Lesson Exemplar in Mapeh Grade Level Learning Area Quarter
Lesson Exemplar in Mapeh Grade Level Learning Area Quarter
Lesson Exemplar in Mapeh Grade Level Learning Area Quarter
Exemplar in LEVEL
A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of lifestyle and weight
Standar management to promote societal fitness
B. Perform The learners shall be able to maintains an active lifestyle to influence
ance the physical activity participation of the community and society
C. Most Determine risk related to lifestyle diseases (obesity, diabetes, and heart
Essentia disease). (PE10PF-IIIah-40) (Week 2)
D. Learnin At the end of the lesson, t h e learners are expected to:
g 1. identify the risk factor related to lifestyle diseases (obesity,
Objectiv diabetes, and heart disease.
es 2. Design physical activities, exercise and eating habits to prevent
risks related to lifestyle disease.
Indicator 4
Established safe and
secure learning
environment to
enhance learning
through the consistent
implementation of
policies, guidelines and
Put your paper inside the box found under your chair.
Indicator 1
Apply knowledge of
content within across
curriculum teaching Game
areas. Directions: The class will divided into two groups and selects a four
member to represent each group in playing the game Family Feud
Processing Questions:
1. What do you think are the causes of these diseases?
2. Do you have a family member who suffer from any of these diseases?
3. What do you think is the best way to avoid these diseases?
What’s in?
Weight management is a struggle for many Filipinos, but
controlling weight has many benefits. Filipinos nowadays, have
adopted the Western culture of excessive intake of unhealthy, high
calorie food with physical inactivity which often result
to“Obesogenic”( a tendency to have a fat citizenry).
This transformation towards over fatness does not occur
overnight. The number of overweight and obese Filipinos has already
grown according to the National Nutrition and Health survey by the
FNRI (Food and Nutrition Research Institute) and DOST (Department
of Science and Technology).
The terms overweight and Obesity are both used
interchangeably to describe situations in which the body weight is
higher than that recommended for optimal health.
Obesity is the condition of being grossly fat Most common
causes of obesity are physical inactivity, overeating, genetics, High in
simple cholesterol, Frequency in eating, psychological factor and
diseases such as hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary
and crushing syndrome.
The fact that you are overweight or obese you are at greater risk
Indicator 5 of developing type2 diabetes particularly if you have excess weight
Maintain learning around your tummy(abdomen).
environments that Diabetes is disease in which the body’s ability to produce or
promotes fairness, respond to the hormone insulin is impaired resulting in abnormal
respect and care to metabolism of carbohydrates and elevated levels of glucose in blood
encourage learning. and urine. The more fatty tissue you have the more resistant your cells
become to insulin. The risk factors are inactivity, family history, Race
ethnicity, age, gestational diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome and
high blood pressure. There are ways to avoid diabetes, we should cut
sugar and refined carb diet, work out regularly, drink water as your
primary beverage, lose weight if you are overweight or obese, quit
smoking, follow a very low carb diet, Avoid sedentary behavior.
Heart disease is any condition that affects your heart, such as
coronary artery disease and arrhythmia. Symptoms of heart disease
are fainting, slow and fast heartbeat, chest tightness, chest pain,
shortness of breath and sudden swelling of your legs feet ankle or
There are some risk factors in heart disease high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, smoking, age and family but you can reduce the
chance of getting heart disease, you should control your blood
pressure, keep your cholesterol and triglyceride levels under control,
stay at a healthy weight, eat a healthy diet, get regular exercise, limit
alcohol, don’t smoke and manage stress.
Some people have a difficult time gaining weight. This can be a
result of a higher-than-normal basal metabolic rate of higher physical
activity level. When weight gain is the goal, the focus is on gaining
muscle and not fat weight. To do this in a healthy way, you should
consume more meals with healthy snack. Healthy snack includes
yogurt, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, cereals with milk, fruit
smoothies, and turkey sandwiches.
Physical activity requires only low to moderate intensity effort
examples of these are walking to and from work, taking stairs instead
of elevators and escalators, and gardening, doing household chores,
dancing, and washing the car by hand.
There is much to enjoy life. Maximize your enjoyment by staying
fit and healthy It is a basic need to maintain our health so that other
things will fall into place and will happen the way they should. There
is more to dancing than just movement and rhythm.
Being fit and healthy as a result of this active recreational activity are
jusMaxt bonus points. As you make a dancing a habit, you will find
out that, as times goes on, you will
tend to be more sociable, and more confident yet disciplined, more
beautiful inside and out and you find yourself an essential organ
working in a system, Just like any other sport or endeavor for that
reason, dance develop a sense of community and teamwork.
Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1120365/philippines-number-
Process Question:
1. What do you think is the way of living before? How about the way
of living today?
Directions: Create your own fitness plan based on your own time and
physical activities. I have provided example below to serve as your
guide in making your plan.
Time/Day Physical Activities Fitness Outcome
Example: 4:00- Zumba Dance Weight
5:00pm/Friday Loss/Physically
Put your paper inside the box found under your chair.
There are some risk factors in heart disease 5. ______________ (high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, smoking)
g. Enrichment Share your personal insights about this lesson by creating a poster, a
Indicator 5 poem or a song using different dialects or language of your choice to be
Maintain learning uploaded in our Youtube channel.
environments that
promotes fairness,
respect and care to
encourage learning.
Indicator 8
Design adapt and
implement teaching
strategies that are
responsive to learners
with disabilities,
giftedness and talents.