BRM Assignment
BRM Assignment
BRM Assignment
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People can forget what someone said or did but they very rarely forget the emotions which were raised in
them or how someone made them feel. From that point, the role of emotional marketing here appears as
means of communicating with consumers or users and developing meaningful relationships with them,
allowing for the development of satisfaction and loyalty among them. Therefore, organizations may feel a
bit worried about whether their brand and its emotional impact on customers. Current study sought to
examine the influence of emotional marketing (EM) on brand loyalty though the mediating role of customer
satisfaction. Through employing the quantitative approach; data was collected from a survey questionnaire
distributed to customers from malls, commercial complexes and retail stores in Jordan. Results of study
indicated that emotional marketing focuses on the role of emotions in upgrading the business, directly to
the customer's situation, impressions and aspirations, which translates into customer loyalty to the brand
for a long time which is attributed to their satisfaction both emotionally and rationally of the brand and the
service they get as end users.
When faced with a decision, emotions from past experiences determine values for the choices we study.
Hence, these feelings create preferences that lead us to choose one or another option (Wright et al., 2006).
How a person perceives happiness, sadness, fear and anger determines how he makes some of his or her
more complex decisions, also supported the fact that regardless of the individual's desire to think as a
rational and logical person, and even if you do not notice that feelings and emotions sit on the driver's seat
in one’s life, we find that small decisions such as: “What we should eat today, or what kind of movie they
want to watch on Netflix, what outfit wants to wear today” can all be influenced by the way a person feels
(Gilbert, 2004).
Awan (2014) saw that there is a relationship that gathers between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.
When a customer is satisfied with results of the brand they use, they are most likely to develop positive
feelings that support their loyalty to the brand. Emotional marketing can develop a good level of loyalty
towards the brand based on employing emotional marketing strategies which are based on feelings and
Based on the above-mentioned studies, current study sough to gather between variables of emotional
marketing, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction and examine how can emotionally marketing support
and impact brand loyalty through its impact on customer satisfaction. The problem was formulated based
on following hypotheses:
There is a positive influence on emotional marketing on brand loyalty that is attributed to customer
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2.1. Emotional Marketing
Branding is just an example of how to reach the consumer by generating emotional relationships, however,
the concept of emotional marketing not only involves branding through emotions, but also generating
feelings in products or making the brand visible. This is achieved through advertising, which is a point of
contact with the client (Banerjee, 2013).
Until recently, classic marketing depended on how well the product met the needs of the customer by
taking care of quality, value and ensuring a good price. However, some marketers have succeeded in
developing other brand benefits linked to the emotional state that can arise with the customer.
Emotional marketing was defined by Consoli (2010, 2009) as the ability to communicate and deliver specific
messages through various techniques that evoke feelings and emotions.
Babaei et al., (2017) saw that emotional marketing messages aim to satisfy the psychological desires of
customers, such as making them feel smart, beautiful, and elegant, or any feeling that touches self-esteem
and self-confidence, in addition to other passions that may be negative, such as fear, sadness and panic that
in turn affect the purchase decision. And repeat purchases.
Feelings also affect brand loyalty. According to Holt in a study conducted in (2006), researcher concluded
that when individuals have a positive emotional attachment to a particular brand, they are more likely to
trust the organization and its brands, more likely to buy, and more likely to forgive the organization’s
mistake. It was revealed that ads with a higher than average emotional response on the part of consumers
caused an increase in sales at a higher rate than traditional marketing methods based on sight or hearing,
and that the positive emotional bond with the organization is more important to consumers, and here the
concept of "emotional marketing" appeared. Inspiration
Marketers should focus in emotional marketing on what a customer loves more, what they are seeking to
satisfy. It is all about what a customer loves, this love may include partners, family, pets, business,
profession, traditions, hobbies, books, and personal items Pride
Pride with the past, heritage, history of ancestry, many organizations tackle that feeling in customers as an
approach to increase their loyalty. Some organizations depend on old packing, vintage colors and other
approaches which have the ability to tackle customers' feelings of their past. Fear
Marketing strategies that are based on raising fear among customers proved its efficiency in attracting more
customers and develop feelings of loyalty among them launching from tackling some feelings of fear either
on their selves or on their loved ones. Kim et al (2020) argued that while most organizations assume that it
is best to avoid fomenting fear within their customers, these negative feelings can have a strong effect in
promoting certain related products and pushing customers to stick to them, buy them and be loyal to them. Nostalgia
Old feelings and images awaken in a human being the desire and longing to do certain stuff. The most
recent emotional marketing strategy that has emerged in the digital world in recent times has been through
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focusing on the power of nostalgia when it comes to building brand bonds and creating loyalty bonds within
customer sentiments for the brand. Greed
Many brands depend on that trait in order to attract more customers, make them satisfied and increase
their loyalty to the brand. In cosmetics; the more a woman involve herself in this field the more she will feel
younger, more accepted and attractive, this makes her greedier towards using the brand which makes her
more loyal and more satisfied. On the idea of greed, Dao (2020) argued that emotional marketing focuses
on greedy emotions as it is an effective mechanism towards pushing the consumer to buy more of a certain
product based on specific package offers, loyalty points or discounts.
Loyalty of the customer is to a certain brand with all its products appear through repeating the process of
purchasing from the same brand on an ongoing basis. This type of customers aren't affected by the attempts
of attraction by other competitors, and this type of loyalty requires a great deal of work on trust between
the customer and the brand.
A customer who has brand loyalty believes that the brand's products are the best ever and is indisputable
and with time this customer becomes an ambassador for the brand.
customer satisfaction is a measure of the extent of customer satisfaction with the service or product
provided by the organization and the degree to which this product / service meets customers' requests and
desires, and this term accurately refers to those who buy a good or service.
Sondoh et al (2007) noted that if the customer is satisfied, the customer can direct his knowledge and
friends to buy the product. As for loyalty, it makes the customer actually do marketing for the company
without any bargains.
Pappu and Quester (2006) noted that when it comes to customer satisfaction there are three main
The quality of the good or service is exactly what was expected, in which case the customer will feel
comfortable and satisfied and will often decide to repeat the purchase from the organization.
The quality of the product or service is below the expected level (negative mismatch) which means
performance is beyond expectations, so the customer will be in a state of unhappiness or dissatisfaction and
disappointment and is likely to leave dealing with the organization in the future.
The quality of the good or service is higher than expected (positive mismatch), in which case the customer
will remain closely associated with this organization.
3.1. Methodological Approach
Quantitative approach was followed in order to gather and process data of study. quantitative approach was
seen to be suitable due to its ability to work with large sample numbers and the fact that researcher can
cover a large sample with less time which means more generalization and coverage.
Population of study consisted customers during the year 2018. A sample of (300) females was retrieved
from different malls, commercial complexes and retail stores. The final sample of study retrieved after the
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application process was (239) which indicated a response ration of (79.6 %) making it as statistically valid
5 likert scale questionnaire was adopted and distributed on study sample. Questionnaire was divided into
three main parts which are (emotional marketing, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction). Data was
screened and processed using AMOS and SPSS.
4.1. Demographic Results
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Emotional Marketing
Some brands use colors which ignite in 239 1 5 4.28 .840
feelings in me like blue is for royalty,
yellow is for happiness and green for
Some brands inspire emotions in me like 239 1 5 4.25 .779
need, desire, craving and longing
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Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
I use a certain brand because it makes me 239 1 5 4.25 .747
feel I am good as a parent
Having a celebrity embraced brand is very 239 1 5 4.32 .693
I am always inspired with my favorite 239 2 5 4.26 .705
I find it very nice to wear a shoes that is 239 1 5 4.09 .872
embraced by Michael Jordan
I prefer to buy brands that are embraced by 239 1 5 4.18 .855
Many brands market their products from my 239 1 5 4.16 .758
hometown which makes me feel proud
Some local brands are my favorite as they 239 1 5 4.15 .825
are there from my childhood
My brand is always the first in everything 239 1 5 3.90 .968
The looks of black lungs prevents me from 239 1 5 3.87 .922
I exercise in my gym just because the ad 239 1 5 3.88 .925
provoked me
There is no way that I drink and drive 239 1 5 4.00 .914
There is no way that I drive and text 239 1 5 3.84 .889
Some ads prevent me from taking bad 239 2 5 4.13 .761
I trust a brand which reminds me of my 239 2 5 4.08 .714
I use a brand that I had back when I was at 239 1 5 4.01 .783
Some brands brings back old days in an ad 239 1 5 4.00 .783
The logo, music and slogan are old and 239 2 5 4.03 .809
authentic in some brands
My brand always takes me to the old lovely 239 1.00 5.00 4.1883 .82127
I purchase from certain brands because they 239 1 5 3.83 .948
donate to poor people
The more a brand helps community the 239 2 5 4.09 .783
more I am willing to buy its products
I buy from a certain brand to become a VIP 239 1 5 4.13 .810
I always expect more from my favorite 239 2.00 5.00 4.0586 .81782
I always want more from my favorite brand 239 1.00 5.00 3.9498 .90144
Brad Loyalty
I always review any mistakes in the brands I 239 2 5 4.13 .733
I try to comment and pass my dissatisfaction 239 2 5 4.36 .625
for the brand
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Influence of Emotional Marketing on Brand Loyalty among Females in the Field of Cosmetics:
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
I follow all my brand's pages on social 239 1 5 4.17 .804
I support all initiatives that my brand 239 2 5 4.29 .755
I don't like to try new brands I am happy 239 1 5 4.14 .836
with my current choices
Customer Satisfaction
I like the brands that pays attention to my 239 1 5 4.05 .892
Some brands makes me want to buy all their 239 2 5 4.46 .653
I pass brand preferences to my children and 239 2.00 5.00 4.2720 .70210
I don’t like to change brands as I am happy 239 2.00 5.00 4.2845 .69407
where I am now
I like the brands that pays attention to my 239 2.00 5.00 4.1381 .75716
Valid N (listwise) 239
According to table (5), respondent had a positive influence towards statement of
questionnaire as all statements scored higher than the mean of scale (3.00) referring to
statements as positively answered. On the other hand, table (6) below showed that all
variables were positively answered and respondents had positive attitude towards the
variables as all variables scored higher than the mean of scale.
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4.3 Reliability Test
In order to test reliability of the tool; Cronbachs’ alpha test was used ad all items appeared to have the
value of (0.946) which is greater than accepted percent 0.60.
Multicollinearity between the independent variables is checked using the Collinearity statistics:
Tolerance and Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). The minimum acceptable cutoff value for tolerance is
typically (0.10). The maximum acceptable cutoff value for the VIF is (10). In other words, to indicate no
problem with multicollinearity tolerance value should not be less than (0.10) while VIF value should not
be more than (10).
Study was built on a set of hypotheses which – if accepted – would support the researcher's allegation
of the main aim. The hypotheses were:
Customer Satisfaction mediates the relationship between emotional marketing on brand loyalty.
Path analysis by using IBM SPSS Amos 21.0 program: and following results are found:
GFI ≥0.90
CFI ≥0.90
RAMSEA ≤0.08
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In testing the structural model fit, value of X2 = 5.664 wasn’t significant at 0.05, (GFI = 0.939) which was
seen to be as an excellent indicator, however, the CFI = 0.939 was an excellent value ad (RAMSEA =
0.071) was an acceptable value. This meant that the structural model was fit.
Influence of Emotional Marketing on Brand Loyalty among Females in the Field of Cosmetics: Mediating
Role of Customer Satisfaction
Table (8) shows that C.R. Values are significant at 0.05 levels that means:
Also it is found that Standardized Indirect Effect of Customer Satisfaction is significant at 0.05 levels that
mean customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between emotional marketing on brand loyalty.
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Results of study indicated an influence of emotional marketing on brand loyalty that is attributed to
customer satisfaction. Results revealed that emotional marketing has the ability to increase customer
satisfaction which in its turn can increase customers' loyalty towards the brand. From the analysis, it was
found that all emotional marketing variables appeared to have a role in changing how customers feel
satisfied towards the brand and hence increase the level of their loyalty towards it.
In addition to that, results indicated through the relationship between marketing, band loyalty and
customer satisfaction that marketing is necessary to entice consumers to buy goods from a company
rather than competing goods. The importance of brand loyalty increases market share, increases profits
and builds a good reputation for consumers. Results also indicated that companies often go through a
series of activities that improve their loyalty among customers. A market share represents the total
amount of market sales a company earns when consumers make purchases. Brand loyalty allows the
company to market and advertise its goods or services in the market.
Based on that, organizations are often unable to capture a large portion of the market share without
informing consumers. In addition, new companies may not have any customers notified or loyal to the
business and its products. Therefore, building loyalty by offering quality products, or minimizing brand
loyalty to another company, can improve market share. Profit is the main reason why a company
operates in a particular business environment. The company makes profits by selling goods and / or
services to consumers, with profits coming from either a large volume of sales or high profit margins.
In a sharp competitive market, and a great desire on the part of many brands to win customer loyalty
and satisfaction; Brands need to maintain a certain level of communication with consumers through
interactive content that is able to define their needs and expectations. The most successful brands are
the ones that succeed in dealing with the important emotional values of the target customers, as when
the emotional value is determined correctly, it leads to more customer satisfaction and greater numbers
of customers who have brand loyalty and thus reach higher profits for brands.
Based on aim of study, its analysis and results that have reached by researcher; it is recommended:
Emotional marketing is based on manipulating feelings; organizations must employ this factor in order
to develop their environmental and social responsibility.
To examine the influence of emotional marketing on brand equity and how emotions-based marketing
can be useful for the brand equity.
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