CRQS Report-Global - 01
CRQS Report-Global - 01
CRQS Report-Global - 01
Functional Specification
pacification Id
Module Make_QM
Development Type Enhancement / Report / Module pool
/Layout / Update / Interface
Specificati Page 1 of 75
Hindustan Unilever Limited
Functional Specification
Version Control
Version Date Author Description of change (Review done)
Approved by Name Signature Date
Functional team Abhijeet 30.04.2015
Unilever team Shankar 30.04.2015
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Functional Specification
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Functional Specification
Table of Contents
1. Functional / Business description (Mandatory for new requirements/ enhancements)___________7
2. Impact Analysis: [Mandatory for all changes]____________________________________________8
2.1 Impact on Processes including application controls:______________________________________8
2.2 Impact on Data:____________________________________________________________________8
2.3 Impact on End Users:_______________________________________________________________8
2.4 Impact on Interfaces with Other Systems:______________________________________________8
2.5 Impact on Operational Procedures:___________________________________________________8
2.6 Impact on Infrastructure:___________________________________________________________8
2.7 Impact on System / DB Admin:_______________________________________________________8
3 Reports ___________________________________________________________________________8
3.1Input/Selection screen parameters_____________________________________________________8
Extraction Program___________________________________________________________________9
Global CRQS Report_________________________________________________________________10
4 Layouts __________________________________________________________________________11
5 Extraction Program_________________________________________________________________11
Global CRQS Report_________________________________________________________________12
Extraction Program__________________________________________________________________14
Global CRQS Report_________________________________________________________________14
Sample Computation 1________________________________________________________________25
Sample Computation 2________________________________________________________________26
4.1 Printing Existing solutions__________________________________________________________26
4.2 New Layout Requirements___________________________________________________27
5 User Exit / Enhancement Details______________________________________________________27
6 Business Add-in (BADI)_____________________________________________________________27
7 Module Pools______________________________________________________________________27
7.1 Screen Flow Diagram_______________________________________________________27
7.2 List of screens_____________________________________________________________27
7.3 Screen Flow events / User Interactions_________________________________________28
7.4 Screen layout for each screen_________________________________________________28
7.5 Logic Before Output________________________________________________________28
7.6 Logic After Input__________________________________________________________28
8 Other Development Objects__________________________________________________________28
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9 Development Logic__________________________________________________________________28
Extraction Program__________________________________________________________________29
Extraction logic______________________________________________________________________30
Selection criteria for Historical update (Massive and periodic)_______________________________30
Extraction logic______________________________________________________________________32
Flowchart for the extraction logic_______________________________________________________34
Deletion of data in Z0CRQS_DATA per plant outside the retention period.____________________37
Deletion of all data for a specific plant___________________________________________________38
Delete obsolete material category from the category table___________________________________38
Test Run Functionality________________________________________________________________38
Custom Table Z0CRQS_DATA________________________________________________________38
Custom Table Z0CRQS_RET__________________________________________________________45
Custom table Z0CRQS_PLANTS_______________________________________________________46
Custom Table Z0CRQS_EXT__________________________________________________________47
Custom Table Z0CRQS_LAYOUT______________________________________________________47
Custom Table Z0CRQS_CAT__________________________________________________________48
Global CRQS Report_________________________________________________________________48
Process Flow Diagram________________________________________________________________64
Extraction Program__________________________________________________________________64
Global CRQS Report_________________________________________________________________65
Selection Criteria____________________________________________________________________66
Extraction Program__________________________________________________________________66
Global CRQS Report_________________________________________________________________66
10 Assumptions / Special Remarks______________________________________________________67
11 Custom / Y tables__________________________________________________________________67
Not Applicable_______________________________________________________________________67
12 How will the development be run_____________________________________________________67
13 Security [Mandatory]______________________________________________________________67
14 Output Format for Reports / Layouts_________________________________________________68
15 Message handling__________________________________________________________________68
16. System Overview (Specific to Non-SAP)_______________________________________________68
16.1 Current or Existing System: [Optional]______________________________________________68
16.2 Constraints or Limitations or Problems:_____________________________________________68
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16.3 Requirements:___________________________________________________________________68
16.4 Proposed System:________________________________________________________________68
16.5 Application architecture:__________________________________________________________68
16.6 Process Flow.____________________________________________________________________69
17. Functional Requirements: (Specific to Non-SAP)______________________________________69
17.1 Requirement Number and Name:___________________________________________________69
17.2 Description:_____________________________________________________________________69
17.3 Interfaces to other major functions or external entities: (Optional)_______________________69
17.4 Input Criteria:___________________________________________________________________69
17.5 Risks: 69
17.6 Key Assumptions:________________________________________________________________69
17.7 Performance Requirements:_______________________________________________________69
18 Test cases (Mandatory for all changes. State reasons if any of the testing is not applicable for
the change)69
18.1 Unit testing________________________________________________________________69
18.2 Integration testing__________________________________________________________77
18.3 Interface testing______________________________________________________________77
18.4 Volume/ Stress testing_______________________________________________________77
18.5 Security testing____________________________________________________________77
18.6 Data Conversion testing_____________________________________________________77
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Functional Specification
A new Global CRQS report needs to be created that will allow the reporting of the historical CRQS
KPIs for all sourcing units in scope with multilevel aggregation functionality. The source of information
that the report will display will be the CRQS inspection lots results that are saved in a new historical
custom table.
The Relevant statistical date is the inspection lot date start date, the condition to save data in the
historical custom table are the “completed” Inspection Lot with UD User Decision taken.
The new custom table will be populated with statistical data via a new extraction program based on the
CRQS characteristics of production related inspection lots results recording in accordance with the
Unilever definition of Red and Amber quantitative inspections characteristic sets.
The goal of the development is to be able to execute foreground CRQS reporting for large scope of
selection without the need of accessing different tables to retrieve results recording transactional data
and other required information, and to avoid having time outs.
A new historical custom table where all the information required for CRQS reporting extracted
from different QM tables will be saved, and where the Global CRQS report will retrieve all the
information used for the multilevel aggregation and reporting.
A new custom table to define the standard retention period for the CRQS data
A new custom table to define the mode extraction processing and save the last extraction date
and time per plant and inspection type.
A new custom table for the standard layout variants that the Global CRQS report will use.
A new extractor program that cover the following main functionalities:
Initial Massive z-table setup;
Periodic z-table update;
Cleaning z-table data out of the Global CRQS retention period
Delete data.
A new Global CRQS report that based on the Historical CRQS custom table calculate and report
the multilevel CRQS KPI indicators (up to nine defective KPI’s based on the first character of
the MIC Code (Master Inspection Characteristic):
number of samples
number and % of green samples (no defects)
number and % of defective samples
number and % of red defects
number and % of amber defects
A new foreground function to download reported data during CRQS reporting with the
creation of local MS excel file.
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3 Reports
3.1 Input/Selection screen parameters
Output Type (Online/Print/Spreadsheet) Save records into new custom table with
processing Log printout.
Initial Screen
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Selection Screen
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4 Layouts
4.01 Extraction Program
Execution Log
Report execution log will contain key processing results:
Selection and processing parameters, test run indicator
Number of selected inspection lots per plant / inspection type and extraction date from to
Number of z-table item created / updated / deleted.
Unexpected events / errors.
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4.03Extraction Program
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Functional Specification
Period Period
Delete All Data Delete All Data N/A N/A Radio Button
per Plant per Plant
Delete obsolete Delete obsolete N/A N/A Radio Button
material category material category
from the category from the category
table table
Test Run Test Run N/A N/A Check Box
Selection Screen
Report/Form Description Database Table Database Field Rules/Notes
Field ID Name
View Extraction View Extraction N/A N/A Button
Dates Dates
Inspection Start Inspection Start Z0CRQS_DATA PASTRTERM Range format.
Date Date
Inspection Lot Inspection Lot Z0CRQS_DATA MONTH Format is
Creation Month Creation Month MM.YYYY.
Range format.
Material Material Z0CRQS_DATA MATNR N/A
Material Category Material Category Z0CRQS_DATA PRDHA N/A
Batch Number Batch Number Z0CRQS_DATA CHARG N/A
Inspection Lot Inspection Lot Z0CRQS_DATA PRUEFLOS N/A
Number Number
Inspection Lot Inspection Lot Z0CRQS_DATA HERKUNFT N/A
Origin Origin
Inspection Lot Inspection Lot Z0CRQS_DATA ENSTEHDAT Range format.
Creation Date Creation Date
Inspection End Inspection End Z0CRQS_DATA PAENDTERM Range format.
Date Date
Inspection Plan Inspection Plan Z0CRQS_DATA PLNNR N/A
Group Group
Line Production Line Production Z0CRQS_DATA VERID N/A
Version (HPC) Version (HPC)
Line Production Line Production Z0CRQS_DATA ARBPL_FOODS N/A
Work Centre Work Centre
(Foods) (Foods)
Master Inspection Master Inspection Z0CRQS_DATA ARBPL_HPC N/A
Characteristic Characteristic
QM Work Centre QM Work Centre Z0CRQS_DATA ARBPL_QM N/A
Plant for the Plant for the Z0CRQS_DATA QPMK_WERKS Default value is
Characteristic Characteristic C000
(Default) (Default)
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* Total Europe Summary will be added on the first line of the report when running the report without
any plant parameter on the selection screen.
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Functional Specification
defective samples
for all the selected
inspection lots for
specific MIC set
within the plant
Green Samples Green Samples Z0CRQS_DATA N/A Total green samples
% % for all selected
inspection lots for
the specific MIC set
within the plant/total
inspected samples
for all selected
inspection lots for
the specific MIC set
within the plant *
Defective Defective Z0CRQS_DATA ANZFEHLER_DS Sum of all the
Samples No. Samples No. defective samples
per MIC (without
the prefix) per
operation, and per
inspection point that
are the same in the
inspection lot, for
the specific MIC set.
Defective Defective Z0CRQS_DATA N/A Total defective
Samples % Samples % samples for all
selected inspection
lots for specific
MIC set within the
plant/total inspected
samples for all
selected inspection
lots for the specific
MIC set within the
plant * 100
Red Defective Red Defective Z0CRQS_DATA ANZFEHLER_DS Defective samples
Samples Samples where MIC prefix is
Defective samples
are grouped by plant
material category,
and MIC set
Red Defective Red Defective Z0CRQS_DATA N/A Defective samples
Samples % Samples % where MIC prefix is
R / total number of
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samples * 100
Defective samples
are grouped by plant
material category,
and MIC set
Amber Amber Z0CRQS_DATA ANZFEHLER_DS Defective samples
Defective Defective where MIC prefix is
Samples Samples A
Defective samples
are grouped by plant
material category,
and MIC set
Amber Amber Z0CRQS_DATA ANZFEHLER_DS Defective samples
Defective Defective where MIC prefix is
Samples % Samples % A / total number of
samples * 100
Defective samples
are grouped by plant
material category,
and MIC set
No. of Defects No. of Defects Z0CRQS_DATA ANZFEHLER_D Total number of
defects for all
selected inspection
lots for the specific
MIC set within the
Red Defect No. Red Defect No. Z0CRQS_DATA ANZFEHLER_D Total number of
defects for all
selected inspection
lots for specific
MIC set within the
plant where the
defect class is R
Red Defect % Red Defect % Z0CRQS_DATA N/A Total red defects for
all selected
inspection lots for
the specific MIC set
within the plant/total
inspected samples
for all selected
inspection lots for
the specific MIC set
within the plant *
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inspected samples
for all selected
inspection lots for
the specific defect
code within the
plant * 100
Amber Defect Amber Defect Z0CRQS_DATA ANZFEHLER_D Sum of all defects
No. No. within the plant
for the specific
MIC set and MIC
where defect class
is Y
Amber Defect % Amber Defect % N/A N/A Total Amber
defects for all
inspection lots for
the specific MIC
set within the
inspected samples
for all selected
inspection lots for
the specific defect
code within the
plant * 100
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CRQS % Green (Category “A”) = 100 – (1.3 + 5.3) =100 – 6.6 = 93.4%
CRQS % Green (Category “B”) = 100 – (1.3 + 9.4) = 100 – 10.7 = 89.3%
Sample Computation 2
CRQS % Red:
Inspection point 1:
Inspection Samples = 10
Defective Samples recorded for the red characteristic = 2
Number of defects: 20
Inspection point 2:
Inspection Samples = 10
Defective Samples recorded for the red characteristic = 5
Number of defects: 10
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7 Module Pools
7.1 Screen Flow Diagram
9 Development Logic
For the Global CRQS reporting, the following objects have to be created/modified:
A new custom table where all the information required for CRQS reporting extracted from
different QM tables will be saved, and where the Global CRQS report will retrieve all the
information it will display. Table name will be Z0CRQS_DATA.
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A new custom table to define the standard retention period for the CRQS data and the KPIS.
Table name will be Z0CRQS_RET and it will be customizing table whose values will be
maintained via SM30 in the test system and then transported to production.
A new custom table to save the last extraction date and time per plant and inspection type. Table
name will be Z0CRQS_EXT.
A new custom table Z0CRQS_PLANT with the combination of plants and inspection types that
are included in the report. This will be customizing tables whose values will be maintained via
SM30 In the test system and then transported to production.
A new program that will extract all the needed information for the CRQS report and will save the
extracted information in the custom table. Transaction name will be Z0CRQS_EXTRACT.
A new Global CRQS report that will display the information from the new custom table.
A new custom table to save the standard layout variant for Z0CRQS_REPORT. The name of the
new custom table will be Z0CRQS_LAYOUT.
A new custom table that will store categories extracted from material master from
MARA_PRDHA ( First Five character) Pass the value to T179T_ PRODH to get the Material
Extraction Program
The program will have the following selection parameters (please refer to section 2.4 for details)
Extraction Date From
Extraction Date To
Inspection Type
Data extraction
Delete historical Z-table entries out of retention period indicator
Delete selected Plant data indicator
Delete obsolete material category from the category table
Test run
For the new CRQS extractor transaction two new authorization object will be created:
“CRQS_Extractor” to allow z-table fill and cancellation out of the retention period.
“CRQS_Deletion” to allow deletion of z-table entries
(check to triggered in case of deletion indicator marched in the selection
screen) .
The authorization for deletion will be assigned at CRQS administration level.
The extraction program Z0CRQS_EXTRACT will be used to extract all information at inspection lot
sample level and all the other required information so when the global CRQS report is executed, it will
be accessing to transactional data by the custom table Z0CRQS_DATA. And from the information
available in the custom table,
the CRQS report will be doing the bottom-up groupings and the calculations for the total and sub-totals
to meet the business requirement.
This extractor program will always check is there is a job running for the same program in order to
avoid any inconsistency. If the extractor is being run via a job at the same time, it cannot be run twice at
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the same time, so it will stop and popup a message explaining that program cannot run while there is a
job updating the same data.
Extraction logic
Massive data extraction will take place the first time the extractor is run, at that time there are no
previous executions of the extractor and then table Z0CRQS_EXT is blank, so there are no entries with
the last execution information.
In case the user wants to refresh data by running the massive data extraction in the future, the user must
previously delete entries in the table Z0CRQS_EXT using the functionality the extractor program
includes for that purpose.
“Extraction date from” and “extraction date to” in the selection screen must be blank since for the
massive extraction the program will consider only the retention period with the objective of loading all
historical data within this retention period.
The program will retrieve the retention period set in table Z0CRQS_RET for the plant (reference plant
C000 in case no entry is found for the corresponding plant). The retention period is expected to be in
number of months format.
The retention period is then used to calculate the dates used to retrieve data:
If for the plant / type combination there are no entries in table Z0CRQS_EXT (or values for last
extraction date and time are blank), then for this plant/inspection type combination is:
extraction date from = today – retention period (in order to retrieve data from some months ago)
extraction time from 00:00
extraction date to: today
extraction time to: current time
If there are entries in table Z0CRQS_EXT for a concrete plant/inspection time, then the program will
run the extraction from the last execution date and time for that plant / inspection type (like the periodic
extraction, see next section).
The periodic data extraction is run when there are entries in table Z0CRQS_EXT indicating when the
last execution date and time took place for a plant/inspection type combination. In this case the dates
used to retrieve data are calculated as follows:
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Then for each plant and inspection type, read “last extraction date” and time from table
If an entry with values exists, then
o Extraction date from is the extraction date in Z0CRQS_EXT
o Extraction time from is the extraction time in z0CRQS_EXT
If not, then we must consider the retention period
o Extraction date from will be today minus the retention period
o Extraction time from = 00:00
extraction date to:
o “extraction date to” is not populated in the selection screen is blank
extraction date to will be today and extraction time to will be current time
Ad hoc update
The ad hoc data extraction is run when the user runs the extractor with a range of dates in the selection
screen. In this case,
extraction date from
extraction date from = extraction date from in the selection screen
extraction time from = 00:00
extraction date to:
extraction date to = extraction date to in the selection screen
extraction time to will be 23:59 if extraction date to is in the past; if it is current day,
then the time will be current time
Extraction logic
The objective of this extractor program is to collect information on the inspections made in one
inspection lot during quality analyses. For inspection points with defects found, entries for the defects
codes for each MIC will be created in the Z0CRQS_DATA table. If no defects were found, there will
still be entry created per MIC per inspection point for that inspection lot keeping all fields related to a
defect blank.
The program will take into account the plants and inspection types populated in the selection screen. If
plant and inspection type are blank, then the extraction will consider all plants and inspection types in
table Z2CRQS. It will take also into account the customizing table Z0CRQS_PLANTS which
determines the plant and inspection type in scope for the extraction program:
only plants / inspection types with the Update Type = 1 (Periodic update) can be
processed by the extraction program.
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o Cancelled inspection lots will not be captured and will not be updated in the
NOTE: When the extractor program runs, additional check has to be made: if the inspection lot already
exists in the historical table, the inspection lot will be ignored and error information will be printed in
the output Processing log.
For every inspection lot, retrieve the entire MIC recorded from table QAMV.
For every MIC that will be retrieved in QAMV that is CRQS related, check the results recorded per
inspection sample
o Using node and characteristic fields in QAMV, retrieve the inspection points in table QASR
For every inspection point, retrieve the number of inspected samples and the defected
samples. Entry should be created in the custom table.
For this inspection point, check in table QMFEL if a defect was raised. We
can use node, characteristic and sample number as key fields. If a defect was
raised, update the entry with the defect details. This means if no defect was
raised, an entry in the table for this particular MIC and inspection point would
still exist.
Retrieve the sample details or characteristics results during inspection
processing from table QAMR
Retrieve the characteristics specifications for inspection processing from table
Retrieve defect code description from table QPCT with the use of the fields
catalogue type, catalogue, group and defect code in the defects table QMFEL
Retrieve the related operation number in table QMFEL and the task list group
assigned to the inspection lot from table QALS. Using this information,
retrieve the object ID from table PLPO which refers to the work centre. And
using the object ID, retrieve the work centre name from table CRHD.
For every defect where characteristics specifications for inspection processing
are retrieved from table QAMV, retrieve the assigned MIC plant.
o Retrieve the material number from table QALS and retrieve the material category assigned to
that material from MARA-PRDHA (First five characters) Pass the value to T179T_ PRODH
to get the Material Category
This information will be saved in the new field CAT (category) in table Z0CRQS_DATA.
The category/information retrieved from the material master will also be saved into the new
table Z0CRQS_CAT. If the category does not exist in the table yet, the category will be
added. Otherwise, no new entry will be added.
o Retrieve the related production order number, plant and material in table QALS. Check if
retrieve the Production Version from table AFPO, field VERID retrieve the operations from
table AFVC. If only one entry is retrieved, get the Object ID number. But if several entries
are selected, get the Object Id number of the operation with operation number 0100. Using
the object ID number, get the equivalent work centre ID from table CRHD for the line and
production work centre.
o Retrieve the related inspection lot and using this information, retrieve the inspection
execution date and time from table QPRS.
o Retrieve the inspection type of the related inspection lot from table QALS.
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o Retrieve the related inspection lot, and using this information, retrieve the user decision code
valuation, user decision code, UD code date, and UD code time from table QAVE.
For every record that will be entered in the table, the program will add details on system name,
creation date and time of the record which is the execution date and time
Calculate Field creation mode = “M” for first Upload or = “P” for periodic upload.
Update the Inspection Lot start Date and calculate the statistical date with the Inspection Lot start
Date in format YYYY.GG
After updating table Z0CRQS_DATA, the extraction program should also update the custom table
Z0CRQS_EXT with the last extraction date, and last processing date and time for each plant and
inspection type processed.
After execution, the program will have an execution log to display the total number of inspection
lots per plant and per inspection type that are selected, the total number of records created, and/or
other errors that the program might have encountered during the processing. It will also display the
extraction date range used for selecting inspection lots, plant and inspection type if specified in the
selection parameters, and the processing parameter used.
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Massive update
The massive update selects inspection lots which have been closed within the retention period.
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Retention Today
The last extraction date and time in table Z0CRQS_EXT is blank because either this is the first
extraction for the plant/inspection type or the records for the plant/combination have been deleted using
the functionality described in (Deletion of all data for a specific plant)
Periodic update
The periodic update select those inspection lots closed since the last extraction. The extractor will be
scheduled periodically in order to carry out this delta update.
Extraction date from = last extraction date in Z0CRQS_EXT Extraction date to = today
Extraction time from = last extraction time in Z0CRQS_EXT Extraction time to= current time
Ad hoc update
The users select the range dates for the inspection lots.
In all the scenarios, if the extractor selects an inspection lot which was already in the table
Z0CRQS_DATA, then the inspection lot is not updated in this table, and the extractor displays a
message in the final log indicating this issue.
Once the extractor has calculated the selection dates, it proceeds with the extraction.
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For this function, only the plant field will be used in the selection parameters. The rest of the fields such
as extraction date from and to, and inspection type will be ignored. Plant field is a mandatory field.
For the deletion of data in Z0CRQS_DATA outside the retention period, the program will use the
following logic if Test Run check box is not checked:
Retrieve the retention period set in table Z0CRQS_RET for plant . The retention period is expected
to be in number of month’s format.
Delete all records in table Z0CRQS_DATA where the plant is equal to the plant specified with the
following logic:
o The statistical relevant date is the Inspection lot Inspection Lot start Date date.
o The retention period is in months, out retention deletion must be processed in month.
o Assuming that we plan the execution the 1st of each month the formula will be:
- Lower date= System date – month of retention period.
- Delete table entry with Inspection Lot start Date less the Lower date (you can
also use the existing statistical date date filed in format YYYY.GG
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After execution, the program will have an execution log to display the total number of inspection
lots per inspection type that were selected for deletion in the table, the total number of records
deleted, and/or other errors that the program might have encountered during the processing. It will
also display the plant entered in the selection parameter and the processing parameter used.
For this function, only the plant field will be used in the selection parameters. The rest of the fields such
as the extraction date from and to, and inspection type will be ignored. Plant field is a mandatory field.
For the manual deletion of data, the program will use the following logic if the Test Run check box is
not checked:
Delete all records in table Z0CRQS_DATA and Z0CRQS_EXT where plant/inspection type is
equal to the plant entered in the selection parameters.
After execution, the program will have an execution log to display the total number of inspection
lots per inspection type that were selected for deletion in the table, the total number of records
deleted, and/or other errors that the program might have encountered during the processing. It
will also display the plant entered in the selection parameter and the processing parameter used.
For this function, the program will check all categories that are available in Z0CRQS_DATA table and
match them with the categories that are currently in Z0CRQS_CAT table. If a category in
Z0CRQS_CAT does not exist in the categories from Z0CRQS_DATA, it will be deleted from
Z0CRQS_CAT table. In this way, only the valid categories will be stored in Z0CRQS_CAT table and
these are the only categories that will be available for filter in Z0CRQS_REPORT transaction.
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This table will be populated automatically and will have the following fields.
Field Name Description Source Table Source Field Rules/Notes
SYST System N/A N/A Set by extraction
Name program. System
where the extraction
program ran.
SYSDATE Creation N/A N/A Set by extraction
Date program. Date the
record is created in
the table.
SYSTIME Creation N/A N/A Set by extraction
Time program. Time the
record is created in
the table.
Inspection Lot Inspection QALS QALS-PASTRTERM
start Date Lot start
STAT_MONTH Statistical N/A N/A Set by extraction
Month program. YYYY.MM
of QALS-
Lot Number
PROBENR Inspection X QMFEL/ PROBENR If there are defect in
Sample QASR table QMFEL:
where QMFEL-
and QMFEL-
and QMFEL-
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abd QAMV-
If No Defects found
where QASR-
abd QAMV-
Lot Origin
ART Inspection QALS ART N/A
Start Date
End date
Lot Creation
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and V_QAPO-
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Functional Specification
ANZFEHLER_D % of N/A N/A Number of
P Defects defects/Sample Size *
ANZFEHLER_1N KPI 1 Red N/A N/A Number of defects 1:
Defect No. for the defect code
(FECOD) in the
inspection lot /
inspection sample
where 1st character of
MIC code is equal
KPI1_MICP (e.g.
ANZFEHLER_1P KPI 1 N/A N/A Defects percentage 1:
Defect % (ANZFEHLER_1N
/Sample Size * 100)
ANZFEHLER_3N KPI 3 N/A N/A Number of defects 3:
Defect No for the defect code
(FECOD) in the
inspection lot /
inspection sample
where 1st character of
MIC code is equal
ANZFEHLER_3P KPI 3 N/a N/A Defects percentage 3:
Defect % (ANZFEHLER_31N
/Sample Size * 100
ANZFEHLER_4N KPI 4 N/A N/A Number of defects 4:
Defect No for the defect code
(FECOD) in the
inspection lot /
inspection sample
where 1st character of
MIC code is equal
ANZFEHLER_4P KPI 4 N/A N/A Defects percentage 4:
Defect % (ANZFEHLER_4N
/Sample Size * 100
ANZFEHLER_5N KPI 5 N/A N/A Number of defects 5:
Defect No for the defect code
(FECOD) in the
inspection lot /
inspection sample
where 1st character of
MIC code is equal
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Functional Specification
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Functional Specification
The table will contain the standard retention configurations that will be applicable to all plants in scope
of the CRQS process. And this table will have the following fields:
Field Key
Field Name Rules/Notes
Global CRQS
CRQS_RET Default value is 36 months
Period in
X Default value is C000. We
Default MIC introduce the opitions of
Plant having different values per
DEF_DIR Download
DEF_FNAME Download
KPI Name 0 KPI definition of no defect
(CHAR 10) (e.g. Green)
MIC Prefix 1
KPI1_MICP First character of MIC
(CHAR 1)
KPI Name 1
KPI1_NAME KPI definition (e.g. Red)
(CHAR 10)
MIC Prefix 3
KPI3-MICP First character of MIC
(CHAR 1)
KPI Name 3
KPI3_NAME KPI definition
(CHAR 10)
MIC Prefix 4
KPI4-MICP First character of MIC
(CHAR 1)
KPI Name 4
KPI4_NAME KPI definition
(CHAR 10)
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Functional Specification
MIC Prefix 5
KPI5-MICP First character of MIC
(CHAR 1)
KPI Name 5
KPI5_NAME KPI definition
(CHAR 10)
MIC Prefix 6
KPI6-MICP First character of MIC
(CHAR 1)
KPI Name 6
KPI6_NAME KPI definition
(CHAR 10)
MIC Prefix 7
KPI7-MICP First character of MIC
(CHAR 1)
KPI Name 7
KPI7_NAME KPI definition
(CHAR 10)
MIC Prefix 8
KPI8-MICP First character of MIC
(CHAR 1)
KPI Name 8
KPI8_NAME KPI definition
(CHAR 10)
MIC Prefix 9
KPI9-MICP First character of MIC
(CHAR 1)
KPI Name 9
KPI9_NAME KPI definition
(CHAR 10)
This custom table will be pre-populated and will be maintainable via transaction SM30.
This table will be a customizing table, which means that the values in this table will be maitaintain via
transaction SM30 and transported from development system to test systema and finally to production.
The table will contain the last extraction date, lasts extraction time, last processing date, and last
processing time per plant and inspection type combination.
Field Name Rules/Notes
WERKS Plant Table key
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Functional Specification
ART Table key
Last “Extraction UD date TO”
EXTRCT_DATE Extraction of the selection
Date parameters.
Last “Extraction time to” value
EXTRCT_TIME Extraction when the extractor was
Time run for the last time.
PROC_DATE Processing System date
PROC_TIME Processing System time
This custom table will be pre-populated via a new transaction code with the same name and linked to
SM30. This will define the standard layout variant that will be used in Z0CRQS_REPORT.
New entries in the layout table will be added for the new columns for the following:
Level 1 - country, material category, KPIs for defective samples
Level 2 – material category, KPIs for defective samples
Level 3 – material category
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Functional Specification
This table will be maintained via Z0CRQS_EXTRACT program. During extraction of data, entries may
be added in this table automatically. For deletion of entries in this table that are no longer needed, they
can also be deleted via Z0CRQS_EXTRACT program by choosing option Delete obsolete material
category from the category table.
Its main purpose is to display the information saved in the custom table Z0CRQS_DATA with
functionality to create bottom-up groupings and further calculations to output a report based on the
information available in the custom table to meet the business requirement.
It will also have an additional functionality to view the inspection lot via QA13 and the material via
MM03 within the report.
The report will have a selection screen and an output screen that branches down to 3 more sub screens.
The selection screen will also have a button to display the last extraction dates saved in custom table
Z0CRQS_EXT. This list will contain the plant, inspection type, update mode, and last extraction date.
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Functional Specification
There will also be processing parameters in the selection screen to control how we want to display the
Display Selection Parameters – The first output screen will display all the parameters entered in
the selection screen. However, selected category other than ALL in the selection screen will be
displayed in level 1, level 2 and level 3 of the report. If ALL is selected, this category will not be
displayed in the screens. See Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 below for a sample screenshots where the
Category will be displayed.
Display Without Inspection Lot Details – 4th screen where the information at defect code and
inspection lot level will no longer be displayed after the 3rd screen
Layout – layout variant can be selected but is defaulted to “Released” layout. This will control
how we want the information is displayed in the output screen and what will be the format of the
downloaded information. Values that will be displayed in this field will come from custom table
Z0CRQS_LAYOUT. When users create user specific layout variants using the standard function
of the ALV within the report, it will not be displayed in this field. New layout variants for the
Global CRQS report have to be defined in table Z0CRQS_LAYOUT via SM30 transaction.
Download Local File Path – Path can be entered so when the information is downloaded, the
report knows where to save it. Default value will be taken from table Z0CRQS_RET.
Download Local Excel Filename – Default filename that will be used when information from the
report is downloaded. Default value will be taken from table Z0CRQS_RET.
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Figure 3. Level 2.
Figure 4. Level 3.
Based from the selection parameters entered, the report will be outputting general information (level 1) –
plant totals, for all the selected inspection lots with defects and the initial screen will contain the
following information:
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Functional Specification
Plant Number
Plant Description
Material Category
Total Samples No.
Green Samples No.
Green Samples %
Defective Samples No.
Defective Samples %
Red Defective Samples
Red Defective Samples %
Amber Defective Samples
Amber Defective Samples %
No. of Defects
<KPI name 1> Defect No.
<KPI name 1> Defect %
<KPI name 2> Defect No.
<KPI name 2> Defect %
<KPI name 3> Defect No.
<KPI name 3> Defect %
<KPI name 4> Defect No.
<KPI name 4> Defect %
<KPI name 5> Defect No.
<KPI name 5> Defect %
<KPI name 6> Defect No.
<KPI name 6> Defect %
<KPI name 7> Defect No.
<KPI name 7> Defect %
<KPI name 8> Defect No.
<KPI name 8> Defect %
<KPI name 9> Defect No.
<KPI name 9> Defect %
There will be a button again to display the last extraction dates saved in custom table Z0CRQS_EXT.
This list will contain the plant, inspection type, update mode, and last extraction date.
Depending on the processing parameters selected, parameters entered in the initial screen may be
displayed in the Header.
Below is the relationship between inspection lot, inspection point, operation, MIC, defective samples,
and defects
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Functional Specification
In the Z0CRQS_DATA table, an entry will be created per defect code per MIC per operation, per
inspection point and per inspection lot.
To display/compute correctly for the inspection samples and defective samples in the report, the
program will sort the records in the table by plant, material category, inspection lot, inspection point,
operation, MIC set, MIC, and defect code.
For the computation of inspected samples at plant and material category, group the sorted records by
plant and material category. Per group, only the first record that is unique for the field combination plant
and material category, inspection lot, inspection point, operation, and MIC set will be selected. If the
mentioned criteria will change in the next record, (e.g. the MIC set is different), the inspection samples
for this entry will be added to the total number of inspected samples for the plant and material category.
For the computation of defective samples at plant and material category, group the sorted records by
plant and material category. Per group, only the first record is unique for the field combination plant,
material category, inspection lot, inspection point, operation, and MIC set, and MIC will be selected. If
the mentioned criteria change will change in the next record, (e.g. the MIC is different), the defective
samples for this entry will be added to the total number of defective samples for the plant and material
To compute for the defective samples percentage per plant and material category, the formula is
“defective samples per plant and material category” divided by “total inspected samples per plant and
material category” multiplied by 100.
Additional columns will be added to the report, which are red, and amber defective samples and
their percentages. These are also the current KPIs maintained in table Z0CRQS_RET but the
custom table can allow a total of 9 KPIs (excluding the green KPI). The program only currently
calculates for the defects of these KPIs, not the defective samples. So the report will be extended
to be able to calculate the defective samples for 9 KPIs.
The report will have to retrieve all KPI prefixes in table Z0CRQS_RET.
For example:
KPI1, prefix “R”
KPI3, prefix “A”
The report then has to check if the MIC of the defective sample of the selected record from table
ZCRQS_DATA has a prefix equal to one of the KPI prefixes retrieved form table
Z0CRQS_RET. If yes, the number of defective samples should be added to the total defective
samples of this KPI.
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Functional Specification
For example:
If the MIC of the defective sample has a prefix of equal to KPI1 prefix (“R”), the defective
sample will be added to the total defective samples of this KPI1 (“R”).
If the MIC of the defective sample has a prefix of equal to KPI3 prefix (“A”), the defective
sample will be added to the total defective samples of this KPI1 (“A”).
For the calculation of percentages of the defective samples per KPI, the formula will be “number
of defective samples per KPI” divided by “total number of samples” multiplied by 100.
To compute for the green samples per plant and material category, the formula is “total inspected
samples per plant and material category” minus “total defective samples per plant and material
To compute for the green samples percentage per plant and material category, the formula is “green
samples per plant and material category” divided by “total inspected samples per plant and material
category” multiplied by 100.
Example number 1:
2nd Operation
MIC 1: Inspection samples are 10. Defective samples are 4. Defects found
are 10 (5 defects for defect code D1, and 5 defects for defect code D2).
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2nd Operation
MIC 1: Inspection samples are 10. Defective samples are 3. Defects found
are 5 (3 defects for defect code D1, and 2 defects for defect code D2).
In the end, the table will have the following entries:
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Functional Specification
For computation of inspected and defective samples, the program will only retrieve the
Inspection Inspection Operation MIC Inspection Defective Defect No. Of
Lot Point Samples Samples Code Defects
Lot 1 Sample 1 Operation MIC 10 5 D1 10
1 1
Lot 1 Sample 1 Operation MIC 10 4 D1 5
2 1
Lot 1 Sample 2 Operation MIC 10 4 D1 5
1 1
Lot 1 Sample 2 Operation MIC 10 3 D1 3
2 1
Example number 2:
Plan Materi Inspection Inspectio Operati MIC MIC Ins Defectiv FECO
t al lot n on SET pec e D
Cat. point ted Samples
A15 1234 100001234 1 10 TUBLID R-TUBLID 10 5 R01
0 5
A15 1234 100001234 1 10 TUBLID R-TUBLID 10 5 R02
0 5
A15 1234 100001234 1 10 TUBLID R-TUBLID 10 5 R03
0 5
A15 1234 100001234 1 10 TUBLID Y-TUBLID 10 5 Y01
0 5
A15 1234 100001234 1 10 TUBLID Y-TUBLID 10 5 Y02
0 5
A15 1234 100001234 1 20 TUBLID R-TUBLID 10
0 5
A15 1234 100001234 1 20 TUBLID Y-TUBLID 10
0 5
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Operation 20
R-TUBLID Inspection samples: 10 Defective samples:0
Y-TUBLID Inspection samples: 10 Defective samples:0
Inspection point 2
Operation 10
R-TUBLID Inspection samples: 10 Defective Samples: 1
Defect codes: R01
Y-Tublid Inspection samples: 10 Defective samples: 0
Operation 20
R-TUBLID Inspection samples: 10 Defective samples:3
Defect code: R01
Y-TUBLID Inspection samples: 10 Defective samples:2
Defect code: Y01
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Functional Specification
For the computation of the total number of defects per plant and material category, group the data
selected from table Z0CRQS_DATA by plant and material category. Get the total of the defects
recorded for every record in the group. Defects are recorded in field ANZFEHLER_D.
To compute for the total number of defects per KPI per plant and material category, group the data
selected from table Z0CRQS_DATA by plant and material category. Get the total of all defects recorded
per KPI for every record in the group. Defects per KPI are recorded in fields ANZFEHLER_1N (KPI1),
To compute for the percentages of defects per KPI per plant and material category, the formula will be
“total defects per KPI per plant and material category” divided by “total number of inspected samples
per plant and material category” multiplied by 100.
If the report is executed with a specified plant in the selection parameters, totals for all material
categories will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
If the report is executed without specifying plant in the selection parameters, totals for all plants and
material categories (totals for Europe) will be displayed at the top of the screen.
For entries in Z0CRQS_DATA that don’t have value for material category, they should be considered as
one group and will be displayed in the report in a separate row. The logic for the computation should be
the same as with the entries that have value for material category.
When an item in the screen is clicked in level 1 of the report, a new screen will appear for the break
down per plant, MIC set and material category, and the screen will have the following details:
Plant Number
Material Category
MIC Set Description
Total Samples No
Green Samples No.
Green Samples %
Defective Samples No
Defective Samples %
Red Defective Samples
Red Defective Samples %
Amber Defective Samples
Amber Defective Samples %
No. of Defects
<KPI name 1> Defect No.
<KPI name 1> Defect %
<KPI name 2> Defect No.
<KPI name 2> Defect %
<KPI name 3> Defect No.
<KPI name 3> Defect %
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Functional Specification
To compute correctly for the inspection samples and defective samples for the level 2 of the report, the
program will select all records in table Z0CRQS_DATA for the plant selected in level 1, sort the records
in the table by plant, material category, inspection lot, inspection point, operation, MIC set, MIC, and
defect code.
For the computation of inspected samples at plant, material category and MIC set level, group the sorted
records by plant and material category. Per group, only the first record that is unique for the field
combination plant, material category, inspection lot, inspection point, operation, and MIC set will be
selected. The plant, material category, and MIC set combination should have an entry in the level 2 of
the report. If the mentioned criteria will change in the next record, (e.g. the MIC set is different), the
inspection samples for this entry will be added to the total number of inspected samples for the specific
plant, material category, and MIC set combination.
For the computation of defective samples at plant, material category and MIC set level, group the sorted
records by plant and material category. Per group, only the first record that is unique for the field
combination plant, material category, inspection lot, inspection point, operation, and MIC set, and MIC
will be selected. If the mentioned criteria will change in the next record, (e.g. the MIC is different), the
defective samples for this entry will be added to the total number of defective samples for the specific
plant, material category, and MIC set combination.
To compute for the defective samples percentage per plant, material category and MIC set level, the
formula is “defective samples per plant, material category and MIC set” divided by “total inspected
samples per plant, material category, and MIC set” multiplied by 100.
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Functional Specification
Additional columns will be added to the report in level 2, which are red and amber defective
samples and their percentages for the plant, material category, and MIC set combination. These
are also the current KPIs maintained in table Z0CRQS_RET but the custom table can allow a
total of 9 KPIs (excluding the green KPI). The program only currently calculates for the defects
of these KPIs, not the defective samples. So the report will be extended to be able to calculate the
defective samples for 9 KPIs.
The report will have to retrieve all KPI prefixes in table Z0CRQS_RET.
For example: KPI1, prefix “R”
KPI3, prefix “A”
The report then has to check if the MIC of the defective sample of the selected record from table
Z0CRQS_DATA has a prefix equal to one of the KPI prefixes retrieved from table
Z0CRQS_RET. If yes, the number of defective samples should be added to the total defective
samples of this KPI.
For example:
If the MIC of the defective sample has a prefix of equal to KPI1 prefix (“R”), the defective
sample will be added to the total defective samples of this KPI1 (“R”).
If the MIC of the defective sample has a prefix of equal to KPI3 prefix (“A”), the defective
sample will be added to the total defective samples of this KPI1 (“A”).
For the calculation of percentages of the defective samples per KPI, the formula will be “number
of defective samples per KPI” divided by “total number of samples” multiplied by 100.
To compute for the green samples per plant, material category, and MIC set, the formula is “total
inspected samples per plant, material category, and MIC set” minus “total defective samples per plant,
material category, and MIC set”.
To compute for the green samples percentage per plant, material category and MIC set, the formula is
“green samples per plant, material category, and MIC set” divided by “total inspected samples per plant,
material category and MIC set” multiplied by 100.
For the computation of the total number of defects per plant, material category, and MIC set, group the
data selected from table Z0CRQS_DATA by plant, material category, and MIC set. Get the total of the
defects recorded for every record in the group. Defects are recorded in field ANZFEHLER_D.
To compute for the total number of defects per KPI per plant, material category and MIC set, group the
data selected from table Z0CRQS_DATA by plant, material category, and MIC set. Get the total of all
defects recorded per KPI for every record in the group. Defects per KPI are recorded in fields
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Functional Specification
To compute for the percentages of defects per KPI per plant, material category, and MIC set, the
formula will be “total defects per KPI per plant, material category, and MIC set” divided by “total
number of inspected samples per plant, material category, and MIC set” multiplied by 100.
Totals at the bottom will be added for the inspected samples, green samples, green samples percentage
(green samples divided by inspected samples multiplied by 100), defective samples, defective samples
percentage (defective samples divided by inspected samples multiplied by 100), red defective samples,
red defective samples percentage (red defective samples divided by inspected samples multiplied by
100), amber defective samples, amber defective samples percentage (amber defective samples divided
by inspected samples multiplied by 100), number of defects, red defects number, red defects number
percentage (red defects number divided by inspected samples multiplied by 100), red defects number,
red defects number percentage (red defects number divided by inspected samples multiplied by 100),
amber defects number, amber defects number percentage (red defects number divided by inspected
samples multiplied by 100). For the defective samples, defects and their percentages, the report should
be able to calculate per KPI (all 9 KPIs).
For entries in Z0CRQS_DATA that don’t have value for material category, they should be considered as
one group and will be displayed in the report in a separate row. The logic for the computation should be
the same as with the entries that have value for material category.
When an item in the screen is clicked, a new screen will appear for the break down per defect, and the
screen will have the following details:
Plant Number
Material Category
Master Inspection Characteristic
Defect Code
Defect Description
<KPI name 1> Defect No.
<KPI name 1> Defect %
<KPI name 2> Defect No.
<KPI name 2> Defect %
<KPI name 3> Defect No.
<KPI name 3> Defect %
<KPI name 4> Defect No.
<KPI name 4> Defect %
<KPI name 5> Defect No.
<KPI name 5> Defect %
<KPI name 6> Defect No.
<KPI name 6> Defect %
<KPI name 7> Defect No.
<KPI name 7> Defect %
<KPI name 8> Defect No.
<KPI name 8> Defect %
<KPI name 9> Defect No.
<KPI name 9> Defect %
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Functional Specification
To compute correctly for the defects for level 3 of the report, the program will select all records in table
Z0CRQS_DATA for the plant and MIC set selected in level 2, sort the records in the table by plant,
material category, MIC set, and defect code.
To compute for the total number of defects per KPI per plant, material category, MIC set, MIC, and
defect code, group the data selected from table Z0CRQS_DATA by plant, material category, MIC set,
and defect code. Get the total of all defects recorded per KPI for every record in the group. Defects per
KPI are recorded in fields ANZFEHLER_1N (KPI1), ANZFEHLER_3N (KPI3), ANZFEHLER_4N
To compute for the percentages of defects per KPI per plant, material category, MIC set, and defect
code, the formula will be “total defects per KPI per plant, material category, MIC set, and defect code”
divided by “total number of inspected samples per plant, material category, and MIC set, and defect
code” multiplied by 100.
Totals at the bottom will be added for the KPIs for the number of defects.
For entries in Z0CRQS_DATA that don’t have value for material category, they should be considered as
one group and will be displayed in the report in a separate row. The logic for the computation should be
the same as with the entries that have value for material category.
When an item in the screen is clicked, a new screen will appear for the break down per inspection point,
and the screen will have the following details. This screen will not be displayed is Display without
Inspection Lot details is selected in the processing parameters of the initial screen.
Plant Number
Master Inspection Characteristic
Defect Class
Defect Code
Inspection Lot Number
Inspection Sample
Inspection Lot Origin
Inspection Start Date
Inspection Lot Creation Date
Inspection End Date
Inspection Plan Group
QM Work Centre
Production Order
Line Production Version (Foods)
Line Production Work Centre (HPC)
Material Number
Material Category
Batch Number
Inspection Execution Date
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For all the screens, when back button is clicked, it should return to the previous screen.
Extraction Program
Transaction Code
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Execution Log
– Selection
Dates List
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Functional Specification
Selection Criteria
Extraction Program
Selection Screen:
Extraction Date From
Extraction Date To
Inspection Type
Processing Parameters
Periodic Update (Radio Buttons)
Delete Data per Plant Outside the Retention Period (Radio Buttons)
Delete All Data per Plant (Radio Buttons)
Delete Obsolete Material Category from the Category Table
Test Run (Check Box)
Selection Screen
Inspection Start Date
Inspection Lot Creation Month
Material Category
Batch Number
Inspection Lot Number
Inspection Lot Origin
Inspection Lot Creation Date
Inspection End Date
Inspection Plan Group
Line Production Version (HPC)
Line Production Work Centre (FOODS)
Master Inspection Characteristic
QM Work Centre
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Functional Specification
Processing Parameters
Display Selection Parameters
Display Without Inspection Lot Details
Download Local File Path
Download Local Excel Filename
10 Assumptions / Special Remarks
The data retrieved by the report will be affected if status of materials is used in the selection.
The user has an option to select/exclude or not the status of the materials in the selection.
No changes will be performed in the master data for the status of the materials.
11 Custom / Y tables
Delivery Class NA
Table maintenance required NA
Not Applicable
12 How will the development be run
Online / background / run frequency etc.
13 Security [Mandatory]
The t-code for the reporting program will be added to the existing authorization role of the existing
reporting transaction (t-code Z2QM_CRQS)
For the new CRQS extractor transaction two new authorization object will be created:
“CRQS_Extractor” to allow z-table fill and cancellation out of the retention period.
“CRQS_Deletion” to allow deletion of z-table entries
(Check to triggered in case of deletion indicator marched in the selection
screen) .
The authorization for deletion will be assigned at CRQS administration level (user level).
ALV grid format with standard Layout option no central layout change / save are possible.
Internal ALV descriptor tables will be populated via predefined Z0CRQS_LAYOUT.
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Functional Specification
Standard ALV header field description for standard object, to be created Long, it ir required to fill Mid
Short field description for all Z fields.
Via ALV standard descriptor table linked with the Z0CRQS_LAYOUT with layout name and specific
naming convention.
Specific field naming convention is required to avoid any hard codes at field name level.
15 Message handling
Scenario Message text Type of message Corrective Action if any
(Error, Warning,
16.3 Requirements:
-Not Applicable-
16.4 Proposed System:
-Not Applicable-
16.5 Application architecture:
-Not Applicable-
16.6 Process Flow.
-Not Applicable-
-Not Applicable-
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Functional Specification
18 Test cases (Mandatory for all changes. State reasons if any of the testing is not applicable for
the change)
18.1 Unit testing
S. No Trans. Code / Input Data / Expected Results
Program Special
name* Information
1 Execute SM30 Maintain Table Views: Initial Screen is displayed
Enter Table
Z0CRQS_RET Table name is entered
Click Maintain Change view mode is activated
required entries Entries are maintained
Save Entries are saved
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Fill in values
for fields
Extraction Date
From and To,
Plant, and
Inspection Type Parameters are entered
Click Save Variant Attributes screen is displayed
Enter variant
name and
meaning Details are entered
Click Save Variant is created
RACT CRQS Extraction Program screen is displayed
Click Get
Variant button Find Variant screen is displayed
Specify the
variant details Variant details are entered
Fields are automatically filled up.
Click Execute Category is extracted from the material master.
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Functional Specification
the retention
Execution log is displayed with all details for the
extraction date, plant, inspection type, number of
inspection lots per plant and inspection type selected, total
number of records that were created, and/or errors that
were encountered during the processing. Table
Z0CRQS_DATA should be updated. Tables
Z0CRQS_EXT should also be updated.
Click Execute Category is extracted from the material master.
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Hindustan Unilever Limited
Functional Specification
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Hindustan Unilever Limited
Functional Specification
-Not Applicable-
18.3 Interface testing
-Not Applicable-
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