Introduction To Science, Technology and Society

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At the end of this chapter the students must:

1. be familiarized with the institution’s VMGO.
2. identified the importance of studying science, technology and society;
3. explained how science and technology fused together; and
4. developed a deeper interest in the field of science, technology, and society.

1. The Challenge of Science
2. The Effects of Science and Technology to the Society
3. Face to Face with Science
4. Science and Technology Fused Together
5. Where Science and Technology is taking the Society


In our current world, there are different challenges that we are facing. Some are good and
otherwise. However, life must go on in every aspect including everything around us.
From the moment we liberated knowledge, science has been and until now a great partner of
mankind in gaining knowledge from facts and observations. As mentioned earlier, life must go on, so do
This module will discuss the challenges to science but will be limited within societal concern and
its function. This will also tackle the effects when science had face to face with the society. Lastly, this
module will introduce us to fused science and technology and where is it taking the society.


Activity Title: The Differences and Similarities Between You And Science

Reflect on the following quotes then answer the questions after.

“When the going gets tough, put one foot in front of the other and just keep going. Don’t give up.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
― Robert F. Kennedy

“You learn something valuable from all of the significant events and people, but you never touch your
true potential until you challenge yourself to go beyond imposed limitations.”
― Roy T. Bennett

Guide Questions:
1. Which of the following quotes mostly reflect your life and your personality? Why?
2. Do you think science is accompanied by challenges? How?
3. How will you compare your life to science? Explain briefly.
4. How will you define our society today if the greatest minds in the early centuries gave up? Give
concrete examples.


The Challenge of Science

Do you know that it took thousands of years to prove that the center of the solar system is the
Sun? It was a very serious debate and there were thousands of people involved, including religious
people, mathematicians, and scientists. Charles Darwin turned his back on some of the doctrines of his
church because of his scientific observations to formulate his laws and theories which served as one of the
solid foundations of biology today. Galileo Galilei lost his vision because he studied celestial bodies that
also laid the fundamentals of astronomy. A village judged Archimedes as insane because of running
without any clothes after realizing the connection of water displacement method and density. These are
only few endeavors among the millions of sacrifices, time, fortune and even life which were given just for
the love of knowledge.
As the earth grows older, people ask for more and more. Some say that we do not have
contentment which I think a merely universal fact. So it means that we always need to upgrade, upgrade
and upgrade. Just imagine the discussion during your history and science classes that mankind started
using tools made with stones but now we are in the digital world. Your friends anywhere in the globe are
just one click away. This is only one of the amazing benefits science had given us. In about the same
degree, and therefore, if people do not have contentment, what do you think is the challenge for science?

The Effects of Science and Technology to the Society

Are you familiar with the budget allocations of the government? Do you know that there is a very
large amount of money allocated for Research and Development? And in our country, R&D is
spearheaded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). These researches include the testing,
development of almost everything that we use or consume like clothes, motorcycle, foods, and etc. Are
you familiar with the Regional Food Innovation Centers in which one of it is located in our school? Yes
you are correct, that is one of the projects of DOST. It cost millions from infrastructure, equipment and
operations knowing that most of its functions are for food processing. Why do you think the government
is spending too much for food? It is about safety? Is it about the taste? Is it about the health of the
consumers? Is it about helping entrepreneurs? Is it about exportation? Is it about economic growth? If
your answer is all yes, you are correct! Imagine a delicious but at the same time healthy food brings
income people and it is possible for the product to be exported in other countries which basically equates
to economic growth. With the given circumstances we can assume that science and technology basically
affects society in a positive way; development. But cases may not always become positive. We must not
forget that science and technology has negatives effect too! Do you have a phone? Does it have internet
connection? If yes, how many hours do you spend browsing social media apps within a day? Now, if you
are connected to the internet, are you “personally” connected to the people around you? Do you have a
good relationship with the people in your home? If yes, you are not a victim of this negative effect of
technology. But if your answer is no, it is not too late to change your habits are connect to them even
without technology.

Face to Face with Science

Some may think that science is very easy to define and might say that it is just as it is. But
philosophers are until now arguing about the definition of science because it has a wide coverage of
human dealings. Science can be taken as the investigation of the physical world in which experiments are
rendered in order to explain matters of concern. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines science as a
knowledge involving general truths and general laws that are taken from a systematic study which is
concered with evidences and theories. To have face to face with science, it would be best to explore its
wide coverage by identifying its common characteristics which are the following:

1. Science Focuses on the Natural World

It is through science that we understand the natural world. Its main concern is the physical world
because it studies animals, plants, rocks, man, and all other kinds of matter. Science is not concerned with
supernatural world which cannot be tested and is not governed by the laws of the natural world.
Science aims to explain and provide more understanding of the natural world. This is a
continuous study of the physical world to look for evidences that could prove something. The goal is to
see how something works and see the components that make up the area being studied. Findings can
change after time depending on the new evidences that may arise but all scientific idea is said to be
reliable because before it could get scientific acceptance, first is has to be supported with a number of

2. Science Goes through experiments

Science subjects any matter of study to experimentation. Something has to be tested and should
arrive at a number of consistent observations so it could be taken as true. Anything that cannot be
subjected to experimentation and could not give any observable data cannot be regarded as science.

3. Science Relies on Evidences

As science requires experimentations and observations, it is only right that it would look for
evidences that will support the truthfulness of something. For something to be really regarded as science,
it should be tested not only by one group as that can be taken of a bias. Evidences that are relevant to the
matter being studied are what scientists are looking for to confirm something to be science.

4. Passes through the Scientific Community

Science requires a number of consistent evidences for not to be biased, it has to go through
different groups or people who would qualify the idea. In finding different evidences, a scientist would
likely check on different expertise.
Although, it was said that science is continuous in that is is always trying to understand and
explain the natural world, the way that it is being understood may change over time as the society also
changes. Scientific experimentations and processes may vary as changes with the concerns in the society
takes place, as communication and technology advances, and as further discoveries and understandings
are achieved by science.

Face to Face with Technology

As scientist have been arguing as to the definition of science, the same is true with the definition
of technology. The sord seems to have come naturally that one may think that its definition is given
already. Most people would relate technology with machines and tools tha could make any work faster
and easier. And that is why technology is commonly defined as a means to an end and a human activity.
In his book The Nature of Technology: What it is and how it evoles, W. Brian Arthur
( 2009)defined technology in three ways. First, he said that technology is a “means to fulfill a human
purpose” that a method or any material may be utilized to serve human purpose. Second, he said that
technology is an “assemblage of practices and components.” And third, he said that technology is a
“collection of devices and engineering practices available to a culture.” With this definition, Martin
Heidegger has rightly summarized it as the instrumental and anthropological definition of technology.
Heidegger’s take on technology will be further discuss in Module 6.

Science and Technology Fused Together

Science and technology is almost impossible to be separated from one another. It is actually hard
to distinguish “where science leaves off and technology begins” (Rhodes, 1999). Science aims to explain
the natural physical world and as it does, it gives way for technology to address whatever science has
Machines, computers, and tools are technologies that are brought about by science. But that is not all.
Smaller and simpler things like medicines, plastic bottles, or any other everyday thing that we use are also
technologies that started out from science. Tools and techniques used to cure diseases in the hospitals are
also technologies that started from the discovery of science. It is said that technology is actually science
applied. Science and technology works hand in hand. The technologies that started off from science and
are now available to man also lead to new understanding of the natural world that would then again lead
to further innovations.

Where Science and Technology is Taking the Society

For the past centuries, science and technology has marked a great progress in the wsociety. Man
has benefited much from the advances made with land, water, air, and animals. Machines and tools have
made living so much easier. Communication and transportation, infrastructure, and agriculture have
become more convenient.
But science and technology in itself would not exist without the society. It is the society that
allows for the discoveries and inventions to take place. It is the society that decides how science and
technology is to be utilized. And yet, society needs science and technology in order to continue living on.
International progress now relies so much on science and technology in the area of industry, health care,
national security, and environmental protection.
In as much as science and technology is taking the society towards progress and development, the
risks and dangers that come with it should not be taken lightly and accepted blindly. Everyone should
have keen eyes and observe closely where science and technology is taking the society. It is the goal of
this module that students of STS should be the guardians of the society, not only to make them aware of
how science and technology is shaping the society but how they can partake in keeping the balance
between the benefits and dangers of science and technology.


Answer the following questions:

1. What do you think are the challenges in science and technology in our current situation?
2. Do you think science and technology will find a way to solve our problem today? Enumerate some
proof that science may or may not solve it. Please include your sources.


Goodreads (n.d.). challenge quotes. Retrieved from

Bautista, Science, Technology and Society. 132 Kalayaan Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Maxcor
Publishing House, 2018

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