Shooting Workout by Hooper Boost

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Shooting workout by Hooper Boost

This workout will be effective if followed with the guidelines given, but (more
realistically) can also be taken as a framework for your workout.

Some people have more time to spend on shooting and others have less, so
you can tweak the number of shots on each drill accordingly (given at the
bottom of each diagram). Also feel free to add more reps for drills which you
think need more work/are more important for your game.

Please remember, although a good workout can help, you’ll only get out what
you put in. If you want to improve at shooting, you NEED to put the reps in,
and you NEED to do so consistently (not just once every week and a half).

Note for the jump shot workouts (“close mid-range”, “deep mid-range” and
“three-point shot”):

Once your shot becomes more consistent, you can mix up the drill by including
dribbles for some reps. (one dominant hand dribble into the shot, one non-
dominant hand dribble into the shot, and your go-to move(s) to get into your
jump shot)

Form shooting:

Start your workout with form


Think of form shooting as taking

free throws from short range.
You don’t jump off the floor, but
you fully extend your elbow and
flick your wrist, using your
normal shot from.

It is as an opportunity to smooth
out and improve your shooting

Take five shots from each of the marked spots.
Close mid-range:

Even though this is a shot which

most players will rarely take, it is
still important to practice since it
forms the foundation of your
jump shot.

Improving this will speed up

progress for deeper shots and
will also improve your touch for
shots like fadeaways.

Take five shots from each of the marked spots.

Deep mid-range:

Having a consistent shot from

this distance is sign of a good

As it improves, you will notice

that your three-point shot
becomes more consistent with it.

Take eight shots from each of the marked spots.
Three-point shot:

As the longest distance shot on

this workout, clearly, it’s the
most difficult here.

Because of this, I’d advise that

you only practice this shot once
your shot from “deep-mid range”
is consistent. However, this is
completely up to you.

With practice and repetition,

your three-point shot will
eventually make you a huge
problem for defenders.

Take eight shots from each of the marked spots.

Free throws:

Scoring free throws is one of the

easiest ways to get buckets for
you and your team.

I’d recommend that you practice

them when you’re tired (which is
why it’s placed at the end of the
workout). This means that at the
end of the game, when you’re
most uncomfortable, you’ll be

For more practice under fatigue,

do defensive slides/run suicides
before shooting free throws.

Take twenty free throws.

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