Dashboards 2.0: Administrator's Guide
Dashboards 2.0: Administrator's Guide
Dashboards 2.0: Administrator's Guide
Administrator’s Guide
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Table of Contents
Best Practice
What’s New! Refer to the Best Practice sections (for new admins), Pro (for returning admins) if you
are looking to customize your processes, or review New in the latest release.
Dashboards 2.0
Dashboards 2.0 > Introduction
With Dashboards 2.0, List View reports are displayed directly below
the Dashboard charts on the Dashboards tab, making it easier to
drill down to and analyze the data that make up the charts. The lists
feature scrolling, faster loading time, sorting, and quickcards.
• Review Dashboards 2.0 features
• Learn how to filter data displayed in Dashboards
Dashboards 2.0 > What is Dashboards 2.0?
Dashboards 2.0 > What is Dashboards 2.0?
Dashboards 2.0 > What is Dashboards 2.0?
Dashboard Features
Dashboards are interactive, enabling managers to view summary information for their teams. When
a manager first accesses the Dashboards 2.0 tab, the data shown is based on their entire team. The
manager can then filter the data to view different sets of information, or drill down to a list view to get to
the detail behind the chart and take action.
To use Dashboards:
1. Go to Analytics > Dashboards 2.0.
2. Select a Dashboard to view from the Dashboard drop-down menu. The Dashboards displayed
depend on your company’s configuration and the user’s role. This list is subject to change as old
Dashboards are removed and new Dashboards are created.
3. Use Dashboard Settings to select the People, Datasets, and Filters to be used in the Dashboards.
4. Click Update to apply the Dashboard Settings and refresh the
data displayed in the Dashboards.
5. Dashboards are interactive. Click on a chart segment to view
the underlying data in a List View report, which displays the total
number of records from the chart directly below it.
6. Click the links in the list report to take these actions:
◦◦ Click CSV or Excel to export the report data.
◦◦ Click Email to send notifications to the report subjects.
◦◦ Click links to view information about the subject, document, etc.
Dashboards 2.0 > What is Dashboards 2.0?
Dashboard Settings
Dashboard Settings are used to limit Dashboard results by People, Datasets, and organizational Filters
such as Department, Division, and Location. Filtering the analysis enables users to narrow and pinpoint
the data within their line of sight to spot trends and exceptions.
Note: Line of sight describes the scope of user data a user is able to view. It depends on his/her
relationship to other users as defined in the User Data File (e.g., manager/employee) and permissions
to see data outside of his/her current line of sight (i.e., Target Population).
Filter Description
People Report Type is used to select the starting relationship such as a Team view
or Matrix view. Starting From allows a user to view the team of a specific
manager within their line of sight. Levels allows you to further define the
scope of the people in the results.
Datasets Select the data to report on. The datasets available for selection are active
forms for the given dashboards process. For example, the Performance
Dashboard datasets display all active Performance Forms.
Filters Select specific divisions, departments, and locations to narrow the number
of results returned in the Dashboard.
User Prompted Filters Depending on the Dashboard selected, additional filters may be available.
Click the arrow to view and use these filters.
Dashboards 2.0 > What is Dashboards 2.0?
At times charts on Dashboards may display no data or unexpected results. Review the list of common
issues and resolutions for each.
Issue Resolution
Charts display no • User does not have permission to view data for the selected filter options,
data such as for a division, department, or location outside of his/her own. Review
the selected filters.
• If no data is present for the form template selected, select another form
• If a form end date under User Prompted Filters is selected that contains no
data for the time period defined, select a new end date.
Charts display • Review the filters applied.
incomplete data • Review the dates selected. The time period may be too restrictive.
Dashboards 2.0 > What is Dashboards 2.0?
Use the QuickLink tile on the Home page to link to Reports or Dashboards.
Go to the QuickLink tile and click Edit; a new pop-up window displays. Scroll
to the Analytics section and click the checkbox(es) to select the reports or
dashboards to be displayed on the QuickLinks tile and click the Save button.
Note: Users can now view and change filters. Filter settings are user-specific
so they remain the same next time the user logs in.
Dashboards 2.0 > Recap
• Review Dashboards 2.0 features
• Learn how to filter data displayed in Dashboards
Additional Resources:
There are a number of additional resources that
can provide more information including:
• Online courses
• Video simulations
• Quick Reference Guides
• Job Aids
Administration > Introduction
Administration Introduction
• Grant users access to Dashboards using Role Based Permissions
• Add Dashboards to the system
• Configure Dashboards
• Add tiles to the Home page
Administration > Introduction
Manage Dashboards
All Dashboard 2.0 Admin Tools now can be found in a single tool called Manage Dashboards. Here,
you can:
Note: If you have bookmarked the tool Manage Youcalc Dashboards in your admin favorites, this
bookmark will take you to the new consolidated landing page. Bookmarks of other dashboard admin
tools will be deleted.
Administration > Turning on Dashboard Permissions using RBP
Note: If the new Dashboards 2.0 Framework is not enabled for your
company, contact Customer Success.
Administration > Turning on Dashboard Permissions using RBP
Types of Groups
Permission Group
Users who have access to Dashboards (e.g., managers). This group is only required if the individuals
who should be able to access Dashboards do not meet one of the standard groups found in the
Permission Role setup.
Administration > Turning on Dashboard Permissions using RBP
Create Groups
1. Go to Admin Tools > Set User Permissions > Manage Permission Groups.
2. Click Create New.
3. The Permission Group window opens. Enter the Group Name and use the People Pool drop-down
menus to define who should be included in the group.
4. Click Update to view how many people will be included in the group.
5. Click Done to add the group to the system.
Repeat this process to create a Target User Group.
Note: Once you have created your Permission Group and Target User Group, you need to create a
Permission Role to assign permission to access Dashboards.
Administration > Turning on Dashboard Permissions using RBP
1. Go to Admin Tools > Set User Permissions > Manage Permission Roles.
2. Click Create New to create a Permission Role to which you will assign Dashboard permissions.
3. Enter the Role Name and Description.
4. Under Permission Settings, click Permission.
5. Permissions are grouped by Users and Administrators on the left side of the page.
◦◦ Under User Permissions, click the Reports Permission link to grant managers access to
Dashboards. Or,
◦◦ Under Administrator Permissions, click the Manage Dashboards / Reports link to grant
administrators permission to configure Dashboards 2.0.
Administration > Turning on Dashboard Permissions using RBP
When Reports Permission is clicked, individual report permissions are listed on the left side of the
1. Click the YouCalc Dashboards check box to allow the role to run all or certain Dashboards 2.0.
◦◦ Select All to allow the role to run all Dashboards. Or,
◦◦ Select Others and pick specific Dashboards for the role to run.
2. Click Done.
Administration > Turning on Dashboard Permissions using RBP
When the Manage Dashboards / Reports link is clicked, administrator Dashboard permissions are
listed on the right side of the page.
1. Click the YouCalc Dashboards check box to allow administrators to configure Dashboards 2.0.
2. Click Done.
Administration > Turning on Dashboard Permissions using RBP
After creating Permission Roles you need to assign them to your Granted User Group.
Administration > Turning on Dashboard Permissions using RBP
The Permission Role Detail page will now display the Permission Role, Permission Groups or Users,
and Target Population. This information can be edited at any point by returning to the Grant Permissions
Role page within Administration Tools.
Administration > Adding Dashboards from the Success Store
You can also download report tiles for your Home page, including:
• Form Status Tile
• Goal Status Tile
The Dashboards and Home page tiles are built on the same
technology: the YouCalc calculation engine. This is an in-memory
analytics and calculation engine pulling data from the Ad Hoc
reporting framework.
Administration > Adding Dashboards from the Success Store
Administration > Configuring Dashboards
Administration > Configuring Dashboards
When you select Edit from the Action drop-down menu the Edit Dashboard page opens. Click the tabs
to view and edit Dashboard and tile information.
Administration > Configuring Dashboards
Tiles can be added to the Home page by clicking the Availability tab and checking the Homepage
check box. Form Status and Goal Status tiles are available from the
Success Store.
Administration > Tile-Based Dashboards
Administration > Tile-Based Dashboards
Click Manage Standard Dashboard and Youcalc Files to build a tile and then click Build Tile to start
tile builder.
You can click the name of an existing tile to edit an existing tile. If the tile was originally built using the
online tile builder, this will open the tile in the tile builder.
TIP: You can also add standard tiles by clicking Add from SuccessStore.
Select a domain
• The domains are the same as you will find in AdHocReport Builder. The domain name is typically the
same as the product name, but some products might have more than one domain available (to query
different parts of the application). Click Create and you will be brought to General Info.
Administration > Tile-Based Dashboards
General Info
TIP: You can give the tile different name in each language by clicking Add Language.
Administration > Tile-Based Dashboards
TIP: These settings are the default filters that will be applied to the tile until the user choose to change
them. Once the user has changed the filter settings these user-saved filters will apply.
Administration > Tile-Based Dashboards
Chart Data
2. Select Category
Category is the column you wish to group by –for example “status”.
3. Select Metric
Metric is the value that should be calculated –for example goal_id (count) or performance rating
5. Click Next.
Administration > Tile-Based Dashboards
• Refine Criteria
You can further refine the report scope with additional filtering with additional filtering within people
• Click Next
Administration > Tile-Based Dashboards
Drill Down
1. Select columns for drill down list by clicking Add Columns. The drill down list will be shown when
clicking/tabbing in the charts, and will be filtered according to what was clicked. Click Next.
TIP: Some columns might result in the drill down list containing more entries than the chart. For
example, if you include milestones for a goal in the list, then there will be a new line for each milestone.
If a goal has 4 milestones, that goal will be in the list 4 times.
Administration > Tile-Based Dashboards
Preview allows you to test the tile before you complete it.
TIP: You can change chart colors in theme manager (Admin Tools > Theme Manager).
You cannot change any other settings for the chart. It will automatically adapt to the context where it is
shown. See more in the separate section about how users see a tile.
Administration > Tile-Based Dashboards
You may choose to make a tile available for the homepage and/or ipad. (This is optional.) Or, leave both
checkboxes blank and just use the tile in a dashboard.
TIP: Don’t push all tiles to homepage and ipad. Instead just leave both checkboxes blank and use the
tiles in dashboards which you then share with users (see later sections in this guide).
REMEMBER: A tile will not be shown anywhere if it is not active. Once a tile is made active it will be
visible to all users who have access to see “all youcalcdashboards” (other users needs to get access
assigned first).
Administration > Constructing a Tile-Based Dashboard
Administration > Constructing a Tile-Based Dashboard
Add Tile
TIP: You cannot build or edit tiles in this tool –just combine existing tiles into dashboards. If you want to
build or edit tiles, then please use online tile builder.
TIP: You can combine tiles from all products except recruiting tiles –they can only be combined with
other recruiting tiles.
TIP: You can give the tile different name in each language by clicking “add language”. Also, you can
change the order of tiles by dragging them up/down.
Administration > Constructing a Tile-Based Dashboard
Sharing Tile
You can share a dashboard which give the tile different name in each language by clicking Add
Language. Also, you can change the order of tiles by dragging them up/down.
TIP: If you use Dynamic Goups functionality the users will be automatically added/removed if they
change role. For example, if you share a dashboard with “Managers”, then if a users becomes
manager they will automatically have access to the dashboard.
Administration > Constructing a Tile-Based Dashboard
Homepage Tiles:
• If a tile has been enabled for the home page,
users will see the tile appearing on the home
• User can click tile to see drill down list.
Administration > YouCalc Dashboard Options
Administration > Recap
• Review how to grant users access to Dashboards using Role Based Permissions (RBP)
• Learn how to add Dashboards to the system
• Learn how to configure Dashboards
• Learn how to add tiles to the Home page
Additional Resources:
There are a number of additional resources that
can provide more information including:
• Online courses
• Video simulations
• Quick Reference Guides
• Job Aids
1. Most Common Competencies shows the average performance rating for competencies. Use the
drop-down menu to select the most common, strongest, or weakest competencies to display in the
2. Form Status Workflow shows the number of forms distributed by the status. Use the Workflow drop-
down menu to select the process on which to report in the chart.
3. Performance Rating Distribution shows the number of forms by the performance rating selected
from the Rating Scale drop-down menu (e.g., potential, performance, or 5-point scale).
4. Forms Overdue shows the distribution of the number of forms that are overdue, not due yet, or
without a due date.
1. Most Common Competencies (Employees Above or Below Expected Rating) shows the number
of employees distributed by the competency category and colored to show if they are above, at level,
or below the expected rating.
2. Use the Most Common Competencies drop-down menus to select the most common, strongest, or
weakest competencies, or the biggest competency gaps to display in the chart.
3. Most Common Competencies (Number of Employees by Competency Rating) shows the
distribution of the number of employees by rating and competency category.
4. Average Overall Competency Rating shows the average competency rating plotted on any of the
rating scales that have been used in one or more of the forms included in the portlet.
5. Most Common Competencies (Competency Gaps) shows the average gap distributed by
competency category.
6. Overall Competency Rating Distribution shows the number of employees by overall competency
7. Most Common Competencies (Average Rating & Expected Rating) shows the average and
expected rating distributed by competency rating.
1. Form Status Workflow shows the number of forms distributed by the status. Use the Workflow drop-
down menu to select the process on which to report in the chart.
2. Forms Overdue shows the distribution of the number of forms that are completed, not yet due,
overdue, and have no due date.
3. Performance / Potential Matrix plots the number of employees in a 9-box matrix based on their
performance and potential ratings. Use the drop-down menu to select the rating scale to use in the
4. Performance Rating Distribution shows the number of forms by the performance rating. Use the
drop-down menu to select the ratings to use in the chart.
5. Potential Rating Distribution shows the number of forms distributed by the potential rating.
1. Objective Status shows a count of the objectives by category, colored by the status of the objectives.
2. Objectives by Completion shows a distribution of objectives’ completion status.
3. Objective Distribution shows a distribution of employees by the number of objectives setup for the
employees. It answers questions like “How many employees have four objectives setup?”
4. Objectives by Visibility shows the split between public and private objectives.
5. Aligned Objectives shows how many of the objectives are aligned vs. unaligned.
6. Objective Due Range shows the distribution of objectives by how far the due date is (or if it is
Additional Resources
There are a number of additional resources that can
provide more information about SuccessFactors,