New & Alternate Player Races - GM Binder
New & Alternate Player Races - GM Binder
New & Alternate Player Races - GM Binder
Player Races
One of the most important choices you
awoke at the dawn of the world. To many, they are creatures by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.
of myth and folktale, reclusive tree-like people with skin like Creature Type. You are both Humanoid and Plant.
bark and hair that resembles tree-tops and verdant gardens. Age. Entlings are considered to be adults around the age of
Though these gardeners are few in number, they are very 100, and can live to be over 1000 years old if they spend their
much real, though they prefer to be forgotten. Most Entlings lives in peace. Hasty Entlings that take up the stressful live of
will happily spend their exceptionally love lives tending to the adventuring can shorten their lifespan by up to 500 years.
large swaths of wilderness under their care, learning the Alignment. Entlings are a naturally peaceful folk that care
names of every root, flower, and tree under their protection. for all living things, and they tend towards good alignments.
Size. Entlings reflect the forests and plants they tend to,
Shepherds of the Forest and thus come in all shapes and sizes. Your size is Medium.
Entlings care deeply for the plants under their care, and often Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
watch them grow from seedling to fully mature plants. They Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and
prefer to spend their lives in quiet harmony with nature, only your choice of either Druidic, Sylvan, or Elvish.
occasionally interacting with other mortals. They carefully Gardener's Lore. You gain proficiency in the Nature skill,
maintain the natural order of the ecosystems they dwell in, and you can make a Wisdom (Nature) check whenever you
culling creatures that grow to numerous, nurturing those on would normally make an Intelligence (Nature) check.
the brink of extinction, and all the relationships in between. Natural Magic. You know one cantrip of your choice from
Though rarely roused to action, Entlings who strike out the Druid spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it.
into the world often do so to protect the forests under their Photosynthetic. You don't need to eat or drink so long as
protection. Though slow to anger, their fury knows no bounds you are exposed to sunlight for 1 hour each day. To gain the
when evil or blight threatens the groves that they have raised benfits of a long rest, you must spend at least 6 hours in an
from seedlings. Entlings who leave the forest usually find it inactive, motionless state, though you remain aware of your
difficult to fit in amongst civilized settlements, and usually surroundings. In this state, you can see and hear as normal,
struggle to understand the norms and customs of normal and you appear to be a normal tree unless closely inspected.
folk. Entlings who become adventurers most often train to Shepherd of the Forest. Through sound and gestures, you
defend the wild as a ranger or join a local Circle of druids. may communicate simple ideas with plants of all kinds.
Hero of Hammerdeep
Dwarven Tradition
Half-dwarves often showcase the best of both of their parents'
heritage. Like dwarves, they will usually place high value on
honorable conduct and reputation. And, although they are not
considered full members of their respective clans, most half-
dwarves will go to great lengths to win acceptance, or prevent
bringing shame upon the clan of their dwarven parent.
Often, when a clan has risky or nefarious business to take
care of, they will task a half-dwarf with taking care of things.
That way, should things go poorly, dishonor is not brought
upon a full-blooded member of the clan. Seeking to belong,
half-dwarves will go to great lengths to gain the favor of their Half-
day he turned sixteen. None of the villagers thought that this When a human puts their mind to a task, there is nothing that
was a particularly good idea, but no one had the heart to turn can stop them. Due to their relatively short lifespans, humans
the boy away. And after all, the village hadn’t been attacked by are consumed by an intense desire to leave a unique mark on
monsters in almost ten summers. Paul trained with the rest the world that will live on far past their own demise.
of the guardsmen, and despite his boyish personality, he was When combined with their natural talents, this drive allows
a natural with the sword and spear. Over the next few months humans to rival the arcane ability of elvish mages, the martial
he grew in skill and strength, and by the following summer, prowess of orcish warriors, and the craft of dwarven artisans.
Paul was able to best every warrior in the village. There is nothing that can hold a dedicated human back from
Just before harvest, a group of evil cultists descended upon becoming the best there is in their chosen area of mastery.
the small hamlet. They stole everything of value, and burned
anything that couldn't be stolen. At the town's most desperate Human Names
moment, with the survivors cowered in the armory, the cult's
champion issued a challenge. A duel to the death for the lives Humans names, like their other traits, depend on where they
of the remaining villagers. Without saying a word, Paul drew live and work. Humans are known for borrowing names from
his sword and stepped forward to defend his home. other cultures and races that they work and live closely with.
-Berthold Cornersnatch
Human Traits
Traveling Bard and Storyteller
While humans vary depending on the environment they live
In most worlds, humans are the most numerous of the mortal an work in, all humans have the following traits in common:
races, and their grit and adaptability allow them to succeed in Age. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and can
all but the most hostile environments. Humans can be found live to see anywhere from seventy to one-hundred years.
in almost any city, town, or hamlet. They live in large social Alignment. Humans tend toward no particular alignment.
groups, and most humans dwell in permanent settlements. The best and worst are found among every human culture.
Size. Humans vary in size, from barely 5 feet to well over
A Diverse People 6 feet tall. Regardless of your height, your size is Medium.
Humans can vary wildly based on their environment. Where Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
they live, what they do, local climate, their level of education, Languages. You can speak, read, and write both Common
and other influences all effect their skills and traits. It is hard and one other language of your choice. Humans often learn
to make generalizations about humans as the only thing they the language of other peoples they live and work with.
have in common is their ability to adapt to problems at hand. Determination. When you make an ability check, attack
The wispy and well-educated, scholar from the university of a roll, or saving throw without advantage, you can give yourself
large city, and the hulking nomadic tribesman from the wilds advantage on that roll. Once you do so, you must finish a
could share a common relative only two generations back. short or long rest before you can use this feature again.
Due to their versatility, humans are capable of conceiving Subrace. Humans have four main subraces to choose from
viable offspring with most other mortal races. Unlike elves, that represent their upbringing and training. When creating a
dwarves, and orcs, humans are accepting of any half-human human, choose the subrace that best fits their upbringing and
that is willing to work together towards the common good. skill set: Astute, Generalist, Specialist, or Vigorous.
Astute Human
Astute humans are those, that have spent their lives honing
their mental abilities. They tend to become highly specialized
experts in certain subjects, ignoring all other areas of study
for the sake of mastery. Some become sages, learning all they
can from tomes and scrolls. Others sit at the feet of the wise,
seeking to emulate the elders of their clan or temple. And still
others master the persuasive arts, honing their social skills.
Ability Score Increase. You increase you Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma score by 2, and one other Ability Score
of your choice by 1. You cannot select the same Ability Score
for both increases you gain from this feature.
Sharp Mind. You gain proficiency in one Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma-based skill of your choice. When you
make an abilty check with the proficiency you gain from this
feature, you add double your proficiency bonus to your roll.
Generalist Human
Some humans never settle down, and instead spend their
lives learning to do a bit of everything. These wanderers are
known as Generalists. They become restless if they stay in
one place for too long, so they spend their lives experiencing
as many things as they possibly can. Generalists usually find
their way in the world as wandering entertainers, sell swords,
or hired hands. Their desire to experience foreign lands and
new cultures often leads them to pursue a life of adventure.
Ability Score Increase. All Ability Scores increase by 1.
Skill Versatility. You gain proficiency with any two of the
following: a set of tools of your choice, a skill of your choice,
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