Traditional Medicinal Plants of Nigeria: An Overview: September 2016

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Traditional medicinal plants of Nigeria: an overview

Article · September 2016

DOI: 10.5251/abjna.2016.

21 31,621

1 author:

Monier Abd El-Ghani

Cairo University


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ISSN Print: 2151-7517, ISSN Online: 2151-7525, doi:10.5251/abjna.2016.
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Traditional medicinal plants of Nigeria: an overview

Monier M. Abd El-Ghani12*
Biology Department, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences, Umaru, Musa Yar’adua University,
Katsina State, Federal Republic of Nigeria
Permanent Address: Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of science, Cairo University,
Giza 12613, Egypt
Corresponding author:[email protected]

The present study represents an attempt to document information on the traditional medicinal
plants that used in Nigeria. A compiled check list of these plants including their Latin names,
families, parts used, medicinal uses, and name in different Nigerian states is the main purpose of
this study. All available information about either the traditional medicinal plants or ethnobotanical
surveys in Nigeria was consulted. The study showed that 325 species and 95 families of
medicinal plants were recognized as being used by most of the people in Nigeria for the
treatment of various common diseases. Fabaceae has the largest number of species (42),
followed by Asteraceae (22), Euphorbiaceae (20), Acanthaceae (13) and Apocynaceae (12). The
largest genera were Euphorbia (6 species), Cola and Hibiscus (5 species for each), Albizia,
Acacia, Combretum and Ficus (4 species for each), Acalypha, Allium, Clerodendrum and Cleome
(3 species for each). The study revealed that traditional medicinal practices have a wide
acceptability among the Nigerian people, probably because they believe in its effectiveness. The
medicinal uses are varied, and the plant parts that are used ranged from leaves, roots, stem, bark
to fruits only, or a combination of two or more in a species or with those of other species.
Enduring and sustainable conservation efforts should be implemented to safeguard these
important medicinal plants.

Keywords: Ethnomedicine, diversity, distribution, traditional healers, Nigeria

INTRODUCTION and practical, whether explicable or not, used in the

diagnosis, prevention and elimination of physical,
Medicinal plants constitute an effective source of both
mental or social imbalance and relying exclusively on
traditional and modern medicine. These plants have
practical experience and observation handed down
been shown to have genuine utility and about 80% of
from generation to generation, whether verbally or in
the rural population depends on them as primary
writing. Traditional medicine might also be
health care (Akinyemi, 2000). Plants have been used
considered as a solid amalgamation of dynamic
as sources of remedies for the treatment of many
medical known-how and ancestral experience. In
diseases since ancient times and people of all
Africa, traditional healers and remedies made from
continents especially Africa have this old tradition.
plants play an important role in the health of millions
Despite the remarkable progress in synthetic organic
of people. Traditional medicine has been described
medicinal products of the twentieth century, over 25%
by the WHO as one of the surest means to achieve
of prescribed medicines in industrialized countries
total health care coverage of the world’s population.
are derived directly or indirectly from plants (Newman
Numerous medicines have been derived from the
et al., 2000). However, plants used in traditional
knowledge of tropical forest people and clearly there
medicine are still understudied (Kirby, 1996). In
will be more in the future. This alone is reason
developing countries, notably in West Africa, new
enough for any and all programs to be concerned
drugs are not often affordable. Thus, up to 80% of the
with the conservation, development, and protection of
population uses medicinal plants as remedies (Kirby,
tropical forest regions.
1996; Hostellmann and Marston, 2002).
It has been estimated that in developed countries
According to the World Health Organization (WHO)
such as United States, plant drugs constitute as
the definition of traditional medicine may be
much as 25% of the total drugs, while in fast
summarized as the sum total of all the knowledge
developing countries such as China and India, the
Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

contribution is as much as 80%. Thus, the economic 2002; Cox, 2005; Kumar et al., 2005; Pei, 2005). But
importance of medicinal plants is much more to in Nigeria, very little information about ethnobotanical
countries such as India than to rest of the world. studies has been documented (Gill, 1992; Sofowora,
These countries provide two third of the plants used 1993; Igoli et al., 1999). Therefore the need for
in modern system of medicine and the health care proper documentation of traditional medicinal
system of rural population depend on indigenous practices among the people in Nigeria where there
systems of medicine. Of the 2, 500,000 higher plant has been a dearth of published information is
species on earth, more than 80,000 are medicinal. immediately called for and this accounts for the
India is one of the world’s 12 biodiversity centres with rationale to undertake the present study.
the presence of over 45000 different plant species.
This study represents an attempt to document
The use of traditional medicine in various therapies information on the traditional medicinal plants used in
by the indigenous population over the world cannot Nigeria. A compiled check list of these plants
be overemphasized, according to the World Health including their Latin names, families, part used, uses,
Organization (WHO), as many as 80% of the world's and name in different Nigerian states is the main
people depend on traditional medicine for their purpose of this study. The documentation of
primary healthcare needs. Due to poverty, ignorance medicinal uses of African plants is becoming
and unavailability of modern health facilities, most increasingly urgent because of the rapid loss of the
people especially rural people are still forced to natural habitat for some of these plants due to
practice traditional medicines for their common day anthropogenic activities.
ailments, most of these people form the poorest link
in the trade of medicinal plants (Khan, 2002). A vast
knowledge of how to use the plants against different All available information about either the traditional
illnesses may be expected to have accumulated in medicinal plants or ethnobotanical surveys in Nigeria
areas where the use of plants is still of great (Fig. 1) was consulted. Data obtained were collected
importance (Diallo et al., 1999). In the developed and tabulated to give the botanical names, common
countries, 25 per cent of the medical drugs are based names, families and the vernacular names of the
on plants and their derivatives (Principe, 1991). various plant species as well as their uses and the
part(s) used. A total of 325 plants species were
During the past decade, traditional medicinal
encountered in this study. Their names in the various
practices have become a topic of global relevance. In
languages, families, uses and part(s) being used are
many developing nations, a significant number of
shown in Table 1.Classification of the collected data
indigenous populations rely on medicinal plants to
according to the diseases for which these plants used
meet their health care needs. According to Lewis and
Elvin-Lewis (2003), botanically derived medicinals
have played a major role in human societies RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
throughout history and prehistory and people have
Plant species belonging to 325 species and 95
used plants as medicine since the beginning of
families were recognized as being used by most of
civilization, as they were believed to have healing
the people in Nigeria for the treatment of various
powers (Connie and King, 2003). The use of plants in
the tropical and subtropical regions is diversified and common diseases. Table (1) showed the list of the
most of the uses are for medicine, source of food, species, botanical name, local name, uses and parts
used. Some of these plants are cultivated by the
clothing and shelter. But the medicinal uses of plants
people themselves while others grow in the wild. Of
are rapidly declining among the present generation of
the 95 different families which the people of this
local people as a consequence of modernization and
civilization (Cox, 2005). The younger generation is
showing little interest in learning this valuable science
of healing. Usage of medicinal plants to cure
diseases has also been much influenced by religious
practices (Trease and Evans, 1989; Wambebe,
1999). All over the world, several ethnobotanical
studies focusing on medicinal plants have been
documented (Ekpendu et al., 1998; Balansard and
Timon, 2000; Singh and Singh, 2001; Wang et al.,

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Table 1: List of the species, botanical name, local names, parts used, and uses.
Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Acanthus montanus Urunhishi Stem-twig, leaves Syphilis,cough,emenic,urethral dischrge
Adhatoda buchhoizii Fruits, whole plant Rhumatism,antiinflammatoy
Asysasia calyciana Orole Leaves skin diseases,weak erection,
Asysasia gangetica lobiri,inana,ntiaturu whole plant snake antidote,piles,urethral discharge
Barleria opaca Arenikosun leaves jaundice,laxatives,snake bite,hemorrhoids
Barleria maderaspatensis ewe-asaju,ewe-isaju whole plant snake bite antidote
Hygrophila auriculata mafowa,bayingiwa whole plant craw-craw,bacteriostatic
Hypostes forskalei Ogbigbo whole plant,roots skin infections
Hypostes vertillaris Ekere whole plant,leaves sore,fever,antiseptic,chest pains
fungal skin diseases,malaria,stomach
Justicia flava odian,oridun whole plant
Justicia insularis isepe-akera whole plant measles,mallpox
Nelsonia compestria dandun-makiyaya leaves,juice,twigs yellow fever,inflammation,schistosomiasis
Phaulopsis falcisepala Apa-ogbe whole plant wounds,skin parasites,laxative

Achyranthes spera hakorin maciji leaves,roots stomach disorders,abortion,malaria
Alternantheras repens Dagunro whole plant dysentry,antimicrobial,filariasis
Alternantheras selsilis maikai dubu whole plant,leaves snake antidote,piles, astrigent, antibacterial
Amaranthus spinosus Nanijingasaya whole plant abdominal pain,ulcers,gonorrhoea
Amaranthus viridis leaves, roots antihelminthics,dysentry,antipasmodic,diuretic

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Celosia laxa Mannafaa leaves antiscorbutic, purgative

skin diseases,
Celosia argenta fara-layatu leaves, seeds
Philoxerus vermiculatus leaves hernia,inflammation

Anacardium occidentale kasu,kanju bark,leaf,fruits malaria,elephantiasis,leprosy,ringworms
Antocaryon micraster ifa-okete,egin-agbo leaves,fruits general toxic,laxative
Haematostaphis barteri jan danya stem,bark,root emenic,tonic,hepatitis,sleeping sicknes
Heeria insignis kasheshe,hawayenzaki leves,stem,root,bark anthelminthics,aphoradisiac,galactagogue
Isolana campanulata Aghakeze root,stem,bark brochial infetions,skin diseases,hematuria
Mangifera indica Mangoro leaves,roots,stem,bark highblood pressure,skin lesions,insomnia
Monodora tenuifolia Sinin leave,roots Antihamorrhage,toothache,skin diseases

Annoa squamosa Sharp -sharp,mbugo ago Leaves,fruit,stem Anaemia,dysentery,ulcer,anti -tumor
Annona sanegalensis ` Root,bark,leaves,seed Cancer,cough,veneral diseases
Anoridium manni Ewuro –igbo bark Diarrhoea,cough,fever,rheumtism
Clestopholis paterns Apako Leaves,bark Respiratory diseases,turberculosis
Enantia chlorantha Osopupa,kakerim Bark Typhoid fever,hepatitis,jaundice,fever
Agudugbu roots,leaves,bark Easy labour,weak erectile
Hexalobus crispiflorus lapawe, apara, oji ogoda roots, whole plant gonorrhoea, cough, malaria
Monodora myristica Abo-lakoshe,ehuru seeds constipation,lice,guinea worms

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Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Anchomanes difformis roots Diuretic,gonorrhoea
Andira inermis Gwaska seeds,bark skin diseses,antihelmintics
Caladium bicolor eje-jesu leves,rhizome topical application for boils,convulsion,ulcer
Cercestics afzelii laves,stem,bark Purgative
Colocasia esculenta gwaba,kokofun tuber,leaves anaemia,wounds,poison antidote
Culcasia scandens Agunnoma leaves Anaesthetic,pregnancy booster

Aslepias curassavia Rizgar-kurege root Gastrointestinal disorders
Calotropis procera Tumfafiya leaves,root,bark,latex Elephantiasis,leprosy
Gymnema sylvestre whole plant Diabetes,snake bite antidote

Crinum glaucum isu meri Bulb,flower-stalks Antimicrobial,anti-allergic
Crinum jagus Obase,albasar kwadi Bulb,leaves Tuberculosis

Avicennia africana Ogbun,ofun leaves,stem,twigs Abortifacient

Certella asiatica whole plant Elephantiasis,skin diseases
Eryngium foetidum Leaves Ulcer,headache
Apium graveolen seleri-saladi whole plant aphrodisiac,stimulant,diuretic
Petroselinum crispum Pasili whole plant vitamin c,stimulant,asthma,conjunctivitis

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Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Adenium obesum Gariya stem,roots,friuit,juice wound dressing,cardiatonic,veneral diseases
sickle cell anaemia,rheumatic pains,eye
Alafia barteri Agbari –etu root,leaves
Alstonia boonei Awun,ahun,akpi root,bark,leaves Breast development,filrial woms
Alstonia congensis Ahun,egbu bark malaria,toothache
Carpodinus dulcis whole plant Galactogogue
Cryptostegia grandiflora leaves,latex fungal infections,heart problems
Eruatamia caronaria leaves,stem,root Anthelminthic,skin infections,toothache
Funtumia africana Akoire,mbamiri leaves,stem,root constipation,wounds,weak bladder,jaundice
Funtumia elastica ire,mba stem,twigs,stem,latex jaundice,piles,antipyretics
Hedrantheral bartery Agbo,omode leaves,fruit convulsion,anti-tumour
Landolphia dulcis Ibo stem,roots Rheumatism,cough,kidney diseases
Landolphia owariensis panukuru,ciwoo,oto fresh leaves,roots,seed Malaria,gonorrhea

Impatiens balsamina whole plant Antiseptic,fungicide
Impatiens glandullifera Touch me not sap Application on poison ivy rash

Adansonia digitata ose,igi-ose,kuka leaves,fruit,pulp,bark Fever,antimirobial,kidney and bladder diseass
Bombax buonopozense Gurjiya whole plant Abdominal pain,blood tonic
Pachira glabra Epa-boro stem,bark,seed stomach disorders,headache,blood tonic

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Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Bixa orellana osun-buke,ulla,ufe fruits,seeds malaria,kidney diseases,skin diseases

Boswellia dalzielli Hano bark,gum,roots urinary disorder,antiseptic
Boswellia SPP Juhii bark anti snake venom
Canarium schweinfurthii origbo,mbiji bark black tongue,roundworms,gonorrhea
Commiphora africana turari,dashi roots,fruits whooping cough,bronchitis
Dacryodes edulis elemi, ube bark,roots,fruits jiggars,skin diseases,elephantiasis

crescentia cujete igi,iba fruits Receptacle for herbal medicines
Jacaranda spp leaves,bark veneral diseases,spleen tonic
Kigelia africana pandoro,utu rubein roots,fruits,stem,bark kidney disorders,spleen infections,cough
Markhamia tomentosa iru-aya,aya leaves elephatiasis,oedema,rheumatism

Boscia senegalensis Anza leaves,fruit,bark malaria,veneral diseases

Anogeissus lelocarpus Ayin,marike Bark,leaves,seed Taeniacide,skin diseases
Combretum glutinosum Kattakara leaves childhood fever,milk preservation
Combretum grandiflous Ikedike leaves Jaundice
Combretum mucronatum farar geza root,leaves Wounds
Combretum periculatum ogan,okan twigs Appetizer

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Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Cnestis ferruginea Amunketa,esise fruit,seeds,bark,root,leaves Snake bite,oral infections

Commelina diffusa Obogi,balasa whole plant yellow fever,oedema,itchin
Connarus africanus seed,root,bark Anthelmintics

Canna indica Gwangwama leaves Asthma,malaria

Carica papaya Ojo,gwanda leaves,seeds,fruits Gonorrhoea,syphilis,mental disorders

Courbonia virgata Kumkum Root,fruits,seeds stimulant,chest pain
Capparis thonningii ewon,ekiri root Mentrl disorders,fever
Cleome ciliata Ekuya leaves,seeds Convulsion,wounds,sores
Cleome gynandra Ipiya leaves,seeds Rheumatism,ease labour
Creteva adansonii taniya, leaves,seeds Urinary disorders,antipyretic

Cannabis sativa igbo,wiwi leaves,seeds,stem,twigs sedative,lice,dyspepsia

Lonicera caprifolum leaves,flower Respiratory disorders,liver disorders

Citrullus lanatus Egusi-baara seed,leaves,fruit,pulp woumb expeller,cystitis,diuretic
Coccinia grandis Gurjin daji leaves,fruits Depression,veneral diseases

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Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Citrullus colocynthis Egus bara whole plant Antimicrobials

Cucumeropsis manni Eyen leaves Milk laxative
Coccinia barteri ewe-ojo whole plant Veneral diseases
Cucumis melo Burji leaves,root Fungal diseases
Cucurbita maxima Kabewa seeds,fruits tape worms,taenicides
Cucumis prophetarum fruits,pulp Vermifuge
Bryophyllum pinnatum Abomoda leaves,root,leaf -sap

Kalenchoe crenata ejeti,onwa whole plant small pox,convulsion,asthma

Brassica oleraceaecapitata Kabeji leaves,seed Antimicrobial

Celestrus indica ponju-owiwi root,leaves,twigs Antimicrobial,asthma,malaria
Celestrus senegalensis Isepolohun leaves,stem,root Oedema,laxative,gonorrhea

Dichaetalum baneri Ngbu ewa seeds Cough,rheumatism

Cochlospermum planchorii Rawaya roots,stem-bark Gonorrhoea,menstrual disorder
Cochlospermum tinctorium Balagande whole plant Virginal discharge,bilhazia

Chenopodium ambroiodes asin,arunpale whole plant Anthelmintics,tumour

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Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Cyperus esculentus aya aya whole plant to induce vomiting,menstrual discharge
Mariscus alternifolius Ranransa,ikeregun stem-bases Gonorrhoea,healing wounds

Acanthospermum,hispidum kashin yawo whole plant yellow fever,turbaculosis,cough
Achillea millefolium Yaro flowers,leaves,seeds haemostatic,wounds,piles
Ageratum conyzoides Urata whole plant wounds,ulcers,sleeping sickness,eyewash
Ambrosia maritima Makarfo whole plant syphilis,stimulant
Aspilla africana yunyun,kalankuwa leaves,flower skin rashes,cleaning sores,corneal opacities
Bidens pilosa abere,langanran whole plant anaesthetic,easy labour,abdoinnal pains
Blumia auria whole plant antipyretic,gastro intestinal pains
Centauriea perrottetii Danyi whole plant skin infections,syphilis
Chromolaena odorata akintola,obiarakara leaves,stem-twigs Antimicrobials,haemostatic,skin diseases
Chrysanthelium indicum Abilere,oyigi whole plant boils,gonorrhoea,jaundice
Conyza canadensis whole plant gonorrhoea,genital diseases,antibacterials
Conyza sumatrensis Olowojeja whole plant Antipyretic,asthma,tuberculosis
Echinacea purpurea rhizome Antimicrobial agents
Eclpa prostrata Abikole,arojoku leaves Elephatiasis,liver ailments,convulsion
Elephantapus scaber root,leaves fever,cough
Emilia coccinea Odundun leaves,root,sap ulcers,hernia,messles
Galinsoga parviflora leaves wounds,analgesic

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Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Laggera alata agemo-kogun,eru-taba leaves,root,sap fever,pneumonia,tapeworms

Laggera aurita taba-ebora whole plant malaria,gasrointestinal pains
Matricaria recutita flowers Analgesic,antispasmodic
Microglossa abzelii leaves,stem tuberculosis,respiratory infections
Microglossa pyrifolia leaves,root antipyretic,abortifolant

Dichappetalum toxicarium alo,ikunmu-agbo stem,bark,stwigs,leaves jaundice,poisonous to animals

Discorea dumentorum Esuru,gussami tuber,leaves Analgesic,psychic trouble

Dracaena manni peregun,akuku root,leaves,ruit Antimicrobial,skin diseases

Diospyros canaliculata owe,oriloje bark, leaves Antimicrobial,leprosy
Diospyros mespliformis kalwa,ige root-bark, stem-bark Bilhazia,fertility regulation

Acalypha fimbriata Kandri leaves syphilis,asthma,antimicrobial,antifungal
Acalypha godseffiana Jinwinini leaves,twigs skin infections,antimicrobials
Acalypha wikesiana Jiwene leaves,twigs antimicrobials,constipation
Alchornea laxiflora Pepe, ijan Stem, root, leaves Veneral disease,antioxidant
Antidesma venosum Aroro stem,bark Anthelmintics
Bridelia ferruginea iri,kirni leaves,stem,bark,root insomnia,mouth wash,gonorrhea

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Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Croton lobatus eru,namijin zaki,bansaa root,bark,leaves guinea worms,urinary disorders

Croton zambesicus Ajekobale leaves,twigs file,gonorrhea
Drypetes florabunda Asokara stem toothache,oral hygiene
Erythrococca anomala iyere-igbo fruits,leaves,leave-sap joint pains,taeniacide
Euphorbia balsamifera stem,latex Dysentery
Euphorbia deightonii ora agogo leaves women sterility
Euphorbia heterophylla Egele leaves,roots skin diseases
Euphorbia hirta nonon kurciya,odane whole plant exudate asthma,cough,shape of breasts
Euphorbia kamerurica oro,ukoko latex Aid umbilicalcord drop-off
Euphobia laterifolia oro were leaves exudate dermatosis,constipation
Makaranga barteri asasa,owariwa leaves,stem,bark dysentery,urinary disorder
Mareya spicata Uhosa leaves,fruits,bark skin infections,tape worms
Microdesmis puberula Aringo,ukperi leaves,seeds,bark eye drop,diarrhea
Phyllanthus amarus geron tsuntsaye whole plants jaundice,insomnia,antimicrobials

Caloncoba echinata Ntuebi whole plant and exudate skin infections
Caloncoba glauca Kakandika seed,root,bark leprosy,skin lesions

Mansonia senegalensis oil Emmenagogue

Curculigo piloza Doyar kurege roots Leukaemia,gonorrhea

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Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Hypoxis nyasica whole plant Uterine cancer

Otoro,alilibarrafi stem-bark,root-bark piles,trypanasomiasis
irvingia gabonensis oro,goron biri leaves sleen infections
Klainedoxa gabonensis kanakoro,odudu bark,seeds measles,chicken pox,skin infections

Cassythafiliformis Niginigini stem-twigs Antimicrobial,anti-funga,anthelminthics
Cinnamomum zeyianiam Bark,leaves,oil Typhoid fever,vomiting,nausea

Leonotis nepetifolia Ekun leaves,root wound,purgative
Leucas martinicensis keke-owu leaves snake bite antidote

Abrus precatorius oju-ologbo,idon zakara roots,leaves,seeds conjuctivitis,antidote for poison,antimicrobials
Acacia auriculiformis kasia eleti bark Astringent
Afrormosia laxiflora shedun,makarfo roots intoxicant,body pains
Afzelia africana Apa-igbo,akpalata leaves,roots,bark,seeds gonorrhoea,hernia
Albizia adiarthifolia bark gonorrhoea,night blindness,piles
Albizia ferruginea Kurmii root,stem,bark,leaves constipation,fish poison
Albizia lebbeck Igbagbo seeds,leaves,stem,bark river blindness,astringent

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Albizia zygia Ayinre-weere bark Arthritis,sprain

Anthonotha macrophylla Abara latex,bark Gonorrhea,yellow fever
Arachis hypogea Epa nuts Antimicrobials,insomnia
Bandeiraea simplicifolia Kporekpo leaves,bark Urinary disorder,cancerous growth
Cajanus cajan Orela leaves,seeds smallpox,mouth wash
Calliandra portoricensis tude,oga leaves,twigs,roots convulsions,breas engogement
Clitoria ternatea roots,leaves,seeds gonorrhoea,ulcer
Dalbergia lactea Ojiji bark,stem-dust pimples,ease labour
Daniellia oliveri iya,kadaura gum,bark urinary tract infections
Daniellia thurifera Iya stew-wood dust Scabies
Delorix regia seke seke,ayin leaves,bark,seeds,flower diuretics,anthelmintics
Detaruyn nucricaroyn taura,ogbogbo bark,leaves wounds,ulcers
Dialium guineense tsamiyar kurmi leaves,fruits,bark,twig bronchitis,cough,diuretic
Dioclea reflexa Agbarin,arin seeds Asthma head lice,dandruff
Glycine max Ewa seeds Laxative
Glycyrrhiza glabra roots Expectorant,bronchitis
Guibourtia coplliere kaluk ofoun leaves,roots,fruits,exudate blood booster
Indigofera arrecta Elu aja leaves,twigs Diarrhoea,dysentery
Indigofera macrophylla aniya makomiya leaves piles,enlargement of spleen and liver
Leucena leucocephala leaves,seeds Antimicrobials,blood tonic
Mepturnia oleracea galajin ruwa whole plants yellow fever

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Acacia ataxacantha Young leaves Dysentry,bark pain
Acacia nilotica baani,gabaruwa fruit,bark,exudate skin diseases,fungal infections
Acacia sieberia siyi,farakaya bark,stem-twigs,leaves Anti cancer,Athsma
Mucuna pruriens Kakara hairs on the pods intestinal worms,genito-urinary disorders
Mundulea sericera roots anti parasites
Parkia biglobosa Dorowa,igba whole plant tonic,mental disorders,obesity,diabete
Pentaclethra macrophylla Apapa,pakala leaves,bark,roots Appetizer,general weakness,jaundice
Pericopsis laxiflora bark hypertension,insomnia
Baphia nitada majigi,aboshi leaves,bark cancrous growth,urinary disorders
Baphia pubescens Awewi stem bark antimicrobials,urinary infections
Bauhinia variegata Root,leaves,bark skin diseases,syphilis
Bauhinia caesalphiniaceae Jinga Root Fever,dysentry
Berlinia grandiflora Root,bark,stem syphilis,skin diseases
Burkea africana Apasa,orusi Bark,twigs Headache

Napoleona imperialis Mabungi twigs Asthma,cough
Napoleona vogelii ito,akbodo whole plant Diabetes,fever

Lycopodium cernuum kuje-kuje whole plant New born skin management

Lawsonia inermis Lalle leaves,flower,bark spermatorrhoea,jaundice,skin diseases

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Anthocleista djalonensis shapo,kwari bark,leaves Purgative,rashes,eczema
Anthocleista vogelli Apa oro,sapo seeds,bark Antidote for snake bite

Lobelia molleri whole plant Mental disorders,antimicrobial

Allium ascalonicum Albasa maigo Leaves, bulb convulsion,dysentery
Allium cepa Albsa bulbs, leaves cough, diuretic, antihelminthic
Allium sativum Ayo, ayuu bulb fever,cough, asthma,antimicrobial
Aloe vera ahon erin leaves juice purgative, guineaworms, breast cancer
Asparagus africana aluki, sarka whole plant antimicrobial, kidney diseases
Gloriosa superba mora, ewe-aje, baurere tubers, leaves gonorrhoea, headlice, antipyretic
alubosa-aloko, hatsin
Pancratium trianthum bulb visual hallucinations, convulsions
Abelmochus esculentus kubewa,ila fruits,seeds fever,gonorrhoea,catarrhal infections
Abutilon mauritianum furu,kawo leaves,roots diarrhoea,piles,gonorrhea
Clappertonia facifolia Bolobolo leaves,roots Cough
Hibiscus acetosella Akese leaves Dysentery
Hibiscus asper isapa,dangiraa leaves cough,wounds,diuretic
Hibiscus rosasinensis kekeke,ireagu leaves,stem,flower influenza,wounds,diuretic
Hibiscus sabdariffa sobo,gurguzuu leaves,flowers Diuretics,cough,dressing wounds

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Hibiscus surattensis Akonimara,emo whole plant,leaves Abdominal pain

Flabellaria peniculata lagbo-lagbo leaves wound,cuts

Azadiracta indica Dogon yaro,bedi leaves,stem,bark,seeds Malaria,jaundice,anthelmintics,syphilis
Ekebergia senegalensis madacin dutse,ayape trunk,bark,root Insomnia,root powder induce sneezing

Chasmanthera dependens Ato-oloriraun root Diuretic,management of fracture
Cissampelos owariensis Damargaji whole plant Lung diseases,diuretic,blood tonics
Cocparnus pendulus root Antipyretic
Discoreophyllum cummisii Inunurin Fruits,leaves,root Diabetes,Obesity

Embelia guineasis leaves,root Anthelmintics,skin diseases
Embelia schimperi Kiru stem-bark,leaves Antispasmodic,anthelmintic

Gisekia pharmacicides leaves,fruits wounds,cut

Moringa oleifera zogale,bagaruwar makka whole plant Inflammatory diseases,veneral diseases

Antiaris africana Ooro, Ayo, Farinloko stem-bark, root bark,sap Epilepsy, lumbago,Irritation
Artocarpus altilis Roots, Fruits, Wood Fevers, Sedative
Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Dorstenia prorepens Alaifo, Aloifo Stem, Twig, Leaves Nephrosis,antimicrobials

Ficus capensis opoto, farin bauree leaf,stem,root,fruits Dysentery,oedema,leprosy,gonorrhoea
Ficus elegans Asoro leaves piles,constipation,craw-craw
Ficus exasperata Epin leaves,bark,roots,seeds stomach disorders,scabies,urinary ailments
Ficus mucosa Janbaure bark of stem insomnia

Nymphaea lotus Bado whole plant vomiting,anti-tumour

Boerhaavia diffusa Baba juji,eso bark,leaves,fruit,flower Blood tonic,emolient

Neprolepsis bisserata Iramu whole plant pregnancy booster

Jussiaea linifoliio Bini-sensen leaves Malaria
Ludwigia suffruticossa Ako ewuro odo whole plant Anthelmintics,purgative

Yellow fever,veneral diseases,mental
Olax subscorpioidea gwanon rafi whole plant
Eulophia millosoni Rhizome Aphrodisiac

Lophira alata Eki,uda Root,bark,seeds,leaves Fever,jaundice
Ouratea flava Nkanka leaves,fruit Laxative,vitaminss

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Opilia celtidifolia Inuwar gada Root,stem Anthelmintics

Oxalis corniculata oneku,tsuku leaves Fever,warts,boils

Adenia cissampeloides arokeke,godogbo leaves,stem,bark hypertension,nervous disorders,antimicrobials
Adenia venenata dodo,yaga,arokeke whole plant bronchitis,syphilis

Eichhornia crassipes mako,omi whole plant Skin care

Hilleria latifolia Ogo,akaato whole plant Breast cancer,urethral discharges

Sanguinolenta cryptolepia root,stem Antipyretic,antimicrobial,urinary infections

Pedalum murex whole plant Gonorrhoea,enlarged spleen

Antigonon leptopus leaves antimicrobials

Areca catechu nut urinary tract infections,anthelmintics
Borassus aaethiopum Uburu Roots,juie of nut Respiratory disorders
Cocos nucifera Agbon,kwakwa bark,roots,nut Bronchitis,liver ailments,scabies

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Piper nigrum Fruits diuretic,piles,rheumatic pains
Piper umbellatum eweefon,iwere leaves,roots,fruits Rheumatism,inflammatory tumours,diuretic

Gouania longipetata Laghosa stem-twigs Gum infections

Amaralia bignoniflora Unemuo leaves,seeds cough,rheumatic pain
Borreria verticillata Irawo leaves,seeds Gonorrhoea,anti-leprosy,antibilharziasis
Cepphaelis manni leaves,bark,roots wounds,antipyretic,dysentry
Cinchona offinalis bark malaria,antibacterial
Coffea arabica kofi,gahwa kernels stimulant,rheumatism,diuretic
Citrus aurantifolia Dankabuya whole plant jaundice,abdominal ulcer,scurvy,antimicrobial
Citrus limon Babban lemu whole plant Antipyretic,colds

Allphylus africanus Alarto leaves,root,bark piles,veneral diseases,anthelmintics
Blighia unijugata ako-isin root,leaves,stem,bark Diabetes,postanatal haemorrhage
Blighia sapida gwanja kusa leaves,fruits,bark Malaria
Dodonaea viscosa leaves Sore throat

Brucea antidysentrica root,bark cancer

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Hannoa klaineana Takardar giwa,igigun stem,root Hypertension

Buchcholzia coriaceae Uwuro Fruit,bark Antimicrobials,respiratory disorders
Cola acuminata Oji fruits,nuts Fever
Cola caricifolia Ogugu leaves Eye infections,ring worm
Cola laurifolia Karanga twigs,stem,bark Toothache
Cola milleni obi-edun leaves,fruit Ringworms,scabies
Cola nitida Obi gbanjo stem,bark,seeds,kernel Diarrhoeas
Hildegradia barteri Kariya bark Epilepsy

kadanya,osisi seeds Nasal decongestion and cattarhal conditions
Chrysophyllum albidum osan balumo bark,leaves Fever

Baccopa monnifera whole plant Cough,catarrh,bronchitis

Casearia barteri Ukpakuzon stem,twigs,bark Oral hygeine

Gnidia kraussiana mada,sungoje,tururibi roor,stem Leprosy,skin diseases

Leptogramma pillosiasaila Rhizome Diabetes,obesity

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Families Species Local names Part used Medicinal uses

Glyphaea brevis Atory whole plant Respiratory ailments

Grewia venusta Dargaza leaves,stem,twigs,bark fever,boils,ease labour

Celtis midbraedii uta,aziza root Arthritis

Clerodendrum paniculatum ora-ojola,adabi root,leaves Anthpyretic,anthelmintics
Clerodendrum capitalum Feregede,illiri leaves,root Anthelmintics,dysentry,gonorrhoea
Clerodendrum umbellatum leaves Wouns,cut
Duranta repens fruits Anthelmintics
Lantana camara Kimba leaves fever,aniseptic
Lippia multiflora Toromaba whole plant Hypertension,antipyretic
Hybanthus enneaspermus Abiwere whole plant Easy and painless child delivery
Afrormosia granum-paraisi oburo-wawa roots anthelmintics
Aframomum scretrum oburo-etu,oguro seeds,leaves Measles,small pox
Aframomun melegueta Citta leaves,seeds stimulant,anthelmintics,small pox
Curcuma longa Gangamu tubers jaundice,anti-tumour,eye wash
Kaempfena nigerica rhizome Mental disorders,hallucinogenic agent

Balanites aegyptiaca Aduwa,badure root,fuits,seeds,bark Anthelmintics,skin diseases
Guaiacum officinale Stem Urinary disorders,diuretic

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Table 2: Total number of species and genera within each recorded family.
Number of
Family Number of species
Fabaceae 42 28
Asteraceae 22 19
Euphorbiaceae 20 12
Acanthaceae 13 9
Apocynaceae 12 9
Cucurbitaceae 9 6
Amaranthaceae 8 5
Annonaceae 8 7
Malvaceae 8 4
Rubiaceae 8 7
Anacardiaceae 7 7
Liliaceae 7 5
Moraceae 7 4
Sterculiaceae 7 3
Araceae 6 6
Capparaceae 6 4
Verbenaceae 6 4
Burseraceae 5 4
Combretaceae 5 2
Zingiberaceae 5 4
Apiaceae 4 4
Bignoniaceae 4 4
Caesalpiniaceae 4 3
Menispermaceae 4 4
Sapindaceae 4 3
Asclepiadaceae 3 3
Bombaceae 3 3
Mimosaceae 3 1
Palmae 3 3
Amaryllidaceae 2 1
Balsaminaceae 2 1
Celestraceae 2 1
Cochlospermaceae 2 1
Commelinaceae 2 2
Cyperaceae 2 2
Ebenaceae 2 1

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Number of
Family Number of species
Flacourtiaceae 2 1
Irvingiaceae 2 2
Lamiaceae 2 2
Lauraceae 2 2
Lecythidiaceae 2 1
Loganiaceae 2 1
Meliaceae 2 2
Myrsinaceae 2 1
Ochnaceae 2 2
Onagraceae 2 2
Papilionaceae 2 2
Passifloraceae 2 2
Piperceae 2 1
Simaroubaceae 2 2
Spotaceae 2 2
Tiliaceae 2 2
Zygophyllaceae 2 2
Avicenniaceae 1 1
Bixaceae 1 1
Cannabinaceae 1 1
Cannaceae 1 1
Cannaraceae 1 1
Capparidaceae 1 1
Caprifoliaceae 1 1
Caricaceae 1 1
Chailletiaceae 1 1
Chenopodiaceae 1 1
Crassulaceae 1 1
Brassicaceae 1 1
Dichapetalaceae 1 1
Discoreaceae 1 1
Dracaenaceae 1 1
Geraniaceae 1 1
Hypericaceae 1 1
Hypoxidaceae 1 1
Lobeliaceae 1 1
Lycopodiaceae 1 1

Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2016, 7(5): 220-247

Number of
Family Number of species
Lythraceae 1 1
Malphighiaceae 1 1
Molluginaceae 1 1
Moringaceae 1 1
Neprolepidaceae 1 1
Nyctaginaceae 1 1
Nymphaeceae 1 1
Olacaceae 1 1
Opilliaceae 1 1
Orchidaceae 1 1
Oxalidaceae 1 1
Pedaliaceae 1 1
Periplocaceae 1 1
Phytolaccaceae 1 1
Polygonaceae 1 1
Pontederiaceae 1 1
Rhamnaceae 1 1
Samydaceae 1 1
Scrophulariaceae 1 1
Thelyptoidaceae 1 1
Thymelaeceae 1 1
Ulmaceae 1 1
Violaceae 1 1

Fig. 1: General map of Nigeria showing its states
country consult for medicinals, Fabaceae has the For common diseases like cuts and wounds, Milicia
largest number of species (42), followed by excelsa, Chromolaena odorata, Aspilia africana,
Asteraceae (22), Euphorbiaceae (20), Acanthaceae Manihot esculenta are used for fast healing of
(13) and Apocynaceae (12). These families included wounds. This may only indicate that these plants
also the highest number of genera as well (Table 2). contain therapeutic compounds such as vitamins c
Largest genera were Euphorbia (6 species), Cola and and some amino acids which are responsible for the
Hibiscus (5 species for each), Albizia, Acacia, fast healing of wounds. Others like eye defects and
Combretum and Ficus (4 species for each), ear infections are treated using Alchornea cordifolia
Acalypha, Allium, Clerodendrum and Cleome (3 and Bryophyllum pinnatum, Jatropha curcas
species for each). Forty-three families or about respectively.
44.3% of the total families included only one species.
Diseases such as coughs are cured using varieties of
This study has revealed that traditional medicinal
taxa such as Abrus precatorius, Ocimum
practices have a wide acceptability among the
gratissimum, Garcinia kola and Terminalia
Nigerian people probably because they believe in its
macroptera. Euphorbia hirta is used for the treatment
effectiveness. Also the unavailability and
of asthma while Cassia alata and Parquetina
unaffordability of orthodox drugs may also have
nigrescens are used as tonic (blood purifier).
contributed largely to preference of traditional
Cymbopogon citratus, Blighia sapida and Ocimum
medicine over the orthodox drugs. The medicinal
gratissimum are also effective in the relief of chest
uses are varied and the plant species parts that are
used range from leaves, roots, stem, bark to fruits
only, or a combination of two or more in a species or Some plants are believed to contain chemicals which
with those of other species. possess anti-malarial properties such as
Chromolaena odorata, Mangifera indica, Citrus senegalensis and seven seeds of Aframomum
aurantifolia Psidium guajava, Nauclea latifolia, melegueta are eaten to prevent snake bite. Also
Bridelia ferruginea, Cymbopogon citratus, plants such as Nicotiana tabacum and Datura metel
Anacardium occidentale, Alstonia boonei and are planted around houses to prevent and repel the
Azadirachta indica. These plants are not commonly snakes. The indigenous people believe that some
used individually to cure malaria but two or more of plants could confer longevity (increase their life
the plants are combined together for the treatment of span), for example, Spondias mombin is used to bath
malaria. Khaya senegalensis is used to cure typhoid infants because its name “iyeye” means survival and
fever while Acanthospermum hispidus is used for Garcinia kola is used during naming ceremonies
yellow fever. Others such as Azadirachta indica and because its name “orogbo”, means long life.
Bridelia ferruginea are combined together for the Bryophyllum pinnatum may also be put on window
treatment of Jaundice. frames as it is believed that since the plant does not
die easily, whoever that keeps it will live long. The
Critical ailments such as epilepsy are cured using the
people also used plants such as Glyphaea brevis and
leaves of Bryophyllum pinnatum and Emilia
Abrus precatorius to induce labour, while Alchornea
sonchifolia when made as concoction and
cordifolia and Heliotropium indicum are used for
administered orally to the patient while scrotum
foetal development and arrest abortion or for
elephantiasis is cured with the leaves of Newbouldia
miscarriage respectively.
laevis and tuberculosis with Acanthospermum
hispidus leaves. The people also use Azadirachta In conclusion, this study has revealed that ethno-
indica to cure small pox and chicken pox. Diabetes is medicinal practices are well accepted by the people
cured using the root extract of Urena lobata. Ficus of this country. It is suggested that an enduring and
capensis and Pupalia lappacea are used for the sustainable conservation efforts be put in place by
treatment of Leprosy while Cajanus cajan and Carica the community and government to safeguard these
papaya are used for hypertension and ulcer important medicinal plants.
respectively. Bridelia ferruginea and Anacardium
occidentale found to be effective in the treatment for
coated tongue. Akinyemi, B. (2000). Recent concept in plaque formation. J.
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Borreria sp., Hymenocardia acida and Allamanda four plants used in Traditional medicine in Mali.
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