AISC Engineering Journal Q1 2010
AISC Engineering Journal Q1 2010
AISC Engineering Journal Q1 2010
American Institute of Steel Construction
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Critical Evaluation of Equivalent Moment Factor
Procedures for Laterally Unsupported Beams
This paper compares the numerous approaches to determining equivalent moment factors used in evaluating the elastic critical moment of later-
ally unsupported beams for a wide variety of moment distributions. The investigation revealed that the procedure used currently in the Canadian
design standard produces unacceptable results for the majority of the common bending moment distributions considered. Large abrupt changes
in Cb values with only slight changes in the shape of the moment diagram were observed in 6 out of the 12 moment distribution comparisons,
which contributes to the overall poor performance of the procedure.
The study also revealed drawbacks inherent in other methods. Overall, the quarter-point moment equations developed for general moment
distributions capture the trends of the numerical data reasonably well. However, for example, the evaluations show that the 2005 AISC equation
produces non-conservative results in some situations, while the British equation, although generally conservative, produces comparatively less
accurate results. Other equations examined capture the trends of the numerical data more consistently by implementing a square root format
in the quarter-point moment method. However, they produce results that exceed the numerical data in several cases, implying that they are too
aggressive for design purposes.
To capture the best features of the various methods investigated, yet improve the overall suitability for general design purposes, a modified
quarter-point moment equation using the square root format is proposed. Not only does it simulate the trends of the numerical solutions closely,
but it also produces reasonable and conservative equivalent moment factors, even in cases where other methods do not. Like all quarter-point
moment methods, the proposed equation does not produce good results in some situations where concentrated moments are applied. Never-
theless, it is believed to be appropriate for the vast majority of typical design cases.
* The ends of the members depicted are brace points, as well as points denoted by the symbol x.
Type 7—Two Equal Concentrated Loads Symmetrically Placed with Pinned End
Type 8—Uniformly Distributed Load with Equal End Moments, Brace at Mid-span
Type 9—Uniformly Distributed Load with One End Moment, Brace at Mid-span
Type 11—Two Equal Concentrated Loads at Third Points with Equal End Moments
Type 12—Two Equal Concentrated Loads at Third Points with One End Moment
* The ends of the members depicted are brace points, as well as points denoted by the symbol x.
4 Kirby and Nethercot (1979) Cb =
2Mmax + 3Ma + 4Mb + 3Mc
5 Serna et al. (2006) Cb = 2
M max + 9Ma2 + 16Mb2 + 9Mc2
6 AISC Specification Cb 3.0
2.5Mmax 3Ma 4Mb 3Mc
7 British Standard BS 5950-1 Cb 2.273
0.2Mmax 0.15Ma 0.5Mb 0.15Mc
8 Australian Standard AS4100 Cb 2.5
M Mb2 Mc2
9 Proposed Equation Cb 2.5
M max 4Ma2 7Mb2 4Mc2
Equation 1, specified in the body text, is the general lateral-torsional buckling equation to which these Cb equations are applied.
Adopted by CAN/CSA-S16-01 and CAN/CSA-S6-06, but with an upper limit of 2.5.
Adopted by AASHTO with additional requirements.
CAN/CSA-S16-01—Limit States Design of Steel only (without any transverse loads), then it is silent on how
Structures (CSA, 2001) to account for non-uniform moment distributions that are not
captured by this additional clause.
This Canadian design standard specifies Equation 2 in Table
2 for determining the equivalent moment factor for unbraced
beam segments subjected to end moments, except that an up- CAN/CSA-S6-06—Canadian Highway Bridge Design
per limit of 2.5 is used instead of 2.3. It is not clearly stated Code (CSA, 2006)
in the standard whether or not this is intended to apply to This standard has adopted the same procedure as CAN/
beams that are also subjected to transverse loads within this CSA-S16-01; however, the commentary to the standard re-
length. Although the sign of L is assigned as described previ- fers users to the procedures of Clark and Hill (1960) as an
ously, no indication is given of how to account for triple cur- alternative approach.
vature (e.g., Moment Type 2 in Table 1). The standard also
specifies that for non-linear moment distributions where “the
ANSI/AISC 360-05—Specification for Structural Steel
bending moment at any point within the unbraced length is
Buildings (AISC, 2005a)
larger than the larger end moment” (CSA, 2001), the equiva-
lent moment factor be taken as 1.0. This additional clause ef- The American steel design specification for buildings stipu-
fectively requires the designer to ignore the beneficial effect lates that Equation 6 in Table 2 be used to determine the
of a non-uniform moment distribution under this common equivalent moment factor. As shown in the table, the only
circumstance. Moreover, if the standard is interpreted to differences between Equations 4 and 6 are the coefficients
mean that Equation 2 applies just for cases of end moments for the terms Mmax. This adjustment was made in an attempt
to give better results for cases of fixed end supports (AISC, AASHTO—LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
2005b). For design purposes, this specification sets an upper (AASHTO, 2007)
limit to the equivalent moment factor of 3.0, which is the
Similar to the current CAN/CSA-S16-01 procedure, this
highest among all specifications discussed here. The com-
specification uses Equation 2 as the primary equivalent
mentary to the specification indicates that Equation 2 is also
moment factor equation and also specifies that the value
appropriate for cases where the moment distribution is linear
be taken as 1.0 whenever the larger end moment is not the
between brace points.
largest moment throughout the unbraced segment. However,
Fig. 15. Inaccuracy of quarter-point moment methods for case of abrupt change in moment.
Fig. 16. Inaccuracy of quarter-point moment methods for case of abrupt curvature reversal.
Modern building codes allow engineers to use reduced seismic loads in design provided that the seismic load resisting system (SLRS) of the
structure is adequately designed and detailed to withstand strong ground shaking through ductile inelastic response. This approach has been
adopted by the North American model codes, which typically include special provisions to achieve satisfactory inelastic seismic performance.
Single-story buildings often incorporate a steel roof deck diaphragm that is relied on to transfer lateral loads to the vertical bracing bents. The
vertical braces are usually selected as the energy dissipating fuse element, while the diaphragm and other elements in the SLRS should be
designed such that their capacity exceeds the nominal resistance of the braces. Steel bracing members designed for compression inherently
possess significant reserve strength when loaded in tension, which means that large brace tension loads must be considered in the design of
the surrounding protected structural components. Capacity design seismic provisions have led to the need for much thicker roof deck panels
and more closely spaced diaphragm connection patterns compared with past practice in Canada. This paper describes the current U.S. seismic
design approach and provides examples as it is applied to single-story buildings and their diaphragms. An overview of the related aspects of an
ongoing research project on the flexibility and ductility of the roof diaphragm in low-rise steel buildings is also included.
(a) (b)
Roof Members Anchor
Diaphragm (Inelastic) Rods
Chord (typ.)
V Diaphragm Bracing Anchor
(Inelastic) Members Rods
X Bracing
Collector Collector Bracing Foundations
(typ.) Elements Connections
a) b) 0.02 V
1.5'' steel deck X-Bracing
(sheets 25'-0" long) (typ.) Joists @ 75''o/c K
V = 30.8
0.54 V
= 16.6 K 0.46 V
4 @ 25'-0" = 100'-0"
0.02 V
10' 100'
1. K
0 K
Truss (typ.) 22'
10 @ 20'-0" = 200'-0"
A K 41.3O
Roof dead load = 21 psf Site Class D
Weight of walls = 5 psf Ss = 0.30 g ; S1 = 0.07g 25'
Roof snow load = 35 psf TL = 6 s
Fig. 2. (a) Plan view of the building studied, (b) in-plane torsion effects, and (c) bracing bent studied.
a) c)
Deck Sidelap
Joist Sheet
(typ.) Fastener
(typ.) CR
Frame V = 30.8
- 7.7 K
30.8 K / 200' = 0.154 kip/ft
Fig. 3. (a) Steel deck panels, (b) axial loads in beams acting as diaphragm chord members,
(c) force transfer from the diaphragm to the edge beam under seismic loads in the long direction, and
(d) edge beams acting as collector elements under seismic loads acting in the long direction.
25' (typ.)
29.3 K
b) T = CuTa
d) Beam Axial Load
K - 29.3 K
117K/100' = 1.17 kip/ft - 58.5
Computed T
132 K 22'
Fig. 4. (a) Bracing bent and roof diaphragm deformations, (b) variation of the seismic load with the period,
(c) axial loads in edge beams acting as collector elements along the short walls under V = 30.8 kips, and
(d) axial loads in edge beams acting as collector elements along the short walls upon brace yielding.
calculation of the design seismic load V, it is unlikely that along the side-lap with eight screws per joist spacing and
such a high force demand will develop during the design pins arranged in a 36/5 pattern.
earthquake. The resistance of the foundation to overturning The example building could have been designed using
uplift can also limit the forces delivered to the bracing bent. tension-only (T/O) bracing of the OCBF category. The main
AISC (2006) provides an example illustrating how founda- differences between the SCBF and OCBF design solutions
tion uplift can be included in this calculation. Nevertheless, are summarized in Table 1. An R factor of 3.25 would have
it is highly probable that forces in excess of the capacity of been considered for the OCBF design, leading to a base shear
the perimeter beams and the diaphragm as designed will force V 56.9 kips. For this system, L2×2'×X single-
be reached in future earthquakes, which may cause severe angle braces made of ASTM A36 steel (A 1.32 in.2,
damage and, possibly, failure of the diaphragm structure and Fy 36 ksi) would have represented an acceptable solu-
collapse of the roof gravity system that it laterally supports. tion [GTn 42.8 kips > 40.9 kips (0.54)(56.9/cos(41.3o)].
Caution should therefore be exercised by designers in the The required shear resistance for the diaphragm, without
selection of the diaphragm and its chords and collectors to consideration of capacity design, would have been equal to
ensure that proper response will be achieved. 0.307 kip/ft [(0.54)(56.9)/100]. Deck panels 0.0295-in.-
As mentioned, the 2005 NBCC in Canada states that dia- thick (22 ga.) are found adequate with three side-lap screws
phragms must be designed not to yield. They must therefore per joist span and pins installed on a 36/4 pattern (12 in. on
be provided with sufficient strength to match the expected center). Such a diaphragm has a factored shear resistance
strength (actual capacity) of the vertical system. The design GdSn 0.315 kip/ft and a shear stiffness, Gb, of 22.8 kip/in.
forces need not exceed, however, the forces corresponding For angles, Ry 1.5 in AISC Seismic Provisions and the ex-
to elastic response, i.e., forces determined with the seismic pected brace tensile strength Texp 71.3 kips. Had capacity
response modification coefficients equal to 1.0. Had this design principles been adopted, the design force for the dia-
concept been applied to the example building, the required phragm would have been equal to 0.535 kip/ft, as governed
shear strength for the roof diaphragm would have been by tension yielding of the braces. This value is nearly half
Su (6.0)(16.6 kips)/100 ft 1.0 kip/ft. In this case, the that required for the more ductile SCBF system. This differ-
diaphragm design would call for a much stronger configura- ence is attributed to the fact that tension/compression bracing
tion such as 0.0474-in.-thick (18 ga.) deck panels connected is required for SCBFs. The size of the braces is governed by
Fig. 5. Analytically computed periods and periods predicted using the empirical expression
based on field test measurements (Tremblay and Rogers, 2005).
Fig. 6. (a) 3-D model of the structure and (b) measured fundamental mode and natural frequency (Tremblay et al., 2008a).
Fig. 7. Large-scale dynamic diaphragm test setup: (a) plan view and (b) during construction.
Fig. 8. Change in diaphragm period with white noise loading amplitude (adapted from Tremblay et al., 2008b).
Fig. 9. Quasi-static diaphragm test specimen setup (Essa et al., 2003; Tremblay et al., 2004).
D3A - 0.6 qu
q (kN/m)
-30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0
γ (mrad)
Fig. 11. SLRS cost ratios for (a) Vancouver and (b) Montreal (adapted from Tremblay & Rogers, 2005).
Test 28
(Tremblay et al. 2004)
10.0 Model
q (kN/m)
-15.0 -10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
γ (mrad)
Hysteretic model
Model (half-building)
Fig. 12. Building model and Stewart hysteretic element (Tremblay and Rogers, 2005).
The use of G 0.9 and 8 1.67 with the provisions in Section F13.1 of AISC 360-05 (AISC, 2005) to account for the reduction in flexural strength
for a beam with holes in the tension flange has been questioned several times since the publication of the Specification for Structural Steel Build-
ings in 2005. The intent of this paper is to review and provide justification for the use of the resistance/safety factors within the 2005 Specification
provisions for the impact on flexural strength of holes in the tension flange.
Fcr Fy (2)
The use of G 0.9 and 8 1.67 with the provisions in Sec- Yt Fy A fg
tion F13.1 of AISC 360-05 (AISC, 2005) to account for the
reduction in flexural strength for a beam with holes in the Because ASTM A36 and A992 steels meet the limit given
tension flange has been questioned several times since the in Section F13 for Yt 1.0, and the term
publication of the Specification for Structural Steel Build-
ings in 2005. The research basis for the 2005 provisions Fu A fn
originated from a report by Dexter et al. (2002). Their report Fy A fg
includes a proposed formulation for the limits on when the
impact of the holes must be considered and how the strength in Equation 2 is always less than 1.0 if this check is appli-
should be determined in those cases; however, the report cable, the critical stress is always less than the yield stress.
does not address the appropriate resistance or safety factors Therefore, use of the resistance/safety factors associated with
to be used. The intent of this paper is to review and provide yielding (i.e., G 0.9, 8 1.67) appears to be warranted.
justification for the use of the resistance/safety factors within To examine this interpretation more closely, three models
the 2005 Specification provisions for the impact on flexural are developed for determining flexural strength when holes
strength of holes in the tension flange. are present in the tension flange of W-shapes.
THEORY Model 1
AISC 360-05 Equation F13-1 is intended to present a simple For ease of calculation, the W-shape is modeled with holes in
yet reasonable approach to account for holes in the tension both the tension and compression flanges. The flange forces
flange of beams. Although not presented this way in the are taken as the rupture force and the web is assumed to be
Specification, Equation F13-1 can be rewritten in terms of yielding throughout. Thus,
critical stress, always less than Fy, times the full elastic sec-
tion modulus as illustrated by the following two equations: ( )
M n Fu A fn d t f Fy Z x A fg d − t f
) (3)
( ) (7)
2.00/1.67 1.2), the Specification approach gives a lower or 0.9 1 Fy A fg
equal available strength when compared to this model. But,
4 Fy t w
if the shape factor is less than 1.2, this model, which was
initially thought to be conservative, gives a lower value than
or the allowable strength as
the Specification approach.
d tf
)( )
Model 2
0.6 Fy Z x 0.6 0.5 Fy A fg
( ) (8)
A second model is investigated to see if this underprediction 0.6 1 Fy A fg
can be reversed by eliminating the holes at the compression
4 Fy t w
flange which were included for convenience only.
For this model, only the holes in the tension flange are
For this model, as : approaches 1.0, the contribution of the
accounted for and the compression flange is not reduced. It
tension flange is not fully restored to its yield strength since
takes a bit more calculation effort to determine the nominal
its contribution is always modified by the rupture resistance/
strength with this approach, but it is expected to yield a more
safety factor when : 1. This amounts to a 15% reduction in
accurate representation of the true behavior. In this case, pro-
the contribution of the tension flange to the design strength.
vided the plastic neutral axis remains in the web,
For this model, the design strength and the allowable strength
d t f (1 ) Fy A fg (6)
for all values of the ratio of flange-rupture strength to flange-
M n Fy Z x (1 )( Fy A fg ) yield strength results in available strengths greater than that
2 4Fy t w obtained using Equation F13-1 from AISC 360-05.
Design Strength, Phi(Mn), (kip-ft)
0 02 0.4 06 0.8 1
Ratio of Flange Rupture Force to Flange Yield Force
Model 1, phi=0.75 Model 2, phi=0.75 Model 3, phi varies AISC 360-05 Eq. F13-1, phi=0.9
Fig. 1. Design strength for a W8×24 with holes in the tension flange.
M n = Fy Z x +
(F A u fn − Fy A fg ) ( d − t )( F A ) (b) ⎛ d tf ⎞ (
Fy A fg − Fu A fn )
2 (g)
Fy A fg
f y fg + Fy A fg ⎜ − ⎟ −
⎝2 2⎠ 4 Fy t w
Fu A fn Fu A fn
Defining and substituting into Equation b gives Combining terms and substituting yields
Fy A fg Fy A fg
( )( )( )
M n Fy Z x 1 Fy A fg d t f (5)
d t f 1 Fy A fg
M n Fy Z x 1 Fy A fg
4Fy t w
Model 2
Model 3
For this model, only the holes in the tension flange are
considered. First, the contribution of the web is determined The only difference between Model 3 and Model 2 is the
by deducting the flanges from the nominal plastic moment application of the yielding and rupture resistance/safety
strength of the W-shape. factors. Based on Equation g, for LRFD the design strength
d tf
M n1 = Fy Z x − 2 Fy A fg −
2 2
d tf
d tf
M n y Fy Z x y 2 Fy A fg r Fu A fn
2 2
2 2
Then the tension flange rupture and compression flange yield d t f y Fy A fg Fu A fn
contributions are added. y Fy A fg
2 2
4 Fy t w
d tf d tf
2 2
M n 2 = Fy Z x − 2 Fy Afg − + Fu Afn −
2 2
where Gy is the resistance factor for yielding and Gr is the
resistance factor for rupture.
(d) Fu A fn
d tf Combining terms and substituting , Gy 0.9, and
+ Fy Afg − Fy A fg
2 2 Gr 0.75 yields
⎛ d tf ⎞
Finally, the last factor to consider is the impact of the shift in (
φM n 0.9 Fy Z x 0.9 0.75 Fy A fg ⎜ )(⎟ )
the plastic neutral axis into the compression zone of the web, ⎝ 2 ⎠
( )
defined as distance x from the centroid of the gross area. 0.9 ⎡⎣ 1 Fy A fg ⎤⎦ (7)
This results in a moment reduction based on the removal of
4 Fy t w
some compression force and the addition of an equal ten-
sion force, captured through the multiplication by 2 in the For ASD the safety factors are applied to Equation g, yielding
last term. These forces are half of the difference between the
flange yield force and flange rupture force. Thus, M n Fy Z x
Fy A fg d t f Fu A fn d tf
y y 2 2 r 2 2
d tf d tf (i)
M n 3 Fy Z x 2 Fy A fg Fu A fn
2 2 2 2 Fy A fg d t f
Fy A fg Fu A fn
d tf x2
y 2 2 y 4 Fy t w
Fy A fg 2 F t
y w
2 2 2 where 8y is the safety factor for yielding and 8r is the safety
factor for rupture.
and the distance that the plastic neutral axis moves up into Fu A fn
the compression zone, x, is Combining terms and substituting , 8y 1.67, and
8r 2.00 yields Fy A fg
Fy A fg − Fu A fn (f) ⎛ d tf ⎞
)( )
2 Fy t w
0.6 Fy Z x 0.6 0.5 Fy A fg ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ (8)
( )
0.6 ⎡⎣ 1 Fy A fg ⎤⎦
4 Fy t w
The 2005 AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings includes a stiffness reduction factor, Ub, in Appendix 7 to be used in the direct analysis
method to account for the presence of residual stresses and their influence on the second-order effects of frame behavior. The 2005 Commentary
includes a stiffness reduction factor, Ua, to be used along with the effective length nomograph to account for the influence of column inelasticity
due to residual stresses on effective length. These two stiffness reduction factors are intended to account for the same effect yet they are differ-
ent. This paper provides the background for these two factors, and it will demonstrate that Ub is the more correct stiffness reduction factor. The
2010 AISC Specification will recommend its use with both the direct analysis method and the effective length nomograph.
Keywords: stiffness reduction factor, direct analysis method, effective length nomograph, column inelasticity, residual stresses.
SRF1986 =
ET Fcr (inelastic )
= =
0.658 c Fy (11) Fy
E Fcr (elastic ) 0.877 Fcr = 1 − Fy (17)
4 Fe
2 Fy
The 2005 Commentary says that Ub is similar to the inelastic
stiffness reduction factor. For use with the nomograph, the
2005 AISC SPECIFICATION stiffness reduction factor defined by Equation 3, using Equa-
tions 16 and 17, yields
The column strength equations found in the 2005 AISC
Specification are essentially the same as those from the 1986 ET Fy Fy
AISC LRFD Specification. The only change is how the divi- b = = 1 − (18)
E 4 Fe Fe
sion between elastic and inelastic behavior is defined and
the format of the actual terms in the equations. For the 2005
0.658 Fe Fy
The three stiffness reduction factors given in Equations 8,
a T (12) 12 and 18 are each a function of Kl/r, directly and through
E 0.877 Fe Fe. Figure 1 presents these three equations as a function of
M, which itself is a function of Kl/r, for Fy 50 ksi. Table 1
The 2005 Commentary gives Ua in the format developed by gives values for Equations 8, 12, and 18 for M 0 to 1.5
the ASCE Task Committee on Effective Length (ASCE, (Kl/r 0 to 113.5). It is seen from these results that the
1997) as three equations for determining the stiffness reduction factor
Pn Pn provide essentially the same results when presented as a
a 2.724 ln (13)
function of slenderness. This confirms the claim of Yura
Py Py
1.35 0.993 0.969 0.992
SRF1969 (T 1.40 1.000 0.984 1.000
Pn /Py SRF1969 Ua Ub
Fcr 1 b Fy
1 (22)
4 Fcr
Eq.8 Eq. 13 Eq. 24
Fy 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.991 0.003 0.023 0.034
Equation 22 can then be solved for Ub, which yields
0.982 0.011 0.049 0.071
Fcr Fcr
Equations 20 and 24 are the same except that one is written 0.871 0.250 0.327 0.449
in terms of BPr, the amplified required strength, and one in 0.853 0.297 0.368 0.500
terms of Pn, the nominal strength. This difference is simi- 0.835 0.346 0.410 0.551
lar to the two approaches presented by Disque (1973) and 0.816 0.396 0.452 0.601
Yura (1971).
0.796 0.449 0.495 0.649
To allow for additional comparisons, the stiffness reduc-
tion factor using the 1969 AISC Specification, SRF1969, can 0.776 0.502 0.537 0.696
be linked to nominal strength. To accomplish this, Fa /Fy is 0.754 0.555 0.579 0.741
increased by 5/3, removing a uniform factor of safety and in- 0.732 0.608 0.622 0.784
creasing the allowable stress at Kl/r 0 to Fy and the stresses 0.710 0.661 0.663 0.824
at other values of Kl/r to a comparable critical stress level.
0.686 0.712 0.704 0.861
This links Equation 8 to Fcr /Fy or Pn /Py.
Figure 2 shows the three stiffness reduction factors as a 0.662 0.762 0.744 0.895
function of Pn /Py and Table 2 gives values for Pn /Py from 1 0.637 0.808 0.782 0.924
to 0.39. It is clear from these results that the three approach- 0.612 0.852 0.819 0.950
es no longer can be viewed as giving essentially the same 0.586 0.891 0.853 0.971
0.559 0.926 0.886 0.986
0.531 0.955 0.915 0.996
0.503 0.977 0.942 1.000
0.474 0.993 0.964 1.000
0.443 1.000 0.982 1.000
IJb (T
0.435 1.000 0.986 1.000
0.800 0.414 1.000 0.995 1.000
IJa (T 0.390 1.000 1.000 1.000
SRF1969 (T
In this paper, bolt shear capacities are reviewed using the Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) philosophy. Only bolt-shear limit states
are addressed, although one aspect of slip critical limit states is addressed incidentally. This paper does not consider bolt bearing limit states.
Test data used to justify the adoption of ASTM A325 and A490 high-strength bolts was obtained from previous research programs. The data also
included various types of rivets and Huck bolts for general comparison. First, the test data are used to evaluate the current American Institute
of Steel Construction (AISC, 2005) and Research Council on Structural Connections (RCSC, 2004) bolt shear provisions and to determine the
current reliability, C, which is found to be conservative when based on a resistance factor, G, of 0.75. The appropriateness of the G-factor for bolt
shear is addressed. Canadian (CSA S16-01) and Eurocode (EN 1993) provisions are also evaluated and shown not to be compatible with the test
results. Two design equations are developed—one linear, one a step function—that result in a C value slightly greater than 3.0, appropriate for a
manufactured product. The single-step function (with a step at 38 in.) is recommended for inclusion in updated design specifications. This design
provision increases the design strength by 12.5% for short connections and by 17.2% for long connections. The test data indicate that there is no
need for a bolt strength reduction due to the length of the connection, provided that the connection material gross and net section areas exceed
certain ratios. That ratio is a function of the connection material yield and tensile strength, the total bolt shear area and the bolt tensile strength.
Lap Splice
Butt Splice
Fig. 2. Results of 119 connection tests with current design criteria superimposed.
The historical tests were performed on fully tightened average value of 1.43 and a standard deviation of 0.24.
high-strength bolts with hardened washers using the turn-of- Similar results for the less critical gross area represented by
nut method. A high degree of slip resistance (friction) was Equation 6 yield an average value of 1.32 and a standard
achieved. The effect of pretensioned bolts is demonstrated deviation of 0.26. With a connection frictional component of
by examining Figure 3. The eight test data identified by a approximately 30%, these relationships would indicate that
circle with connection length greater than 38 in. and above all the bolt shear strength would be fully engaged at the con-
the 0.90 horizontal line indicate that the shear strength of nection’s ultimate load.
all bolts was reached. In Table 4 the ratio of connection With the use of snug-tight bolts there is effectively no fric-
net area divided by Equation 5 is greater than 1.0 with an tional component to the connection capacity. Regardless, the
test results can still be used for snug-tight bolted connec- Bolt Shear Design Sequence
tions because the frictional component is offset by using a
1. Determine design load, P.
reduced G of 0.75 from 0.85 (Moore et al., 2008), a reduc-
tion of 13%; and by limiting the connection length reduction 2. Initially assume maximum bolt capacity and L c 38 in.
factor, R2, to 0.90 from 1.0 (the single-bolt connection case), Select ASTM A325 or A490 bolts, bolt diameter,
a reduction of 11%. In addition, the coefficient N2 in Equa- thread condition (included or excluded), and single or
tion 6 was increased from 0.47 to 0.56 (19%), reducing the double shear to obtain Vn.
stress on the plates and more uniformly distributing the force
to the bolts. As reported in the literature (Fisher and Kulak, 3. Determine number of bolts by dividing P by Vn.
1968), the bolts were ordered and supplied near the low end 4. Calculate As, considering thread condition (included
of the applicable ASTM standard. In comparison, it is likely or excluded) and single or double shear.
that the average production bolt will have a slightly higher
ultimate strength. All of these factors would justify not hav- 5. Choose a bolt pattern and determine the connection
ing a length reduction factor less than 0.90 for connections length, L.
exceeding 38 in. The coefficients could be fine tuned by per- 6. If L c 38 in., the design is complete for bolt shear. If
forming a limited number of tests. However, the proposed L 38 in., continue.
step function is conservative.
The proposed design criteria do not require any apprecia- 7. Compute Ag and An.
ble difference in design methodology from current methods.
8. Check Equations 5 and 6 (L > 38 in.):
The only new item is that the total bolt shear area, As, has
Equation 5: An ≥ 0.56AsFu /Fup
to be computed. Because As reflects the number of bolts in
Equation 6: Ag ≥ 0.56AsFu /Fyp
the connection times the shear area (a function of the bolts
being in single or double shear, including or excluding the 9. If Ag and An criteria are not satisfied, revise bolt capac-
threads), it is a number that the connection designer already ity for L > 38 in. criteria and recompute the number of
has available. The design equation is a modification of Equa- bolts.
tion 1 as follows:
10. Size splice plates to satisfy main member require-
Pn Pu Ab R1 R2 R3 (8) ments.
The value of R2 is either 0.90 or 0.75 depending on the con-
nection’s strength and quasi-stiffness as well as whether the
connection has a length greater than 38 in.
Table 7. Reliability ( ) and Resistance (G) Values for Proposed AISC/RCSC Design Criteria*
Reliability ( ) Resistance ( )
Connection No. of Mean Std.
R2 Live/Dead Load Ratio (Ln /Dn) Live/Dead Load Ratio (Ln /Dn)
Length (in.) Tests Value Dev.
2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
10.5 0.90 21 0.988 0.0293 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.3 0.856 0.868 0.875 0.879
21.0 0.90 9 0.893 0.0889 3.9 3.7 3.6 3.6 0.747 0.755 0.760 0.763
31.5 0.90 7 0.772 0.0804 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 0.677 0.682 0.685 0.687
42.0 0.75 7 0.848 0.176 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 0.740 0.745 0.748 0.751
52.3 0.75 7 0.756 0.159 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.9 0.693 0.696 0.698 0.699
62.0 0.75 4 0.901 0.122 4.4 4.2 4.1 4.1 0.813 0.824 0.831 0.835
94.0 0.75 2 0.624 0.0233 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.1 0.696 0.701 0.704 0.707
* Rivet tests not included in these values
Gaverage 0.754
The proposed AISC/RCSC design criteria, all the reported value because of the test results. The magnitude of the values
bolt test data, and the computed C and G values are given in is centered, average 0.754, on the starting value of 0.75. This
Table 7. The range in C values has been reduced to 2.9 to indicates that appropriate adjustments have been made to the
4.8. The test data ratios of PTEST /PPRED that are still above current design criteria.
0.90 result in a large coefficient of variation resulting in the The final set of computations included only the test data that
low values for the 52.3 in. connection length. As previously exhibited a change in performance with connection length.
mentioned, high-strength bolts are a manufactured product, The test data with a PTEST /PPRED ratio above 0.90 were ex-
which suggests that a C of approximately 3.0 would be ac- cluded. These C and G results are shown in Table 8. Once the
ceptable. The resistance factor, G, has a similar variation in high PTEST /PPRED data are removed from the calculations, the
C values ranged from 2.9 to 4.6. The C of 2.9 does not change The CSA S16 provision was identical to and transferred
because at 52.3 in. there was no data above 0.90. As previously from the Eurocode document. The two key issues in these
explained, for a manufactured product, a C of 2.9 is accept- provisions are variable and decreasing bolt shear strength
ably close to the target value of 3.0. This change is reflected with increasing connection length and increasing bolt shear
in the resistance factor, G, that on average (0.726) is below the strength with increasing diameter. The reviewed test data
starting value of 0.75. The difference is not significant. indicate that the first issue is justified, although the benefit
gained by having a sliding scale is probably not justified
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS relative to the complexity. The second issue is the increasing
bolt shear strength with increasing diameter, which is not
A review of the historic research test data was made to deter- justified by the test data and at large bolt diameters results in
mine bolt shear strength in terms of LRFD principles. A total unacceptably low reliability, C.
of 119 connection tests were identified. Of these, 40 tests The current LRFD principles have a target reliability, C
were with rivets associated with the design and construction of approximately 4.0 for connections, which include slip-
of the San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge. Unfortunately, critical connections and bolt-bearing connections. In com-
insufficient information was reported to allow full utilization parison, the target C for main members—a manufactured
of the test data. Of the remaining 79 connection tests, the product—typically have C of approximately 3.0, or slightly
connector distribution was 54 with ASTM A325 bolts, 18 lower. Because the bolt itself is a manufactured product,
with ASTM A490 bolts, 5 with rivets, and 2 with Huck bolts. there is some leeway as to what C is acceptable for bolts.
The statistical analysis was performed using the ASTM A325 As a practical consideration, it is reasonable to use a com-
and A490 bolts. Subsequently, it was possible to show that mon resistance factor, G, value of 0.75 for slip critical con-
the rivet and Huck bolt test data were compatible with the nections, bolt bearing connections, and for this study of bolt
recommended design criteria. shear strength.
Because of the many connection variables, the test data The current AISC/RCSC design criteria result in variable
were reduced to a non-dimensional form to limit the signifi- C from 3.1, and in some cases, to a conservatively high value
cance of all the variables. As a result, the connection length of 5.5. In comparison, the proposed design criteria C range
remained as the desired and predominate independent vari- from 2.9 to 4.8. When the PTEST /PPRED test data above 0.90
able. Recent tests sponsored by RCSC also indicated that are excluded, the range for C becomes 2.9 to 4.6. The short
the reliability, C of the shear strength of bolts was similar connection values for C are going to be high because the test
to plates and shapes reported in earlier literature. Based on results are for axially loaded specimens and do not include
other anecdotal information there does not appear to be any the secondary forces associated with biaxial beam end re-
justification to change the current resistance factor, G. actions or adjacent truss-panel-point relative displacement.
In addition to the AISC/RCSC design criteria, the equiva- The effect of pretensioned bolts versus snug tight bolts has
lent Canadian CSA and Eurocode provisions were examined. not been directly evaluated.
Solving for Ag, 2. For design purposes, use a coefficient of 0.56 for both
calculations (i.e., for N1 and N2) until further research
b Fu As R1 R2 0.75( Fu As )(0.625)(0.90) 0.469 Fu As
Ag quantifies pretensioning and second-order effects.
t Fyp 0.90 Fyp Fyp
Bolt shear will control as long as:
0.469 Fu As
the 25% of the professor’s annual salary, which means that
mong the thorniest problems for researchers in gener-
the overall cost is reduced significantly. At the same time,
al—and maybe for American structural engineering
the sheer size of the total American academic research un-
researchers in particular—is the subject of money, that is,
dertaking dwarfs that of all other countries. So the rest of
research funding. This is especially acute for academic re-
the world is working hard to catch up with the American
searchers under the current economic conditions, what with
research enterprise, which is still the most effective and
limited governmental and private research grants funding
powerful in the world. But the efforts within the European
being further reduced or in many cases entirely eliminated.
Union, for example, are notable and very impressive, as is
What many government leaders and business executives and
the support offered in countries like China, Japan, Singapore
accountants do not appear to understand is that when mar-
and Australia. Therefore, unless American federal and state
kets “turn south,” investment in research and marketing is
governments and industry are prepared to address the fund-
more important than ever, for that is when the foundation is
ing issue aggressively, the leading role of U.S. universities
placed for rapid advances when business picks up again.
will be eroded—significantly. That will not be helpful to
American university research and researchers are espe-
anyone, anywhere.
cially vulnerable, considering that funding must be obtained
Many of the research studies presented here have been
not just for graduate student support (commonly $20,000
conducted in Europe, with financial support from various
or more per year, to cover tuition and stipend), test speci-
instances within the European Union. Some of these are
mens, equipment, and other legitimate expenses, but also to
typical of many current research projects in Europe, as they
cover typically three months of income for the professor(s)
reflect collaboration between universities in different coun-
as well as university overhead of 40% to 60% of the con-
tries. For example, a study of the axial and flexural capaci-
tract amounts. How many Americans know that university
ties of welded built-up box cross sections is a joint effort
professors (like public school teachers) are paid only for
between institutions in Germany and Slovenia, and an ex-
nine months of the year and that the remainder of the annual
amination of the buckling capacity of slender composite tu-
income has to come from research funds or other sources?
bular columns has been a joint effort between schools in the
And if the researcher wants to advance in his or her aca-
U.K. and Lithuania. Certain bridge evaluations have been
demic career, research funding must be obtained to ensure
conducted in Denmark and the U.K., and an interesting as-
that results, publications and recognition will be obtained for
sessment of structural strengthening using adhesives has
scientific achievement. In brief, an academic career without
been done jointly by researchers in Germany and Poland.
research and attendant evidence of scholarly success equals
The potential performance and use of girders with corrugat-
failure in most institutions, because teaching alone is simply
ed webs in building structures is conducted in Germany; this
not sufficient. You must demonstrate scholarly success, and
is an application that until now has only been seen in bridge
that comes from successful research work.
construction. Finally, composite construction continues to
The modus operandi is different for researchers and in-
be the subject of aggressive research work in Australia, as
stitutions in most other parts of the world, although there
reported here, as is a major investigation of the steel stor-
are some signs that universities in the U.K., for example,
age racks that are so important for many industrial and other
are looking at the American model as a means of reducing
manufacturing operations. By all indications, these studies
the demands on university budgets. In most of these other
are typical of research institutions that conduct high qual-
ity research on subjects that are likely to attract attention in
many engineering locales.
References are provided throughout the paper, whenever
such are available in the public domain. However, much
of the work is still in progress, and in many cases reports
or publications have not yet been prepared for public
Reidar Bjorhovde, Ph.D., P.E., Research Editor for Engineering Journal, dissemination.
5880 E. Territory Ave., Suite 202, Tucson, AZ, 85750-1803. E-mail:
[email protected]
Fig. 2. Storage warehouse with corrugated web girders Fig. 4. Ductile load-slip performance of push-tested shear connector
(Photo courtesy of Professor Hartmut Pasternak). (Figure courtesy of Professor Mark Bradford).
Strength and Behavior of Steel Storage Racks: This has
been a major, multi-year project at the University of Syd-
ney in Sydney, Australia. Professor Kim Rasmussen is the
project director for a study that has wide governmental and
industrial support.
The study has focused on the performance of the storage
racks when they are subjected to impact forces due to fork-
lifts. This is a very common and sometimes disastrous oc- Fig. 6. Full-scale storage rack before testing
currence. In addition to detailed three-dimensional strength (Photo courtesy of Professor Kim Rasmussen).
and stability analyses of the racks, full-scale tests have also
been conducted to ensure as realistic conditions as possible.
Among other considerations, the tests include actual colli-
sions of forklifts with rack columns (“uprights”), evaluating
the dynamic response of the structure (Gilbert and Rasmus-
sen, 2009). Progressive collapse scenarios are also assessed.
The pallet loading of the racks is a central issue, including
what takes place when a pallet falls through several “stories”
of a rack that may have experienced upright damage. The
Buckling Mode 1
Buckling Mode 5
Fig. 8. Girders and floor beams constitute the U-frames of the bridge Fig. 10. Variation of girder effective length as a function of U-frame spacing
(Figure courtesy of Professor Kuldeep Virdi). (Figure courtesy of Professor Kuldeep Virdi).
American Institute of Steel Construction
One East Wacker Drive, Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60601