Astm D 2880
Astm D 2880
Astm D 2880
cowripm O &TM, 100 Ban Harbor Drive. Wesl Comhdwdcen, PA 194282959, United States.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
(Automatic Tit Method)4 agreed upon between the interested paaies.
D 5985 Test Method for Pour Point of Petroleum products 5.3 The properties listed in this specifìcation are those of
(Rotational Method)4 p a t e s t signiscance in obtaining acceptable @o- of
D 6469 Guide for Microbial Contamination in Fuels and the turbine.However, trace metals, evenin fractional parts per
Fuel Systems’ million, are detrimental to gas turbine service life. Information
2.2 Other Documents: on themaximum concentration of critical metallic elements in
26CFR Part 48 Diesel Fuel Excise Tax; Dye Color and the fuel as it enters the turbine combustor(s) is provided in
concentration6 Appendix X2. Distillate fuels are usually of satisfactorypurity
40 CFR Part 80 Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives6 as refined,butsuppliersrarelyhavecontroloverpossible
contamination by trace metals in distribution and storage. The
3. Terminology limits in AppendixX2, although required as the fuel enters the
3.1 Defiitions of Tenns Specific to This Standard: combustor(s), do notapply to thefuel as deliveredunless
3.1.1 fuel contaminants-fuelcomponentsotherthanhy- mutuallyagreedupon bytheinterestedparties.Fuelsmay,
drocarbonoils. In the present context the contaminants are therefore, require on-site clean-up, quality control procedures,
foreignmaterialsthatmakethefuellesssuitable or even special handling, or other arrangements.
unsuitable for the intended use. primary interest 6. Test Methods
are foreign materials introduced subsequent to the manufacture 6.1 The requirements enumerated in this specification shall
of specification quality fuel. Hence they are materials intro- be determined in accordance with the following ASTM meth-
duced in the distribution system (that is, storage tanks, pipe- ods except as noted:
lines, tank trucks, barges, etc.) or in the user’s storage and 6.1.1 Flash Point-Test Methods D 93, except where other
handlingsystem,orgeneratedwithinthesesystems(rust methods are prescribed by law. For all grades, Test Method
generated in steel pipes andtanks by moist fuel, andso forth). D 3828 may be used as an alternate with the samelimits. For
Contaminants may be soluble or insoluble in the fuel. Grades No. 1-GT and No. 2-GT, Test Method D 56’ may be
3.1.2 fuel entering the combustor(s)-the fuel that is actu- used as an alternative with the Same limits provided the flash
ally burned in the gas turbine. Fuel maybe sampled at a point point is below 93°C and the viscosity is below 5.5 mm2/s at
upstreamfromthepoint of entryintothecombustor(s), 40OC. This test method will give slightly lower values.In case
providedthesample is representative ofthefuelactually ofdispute,TestMethod D 93 shall be used as thereferee
entering the combustor(s). method.
4. General Requirements 6.1.2 Pour Point-Test Method D 97. For all grades, the
automatic Test Methods D 5949, D 5950, or D 5985 can be
4.1 The fuels herein specified shall be homogeneous mix- used as alternates with the same limits.In case of dispute, Test
tures of hydrocarbon oils free of inorganic acid, and free of Method D 97 shall be used as the referee method.
excessive amounts of solid or fibrous foreign matter likelyto 6.1.3 Water and Sediment-Test Method D 2709 is used for
make frequent cleaning of suitable strainers necessary. Grades O-GT, 1-GT, and 2-GT. Test MethodD 17% is used for
4.2 All grades containing residual components shall remain Grades 3-GT and 4-GT.
homogeneous in normal storage and not separated by gravity 6.1.4 Carbon Residue-Test Method D 524.
into light and heavy oil components outside the viscosity limits 6.1.5 Ash-Test Method D 482.
for the grade. 6.1.6 Distillation-Test Method D 86.
5. Detailed Requirements 6.1.7 %cosi@-Test Method D 445.
6.1.8 Density-Test Method D 1298 or D 4052.
5.1 The various grades of gas turbine fuel oil shall conform 6.1.9 Sulfur-Test Method D 129, Test Methods D 1552;
to the limiting requirements shown in Table 1. As noted in the D 2622,and D 4294canalso be usedforallgrades. In
supplementary footnotesto Table 1, the requirements for Grade addition, Test Method D 1266 can be used for Grades No. O
Nos. 1-GT and 2-GT conform in most respectsto comspond- and No. 1, but only with samples having sulfur contents of 0.4
ing Grade Nos. 1 and 2 fuels in Specification D 396, and to mass percent and less (downto 0.01 %). Test MethodD 129 is
Grade Nos. 1-D and 2-Din Specification D 975. The viscosity the referee sulfur test method forD 2880.
range of Grade Nos. 3-GT and 4-GT fuel brackets the Grade
Nos. 4,5, and 6 of Specification D 3% and Grade No. 4-D of 7. Keywords
Specification D 975. It is the intent that fuels meeting Speci-
fication D 396 and D 975 requirements may also be supplied 7.1petroleumandpetroleumproducts:fueloils;gas tu”
under these specifications provided they meet the requirements bine; specification
listed in Table 1.
5.2 Modifications of limiting requirements and the inclusion
of fuel additives to meet special operating conditions maybe
’other mutually acceptable methods may be used.
For information on the precision of the ASTM methods of test for fuel oils refer
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.04. to “An Evaluation of Methods for Determination of Sulfur in Fuel oils” by A. R.
6Available from Superintendent of Documents,U. S. Government printing Crawfd and G. V. Dyroff (1969). l’lisdocumentis availabJe from rhe Publicvions
oflice, washington, Dc 20402. Section, American Petroleum Institute, 1220 L SL, N.W., Washington. DC 20005.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
D 2880
TABLE 1 Detailed Rquirsments for Gas Turbine Fuel Oils at Tim and Place of Custody Transfer to U d 6
Rope* ASTM
Melhodc No. O-GT No. l G T E No.2GTE
No. S T No. S T
point D93 F
38 (100) 38 (100) 55 (130) SS (150)
“c (‘F) min
Water and sediment D 2709 0.05 0.05 0.05 ... ...
%vdrnax D 1796 ... ... ... 1.o 1.O
Temperature D86
“c (‘F)
90 % VolUme recovered
min ... ... 282 ... ...
mBy ... 288 338 ... ...
2m s Q D445
AT 40%(104’F)min 1.3 1.9 5.5 5.5
max 2.4 4.1 ... ...
AT 100°C (212°F) may ... ... 50.0 50.0
Chlm residue D 524 0.15 0.15 0.35 ... ...
10 % distillation
%mass,max 0.01 D482 0.01 0.01 0.03 ...
Density at D 1298
15% kg/m3
max ... 850 876 ... ...
D 97 ... -18 -8 ... ...
)r0 meet special operating conditions, modiRcabions of individual limiting requirements may be agreed uponbetween pui&ser, seller, and manufacturer.
%asturbines with waste heat recovery equipment may require fuel sulfur l i to prevent cold end conosion.Enviromnental limits may also epply to fuel sulfur in
selected areas in the United States and in othercountdes.
%e test methods indicated are the approved referee methods. Other acceptable methods are indicated in 6.1.
%o. M T indudes naphtha, JetB fuel and other Voladile hydrocarbonliquids. No. 1GT comsponds i? general to speciftcatian D 396Grade No. 1 fueland D 975 Grade
1-D diesel fuel inphysical properlSes.No.2 G T CwresPQnds in general to Specification D 396 No. 2 fuel and D 975 Grade 2-D d i fuel in physkal prqmrlies. No. 3-GT
and No.4-GTviscosity tange brackets spedficatianD 396 GradesNo. 4, No. 5 (light), No. 5 (heavy), and No.6, and D 975 Grade No. 4-D diesel fuel in physical properties.
qn d r United States regulations, Grades No. 1GT and No.2-GT are requiredby 40 CFR Part 80 to rontaln a sufficientamount of dye Went Red 164 so Its presence
%hen the flash point is below 38% (1ooOF) or when kinematic vistdly is below 1.3 mm% at 4 0%(104°F) or when both conditions exist, the turbine manufacturer
%r cold weather ~ l i a nthe , pour point should be spedfied 6% below the ambient temperature at which the turbine is to be operaw except where fuel heating
facililses are provided. When a pour point less than 18% is specified for Grade No. 2GT, the minimum viscosity shall be 1.7 mm */S and the minimum 90 % recovered
temperature shall be waived.
(Nonmandatory Information)
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
and low viscosity as compared with kerosine andfuel oils. vaporized in the absence of air. It is a rough approximation of
X1.2.2 Grade 1-GT is a light distillate fuel oil suitable for the tendencyof a fuel to form carbon deposits in the combustor
use in nearly all gas turbines. of the gas turbine. Combustion systems designed for use on
X1.2.3 Grade 2-GT, which is a heavier distillatethan Grade Grades 3-GT and 4-GT are insensitive to this property, but
1-GT, can be used by gasturbinesnotrequiringtheclean other gas turbines may require alimit on the carbon residue.To
burning characteristicsof Grade 1-GT. Fuel heating equipment obtainmeasurablevalues of carbonresidue in thelighter
may be required by the gas turbine depending on the fuel distillate fueloils, it is necessary to remove90 9% of the oil by
system design or ambient temperature conditions,or both. distillation in accordance with Method D 86, and then deter-
X1.2.4 Grade 3-GT may be a heavier distillate than Grade mine the carbon residue concentrated in the remaining 10 %
2-GT, a residual fueloil that meets the low ash requirements, bottoms.
or a blend ofdistillate with a residual fuel oil. Fuel heating X1.4.1.5 Ashis the noncombustible materialin an oil. Ash-
be required by the gas turbine in almost every installation. forming materials may be present in fueloil in two forms: ( I )
X1.2.5 Grade 4-GT includesmostresidualsandsome solidparticlesand ( 2) oil- or water-solublemetalliccom-
toppedcrudes.Becauseofthewidevariationandlack of pounds.Thesolidparticles are for the most part the same
control of properties, the gas turbine manufacturer should be materialthat is designated as sediment in the waterand
consulted with regard to acceptable limitson properties. sedimenttest.Dependingontheirsize,theseparticles can
N m X1.l-Fuels prepared to different specifications and sold under contribute to wear in fuel the system and to plugging of the fuel
differentnames may meet the requirements of fuelsspeciíìed under filter and the fuel nozzle. The soluble metallic compounds have
Specification D 2880. However, specification tests would normally have little or no effect on wear or plugging, but they can contain
to be to ensure compliance with therequhements of Specification elements that produce turbine corrosion and deposits as de-
D 2880 as other fuels are not necessarily inteEhangeable with D 2880
fuels throughout the range permitted by the other specifications. scribed subsequently.
X1.4.1.6 Distilhtion- The distillation test shows the vola-
X13 Selection of Particular Grade tility of a fuel and the ease with which it can be vaporized.
oil from
X1.3.1 The selectionof a particular gas turbine fuel Distillation temperature is not directly significantto operation
one of these five ASTM gradesfor use in a given gas turbine of gas turbines designed for Grades 3-GT and 4-GT. In other
requires considerationof the following factors: gas turbines thatare most susceptible to carbon deposition and
X1.3.1.1 Availability of the fuel, smoke formation, the more volatile fuels may provide better
X1.3.1.2 Design of the gas turbine and fuel handling sys- performance.
tem, X1.4.1.7 Viscosityof a fluidis a measure ofits resistance to
X1.3.1.3 Maintenance of the gas turbine, and flow. In fuel oil it is highly significant since
it indicates both the
X1.3.1.4 Operating requirements for the gas turbine. relative ease with which the oil will flow or may be pumped,
X1.4 Significance of Test Methods and the ease of atomization by the fuel nozzles. Minimum
viscosity is limited because some fuel pumps will not perform
X1.4.1Thesignificanceoftheproperties of fueloilon satisfactorily if the viscosity reaches too low a value. Maxi-
which limitationsare placed by the specifications is as follows: mum viscosity is limited since too high a viscosity can cause
X1.4.1.1 Flashpoint is anindicationofthemaximum excessive pressure lossesin the piping system, and poor fuel
temperatureatwhicha fuel oil canbe storedandhandled atomization.
without serious fire hazard. The minimum permissible flash
point is usually regulated by federal, state, or municipal laws X1.4.1.8 Densityalone is of little significance as an indica-
and is based on accepted practicein handling and use. tion of the burning characteristicsof fuel oil. However, when
X1.4.1.2 Pour point is an indication of the lowest tempera- used in conjunction with other properties, it is of value in
ture at which a fuel oil can be stored and still be capable of weight-volumerelationshipsand in calculatingthespecific
flowing under gravitational forces. The pour is point
prescribed energy heating value of an oil.
in accordance with the conditions of storage and use. Fuels X1.4.1.9 Sulfur normally burning to sulfur dioxide, also can
with higher pour point are permissible where heated storage be oxidized partially to sulfur trioxide which then can combine
and adequate piping facilitiesare provided. with sodium and potassium compounds h m the ash in the fuel
X1.4.1.3Water and Sediments-Appreciableamountsof to form sulfates, pyrosulfates, and such compounds as sodium
water and sediment in a fuel oil tend to cause fouling of the or potassium iron trisulfate. The pymsulfates, and the trisul-
fuel-handling facilitiesand to give troublein the fuel system of fates have melting points in the operating range of the gas
the gas turbine.An accumulation of sediment in storagetanks turbine. Hence, the compounds produce severe corrosion of the
and on filter screens may obstruct the flow of oil from the tank turbine blading. In general, it has been found impractical to
to the combustor of the gas turbine. Water in distillate fuels prevent corrosionby limiting the sulfur contentof the fuel, 50
maycause corrosion of tanks and equipment, and water in corrosion of this type is controlled by limiting the sodium and
residual fuel may cause emulsions. potassium. Gas turbines with waste heat recovery equipment
X1.4.1.4 Carbon residue is a measure of the carbonaceous may requireadditionalsulfurcontrol to preventcold-end
materialleft in a fuel after all the volatile components are corrosion.
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
D 2880
COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services
compounds produce severe corrosion, and fortudiines operat- higher melting points and thus reduce the corrosion rate to an
ing at gas inlet temperatures above 650°C additives are not yet acceptable level. The resulting ash will form deposits in the
in general use which control such corrosion. Accordingly, the turbine and will require appropriate cleaningprocedures.
sodium-plus-potassium level must be limited, but each elementX2.3.8.1 Whenvanadium is present in more than trace
is measured separately. Some gas turbine installations incor- amounts eitherin excess of 0.5 mgkg or a level recommended
poratesystems for washingoilwithwater to reducethe by theturbine manufactum, it is necessaryto maintain a
sodium-plus-potassium level.In installations where thefuel is weight ratio of magnesiumto vanadium in the fuelof not less
movedby sea transport, thesodium-plus-potassiumlevel than 3.0 in order to control corrosion.
should be checked prior to use to ensure that the oil has not X2.3.8.2 An upperlimit of3.5 is suggestedsincelarger
become contaminated withsea salt. Forgas turbines operating ratios will lead to unnecessarily high of rates
ash deposition.In
at turbine inlet gas temperatures below 650°C (120O0F), the most cases, the required magnesium-to-vanadium ratio will be
corrosion due to sodium compounds is of minor importance obtained by additions of magnesiumcontaining compounds to
andcan be furtherreducedbysilicon-baseadditives. A the fuel oil. The special requirements covering the addition of
high-sodium content is even beneficial in these turbines be- andtype of magnesium-containingadditive, or equivalent,
cause it increasesthewater-solubilityofthedepositsand shall be specified by mutual agreement between the various
therebyincreasestheeasewithwhichgasturbinescan be interested parties. The additive will vary dependingonthe
water-washed to obtain recovery of the operating performance. application, but it is always essential that there is a fine and
X2.3.7 Calciumis not harmful from a corrosion standpoint; uniform dispersion of the additive in the fuel at the point of
in fact, it serves to inhibit the corrosive action of vanadium. combustion.
However, calcium can lead to hardbonded deposits that are not X2.3.8.3 For gas turbinesoperating at turbineinletgas
self-spalling when the gas turbine is shut down, and that are not temperatures below 650°C the corrosion of thehigh-
readily removed by water washing of the turbine. The fuel temperature alloys is of minor importance, and the use of a
washingsystemsusedatsomegasturbineinstallationsto silicon-base additive will further reduce the corrosion rate by
reduce the sodium and potassium level will also significantly absorption and dilution of the vanadium compounds.
lower the calcium contentof fuel oil. X2.3.9 Leadcan cause corrosion and in addition it can spoil
X2.3.8 Vanadiumcan form low melting compounds suchas thebeneficialinhibitingeffect of magnesiumadditiveson
vanadium pentoxide that melts at 691"C, and causes severe vanadium corrosion. Since lead is only rarely found in signifi-
corrosive attack on all of the high temperature alloys used for cant quantities in crude oils, its appearance in the fuel oil is
gas turbine blades. If there is sufficient magnesium in the fuel, primarilytheresultofcontaminationduringprocessing or
it will combine with the vanadium to form compounds with transportation.
The American so cis^ for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any
asserted h connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. of the validity of any such
Userr of this standardare expressly advised that detemination
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This standam' is copyrighted by ASTM, 1O0 Barr Ha&r Drive, PO Box C7O0, West Conshohocken, PA 194282959, United States.
individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be OMSined by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
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COPYRIGHT American Society for Testing and Materials
Licensed by Information Handling Services