Comparative Models in Policing: Bataan Heroes College

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Bataan Heroes College

Balanga City, Bataan

Comparative Models in



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Comparative Models in Policing Page 2
Niña Alyanna L. Cerudo

Course Information

Course Title : Comparative Models in Policing

Program : Criminology

Course Code : Lea 2

Credit Units : 3

Pre-Requisite : Lea 1

Instructor Information

Name : Niña Alyanna L. Cerudo

Contact Information:

a. Number : 0956-928-1189
b. Facebook Page : or Niña Cerudo

c. Email : [email protected]

Course Purpose and Description

This course focuses on the policing models implemented in different countries. It includes
the historical development of policing systems in dealing with different social crimes. The course
will examine and compare the different policing models in the world. It includes an analysis of
the policing system of the international law enforcement organization. This study covers the
comparison of selected police models and their relation with Interpol and UN bodies in the
campaign against transnational crimes and the promotion of world peace.

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Niña Alyanna L. Cerudo

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

By the end of the semester, students are expected to:

1. Define and explain the nature of globalization and law enforcement
2. Distinguish the globalization to transnational crimes such as terrorism, human trafficking,
human smuggling, drug trafficking, cybercrime, and money laundering;
3. Comprehend the theories of comparative policing
4. Understand the conceptual origin of law enforcement and types of Police System
5. Understand the very nature of the Interpol
6. Gain an overview of the UN’s function
7. Understand the International Criminal Court
8. Familiarize with the selected police models
9. Digest the cited police system models around the globe

Course Schedule

Intended Learning
Weeks Module No Module
1st 1 Global Police System 1
-Globalization and Law Enforcement
-Globalization and Transnational Crime
-Globalization and Terrorism
-Globalization and People Smuggling and
Human Trafficking
-Globalization to Drug Trafficking and
-Globalization and Money Laundering
2nd 2 Comparative Police System 3, 4
-Theories of comparative policing
-Comparative law enforcement

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-Types of Police System

-Comparative Court System
3rd 3 Midterm Assessment 5
The International Criminal Police
Organization (INTERPOL)
-Brief history of Interpol
-The role of the INTERPOL
-INTERPOL’s Structure
-INTERPOL’s Notice
4th 4 Establishing Bilateral and International 6
cooperation in addressing Transnational
-UN or United Nation
-The UN Convention against Transnational
-Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- ASEAN Declaration on Transnational
-UN Special Action Team (UNSAT)
5th 5 International Criminal Court 7
- Overview of ICC
-Crimes Against Humanity
-War Crimes
6th 6 Select Model Police System 8, 9
-Asian Countries Police System
 Organizational Structure
 Distinct Feature/s
 Similarities in the PNP
 Rank Structure (Comparison)
Final Assessment

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Dr. Garcia, Mario M. 2015 “A textbook on Comparative and Criminal Justice System”,
Wiseman’s Books Trading Inc.
Dr. Garcia, Mario M. 2011 “Comparative Police System”, Wiseman’s Books Trading Inc.
Dr. Poschor-Depayso, Veneranda 2017 “Comparative Police System”, Wiseman’s Books
Trading Inc.
Manwong, Rommel K, San Diego, Gilbert C. 1 st edition “Dynamics of Law Enforcement and
Public Safety Administration”, Wiseman’s Books Trading Inc.

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Module 2: Comparative Police System

Learning Objectives:

After studying this module, you should be able to

1. Develop the knowledge in theories of comparative policing
2. Understand the origin of law enforcement
3. Identify and understand the types of the police system

2.1 Theories of Comparative Policing

What are the theories of comparative policing?

1. The first theory
 Might be called “alertness to crime theory”
 Is that as a nation develops, people’s alertness to crime is heightened. They report more
crime to the police and demand the police to become more effective in solving crime
2. The second theory
 Might be called “economic or migration theory”
 is that crime everywhere is the result of unrestrained migration and overpopulation in
urban areas such as ghettos and slums
3. The third theory
 Might be called “opportunity theory”
 is that long with higher standards of living, victims become more careless of their
belongings, and opportunities for committing crime multiply
4. The fourth theory
 Might be called “demographic theory”
 based on the event when a greater number of children are being born. As these baby
booms grow up, delinquent subcultures develop out of the adolescent identity crisis

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5. A fifth theory
 Might be called “deprivation theory”
 holds that progress comes along with rising expectations. People at the bottom develop
unrealistic expectations while people at the top don’t see themselves rising fast enough
6. A sixth theory
 Might be called “modernization theory”
 sees the problem as a society become too complex
7. A seventh theory
 Might be called the “theory of anomie and synomie”
 (the latter being a term referring to social cohesion on values), suggest that a progressive
lifestyle and norms disintegrate of older norms that once held people together (anomie)

2.2 Comparative law enforcement

Comparative Law Enforcement

A. Societal Type and Police System
 There are four kinds of societies in the world; these types of society prescribe different
perspectives of the police system which will match their interest and motivations. The
police structure and management differ significantly in each of these types of society
a. Folk-communal society
 Has little codification of law, no specialization among police, had a system of
punishment that just let things go for a while without attention until things become too
much, and the harsh, barbaric punishment is resorted to.
Classic examples, Roman gentiles, African and Middle Eastern tribes, and Puritan settlements
in North America

b. Urban-commercial society
 Has civil law (some standards and customs are written down), specialized police forces
(some for religious offices, others for enforcing the King’s law), and punishment is
inconsistent, sometimes harsh, sometimes lenient.

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c. Urban-industrial society
 Not only has codified laws (statues that prohibited) but laws that prescribe good behavior,
police become specialized in how to handle property crimes, and the system of
punishment is run on market principles of creating insensitive and disincentives.
d. Bureaucratic society
 Has a system of laws (along with armies of lawyers), police who tend to keep busy
handling political crime and terrorism, and a system of punishment characterized by over
criminalization and overcrowding

2.3Types of Police System

What are the types of police system?

1. Common-Law Systems
 also known as “Anglo-American Justice”
 usually exists in English speaking countries of the world
 there is a strong adversarial system and rely upon an oral system of evidence in which the
public trial is a main focal point
2. Civil Law Systems
 also known as “Continental Justice or Romano-Germanic Justice”
 distinguished by a strong inquisitorial system where less right is granted to the accused
and the written law is taken as gospel and subject to little interpretation
3. Socialist System
 known as Marxist-Leninist Justice and exist in places such as Africa and Asia
 Distinguished by procedures designed to rehabilitate the offender.
4. Islamic System
 based more on the concept of natural justice or customary law or tribal traditions

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Niña Alyanna L. Cerudo

Police System vs. Criminal Justice System

With these influences of societal systems, Police system and Criminal Justice System
around the world varies depending on the kind of legal system.

With the exceptions of Japan and the Common Law nations, few countries hold their
police officers accountable for violations of civil rights. In Socialist and Islamic countries, the
police hold enormous political and religious powers. In fact, in such places, crime is always
seen as a political crime or co-occurring religious problem

2.4 Comparative Court System

Comparative Court System of the world is two types:

1. Adversarial
 Where the accused is innocent until proven guilty
 The U.S. adversarial system is unique in the world. No other nation, not even the U.K.
places as much emphasis upon the determination of factual guilt in the courtroom as the
U.S. does
2. Inquisitorial
 Where the accused is guilty until proven innocent or mitigated, have more secret
 Outside the U.S. most trials are concerned with legal guilt where everyone knows the
offender did it, and the purpose where everyone knows the offender did it, and the
purpose is to get the offender to apologize, own up to their responsibility, argue for
mercy, or suggest an appropriate sentence for themselves

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Assess your learning!

Essay! Explain and elaborate on the given question below.

1. Select two (2) theories of comparative policing and explain it.
2. As of now, what can you say about the enormous problem of the police is a political and
religious crime? Justify your answer
3. In your understanding of the comparative court system, distinguish the adversarial and


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Niña Alyanna L. Cerudo

Dr. Garcia, Mario M. 2015 “A textbook on Comparative and Criminal Justice System”,
Wiseman’s Books Trading Inc.
Dr. Garcia, Mario M. 2011 “Comparative Police System”, Wiseman’s Books Trading Inc.
Dr. Poschor-Depayso, Veneranda 2017 “Comparative Police System”, Wiseman’s Books
Trading Inc.
Manwong, Rommel K, San Diego, Gilbert C. 1 st edition “Dynamics of Law Enforcement and
Public Safety Administration”, Wiseman’s Books Trading Inc.

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Subject : LEA 2- Comparative Models in Policing

Date : October 27 , 2020
By : Niña Alyanna L. Cerudo

Dean Niña 10-27-2020 Checking of
Hernando Alyanna L. Module 2

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Niña Alyanna L. Cerudo

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