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Nondestructive Measurement of Layer Thickness in Water-Assisted Coinjection-Molded Product by Ultrasonic Technology

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Nondestructive measurement of layer thickness in water-assisted

coinjection-molded product by ultrasonic technology

Neng Xia,1,2 Peng Zhao ,1,2 Tangqing Kuang,3 Yao Zhao,1,2 Jianfeng Zhang,1,2 Jianzhong Fu1,2
The State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou 310027, China
The Key Laboratory of 3D Printing Process and Equipment of Zhejiang Province, College of Mechanical Engineering,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
School of Mechatronical & Vehicle Engineering, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, China
Correspondence to: P. Zhao (E - mail: pengzhao@zju.edu.cn)

ABSTRACT: Layer thickness is an important factor in judging the quality of a water-assisted coinjection molding (WACIM) part. Here,
a novel nondestructive method for measuring layer thickness via ultrasonic technology is proposed. The reflected signals from the
interface of a WACIM part were measured by an immersed pulse-echo method and calculated using a transfer function of the
medium. Two objective functions were employed to describe the nonsimilarity between the measured signals and the calculated sig-
nals. By solving a multiobjective optimization problem, the optimum parameter was obtained and used to calculate the thickness of
each layer in a WACIM part. The proposed method was employed to measure the layer thickness of WACIM specimens with different
cross sections along the flow direction. Experimental results showed that the proposed method can correctly measure the variation in
layer thickness of each layer of a WACIM part. The proposed method has broad application prospects in nondestructively measuring
the layer thickness of polymeric parts. V
C 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2018, 135, 46540.

KEYWORDS: mechanical properties; molding; thermoplastics

Received 18 February 2018; accepted 22 March 2018

DOI: 10.1002/app.46540

INTRODUCTION et al.7 simulated the layer thickness of a WAIM tube with

dimensional transitions and curved sections by the volume-of-
Water-assisted coinjection molding (WACIM) is an innovative
fluid method. Li et al.11 found that the viscosity ratio of the
polymer injection-molding technology, which is used to pro-
core melt to the skin melt had a great influence on the distribu-
duce hollow products with multilayer walls.1 Comparable to
tion of polymers. However, in these studies, the thickness mea-
water-assisted injection molding (WAIM) and coinjection mold-
surement methods for layer walls are destructive, and they
ing (CIM), WACIM has advantages of reduction of amount of
require cutting open the WACIM specimens to measure thick-
polymer used, weight reduction, performance improvement,
ness. Thus, a high-accuracy, simple to use, and nondestructive
and greater freedom of product design.2–5 Recently, WACIM
measurement method would have broad application in investi-
technology has been widely used for automotive components,
gating WACIM products.
household items, and furniture parts, highlighting a bright
future for WACIM with regard to market prospects.1,2,6 In Current nondestructive methods include radiography,12 ultra-
WACIM, the thickness of the layer walls significantly affects the sonic technology,13 infrared thermography,14 indirect sen-
mechanical properties of molded products and is an important sors,15,16 and magnetic levitation detection.17–21 Among these
factor in judging the quality of the products.1 Many studies methods, ultrasonic technology has great potential as an online,
have been conducted to investigate the thickness and distribu- real-time, environmentally friendly, and low-cost method
tion of residual walls of the products.7–11 Kuang et al.1 em- for characterizing injection-molded parts.22,23 Zhao et al.24
ployed a computational fluid dynamics method to simulate the employed ultrasound to monitor the injection-molding process
WACIM process, and they found that layer thickness was and characterize the polymer morphology changes. Mulvaney-
affected by injection delay time, temperature, and injection Johnson et al.9 applied an ultrasound sensor system for real-
velocity. They also investigated the influence of cross-sectional time diagnosis of water- and gas-assisted injection molding.
shape and processing parameters on layer thickness.2,6 Yang Cheng et al.10 employed ultrasound for an online diagnosis of a

C 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


46540 (1 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46540


Figure 1. WACIM specimen: (a) two-dimensional diagram, (b) longitudinal view of the specimen, (c) cross-sectional view of the specimen. [Color figure
can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

coinjection molding process. Zhao et al.25,26 proposed an ultrasonic molding machine, a water-injection unit, a mold with change-
method to measure the crystallization of an injection-molded part able inserts, and a control unit. The molding machine was a
and the cavity pressure during an injection-molding process. Raisu- 110-ton coinjection-molding machine (FB-110C, FCS Group,
tis et al.27,28 used the ultrasonic pulse-echo technique to character- Tainan, Taiwan). The lab-developed water-injection unit
ize multilayer plastic materials and simultaneously calculate the included a plunger water pump with a maximum pressure of 20
acoustic properties of each layer, including density, ultrasound MPa, a pressure-regulating valve, a water tank, and a water-
velocity, absorption, and phase velocity dispersion. However, to the injection pin. The switching of the water-injection pin was
best of our knowledge, ultrasonic technology has not been used to accomplished via a pneumatic control system.
measure layer thickness in WACIM products.
The diagram of a WACIM specimen is shown in Figure 1. As
Here, a nondestructive measurement method for measuring the shown there, the outer layer is HDPE and the inner layer is PP.
layer thickness in WACIM products via ultrasonic technology is A frame of reference is defined with x and y axes in Figure 1(a).
proposed. In this study, we only know the range of each layer’s The x axis is coincident with the longitudinal direction, and the
acoustic parameters and the number of layers. The ultrasonic y axis coincides with the cross section of the WACIM specimen.
signals reflected from the interface of the WACIM part were cal- Starting near the polymer melt inlet, six measuring points (I–
culated by a transfer function, which is related to the acoustic VI) were selected every 20 mm. The longitudinal and cross-
parameters of each layer. Two objective functions were sectional views of the specimen are shown in Figure 1(b) and
employed to describe the nonsimilarity between the calculated Figure 1(c), respectively.
signals and the measured signals. By solving a multiobjective
Ultrasonic Measurement Device
optimization problem, the optimum parameter of each layer
The ultrasonic device for measuring the layer thickness of
can be obtained. Then, the layer thickness can be calculated by
WACIM specimens is shown in Figure 2. A signal generator
the optimum parameter and propagation times. Two different
(CTS-8077PR, Shantou Goworld Co., Shantou, China) was used
WACIM products with different cross sections were employed
to generate ultrasonic signals. A longitudinal wave pulsing/
to verify the proposed method.

Specimen Preparation
High-density polyethylene (HDPE, grade DMDA-8008, Dush-
anzi Petrochemical Co., Karamay, China) and polypropylene
(PP, grade 1102K, Jinxi Petrochemical Co., Huludao, China)
were employed in the WACIM specimens for their applicability
in the WAIM process and the compatibility between them. In
order to get a stable penetration of the inner melt in the skin
polymer, HDPE with a higher melt flow index (MFI) and PP
with a relatively lower MFI were used as the outer and inner
materials, respectively. To conveniently identify the interface
between the skin layer and the inner layer, black and red colo-
rants were added.
The specimen was manufactured on a lab-developed WACIM Figure 2. Photograph of ultrasonic measurement setup. [Color figure can
experimental platform, which was composed of a coinjection- be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

46540 (2 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46540


receiving ultrasonic transducer with 2.5 MHz central frequency k 5 1 and k 5 4 denote the corresponding medium is water, and
(Guangzhou Doppler Electronic Technologies Co., Guangzhou, k 5 2 and k 5 3 denote the media are the outer layer (HDPE)
China) was selected in pulse-echo mode. A computer was and the inner layer (PP) of the WACIM specimen, respectively.
employed to acquire and analyze the ultrasonic data from a digital Here, Ui ðf Þ5jFT ðui ðtÞÞj is the amplitude spectra of the ultra-
oscilloscope (DS0X2002A, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, sonic signal (ui ðtÞ) reflected from the ith interface, and FT is
CA). An ultrasonic water immersion method was employed in the Fourier transform. Since the reflected signal will be affected
this study. The longitudinal ultrasonic waves were generated by by the phenomena of reflection, transmission, absorption, and
the transducer, and they propagated into the water. One portion scattering, the transfer function can be calculated by eqs. (2)
of the ultrasonic signals were reflected from the WACIM speci- and (3):
men, and they were received by the digital oscilloscope. f nk
Hk ðf Þ5Kk e 22mxk ak ðfc Þ 2jðUi21 ðf Þ2Ui ðf ÞÞ
Characterization Methods  
To observe the interface of the WACIM part, the specimens Ai 0
Ri Ti21 Ti21 4Zk21 Zk ZZk11 2Zk
k11 1Zk
were placed in liquid nitrogen for 10 min and experienced brit- Kk 5 5 5 (3)
Ai21 Ri21 Zk2 2Zk21
tle fracture.29 A scanning electron microscope (SEM; fully digi-
tal SU8010 instrument, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan) was employed to When ultrasound travels through a medium, its amplitude dimin-
observe the interface after sputter-coating the samples with gold ishes with distance.13 This phenomenon is called ultrasonic atten-
for 70 s. The operating parameters of SEM are as follows: the uation. The attenuation coefficient can be used to determine the
acceleration voltage is 3 kV, the operating distance is 8.9 mm, decay rate of ultrasound amplitude with distance. The unit of the
and the magnification is 40. attenuation coefficient in Neper per centimeter (Np/cm) can be
converted to decibel per centimeter (dB/cm) by dividing with m
For the results comparison, the WACIM specimen was cut along (m 5 0.115), where Neper is a logarithmic unit. Here, xk is the
the y direction [as Figure 1(a)] and measured using an optical thickness of the kth layer; ak is the attenuation coefficient at the
microscope (Optec SZ680, Chongqing, China). The samples center
were placed on the microscope stage. After adjusting the focal pffiffiffiffiffiffifrequency
ffi (fc ); nk is the power of the attenuation slope;
j5 21; Ui ðf Þ is the phase spectra of ui ðtÞ; Kk is a proportional-
length and magnification, the measurement function of the ity coefficient and is determined by the reflection coefficient and
microscope was employed to measure the layer thickness of the transmission coefficient of each interface, as shown in eq. (3); Ai
specimens. is the amplitude of ui ðtÞ; Ri represents the reflection coefficient
Modeling and Methods from the ith interface; Ti21 is the transmission coefficient through
Ultrasonic Propagation Model in Layered Polymers. As shown the (i 2 1)th interface between adjacent layers in the direct pro-
in Figure 3, when an ultrasonic wave propagates in a medium, pagation direction; Ti21 is the transmission coefficient through
ultrasonic signals will be reflected from the upper and lower the (i21)th interface between adjacent layers in opposite
surfaces of the medium. The reflected signals are connected by directions; Zk 5qk ck denotes the acoustic impedance of the kth
a transfer function of the medium, as shown in eq. (1): layer; qk is the density of the kth layer; and ck is the ultrasound
Ui ðf Þ velocity of the kth layer. Thus, the transfer function is closely
Hk ðf Þ5 (1) related to the parameters of each layer: qk , ck , and ak .
Ui21 ðf Þ
where Hk ðf Þ is the transfer function, k is the number of layers From eqs. (1)–(3), an equation for calculating the reflected signal
(k 5 1, 2, 3, 4), and i is the number of interfaces between the ui ðtÞ from the ith interface can be obtained, as shown in eq. (4):
kth layer and (k 1 1)th layer (i 5 1, 2, 3). As shown in Figure 3, ui ðtÞ5IFT ðFT ðui21 ðtÞÞ3Hk ðf ÞÞ (4)
where IFT denotes the inverse Fourier transform.
Calculation of Propagation Model. According to eq. (4), it can
be noted that the reflected signal ui ðtÞ is a function of acoustic
parameters. However, the ultrasonic propagation model can
hardly be solved directly. In this section, a multiobjective opti-
mization method is proposed to calculate acoustic parameters
and layer thickness.
To evaluate the calculated results, a normalized root-mean-square
error is employed as the objective function (Fi ), as shown in
eq. (5):
u ðu ðtÞ2umi ðtÞÞ2
u 51 ci
Fi 5t NX Nmax (5)
N 51 mi
u ðtÞ2

where uci ðtÞ is the ultrasonic signal calculated by eq. (4), umi ðtÞ
Figure 3. Ultrasonic measurement model diagram. [Color figure can be represents the measured signal from the ith interface, and Nmax
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] is the number of samples. When the objective function attains

46540 (3 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46540


Figure 4. Optimization method for multiobjective problem. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

its lowest value, the calculated signal is in good agreement with optimum parameter can be obtained. Then, the layer thickness
the measured signal. According to eqs. (1-5), Fi is a multivariate of each layer (xk ) can be calculated by eq. (6):
function: Fi ðqk21 ; ck21 ; qk ; ck ; qk11 ; ck11 ; ak Þ. When i 5 2, F2 5 ck 3 tk
F2 ðq1 ; c1 ; q2 ; c2 ; q3 ; c3 ; a2 Þ, where q1 and c1 are the density and xk 5 (6)
ultrasound velocity of water, respectively. When i 5 3,
where tk is the propagation time of ultrasound in the kth layer.
F3 5F3 ðq2 ; c2 ; q3 ; c3 ; q4 ; c4 ; a3 Þ, where q4 and c4 are the density
and the ultrasound velocity of water, respectively. Since q1 , c1 ,
q4 , and c4 can be treated as constants, a multiobjective optimi- Measurement Implementation
zation problem was proposed to calculate the parameters of According to the measurement device and the measurement
each layer: theory, the implementation procedure for measuring the layer
Minimize : F2 ðq2 ; c2 ; q3 ; c3 ; a2 Þ; F3 ðq2 ; c2 ; q3 ; c3 ; a3 Þ thickness of a WACIM specimen can be illustrated in a flow-
chart, as shown in Figure 5, and is summarized as the following
Subject to : ck 2 ½ckmin ; ckmax ; ak 2 ½akmin ; akmax 
Current methods for multiobjective optimization include the
penalty function method,30,31 particle swarm optimization,32,33 Step 1: Determine the prior known parameters. The parame-
genetic algorithms,34,35 response surface methodology,36 and ters include the number of layers, the range of ultrasound
fuzzy logic.37–39 Due to the different sensitivities of the parame- velocity (ck ), and attenuation (ak ).
ters to the objective functions, it is difficult to determine the Step 2: Measure the reflected signals of the WACIM specimen
weight coefficient with these methods, which was used to con- with the measurement device. The specimen was placed in a
vert the multiobjective optimization problem into a single- container. The reflected signals were measured by the device
objective optimization problem, and the corresponding pro- shown in Figure 2. Then, the amplitude of the reflected signal
grams are complicated. Here, an iterative search method was (Ai ) and the propagation time (tk ) can be obtained.
employed to solve the multiobjective optimization problem, as Step 3: Calculate the reflected signals. According to the mea-
shown in Figure 4. The parameters changed at a certain interval, sured signal from the front surface of the kth layer ½ui21 ðtÞ],
and the value range of the objective functions can be obtained the initial parameters, and the transfer function, as shown in
using eq. (5): F2 2 ½F2min ; F2max , F3 2 ½F3min ; F3max . When the eq. (2), the reflected signal from the back surface of the kth
upper bounds of the two objective functions continuously layer [uci ðtÞ] can be obtained using eq. (4).
decrease, the corresponding solution spaces will narrow, and the Step 4: Calculate the objective function. Combining the calcu-
calculated signals will gradually approach the measured signals. lated signal in Step 3 [uci ðtÞ], the measured signal [umi ðtÞ], and
When the only solution is left in the solution space, the eq. (5), the value of the objective function can be calculated.

Figure 5. Flowchart of implementation procedure for measuring the layer thickness of a WACIM part. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.

46540 (4 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46540


Figure 6. Cross-sectional views of WACIM part: (a) SEM image, (b) optical microscope image. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

Step 5: Adjust parameters and recalculate the objective func- interface between the outer HDPE polymers and the inner PP
tion. The parameters (ck , ak ) changed at a certain interval: polymers.
Dc510 m=s, Da50:5 dB=cm. These will affect the transfer func-
An ultrasonic signal reflected from the interface is shown in Figure
tion and the calculated signals. Then, a new value of the objective
7. The ultrasound in full-wave mode [Figure 7(a)] was employed
function can be recalculated by following Steps 3 and 4.
to determine the reflected signal. From Figure 7(a), u1 ðtÞ, u2 ðtÞ,
Step 6: Determine the optimum parameter by multiobjective
and u3 ðtÞ occupied seven peaks each. The ultrasound in radio-
optimization. By gradually decreasing the upper bounds of
frequency mode [Figure 7(b)] was used for the calculation accord-
two objective functions until the only solution is left in the
ing to the proposed method. The propagation time was calculated
solution space, the optimum parameter can be obtained.
by the time difference between the first peaks of the adjacent
Step 7: Calculate the thickness of each layer. The layer thickness
reflected signals. As shown in Figure 7, t2 51:49 ls (propagation
was calculated using eq. (6) and the optimum parameter.
time in HDPE) and t3 51:33 ls (propagation time in PP). Since
the density of the material has a standard value and changes
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION little, q2 and q3 are regarded as constants (q2 5956:6 kg=m3 ,
Based on the above method, a program for nondestructive mea- q3 5918 kg=m3 ). The ultrasound velocities and attenuation of the
surement of the layer thickness in a WACIM part was devel- specimen were known only approximately: c2 2 ½2000; 2500,
oped. Three case studies were carried out as part of this study c3 2 ½2300; 2800, a2 2 ½1; 20, a3 2 ½1; 20. By iteratively adjusting
to validate the proposed method. these parameters, the range of objective functions F2 and F3 can be
obtained: F2 2 ½0:33; 1:67, F3 2 ½0:48; 5:423103 . When the upper
Layer Thickness of WACIM Specimen bounds of the two objective functions were decreased to F2 2 ½0:33;
A WACIM specimen was measured in this study. Its cross- 0:37 and F3 2 ½0:48; 0:49, the only solution was left in the solution
sectional views were captured by an optical microscope and space. Meanwhile, the calculated signals were both well matched
SEM, as shown in Figure 6. It can be seen that there is a clear with the measured signals. A comparison of results between the

Figure 7. Example of the measured signal u1 ðtÞ, u2 ðtÞ, and u3 ðtÞ: (a) ultrasound in full-wave mode, (b) ultrasound in radio-frequency mode. [Color fig-
ure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

46540 (5 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46540


Figure 8. Comparison between calculated signals and measured signals: (a) waveform from the interface of HDPE and PP [u2 ðtÞ], (b) waveform from
the interface of PP and water [u3 ðtÞ]. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

optimum calculated signals and measured signals is shown in Figure The consistent calculated ultrasound velocity indicates that the
8. It can be found that the calculated signals are in good agree- proposed calculation method for the ultrasonic propagation
ment with the measured signals. The optimum parameters are model is correct. From Figure 10(b), the layer thicknesses
c2 52020 m=s, c3 52370 m=s, a2 51:5 dB=cm, and a3 51:0 dB=cm. obtained by ultrasonic method and microscope for each layer
According to eq. (6), the layer thicknesses of HDPE and PP can be have the same trend, while the deviation between the calculated
obtained: x2 51:50 mm, x3 51:57 mm. The microscope-measured total thickness and measured total thickness was about 0.2 mm.
thicknesses of HDPE and PP are 1.68 mm and 1.60 mm, respectively. It also can be found that the total thickness calculated by the
In comparing the results between ultrasonic technology and the proposed method was less than the measured result. The reason
microscopic method, the maximum deviation was less than 0.18 mm. might be that the propagation time extracted from the wave-
form is less than the real propagation time.
Error Analysis
The uncertainty of the calculated thickness was analyzed using As shown in Figure 10(b), the outer layer (HDPE) becomes
eq. (7): thicker in the flow direction, and the inner layer (PP) becomes
 2  2ffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi thinner. This was because the outer melt could not come into
oxk oxk tk 2 c 2
dxk 5 dck 1 dtk 5 dck 1
dtk (7) contact with the fluid during the filling stage of the overflow
ock otk 2 2 fluid-assisted coinjection molding (O-FACIM) process, and its
where dtk , dck , and dxk represent the uncertainty of propagation layer thickness was mainly affected by the inner melt penetration.
The total layer thickness of the WACIM specimen becomes
time, ultrasound velocity, and layer thickness, respectively.
slightly thinner. In short, the calculated results were in good
Assuming that dck 550 m=s and dtk 50:1 ls, typical results for
agreement with the microscope results, and the proposed method
an error analysis are shown in Table I, and it can be found that
can be used to investigate the variations of layer thickness.
the uncertainty of the total layer thickness is 0.24 mm, and the
propagation time (tk ) has the greatest impact on calculation Layer Thickness of Rectangular Specimen
error. In this section, the proposed method is applied to measure a
specimen with a rectangular cross section. The distribution of
Variation of Layer Thickness along the Flow Direction
measuring positions is the same as in Figure 1. The cross-
To further verify the proposed method, layer thicknesses at six
sectional view of the rectangular specimen is illustrated in Fig-
specified locations of a square WACIM specimen were mea-
ure 11. A comparison between calculated results and results
sured. The diagram of measured positions is shown in Figure 1.
measured by microscope is shown in Figure 12. From Figure
Figure 9 shows the cross-sectional view of the square specimen.
12(a), it can be found that the calculated ultrasound velocity of
A comparison between calculated results and results measured
by microscope is shown in Figure 10. From Figure 10(a), it can
be found that the ultrasound velocity of HDPE is about
2050 m/s, and the ultrasound velocity of PP is about 2350 m/s.

Table I. Typical Results of Error Analysis

oxk oxk
Number of layers ock dck otk dtk dxk
k 5 2 (HDPE) 0.04 mm 0.11 mm 0.12 mm
Figure 9. Cross-sectional view of square specimen: (a) photograph of
k 5 3 (PP) 0.03 mm 0.12 mm 0.12 mm
cross section, (b) dimensions of cross section. [Color figure can be viewed
Total thickness — — 0.24 mm at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

46540 (6 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46540


Figure 10. Calculated results for square specimen: (a) distribution of ultrasound velocity, (b) comparison between calculated results and microscope
results. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

found that a pair of vortexes with different sizes and opposite

directions resulted in an unstable three-dimensional flow of
multiphase stratified polymer melts. The results in Figure 12
indicate that the proposed method can be used to investigate
the unstable flow in WACIM process.

Figure 11. Cross-sectional view of rectangular specimen: (a) photograph
In this study, a nondestructive method for measuring the layer
of cross section, (b) dimensions of cross section. [Color figure can be
thickness of a WACIM part via ultrasound was proposed. The
viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]
reflected signal from the interface of the WACIM part was mea-
sured by the immersed pulse-echo method and calculated by
HDPE is about 2050 m/s, and the calculated ultrasound velocity the transfer function of the medium. Two objective functions
of PP is about 2350 m/s, which are the same as the calculated were employed to describe the nonsimilarity between the mea-
results for the square specimen. As can also be seen in Figure
sured signal and the calculated signal. The objective functions
12(b), the layer thicknesses calculated by the proposed method
are closely related to the density, ultrasound velocity, and atten-
are in good agreement with the measured results from the
uation of the medium. By solving the multiobjective optimiza-
tion problem, the optimum parameter was obtained and used
As shown in Figure 12(b), it can be found that the layer thick- to calculate the layer thickness of each layer in the WACIM
nesses of the outer and inner layers fluctuate, which results in part. Several experiments were carried out to verify the pro-
the fluctuation of the total thickness. This shows that the pene- posed method. Based on the results obtained in this study, the
tration of water in the inner melt was not stable. Zhou40 stud- following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The proposed method
ied the interface stability of a multiphase stratified flow and can be used to simulate the reflected ultrasonic signals and

Figure 12. Calculated results for rectangular specimen: (a) distribution of ultrasound velocity, (b) comparison between calculated results and microscope
results. [Color figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]

46540 (7 of 8) J. APPL. POLYM. SCI. 2018, DOI: 10.1002/APP.46540


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