Shooting Workout by Hooper Boost
Shooting Workout by Hooper Boost
Shooting Workout by Hooper Boost
This workout will be effective if followed with the guidelines given, but (more
realistically) can also be taken as a framework for your workout.
Some people have more time to spend on shooting and others have less, so
you can tweak the number of shots on each drill accordingly (given at the
bottom of each diagram). Also feel free to add more reps for drills which you
think need more work/are more important for your game.
Please remember, although a good workout can help, you’ll only get out what
you put in. If you want to improve at shooting, you NEED to put the reps in,
and you NEED to do so consistently (not just once every week and a half).
Note for the jump shot workouts (“close mid-range”, “deep mid-range” and
“three-point shot”):
Once your shot becomes more consistent, you can mix up the drill by including
dribbles for some reps. (one dominant hand dribble into the shot, one non-
dominant hand dribble into the shot, and your go-to move(s) to get into your
jump shot)
Form shooting:
It is as an opportunity to smooth
out and improve your shooting
Close mid-range:
Deep mid-range:
Three-point shot:
Free throws: