Petition For Alien Relative: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

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Petition for Alien Relative USCIS

Form I-130
Department of Homeland Security OMB No. 1615-0012
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Expires 07/31/2024

For USCIS Use Only Fee Stamp Action Stamp

Initial Receipt
Relocated Section of Law/Visa Category
Received 201(b) Spouse - IR-1/CR-1 203(a)(1) Unm. S/D - F1-1 203(a)(2)(B) Unm. S/D - F2-4
Sent 201(b) Child - IR-2/CR-2 203(a)(2)(A) Spouse - F2-1 203(a)(3) Married S/D - F3-1
201(b) Parent - IR-5 203(a)(2)(A) Child - F2-2 203(a)(4) Brother/Sister - F4-1
Approved Petition was filed on (Priority Date mm/dd/yyyy): Field Investigation Personal Interview 204(a)(2)(A) Resolved
Previously Forwarded Pet. A-File Reviewed I-485 Filed Simultaneously
Returned PDR request granted/denied - New priority date (mm/dd/yyyy):
203(g) Resolved Ben. A-File Reviewed 204(g) Resolved


At which USCIS office (e.g., NBC, VSC, LOS, CRO) was Form I-130 adjudicated?

To be completed by an attorney or accredited representative (if any).

Select this box if Volag Number Attorney State Bar Number Attorney or Accredited Representative
Form G-28 is (if any) (if applicable) USCIS Online Account Number (if any)

► START HERE - Type or print in black ink.

If you need extra space to complete any section of this petition, use the space provided in Part 9. Additional Information.
Complete and submit as many copies of Part 9., as necessary, with your petition.

Part 1. Relationship (You are the Petitioner. Your Part 2. Information About You (Petitioner)
relative is the Beneficiary)
1. Alien Registration Number (A-Number) (if any)
1. I am filing this petition for my (Select only one box): ► A- 0 9 9 2 5 6 7 3 1
Spouse Parent Brother/Sister Child
2. USCIS Online Account Number (if any)
2. If you are filing this petition for your child or parent, ►
select the box that describes your relationship (Select only
one box): 3. U.S. Social Security Number (if any)
Child was born to parents who were married to each ► 7 6 9 3 8 5 5 9 2
other at the time of the child's birth
Stepchild/Stepparent Your Full Name
Child was born to parents who were not married to 4.a. Family Name Jones
each other at the time of the child's birth (Last Name)
4.b. Given Name Lenny
Child was adopted (not an Orphan or Hague (First Name)
Convention adoptee)
4.c. Middle Name Sigmar
3. If the beneficiary is your brother/sister, are you related by
adoption? Yes No
4. Did you gain lawful permanent resident status or
citizenship through adoption? Yes No

Form I-130 Edition 07/20/21 Page 1 of 12

Part 2. Information About You (Petitioner) Address History
Provide your physical addresses for the last five years, whether
inside or outside the United States. Provide your current
Other Names Used (if any) address first if it is different from your mailing address in Item
Numbers 10.a. - 10.i.
Provide all other names you have ever used, including aliases,
maiden name, and nicknames. Physical Address 1
5.a. Family Name Castillo 12.a. Street Number
(Last Name) and Name
5.b. Given Name Lenny 12.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
(First Name)
5.c. Middle Name Sigmar 12.c. City or Town

12.d. State 12.e. ZIP Code

Other Information
6. City/Town/Village of Birth 12.f. Province
Lara 12.g. Postal Code
7. Country of Birth
12.h. Country

8. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 04/14/1969

13.a. Date From (mm/dd/yyyy)
9. Sex Male Female
13.b. Date To (mm/dd/yyyy)

Mailing Address (USPS ZIP Code Lookup) Physical Address 2

10.a. In Care Of Name 14.a. Street Number N/A
and Name
Lenny Jones
14.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
10.b. Street Number 15310 Montauk Ln
and Name
14.c. City or Town
10.c. Apt. Ste. Flr.
14.d. State 14.e. ZIP Code
10.d. City or Town Clermont
14.f. Province
10.e. State FL 10.f. ZIP Code 34714
14.g. Postal Code
10.g. Province
14.h. Country
10.h. Postal Code

10.i. Country 15.a. Date From (mm/dd/yyyy)

15.b. Date To (mm/dd/yyyy)
11. Is your current mailing address the same as your physical
address? Yes No
Your Marital Information
If you answered "No" to Item Number 11., provide
information on your physical address in Item Numbers 12.a. - 16. How many times have you been married? ► 01
17. Current Marital Status

Single, Never Married Married Divorced

Widowed Separated Annulled

Form I-130 Edition 07/20/21 Page 2 of 12

Part 2. Information About You (Petitioner) 27. Country of Birth
(continued) Venezuela
18. Date of Current Marriage (if currently married) 28. City/Town/Village of Residence
(mm/dd/yyyy) 10/09/2004 Lara
29. Country of Residence
Place of Your Current Marriage (if married) Venezuela
19.a. City or Town Kissimmee
Parent 2's Information
19.b. State FL Full Name of Parent 2

19.c. Province 30.a. Family Name Castillo

(Last Name)
19.d. Country 30.b. Given Name Angel
USA (First Name)
30.c. Middle Name Raul
Names of All Your Spouses (if any) 31. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 08/06/1943
Provide information on your current spouse (if currently married)
first and then list all your prior spouses (if any). 32. Sex Male Female

Spouse 1 33. Country of Birth

20.a. Family Name Venezuela
(Last Name) Jones
34. City/Town/Village of Residence
20.b. Given Name
(First Name) Arthur Lara
20.c. Middle Name Andrew 35. Country of Residence
21. Date Marriage Ended (mm/dd/yyyy)

Spouse 2 Additional Information About You (Petitioner)

22.a. Family Name 36. I am a (Select only one box):
(Last Name)
U.S. Citizen Lawful Permanent Resident
22.b. Given Name
(First Name) If you are a U.S. citizen, complete Item Number 37.
22.c. Middle Name 37. My citizenship was acquired through (Select only one
23. Date Marriage Ended (mm/dd/yyyy)
Birth in the United States

Information About Your Parents Naturalization

Parent 1's Information
38. Have you obtained a Certificate of Naturalization or a
Full Name of Parent 1
Certificate of Citizenship? Yes No
24.a. Family Name Paez de Castillo
(Last Name) If you answered "Yes" to Item Number 38., complete the
24.b. Given Name following:
(First Name) 39.a. Certificate Number
24.c. Middle Name 33082497

25. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 05/02/1943 39.b. Place of Issuance

26. Sex Male Female
39.c. Date of Issuance (mm/dd/yyyy) 07/30/2010

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Part 2. Information About You (Petitioner) Employer 2
(continued) 46. Name of Employer/Company
If you are a lawful permanent resident, complete Item
Numbers 40.a. - 41. 47.a. Street Number N/A
40.a. Class of Admission and Name
N/A 47.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.

40.b. Date of Admission (mm/dd/yyyy) 47.c. City or Town

Place of Admission 47.d. State 47.e. ZIP Code

40.c. City or Town
47.f. Province
47.g. Postal Code
40.d State
47.h. Country
41. Did you gain lawful permanent resident status through
marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident?
Yes No 48. Your Occupation

Employment History
49.a. Date From (mm/dd/yyyy)
Provide your employment history for the last five years, whether
inside or outside the United States. Provide your current 49.b. Date To (mm/dd/yyyy)
employment first. If you are currently unemployed, type or print
"Unemployed" in Item Number 42.
Part 3. Biographic Information
Employer 1
42. Name of Employer/Company NOTE: Provide the biographic information about you, the
Niagara Botting LLC
1. Ethnicity (Select only one box)
43.a. Street Number 7633 American Way
and Name Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
43.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
2. Race (Select all applicable boxes)
43.c. City or Town Groveland
43.d. State FL 43.e. ZIP Code 34736 Asian
Black or African American
43.f. Province
American Indian or Alaska Native
43.g. Postal Code Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

43.h. Country 3. Height Feet 5 Inches 0

4. Weight Pounds 1 0 5
44. Your Occupation
5. Eye Color (Select only one box)
Quality Control Technician
Black Blue Brown
45.a. Date From (mm/dd/yyyy) 08/31/2013 Gray Green Hazel
Maroon Pink Unknown/Other
45.b. Date To (mm/dd/yyyy) PRESENT

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Part 3. Biographic Information (continued) Beneficiary's Physical Address
6. Hair Color (Select only one box) If the beneficiary lives outside the United States in a home
without a street number or name, leave Item Numbers 11.a.
Bald (No hair) Black Blond
and 11.b. blank.
Brown Gray Red
11.a. Street Number Urb Bolivar San Jose Calle 1
Sandy White Unknown/Other and Name
11.b. Apt. Ste. Flr. 11 67
Part 4. Information About Beneficiary
11.c. City or Town Barquisimeto
1. Alien Registration Number (A-Number) (if any)
► A- 11.d. State 11.e. ZIP Code
2. USCIS Online Account Number (if any) 11.f. Province Parroquia Union

11.g. Postal Code 3001
3. U.S. Social Security Number (if any)
► 11.h. Country
Beneficiary's Full Name
Other Address and Contact Information
4.a. Family Name
(Last Name) Castillo Paez Provide the address in the United States where the beneficiary
4.b. Given Name intends to live, if different from Item Numbers 11.a. - 11.h. If
(First Name) Legdys the address is the same, type or print "SAME" in Item Number
4.c. Middle Name Margarett 12.a.
12.a Street Number 15310 Montauk Ln
and Name
Other Names Used (if any)
12.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
Provide all other names the beneficiary has ever used, including
aliases, maiden name, and nicknames. 12.c. City or Town Clermont
5.a. Family Name
(Last Name) 12.d. State FL 12.e. ZIP Code 34714
5.b. Given Name
(First Name) Provide the beneficiary's address outside the United States, if
different from Item Numbers 11.a. - 11.h. If the address is the
5.c. Middle Name same, type or print "SAME" in Item Number 13.a.
13.a. Street Number SAME
Other Information About Beneficiary and Name

6. City/Town/Village of Birth 13.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.

Lara 13.c. City or Town
7. Country of Birth
13.d. Province
13.e. Postal Code
8. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) 10/10/1970
13.f. Country
9. Sex Male Female

10. Has anyone else ever filed a petition for the beneficiary? 14. Daytime Telephone Number (if any)
Yes No Unknown
NOTE: Select "Unknown" only if you do not know, and
the beneficiary also does not know, if anyone else has
ever filed a petition for the beneficiary.

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Part 4. Information About Beneficiary 24. Date Marriage Ended (mm/dd/yyyy)
15. Mobile Telephone Number (if any) Information About Beneficiary's Family
04143513766 Provide information about the beneficiary's spouse and
16. Email Address (if any)
[email protected] Person 1
25.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
Beneficiary's Marital Information
25.b. Given Name
17. How many times has the beneficiary been married? (First Name)
► 25.c. Middle Name

18. Current Marital Status 26. Relationship

Single, Never Married Married Divorced
27. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
Widowed Separated Annulled
28. Country of Birth
19. Date of Current Marriage (if currently married)

Place of Beneficiary's Current Marriage Person 2

(if married) 29.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
20.a. City or Town 29.b. Given Name
(First Name)
20.b. State
29.c. Middle Name
20.c. Province
30. Relationship
20.d. Country
31. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)

32. Country of Birth

Names of Beneficiary's Spouses (if any)
Provide information on the beneficiary's current spouse (if
currently married) first and then list all the beneficiary's prior Person 3
spouses (if any).
33.a. Family Name
Spouse 1 (Last Name)
33.b. Given Name
21.a. Family Name (First Name)
(Last Name)
21.b. Given Name 33.c. Middle Name
(First Name)
34. Relationship
21.c. Middle Name
35. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
22. Date Marriage Ended (mm/dd/yyyy)
36. Country of Birth
Spouse 2
23.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
23.b. Given Name
(First Name)
23.c. Middle Name

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Part 4. Information About Beneficiary 48. Travel Document Number
Person 4 49. Country of Issuance for Passport or Travel Document
37.a. Family Name Venezuela
(Last Name)
50. Expiration Date for Passport or Travel Document
37.b. Given Name
(First Name) (mm/dd/yyyy) 10/10/2031
37.c. Middle Name
Beneficiary's Employment Information
38. Relationship
Provide the beneficiary's current employment information (if
39. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) applicable), even if they are employed outside of the United
States. If the beneficiary is currently unemployed, type or print
40. Country of Birth "Unemployed" in Item Number 51.a.
51.a. Name of Current Employer (if applicable)
Gobernacion del Estado Lara
Person 5 51.b. Street Number Carrera 19 con calle23
41.a. Family Name and Name
(Last Name)
51.c. Apt. Ste. Flr.
41.b. Given Name
(First Name)
51.d. City or Town Barquisimeto
41.c. Middle Name
51.e. State 51.f. ZIP Code
42. Relationship
51.g. Province
43. Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)
51.h. Postal Code 3001
44. Country of Birth
51.i. Country
Beneficiary's Entry Information 52. Date Employment Began (mm/dd/yyyy)
45. Was the beneficiary EVER in the United States? 02/02/1996
Yes No
Additional Information About Beneficiary
If the beneficiary is currently in the United States, complete
Items Numbers 46.a. - 46.d. 53. Was the beneficiary EVER in immigration proceedings?
46.a. He or she arrived as a (Class of Admission): Yes No
54. If you answered "Yes," select the type of proceedings and
46.b. Form I-94 Arrival-Departure Record Number provide the location and date of the proceedings.

► Removal Exclusion/Deportation
Rescission Other Judicial Proceedings
46.c. Date of Arrival (mm/dd/yyyy)
55.a. City or Town
46.d. Date authorized stay expired, or will expire, as shown on
Form I-94 or Form I-95 (mm/dd/yyyy) or type or print
"D/S" for Duration of Status
55.b. State

47. Passport Number 56. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


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Part 4. Information About Beneficiary The beneficiary will not apply for adjustment of status in
(continued) the United States, but he or she will apply for an immigrant
visa abroad at the U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate in:
If the beneficiary's native written language does not use
Roman letters, type or print his or her name and foreign 62.a. City or Town
address in their native written language.
62.b. Province
57.a. Family Name
(Last Name) 62.c. Country
57.b. Given Name
(First Name)
57.c. Middle Name NOTE: Choosing a U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate outside
the country of the beneficiary's last residence does not
58.a. Street Number
and Name guarantee that it will accept the beneficiary's case for
processing. In these situations, the designated U.S. Embassy or
58.b. Apt. Ste. Flr. U.S. Consulate has discretion over whether or not to accept the
beneficiary's case.
58.c. City or Town

58.d. Province Part 5. Other Information

58.e. Postal Code 1. Have you EVER previously filed a petition for this
beneficiary or any other alien? Yes No
58.f. Country
If you answered "Yes," provide the name, place, date of filing,
and the result.
2.a. Family Name
If filing for your spouse, provide the last address at which (Last Name)
you physically lived together. If you never lived together,
2.b. Given Name
type or print, "Never lived together" in Item Number 59.a. (First Name)
59.a. Street Number 2.c. Middle Name
and Name
59.b. Apt. Ste. Flr. 3.a. City or Town

59.c. City or Town 3.b. State

59.d. State 59.e. ZIP Code 4. Date Filed (mm/dd/yyyy)

59.f. Province 5. Result (for example, approved, denied, withdrawn)

59.g. Postal Code

If you are also submitting separate petitions for other relatives,
59.h. Country provide the names of and your relationship to each relative.
Relative 1

60.a. Date From (mm/dd/yyyy) 6.a. Family Name

(Last Name) Castillo
60.b. Date To (mm/dd/yyyy) 6.b. Given Name
(First Name) Ledimir

The beneficiary is in the United States and will apply for 6.c. Middle Name Raul
adjustment of status to that of a lawful permanent resident
at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) 7. Relationship Brother
office in:

61.a. City or Town

61.b. State

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Part 5. Other Information (continued) Petitioner's Contact Information
Relative 2 3. Petitioner's Daytime Telephone Number
8.a. Family Name
(Last Name)
4. Petitioner's Mobile Telephone Number (if any)
8.b. Given Name
(First Name) 4077383593
8.c. Middle Name 5. Petitioner's Email Address (if any)
[email protected]
9. Relationship

WARNING: USCIS investigates the claimed relationships and Petitioner's Declaration and Certification
verifies the validity of documents you submit. If you falsify a
Copies of any documents I have submitted are exact
family relationship to obtain a visa, USCIS may seek to have
photocopies of unaltered, original documents, and I understand
you criminally prosecuted.
that USCIS may require that I submit original documents to
USCIS at a later date. Furthermore, I authorize the release of
PENALTIES: By law, you may be imprisoned for up to 5
any information from any of my records that USCIS may need
years or fined $250,000, or both, for entering into a marriage
to determine my eligibility for the immigration benefit I seek.
contract in order to evade any U.S. immigration law. In
addition, you may be fined up to $10,000 and imprisoned for I further authorize release of information contained in this
up to 5 years, or both, for knowingly and willfully falsifying petition, in supporting documents, and in my USCIS records to
or concealing a material fact or using any false document in other entities and persons where necessary for the administration
submitting this petition. and enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.
I understand that USCIS may require me to appear for an
Part 6. Petitioner's Statement, Contact appointment to take my biometrics (fingerprints, photograph,
Information, Declaration, and Signature and/or signature) and, at that time, if I am required to provide
biometrics, I will be required to sign an oath reaffirming that:
NOTE: Read the Penalties section of the Form I-130
Instructions before completing this part. 1) I provided or authorized all of the information
contained in, and submitted with, my petition;
Petitioner's Statement 2) I reviewed and understood all of the information in,
and submitted with, my petition; and
NOTE: Select the box for either Item Number 1.a. or 1.b. If
applicable, select the box for Item Number 2. 3) All of this information was complete, true, and correct
I can read and understand English, and I have read at the time of filing.
and understand every question and instruction on this I certify, under penalty of perjury, that all of the information in
petition and my answer to every question. my petition and any document submitted with it were provided
The interpreter named in Part 7. read to me every or authorized by me, that I reviewed and understand all of the
question and instruction on this petition and my information contained in, and submitted with, my petition, and
answer to every question in that all of this information is complete, true, and correct.

Petitioner's Signature
a language in which I am fluent. I understood all of
this information as interpreted. 6.a. Petitioner's Signature (sign in ink)
2. At my request, the preparer named in Part 8.,
6.b. Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)
prepared this petition for me based only upon
information I provided or authorized. NOTE TO ALL PETITIONERS: If you do not completely
fill out this petition or fail to submit required documents listed
in the Instructions, USCIS may deny your petition.

Form I-130 Edition 07/20/21 Page 9 of 12

Part 7. Interpreter's Contact Information, Interpreter's Certification
Certification, and Signature
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that:
Provide the following information about the interpreter if you I am fluent in English and ,
used one.
which is the same language provided in Part 6., Item Number
Interpreter's Full Name 1.b., and I have read to this petitioner in the identified language
every question and instruction on this petition and his or her
1.a. Interpreter's Family Name (Last Name) answer to every question. The petitioner informed me that he or
she understands every instruction, question, and answer on the
petition, including the Petitioner's Declaration and
1.b. Interpreter's Given Name (First Name) Certification, and has verified the accuracy of every answer.

Interpreter's Signature
2. Interpreter's Business or Organization Name (if any)
7.a. Interpreter's Signature (sign in ink)

Interpreter's Mailing Address 7.b. Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)

3.a. Street Number
and Name
Part 8. Contact Information, Declaration, and
3.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.
Signature of the Person Preparing this Petition, if
3.c. City or Town Other Than the Petitioner
Provide the following information about the preparer.
3.d. State 3.e. ZIP Code

3.f. Province
Preparer's Full Name
1.a. Preparer's Family Name (Last Name)
3.g. Postal Code

3.h. Country
1.b. Preparer's Given Name (First Name)

Interpreter's Contact Information 2. Preparer's Business or Organization Name (if any)

4. Interpreter's Daytime Telephone Number

Preparer's Mailing Address

5. Interpreter's Mobile Telephone Number (if any)
3.a. Street Number
and Name

6. Interpreter's Email Address (if any) 3.b. Apt. Ste. Flr.

3.c. City or Town

3.d. State 3.e. ZIP Code

3.f. Province

3.g. Postal Code

3.h. Country

Form I-130 Edition 07/20/21 Page 10 of 12

Part 8. Contact Information, Declaration, and
Signature of the Person Preparing this Petition, if
Other Than the Petitioner (continued)

Preparer's Contact Information

4. Preparer's Daytime Telephone Number

5. Preparer's Mobile Telephone Number (if any)

6. Preparer's Email Address (if any)

Preparer's Statement
7.a. I am not an attorney or accredited representative but
have prepared this petition on behalf of the petitioner
and with the petitioner's consent.
7.b. I am an attorney or accredited representative and my
representation of the petitioner in this case
extends does not extend beyond the preparation
of this petition.
NOTE: If you are an attorney or accredited
representative whose representation extends beyond
preparation of this petition, you may be obliged to
submit a completed Form G-28, Notice of Entry of
Appearance as Attorney or Accredited
Representative, with this petition.

Preparer's Certification
By my signature, I certify, under penalty of perjury, that I
prepared this petition at the request of the petitioner. The
petitioner then reviewed this completed petition and informed
me that he or she understands all of the information contained
in, and submitted with, his or her petition, including the
Petitioner's Declaration and Certification, and that all of this
information is complete, true, and correct. I completed this
petition based only on information that the petitioner provided
to me or authorized me to obtain or use.

Preparer's Signature
8.a. Preparer's Signature (sign in ink)

8.b. Date of Signature (mm/dd/yyyy)

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Part 9. Additional Information 5.a. Page Number 5.b. Part Number 5.c. Item Number

If you need extra space to provide any additional information

within this petition, use the space below. If you need more 5.d.
space than what is provided, you may make copies of this page
to complete and file with this petition or attach a separate sheet
of paper. Type or print your name and A-Number (if any) at the
top of each sheet; indicate the Page Number, Part Number,
and Item Number to which your answer refers; and sign and
date each sheet.
1.a. Family Name
(Last Name) Jones
1.b. Given Name
(First Name) Lenny
1.c. Middle Name Sigmar

2. A-Number (if any) ► A- 0 9 9 2 5 6 7 3 1

3.a. Page Number 3.b. Part Number 3.c. Item Number 6.a. Page Number 6.b. Part Number 6.c. Item Number
7 4 51
3.d. New Yorkers Multiservices LLC "VENYC" 6.d.

32-04-38. Ave.Long Island

city,Astoria,NY 11101

4.a. Page Number 4.b. Part Number 4.c. Item Number 7.a. Page Number 7.b. Part Number 7.c. Item Number

4.d. 7.d.

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