Effective Time Management While Preparing For NCLEX Handout
Effective Time Management While Preparing For NCLEX Handout
Effective Time Management While Preparing For NCLEX Handout
Session Objectives:
• Objective 1: Recognize personal time wasters when preparing for NCLEX®.
• Objective 2: Identify strategies to maximize the amount of time that you have to study.
• Objective 3: Learn how to manage your time with respect to the number of questions that you
have to answer, review, and remediate in Phase Three of your Kaplan Study Plan.
Points of Emphasis:
Reflect on your own personal habits of time wasters:
• Do you multitask?
• Do you always say “yes”?
• Do you feel it has to be perfect?
• Do you constantly check social media?
• Do you constantly check your messages and/or emails?
• Do you postpone tasks that are hard and challenging?
Become self-disciplined:
• Delegate.
• Say “NO.”
• Avoid interruptions.
• Overcome procrastination.
• Establish a personal balance.
Manage your time to get all of the Phase Three resources completed:
Qbank Questions (2100 questions)
• 75 questions for each exam = 28 exams
• 1.5 hour for each exam = 42 hours
• Remediation time = 126 hours
Sample Tests
• Sample 1 = 50 questions (1 hour) + remediation (3 hours) = 4 hours
• Sample 2 = 50 questions (1 hour) + remediation (3 hours) = 4 hours
• Sample 3 = 30 questions (35 minutes) + remediation (105 minutes) = 2 hours, 20 minutes
• Sample 4 = 50 questions (1 hour) + remediation (3 hours) = 4 hours
Question Trainers
• Trainer 4 = 150 questions (3 hours) + remediation (9 hours) = 12 hours
• Trainer 5 = 150 questions (3 hours) + remediation (9 hours) = 12 hours
• Trainer 6 = 200 questions (4.5 hours) + remediation (13.5 hours) = 18 hours
• Trainer 7 = 265 questions (6 hours) + remediation (18 hours) = 24 hours
Readiness Exam = 180 questions (3.5 hours) + remediation (10. 5 hours) = 14 hours
National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (2018). NCLEX Rules. Retrieved from
Nugent, P. M., & Vitale, B. A. (2018). Test Success: Test-taking Techniques for beginning nursing students
(8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
Rampton, J. (2018). 8 Biggest Time Wasters That Kill Your Productivity. Retrieved from