Distinguishing Arguments and Counterarguments

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Distinguishing arguments and counterarguments:

Are social networking sites good for our society?
Match arguments and counter-arguments:
1. Read the arguments related to the value of social networking in Column A. Match
each argument in Column A with its counterargument(s) in Column B.
2. Write the best response(s) from Column B in the appropriate space. You may find
several counterarguments for one argument. You may find that one counterargument
matches several arguments.
3. Compare, discuss and justify your responses with classmates.

Ans Arguments Counterarguments

1. Students who are heavy social media users A. Criminals use social media to commit and
tend to have lower grades. Students who use promote crimes. Gangs use the sites to recruit
social media had an average GPA of 3.06 younger members, coordinate violent crimes,
while non-users had an average GPA of 3.82 and threaten other gangs. Offline crime, like
and students who used social networking sites home robberies, may result from posting
while studying scored 20% lower on tests. personal information such as vacation plans or
College students’ grades dropped 0.12 points stalkers gaining information about a victim’s
for every 93 minutes above the average 106 whereabouts from posts, photos, or location
minutes spent on Facebook per day. Two- tagging services.
thirds of teachers believe that social media
does more to distract students than to help

2. Social networking sites facilitate cyberbullying. B. Being a part of a social networking site can
49.5% of students reported being the victims of increase a person’s quality of life and reduce
bullying online and 33.7% reported committing the risk of health problems. Social media can
bullying behavior online. 800,000 minors were help improve life satisfaction, stroke recovery,
harassed or cyberbullied on Facebook memory retention, and overall well-being by
according to a June 2012 Consumer Reports providing users with a large social group.
survey. Middle school children who were Additionally, friends on social media can have
victims of cyberbullying were almost twice as a "contagion" effect, promoting and helping
likely to attempt suicide. Adults can also be with exercise, dieting, and smoking cessation
victims of cyberbullying, from social, familial, or goals.
workplace aggression being displayed on
social media sites.

3. Social networking sites can lead to stress and C. Social networking sites allow people to
offline relationship problems. A University of improve their relationships and make new
Edinburgh Business School study found the friends. 70% of adult social networking users
more Facebook friends a person has, the more visit the sites to connect with friends and
stressful the person finds Facebook to use. family, and increased online communication
According to a Feb. 9, 2012 Pew Internet strengthens relationships. 52% of teens using
report, 15% of adult social network users had social media report that using the sites has
an experience on a social networking site that helped their relationships with friends, 88%
caused a friendship to end, 12% of adult users report that social media helps them stay in
had an experience online that resulted in a touch with friends they cannot see regularly,
face-to-face argument, and 3% of adults 69% report getting to know students at their
reported a physical confrontation as the result school better, and 57% make new friends.
of an experience on a social networking site.

4. Social networking sites encourage amateur D. Social media sites empower individuals to
advice and self-diagnosis for health problems make social change and do social good on a
which can lead to harmful or life-threatening community level. Social media shares
results. One in five Americans uses social popularized nine-year old Scottish student,
media for health care information. An American Martha Payne, and her blog, "Never Seconds,"
Journal of Public Health study revealed that, which exposed the state of her school’s lunch
"Social media may also pose a hazard to program prompting international attention that
vulnerable people through the formation and resulted in changes to her school and the
influence of ‘extreme communities'—online formation of "Friends of Never Seconds"
groups that promote and provide support for charity to feed children globally. Jeannette Van
beliefs and behaviors normally unacceptable Houten uses social media to find owners of
by the social mainstream such as anorexia, photographs and mementos strewn from
suicide, and deliberate amputation." A North houses by Hurricane Sandy. Hillsborough, CA
Carolina blogger was criminally charged with freshman varsity soccer goalie Daniel Cui was
"practicing dietetics or nutrition without a blamed for and bullied about a losing season
license" for offering potentially dangerous until over 100 of his teammates and
nutritional advice about the Paleo diet while classmates changed their Facebook profile
posing as an expert. Jeffrey Benabio, MD, photos to one of Cui making a save, silencing
searched for "eczema" on Twitter and found, in the bullies and building Cui's confidence.
the first 100 results, 84 were spam and several
others gave harmful and sometimes bizarre
advice like using toothless fish to eat eczema
affected skin.

5. Social networking sites increase voter E. Social networking sites help people who are
participation. Facebook users reported they socially isolated or shy connect with other
are more likely to vote if they see on social people. More than 25% of teens report that
networking sites that their friends did. During social networking makes them feel less shy,
the Nov. 2010 elections, Facebook users who 28% report feeling more outgoing, and 20%
visit the site more than once a day were 2.5 report feeling more confident (53% of teens
times more likely to attend a political rally or identified as somewhat shy or "a lot" shy in
meeting, 57% more likely to persuade general). Youth who are "less socially adept"
someone about a vote, and 43% more likely to report that social networks give them a place
say they will vote. During the 2012 presidential to make friends and typically quiet students
election, 22% of registered voters posted about can feel more comfortable being vocal through
how they voted on Facebook or Twitter, 30% a social media platform used in class. Shy
were encouraged to vote by posts on social adults also cite social media as a comfortable
media, and 20% encouraged others to vote via place to interact with others.
social networking sites.

6. Law enforcement uses social networking sites F. Social networking sites facilitate face-to-face
to catch and prosecute criminals. 67% of interaction. People use social media to
federal, state, and local law enforcement network at in-person events and get to know
professionals surveyed think "social media people before personal, business, and other
helps solve crimes more quickly." In 2011 the meetings. Pew Research Center's Internet and
NYPD added a Twitter tracking unit and has American Life Project found that messaging on
used social networking to arrest criminals who social media leads to face-to-face interactions
have bragged of their crimes online. When the when plans are made via the sites and social
Vancouver Canucks lost the 2011 Stanley Cup media users messaged close friends an
in Vancouver, the city erupted into riots. Social average of 39 days each year while seeing
media was used to catch vandals and rioters close friends in person 210 days each year.
as social networking site users tagged the
people they knew in over 2,000 photos posted
to the sites.

7. People who use social networking sites are G. Social networking sites help students do better
prone to social isolation. Social networking can at school. 59% of students with access to the
exacerbate feelings of disconnect (especially Internet report that they use social networking
for youth with disabilities), and put children at sites to discuss educational topics and 50%
higher risk for depression, low self-esteem, use the sites to talk about school assignments.
and eating disorders. The "passive After George Middle School in Portland, OR
consumption" of social media (scanning posts introduced a social media program to engage
without commenting) is related to loneliness. students grades went up by 50%, chronic
absenteeism went down by 33%, and 20% of
students school-wide voluntarily completed
extra-credit assignments.

8. Social media facilitates political change. Social H. Social media aids the spread of hate groups. A
networking sites give social movements a Summer 2012 Baylor University study
quick, no-cost method to organize, disseminate examined Facebook hate groups focused on
information, and mobilize people. The 2011 President Barack Obama and found a
Egyptian uprising (part of the Arab Spring), resurgence of racial slurs and stereotypes not
organized largely via social media, motivated seen in mainstream media in decades like
tens of thousands of protestors for eighteen blackface images and comparisons of
days of demonstrations and, ultimately led to President Obama to apes. Social networking
the resignation of Egyptian President Mubarak sites allow hate groups to recruit youth and to
on Feb. 11, 2011. A July 4, 2011 tweet from redistribute their propaganda. According to the
@Adbusters with the hashtag Southern Poverty Law Center the Christian
#occupywallstreet started the American Identity religion, a splinter faction of the white
Occupy movement, which gained traction in supremacist group Aryan Nations, uses social
Sep. 2011 when protesters gathered at New media to recruit members.
York City's Zuccotti Park and remained there
until Nov. 15, 2011.

Adapted from:
ProCon.org. (2011, April 13). Are social networking sites good for our society?
Retrieved from

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