Specification For Fittings For Rigid Non-Metallic F Second Revision) Conduits
Specification For Fittings For Rigid Non-Metallic F Second Revision) Conduits
Specification For Fittings For Rigid Non-Metallic F Second Revision) Conduits
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
( Reaffirmed 2001 )
IS : 3419- 1988
(Reaffirmed 2013)
Indian Standard .,r ,.. (Reaffirmed 2017)
(Reaffirmed 2009)
(Reaffirmed 2008)
(Reaffirmed 2007)
(Reaffirmed 2006)
(Reaffirmed 2005)
’ ‘I
I , 1
‘-1 Q Copyn’gh! 1989
IS : 3419.- 1988
hdian Standard
.( Second Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Second Revision ) dimensions have been changed to suit the con-
was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards duits having dimensions in accordance with
on 26 July 1988, after the draft finalized by IS : 9537 ( Part,3 )-1983*.
the Electrical Wiring Accessories Sectional
0.6 Care should be exercised in the choice and
Committee had been approved by the Electro-
use of fittings for rigid non-metallic conduits with
technical Division Council.
cables having aluminium conductor ( see also
0.2 This standard covers the general requirements IS : 732-1963t ).
and methods of test of the fittings for rigid non-
0.7 While preparing this revision, assistance has
metallic conduits.
been derived from BS 4607 ( Part 1 ) : 1984
0.3 The non-metallic conduit fittings covered in ‘Rigid PVC conduits and conduit fittings. Metric
this standard are intended to be suitable for use units’, issued by the British Standards Institu-
with rigid non-metallic conduits covered by tion.
IS : 9537 ( Part 3 ) - 1983*, using plain joints
0.8 For the purpose of deciding whether a parti-
( with or without cement ).
cular requirement of this standard is complied
0.4 This standard was published in 1965 and was with, the final value, observed or calculated,
first revised in 1976. The present revision has expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded
been undertaken to take into account the experi- off in accordance with IS : 2-1960$. The number
ence gained since then and to bring it in line of significant places retained in the rounded off
with the latest international publications on the value should be the same as that of the specified
subject. value in this standard.
0.5 This revision has also been prepared to bring *Specification for conduits for electrical instal!ations:
this in line with IS : 9537 ( Part 3 )-1983*. The Part 3 Rigid plain conduits of insulating materials.
TCode of practice for electrical wiring installations
*Specification for conduits for electrical installations: ( system voltage not exceeding 650 volts ) ( revised ).
Part 3 Rigid plain conduits of insulating materials. $Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised ).
1. SCOPE c) Elbows,
d) Tees,
I.1 This standard specifies the requirements and
methods of test for rigid conduit fittings manu- e) Inspection sleeves, and
factured from insulating materials for use with f) Boxes.
circular, rigid, non-flame propagating and non-
threadable plain conduits of insulating materials. 2. TERMINOLOGY
1.1.1 This standard covers conduit fittings 2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the follow-
suitable for temperature between -5°C and ing definitions, in adition to those specified in
t60”C. IS : 9537 ( Part 1 )-1980” shall apply.
NOTE - Non-metallic conduit fitting complying
with this standard will be suitable for use at tempera- 2.1 Components - A part of a conduit fitting
tures below -5°C subject to a reduction in mechanical which may be common to several conduit fittings.
2.2 Fittings - Accessories used in conjunction
1.1.2 Only plain type fittings are covered in
with conduits for the purposes of uniting, changing
this standard.
direction, drawing-in and obtaining access to the
11.2 The fittings covered by this standard are: insulated electrical conductors.
a) Couplers,
*Specification for conduits for electrical installations:
b) Bends, Part 1 General requirements.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS:3419 - 1988
2.3 Type Tests - Tests carried out to prove 5.1.4 The inside edges of all openings through
conformity with the requirements of this stan- which cables are intended to pass, shall be
dard. These are intended to prove the general smoothly rounded in order to prevent damage to
qualities and design of a given type of fitting. the cable.
2.4 Routine Tests - Tests carried out on each NOTE - Conformity to the dimension specified in
this standard ensures compliance with this require-
fitting to check the essential requirements which ment,
are likely to vary during production.
5.1.5 The conduit entries of fittings and com-
2.5 Acceptance Tests - Tests carried out on ponents shall be so designed that a reliable joint
samples taken from a lot for the purpose of accep- can be made between the appropriate conduit
tance of the lot. and the fitting or component.
5.2 Inspection Windows
3.1 The fittings shall be so designed and cons-
tructed that they ensure reliable mechanical 5.2.1 Elbows - The area of the opening in the
protection to the conductors and/or cables therein case of inspection elbow shall not be less than
and fit properly with the conduits with which two-and-a-half times the internal cross-sectional
these are used. area of the corresponding conduit. The cover
shall be of the same material as the accessory
These shall withstand the stresses likely to occw and shall have a minimum thickness of l-5 mm.
during transport, storage, recommended installa- It shall be attached to the elbow by means of at
tion and usage. least two M4 ( see IS : 4218* ) fixing screws. The
In general, compliance is checked by carrying ends of the screws shall not protrude into the
cable way and at least 4 threads of engagements
out all the tests specified.
in the hole shall be provided.
NOTE - The cover of the inspection window shall
4.1 Tests specified in this specification are type overlap the opening by at least 5 mm.
tests. Type tests on fittings made of insulating 5.2.2 Tees- The area of the opening for inspec-
materials shall not be commenced before 10 days tion tees shall not be less than three times the
after manufacture. internal cross-sectional area of the corresponding
4.2 Unless otherwise specified, the tests are carri- cover. Details shall be the same as for Inspection
ed out at an ambient temperature of 27 f 5°C. elbows ( see 5.2.1 ),
4.3 Unless otherwise specified, each test is made NOTE - The cover of the inspection window shall
overlap the opening.
on three new samples.
4.4 Unless otherwise specified, fittings are deemed 5.3 Covers
not to comply with this specification if more than 5.3.1 The cover of the circular box may be
one sample fails in any one of the tests. If one made of the same material boxes and shall have
sample fails in a test, that test and those preced- a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm. They shall be
ing, which may have influenced the result of that fixed to the box by means of M4 ( see IS : 4218* )
test, are repeated on another set of samples of the fixing screws.
number specified, all of which shall then comply
with the repeated tests. 5.3.2 The covers shall be of the following two
a) Diameter equal to the external diameter of
5.1 General the box, and
5.1.1 The fittings shall be homogeneous and b) Diameter not less than 12.5 mm larger
non-porous and shall be so designed and construc- than the external diameter of the box.
ted as to have adequate mechanical strength and
be able to withstand such rough usage as may be 5.3.3 Holes for fixing screws for covers or
expected during and after installation. accessories as specified shall be provided in pillars
formed in the side of the fittings with or without
5.1.2 The inside and outside surfaces of the metal inserts to provide a minimum threaded
fittings shall be smooth, clean and uniform, and length of 10 mm. The hole shall extend for the
free from projections, grooving and other defects. whole inside depth of the fitting but openings in
the back will not be permitted.
5.1.3 The interior of the fittings shall be free
from obstructions which might cause abrasion of 5.3.4 The means of attaching components or
the cables or which might interfere with the covers to conduit fittings shall not cause damage
ready introduction or withdrawal of cables of the to cable insulation.
maximum size and number permitted to be
enclosed by the conduit. *ISO metric screw threads.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 3419 - 1988
6.1 Nominal Size - The nominal size of the 7.1 Each fitting shall be marked clearly and inde-
outlets of the fittings shall correspond to the libly with the following information:
nominal outside diameter of the conduits covered a) Manufacturer’s name or trade-mark,
by IS : 9537 ( Part 3 )-1983*.
b) Type reference including the diameter,
6.2 Fittings - The fittings shall comply with and
the appropriate tables as specified below: c) Country of manufacture.
a>Slip type couplers Table 1 7.1.1 The conduit fittings may also be marked
Socketed type couplers Table 2 with the Standard Mark.
NOTE - The use of the Standard Mark is governed
4 Clamp type couplers Table 3 by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
d) Normal type bends Table 4 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
The Standard Mark on products covered by an Indian
e) Slip type coupling bends Table 5 Standard conveys the assurance that they have been
produced to comply with the requirements of that
f 1 Normal type elbows Table 6
standard under a well defined system of inspection,
g> Normal type tees Table 7 testing and quality control which is devised and super-
vised by BIS and operated by the producer. Standard
h) Socketed type tees Table 8 marked products are also continuously checked by BIS
Spout type circular boxes Table 9 for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard.
3 Details of conditions under which a licence for the use
of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers
*Specification for conduits for electrical installations: or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of
Part 3 Rigid plain conduits of insulating materials. Indian Standards. ,
7 MAX-l I-- 51
& dr 1 s
63 c Under consideration
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 3419 - 1988
16 16+’ 13’1 55 45
20 2o+O 16’9 65 50
25 25+’ il.3 90 70
IS:3419 - 1988
25 25+’
-0.3 21’3 25’1 ‘l 90 160 35
) +0,3
32 32+’ 27’9 32.1 j 125 215 45
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
32 32.1 : -O 45 32 I 1.5
40 40.1 1 45 40 1.5
) +0*4
50 50’1 J --O 55 50 1’7
63 + Under consideration +
20 20’1 J -’ 35 20 1’2
25 25.1 1 . 35 25 1-e
50 50’1 J $4 55 50 1’7
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS:3419 - 1988
I ’ I
_---_ k _-__
--_ :I
__--- __--
a I
20 125 35 1.2
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Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS :,3419 - 1988
( Cbntinued)
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
.. .
SIDE DIAMETER Min Min Min &---A---~ &in
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 3419 - 1988
10.2 Cut a sample of suitable size from the 12.1 Fittings shall be resistant to moisture
fitting. Place it in a horizontal position on a steel absorption. C6mpliance is checked by the test
support as shown in Fig. 1, the support and the specified in 12.2.
sample being placed in a heating cabinet, the 12.2 Sample shall be dried by heating at a tem-
temperature within which is maintained at perature of 60 f 2°C for 24 hours and then
60 + 2°C. cooled to the ambient temperature of the test
After 2 hours, a steel ball of 5 mm dia shall be room and the dry weight is taken. The sample
pressed against the upper surface of the sample shall then be immersed for 24 hours in water at a
by a force of 20 N. temperature of 27 f 2°C. After taking it out of
water and wiping off the excess moisture, the
After 1 hour, the ball shall be removed and the sample is left to dry for one hour at the ambient
sample taken out of the heating cabient. After 2 temperature of the test room and is then weighed
hours, at room temperature, the diameter of the again.
impression shall be measured which shall not
exceed 2 mm. 12.3 The increase in weight corresponding to the
moisture absorbed shall not exceed 1.0 percent.
13.1 Test for Resistance to Chemical
Action - Two samples are required for this test.
The fittings shall not be affected by salt or mode-
rate contamination of the atmosphere with acid
or alkali.
b) Alkah Solution - 80 g of sodium hydroxi-
11.1 Fittings and components shall be self extin- de dissolved in water and diluted to 1
guishing. Compliance shall be checked by the test litre of water.
specified in 11.2.
The specimens shall remain in respective solutions
11.2 The test shall be made in still air with a for a period ofone week.
Bunsen burner, having a nozzle with an internal
13.3 During the period of immersion, there shall
diameter of 9 mm.
be no visible sign of deterioration of the speci-
While the burner is in the vertical position, the mens. Slight changes in colour of the specimens
flame is adjusted so that the overall length is shall, however, be allowed.
100 mm. The intensity of the flame shall meet
the following requirements: 14. COPPER TEST
A bare copper wire, 0.71 mm in diameter and 14.1 A 25-mm wide strip of annealed copper shall
at least 10 cm long, is held horizontally so be wound on each sample centrally to form a
that it passes through the middle of the frame, close helix of three complete turns. The sample
5 cm above the top of the burner, its free end shall then be maintained at 120 f 2°C for 7
being vertically above the edge of the burner. hours. At the completion of this period, the
The wire should melt within 6 seconds. copper strip shall be carefully removed. There
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to Avinash K. Mishra - New
Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
1s : 3419 - 1988
shall be no visible evidence of formation of copper remaining entry closed. This sample is placed in
salts on the sample. a container completely filled with similar sphenoi-
da1 metal objects.
NOTE -Where three turn? are not possible, the
number of turns shall be maximum possible turns.
The conductivity of the metal objects inside the
15. RESISTANCE TO OIL sample is checked by measuring the resistance
between the two cables which have penetrated
15.1 The external diameters of the sample
the sample. This resistance shall be not more
( external dimensions in case of boxes ) shall be
than 10 fJ.
measured. The sample shall then be immersed in
insulation oil conforming to IS : 335-1983* for
An electrode is immersed in the metal objects
a period of 48 hours, the temperature of the oil
external to the sample. A voltage of 2 500 V of
being maintained at 60 f 1°C throughout this
period. substantially sine-wave form and having a frequ-
ency of 50 Hz is applied for 15 minutes between
15.2 At the completion of this period, the sample the electrode and the cables.
shall be carefully withdrawn from the oil and
aliowed to remain at a temperature of 27 f 2°C No breakdown shall occur during the test.
for a period not less than 15 minutes.
17.3 Insulation Resistance -- The insulation
15.3 The external diameter of the sample ( the resistance of each sample is measured at a tem-
external dimensions in case of boxes ) shall be perature of 60 f 2°C by applying a dc voltage of
measured and shall not differ by more than 5 0 approximately 500 V between the electrode and
percent from the value of the first measurement the cables. The insulation resistance is measured
( see 15.1 ). 1 min after the application of the voltage.
15.4 A strip, 12.5 mm wide, shall then be cut
The insulation resistance shall not be less than
from the sample and on visual examination,
100 MQ.
neither the strip nor the sample shall show any
sign of penetration of oil. Upon visual examina-
tion, the strip shall show no sign of cracking or 18. TESTS
18.0 Classification of Tests - The tests are
16. RESISTANCE TO IMPACT classified as type tests, acceptance tests and routine
16.1 Fittings and components shall be strong
enough to withstand an impact during normal 18.1 Type Tests - The tests given below shall
use. .
constitute type tests and shall be carried out on
Compliance is checked by the test method prescri- fittings of a given type and size ( preferably
bed in Appendix A. selected at random from regular production ).
The sequence of type test shall be in accordance
16.2 After the test, the samples shall show no with Appendix B.
damage or cracks visible to the naked eye.
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Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS t 3419 - 1988
18.2 Acceptance Tests - The following tests 18.2.1 A recommended.sampling procedure for
shall constitute acceptance tests: acceptance tests is given in Appendix C.
( Clause 16.1 )
A-l. D@5CRIPTION OF THE APPARATUS apparatus is such that a force between 1.0 and
A-l.1 A typical impact apparatus is shown in 2.0 N has to be applied to -the face of the
hammer to maintain the pendulum in a horizon-
Fig. 2.
tal position.
A-l.2 The striking element has a hemispherical
face of radius 10 mm made of hardwood, polya-
mide or similar material weighing 0.15 kg. It is A-l.3 The fitting under test is held against a
rigidly fixed to the lower end of a steel tube with solid wall of bricks concrete of the like and the
an external diameter of 9 mm and thickness test apparatus is so arranged that the pivot of the
0.5 mm which is pivoted at its upper end in such pendulum is vertically above the point of impact
a way that it swings only in vertical plane of the of the hammer. The hammer is then allowed to
axis of the striking element*. The design of the fall from a height so that the impact energy of
*The axis of pivot is 1 m above the axis of the striking
each blow is 1 Nm. Three such blows are
element. applied.
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Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 3419 -1988
( Clause18.1 )
( Clause18.2.1 )
up to 100 5 5 0 2 2
101 to 300 8 8 0 2
301 to 500 13 13 0 3
501 to 1000 20 20 1 4
1 001 to 3 000 32 32 2 5
3 OOlandabove 50 50 3 7
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Delhi(avinashmishra.bgp222@gmail.com) [for non-commercial use only].
IS : 3419 - 1988
C-3.1 The lot shall be considered as conforming C-3.2 If the number of failures is between a and
to the requirements of acceptance tests if the rl, a second sample of same size ( ns ) fittings
number of failures in the first sample is less than shall be selected and subjected to the acceptance
or equal to the acceptance number a, given in co1 tests. If the number of failures in the two samples
4 of Table 10. If the number of failures is greater combined is less than the second rejection number
than or equal to the first rejection number rl as rat as given in co1 6 of Table 10, the lot shall be
given in co1 5 of Table 10, the lot shall be consi- considered as conforming to the requirements of
dered as not conforming to the requirements of the acceptance tests, otherwise not.