Daily Zohar - Tikunim - #48 - The Morning Sword
Daily Zohar - Tikunim - #48 - The Morning Sword
Daily Zohar - Tikunim - #48 - The Morning Sword
The evil inclination draws its power from the left column and when the left column is stronger than the
right then the person is also considered evil because he falls into the control of the evil side.
A righteous knows to keep the covenant, which is the central column in order to control the left side by
restricting the light that comes from the left.
With the Morning Prayer he activates the sword (the tongue) with the Holy name and able to cut out the
evil. This is the secret of the verse “If someone comes to kill you, be first to kill him”.
Before you let the evil to have a hold in you, connect to the holy names with your prayers to remove all
evil from having any control over you.
Everyday is new and in the cycle of life and a connection must be renewed. Keep your tongue (sword)
pure to protect the inner light. This sword has double edge and can be easily turned to hurt the person
that uses it negatively.
For a similar reason, to keep your health in balance, wake up before sunrise (after a good sleep) and start
your day with drinking pure water, enough to fill your stomach (2 or 3 large cups). Let the water settled
in your body (about 42 minutes) before you eat or drink something else. Better before any spiritual
meditation to allow the spiritual energy to connect to the water in your body.
The reason for that is that pure water, was the first “material” thing in this world. It came out from the
“mouth” of God in the act of creation. Any other type of food/nutrition include a process, which is
(This is not a medical advice or whatever. Ask a your certified professional for advice.)
הקדמת תיקוני הזוהר עם פרוש מעלות הסולם (רבי יהודה צבי ברנדויין זל) פסקה:מקור הקטע
“Hear, O mountains, the LORD’S controversy, and you enduring rocks, the foundations of the earth;”
The mountains are the patriarch, and the verse asks for their attention to the war of YHVH against the
impure system. God doesn’t fight but he gives us his name as a sword to use against negativity.
The patriarchs are the chariots for the three columns of Right Chessed, Left Gevurah and Central Tiferet.
By their merit we have access and are able to draw light from the supernal levels.
They also hold the body of the sword to fight negativity. The head of the sword is the letter Yod, the
body is Vav and the two blades are the H of Binah and H of Malchut.
A tzaddik holds the sword, which is the YHVH and is able to remove negativity.
ְועַל זֶה ֵׁש ם זֶה, ְׁש ָאר הַַּצִּד יקִ ים נִמְ צָאִ ים אִ ָּת ם, ְּבמָקֹום ֶׁשִּנמְ צָאִ ים הָָאבֹות, וְָׁש נִינּו.38
. ַאף עַל ַּגב ֶׁש ֻּכָּלם יֹוצְאִ ים לְדֶ ֶרְך אֶ חָד,עֹולֶה ִלצְדָ דִ ים אֲ ח ִֵרים מֻ פ ְָרדִ ים
ְוגִַּלים, נַעֲֶׂש ה י ָם הַָּגדֹול ַּת ִּק יף,ֶׁשרת ּבֹו
ֶ ְירה ְּבאֵ ”ר זֹו מִ ַּצד י ִ ְצחָק ְונִק ָ ִ ְּכֶׁשְּמ א.39
.ְיֹורד ְל ַמָּטה
ֵ ו, עֹולֶה, נֹוטֵל לְמַ ְעלָה,ְיֹורדִ ים ְּב זַעַף וְרֹגֶז ְּבתַ ִּק יפּות ְ ֲחזָקִים עֹולִים ו
ּומִ ּתֹוְך רֹגֶז ְוזַעַף ְוחֵמָ ה וְתַ ִּק יפּות זֶה אֶל זֶה ֹלא הָיּו,)ַאב ְָרהָם ָּבא מּולֹו (ְּכ נֶגְּדֹו
זֶהּו ֶׁשָּכתּוב (שמות. ּומֵמִ יְך וְׁשֹובֵר ַּגֵּלי הַָּים, עַד ֶׁש ָּבא יַעֲק ֹב וְׁשֹוכְֵך הָרֹגֶז,מִתְ ק ְָרבִים
ַמה ֶּזה ְּברּו ַח.’יד) וֵַּיט מֶֹׁש ה אֶת י ָדֹו עַל הַָּים וַּיֹולְֶך ה’ אֶת הַָּים ְּברּו ַח קָדִ ים עַָּזה וְגֹו
וַָּיֶׂש ם אֶת הַָּים. ַּת ִּק יפָה לְמּולֹו לְִׁש ֹּבר רֹגֶז י ָם זֶה, עַָּזה,קָדִ ים עַָּזה? זֹו רּו ַח יַעֲק ֹב
ְונֶ ְחלְקּו הַַּמ י ִם ְלצַד ַאב ְָרהָם ּו ְלצַד, (הּוא) רֹוקֵן הַָּים מִֵּמ י רֹגֶז,ֶלח ָָרבָה ַוִּיָּבקְ עּו הַָּמ י ִם
ְועַל ָּכְך ָּכל הָאֹותִ ּיֹות ְּבדֶ ֶרְך י ָָׁשר, ְלצַד זֶה ּו ְלצַד זֶה, זֶהּו ֶׁש ָּכתּוב ַוִּיָּבקְ עּו הַָּמ י ִם.יַעֲק ֹב
Zohar Behaalotcha
Continued from previous DZ
In a place that we find the patriarchs that represent Chessed, Gevurah and Tiferet, we also find the
Moses, Aaron and Joseph that represent Netzach, Hod and Yessod.
For that reason there are additional interpretations of the 72 names. The six sefirot of Zeir Anpin have
12 borders that are revealed in each of the six. Therefore 6×12 = 72.
When the Left, connected to Malchut, that is the aspect of ‘sea’ whose waters rose and became stormy,
the Right rose toward the Left. The two sides were apart until Jacob, the central column, Tiferet, came
and broke the waves. The east is the aspect of Tiferet and the wind that came from the east to turn the
sea into dry land represented Jacob.
Exodus 14:21
“ הַָּמ י ִם,הַָּים ֶלח ָָרבָה; ַוִּיָּבקְעּו- וַָּיֶׂש ם אֶת,הַַּל יְלָה-הַָּים ְּברּו ַח קָדִ ים עַָּזה ָּכל- וַּיֹולְֶך י ְהוָה אֶת,הַָּים- עַל,י ָדֹו-”וֵַּיט מֶֹׁש ה אֶת
“Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and YHVH swept the sea back by a strong east wind
all night and turned the sea into dry land, so the waters were divided.”
The 72 names is a complete system that expresses the power of YHVH over nature. We can’t treat the
names in any other way than a spiritual tool. Unfortunately, people turned the 72 names into big money
making industry. The names are vessels of Light and the Light comes to them when we make a proper
What is not a proper connection: a name as a jewelry, visible to the eyes of others, has no energy and
can attract only jealousy and evil eye. Old style amulets were made on silver that had attributes of
sharing, with individual blessing of a kabbalist. The person wore it under his clothes and rarely visible to
the public. It still doesn’t mean that using names in gold and diamonds under garments is good. Gold is
left column. Diamonds are great in carrying energy but then there is the risk of what kind of energy they
are carrying.
Wearing a jewelry in public is made to impress people and that usually connects to the desire for the self
alone. One can not have a bracelet with a holy name and go into the bathroom with it or do any non-
kosher actions. It invites judgment and negative outcome.
The only holy items that you can buy from a store is usually made manually for order like a Mezuzah,
Torah scroll, and spiritual tools for spiritual connections.
The manufacturers of jewelry and other items have the consciousness of making money. The transaction
is of material exchange for money. There’s no holiness but idol worshipping. The manufacturers of such
jewelries may be great artisans but their focus is on receiving money by selling hopes and desires. The
72 names are not tools of magic. They can’t be used as cards like tarots or similar things.
I suggest to people to take their Jewelry and items of the 72 names to purify the negativity attached to
them using sage and or mikveh and or give Tzedakah in the equal amount of the purchase to transform
the material energy to spiritual, and keep it home.
Avoid using individual names for meditation except מהשfor healing. Always scan the entire 72 names
chart before doing individual name meditation. You must have the support on the entire system, before
you focus in on something individual.
I don’t agree with many of the modern interpretations on the 72 names because I didn’t see any support
to them from great kabbalists of the past.
I will publish separately names for specific meditations with reference to well known great kabbalists.
The ultimate connection to the 72 names is through the concealment of the names inside verses from
Psalms. It was made by Kabbalist Rabbi Menachem Azaria of Pano, about 470 years ago. Watch the
videos below for further explanations.
We do not break the Ana B’Koach to its 42 letters name for use in meditation. We use the prayer made
for us by Rabbi Nehunia ben Hakana. The Holy name or 42 letters is concealed in the 42 words of the
Ana B’Koach prayer. When we recite the Ana B’Koach we reveal the Light that is concealed.
Hebrew translation:
.253אּולַי אּוכַל נַּכֶה ּבֹוּ .פָסּוק זֶה ּכְָך ָהי ָה לֹו לֹומַר :אּולַי אּוכַל ַאּכֶה ּבֹו,
אֹו אּולַי נּוכַל נַּכֶה ּבֹוֶ .אּלָא אֹותֹו ָרׁשָע ָהי ָה ָחכָםָ .א ַמרָ ,ראִיתִ י י ָד ַאחַת
ׁשּנִתְ ַחּבֵר ( ְ ַארי ֵה ּתַ ּקִיף ֶאחָדּ ,פְרּוׂש ֶרגֶל (י ָד) ,אִם אּוכַל ִעּמְָך ֶ ׁשֶל ְ
ַארי ֵה י ָד זֹו ,עַד ׁשֶֹּלא י ָב ֹא אתֹו ֶמלְֶך ׁשנֵיהֶם ( ְונִתְ ַחּבֵר) ְונִג ְַרע מֵאֹותֹו ְ ְ
לָעֹולָם וְֹלא יְג ֵָרׁש אֶת מֹוָאב ִמּמְקֹומֹו.
ָארה ּלִי? ָאמַר ַרּבִי ַאּבָא ,אֹותֹו ָרׁשָע ִּבׁשְּתֵ י ָארה ּלִי .מַה ּזֶה ָ ָ .254
ָארה ּלִיְ ,ו ֶאחָד ָאמַר ָקבָה ּלִי .מַה ּבֵין לְׁשֹונֹות ָא ַמר ְל ִב ְלעָםֶ .אחָד ָאמַר ָ
ׁשפֵי ָראׁשֵי נְ ָחׁשִיםְ ,וׂשִים ׂשבִים ְו ִכ ְ ָארה ּלִי ֲע ָ
זֶה ָלזֶה? ֶאּלָא ָאמַר לֹוָ ,
ּׁשפִיםּ .כֵיוָן ׁש ֶָרָאה ׁשֶּכ ֹחֹו יֹותֵ ר ְּבפִיוׁ ,שָב וְָאמַר ּו ְלכָה אֹותָ ם ִּבקְדֵ ַרת ַה ְּמ ַכ ְ
נָא ָקבָה ּלִי.
ׁשפָיוֶ ,אּלָא ִלּקֵט ּכָל ַ .255ו ֲאפִּלּו ּכְָך ,אֹותֹו ָּבלָק ה ָָרׁשָע ֹלא ָעזַב אֶת ְּכ ָ
ּׁשפִים ְונָעַץ ׂשבִיםּ ,כִּׁשּוף ׁשֶל ָראׁשֵי נְ ָחׁשִיםְ ,ו ָלקַח קְדֵ ַרת ְמ ַכ ְ מִינֵי ֲע ָ
אֹותָ ּה ּתַ חַת ַהּק ְַרקַע ֶאלֶף ַו ֲחמֵׁש מֵאֹות ַאּמָה (עַל ֶאלֶף ַו ֲחמֵׁש מֵאֹות ַאּמָה),
ׁשּבָא דָ וִדּ ,כ ָָרה בַּתְ הֹום ֶאלֶף ַו ֲחמֵׁש מֵאֹות ְוגָנַז אֹותָ ּה לְסֹוף ַהּיָמִיםּ .כֵיוָן ֶ
ׁשעָה ָאמַרֲ ,אנִי ַאּמָה ,וְהֹוצִיא ַמי ִם ֵמהַּתְ הֹום ְונִּסְֵך עַל ַה ִּמזְ ֵּבחַּ .בְאֹותָ ּה ָ
א ְֶרחַץ אֹותָ ּה ַהּקְדֵ ָרה( .תהלים קח) מֹוָאב סִיר ַר ְחצִי .סִיר ַר ְחצִי ְּבוַּדַ אי.
Zohar Balak
Numbers 22:6
ָָארץ ִּכי י ָדַ עְִּת י אֵת אֲֶׁשר ְּת ב ֵָרְך מְ ב ָֹרְך “
ָארה ִּלי אֶת ָהעָם הֶַּזה ִּכי עָצּום הּוא מִֶּמ ִּני אּולַי אּוכַל נֶַּכה ּבֹו ַו ֲאג ְָרֶׁש ּנּו מִן ה ֶ
ְועַָּת ה ְלכָה ָּנא ָ
”.וַאֲֶׁש ר ָּת א ֹר יּוָאר
)ָארה( “Therefore please come at once, curse ָ these people for me, for they are too mighty for me. Perhaps
I shall be able to defeat them and drive them out of the land, for I know that he whom you bless is
”blessed, and he whom you curse is cursed.
Balak saw that the Israelites are strong as a Lion. He invited Balaam to join forces with him, and by the
power of Balaam’s curses, he could cut off the strong arm of the Lion before he came to conquer Moav
and take their land.
The verse says ‘Perhaps I shall be able’ in a singular form, and ‘defeat them’ in a plural form. It tells us
that Balak owned the plan to weaken Israel and he needed Balaam’s power to do so.
Number 22:11
“ָָארץ עַָּת ה ְלכָה ָקבָה ִּלי א ֹתֹו אּולַי אּוכַל ְלהִָּל חֶם ּבֹו ְוג ֵַרְׁשִּת יו
ֶ הִֵּנה ָהעָם הַֹּיצֵא מִִּמ צ ְַרי ִם ַויְכַס אֶת עֵין ה.”
“‘Look, a people has come out of Egypt, and they cover the face of the earth. Come now, curse () ָקבָה
them for me; perhaps I shall be able to overpower them and drive them out.’ ”
Rabbi Aba tells us that Balak used two different words when asking Balaam to curse the Israelites. In
the first time (Number 22:6) Balak used ‘’ָארה ָ and in the second time he used ‘’ ָקבָה. Rabbi Aba reveals
that at the beginning Balak asked Balaam to gather for him special weeds and heads of snakes to make
magic, but after he saw that Balaam’s power of his mouth is stronger, he asked him to actually curse the
Balak didn’t forget his first plan and he gathered weeds and heads of snakes to make sorcery. He took a
pot and stuck it 1500 cubits into the earth to store it for the end of days.
When David came he dug out water from the depth of 1500 cubits and poured it on the Altar, saying;
Psalms 60:10
ָ ֹ מֹוָאב סִיר ַר ְחצִי עַל אֱדֹום אַ ְׁש לִיְך נַ ֲעלִי ָעלַי ְּפ לֶֶׁש ת הִתְ ר.”
“Moab is My washpot; Over Edom, I will cast My shoe; Philistia, shout in triumph because of Me.”
With that action and consciousness, he disabled the sorcery of Balak.
King David had purity, spiritual strength, powers, and the Holy Temple to make a special connection
and wash away sorcery made long ago by Balak.
We don’t have the same tools King David had, but we have the Torah that is considered as living water.
When we study the Torah we wash away layers of impurities that cover us for a long time, even from
previous lives.
How to be saved from evil and sorcery----11 verse that begin and end with letter Nun
Hebrew translation:
ָורא חֲדָ אָ ְּב ִחּו,)ָורין ּדְ עֵילָא (נ”א דעינא ִ הַהּוא מֹוחָא אִתְ ְּגלִיף ְונָהִר ּבִתְ לַת ִחּו.51
ּדְ הּוא (נ”א. (שיר השירים ה) רֹוחֲצֹות ֶּב ָחלָב, ּדִ כְּתִ יב,ִמסְּתַ ְחי ָין ַעיְנִין ִּדזְעֵיר ַאנְּפִין
.ׁשַאר ּבֹוצִינִין ְ ָורין אִ סְּתַ ְחי ָין ְונַה ֲִרין ִל
ִ ׁשַאר ִחּוְ ּו.ָורא קַ דְ מָ ָאה
ָ בההוא) ִחּו
ּו ְבגִין ּדְ הַאי. נְבִיעָא ּדְ כָל ּב ְִרכָאן מִ ּנֵיּה אִ ׁשְ ּתְ ּכָחּו,אִקְרי נְבִיעָא ְּדב ְִרכָתָ א
ֵ מֹוחָא.52
(משלי כב) טֹוב ַעי ִן, ּדִ כְּתִ יב, ְּבעֵינָא ּתָ לָא ּבֵיּה ּב ְִרכָתָ א,ָורין ּדְ עֵינָא ִ מֹוחָא ָלהִיט ּבְג’ ִחּו
,ׁשּגַח ִּבזְעֵיר ַאנְּפִין ְ הַאי עֵינָא ּכַד ַא. ּדְ הָא ּבְמֹוחָא ּתַ ְלי ָין ִחּוָורּו ּדְ עֵינָא,ְבֹורְך
ָ הּוא י
הּוא ּכֹּלָא, עֵינָא ּדָ א.(עלמין) (ס”א אתנהרן אנפין כלהו בחדו) ַאנְה ַָרן ֻּכּלְהּו ְּבחֵדּו
. ּבִתְ ֵרי ַּגוְונִין, ּתְ ֵרי, י ְמִ ינָא ּוׂשְמָ אלָא, ַעי ְינִין ּדְ תַ ּתָ א. לֵית ּבֵיּה ׂשְמָ אלָא,יְמִינָא
Zohar Haazinu
The concealed Chokmah of Arich Anpin shines in three types of white that is in the eye. They represent
three columns and three types of Chessed. The first white represents the right column and wash the eyes
of Zeir Anpin, meaning nourishing the level of Chokama of Zeir Anpin with the ‘white’ light of the eye
of Arich Anpin.
The light from the concealed Chokmah is called ‘the fountain of blessings’ for all the blessings that
come from it. Its three whites radiate the blessings from the eye.
Proverbs 22:9
“טֹוב ַעי ִן הּוא י ְב ָֹרְך ִּכי נָתַ ן מִ ַּל חְמֹו לַָּד ל.”
“He that has a bountiful (good) eye will be blessed; for he gives from his bread to the poor”
The ‘eye’ of the concealed Chokmah watch and shines on Zeir Anpin. Even though the eye includes
three lines, they are all aspects of the Right, Chessed, because Arich Anpin represents the first steps and
oneness of Creation. Only when going down the worlds and levels we find separation and aspects of
judgments. The right eye of Z”A (Zeir Anpin) is for Chessed of Chokmah and the Left is for Gevurah of
Lesson: The eyes have the power to radiate and absorb energy. It could be forces of blessing and or
forces of evil.
In my opinion the physical part that represents the eye from the concealed Chokmah of Arich Anpin is
the Pineal Gland that is also called the ;third eye’. It’s concealed between the left and right brain parts
that represent Chokmah and Binah. It is also the aspect of Da’at that channels the light of Chokmah
(Wisdom) and Binah (Understanding) to the lower levels of the body.
When this eye is washed and cleansed from negative elements of spiritual and material then a person can
achieve greater clarity of understanding. He can even achieve greater spiritual abilities, including the
power to bless people with his eyes. .
Most people’s ‘third eye’ is sick/blind and or corrupted. To clear it on a spiritual and physical level one
should consume only natural raw food, no meat, no chemicals of any kind. Fluoride has strong negative
effect on the eye and should be avoided. It is usually consumed from tap waters and tooth pastes. Zohar
study and meditations would channel light and life forces that cleanse and activate this special eye. A
person’s consciousness should be pure and his action are always for the benefit of others. The ‘eye’ is a
gift from God, giving us ‘window’ to upper levels. If one gravitates to the desire for the self and material
pleasures then he/she may not be able to open this window.
You may search online for ‘Pineal Gland decalcification’ for different methods of purifying it.
Remember that not all information or videos online have correct information.
Hebrew translation:
ִקְרא ּבֹורׁ ,שֶ ּנָפַל ׁשָ ָּמה ׁשֹור ,זֶה ׁשֶ ּכָתּוב ּבְיֹוסֵף (דברים לג) ּבְכֹור ׁשֹורֹו הָדָ ר ְ .64ונ ָ
ׁשלִכּו א ֹתֹו הַּב ָֹרה ,נְקֵ בָה ָרעָהְ .והַּבֹור ֵרק – זָכָר לֹוׁ ,שֶ ּנֶאֱמַר ּבֹו (בראשית לז) ַוּי ַ ְ
ַקְרּבִים י ֵׁש ּבֹו .וְזֹו ַהּגָלּות ה ְָרבִיעִיתּ ,דֹור ֶ ׁשים ְוע ַ תֹורה ,אֲ בָל נְ ָח ִ
(ּדִ ּבּור)ֵ ,רק ְּבלִי ָ
ֶעֹוקְרים ּדִ ב ְֵרי ַרּבֹותֵ ינּו
ַקְרּבִיםׁ ,ש ִ ׁשים ְוע ַ ַקְרּבִיםַ ,ר ָּמאִ ים ִּכנְ ָח ִ
ׁשים ְוע ַׁשעִים מָ לֵא נְ ָח ְִר ָ
וְדָ נִים ְלׁשֶקֶרֲ ,עלֵיהֶם נֶאֱמַר (איכה א) הָיּו צ ֶָרי ָה לְר ֹאׁש.
ׁשעִים ַהּלָלּו, ַ .65וּיִפֶן ּכ ֹה וָכ ֹה ַוּי ְַרא ּכִי אֵ ין אִ יׁש (שמות ב)ׁ ,שֶל יִׂש ְָראֵ ל הַמְ ע ָֹרבִים ּב ְָר ָ
, וְרֹועֶה ַהּנֶ ֱאמָן. ּומִ ּׁשּום ּכְָך קֵ ץ ַהּגָלּות נֹוקֵ ב עַד ּתְ הֹום ַרּבָה. ְוזֶה ּבְסֹוף ַהּגָלּות,ע ֵֶרב ַרב
ַוה ֲֵרי זֶה. אַּתָ ה י ַָרדְ ּתָ ׁשָם, וְאֵ ין מָ וֶת אֶ ּלָא ֲענִּיּות,ּתְ הֹום הּוא ַה ָּמוֶת ְּבהִּפּוְך אֹותִ ּיֹות
.יֹורדִ ים ִבגְ ָללְָך לַּתְ הֹום ְל ַסּי ֵ ַע לְָך
ְ ְו ֻכּלָם,ָָאמֹוראִ ים
ָ הִתְ ּב ֵָרר ְל ַמ ְעלָה ִל ְפנֵי הַּתַ ּנָאִ ים ְוה
Zohar Ki Tetze
Genesis 37:24
“ אֵ ין ּבֹו מָ י ִם, הַּב ָֹרה; ְוהַּבֹור ֵרק,ׁשלִכּו א ֹתֹו ְ ַ ” ַוּי ִ ָּקחֻהּו– ַוּי
“And they took him and threw him into a pit. The pit was empty; there was no water in it.”
“threw him into a pit” is the aspect of the female Klipa. “empty pit without water” is the aspect of the
male Klipa. The Torah is the aspect of water and ‘emptiness’ means the absence of it that makes room
for snakes and scorpions.
This ‘emptiness’ is the fourth exile that is lack of Torah, a generation that is full of evil, deceivers,
cheaters and frauds like snakes and scorpions.
Lamentation 1:5
“צָר- ִל ְפנֵי,ׁשבִי ְ ׁשעֶיהָ; עֹו ָללֶי ָה ָהלְכּוָ ְּפ-י ְהוָה הֹוגָּה עַל ר ֹב- ּכִי,ׁשלּו
ָ ”הָיּו צ ֶָרי ָה לְר ֹאׁש אֹיְבֶי ָה
“Her adversaries have become her masters, Her enemies prosper; For the LORD has caused her grief
Because of the multitude of her transgressions; Her little ones have gone away As captives before the
The Book of Lamentations is attributed to the prophet Jeremiah. He’s crying about the state of exile
when the leaders of the generations are against the people and the Torah.
Exodus 2:12
“ַַּירא ִּכי אֵ ין אִ יׁש
ְ וִַּיפֶן ֹּכה וָכ ֹה ו.”
“So he looked this way and that, and when he saw there was no one around”
Moses looked into the future of the Israelites and saw that the leaders at the end of the exile would be
from the Erev-Rav (mixed multitude). For that reason the final step of the exile is on the depth of the
‘great abyss’, ‘’תהום רבה. The word for abyss, ‘ ’תהוםbecomes ‘’המות, ‘the death’ when rearranging the
letters. Poverty is an aspect of death and in this context the Zohar refers to lack of ‘knowledge’,Da’at,
which is the connection to the light in the upper levels. Without ‘knowledge’, there’s no flow of light to
the lower level and ‘poverty’ of light means death. Because of that state, the Tannaim and Amoraim
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amoraim) came down to the abyss to help Moses in the fourth and final
Lesson: The Erev Rav is everywhere. They hold power in government and spiritual leadership. They are
selfish with great hunger for influence and money to get them power in this world. They are like
worshippers of the Golden Calf of this world. They cheat, take advantage of good people with words of
wisdom but with very selfish agenda. They love money and will take as much as they can from anyone
in their surrounding. There are Erev-Rav Rabbis and spiritual leaders with tens of millions in their bank
but what they show as doing for others is fake.
It’s better to be with small group of true believers or even alone that to be in a group of Erev-Rav that
may draw only judgments.
B”H Mashiach is revealed soon and rid the world of them.
Daily Zohar – Tikunim – #327 – Inject Zohar
into your blood
Posted by Zion Nefesh | Jun 8, 2010 | 5
Tikkun 21 – 68
The root of the soul is in the supernal levels and by studying the Torah we strengthen its three levels of
Nefesh, Ruach and Neshamah.
Without the study of the sacred text, the soul is weakened on both upper and lower levels. The soul
connects to the body through the circulation of blood.
When the soul is weak, the Lobe of the liver then absorbs negativity and impurity that comes from the
other side (Sitra Achra). Like a prostitute that connects with male energies outside and brings home
judgments. From the outside of the body and without the protection of the spiritual system through the
study of the Torah, the soul (= blood) is contaminated.
The spleen is at the level of Yessod of the ‘other side’ and supports the negativity. Unless we are
completely righteous, we should avoid contact with negativity when it increases.
When our body and soul are shielded with the spiritual energy that comes from the Torah study, we are
in balance. Then we can achieve the higher purity levels that come from the heart that drives the blood
system and keeps the soul in our body.
לב רואה, לב יודע,לב מבין
(Understanding the heart, which is the level of Binah, Knowing the heart, level of Da’at and Seeing the
heart, which is the level of Chokmah).
The Zohar in this section makes a direct connection between spiritual connection and purity and
protection of the body.
Remember: Zohar and Kabbalah are the highest levels of Torah study and that is where we should focus.
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