SMF: Old Dog Learning New Tricks: Ibm Z Systems 2016 Fall Naspa

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IBM z Systems 2016 Fall NaSPA

SMF: Old dog learning new tricks

Steven Jones
SMF/Scheduler/Allocation team lead
[email protected]

© 2016 IBM Corporation

IBM z Systems 2016 Fall NaSPA

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IBM z Systems 2016 Fall NaSPA


1. Using SMF data from TSO REXX

2. New SMF function in z/OS V2.1, V2.2, and Post GA V2.2
3. SMF Real Time Interface
A. Overview
B. Setup and Configuration
C. Overview of new callable services

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Creating REXX exec to display SMF records

 I needed to see GRS records of ENQs/DEQs
− Type 87, Subtype 2
− Each record contains up to 30 entries for requesters
− Mapped separately with equal number of entries for actual resource
major/minor name
 IDCAMS prints unformatted data, but hard to match requesters to
resources in array format
 Wanted a 1 request per line format for ISPF FIND/EXCLUDE
function, 120 columns max.
 Wanted to see timestamp in GRS data, not SMF record time
(needed STCKE formatting)

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Creating REXX exec to display SMF records

 Found a series of 4 articles in IBM Systems Magazine that detail how to

− read SMF records from IFASMFDP output
− Extract individual fields and format as decimal, hex, EBCDIC, bit
− (Added my own “format a timestamp” routine)
− Write records to a different file
− Even included downloadable JCL and REXX code for SMF Type 19!

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Creating REXX exec to display SMF records

 Best way to start, copy existing EXEC and JCL

− My EXEC and JCL are available from the NaSPA download site
− Provided as-is, caveat emptor, YMMV, etc.

 In Process_SMF_Data routine, replace the SMF87 fields with calls

to format routines for your record fields.
− Example:
− Note: Be sure to use the OFFSET function in the EXEC. It
accounts for EXECIO removing the vlen length.
 The format (offset/length) of fields in most records is described in
the SMF book. GRS’ SMF 87 is in the Planning: Global Resource
Serialization book.

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Creating REXX exec to display SMF records

Functions included in downloaded code (and GRS87RPT)

Function: Binary_d Returns : Decimal

Function: Binary4_d Returns : Decimal--> for negative
values in 4 Byte binary fields
Function: Binary_h Returns : Decimal (same as binary_d)
Function: Binary_x Returns : Hexadecimal
Function: Binary_b Returns : Binary
Function: Packed Returns : same as binary_x
Function: EBCDIC Returns : EBCDIC
Function: Smftime Returns : hh:mm:ss
Function: Smfjdate Returns : Julian date yyyy.ddd
Function: TodDateTime Returns : 27 char Human readable

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Creating REXX exec to display SMF records

Part of my formatted data (all from 1 SMF record):

ObtShr 2 006 00 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
RelExc 2 006 00 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
ObtShr 2 006 00 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
RelShr 2 006 01 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
ObtShr 2 006 00 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
RelExc 2 006 00 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
ObtShr 2 006 00 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
RelShr 2 006 01 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
ObtShr 2 006 00 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
RelExc 2 006 00 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
ObtShr 2 006 00 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
RelShr 2 006 01 SYSZTIOT 0067007E3FB0
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IBM z Systems 2016 Fall NaSPA

SMF and z/OS V2.1

 Job Wait Time enhancement

– SMFPRMxx includes parameters for many system functions
• JWT(Job Wait Time) in SMFPRMxx allows SysProg to specify maximum amount of
time that a job or TSO/E user address space is allowed to wait continuously
• Specified as 4 digits: hhmm
• New in z/OS 2.1: Separating out other types of work
– - TWT: TSO Wait Time
» TWT(0100) – Cancel TSO user if no activity for 90 seconds
– - SWT: STC Wait Time
» SWT(1000) – Cancel Started Task if no activity for 10 hours
• Value here is to be able to set TSO and STC values different than user batch values
• As with JWT, SMF exit IEFUTL will get control to decide whether to extend the wait
time or Abend the unit of work.

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SMF and z/OS V2.1 - Authsetsmf

 Allowing SETSMF command without prompting during IPL

– SMFPRMxx includes parameters for many system functions
– PROMPT allows operator to inspect and alter any SMF parameter during SMF INIT
– Problem: WTOR will delay IPL completion, so most use NOPROMPT
– By default, NOPROMPT also says “Do not allow SETSMF command”,
potentially restricting operator actions for configuration and error recovery
• AUTHSETSMF – Allow SETSMF even when “NOPROMPT” specified

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 SMF introduced “Record to Logstream” support back in z/OS 1.9

– Much faster way for SMF to write records
– Some customers still pushing the limits, esp. when requesting DB2 records
 zEDC exploitation allows SMF records to be compressed before writing to System
Logger: Less data to store, faster writes of smaller data
 Simple exploitation for people with zEDC already set up:
– Add “COMPRESS” to LSNAME parameter
– May want to use PERMFIX parameter to ensure enough fixed storage available to write
at speed
– When dumping records from logstream, IFASMFDL automatically decompresses data
 For best performance, need to ensure data can be decompressed by z/OS V2 system
with a zEDC available
– SOFTINFLATE available, but can’t match performance of hardware compression
 Since z/OS V2.1, the following additional support has been added
– IFASEXIT support in OA49157
 Redbook available:
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SMF and z/OS V2.2 – SMF Type 30 in job data

JES2 capturing SMF TYPE 30 records with other JOB data

– Jobs run on JES2 with z/OS V2.2 now

include EVENTLOG spool data set
– Behavior can be disabled with
– Among other records, it contains JOB
subtype records of SMF TYPE 30.
– Now, SMF data for Type 30 records is
kept with other JOB data
– Can be viewed from SDSF
• Requires INPUT ON
• Use “?” line command at SDSF
STATUS display
– Printing data from SDSF
to ensure no extra chars added
• “PRINT” to a data set
– See z/OS JES Application Programming
for EVENTLOG details

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SMF and z/OS 2.2 – IEFUSI replacement

 SMF Exit IEFUSI is used by virtually all customers to set limits on storage
 IEFUSI has many inputs and outputs and must be coded in Assembler
– High cost for making updates, including for new workloads
 z/OS 2.2 includes support for a new SMFLIMxx parmlib member
– Customers define a set of rules about a jobstep’s REGION and storage LIMIT
– Each rule contains
• zero or more “filter” keywords (to match the rule to the step that is about to start)
• One or more attribute fields to override what the IEFUSI exit (if any) returns
– Each rule can override all or part of earlier rules that matched
• Result is a compendium of the matching rules’ attributes
– Operator command support to SET SMFLIM and DISPLAY the current rules in use
– JOB support (MSGIEF043I) to indicate applied limits for each job step.

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SMF and z/OS 2.2 – IEFUSI replacement

 SMFLIMxx syntax
REGION <filter keywords> <attribute keywords>
– Filter keywords (each with wildcard support):
• JOBNAME,STEPNAME,PGMNAME (including “fetchlib”),
• JOBACCT, STEPACCT – matches any number of accounting data subfields
• SYSNAME – to support using one parmlib member across multiple systems
– Attribute keywords:
• SYSRESVABOVE/SYSRESVBELOW – reserves high private storage for system
uses – corresponds to LIMIT output parameters from IEFUSI
 Designed to allow you to leave IEFUSI in place and override specific cases
 While the number of inputs is large, many customers can replace their IEFUSI with a
simple SMFLIMxx:
– Preserves storage for required system function, allows everything else to be used

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SMF and z/OS 2.2 – Tamper resistant SMF

 SMF records contain critical information about an enterprise and are

archived for long durations.
 The SMF records are generally shared among various departments for a
number of activities.
 There is no built in protection of the SMF data

 Enter SMF Digital Signatures!

 SMF will hash the records, encrypt the hash and store with the record data
to allow later verification of data via IFASMFDP
– No records altered
– No extra records added
– No records deleted.

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SMF and z/OS 2.2 – Tamper resistant SMF

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SMF and z/OS 2.2 – Tamper resistant SMF

 Now, SMF records can be validated for audits, etc.

 Read more about it:

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SMF and z/OS 2.2 (Post GA) – Real Time Interface

 SMF data has always been intended to be stored in data sets and
used for post-processing jobs
 Getting the data into a running program before it reached its final
resting place was difficult
– Some people have “grabbed” the data as it passed through the IEFU8x exits
– Some have even read directly from MANx data sets or System Logger

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Current SMF Infrastructure

Data Set Mode Logstream Mode

SMF Exits read, interrogate,
Program change, or delete records as Program

Time to Availability
SMFEWTM they are passed to SMF SMFEWTM

SMF Buffer SMF Buffer

Read SMF Data from SMF IXGWrite
Data set I/O
data sets or System


Daily Data typically available for Daily

analysis hours after
Perf DB2 SAF Perf DB2 SAF

19 © 2016 IBM Corporation

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z/OS SMF Real-time Services

• New Real-Time SMF services provided on top of existing buffer technology

• Define new “In-memory (INMEM) Resources” for specific records/sets of records
• Separate data space buffer for each resource, collecting records for that resource
• Records are buffered until buffer wraps and overwrites older records
• Can write any set of SMF records to a in-memory resource only – No disk required
• Co-exists with current SMF logstream technology
• Not supported when RECORDING(DATASET) used
• APIs allow application to access SMF data as it is buffered
• Unauthorized access policed via SAF
• Connect/Get/Disconnect model similar to traditional QSAM access
• Potential use-cases include
• Detecting security violations in real-time
• Real time monitoring resource usage
• Dynamic Job Scheduling based on current resource consumption

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IEFU8x vs New Interfaces

Function IEFU8X Exit New RealTime Interface

Ability to Edit Yes – Direct access to SMF record No – Record is copied to user’s buffer
Records is provided
Minimum Authorized load module, runs Problem State, Any Key
Authorization authorized
Caller’s mode Depends on the exit, IEFU83, P=H=S, Task mode
IEFU84 and IEFU85 each provide
access to different calling
Record None – All records provided to Only records recorded to specific in-memory
Selection the exit resource provided to caller
Security Exit is authorized and has access Caller has to pass SAF check for access to that
to all records specific in-memory resource
Access Point During SMFEWTM processing After SMFEWTM processing has completed
and returned to the caller

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Setup and Configuration

 Up to 32 in-memory resources can be defined

– Each resource can have a unique set of records collected to be read
– Up to 8 programs can connect to resource to read records
– Resource name similar to LSNAME – IFASMF.xxxx – up to 26 characters

 RESSIZMAX can be used to define the buffer size

– Note: In memory buffer treated as a wrapping buffer that is never emptied

 Accepts all expected TYPE or NOTYPE statements

– The TYPEs recorded in-memory will not be processed by DEFAULTLSNAME processing
• Allows for InMemory only records (i.e. never written to permanent storage)

/* */
/* Define in-memory resources */
/* */

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Setup and Configuration

• SAF definition – Do this before updating SMFPRMxx

• Define a SAF resource for each planned INMEM resource
• Permit userids to facility resources, e.g.
ID(zzzzzzzz) ACCESS(READ)
… and so on

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Setup and Configuration

• SMF definition
• Ensure you start with a working SMFPRMxx member with
• Examine the TYPE/NOTYPE statements in SYS statement
• Add any new TYPEs needed for In-Memory resources
• Note that INMEM TYPEs may change usage of “DEFAULTLSNAME”
• Add an INMEM statement for each resource
• Must include TYPE (or NOTYPE) and RESSIZMAX subkeywords to
be valid
• Define the record types needed for the INMEM resource
• Expect all storage in RESSIZMAX to be used (over time)
• Use SET SMF=xx to activate the new parmlib member
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Programming Interfaces

• Assembler mappings of input parameter blocks for:
• IFAMCON – ConParmBlock
• IFAMDSC - DscParmBlock
• IFAMGET - GetParmBlock
• IFAMQRY - QryParmBlock
• plus mapping of IFAMQRY output, QrPb_InMemResource
• Constants for return codes and reason codes

25 © 2016 IBM Corporation

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Programming Interfaces
• Query the names and record types of INMEM resources
to which the user has SAF access
• Call IFAMQRY with Reg1 pointing to 3 DWORD parmlist:
• 64-bit addr of input structure (See QryParmBlock in IFAZSYSP)
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte retcode
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte rsncode
• AMODE 64, task mode, unlocked
• Output: Resource names and record types returned in array of
QrPb_InMemResource entries in buffer, QrPb_ReturnedImrs tells how many
! Pseudo-code example
Set QrPb_Eyecatcher = QRPB#Catcher
Set QrPb_Length = QRPB#ParmLen
Set QrPb_Version = QRPB#CurVer
Set QrPb_BufferSize = <Your INMEM name, char 7-26>
Set QrPb_Buffer@ = <addr of your buffer for returned data>

<Use call logic similar to IFAMCON

Call IFAMQRY with parmlist pointing to QryParmBlock, retcode, rsncode
Check retcode. If successful, use QrPb_ReturnedImrs and QrPb_InMemResource

26 © 2016 IBM Corporation

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Programming Interfaces
• Connect to an INMEM resource
• Call IFAMCON with Reg1 pointing to 3 DWORD parmlist:
• 64-bt addr of input structure (See ConParmBlock in IFAZSYSP)
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte retcode
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte rsncode
• AMODE 64, task mode, unlocked
• Output: Connect token returned in ConParmBlock
• Token is unique to the address space and can only be used by the ASID that
made the connection
! Pseudo-code example
Set CnPb_Eyecatcher = CNPB#Catcher
Set CnPb_Length = CNPB#ParmLen
Set CnPb_Version = CNPB#CurVer
Set CnPb_Name = <Your INMEM name, char 7-26>
Set CnPb_NameLength = <length of INMEM name>

Define a V-CON for the IFAMCON

Set AMODE 64 if needed
Call IFAMCON with parmlist pointing to ConParmBlock, retcode, rsncode
Check retcode. If successful, save CnPb_Token

27 © 2016 IBM Corporation

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Programming Interfaces
• GET a record
• Call IFAMGET with Reg1 pointing to 3 DWORD parmlist:
• 64-bit addr of input structure (See GetParmBlock in IFAZSYSP)
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte retcode
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte rsncode
• AMODE 64, task mode or SRB mode, unlocked
• Output: SMF record in buffer pointed to by GtPb_Buffer@

Continued, next slide

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Programming Interfaces
• GET a record, continued

! Pseudo-code example
Set GtPb_Eyecatcher = GtPB#Catcher
Set GtPb_Length = GtPB#ParmLen
Set GtPb_Version = GtPB#CurVer
Set GtPb_Token = <Token saved from Connect>
Set GtPb_NonBlocking (if do not want a “blocking GET”)
Set GtPb_BufferSize = <size of buffer for next record>
Set GtPb_Buffer@ = <addr of your buffer for returned data>

<Use call logic similar to IFAMCON>

Call IFAMGET with parmlist pointing to GTPB, retcode, rsncode
Check retcode. If successful, use record in buffer. Gtpb_ReturnedLength
indicates length of data returned

29 © 2016 IBM Corporation

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Programming Interfaces
• Disconnect from an INMEM resource
• Call IFAMDSC with Reg1 pointing to 3 DWORD parmlist:
• 64-bt addr of input structure (See DscParmBlock in IFAZSYSP)
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte retcode
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte rsncode
• AMODE 64, task mode, unlocked
• Output: return/reason code only

! Pseudo-code example
Set DsPb_Eyecatcher = DSPB#Catcher
Set DsPb_Length = DSPB#ParmLen
Set DsPb_Version = DSPB#CurVer
Set DsPb_Token = <Token saved from Connect>

<Use call logic similar to IFAMCON>

Call IFAMCON with parmlist pointing to DsPB, retcode, rsncode
Check retcode. If successful, save DsPb_Token

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Hints and Tips

 Use of types with INMEM may alter what is received by DEFAULTLSNAME
 If using the “blocking GET”,
– Be prepared for return codes that indicate that your job was cancelled, that SMF was
forced, or that a SET SMF= command is removing your resource.
– Be prepared for a resource buffer wrap where they could lose some records and be re-
syncronized to the newest record in the dataspace (both in blocking and non-blocking
 Expected flow of service calls:
1. Call IFAMQRY to get INMEM names and record types defined
• Locate a resource or validate resource has correct set of records being collected for
its purpose
2. Call IFAIMCON to connect to the resource
3. Do while no failures
1. Call IFAIMGET to get a record from SMF
• Assume GET is blocked (waiting) until a record available
2. On return, process the record
3. Check for external condition to exit. If exit needed, exit loop
4. After loop, call IFAIMDSC to disconnect
5. Exit

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In-memory resources and Real Time Interface

 Available now via APAR OA49263

 PDF doc available:
 Suggestions for new function?
Brand: Servers and Systems Software
Product Family: z Systems Software
Product: z/OS
Component: BCP_SMF

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