SMF: Old Dog Learning New Tricks: Ibm Z Systems 2016 Fall Naspa
SMF: Old Dog Learning New Tricks: Ibm Z Systems 2016 Fall Naspa
SMF: Old Dog Learning New Tricks: Ibm Z Systems 2016 Fall Naspa
Steven Jones
SMF/Scheduler/Allocation team lead
[email protected]
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Performance is in Internal Throughput Rate (ITR) ratio based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput that any
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SMF Exit IEFUSI is used by virtually all customers to set limits on storage
IEFUSI has many inputs and outputs and must be coded in Assembler
– High cost for making updates, including for new workloads
z/OS 2.2 includes support for a new SMFLIMxx parmlib member
– Customers define a set of rules about a jobstep’s REGION and storage LIMIT
– Each rule contains
• zero or more “filter” keywords (to match the rule to the step that is about to start)
• One or more attribute fields to override what the IEFUSI exit (if any) returns
– Each rule can override all or part of earlier rules that matched
• Result is a compendium of the matching rules’ attributes
– Operator command support to SET SMFLIM and DISPLAY the current rules in use
– JOB support (MSGIEF043I) to indicate applied limits for each job step.
SMFLIMxx syntax
REGION <filter keywords> <attribute keywords>
– Filter keywords (each with wildcard support):
• JOBNAME,STEPNAME,PGMNAME (including “fetchlib”),
• JOBACCT, STEPACCT – matches any number of accounting data subfields
• SYSNAME – to support using one parmlib member across multiple systems
– Attribute keywords:
• SYSRESVABOVE/SYSRESVBELOW – reserves high private storage for system
uses – corresponds to LIMIT output parameters from IEFUSI
Designed to allow you to leave IEFUSI in place and override specific cases
While the number of inputs is large, many customers can replace their IEFUSI with a
simple SMFLIMxx:
– Preserves storage for required system function, allows everything else to be used
SMF will hash the records, encrypt the hash and store with the record data
to allow later verification of data via IFASMFDP
– No records altered
– No extra records added
– No records deleted.
SMF data has always been intended to be stored in data sets and
used for post-processing jobs
Getting the data into a running program before it reached its final
resting place was difficult
– Some people have “grabbed” the data as it passed through the IEFU8x exits
– Some have even read directly from MANx data sets or System Logger
Time to Availability
SMFEWTM they are passed to SMF SMFEWTM
/* */
/* Define in-memory resources */
/* */
Programming Interfaces
• Assembler mappings of input parameter blocks for:
• IFAMCON – ConParmBlock
• IFAMDSC - DscParmBlock
• IFAMGET - GetParmBlock
• IFAMQRY - QryParmBlock
• plus mapping of IFAMQRY output, QrPb_InMemResource
• Constants for return codes and reason codes
Programming Interfaces
• Query the names and record types of INMEM resources
to which the user has SAF access
• Call IFAMQRY with Reg1 pointing to 3 DWORD parmlist:
• 64-bit addr of input structure (See QryParmBlock in IFAZSYSP)
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte retcode
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte rsncode
• AMODE 64, task mode, unlocked
• Output: Resource names and record types returned in array of
QrPb_InMemResource entries in buffer, QrPb_ReturnedImrs tells how many
! Pseudo-code example
Set QrPb_Eyecatcher = QRPB#Catcher
Set QrPb_Length = QRPB#ParmLen
Set QrPb_Version = QRPB#CurVer
Set QrPb_BufferSize = <Your INMEM name, char 7-26>
Set QrPb_Buffer@ = <addr of your buffer for returned data>
Programming Interfaces
• Connect to an INMEM resource
• Call IFAMCON with Reg1 pointing to 3 DWORD parmlist:
• 64-bt addr of input structure (See ConParmBlock in IFAZSYSP)
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte retcode
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte rsncode
• AMODE 64, task mode, unlocked
• Output: Connect token returned in ConParmBlock
• Token is unique to the address space and can only be used by the ASID that
made the connection
! Pseudo-code example
Set CnPb_Eyecatcher = CNPB#Catcher
Set CnPb_Length = CNPB#ParmLen
Set CnPb_Version = CNPB#CurVer
Set CnPb_Name = <Your INMEM name, char 7-26>
Set CnPb_NameLength = <length of INMEM name>
Programming Interfaces
• GET a record
• Call IFAMGET with Reg1 pointing to 3 DWORD parmlist:
• 64-bit addr of input structure (See GetParmBlock in IFAZSYSP)
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte retcode
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte rsncode
• AMODE 64, task mode or SRB mode, unlocked
• Output: SMF record in buffer pointed to by GtPb_Buffer@
Programming Interfaces
• GET a record, continued
! Pseudo-code example
Set GtPb_Eyecatcher = GtPB#Catcher
Set GtPb_Length = GtPB#ParmLen
Set GtPb_Version = GtPB#CurVer
Set GtPb_Token = <Token saved from Connect>
Set GtPb_NonBlocking (if do not want a “blocking GET”)
Set GtPb_BufferSize = <size of buffer for next record>
Set GtPb_Buffer@ = <addr of your buffer for returned data>
Programming Interfaces
• Disconnect from an INMEM resource
• Call IFAMDSC with Reg1 pointing to 3 DWORD parmlist:
• 64-bt addr of input structure (See DscParmBlock in IFAZSYSP)
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte retcode
• 64-bit addr of 4 byte rsncode
• AMODE 64, task mode, unlocked
• Output: return/reason code only
! Pseudo-code example
Set DsPb_Eyecatcher = DSPB#Catcher
Set DsPb_Length = DSPB#ParmLen
Set DsPb_Version = DSPB#CurVer
Set DsPb_Token = <Token saved from Connect>