Ipcr-Development Plan
Ipcr-Development Plan
Ipcr-Development Plan
Strengths Development Needs Learning Intervention Timeline Resources
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of E-SAT.
Learning and
KRA 1. Content KRA 1. Content To develop Training, webinars Development Team
Knowledge and Knowledge and teaching strategies SLAC session Year- round School Head
pedagogy pedagogy that enhance in School funds
1.4 Used effective 1.1Applied knowledge applying within and
verbal and non-verbal of content within and across curriculum
classroom across curriculum teaching areas
communication teaching areas.
strategies to support Year- round
1.2Used research- To conduct Attending trainings Learning and
learner understanding,
based knowledge and research-based and other activity ah Development Team
principles of teaching knowledge in focuses on teaching School Head
engagement, and
and learning to enhancing and learning School funds
enhance professional professional professional
practice. growth practice
KRA 2. Learning
Environment KRA 3. Diversity of
Maintained learning Learners, Curriculum
environments that and Planning, &
promote fairness, Assessment and
respect and care to Reporting
To develop Year- round
encourage learning. 3.4 Designed, Attend training and School funds
teaching strategies
adapted, and workshop
KRA 3. Diversity of that cater learners
implemented teaching
Learners, Curriculum with special needs
strategies that are
and Planning, and responsive to learners
assessment and with disabilities,
Reporting. giftedness and talents
3.2 Adapted and used
culturally appropriate KRA 4.Community
teaching strategies to Linkages and
address the needs of of Professional
the learners from Engagement &
indigenous groups. Personal Growth and
Professional Trainings and Year- round Home visitation form,
KRA 4. Community Development To develop the webinars stakeholders, Parents,
linkages and Built relationships withknowledge in Guardian time
Professional parents/ guardians and building
engagement & the wider school relationships with
Personal Growth and community to parents/ guardians
Professional facilitate involvement and the wider
Development in the educative school community
Complied with and process. to facilitate
implemented school involvement in the
policies and procedures educative process
consistently o fosters
relationships with the
learners, parents, and
other stakeholder.
B. Core Behavioral Competencies (From Part III of E-SAT)
Professionalism and Self-Management To improve the
Ethics effectiveness in Trainings and Year- round Learning and
managing time webinars, LAC Development Team
sessions School Head
To increase School funds
Teamwork Results Focus To gain the Trainings and Year- round Learning and
knowledge on how webinars, LAC Development Team
to drive consensus sessions, team School Head
and team building School funds
ownership of