Loi Aamd Lsi
Loi Aamd Lsi
Loi Aamd Lsi
To : PT. Container Maritime Activities as agent for CMA CGM / CNC as carrier
BL number: AAMD998394
Dear Sirs,
In consideration of your acceptance to organize and perform the carriage of the above-mentioned container within
the said equipment for the purpose of carrying cargo under our sole responsibility as per the terms agreed between
your company and ours at the time of the booking,
We, PT. LANCAR SUKSES INFINITY, the importer/consignee/notify agrees and undertakes for
ourselves, our successors and assignees to indemnify you, your principals, underwriters, subsidiaries,
agencies, sub agencies, sub-contractors, all their representative directors and employees and to hold all
of you harmless in respect of any liability, loss or damage of whatsoever nature whether direct or indirect
which you may sustain while containers are in our custody. We also agree and confirm to abide to the
following terms and conditions:
1. To strictly agree on the entire full terms of CMA CGM /CNC Line’s Bill of Lading without any reserves
2. To return the container in good and sound condition to the Depots indicated by the carrier or its agents.
The empty container must be return in period as mention on the Delivery Order. A survey could be
conducted at your convenience by your authorized surveyors and their report and findings shall be
binding on the importer.
3. In case of total loss or theft of the containers whilst under our custody, we agree to indemnify without
condition the carrier or its agents for the container value.
4. We agree to indemnify the carrier or its agents for any repair cost per container indicated as Container
Maintenance Fee as a result of damage suffered while the container (s) is (are) in our custody.
5. To pay for the repair costs ascertained by you maximum 7 (seven) working days after invoice issued.
For any container damage will be mention on the Equipment Interchange Receipt (EIR) issue by your
Depots. The repair costs will be invoice per container within maximum 7 (seven) working days after
empty container(s) return to your Depots. The invoice will be send by system to our (consignee/ notify’
s) email address which is registered in your side and or upload in your website.
This letter of indemnity is governed by CMA CGM’s Bill of Lading terms and conditions which may be amended
from time to time and are available at any of CMA CGM’s Agents worldwide and on CMA CGM’s website
This letter of indemnity shall be covered and construed in accordance with the Law and Jurisdiction as set forth
in CMA CGM’s Bill of Lading terms and conditions.
Selanjutnya dalam Surat Kuasa ini disebut sebagai PEMBERI KUASA, dengan ini memberikan kuasa kepada :
Jabatan : Operasional Import
Telp/ fax : 021-22596155
Surat kuasa ini di pergunakan untuk pengambilan DO shipment import kami yang sudah tiba di Pelabuhan
Tanjung Priok.
Dengan data sebagai berikut :
Demikian Surat Kuasa ini kami buat agar dapat dipergunakan sebagaimana semestinya.
PT. Container Maritime Activities as agent for CMA CGM / CNC
kav, Jl. Kuningan Mulia No.9C, RT.6/RW.1, Guntur,
Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12980
DenganHormat ,
Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, jabatan Direktur dari dan oleh karenanya sah mewakili
Sehubungan telah tibanya barang import kami di pelabuhan Tg Priok, bersama ini kami mengajukan
permohonan untuk pinjam container dengan data sebagai berikut :
BL No. : AAMD998394
SIZE : 1 x 20 ST
Dengan ini menyatakan bertanggung jawab atas segala biaya– biaya yang timbul atas peminjaman container
Demikianlah surat permohonan pinjam container ini kami buat atas bantuan dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan
terima kasih.
Hormat kami