is turned off.
(a) No smoking allowed when oxygen system is in use.
(b) Six occupants maximum when oxygen is required.
(c) Oxygen duration (Bottle pressure 1850 PSI):
(Based on 90% Consumption)
Using System 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
1 9.3 9.8 10.1 10.3
2 4.7 4.9 5.1 5.2
3 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.4
4 2.3 2.5 2.5 2.6
5 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1
6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7
No Oxygen Flow
Indication: Hypoxic Symptoms
Red oxygen flow indicator visible
Oxygen Mask.........................................................................EXCHANGE
Oxygen Receptacle......................... .................................USE ANOTHER
If oxygen flow is not restored:
Altitude...................... ..............................DESCEND BELOW 12,500 FT
If Emergency Descent is required:
Propellers................................................................FULL INCREASE required for
. smooth operation
Landing gear..................................................... EXTEND below 128 KIAS
Airspeed................................................................Maintain 128 KIAS Max.
Oxygen Mask(s).............................................................................ADJUST
OXYGEN Knob...........................................................................PULL ON
Oxygen Flow.................................. ............................................MONITOR
OXYGEN PSI Indication............................ ...............................MONITOR
Do not use oxygen system below 200 PSI to
prevent contamination and/or moisture from
entering depleted cylinder-regulator assembly. If
cylinder has been depleted it must be removed and
refurbished in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommended procedures.
No changes to the basic performance provided by Section 5 of this Pilot’s
Operating Handbook are necessary for this supplement.
This supplement supplies information necessary for the operation of the airplane
when the optional air conditioning system is installed in accordance with FAA
Approved Piper data.
The air conditioning system is a recirculating air system. The major components
include an evaporator, condenser, compressor, blower, switches and temperature
The evaporator is located behind the rear baggage compartment. This cools the
air used for the air conditioning system.
The condenser is mounted aft of the firewall on the left engine. A retractable
condenser scoop extends when the air conditioner is ON and retracts to a flush
position when the air conditioner is OFF.
If the air conditioner is operated on the ground, the condenser scoop operates
to a ground opening position which is larger than the in-flight opening. A
circuit through the squat switch on the right main gear prevents the scoop from
operating to the ground opening when the aircraft is in flight.
The compressor is mounted on the rear outboard side of the left engine. It has an
electric clutch which automatically engages or disengages the compressor.
Air from the baggage area is drawn through the evaporator by the blower and
distributed through an overhead duct to individual outlets located adjacent to
each occupant.
The switches and temperature control are located on the instrument panel
just below the Garmin audio panel. The temperature control regulates the
temperature of the cabin. Turning the control clockwise increases cooling;
counterclockwise decreases cooling.
The fan speed switch and the air conditioning ON-OFF switch are in a switch
bank adjacent to the temperature control knob. The fan can be operated
independently of the air conditioning; however, the fan must be ON for air
conditioner operation. Turning either switch OFF will disengage the compressor
clutch and retract the condenser door. Cooling air should be felt within one
minute after the air conditioner is turned on.
If the system is not operating in 5 minutes, turn the
system OFF until the fault is corrected.
The fan switch allows operation of the fan with the air conditioner turned OFF
to aid in cabin air circulation. FAN LOW or FAN HIGH can be selected to
direct a flow of air through the air conditioner outlets in the overhead duct.
These outlets can be adjusted or turned off individually.
The condenser door CAS Advisory (AC DOOR OPEN) activates when the
door is open and extinguishes when the door is closed. A condenser door CAS
Caution (AC DOOR OPEN) activates when the door is open during single
engine operation.
A circuit breaker labeled AIR COND (Row 3, Col. 2) protects the aircraft
electrical system.
(a) To ensure maximum climb performance the air conditioner must be
turned OFF manually prior to takeoff to disengage the compressor and
retract the condenser door. Also the air conditioner must be turned OFF
manually before the landing approach in preparation for a possible
(b) Placards
In full view of the pilot, in the area of the air conditioner controls when
the air conditioner is installed:
Operation of the air conditioner will cause slight decreases in cruise speed and
range. Power from the engine is required to run the compressor, and a slight
increase in drag is created when the condenser door is extended.
To ensure maximum climb performance the air
conditioner must be turned OFF manually before
takeoff to disengage the compressor and retract the
condenser door. Also the air conditioner must be
turned OFF manually before the landing approach
in preparation for a possible go-around. The air
conditioner must be OFF during all one engine
inoperative operations.
Although the cruise speed and range are only slightly affected by the air
conditioner operation, these changes should be considered in preflight
planning. To be conservative, the following figures assume that the compressor
is operating continuously while the airplane is airborne. This will be the case
only in extremely hot weather.
Eric A. Wright
Piper Aircraft, Inc.
Vero Beach, Florida
This supplement provides information necessary for the operation of the Piper
Mirage aircraft for flight into known icing conditions.
Icing conditions can exist when:
• The outside air temperature (OAT) is 5°C or colder, and visible moisture
in any form such as clouds, fog or mist, rain, snow, sleet and ice crystals are
• During ground operations when operating on contaminated ramps,
taxiways or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water or slush are
• There are visible signs of ice accretion on the aircraft.
The Seneca V ice protection system was designed and tested for operation in
light to moderate meteorological conditions defined in FAR 25, Appendix C, for
continuous maximum and intermittent maximum icing conditions. The ice
protection system was not designed or tested for flight in freezing rain, freezing
drizzle or supercooled liquid water and ice crystals, or conditions defined as
severe. Flight in these conditions is prohibited and must be avoided.
The ice protection system was not designed to remove ice, snow or frost
accumulations from a parked airplane. Ice, snow or frost must be
completely removed during preflight to ensure a safe takeoff and subsequent
flight. Procedures for ice, snow or frost removal, such as a heated hangar and/
or approved deicing fluids, must be used to ensure that ALL ice, snow, or frost
is completely removed from the wings, tail, control surfaces, windshield,
propeller, engine intakes, fuel vents and pitot-static ports, prior to flight.
Some icing conditions not defined in FAR Part 25, Appendix C have the
potential of producing hazardous ice accumulations, which may exceed the
capabilities of the airplane’s ice protection equipment. See section titled Visual
Cues for Supercooled Large Droplet (SLD) Conditions in this supplement.
Flight into icing conditions which are outside the FAR defined conditions is
prohibited, and pilots are advised to be prepared to divert the flight promptly, by
changing course or altitude, if hazardous ice accumulations occur.
(a) The ice protection system was designed and tested for operation
in the meteorological conditions of FAR 25, Appendix C, for
continuous maximum and intermittent maximum icing conditions.
The ice protection system was not designed or tested for flight in
freezing rain and/or mixed conditions or for icing conditions more
severe than those of FAR 25, Appendix C. Therefore, flight in those
conditions may exceed the capabilities of the ice protection system.
On the instrument panel below the WSHLD HEAT Switch:
The malfunction of any required deice equipment
requires immediate action to exit icing conditions.
Depending on the severity of the icing encounter,
failure to take immediate positive action can
lead to performance losses severe enough to
make level flight impossible. Therefore, upon
verification of a system malfunction or failure,
climb or descend out of icing conditions if this
provides the shortest route. If exit must be made
in level flight, consider the use of maximum
power and exit by the most direct route. The effect
of the additional fuel burned at higher power
settings on aircraft range must be considered and
an alternate airport chosen if necessary.
If a red-x appears over the CAS message window, land has soon as
The LEFT ALTR and RIGHT ALTR circuit
breakers should not be opened manually when the
alternators are functioning properly.
The LEFT ALTR and RIGHT ALTR circuit
breakers should not be opened manually when the
alternators are functioning properly.
An appropriately charged emergency battery is
designed to provide electrical power to all items on
the emergency bus for a minimum of 30-minutes.
Every attempt must be made to land the airplane
prior to 30-minutes of emergency battery usage.
The VOLTS indication on the EIS window
automatically changes to the emergency bus
voltage (E VOLTS) when operating exclusively
on the emergency bus.
If both vacuum systems are inoperative, the wing and tail deice boots
will be inoperative. A precautionary landing should be considered depending
on operating conditions.
If vibration persists:
PROP HEAT Switch…………………………………………….……OFF
Exit and Avoid Icing Conditions.
A SURF DEICE FAIL caution CAS message is activated when the surface
de-ice system has not attained adequate air pressure within 15 seconds of
activation or maintains pressure for more than 30 seconds or left and right
vacuum sytem has failed. In either case, exit and avoid icing conditions
The windshield heating system requires ~10 amps
of current to function properly.
Continuous attention of the pilot is required to monitor the rate of ice build-
up in order to effect the boot cycle at the optimum time. Boots should be cycled
when ice has built to between 1/4 and 1/2 inch thickness on the leading edge to
assure proper ice removal. Repeated boot cycles at less than 1/4 inch can cause a
cavity to form under the ice and prevent ice removal, boot cycles at thicknesses
greater than 1/2 inch may also fail to remove ice.
Icing conditions can exist in any clouds when the temperature is below
freezing; therefore it is necessary to closely monitor outside air temperature
when flying in clouds or precipitation. Clouds which are dark and have sharply
defined edges have high water content and should be avoided whenever possible.
Freezing rain must always be avoided.
When ice has accumulated on the unprotected surfaces of the airplane,
aerodynamic buffet commences between 5 and 10 knots above the stall speed.
A substantial margin of airspeed should be maintained above the normal stall
speed, since the stall speed may increase by up to 10 knots in prolonged icing
encounters. Allow for increased landing distance due to higher approach speeds.
REPORT: VB-2230 ISSUED: April 30, 2013
9-32, 18 of 26
Ice accumulation of the unprotected surfaces can
result in significant performance loss.
The McCauley 3-blade propellers are deiced by heating the entire deicer
pads alternately in the following sequence:
(a) The entire deicer pads on the right engine for 90 seconds.
(b) The entire deicer pads on the left engine for 90 seconds.
When the system is turned ON, heating may begin on any one of the above
steps, depending upon the positioning of the timer switch when the system was
turned OFF from previous use. Once begun, cycling will proceed in the above
sequence and will continue until the system is turned off.
The heat provided by the deicer pads reduces the adhesion between the ice
and the propeller so that centrifugal force and the blast of airstream cause the ice
to be thrown off the propeller blades in very small pieces.
If the airplane is to be flown with the heated glass
panel removed, rotate the receptacle plate 180° and
replace it to cover the holes in the fuselage skin.
Also replace the windshield collar screws.
The heated lift detectors, one inboard and one outboard on the left wing, are
installed to prevent icing conditions from interfering with operation of the stall
warning transmitters. A STALL HEAT circuit breaker (Row 2, Col. 10) in the
circuit breaker panel protects the system against an overvoltage condition. The
stall warning system should not be depended on when there is ice on the wing.
A heated pitot head, mounted under the left wing, is installed to provide heat
to alleviate ice accumulation from blocking the pressure intake. The heated
pitot head also has a separate circuit breaker located in the circuit breaker panel
labeled PITOT HEAT (Row 2, Col. 11).
Care should be taken when an operational check of
the heated pitot head and the heated lift detectors
is being performed. Both units become very hot.
Ground operation should be limited to 3 minutes
maximum to avoid damaging the heating elements.
With the PITOT HEAT switch on, check that the PITOT HEAT OFF caution
CAS message extinguishes and the heated pitot head and heated lift detector are
heating properly. When turning the pitot heat off, verify that the PITOT HEAT
OFF caution CAS message reappears.
The vacuum pumps are dry type pumps, which eliminates the need for an air
oil separator and its plumbing. A shear drive protects the engine from damage.
If the drive shears, suction will not be available.
Vacuum pressure sensed at the vacuum transducer. The signal from the
vacuum transducer is sent to the Garmin Engine Airframe interface unit where
it is converted into vacuum pressure. The vacuum pressure is then sent to the
ENGINE page of the MFD for display.
Vacuum regulators are provided to regulate vacuum pressure within the
nominal range for the system. If the vacuum pressure at pressure switches
located in the left or right systems decreases below approximately 3 in Hg,
an L VAC FAIL or R VAC FAIL advisory CAS message will appear. Either
vacuum system (left or right) has sufficient capacity to operate the de-ice boots
in a normal manner, but intentional or continued operation in icing conditions
is not recommended. If the left and right vacuum systems are degraded to the
extent that the total system pressure decreases to less than 4.5 in Hg, a VAC
PRESS LOW PSI caution CAS message will be activated. In this situation, the
de-ice boots may not deflate completely, so a precautionary landing should be
considered depending on operating conditions.
Figure 9-3
This supplement supplies information necessary for the operation of the airplane
when the optional propeller synchrophaser is installed in accordance with FAA
Approved Piper data.
On the throttle quadrant below engine and propeller controls:
When the switch is in the OFF position the propellers can be synchronized
manually and the light will extinguish when propeller synchronization is
Pulling the PROP SYNC (Row 3, Col. 5) circuit breaker completely deactivates
the propeller synchrophaser system. If electrical power is removed from the
propeller synchrophaser the slave engine will return to the controlled selected
RPM plus approximately 25 RPM out of synchronization regardless of the
position of the synchrophaser switch.
No changes to the basic performance provided by Section 5 of this Pilot’s
Operating Handbook are necessary for this supplement.
WX-500 Stormscope - Optional
This supplement provides information necessary for the operation of the aircraft
with the L3 WX-500 Stormscope.
Never use your Stormscope system to attempt
to penetrate a thunderstorm. The FAA
Advisory Circular, Subject: Thunderstorms, and
the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
recommend that a pilot “avoid by at least 20 miles
any thunderstorm identified as severe or giving
an intense radar echo.
There are several atmospheric phenomena
other than nearby thunderstorms that can cause
isolated discharge points in the strike display
mode. However, clusters of two or more discharge
points in the strike display mode do indicate
thunderstorm activity if these points reappear after
the screen has been cleared. Avoid the clusters
and you will avoid the thunderstorms. In the cell
display mode, even a single discharge point may
represent thunderstorm activity and should be
L-3 STORMSCOPE® WX-500 Lightning and
GDL 69/69A XM® Satellite Weather Lightning are
mutually exclusive products.
The L-3 WX-500 Stormscope Weather Mapping Sensor Users Guide, p/n
002-11503-002, Rev. K, dated 10-Jan-2008 or later appropriate revision, must
be immediately available to the flight crew whenever weather avoidance is
predicated on the use of this system.
The active mode (CELL or STRIKE) is indicated
in the mode box at the upper left corner of the
Stormscope page. The status of the CELL and
STRIKE softkeys at the bottom of the display
should not be relied upon to show the active status.
To display Stormscope data on the Stormscope Page, proceed to the Map Page
Group on the MFD and turn the small FMS knob to the Stormscope page.
To display Stormscope data on any map besides the Stormscope Page, select
the MAP softkey (or the INSET softkey for the PFD Inset Map), then select the
STRMSCP softkey. These pages can also display cell or strike data using the
yellow lightning strike symbology shown in the table contained in Section 7
To change the range on the Stormscope Page display, rotate the RANGE knob
clockwise to zoom out and counterclockwise to zoom in.
To change the viewing mode on the Stormscope Page, select the Stormscope
Page, select the VIEW softkey, select the 360 softkey to display a 360° viewing
area or select the ARC softkey to display a 120° viewing area. Select the
BACK softkey to return to the Stormscope Page. This same feature is also
selectable through the MENU key on the Stormscope Page.
No change.
If Stormscope data has been selected ON, a small Stormscope icon will appear
in the lower right corner of the Navigation Map page. Additional information
concerning the map orientation, Stormscope mode selected and strike rate per
minute is displayed in the upper right corner of the Navigation Map page.
If heading input is lost, strikes and/or cells must be cleared manually after the
execution of each turn. This is to ensure that the strike and/or cell positions are
depicted accurately in relation to the nose of the aircraft.
Stormscope lightning data can be displayed up to 800 nm zoom range (in North
Up orientation) on the Navigation Map Page. However, in Track Up orientation
at the 500 nm range, a portion of Stormscope lightning data can be behind the
aircraft and therefore not visible on the Navigation Map. Since the range for
Stormscope data is 400 nm diameter total (200 nm in front and 200 nm behind),
the 500 nm range in North Up orientation shows all the data.
At a map range of less than 25 nm, Stormscope lightning data is not displayed,
but can still be present. The presence of Stormscope lightning data is indicated
by the annunciation ‘LTNG < 25 nm’ in the upper right corner of the
Navigation Map Page.
This supplement acquaints the pilot with the features and functions of the
System 55X Two Axis Autopilot and provides operating instructions for the
system when installed in the Piper Model PA34-220T Seneca V. The aircraft
must be operated within the limitations provided herein when the autopilot is in
The automatic flight control system (AFCS) in this aircraft includes:
• Autopilot Computer
• Flight Director
• Manual Electric Pitch Trim with Trim Monitor and Trim Master Switch
• Pitch, Pitch Trim and Roll Servos
• Yaw Damper System (optional)
• Yoke-mounted AP Disconnect/Trim Interrupt Switch
1. The S-TEC System 55X Pilot Operating Handbook, P/N 87109, dated March
1, 2008 or later revision, must be carried in the aircraft and be available to the
pilot while in flight.
2. Autopilot operation prohibited during take-off and landing.
3. Autopilot operation prohibited above 180 KIAS.
4. Autopilot operation prohibited with flaps extended beyond second notch (25
5. Autopilot operation prohibited below 200 feet AGL during coupled approach
6. Autopilot operation approved for CAT 1 approaches only.
7. Autopilot operation prohibited during single engine approach.
8. Autopilot operation prohibited during missed approach/go-around maneuvers.
Full system voltage is required for this test, either
by alternator power via a running engine or by a
suitable external power source.
The G1000 will annunciate a “FAILED PATH - A
data path has failed.” system message until the FD/
AP MASTR Switch is turned ON
Full system voltage is required for this test, either
by alternator power via a running engine or by a
suitable external power source.
Manual engagement of the GS mode while above
the GS centerline will result in the aircraft moving
aggressively toward the GS centerline. DO NOT
manually engage the GS mode if the aircraft is
more than 20% above the GS centerline.
Approach the GS intercept point (usually the OM) with the flaps set to approach
deflection of 10º to 25º notches (see Limitations section), and with the aircraft
stabilized in ALT hold mode. At the glideslope intercept, lower the landing
gear and adjust power for desired descent speed. For best tracking results, make
power adjustments in small, smooth increments to maintain desired airspeed.
At the missed approach point or the decision altitude, but no lower than 200
feet AGL, disconnect the autopilot for landing or for the go-around maneuver
(see Limitations section). If a missed approach is required, the autopilot may
be re-engaged after the aircraft has been reconfigured for and established in a
stabilized climb.
If a valid localizer or glideslope signal is lost
during the approach, as evidenced by flashing
“APR” or “GS” and PFD steering bars, the pilot
should immediately execute a missed approach
and advise ATC of intentions.
At the Decision Altitude (DA) or Missed Approach Point (MAP), but no lower
than 200 feet AGL, disconnect the autopilot and execute either a manual landing
or go-around maneuver.
GO-AROUND Maneuver
If a missed approach is required, the autopilot may be reengaged after the aircraft
has been reconfigured for and established in a stabilized climb.
No change.
The Yaw Trim Control is a rudder centering device
with limited authority, and does not automatically
trim the rudder tab. Therefore, after making large
power, flight profile, or aircraft configuration
changes, it is advisable to disconnect the yaw
damper and check basic aircraft rudder trim. Retrim
if necessary and then re-engage the yaw damper.
Refer to contents of this supplement for operation of the System 55X, Two Axis
Automatic Flight Guidance System.
No change.
No change.
The Standby Frequency which is in memory while
Flight Time or Elapsed Time modes are being
displayed may be called back by pressing the FRQ
button, then transferred to active use by pressing
the FRQ button again.
No change.
Legend - Figure 1
1. Mode Annunciation - Antenna (ANT) is selected by the “out” position of
the ADF button. This mode improves the aural reception and is usually
used for station identification. The bearing pointer is deactivated and will
move towards the 90° relative position and then disappear. Automatic
Direction Finder (ADF) mode is selected by the depressed position of the
ADF button. This mode activates the bearing pointer. The bearing pointer
will point in the direction of the station relative to the aircraft heading.
2. Active Frequency Display - The frequency to which the ADF is tuned is
displayed here. The active ADF frequency can be changed directly when
either of the timer functions are selected.
3. Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) - The BFO mode, activated and annun-
ciated when the “BFO” button is depressed, permits the carrier wave and
associated morse code identifier broadcast on the carrier wave to be heard.
CW signals (Morse Code) are unmodulated and
no audio will be heard without use of BFO. This
type of signal is not used in the United States air
navigation. It is used in some foreign countries
and marine beacons.
The Bendix/King KN-63 DME supplies continuous slant range distance infor-
mation from a fixed ground station to an aircraft in flight.
The equipment consists of a Garmin Primary Flight Display (PFD) which con-
tains all the operating controls and displays, and a remotely mounted KN-63
No change.
No change.
DME Operation
1. NAV 1 and NAV 2 VHF Navigation Receivers - ON; TUNE FREQUENCY
to VOR/DME or VORTAC station frequencies, as required.
When the VORTAC or VOR/DME frequency
is selected, the appropriate DME frequency is
automatically channeled.
Displays the frequency of the VOR / DME or VORTAC selected on the
associated navigation radio or the frequency being held (HOLD) that
was previously selected.
In the HOLD mode, the frequency being held
remains in the DME Information Window and
does not update when NAV1 or NAV2 frequencies
are being updated.
If NAV1 or NAV2 are red-x’d on the PFD, the
associated DME indication will be valid if it was
the active DME when the NAV failure occurred.
Switching to the DME associated with the failed
NAV will not be possible.
Paragraph Page
No. No.
This section provides operating tips of particular value in the operation of
the Seneca V.
10.4 Preheating
The use of preheat and auxiliary power (battery cart) will facilitate
starting during cold weather and is recommended when the engine has been
cold soaked at temperatures of 10°F and below in excess of two hours.
Successful starts without these aids can be expected at temperatures below
normal, provided the aircraft battery is in good condition and the ignition
and fuel systems are properly maintained.
The following procedures are recommended for preheating, starting,
warm-up, run-up and takeoff.
(a) Select a high volume hot air heater. Small electric heaters which are
inserted into the cowling inlet do not appreciably warm the oil and may
result in superficial preheating.
Superficial application of preheat to a cold-soaked
engine can have disastrous results.
A minimum of preheat application may warm the engine enough to
permit starting but will not de-congeal oil in the sump, lines, cooler,
filter, etc. Typically, heat is applied to the upper portion of the engine
for a few minutes after which the engine is started and normal operation
is commenced. The operator may be given a false sense of security
by indications of oil and cylinder temperatures as a result of preheat.
Extremely hot air flowing over the cylinders and oil temperature
thermocouples may lead one to believe the engine is quite warm;
however, oil in the sump and filter are relatively remote and will not
warm as rapidly as a cylinder. For example, even when heat is applied
directly, oil lines are usually lagged with material which does an
excellent job of insulating.
Congealed oil in such lines may require considerable preheat. The
engine may start and apparently run satisfactorily, but can be damaged
from lack of lubrication due to congealed oil in various parts of
the system. The amount of damage will vary and may not become
evident for many hours. On the other hand, the engine may be severely
damaged and could fail shortly following application of high power.
Improper or insufficient application of preheat and the resulting oil and
cylinder temperature indications may encourage the pilot to expedite his
ground operation and commence a takeoff prematurely. This procedure
only compounds an already bad situation.