Dugin (1991) - Carl Schmitt's 5 Lessons For Russia

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Carl Schmitt’s 5 Lessons for Russia

October 12, 2016April 14, 2019

Author: Alexander Dugin

Translator: Jafe Arnold

From The Conservative Revolution (Moscow, Arktogeya: 1994), The Russian Thing Vol. 1 (2001), and
The Philosophy of War (2004) – Article wri�en in 1991, first published in the journal Nash Sovremennik
in 1992

The famous German jurist Carl Schmi� is considered to be a classic of modern law. Some call him the
“modern Machiavelli” for his lack of sentimental moralism and humanist rhetoric in his analysis of po-
litical reality. Carl Schmi� believed that, in determining legal issues, it is first and foremost important to
give a clear and realistic outline of political and social processes and refrain from utopianism, well-
wishing, and a priori imperatives and dogma. Today, the scholarly and juridical legacy of Carl Schmi�
make up a necessary element of juridical education at Western universities. For Russia as well, Schmi�’s
creativity is of special interest and particular importance since he took interest in the critical situations of
modern political life. Undoubtedly, his analysis of law and the political context of jurisprudence can
help us to understand more clearly and deeply what exactly is happening in our society and Russia.

Lesson #1: Politics above all else

The main principle of Carl Schmi�’s philosophy of law was the idea of the unconditional primacy of po--
litical principles over criteria of social existence. It is politics that organized and predetermined the strat-
egy of internal economic factors and their increasing pressure in the modern world. Schmi� explains
this in the following way: “The fact that economic contradictions have now become political contradic-
tions…only shows that, like every other human activity, economics travels a path that inevitably leads to
political expression” [1]. The meaning of such an allegation employed by Schmi�, understood as a solid

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historical and sociological argument, ultimately boils down to what can be defined as the theory of “col-
lective historical idealism.” In this theory, the subject is not the individual or economic laws developing
substance, but a concrete, historically and socially distinguished people which maintains, with its spe-
cial, dynamic will – endowed with its own law – its socio-economic existence, qualitative unity, and the
organic and spiritual continuity of its traditions in different forms and at different stages. In Schmi�’s
understanding, the political sphere represents the embodiment of the will of the people expressed in
various forms related to both the legal, economic, and socio-political levels.

Such a definition of politics stands at odds with the mechanistic, universalist models of societal structure
which have predominated Western jurisprudence and legal philosophy since the era of the
Enlightenment. Schmi�’s political sphere is directly associated with two factors which the mechanistic
doctrines are inclined to ignore: the historical specificities of a people endowed with a special quality of
will, and the historical particularity of a given society, state, tradition, and past which, in Schmi�’s opin-
ion, finds concentration in its political manifestation. Thus, Schmi�’s assertion of the primacy of politics
introduced qualitative, organic characteristics into legal philosophy and political science which are obvi-
ously not included in the one-dimensional schemes of “progressives”, whether of the liberal-capitalist or
Marxist-socialist persuasion.

Schmi�’s theory thus considered politics to be an “organic” phenomenon “rooted” in “soil.”

Russia and the Russian people need such an understanding of politics in order to sufficiently govern
their own destiny and refrain from once again, like seven decades ago, becoming a hostage of an anti-
national, reductionist ideology that ignores the will of the people, its past, its qualitative unity, and the
spiritual meaning of its historical path.

Lesson #2: Let there always be enemies; let there always be friends

In his book The Concept of the Political, Carl Schmi� expresses an extraordinarily important truth: “A
people exists politically only if it forms an independent political community and contrasts itself to other
political communities for the sake of preserving its own understanding of its specific community.”
Although this point of view completely disagrees with the humanistic demagogy characteristic of
Marxism and liberal-democratic theories, all of world history, including the real history (not the official
one) of Marxist and liberal-democratic states, shows that such a fact is indeed true in practice, even if the
utopian, post-Enlightenment conscience is incapable of recognizing it. In reality, the political division
between “ours” and “not ours” exists in all political regimes and in all nations. Without this distinction,
not a single state, people, or nation would be able to preserve its own face, follow its own path, and have
its own history.

Soberly analyzing the demagogic assertion of anti-humanism, the “inhumanity” of such an opposition,
and the division into “ours” and “not ours”, Carl Schmi� notes: “If one begins to act in the name of all
humanity, on behalf of abstract humanism, in practice this means that this actor denies all possible op-
ponents the claim to having human qualities at all, thus declaring himself to be beyond humanity and
beyond law, and therefore potentially threatens a war which would be waged to the most terrifying and
inhumane limits.” Strikingly enough, these lines were wri�en in 1934, long before the Americans’ terror-
istic invasion of Panama or bombardment of Iraq. In addition, the GULAG and its victims were still not
quite known in the West. In this view, it is not the realistic recognition of the qualitative specifics of a
people’s political existence, which always presupposes the division into “ours” and “not ours”, that
leads to the most terrifying consequences, but rather the striving for total universalization and the cram-
ming of nations and states into the cells of the utopian ideas of a “united and uniform humanity” devoid
of any organic or historical differences.

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Beginning with these prerequisites, Carl Schmi� developed the theory of “total war” and “restricted
war,” so-called “wars of form” in which total war is the consequence of universalist, utopian ideology
which denies the natural cultural, historical, state, and national differences between peoples. Such a war
actually threatens the destruction of humanity. As Carl Schmi� believed, extremist humanism is the di-
rect path towards such a war which implies the involvement not only of militaries, but also civilian pop-
ulations in a conflict. This, in the end, is the most terrible evil. “Wars of form,” on the other hand, are in-
evitable because of the differences between peoples and their indestructible cultures. “Wars of form” in-
volve the participation of professional soldiers, and can be regulated by the defined legal rules of
Europe that once bore the name Jus Publicum Europeum (European Common Law). Such wars, accord-
ingly, represent a lesser evil whose inevitability’s theoretical recognition can protect peoples in advance
from a “totalized” conflict and “total war.” On this note, it would be appropriate to quote the famous
paradox posed by Shigalev in Dostoevsky’s The Possessed, who says “Proceeding from absolute free-
dom, I arrive at absolute slavery.” Paraphrasing this truth and applying it to the ideas of Carl Schmi�, it
can be said that the supporters of radical humanism “proceeding from total peace, arrive at total war.”
With all due consideration, we have the opportunity to see Shigalev’s remarks’ in all of Soviet history. If
Carl Schmi�’s precautions are not taken into account, it will be significantly more difficult to realize
their truth, since there will be no one left to testify that he was right – there will be nothing left of

Now on to the final important point in the distinction between “ours” and “not ours”, that of “enemies”
and “friends.” Schmi� believed that the centrality of this pair for the political being of a nation is valu-
able as within this choice is decided a deep existential problem. Julien Freud, a disciple of Schmi�, for-
mulated this thesis in the following way: “The enemy-friend duality lends politics an existential dimen-
sion since the theoretically implied possibility of war raises the problem and choice of life and death in
this framework” [2].

The jurist and politician, judging in terms of “enemy” and “friend” with a clear consciousness of the
meaning of this choice, thus operate with the same existential categories which lend decisions, actions,
and statements the qualities of reality, responsibility, and seriousness that all utopian humanist abstrac-
tions lack in transforming the drama of life and death into a war in one-dimensional chimerical decor. A
terrible illustration of this was the coverage of the Iraqi conflict by Western mass media. Americans fol-
lowed the deaths of Iraqi women, children, and the elderly on television as if they were watching Star
Wars computer games. The ideas of the New World Order, the foundations of which were laid during
this war, are supreme manifestations of how terrible and dramatic events are when deprived of any exis-
tential content.

The “enemy” – “friend” pair is both an external and internal political necessity for the existence of a po--
litically complete society, and should be coldly accepted and conscious. Otherwise, everyone becomes
an “enemy” and no one is a “friend.” This is the political imperative of history.

Lesson #3: The politics of “exceptional circumstances” and the Decision

One of the most brilliant aspects of Carl Schmi�’s ideas was the principle of “exceptional circumstances”
(in German Ernstfall, literally “serious case”) elevated to the rank of a political-legal category. According
to Schmi�, legal norms describe only normal socio-political reality flowing uniformly and continuously
without interruptions. Only in such purely normal situations does the concept of “law” as understood
by jurists apply to a full extent. There exist, of course, regulations of “extraordinary situations,” but
these regulations are most often of all determined on the basis of criteria derived from a normal political
situation. Classical jurisprudence, in Schmi�’s opinion, tends to absolutize the criteria of a normal sta-
tion when considering the history of society as a legally constituted uniform process. The most complete

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expression of this point of view is Kelsen’s “pure theory of law.” Carl Schmi�, however, sees this absolu-
tization of a “legal approach” and “rule of law” as an equally utopian mechanism and naive universal-
ism produced by the Enlightenment with its rationalist myths. Behind the absolutization of law hides an
a�empt to “close history” and deprive it of its creative, passionate pa�ern, its political content, and his-
torical peoples. On the basis of this analysis, Carl Schmi� posits a particular theory of “exceptional cir-
cumstances,” or Ernstfall.

Ernstfall is the point at which a political decision is made in a situation which can no longer be regulated
by conventional legal norms. Decision-making in exceptional circumstances involves the convergence of
a number of diverse, organic factors relating both to tradition, the historical past, cultural constants, as
well as spontaneous expressions, heroic overcoming, passionate impulses, and the sudden manifestation
of deep existential energies. The True Decision (the very term “decision” was a key concept of Schmi�’s
juridical doctrine) is made in precisely such a circumstance where legal and social norms are “dis-
rupted” and those that describe the natural course of political processes and which begin to act in the
case of an “emergency citation” or “socio-political catastrophe” are no longer applicable. “Exceptional
circumstances” means not merely a catastrophe, but the positioning of a people and its political organ-
ism in front of a problem, appealing to a people’s historical essence, its core, and its secret nature which
makes this people what it is. Therefore, the Decision politically taken in such a situation is a sponta-
neous expression of the deep will of the people responding to a global, existential, or historic challenge
(here one can compare the views of Schmi� to those of Spengler, Toynbee, and other conservative revo-
lutionaries with whom Carl Schmi� had close personal ties).

In the French school of law, Carl Schmi�’s followers have developed the special term “décisionisme”
from the French décision (German Entscheidung). Decisionism puts the main emphasis on “exceptional
circumstances” since it is in this instance that the nation, the people, actualizes its past and determines
its future in a dramatic concentration of the present moment in which three qualitative characteristics of
time merge, i.e., the power of the source from which the people came forth in history, the people’s will
facing the future and affirming the here and now where the timeless “I” is revealed and the people takes
responsibility into its own hands to the greatest extent, and self-identity.

Developing his theory of Ernstfall and Entscheidung, Carl Schmi� also showed that the affirmation of all
judicial and social norms happens during precisely such periods of “exceptional circumstances” and is
primordially based on the both spontaneous and predetermined decision. The intermi�ent moment of
the singular expression of will bears later on the basis of the constant norms which exist up until the
emergence of new “exceptional circumstances.” This in fact perfectly illustrates the contradiction inher-
ent to the ideas of those radical supporters of the “rule of law”: they knowingly or unknowingly ignore
the fact that the appeal to the necessity of establishing the “rule of law” itself is a decision based on none
other than the political will of a given group. In some sense, this imperative is put forth arbitrarily and
not as some kind of inevitable, fatal necessity. Therefore, the acceptance or denial of the “rule of law”
and in general the acceptance or denial of this or that legal model must concur with the will of the par-
ticular people or state to whom the proposal or expression of will is addressed. Supporters of the “rule
of law” implicitly strive to create or utilize “exceptional circumstances” for the implementation of their
concept, but the insidiousness of such an approach and hypocrisy and inconsistency in method can
quite naturally draw a popular reaction, the result of which could very well appear as another, alterna-
tive decision. Moreover, it is all the more likely that this decision would lead to the establishment of a
different legal reality than the one sought after by universalists.

The concept of the Decision in the super-legal sense as well as very nature of the Decision itself accords
with the theory of “direct power” and “indirect power” (potestas directa and potestas indirecta). In

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Schmi�’s specific context, the Decision is made not only in instances of “direct power” (the power of
kings, emperors, presidents, etc.) but also under the conditions of “indirect power”, examples of which
can be religious, cultural, or ideological organizations which influence the history of a people and state
not so clearly as the decisions of rulers, but which, nevertheless, are much deeper and formidable in op-
eration. Schmi� believes that “indirect power” is thus not always negative, but, on the other hand, he
merely implicitly alludes to the fact that a decision contrary to the will of the people is most often
adopted and implemented by such means of “indirect power.” In his book Political Theology and its
later addition Political Theology II, he examines the logic of the functioning of these two types of author-
ity in states and nations.

The theory of “exceptional circumstances” and the theme of the Decision (Entscheidung) tied to it are of
paramount importance for us today, as it is precisely at such a point in the history of our people and
state that we now find ourselves, where “exceptional circumstances” have become the natural state of
the nation and not only the political future of our people, but also the comprehension and essential con-
firmation of our past, now depend on the Decision. If the will of the people affirms itself and the peo-
ple’s national choice in this dramatic moment, can clearly define “ours” and “others”, identify friends
and enemies, and wrest political self-assertion from history, then the Decision of the Russian state and
Russian people will be its own, historic, existential decision that will put a stamp of loyalty on millennia
of spiritual “people-building” and “empire-building”. This means that our future will be Russian. If oth-
ers make the decision, i.e., the supporters of the “common human approach,” “universalism,” and “egal-
itarianism,” which since the death of Marxism represent the only direct heirs to the utopian and mecha-
nistic ideology of the Enlightenment, then not only will the future be “not Russian”, it will be “all-
human” and thus be “no future” (from the standpoint of the being of the people, state, and nation). Our
past will lose its meaning and the drama of great Russian history will turn into a silly farce on the way
to Mondialism and complete cultural leveling into “universal humanity,” i.e., the “hell of absolute legal

Lesson #4: The imperatives of a Great Space

Carl Schmi� also touched on the geopolitical aspect of social issues. The most important of his ideas in
this sphere is the notion of “Great Space” (Grossraum) which would later come to be considered by nu-
merous European economists, jurists, geopoliticians, and strategists. The conceptual meaning of “Great
Space” in Carl Schmi�’s analytical perspective lies in the delineation of geographical regions within
which the variations of the political self-manifestation of specific peoples and states included in this re-
gion can be conjoined to achieve harmonious and consistent generalization expressed in a “Great
Geopolitical Union.” Schmi�’s point of departure was the question of the American Monroe Doctrine
encompassing the economic and strategic integration of American powers within the natural borders of
the New World. Given that Eurasia represents a much more diverse conglomerate of ethni, states, and
cultures, Schmi� posited that it was thus worth speaking of not so much total continental integration as
the establishment of several large geopolitical entities, each of which should be governed by a flexible
super-state. This is in principle analogous to Jus Publicum Europeaum or the Holly Alliance proposed to
Europe by Russian Emperor Alexander I.

In Carl Schmi�’s opinion, a “Great Space” organized into a flexible political structure of the federal im--
perial type would compensate for various national, ethnic and state wills and serve as a kind of impar-
tial arbiter or regulator of possible local conflicts, “wars of form.” Schmi� emphasized that “Great
Spaces”, in order to be organic and natural formations, would necessarily have to represent land territo-
ries, i.e., tellurocratic entities, continental masses. In his famous book The Nomos of the Earth, he traced
the history of continental, political macro-entities, the path of their integration, and the logic of their

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gradual establishment as empires. Carl Schmi� noticed that parallel to the existence of spiritual con-
stants in the fate of a people, i.e., constants embodying the spiritual essence of a people, there also exist
geopolitical constants of “Large Spaces” which gravitate towards new restoration with intervals of sev-
eral centuries or even millennia. In this sense, geopolitical macro-entities are stabile when their integrat-
ing principle is not rigid and abstractly recreated, but flexible, organic, and according with the Decision
of the peoples, their will, and their passionate energy capable of involving them in a unified tellurocratic
bloc with their cultural, geopolitical, or state neighbors.

The doctrine of “Great Spaces” (Grossraum) was established by Carl Schmiit not only as an analysis of
historical trends in the continent’s history, but also as a project for future unification which Schmi� con-
sidered not only possible, but desirable and even necessary in a certain sense. Julien Freund summa-
rized Schmi�’s ideas on future Grossraum in the following terms: “The organization of this new space
will not require any scientific competence, or cultural or technical preparation insofar as it arises as a re-
sult of political will, the ethos of which transforms the guise of international law. Once this ‘Great Space’
is unified, then the most important thing of all will be the strength of its ‘radiation’” [3].

Thus, Carl Schmi�’s idea of “Great Space” also possesses a spontaneous, existential, and volitional di--
mension as does the fundamental subject of history in its understanding, i.e., the people as a political
unit. Following the geopoliticians Mackinder and Kjellen, Schmi� juxtaposed thalassocratic empires
(Phoenicia, England, the US, etc.) to the tellurocratic empires (the Roman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian
Hapsburgs, the Russian Empire, etc.). In his point of view, the harmonious and organic organization of a
space is possible only in the case of tellurocratic empires, and Continental Law can only be applied to
them. Thalassocracy, moving beyond the borders of its Island and initiating naval expansion, enters into
conflict with tellurocracies and, according to geopolitical logic, begins to diplomatically, economically,
and militaristically undermine the foundations of the continental “Great Spaces.” Thus, in the perspec-
tive of continental “Great Spaces,” Schmi� once again returns to the concepts of the “enemy-friend” and
“ours-not ours” pairs, only this time on a planetary macro-level. The will of the continental empires, the
“Great Spaces”, is revealed in the confrontation between continental macro-interests and the macro-
interests from overseas. “Sea” thus challenges “Land,” and by way of responding to this challenge,
“Land” most often returns to its deep continental self-consciousness.

As a side note, we will illustrate the theory of Grassraum with two examples. In the late 18th – early 19th
century, the US’ territory was divided between several Old World countries. The Far West, Louisiana,
belonged to the Spanish and later the French; the South belonged to Mexico; the North to England, and
so on. In this situation, Europe represented a tellurocratic power for the US preventing the geopolitical
and strategic unification of the New World on the military, economic, and diplomatic levels. After the
US obtained independence, it gradually began to more and more aggressively impose its geopolitical
will upon the Old World, which logically led to the weakening of continental unity of the European
“Great Space.” Therefore, in the geopolitical history of “Great Spaces,” there are no absolute tellurocratic
or absolute thalassocratic powers. Roles can changes, but continental logic remains constant.

Summarizing Carl Schmi�’s theory of “Great Spaces” with regards to the situation in today’s Russia, we
can say that the separation and disintegration of the “Great Space” once called the USSR contradicts the
continental logic of Eurasia, since the peoples inhabiting our lands lost the opportunity to appeal to the
[Soviet] superpower arbiter capable of regulating or containing potential and actual conflicts. But, on the
other hand, the rejection of the overly rigid and inflexible Marxist demagogy raised to the level of state
ideology can lead and will lead if allowed to a spontaneous, passionate restoration of the Eastern
Eurasian Bloc, since such a reconstruction accords with all the organic, native ethni of the Russian impe-
rial space. Moreover, it is most likely that the restoration of a Federal Empire, a “Great Space” encom-

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passing the Eastern part of the mainland, would seize by means of its “radiation of power” those addi-
tional territories which are rapidly losing their ethno-state identities in the critical and unnatural geopo-
litical situation prevailing since the collapse of the USSR. On the other hand, the continental thinking of
the genius German jurist allows us to distinguish between “ours” and “not ours” on the continental

Awareness of the natural and to a certain extent inevitable confrontation between tellurocratic and tha--
lassocratic powers offers the harbingers and creators of a new Great Space a clear understanding of the
“enemy” facing Europe, Russia, and Asia that is the United States of America along with its thalasso-
cratic island ally, England. Once again returning from the macro-level of the planet to the level of the so-
cial structure of the Russian state, it thus follows that the question should be posed: does a hidden tha-
lassocratic lobby not stand behind the desire to influence the Russian Decision of problems in a “univer-
salist” vein which can exert its influence through both “direct” and “indirect” power?

Lesson #5: “Militant peace” and the teleology of the partisan

At the end of his life (he died on April 7th, 1985), Carl Schmi� devoted special a�ention to the negative
outcome of history which, indeed, is quite possible if the unrealistic doctrines of radical humanists, uni-
versalists, utopians, and the supporters of “common human values”, centered around the gigantic sym-
bolic potential of the thalassocratic power that is the USA, achieve global predominance and become the
ideological foundation of a new world dictatorship – the dictatorship of a “mechanistic utopia.” Schmi�
believed that the modern course of history is inevitably moving towards what he called “total war.”

According to Schmi�, the logic of the “totalitarianization” of planetary relations on the strategic, mili--
tary, and diplomatic levels is based on the following key points. Beginning with a certain point in his-
tory, or more precisely the epoch of the French Revolution and the independence of the United States of
America, a maximal withdrawal from the historical, judicial, national, and geopolitical constants which
previously guaranteed organic harmony on the planet and served the “Nomos of the Earth” was initi-

On a legal level, an artificial and atomizing, quantitative concept of “individual rights” (which later be--
came the famous theory of “human rights”) began to develop which replaced the organic concept of
“rights of the people”, “rights of the state,” etc. In Schmi�’s opinion, the employment of the individual
and the individual factor in isolation from the nation, tradition, culture, profession, family, etc. as an au-
tonomous judicial category meant the onset of the “decay of law” and its transformation into a utopian,
egalitarian chimera contrary to the organic laws from the history of peoples and states, regimes, territo-
ries, and unions.

On the national level, organic federal imperial principles came to be replaced with two opposing yet
equally artificial conceptions: the Jacobin idea of the “nation-state” and the Communist theory of the
complete withering away of the state and the onset of total internationalism. Those empires which pre-
served remnants of traditional, organic structures, such as Austria-Hungary, the O�oman Empire, the
Russian Empire, etc., rapidly began to be destroyed under the influence of both external and internal
factors. Finally, on the geopolitical level, the thalassocratic factor intensified to such a degree that a pro-
found destabilization of legal relationships in the sphere of “Great Spaces” took place. Let us note that
Schmi� considered “Sea” as a space to be much less amenable to legal delineation and arrangement than

The global spread of legal and geopolitical disharmony was accompanied by the progressive deviation
of dominant political and ideological conceptions from reality and their becoming increasingly chimeri-

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cal, illusory and ultimately hypocritical. The more that the “universal world” was spoken off, the more
worse became wars and conflicts. The more “humane” that slogans became, the more inhuman became
social reality. It is this process that Carl Schmi� called the beginning of the “militant peace,” i.e., a state
in which there is neither war nor peace in the traditional sense. Today’s looming “totality” which Carl
Schmi� warned of has come to be called Mondialism. “Militant peace” has received its complete expres-
sion in the theory of the American New World Order which in its movement towards “total peace” is
clearly leading the planet towards a new “total war.”

Carl Schmi� considered the development of cosmic space to be the most important geopolitical event
symbolizing a further degree of departure from the legitimate ordering of space, as the cosmos is even
less amenable to “organization” then maritime space. The development of aviation was also a step to-
wards the “totalization” of war according to Schmi�, with space exploration beginning the process of fi-
nal illegitimate “totalitarianization.”

Parallel to pushing the planet to such maritime, aerial, and even cosmic monstrosity, Carl Schmi�, who
was always interested in more global categories, the smallest of which was the “political unity of the
people,” came to be drawn to a new figure in history, the figure of the “partisan,” the study of whom
Schmi� devoted his final book to, The Theory of the Partisan. Schmi� saw in this small fighter against
larger forces some kind of symbol of the last resistance of tellurocracy on the part of its last defenders.
The partisan is, undoubtedly, a modern figure. He, as other modern political types, is divorced from tra-
dition and lives beyond the Jus Publicum. The Partisan breaks all rules of warfare in his struggle. He is
not a soldier, but a civilian using terrorist methods which would, in a non-wartime situation, be equated
with hard-core criminal offenses akin to terrorism. Nevertheless, it is the Partisan who, according to Carl
Schmi�, embodies “faithfulness to Land.” The Partisan is, put simply, an illegitimate response to the
masked, illegitimate challenge of modern “law.” The extraordinariness of the situation and the constant
thickening of “militant peace” (or “pacifist war,” which is one and the same) draw the small defender of
soil, history, people, nation, and the ideas of the source of his paradoxical justification. The strategic effi-
ciency of the Partisan and his methods are, according to Schmi�, the paradoxical compensation of the
begun or beginning “total war” against a “total enemy.”

It is perhaps this lesson of Carl Schmi�, who himself drew much from Russian history, Russian military
strategy, and Russian political doctrine including analyses of the works of Lenin and Stalin, that is most
intimately understandable for Russians. The Partisan is an integral character in Russian history who al-
ways appears when the will of the Russian political establishment and deep will of the Russian people
itself is deviated from to a maximum extent. Turmoil and guerrilla warfare in Russian history have al-
ways had a purely political, compensatory character aimed at correcting the nation’s course when its po-
litical leadership is increasingly alienated from the people. In Russia, partisans won the wars that the
government lost, overthrew the non-Russian traditions of economic systems, and corrected the geopolit-
ical mistakes of its leaders. Russians have always possessed a fine sense of when illegitimacy or organic
injustice is inherent to this or that doctrine emerging through this or that character. In some sense,
Russia is a gigantic Partisan Empire operating outside the law and driven by the great intuition of Earth,
the Continent, that “Great, Very Great Space” that is the historical territory of our people.

At the present time, as the gap between the will of the nation and the will of the establishment in Russia
(which represents exclusively the “rule of law” according to the universalist model) is threateningly
large and as the wind of thalassocracy is intensifying the ordering of “militant peace” in the country and
gradually becoming an extreme form of “total war,” perhaps this figure of the Russian Partisan will
show us the path to the Russian Future through the extreme form of resistance, the stepping over of arti-
ficial boundaries and legal norms which do not accord with the true canons of Russian Law.

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Carl Schmitt’s 5 Lessons for Russia – Eurasianist Internet Archive https://eurasianist-archive.com/2016/10/12/carl-schmitts-5-lessons-for-ru...

A more detailed assimilation of Carl Schmi�’s fifth lesson means taking up the Sacred Practice of de--
fending Land.

Final remarks

Finally, the sixth, unscheduled lesson of Carl Schmi� can be called an example of what the leader of the
European New Right, Alain de Benoist, calls “political imagination” or “ideological creativity.” The ge-
niality of the German jurist lies in that he not only felt the “field lines” of history but also heeded the
mysterious voice of essence, even though it is often hidden behind the bland, empty phenomena of the
complex and dynamic modern world. We Russians should learn from Teutonic stiffness in se�ing our
bo�omless and overvalued institutions into clear intellectual formulas, clear ideological projects, and
convincing and compelling theories.

This is necessary especially today because we live in “exceptional circumstances” on the threshold of a
Decision so important that our nation has perhaps never seen the likes of it. The true national elite has
no right to leave its people without an ideology which would explain not only what it feels and thinks,
but what it doesn’t feel and think, and what has even been kept secret from itself and devoutly wor-
shipped for thousands of years. If we do not ideologically arm the state, which “not ours” could tempo-
rarily snatch from us, then we must necessarily, without fail ideologically arm the Russian Partisan who
is awakening today to fulfill his continental mission in what are now “Anglicizing” Riga and Vilnius, the
“blackening” Caucasus, “yellowing” Central Asia, “Polonizing” Ukraine, and “black-eyed” Tartary.

Russia is a Great Space whose Great Idea is carried by her people in its gigantic, continental Eurasian
soil. If a German genius serves our Awakening, then in doing so the Teutons have earned themselves a
privileged place among the “friends of Great Russia” and will become “ours”, “Asians,” “Huns,” and
“Scythians” like us – the natives of the Great Forest and Great Steppes.


[1] Carl Schmi�, Der Begriff des Politischen, p.127

[2] Julien Freund, “Les lignes de force de la pensée politique de Carl Schmi�”, Nouvelle Ecole No. 44

[3] Ibid.

© Jafe Arnold – All Rights Reserved. No reproduction without expressed permission.

Tagged Alexander Dugin, Carl Schmi�, Eurasianist Internet Archive, Geopolitics, Jafe Arnold,
Philosophy, Russia

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Carl Schmitt’s 5 Lessons for Russia – Eurasianist Internet Archive https://eurasianist-archive.com/2016/10/12/carl-schmitts-5-lessons-for-ru...


10 of 10 5/2/2022, 6:04 PM

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