LSD Trip Report

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LSD trip report, 13/04/2022, 2 tabs – likely 300-400mg

I was in a near perfect set (mental state), had fun conversations and went playing
basketball with close friends earlier that day. My setting was my room, where I usually trip, it
was well cleaned and spotless. I decide to take 2 tabs even though I didn’t have trip killers
with me. I had done 1.5 before, but that was probably underdosed because nothing could have
prepared me for what came next.

I put the two blotters under my tongue at 5:40pm (T=0mins), you start feeling it at 20-40 min
mark, so I decide to walk out for that while, there is a temple nearby so I went there, flowers
and colors felt much more vibrant, the come up of lsd starts with you feeling a teeny bit
nauseous, I started feeling that so I went back to my hostel, otw bought 2 bottles of fruit juice
(fruit is good). I headed to my terrace, sat there for a few mins while I realize the far away
building start to move followed by the floor and walls start breathing, small colorful slow
fluttering of everything around you, typical LSD experience. T= 50 mins

I get into my room and brace myself for liftoff. The visuals keep getting intense, there was
some juice and fruit candy which I ate and it felt amazing but not as good as actual fruit. I
had a 10-pack of Alpenliebe strawberries and kept popping ones into my mouth and it felt
better and better and that was almost peak euphoria for the entire trip.

I had kept a notepad and few pencils for writing down revelations and ideas and it was epic.

The next part of the trip was self-reflection, it showed me everything I needed to know about
myself, my biggest desires and how to achieve them, this was a very motivating and path
paving experience, basically it told me to get in better shape, study harder, do more freelance
and stuff like that.
For some reason I thought watching porn was a good idea (it was), somehow opened up Phub
and clicked on the first video, it was a POV video and I was sucked into the video, I became
the dude, all sensations were indistinguishable if not better than real life. (10/10 would

Anyways, T = 1.5 hours; this is almost when the peak starts; we owe it to our forefathers to
listen to Pink Floyd’s ‘Dark Side of the moon’ while peaking. I put on earphones, put the
song, laid down and closed my eyes only to get warped into this colorful cartoon like 3D
world with immense animations involving patterns and creatures which were created by the
audio I and beats I was hearing; Alice in wonderland kinda stuff,

and this point ego dissolution had started (ego means your consciousness, your memory of
yourself , once it goes you are a free floating pair of eyes in a very different universe ,
capable of only seeing and understanding what is presented before you, this is a peak
experience at 1 tab)
Then I call and talk with a fellow experienced friend and he correctly points out that I am
high as fuck.

At this point, T = 2.5 hours I had felt that the peak was over and comedown had started, I
probably mistook that, I felt the need to get higher, I had some weed with me and rolled a J
and quickly smoked it up. JESUS HOLY FUCK that’s when it all began.

Let me try to explain higher dimensions. (Try to comprehend)

Think of reality as a movie, a moving set of pictures on a film, imagine that you roll out the
film roll,

each picture specifies an x,y,z coordinate AND a time coordinate . Now imagine that the
pictures are actually 360 VR pictures, which you can look and move around in all directions
and forward across adjacent film pictures(time) (This is 3D, what we live in now). Now if
you could jump across more than one film , you are basically moving through time. That is
4D, aka spacetime (the one Einstein defined). Now imagine you take an infinite number of
those films and stack them on top of each other such that the picture on top and bottom of any
given picture has 2 realities which are very similar but with a minute difference. That’s a 5D
space of all possible universes. And if you could jump from one film to any other film, you’re
moving in 6D.

Back to my trip, Let’s call our reality (the one where we are now ‘ground 0’) , Time as we
know it froze (Imagine choosing any picture on the film stack), and rather than moving to the
adjacent film on the right, I started jumping up and down across the films ie, at the same
instance of time , I could experience multiple possible realities , actually see what happens
when different decisions are made at the same point in time in ground 0. This is analogous to
the Many worlds’ theory in quantum mechanics. So, like 1 millisecond (A very short instant,
I don’t know how short, but the clock doesn’t move in ground 0) feels like 10 mins to many
months in each higher ground.

As I told, I could see the outcomes of each possible decision, all these possible decisions
formed into a sphere, with each point on the sphere when exited warps me into that decision

Now, things start to get extreme, I was in one such decision point, and suddenly everything
became white, and the reality (call it Gn) started zooming out really quickly, and it became a
small white particle in Gn+1 . Which means that every point in any Gn is actually an instance
of Gn-1. (like saying every atom in our universe has another universe inside it and so on) .
Every time this happens (at it happened like ~200 times throughout the trip) you feel that “oh
this reality I just spend so much time in was insignificant” (like dreaming but with full
connection), it happens so many times that you become accustomed to dying (become warped
out) in Gn-1 but it becomes okay as soon as you reach Gn . In G0 the most important things
were like love, money, happiness and so on; in G200 I was just a subatomic particle for G199
and was doing what was required to survive.

And now, we start looping, basically you play one reality, and get back to the starting
position of the same reality again, this keeps happening again and again, you understand that
you are looping and you get scared that you’ll be in it forever. You just want the trip to end
somehow and but you forgot to buy trip killers (sleeping pills) so you have to wait till
morning, you look at the watch and the watch isn’t moving. This was the most extreme part
of the whole trip and I don’t think any non-hardcore motherfucker could handle that.

I have near perfect control over my emotions, this was a skill I trained for throughout my life
in G0. This helped me pass the next round which I call “evading sadness”. Basically, it put
you through these realities where you would feel sad at the end, but noticing that that emotion
is sadness and swaying away from it sends you down to Gn-1 which is a happier state and this
keeps happening for a while (note that doing thing enough times will eventually reach G0
(however that doesn’t happen now))

Next, I saw the working of a quantum mechanical phenomenon I could never understand
earlier, it’s how a superposition collapses when observed. So, it involved seeing two extreme
possibilities across infinite possibilities and choosing one from it, so it is unlikely that it is at
the extremes and something else happens (something like that I can’t comprehend it now
because my higher dimensional thinking capacities have gone)

Now it gets better, I had told that ego death had happened. Now we get into a phase where we
are travelling back into lower realities, it gets progressively happier and happier each scene,
basically you gotta do something epic in that reality so that you morph into Gn-1 . In each of
these realities you are rediscovering yourself and your ego is is being built up step by step,
this was an amazing experience.
Then I had asked a friend to come, and we were talking and I was talking about all the
revelations and all and suddenly I would come warping out of some point in space where I
was looking at and I’d tell him “brooo, I just came out of that point, how long was I looking
there for?” “Two seconds?” (Felt like weeks for me).

I had a pretty long conversation with my friend, and everything I said was derived from a lot
of background processing and that felt like a really meaningful conversation and fulfilling.

Now I’m at G5 or something, and time slowly starts to make sense, the felt duration of each
reality gets shorter and shorter and it finally merged into G0. This too felt really cool, and the
watch started moving normally.

Then my friend leaves and it was pretty chill, I put some music and lie down for a while, look
out of the window, the sky looks like something you’d see in a Rick and Morty episode.

I go back to my terrace, time is almost 3AM (T= 9 hours) , the whole world looked like a
beautiful anime, pink sky, blue trees and all, I could morph reality with my thoughts, I could
make buildings jump and all. It was pretty cool.

Then I go back to my room, decide to play some chess and damn, I played 3 games won all 3,
played at 80+% computer accuracy (I typically play between 60 and 75) I could also make
some really creative and intricate moves, it would be fun to see how magnus Carlsen plays on

Then I slowly fall asleep.

Wake up in the morning, this is one of the best things about lsd, if you were drunk or took
any party drugs, you’d have a really bad hangover, I took a heroic dose of lsd, woke up with
the happiest smile on my face. Everything was back to normal and I appreciated life a lot
more and was so motivated for what was to come.

Two tabs of acid should be only done if you have a lot of experience with psychedelics and
are really tough mentally. It is not a recreational dose, and I don’t have the balls to do it
anytime soon. Smoking that weed (barely a nug) was what changed everything, weed can
have very intense effects on LSD and weed should not be smoked at these high doses. I
would have taken the trip killer mid-way if I had them, but I’m glad I didn’t.

The scientific understandings made by me in this trip are not factual, it’s just a figment of my
imagination extrapolating what I already know in higher dimensions (I already knew about
spacetime and quantum mechanics) however I could see answers and explanations to lifelong
questions I had in these higher dimensions and it all made sense to me , it need not be right ,
but all that matters to me is that it was explicable (questions like , how did the universe come
out of nothing – it is a simulation by higher dimensional creature/mechanics (you can create
something out of nothing in a lower dimension), how does superposition work – using higher
dimensions, (stacking films on top of each other) etc..)

LSD is not a euphoric party drug, it’s a psychedelic, it provides you a trip, a balanced trip of
good and bad, that’s what makes it non addictive.

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