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JTS02-02-01 - Pad Mounted Distribution TransformerSpec

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited

Joint Ergon Energy/Energex

Technical Specification for 12kV

Padmounted Distribution
Substations (Rectangular Type)


Specification JTS02-02-01 Ver 9

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

1. Purpose and Scope...................................................................................................... 1
2. References.................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Applicable Standards .......................................................................................... 2
3. Drawings....................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Drawings by the Purchaser ................................................................................. 3
4. Service Conditions....................................................................................................... 3
5. Design and Construction - General ............................................................................ 4
5.1 Performance Parameters .................................................................................... 4
5.2 General ............................................................................................................... 4
5.3 Functional Arrangement / Limiting Dimensions................................................... 5
5.4 Loading ............................................................................................................... 6
5.5 Sound Level ........................................................................................................ 6
5.6 Radio and Television Interference ...................................................................... 6
6. Design and Construction - Transformer .................................................................... 6
6.1 Oil Preservation System - Type .......................................................................... 6
6.2 Tanks and Lids.................................................................................................... 6
6.3 Joints and Gaskets ............................................................................................. 6
6.4 Core and Windings ............................................................................................. 6
6.5 Tappings ............................................................................................................. 7
6.6 Impedance Voltage ............................................................................................. 7
6.7 Cooling................................................................................................................ 7
6.8 Insulating Oil ....................................................................................................... 7
6.9 Bushings and Terminals - Transformer............................................................... 8
6.10 Minimum Power Efficiency (MEPS) .................................................................... 8
6.11 Comparison of Tenders ...................................................................................... 9
7. Design and Construction – Enclosure and Base ...................................................... 9
7.1 Enclosure ............................................................................................................ 9
7.2 Base.................................................................................................................. 11
8. Design and Construction – High & Low Voltage Switchgear ................................. 12

i Specification JTS02-02-01 Ver 9

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
8.1 High Voltage Switchgear................................................................................... 12
8.2 Low Voltage Switchboard ................................................................................. 12
9. Design and Construction - Fittings .......................................................................... 19
9.1 Rating and Designation Plates.......................................................................... 19
9.2 Lifting and Transport Facilities .......................................................................... 19
9.3 Station Earthing Points ..................................................................................... 20
9.4 Transformer Oil Level Indicator......................................................................... 20
9.5 Transformer Oil Draining................................................................................... 20
9.6 Transformer Thermometer Pocket .................................................................... 20
9.7 Transformer Filler Cap ...................................................................................... 20
9.8 Transformer Tank Markings .............................................................................. 20
9.9 Signs and Labels .............................................................................................. 21
10. Additional Requirements........................................................................................... 21
10.1 Maximum Demand Indicators (MDIs) – Moving Needle Analogue Type........... 21
10.2 Improved Internal Arc Containment (IAC) Rating.............................................. 21
11. Performance and Testing .......................................................................................... 21
11.1 Type Test Compliance ...................................................................................... 21
11.2 Routine Tests.................................................................................................... 22
11.3 Temperature Rise Type Test ............................................................................ 23
11.4 Overload Temperature Rise Type Test............................................................. 23
11.5 Routine Pressure Tests .................................................................................... 24
11.6 Acceptance Tests ............................................................................................. 24
11.7 Witnessing of Tests........................................................................................... 24
11.8 Routine Test Certificates................................................................................... 24
12. Risk Assessment ....................................................................................................... 25
12.1 Compliance ....................................................................................................... 25
12.2 Formal Risk Assessment .................................................................................. 25
12.3 Risk Assessment Documentation ..................................................................... 25
12.4 Hazards ............................................................................................................ 25
13. Quality Assurance...................................................................................................... 25
13.1 Documentary Evidence..................................................................................... 25

ii Specification JTS02-02-01 Ver 9

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
14. Samples ...................................................................................................................... 25
14.1 Production Samples.......................................................................................... 25
15. Service Performance ................................................................................................. 26
15.1 Tenderers will state:.......................................................................................... 26
16. Reliability .................................................................................................................... 26
16.1 Service Life ....................................................................................................... 26
16.2 Evidence in Support of Reliability...................................................................... 26
17. Environmental Considerations ................................................................................. 26
18. Information to be Provided ....................................................................................... 26
18.1 Drawings and Information to be Submitted with the Tender ............................. 26
18.2 Additional Information ....................................................................................... 27
18.3 Drawings and Information to be provided by the Supplier................................. 27
18.4 Purchasers Comments ..................................................................................... 27
18.5 Supplier Responsibility...................................................................................... 27
19. Quality Of Drawings................................................................................................... 28
19.1 Drawing Title Block ........................................................................................... 28
19.2 Drawing Revisions ............................................................................................ 28
19.3 Drawings in Electronic Format .......................................................................... 29
20. Attachment 1 – Specific Requirements / Guaranteed Particulars.......................... 30
21. Attachment 2 – Additional and Special Requirements ........................................... 38
22. Attachment 3 – Risk Assessment............................................................................. 39
23. Attachment 4– Rating Plate Details for Transformer .............................................. 41
24. Attachment 5 – Rating Plate Details for the Ring Main Unit................................... 42
25. Attachment 6- Drawing 02-02-01 B ........................................................................... 43

iii Specification JTS02-02-01 Ver 9

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

1. Purpose and Scope

This technical specification covers the design, manufacture, testing at works and supply of
3 phase, 50 Hz, 11 kV/433-250 V fully assembled rectangular type padmounted distribution
substations. The following items are required:

LV Switchboard
Item Rating HV
(k.VA) Switchgear
Type A Type B Type C
RMU1 None2

1 315
2 500
3 750
4 750
5 1000
6 315
7 500
8 750
9 1000

Items 1 to 5 require high- and low-voltage switchgear. Items 6 to 9 require low-voltage

switchgear only.

All items 1 to 9 require (Remote) Low-voltage Monitoring capability requirements as

detailed in Technical Specification TS-479 LV Transformer Monitoring Capability
Requirements for Pad Mount and Dry Type Transformers and as specified in this technical

Item 4 is a 750 kV.A rectangular padmounted distribution substations design, preferably of

a low loss design, that can fit into the Purchaser’s existing 500 kV.A rectangular
padmounted distribution substation footprint

These items will be complete with all ancillary equipment.

Refer to TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION TS 440 FOR 12 kV Oil-less Ring Main Unit Switchgear – Item 1 for Ring Main
Unit Details.
No HV switchgear to be fitted.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

2. References

2.1 Applicable Standards

Unless specified otherwise, all equipment must comply with all current Queensland Health
& Safety Acts/Regulations and Australian/International Standards including all current
amendments and parts, in particular:

Standard Name
AS 1767 Insulating oil for transformers and switchgear
AS 1940 The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids
AS 2067 Substations and high voltage installations exceeding 1 kV a.c.
AS 2312 Guide to the protection of structural steel against atmospheric
AS 2374 Power Transformers
AS 2700 Colour standards for general purposes
AS 3947.3 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear – Switches, disconnectors,
switch-disconnectors and fuse combination units
AS 4360 Risk Management
AS 4680 Hot-dipped galvanized coatings on fabricated ferrous articles
AS/NZS ISO Quality Management Systems
AS 60076 Power transformers – General
AS/NZS 60137 Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V
AS 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
AS 60947 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - General rules
AS 62103 Electronic equipment for use in power installations
AS 62271.202 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 202: High-voltage/low-
voltage prefabricated substation
AS 62271.301 High voltage switchgear and controlgear - Dimensional
standardization of terminals

Although it is the intent of the Purchaser at this time (subject to change without notice at the
Purchaser’s discretion) to adopt and rely upon AS 62271.202 as the main guiding standard
of plant compliance for the items of this technical specification, the Tenderer is required to
note any and all differences between AS 62271.202 and individual respective product
standards for item components as offered for the Purchaser’s consideration.

The Tenderer is to prove plant performance to the Purchaser’s satisfaction. Any

acceptance of plant regarding the standards to be complied with, whether AS 62271.202
solely and in entirety, or in conjunction with, or solely and in entirety by other individual and
separate respective product standards, or by equivalent standards or other, will be at the
Purchaser’s discretion.

Note: Any standards as referenced in AS 62271.202 must be interpreted, as preferred by

the Purchaser, to be the current Australian Standards equivalents or modified equivalents
as primary reference, else then, in order of preference, the current IEC standard followed
by a current other standard.

If the equipment offered does not comply with Australian Standards, but complies with
International Standards, eg IEC, then detailed descriptions will be given in English of the

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
differences between the apparatus offered and the Australian Standards specified

Note: The Purchaser will not accept equipment that does not comply in full with all relevant
Queensland Health & Safety Acts/Regulations.

3. Drawings

3.1 Drawings by the Purchaser

The following drawings are included and form part of this specification:

Drawing No. Name

02-02-01 Transformers Padmounted - 315/500/750/1000 kV.A, 11 kV/433-250 V
Dimensional Limitations
02-02-01 Transformers Padmounted - 315/500/750/1000 kV.A, 11 kV/433-250 V
Reinforced Concrete Plinth Dimensional Limitations
02-02-05 Transformers Padmounted - “Danger - High Voltage” and “Station” Sign
02-02-12 Padmount Identification Sign
02-02-16 General Arrangement/Dimensional limitations
04-04-03 Neutral Bar Electricity Supply Pillars Manufacturing Details
897447-01 “Danger High Voltage” Sign
7468-A4-22 ENERGEX Foundation – Uniculvert type
7470-A4-3/3 ENERGEX Foundation – Pier type
5005 – 1&2 ERGON Foundation – Uniculvert type
5009 – 1&2 ERGON Foundation – Pier type
973682-01 Ergon Energy Corporation Ltd, Network Hardware, 11kV Padmounted
Substation Precast Concrete Support Culvert General Dimensions

4. Service Conditions
The Purchaser’s 11 kV system is 3 phase, 3 wire, 50 Hz. The substations may be installed
in effectively earthed and non-effectively earthed situations. When installed in non-
effectively earthed situations, significant voltage variations (up to line to neutral voltage)
may be produced at the neutral terminal during an earth fault.

The substations will be suitable for outdoor use at ground level in locations accessible to
the public.

The service conditions will be in accordance with Clause 1.2 of AS 60076.1, Part 1, with the
following exception that the maximum air temperature will be 40°C and the average daily
and annual air temperature will not exceed 35°C and 25°C respectively.

Although the transformer maximum air temperature will be 40°C per above Clause 4.3, the
High-voltage/low-voltage prefabricated substation items and all components are preferred
by the Purchaser to meet AS 62271.202 Clause 2.2.3 with a preferred temperature range
for items in this technical specification of -5degC to +50degC for very hot climates.

The ambient air is not materially polluted by dust, smoke, corrosive or flammable gases and
vapours; however, some substations may be installed in locations close to ocean beaches

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
that are subject to windborne salt spray. The mean relative humidity can vary between
40% and 90%.

Where not addressed and or specified by another Australian Standard or in another

technical specification or Annexure or Attachment or other applicable document(s) as noted
in this technical specification; any electronic equipment (EE) component part(s) of the High-
voltage/low-voltage prefabricated substation items whether in the enclosure or otherwise
must comply with AS 62103.

Any and all electronic equipment components shall be Fit for Purpose including in
alignment with the above noted Clause 4 Service Conditions this technical specification,
and required to function despite the failure of any air conditioning or forced air plant
servicing the items in this technical specification. Under AS 62103 Table 7 – Climatic
conditions, this is deemed to be EE that conforms to Type C (due to AS 62103 Table 7
NOTE 3), D (In storage) and E (During transport).

5. Design and Construction - General

5.1 Performance Parameters

Design and construction performance parameters are detailed in this specification and
supplemented by Attachment 1.

5.2 General
In alignment with the Purchaser’s previously accepted design type:

• The Purchaser prefers High-voltage/low-voltage prefabricated substations which are

• Be fitted with a single transformer

5.2.1 The substations will be of aesthetic design and suitable for installation in public areas.
They will be weatherproof, rodent/bird proof and have all exterior surfaces finished flush
and free from protrusions of any kind except hinges and lifting lugs.

5.2.2 The overall design will ensure against unauthorised access to the energised components
inside, as well as against danger to the public in the event of a component failure or contact
with exposed transformer radiators.

5.2.3 The substations will be robust; they will be suitably stiffened and braced to prevent
distortion or damage under service conditions or during handling and transport. All sharp
points will be removed to prevent injury.

5.2.4 All bolts nuts and washers (fasteners, studs, lifting lugs etc.) will be to Australian Metric
Standards and be stainless steel Grade 316 or 304. Compatibility, with regard to corrosion
prevention, between the fasteners will be observed. To prevent binding, different grade
stainless steel nuts and bolts3 will be used together with anti-seizing lubricant on all bolt
threads. Tamper proof bolts will be used for all unenclosed components.

For example, 316 grade bolts and washers fitted with 304 grade nuts.
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
5.2.5 All metal work will be electrically bonded to permit earthing by the Purchaser. If a part
cannot be adequately bonded it will be constructed from a suitable insulating material
instead of metal. All earth straps will have a minimum cross-sectional area of 40 mm²
copper conductor.

5.2.6 The spacing of all adjacent parts will allow reasonable room for their proper inspection,
cleaning, painting and operation in service.

5.2.7 A ‘Very long term’ corrosion protection system, if not inherent in the construction materials
chosen, suitable for use in a ‘Category E-M, Very High Marine’ atmospheric environment
(as per AS 2312) is required for all internal and external surfaces. Finished coatings will be
heat resistant and non-corrosive. Exterior coatings will be coloured storm grey, N42 to AS
2700. Other long term corrosion protection systems, as used as standard in the industry,
may be considered by the Purchaser.

5.3 Functional Arrangement / Limiting Dimensions

5.3.1 Drawing 02-02-01 details the Purchaser’s dimensional limitations and HV Terminal position
for the substations, with the exception that the substation height dimension has been
relaxed and the substation height shall not exceed a maximum of 1670mm (equivalent to
the maximum dimensional height limitation of the Purchaser’s Square Type PMTs –
enclosure + plinth total height maximum). The transformer fins (only) of Items 3, 5, 8 and 9
are permitted to protrude 200 mm each side. Drawing 02-02-01 shows four hinged doors
are required, all hinged on their left side.

However, the Purchaser may consider alternatives that may exceed these dimensional
limitations while maintaining a compact footprint as optimally as possible while satisfying all
other requirements of this technical specification.

Any alternatives that exceed dimensional limitations are to have full information and details
provided by the Tenderer as to deemed affects on installation and any impacts (e.g. civil
footing designs as noted in this technical specification, especially with respect to changes in
the centre of gravity of plant, and related earthing grid and or step-touch potential

The Purchaser has a preference for designs that, regardless of KVA rating, can be
exchanged/ replaced without the necessity to alter or remake existing high voltage and/or
low voltage terminations. Please note that past requirements for interchangeability were
applicable to the transformer only, and are not required for this technical specification.

5.3.2 Drawing 02-02-02 details the concrete plinth base dimensions that align with the above
dimensional limitations of the substations, which are standard for all transformer ratings.
The position of holding down bolts for the transformers, High-voltage and Low-voltage
switchgear are in accordance with the dimensions shown on the drawing.

5.3.3 Any offered substation dimensions that vary from the 5.2.1 Purchaser dimensions or other
proposed changes must require the Tenderer to comment on all affects and any and all
changes required to the concrete plinth base, position of holding down bolts or other.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
5.4 Loading
The transformers will be suitable for loading in accordance with AS 2374. 7. No part of the
substation (for example; bushings, tapping switch, leads, switchgear or enclosure) will
impose restrictions on the loading capabilities.

5.5 Sound Level

The design and construction of each substation will be such that the sound level will be no
greater than the applicable ‘reduced limit’ as per Appendix AA of AS 2374.6.

5.6 Radio and Television Interference

The design and construction of each substation will be such that it must not cause any
radio or television interference.

6. Design and Construction - Transformer

6.1 Oil Preservation System - Type

Sealed tank type construction will be used; however, the transformers will not be
pressurised or incorporate gases other than air. Diaphragm sealing is not acceptable.

6.2 Tanks and Lids

6.2.1 All surfaces will be designed to prevent the accumulation of water. All seams will be
electrically welded and oil tight. On the external areas of the tank, welding of horizontal and
vertical joints will be on both sides of the joint. Welding in all cases will be continuous.

6.2.2 The tanks will be designed so that with a top oil temperature of 105°C, the oil level in the
tank will be below the tank lid flange.

6.2.3 The lid of the transformer will be capable of being removed without having to take off other
components first and will be capable of supporting up to 100 kg of a person’s weight
without permanent deformation.

6.3 Joints and Gaskets

All joints will be oil tight. All gaskets/seals will be designed to last the intended life of the
transformer. Joints in gaskets will not occur at bolt holes.

6.4 Core and Windings

6.4.1 All transformers will have electrically separate high and low voltage windings connected to
comply with vector group Dyn11 of AS 60076.

6.4.2 The core and winding assembly will be supported by the main tank and not by the cover.

6.4.3 Means will be provided at both the top and bottom of the core and coil assembly for locating
the transformer core centrally in the tank and securing it in position to prevent movement,
particularly during transport.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
6.4.4 The core and all metalwork will be electrically bonded to the tank. The bonding will be
brought to one point only.

6.4.5 The insulation between the core and the frame will have a resistance no lower than 50 MΩ
after assembly, and will withstand 2.5 kV for one minute. The core and frame will then be
electrically connected together at one point only.

6.5 Tappings
6.5.1 Seven tappings will be provided on the high voltage winding. The tapping range for each
unit will be +10% to –5% of rated voltage with a tapping step of ±2.5%. Tap position 1 will
correspond to the full winding in circuit.

6.5.2 Each transformer will be capable of off-circuit tap changing by means of an externally
operated seven position tapping switch. The tapping switch will have a permanent overload
capability of 50%.

6.5.3 The tapping switch will be positioned within the LV compartment at a convenient height and
must be able to be operated by an operator standing outside the side door of the LV

6.5.4 The tapping switch will be capable of being locked in each position. The locking
arrangements will be such that it is not possible to lock the switch between taps.

6.5.5 Each tapping selector switch position will be identified by a number clearly and indelibly
stamped onto either the switch operating handle or the transformer tank.

6.5.6 A sealing gland will be provided on the tapping selector switch operating shaft where it
passes through the transformer tank to prevent any breathing or leaking along the shaft.

6.6 Impedance Voltage

The impedance voltage at rated current on principal tapping will be as specified in
Attachment 1.

6.7 Cooling
The method of cooling each transformer will be ONAN.

6.8 Insulating Oil

6.8.1 The transformers will be delivered filled (to cold oil level) with mineral insulating oil
complying with: AS 1767.1, and be proven to be non-corrosive by Method B of ASTM
D1275-06 Standard Test Method for Corrosive Sulphur in Electrical Insulating Oils and, IEC
62535 Ed. 1.0: Insulating liquids – Test method for detection of potentially corrosive sulphur
in used and unused insulating oil. The quality of Mineral Insulating oil at time of filling (i.e.
on release from supplier) must have a moisture content of less than 20 ppm and ≥ 50 kV
Breakdown Voltage.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
6.8.2 Any and each insulating oil offered will be certified as polychlorinated biphenyl-free (PCB-
free) in accordance with the definition of PCB-free in the Environmental Protection (Waste
Management) Regulations 2000 (Qld). Analysis shall be conducted in a laboratory certified
by NATA for the appropriate analyses. The Tenderer will supply full specifications and test
results for any and each oil offered.

6.9 Bushings and Terminals - Transformer

6.9.1 HV Terminals
A cast epoxy pad type termination is required. The termination will be capable of accepting
a Holec 502-0024 termination kit (or similar).

The distance between the top of the base and the bottom of the HV terminals must be 760
(+20) mm (refer Drawing 02-02-16) in correlation to, and in accordance with, the other
preferred dimensions as specified in this technical specification.

6.9.2 LV Terminals
All terminal palms will comply with AS 62271.301. They will be copper with their contact
surfaces tinned or silver plated. Both surfaces will be used as contact surfaces.

The bushings will comply with the relevant requirements of AS AS/NZS 60137. All
porcelain components will be glazed and fully vitrified.

The part of each LV bushing within the tank will be completely covered with oil when the
transformer is cold (with an outside temperature of 15°C), and will be readily accessible
with the tank cover removed.

The taut string metal to metal clearances of the lugged bushing terminals will be not less
than 100 mm, phase to phase, and 60 mm phase to earth. Note. Tenderers are
encouraged to review the disposition of the LV bushings on the transformers with a view to
minimising the EMF levels associated with the equipment.

The neutral connection to the star point on the secondary winding will be brought out of the
tank unearthed and insulated in the same manner as the phase terminals.

6.9.3 Marking of Terminals

The terminals will be marked in accordance with AS 60076. The use of adhesives to attach
marking plates will not be accepted.

6.10 Minimum Power Efficiency (MEPS)

All transformers must meet or exceed the minimum power efficiency levels specified in
Table 1 of AS 2374.1.2 - 2003 Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS).
Transformers with efficiencies not meeting or improving performance upon these MEPS
levels are unacceptable.

During the term of the Contract, the Purchaser reserves the right to negotiate with the
Supplier to enhance the transformer power efficiency levels to meet any future
amendments to the MEPS requirement of AS2374.1.2.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
6.11 Comparison of Tenders
6.11.1 Guaranteed load and no-load loss figures are to be specified in Attachment 1.

6.11.2 Load losses are to be corrected to a reference temperature of 75°C.

6.11.3 In evaluating the tenders, the Purchaser will capitalise the guaranteed losses and so
determine the economic advantages of the transformers offered. Capitalisation of losses
will be based on the guaranteed losses at the required power rating for each item as stated
in Attachment 1. Load losses will be those specified on the principal tapping. For this
contract, the following values will be used for the purpose of making a fair economic
• F (No-load loss) = $ 6 300 / kW
• C (Load loss) = $ 1 800 / kW

F and C are the $/kW capitalisation figures for the no-load and load losses respectively.

6.11.4 As specified in AS 60076.1, the maximum allowable tolerance for the total losses for all
transformers to be supplied under this contract is +10%. For any transformer, the maximum
allowable tolerance for either the no-load loss or load loss is +15%, provided that the total
loss meets the above requirement of +10%. Where the total loss exceeds the +10 %
tolerance or either the no-load loss or load loss exceeds the +15 % tolerance, the
Purchaser reserves the right to reject the unit. As an alternative, the unit may be accepted
with the application of Liquidated Damages as described in the Liquidated Damages portion
of the Standing Order.

7. Design and Construction – Enclosure and Base

7.1 Enclosure
7.1.1 General
Drawings 02-02-01 and 02-02-02 detail preferred enclosure dimensions, however, as noted
previously, allowances for interchangeability of transformers are now no longer required
and henceforth any notations on drawings regarding same can be ignored.

The design of the enclosure will be such that it is not possible to contact energised parts
through air vents or other openings using pieces of wire or other means. A degree of
protection of at least IP46 in accordance with AS 60529 is required for the HV and LV

The enclosure will be manufactured from marine grade aluminium MF 5052-H32 or

equivalent) or 3CR12 steel (or better).

The enclosure will be bolted by its internal return edge to the base. Access to the bolts will
be possible in the event of the need to change an enclosure in the field. The lower edge of
the enclosure will not overhang the edge of the base.

Sufficient ventilation will be provided for reliable operation of the substation. This means
that the ventilation and thermal design of the entire prefabricated substation and each
compartment part will be such that the ambient temperature inside the substation must not
be higher than the limits fixed for the components in their respective product standards (and

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
as per the Service Conditions stated in this technical specification), when the substation is
operating fully loaded including up to Emergency Cyclic Rating as per AS 2374.7.

De-rating of components is not preferred. Air ducts will be provided in that part of the
enclosure covering the transformer radiators. Such ducts will have a degree of protection
IP1X in accordance with AS 60529.

Any pop rivets used will be made from "Monel" or stainless steel. Any hinges will be
manufactured from grade 316 stainless steel and will have a minimum hinge pin diameter
of 10 mm.

Any seams (eg. door returns, door stay location brackets, etc) will be fully seam welded.

All surfaces (covers, etc.) will be sloped to prevent the accumulation of water.
Condensation within the substation will be prevented from dripping on the switchgear.

The prefabricated substation which complies with the maximum outer dimensions outlined
in Section 5.2.1 shall preferably be designed to conform with the internal arc withstand
requirements of AS 62271.202, Annex A, A.2.3 Prefabricated substations classified IAC-A,
for an IAC classification test prospective arc fault current of 20 kA for 1 second for 11 kV
HV Switchgear including Cable Box.

The Tenderer shall outline how the design meets the IAC Classification or outline
development plans including timelines to meet the IAC Classification. The Purchaser
reserves the right to negotiate a transition to the IAC compliant item that meets the limiting

Submissions with marginal increases in dimensions to accommodate the IAC classification

may also be considered provided such padmounted substations can be retrofitted to the
existing network. Acceptance of the increase in dimensions will be at the Purchaser's

7.1.2 Doors
Four hinged, lift-off doors shall be provided as shown on Drawing 02-02-01. The doors will
be located a minimum of 30 mm above the surface of the base. Removable door sills and
gutters will be provided on both end doors to facilitate the laying in of cables. It is preferred
that side doors have the sills and gutters welded.

Doors will be fully recessed into and sit flush with the enclosure panel mullions. They will
have a return edge, not less than 24 mm, for adequate strength and stiffness. It will not be
possible to pry open the doors by inserting a screw driver or similar object and gain
unauthorised access to the switchgear compartments. The thickness of the door material
will be not less than 2.0 mm.

A suitable door seal material will be provided to prevent chafing and damage to painted
surfaces around the door and frame.

All doors will be fitted with 3-point locking to all items; the doors will be padlockable to
ensure unauthorised entry is not possible and the successful Tenderer will supply and fit
the locking handle to accommodate the Purchaser’s approved padlocks. Pad-lock holes
will accommodate the Purchaser’s approved padlocks having a shackle diameter of 8.7mm.
The locking points and pad-lock will not bear on a painted surface of the door or frame in
such a way that paint will be removed thereby causing corrosion.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
The successful Tenderer will provide a temporary means to ensure doors remain locked
closed during transport and associated handling. The means adopted will be acceptable to
the Purchaser.

A robust door restraint will be provided to hold each door in the 95° open position. The
restraint will be of a captive design so that it cannot be easily removed and will be self
storing when the door is closed such that it cannot rattle. With the door in this position,
operation of the HV switchgear will be possible without endangering operators' hands, etc.

All doors will be fitted with a recessed door-pull. Each end door will be fitted with a
document holder.

If the operating handles for the HV switchgear cannot be mounted in a suitable location on
the switchgear itself, then a suitable frame complete with cushioning (to prevent noise from
vibrations, etc.) will be provided on the HV enclosure door. Labels identifying the operating
handles will be fitted if deemed necessary by the Purchaser.

7.1.3 Lid
The enclosure will be provided with an easily removable lid, secured to the enclosure by an
internal fixing arrangement that allows ease of lid removal and replacement.

Any holding down brackets for the lid will be welded in place or form part of the framework
of the enclosure. If hold down bolts are used with such brackets then they will be fitted with
captive washers/wing nuts (or similar captive device) to provide ease of access (and ensure
loose components cannot be lost at site).

Instructions to remove the lid will be provided with each Item by the Supplier.

Interchangeability requirements with the existing transformers are no longer required.

The lid will be provided with two Grade 304 stainless steel lifting lugs with 25 dia. holes to
facilitate handling.

7.2 Base
The base will be constructed from reinforced concrete and will conform to the external
dimensions of the padmounted transformer with dimensions shown on Drawing 02-02-02.
It will be capable of supporting the total mass of the substation when supported only at its
extreme ends. In addition, the base complete with HV and LV switchgear will be capable of
being lifted via the transformer.

The base will be suitable for mounting on the Purchaser’s standard foundations (refer to
drawings 7468-A4, 7470-A4, 5005 – 1&2 and 5009 – 1&2 & Ergon Energy Padmounted
Substation Support Uniculvert/ culvert as per sketches provided).

A removable block similar to that detailed in Drawing 02-02-02 or similar facility to provide
similar functionality will be provided for cabling purposes and must be a tight fit into the
base. It will provide protection against the entry of solid foreign objects greater than 1 mm
thickness. The weight of each removable block will be a maximum of 15 kg. Adequate
strength will be maintained, internal cavities are permitted. It will also be designed so:

• That extra packing is not required to prevent entry of solid foreign objects.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
• That it is totally interchangeable between either end of the same padmount (where
similar cutouts are provided at each end) or another padmount plinth for the same
contract item.
• That when fitted it does not extend above the top of the plinth.
• That access for cabling-up purposes is not impeded by narrow keyway openings. The
Purchaser requires a minimum opening of 460 mm for access, however, variations in
the HV end may be permissible depending upon the type of HV switchgear offered.

Details of proposal should be forwarded with the tender for appraisal, and would be subject
to the Purchaser's approval. Any variations in design during prototype inspection would be
to the Tenderer's cost.

The supplier will provide an Engineer's Certified Design Certificate for the base.

All substation components (transformer, switchgear, enclosure etc) will be securely bolted
down using M12 stainless steel concrete inserts and all inserts will be electrically bonded to
the concrete reinforcement.

8. Design and Construction – High & Low Voltage Switchgear

8.1 High Voltage Switchgear
The high voltage switchgear must comply with Item 1 of ENERGEX technical specification
TS 440 12 kV Oil-less Ring Main Unit Switchgear. The scope for switchgear applies to
padmounted distribution transformers and does not include for all the optional requirements
intended for stand alone HV switchgear.

Suitably rated leads and terminations will be fitted between the transformer terminals and
the switchgear.

The high voltage switchgear will be bonded to the station earth using (green/yellow) PVC
insulated 70 mm² copper cable.

A cable support bracket constructed from S1000 FSS Supa Strut, or equivalent will be
included to help restrain the HV cables entering the substation. For items 1 to 5, the
bracket may be incorporated into the switchgear or the substation base. The bracket will
be located so that it does not interfere with the laying in of cables. For items 6 to 9, that is,
items not having High-voltage switchgear fitted, the bracket will be fitted to the transformer
tank in accordance with the requirements of Drawing 02-02-01.

For all items in Attachment 1 offered, where the items require Insulation boots for High-
voltage terminations to comply to the 95kV BIL requirement, such Insulating Boot Kits must
be integral to the offered item, with the kits to satisfactorily allow for each and every Cable/
Feeder Isolator termination as allowed for by each item.

8.2 Low Voltage Switchboard

8.2.1 General
The switchboard will be dead front and be designed such that all installation, maintenance
and repair activities can be easily performed without the need to access the rear or
approach live terminals. The switchboard design will allow for the replacement of individual
switchgear units while the busbars remain energised. It will be possible to terminate all
outgoing circuits from the front of the switchboard.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
The switchboard frame will be constructed from S1000 FSS Supa Strut, or equivalent. It
will include a cable support bracket. The minimum distance from the top of the cable
support bracket to the hole centre of the lowest LV terminal will be 425 mm.

Sufficient space will be provided on the switchboard (or switches) for the attachment of
operating labels to the switches and phasing labels for the LV busbars. The operating
labels will be 80 mm long x 35 mm wide and the phasing labels 20 mm long x 20 mm wide.
The labels for the transformer switch-disconnector and LV busbars will be supplied fitted to
the switchboard. The transformer switch-disconnector is to be labelled “Transformer
Isolator”. The busbar will be labelled ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c‘ (top to bottom).

All solid insulating materials used will be fire resistant. They will not ignite spontaneously
and will cease to smoulder or melt immediately on removal of the heat source.

A suitable conducting grease will be applied to all electrical connections of the LV

switchboard and associated cable connections.

Busbar configurations designed to minimise EMF levels are preferred.

Full details of the LV switchboards, including the LV Metering / Monitoring arrangements,

will be provided by the Tenderer and will be subject to approval by the Purchaser. Any
minor costs associated with modifications to suit the Purchaser will be provided at no cost.

8.2.2 Switchgear
Vertically arranged, DIN type switchgear complying with AS 3947.3/IEC 60947.3 is
required. The switchgear will have minimum utilisation categories at 500 V of AC22B for
DIN1 250A and DIN2 400A, AC 21B for DIN3 630A. It will provide three phase switching,
single pole operation is unacceptable. It is preferred that all Low-voltage switchgear
including the LV Transformer Isolator / Disconnector be a minimum utilisation category at
500 V of AC22B however a lower performance utilisation category minimum AC21B at 500
V may be considered by the Purchaser for DIN3 630A switchgear and the LV Transformer
Isolator / Disconnector only.

The switchgear will be suitable for isolation and will be padlockable to accommodate the
Purchaser’s approved padlocks. It will be possible to close and lock the LV compartment
door with all switches locked in their open positions.

The electrical contacts of all switchgear will be silver plated copper. The silver plating will
be in accordance with AS 1856 and have a thickness no less than .010 mm. All silver
plated parts are to be guaranteed to be free from verdigris under the specified service

8.2.3 Busbars
The busbar system of all switchboards will be rated for a minimum short circuit current of 38

To allow for a range of switchgear and prevent binding between operating handles, 185 mm
busbar centres will be used and a 10 mm gap will be provided between all switches.

All holes will be predrilled with "nut serts" (or equivalent) fitted and all spare holes will be
fitted with switchgear mounting bolts. Removable insulating covers will be provided over all
unused/spare switch positions.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
8.2.4 Transformer Switch-Disconnector
A switch-disconnector4 will be used to provide isolation between the transformer and the
switchboard busbars. It will be located on the extreme left hand end of the switchboard.

A rear connected, fixed link type switch-disconnector is required. It will be capable of

continuously carrying 150% of the transformer’s rated current at an ambient temperature of
55o C.

Up to two switches may be ganged together to achieve the required rating.

To limit the stresses on the transformer’s LV bushings and help prevent leaks, flexible leads
will be used to connect the switch-disconnector to the transformer. The leads will have a
temperature rating of 110o C (or better).

8.2.5 Circuit Fuse-Switch-Disconnectors

Fuse-switch-disconnectors will be used to protect and switch outgoing cable circuits and
will be mounted to the right of the transformer switch-disconnector. Two types are required,
a unit capable of accepting up to 400 A DIN size 2 fuses and a unit capable of accepting up
to 630 A DIN size 3 fuses. The 630 A rated unit will also be capable of accepting DIN size
2 fuses.

The switches will be capable of continuously carrying 400 A and 630 A respectively at an
ambient temperature of 55o C. Equally rated bases are required for both units to enable
the Purchaser to uprate the 400 A units to 630 A at a later date (if required).

Fuse-switch-disconnectors will be capable of being fitted or removed with the bus bars

Each switch will have terminals suitable for the termination of up to 2 x 240 mm² aluminium
cables (fitted with 45 mm wide lugs) per phase. It is essential that the electrical
connections be of compatible materials. Tinned aluminium terminals are not acceptable.
The hole centres of the lowest phase terminals will be 470+/-3 mm above the top of the

M12 stainless steel nuts, bolts and belleville washers for cable termination will be supplied
with each switch.

8.2.6 Insulation Level of Cable Terminations

An insulation level of 2500 V rms will be maintained between phases of each unit and
adjacent units when the switch is terminated with uncovered lugs to suit the maximum
cable size. The maximum cable lug dimensions are overall length 140 mm, palm width 45
mm. Insulating barriers of fire resistant material would be acceptable for this purpose.

The switches will be supplied fitted with insulating covers to fit over the cable terminations.

8.2.7 Type B Switchboards

Type B switchboards will be used to connect up to four outgoing circuits as standard. They
may also be used to connect single customers (with large consumer’s mains). To enable
this, the units will come complete with right angle adaptor brackets provided for direct
mounting to the busbar system of the customer's cables.

A bottom connected fuse-switch-disconnector will be used on 100 kV.A units.
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
Provision will be made for accepting 6 x 300mm² cables per phase (2 x 300 mm² cables per
adaptor bracket – 1 off cable either side of each adaptor bracket). Adaptors will be stepped
outward from the busbar, so that the highest/ top most busbar adaptor bracket is the
furthest outward protruding and allows 2 x 300 mm² cables per phase per bracket and
allows that three such adaptor brackets may sit vertically above one another, per busbar
phase, while maintaining clearance between cables in all cases.

The adaptors and associated bolts will be supplied with each switchboard in a plastic bag
safely and securely attached to the switchboard frame, with safe access available even if
the plant is energised.

8.2.8 Type C Switchboards

Type C switchboards will be used to connect single customers (with large consumer’s
mains) as standard, the units will come complete with right angle adaptor brackets provided
for direct mounting to the busbar system of the customer's cables.

Provision will be made for accepting 6 x 300 mm² cables per phase (2 x 300 mm² cables
per adaptor bracket – 1 off cable either side of each adaptor bracket). Adaptors will be
stepped outward from the busbar, so that the highest/ top most busbar adaptor bracket is
the furthest outward protruding and allows 2 x 300 mm² cables per phase per bracket and
allows that three such adaptor brackets may sit vertically above one another, per busbar
phase, while maintaining clearance between cables in all cases.

Provision will be made for alternator connection (in accordance with Clause 8.2.10) on the
busbars between the right angle adaptor brackets.

Note: For both switchboards (B & C), the insulating cover(s) to be provided over the busbar
system will allow for these brackets plus cables. To cater for network circuit connections,
the covers need to also cater for a mixture of switch units plus cables connected to the
busbar (ie. split sections to cater for any combination).

8.2.9 Earth and Neutral Bars

The LV switchboard will be fitted with a neutral bar and an earth bar. The neutral and earth
bars will be supported on insulators and attached to the switchboard frame. The insulators
will provide an insulation level of at least 6 kV between the bars and the frame.

All holes in the bars with be fitted with "nut serts" (or equivalent) suitable for M12 bolts.

A short section of bar (with the same cross-section as the neutral and earth bars) will be
used to bond the earth and neutral bars. This bond will be located at the far right hand end
of the switchboard.

The earth bar will have eight holes to allow for the connection of equipment and cable
earths. It will not impede clear cable access to LV terminals and will not hinder connection
of neutrals of outgoing circuits to the neutral bar.

A tinned copper neutral bar will be provided with hole centres at least 450 mm above the
top of the base to allow for the connection of the transformer neutral, LV surge arresters,
LV feeder cables and large consumer’s mains.

The neutral bar will extend around the left hand side of the switchboard to allow for the
connection of large consumer’s mains. Four holes will be provided in the extension.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
The neutral bar will extend around the right hand side of the switchboard to allow for the
connection of LV surge arresters. Three holes will be provided in the extension.

Six additional holes will be provided to allow for the connection of the transformer neutral,
LV earth bar link and outgoing LV feeder cables.

The additional holes provided for the outgoing feeder cables will be positioned clear of (and
not behind) phase terminations. Short (black) insulated bridging cables fitted with M12 lugs
may be provided between the neutral bar and the front of the switchboard for this purpose.

8.2.10 Earth Bonds

The switchboard frame and earth bar will be bonded to the station earth using separate
cables and connections. Green/yellow PVC insulated cables with 70 mm² copper
conductors will be used for this purpose. M12 lugs and bolts will be used for all

The bond between the earth bar and the station earth will be easily accessible to allow its
removal (by the Purchaser if required). This bond will be used to reconfigure the substation
earthing system and will be labelled “For Separate Earthing Remove This Cable”.

8.2.11 Alternator Connection Point

Bare busbar Alternator connection points (no lug holes are required for the Alternator
Connection points only) on each phase busbar and neutral will be provided to allow
clearance connection of the cables of an alternator set in the following manner:

The connection point on units rated to 500 kV.A will be suitable for use with a clamp each
phase busbar and neutral busbar and earth busbar, as shown following:

750 and 1000 kV.A units will have provision to accommodate two standard clamps (as
shown above) per phase each phase busbar and two each neutral busbar and provision for
one off earth clamp on the earth busbar. Staggered connection points may be required.
The Tenderer must allow for clearance connection regarding cable bends and clamp
positions such that any and each clamp does not foul any adjacent applied clamp or other
part(s) of the plant and equipment and that all statutory clearances are maintained in any
possible clamp attachment configuration.

The connections will be located behind a removable insulating cover.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
8.2.12 Low Voltage Surge Arresters
The Purchaser requires the substations to be supplied fitted with low voltage surge
arresters. The arresters will comply with Item 1 requirements of Specification TS449 LV -
132kV Surge Arresters and TS449 General Requirements

The arresters will be fitted between each LV phase and the extension on the neutral bar.
Red conductor colour PVC insulated, 50 mm² Cu cable complying with AS/NZS 5000.1 will
be used to bridge the arresters to the transformer terminals. If surge arresters are not
bolted straight to the Main neutral bar, black conductor colour PVC insulated, 50 mm² Cu
cable complying with AS/NZS 5000.1 will be used to bridge the arresters to the Main
neutral bar.

The arresters will be located so that they can be easily replaced, even when all outgoing
cable circuits are in place and energised. Each arrester will be taken to its own termination
point on the neutral bar (that is, one M12 bolt will be used for each arrester lead).

8.2.13 Distribution Transformer Low-voltage (LV) Monitoring Capability Requirements

Technical Specification TS-479 LV Transformer Monitoring Capability Requirements for
Pad Mount and Dry Type Transformers is the base document for the requirement in lieu of
LV Current Transformers and Maximum Demand Indicator system.

The Scope of supply for this tender is limited to:

• The supply and installation of the LV Metering CT’s
• The supply and installation of the Housing and Fitment – including Voltage takeoff
wiring, fuses and test links.

The scope of supply does not include:

• The LV Monitoring Meters
• The Communications Equipment
• The Antenna

The equipment tendered shall be designed for future site fitting of a Low-voltage monitor /
meter for every item Attachment 1 and as detailed in TS-479.

The Purchaser requires minimum accessible space to mount future communications and
LV monitoring equipment in addition to the space requirement for the LV meter outlined in

The additional space requirement approx the size of a Quality of Supply Monitoring Box
540 mm (height) x 270 mm (width) x 180 mm (depth) would be adequate to allow for a Data
Concentrator as a possible alternative and or additional future metering equipment

Such possible future enclosure would have an approximate minimum total weight
{enclosure and LV Monitor and associated equipment} of 8 kg. Preference is for the unit to
be door mounted if possible on the LV compartment door, or Manufacturer nominated

The mounting must have adequate strength and rigidity to support all present and future
component requirements.

Any Voltage and current wiring provided must be correctly rated for electrical duty and must
be flexible if requiring to cross over moving parts such as the door hinge.
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

The Tenderer shall include in the design the provision for the installation of a future antenna
including mounting brackets and fastening points for the antenna cabling.

8.2.14 Auxiliary Services Board

All low voltage switchboards will incorporate an auxiliary services board. The board will be
located on the lower right hand side of the main switchboard and be accessible from the
side door of the LV compartment.

The auxiliary services board will consist of an insulated panel fitted with:

• One RCD protected 10 A GPO

• One neutral link (to Drawing 04-04-03)
• Three single phase surface mounted fuse carriers type Nilson NSH 1002 BFBW (or

The auxiliary board will be supplied from the bottom of the closest circuit fuse-switch
disconnector, not the busbar (this may necessitate a flag type lug). The cables used to
connect it will be a minimum of 25 mm²

The outgoing side of the fuses mounted on the auxiliary board will be labelled ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’.

Note: For the Auxilliary Services Board, the insulating cover(s) to be provided over the
Auxilliary Services Board will allow for a barrier between the operator and the LV area / LV
live parts. To cater for network circuit connections, the covers need to also cater for the
ultimate fully fitted arrangement.

8.2.15 Switchboard Configurations

The switchboards will be configured (left to right) as follows:

Type A Switchboard (315 & 500 kV.A units)

• 1 x Transformer Switch-Disconnector
• 1 x 630 A Circuit Fuse-Switch-Disconnectors
• 3 x 400 A Circuit Fuse-Switch-Disconnectors
• 1 x Alternator Connection Point

Type B Switchboard (750 kV.A units)

• 1 x Transformer Switch-Disconnector
• 4 x 630 A Circuit Fuse-Switch-Disconnectors
• 1 x Alternator Connection Point
• 3 x Right Angled Adaptor Brackets (in plastic bag)

Type C Switchboard (1000 kV.A units)

• 1 x Transformer Switch-Disconnector
• 4 x Space for Extra Circuit Fuse-Switch-Disconnectors (with staggered right angled
adaptor brackets and provision for alternator connection)

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
9. Design and Construction - Fittings

9.1 Rating and Designation Plates

Each unit will be supplied with a rating plate complying with AS 60076 and AS 2374. In
addition, the Purchaser’s contract number and transformer number will be included. The
rating plate will also include:
• A statement of compliance with AS 2374.1.2 (including the Australian Standard
reference year complied to e.g. AS 2374.1.2-2003)
• The total substation weight in kg

The rating plate will be located in a readily viewable position in the low voltage enclosure. It
will be made from stainless steel (or non-ferrous metal) and be clearly marked.

Note: The transformer number is designated as the structured plant number (SPN) in
Ergon Energy. The SPN will be nominated in the purchase orders to the successful
Tenderer and it will be an eight digit number prefixed by two alphas (e.g. TD 12345678 for
the distribution transformers).

9.2 Lifting and Transport Facilities

Clearly marked (with a permanent label or stencil), fully rated lifting and hold down points
will be provided on the substations to facilitate the hoisting (filled with oil) and holding down
during transport.

Four lifting lugs marked “Substation Lifting Point” with a minimum hole diameter of 26 mm
will be provided suitable for lifting the transformer. These lugs will arranged so that any
slings attached do not foul any part of the transformer and when suspended by them, the
transformer will hang without tilting.

The lugs shall be suitable for lifting the substation, complete with transformer, HV and LV
switchgear, enclosure and base as one assembly, both without the lid and also with the lid
in its service position.

The lugs will be arranged so that they protrude through the lid and that lifting devices
attached to the transformer face towards a common centre. Although a four point lift is
required, the design will be such that any two diagonally opposite lifting points can take the
load. Provision will be made to reduce the angle of tilt of the complete substation during
lifting to less than 3 using equal length lifting chains

All parts of the substation weighing in excess of 15 kg that will be removed for inspection or
repair will be fitted with lifting points suitable for use with shackles and slings. For the main
tank cover, at least two lifting lugs with M24 holes (minimum) will be provided.

Additionally the Purchaser prefers the padmounted substations to be moved safely using a
forklift via the padmounted substation plinth. If this is deemed possible Tenderers are
required to nominate the minimum rating / SWL / type of the forklift to be used and provide
training / documentation for carrying out this work. Such additional Llifting points in the
plinth to facilitate forklifting of the substations and centre of gravity shall be clearly marked
on the plinth, including any safety markings on the plinth to advise of safe forklift to be used
e.g. ">=5T {forklift symbol} only" or similar as required.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
9.3 Station Earthing Points
A station earthing point will be provided in a readily accessible position in the HV
compartment and the LV compartment. The earthing points will consist of two M12 x 40 mm
stainless steel earthing studs complete with nuts and washers fitted with a copper bar 25
mm x 3 mm. The bar will have 5 holes with sufficient clearance for M12 bolts. Two of the
holes will be used for mounting on the studs and three vacant positions for earth bond

The space between holes will be adequate to allow spanners, etc. to be used with all cables

Additional earth studs/flags will be provided where necessary to permit the earthing of the
enclosure and steel base (where fitted) to the transformer tank

All earthing studs/flags will be welded directly to the transformer tank.

9.4 Transformer Oil Level Indicator

Oil level indication will be provided by a permanent marking on the inside of the tank.

A flush type external oil level indicator will also be provided. It will indicate the oil level over
the designed operating temperature range of the transformer. The cold oil level will be
clearly and indelibly marked on the indicator.

9.5 Transformer Oil Draining

An oil drain valve is required only on 1000kVA transformers. – Item 5 & 9.

The drain valve will have a 25 mm BSP internal thread fitted with a flanged plug and shall
be of the metallic sealing gate type. The valve will be positioned so that all sludge and thick
oil can be drained from the bottom of the tank and that clear access is provided to operate
the valve.

The drain valve will be located in a position easily accessible through an open door. The
actual valve location will be to the satisfaction of the Purchaser.

9.6 Transformer Thermometer Pocket

Thermometer pockets are not required.

9.7 Transformer Filler Cap

Transformers shall be fitted with a filler cap on the transformer within the cubicle LV
end/side as near as possible to the edge of the transformer, such that a pipe for draining oil
can be inserted to the bottom of the tank and if moisture enters it would drop to the bottom
of the tank.

9.8 Transformer Tank Markings

The transformer capacity and the Purchaser’s identification number will be stencilled in
black on the upper left hand corner of the fixed panel beside the side door of the LV
compartment. Each character will be 75 mm high and have a body width of not less than
12 mm.

The Purchaser’s structured plant number for the transformer will also be stencilled below
the identification number in a similar manner.
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

9.9 Signs and Labels

High voltage danger signs and a padmounted substation sign will supplied fitted to the
enclosure as shown on Drawing 02-02-05.

The high voltage danger signs will conform to the requirements of Clause 4.2.3 of AS 1319
and Drawing 897447-01.

The padmounted substation sign will conform to the requirements of Drawing 02-02-12.
After installation, the Purchaser will apply stick on letters to the sign to identify the
substation number.

10. Additional Requirements

Tenderers will advise full details in Attachment 2 for each of the following Additional

10.1 Maximum Demand Indicators (MDIs) – Moving Needle Analogue Type

The Purchaser requires that MDIs are supplied in conjunction with Clause 8.2.13
requirements of this technical specification.

The MDIs must have an accuracy class 3 and will be scaled in primary values to at least
120% of the transformer’s full load rating and have a driving and a resettable pointer. Each
MDI will be labelled (A, B or C phase as appropriate) with an additional label
"TRANSFORMER LOADING" identifying the origin of the readings.

The MDIs must be connected via the testing/ shorting facility arrangements provided under
Clause 8.2.13 and be mounted in a readily accessible position for reading and resetting.

Tenderers will advise in the applicable pricing schedule the price to delete this MDI
Additional Requirement from the item.

10.2 Improved Internal Arc Containment (IAC) Rating

The specification currently requires a minimum IAC rating of AF. The Purchaser requests
the Tenderer to comment on any improved IAC rating that could be achieved.

11. Performance and Testing

11.1 Type Test Compliance

11.1.1 The following type tests will be conducted on each design:

Transformer tests, as specified in AS 2374 and 60076

• Temperature Rise Test
• Overload Temperature Rise Test (refer Clause 11.3)
• Impulse Voltage Withstand Test (refer Clause 11.4)
• Impulse Voltage Withstand Test Including Chopped Wave Test
• Sound Level Tests
• Short Circuit Tests

High Voltage Switchgear

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
• All type tests specified in ENERGEX technical specification TS 440 12 kV Oil-less
Ring Main Unit Switchgear.

Low Voltage Switchboard tests as specified in AS 3439.1

• Verification of Temperature Rise Limits including the Tenderer’s additional technical
information of verification of performance at an increased Ambient air temperature
of 55o C under the specified loading conditions in this technical specification
• Verification of Dielectric Properties
• Verification of the Short Circuit Withstand Test
• Verification of the Effectiveness of the Protective Circuit
• Verification of the Clearance and Creepage Distances
• Verification of the Mechanical Operation
• Verification of the Degree of Protection

The Purchaser reserves the right to negotiate with the successful Tenderer a fee schedule
to obtain type tests to AS 62271.202 as a complete unit or as component functional parts,

• Dielectric tests
• Temperature-rise tests
• Short-time and peak withstand current tests on main and earthing circuits
• Functional tests
• Verification of the degree of protection
• Calculations and mechanical tests
• Internal arcing test
• Electromagnetic compatibility test (EMC)
• Special Tests e.g. sound level of a prefabricated substation

11.1.2 All units of the same design will be identical in all resects relating to materials, design and

11.1.3 A copy of the type test certificates will be provided, free of charge, to the Purchaser for
each item purchased against this specification and prior to the first delivery of each item. If
an item has not been previously tested, the Purchaser will allow the tests to be performed
on purchased units at the Suppliers expense.

11.1.4 Where units are offered of a similar design to those previously tested, consideration may be
given (in accordance with AS 2374.1, Clause 3.11.2) to accepting previous type test
reports. Tenderers will state if such tests exist. Tenderers may be requested (during the
tender evaluation period) to substantiate their claims with written engineering evaluation.
Such evaluation will provide all relevant details so that the Purchaser can establish the
validity of existing type tests.

11.1.5 A list of all accessories that have been satisfactorily tested with the susbstations offered,
giving details of the manufacturer and product identification, is to be provided with the

11.2 Routine Tests

11.2.1 The following routine tests will be carried out on every substation supplied:

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
Transformer tests, as specified in AS 2374 and AS 60076
• Measurement of winding resistance
• Measurement of voltage ratio and check of voltage vector relationship
• Measurement of impedance voltage, short circuit impedance and load loss
• Measurement of no-load loss and current
• Calculated MEPS efficiency.
• Separate-source voltage withstand
• Induced over-voltage withstand
• Insulation resistance
• Pressure test (refer Clause 11.5)

High Voltage Switchgear

• All routine tests specified in ENERGEX technical specification TS 440 12 kV Oil-less
Ring Main Unit Switchgear.
• Low Voltage Switchboard tests as specified in AS 3439.1
• Inspection of Assembly including Inspection of Wiring and, if necessary, Electrical
Operation Test
• Dielectric Test
• Checking of Protective Measures and of the Electrical Continuity of the Protective
• Verification of Insulation Resistance
• Complete Substation
• Transformer High Voltage d.c. resistance with links inserted in place of fuses via
ring main cable terminals.

The Purchaser reserves the right to negotiate with the successful Tenderer a fee schedule
to obtain routine tests to AS 62271.202 as a complete unit or as component functional
parts, including :

• To meet general Routine test requirements

• Dielectric test on the High Voltage interconnection
• Voltage withstand tests on auxiliary circuits
• Functional tests
• Verification of correct wiring
• Tests after assembly on site

11.3 Temperature Rise Type Test

The transformers to undergo the temperature rise test will be the fully assembled units,
including LV and HV switchgear. Extrapolations of temperature rise for guaranteed load
and no-load losses will be incorporated in the test report to verify conformance. During the
test, sealing around thermometers, etc. will be adequate to ensure the units are sealed
during the test. Also, tap switch operation will be free (that is, not overtightened) during the
test. Oil leaks during temperature rise tests will constitute failure of the unit.

11.4 Overload Temperature Rise Type Test

Tenderers are required to conduct a temperature rise test on the same unit that underwent
the temperature rise type test (refer to Clause 11.3) to verify that the maximum hot spot
winding temperature of 140°C is not exceeded when the ambient is 20°C for an overload
condition of 1.45 times the normal rated load on any tapping for up to 2 hours after
continuous operation at 0.6 times the normal rated load.

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
The results of this test will be incorporated in the test reports for temperature rise.

During the overload test, the LV switchgear assembly will be fitted with 400 A fuses to the
400 A fuse switches and 630 A fuses to the 630 A switches. All load terminals of the
assembly will be short circuited allowing overload currents to flow (1.45 times normal rated
load). Record temperatures of 'A' phase or the top most (whichever is vertically the highest)
load contact on each fuse switch.

Tenderers will state in the schedules the designed top oil/winding temperature rise for this

Oil leaks during temperature rise tests will constitute failure of the test.

11.5 Routine Pressure Tests

To prove that transformers have been adequately sealed, a routine pressure test will also
be performed. Each transformer will be pressurised to not less than 30 kPa with dry air. If
after 30 minutes, the pressure has not dropped more than 2 kPa, the transformer is
considered to have passed the test.

11.6 Acceptance Tests

11.6.1 Subsequent to delivery and before approval is given for full payment, the equipment may
be tested by the Purchaser to prove that it conforms with the requirements of this

11.6.2 Any equipment showing evidence of failure to comply with the requirements of this
specification will be liable to rejection.

11.7 Witnessing of Tests

11.7.1 The Purchaser reserves the right to witness all type tests and randomly witness routine

11.7.2 The supplier will give the Purchaser reasonable notice of when each and every type test
will be carried out.

11.8 Routine Test Certificates

11.8.1 One copy of the routine test results will accompany each unit delivered. A second soft copy
will be forwarded to the Purchaser’s Supervising Officer or Purchaser’s nominated contact
for the contract via electronic mail. (For Ergon Energy:
[email protected])

All test certificates will include the manufacturer’s serial number. On allocation, the
Purchaser’s transformer number (structured plant number), the order number, contract/item
number, specification number and guaranteed losses/efficiency will be added to the
certificate, or attachment to the test report. The test certificates will also be accompanied
with a completed Attachments 4 and 5 returned electronically as MS Excel documents.

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
12. Risk Assessment

12.1 Compliance
The Tenderer warrants (without limiting any other warranties or conditions implied by law)
that all Goods have been produced, sold and delivered to the Principal in compliance with
all applicable laws (including all workplace health and safety and electrical safety
legislation, codes of conduct and the Principal’s Workplace Health & Safety and Electrical
Safety Conditions).

12.2 Formal Risk Assessment

Tendered items will be subjected to a formal risk assessment prior to acceptance. The
Advisory Standard for Plant requires the Tenderer to perform a risk assessment and
provide the resultant documentation to the Purchaser with their tender.

12.3 Risk Assessment Documentation

Where risk assessment documentation is not provided with the tenders, or does not meet
the required standard, such tenders may be rejected or will have their price loaded with the
estimated costs associated with the Purchaser conducting the assessments. Any
documented risk assessment which accompanies the tender will meet the requirements of
AS/NZS 4360:1995 Risk Management as a minimum standard and address the five main
steps of the process. It is preferred that the risk assessment methodology uses an energy
model to identify hazards.

12.4 Hazards
The risk assessment/s will identify hazards to the corporation’s personnel, public and
property associated with:
a) The installation of the equipment
b) The operation and maintenance of the equipment during life expectancy
c) Dismantling/ disposal of equipment at end of life.
d) The 'Risk Assessment' schedule included with this specification is to be completed
by the Tenderer. Note the schedule contains a generic set of questions designed to
cover all of the Purchaser's plant and materials and the tenderer is only required to
complete those items applicable to the product offered. Where required by some
questions, full details to support answers will be furnished.

13. Quality Assurance

13.1 Documentary Evidence

Tenderers are required to submit evidence that the design and manufacture of the
transformers is in accordance with AS/NZS ISO 9001.

14. Samples

14.1 Production Samples

Samples of typical units may be required during the tender assessment period. Samples
would normally only be required from tenderers who have previously not supplied
transformers to the Purchaser.

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
When samples are required, production samples will be delivered freight free, suitably
packaged and labelled including reference to the Contract Number.
The Purchaser may at its discretion either buy the samples at the tendered price or return
the samples to the respective tenderer after the contract has been awarded.

15. Service Performance

15.1 Tenderers will state:

(a) The period of service achieved by the items offered within Australian service conditions
(b) Australian electricity supply authorities who have a service history of the items offered
(c) Contact names and phone numbers of relevant employees of those supply authorities
who can verify the service performance claimed.

In the absence of relevant Australian Service performance, the information required in (a),
(b) and (c) above will be stated for service history in overseas countries. Priority will be
given to performance in environments similar to those described above.

16. Reliability

16.1 Service Life

Tenderers are required to comment on the reliability of the equipment and the performance
of the materials offered for a service life of 35 years under the specified system and
environmental conditions.

16.2 Evidence in Support of Reliability

Such comments will include evidence in support of the reliability and performance claimed
including information on Failure Mode and Effect Analysis.

17. Environmental Considerations

Tenderers are required to comment on the environmental soundness of the design and
material used in the manufacture of the items offered. In particular, comments should
address such issues as recyclability and disposal at end of service life.

Tenderers are required to provide with the tender, EMF levels at transformer normal
maximum load assuming a balanced and evenly spread load over each circuit. Such EMF
levels are required at a point midway along each side, and diagonally out from each corner,
at a distance of 1m above and beyond the base.

18. Information to be Provided

18.1 Drawings and Information to be Submitted with the Tender

18.1.1 To enable the Purchaser to properly evaluate the equipment being offered, (in addition to
the completed attachments) Tenderers will submit the following information with their
a) A list showing similar equipment supplied to or on order from other Australian
Electricity Supply Authorities.
b) General arrangement drawings of the substations offered including details of the
transformers, enclosures, bases and LV switchboard layouts.
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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
c) Type test certificates for the transformers offered, or transformers of similar design
and rating (if available).
d) Typical loading curves (for loading transformers in accordance with AS 2374, Part
e) Short circuit test details for equipment of similar design and rating.
f) Typical installation and maintenance manuals.
g) Full details of the protective coatings offered.
h) A list of all departures of the tender from this specification.
i) Comment and associated documentation required regarding additional lifting
capability of substations by plinth using a forklift.

18.2 Additional Information

The Purchaser may require additional information to be provided for tender analysis
purposes and such information will be provided within 7 days of the request.

18.3 Drawings and Information to be provided by the Supplier

18.3.1 Within three months from the signing of the agreement document with the Successful
Tenderer, the Supplier will provide three copies of drawings and information necessary to
enable the Purchaser to examine the general design and arrangement.

18.3.2 With each Item the Supplier will provide a copy of the Routine Test Report, a copy of the
Switchgear Operating Instructions (if applicable), a copy of the lid removal instruction and (if
required) a copy of the Purchaser’s Receiving Inspection and Test Instruction (RITI). The
Purchaser will provide the RITIs for the Supplier to copy and insert into the document
holder to be provided with each Item.

18.4 Purchasers Comments

The Purchaser will comment on drawings supplied under this contract in relation to how the
equipment interfaces with the Purchaser's design, construction, operation, maintenance
and other requirements.

18.5 Supplier Responsibility

Comments about drawings by the Purchaser will not in any way absolve the Supplier of
responsibility for the safety and reliability aspects of the plant or equipment supplied. The
Supplier will amend the drawings as directed and resubmit them to the Purchaser within
one week.

18.5.1 In the event of the Supplier proceeding with work before such comment has been given in
writing, any necessary alterations and modifications will be carried out at the Supplier's own
expense. These drawings and information will include the following:

(a) A fully dimensioned general arrangement drawing(s) for each substation rating showing:
• Details of the transformer
• Details of the enclosure
• Details of the base including an Engineer's Certified Design Certificate for the base
• Low voltage switchboard layout
• All electrical clearances
• Terminal/bushing heights and terminal palm details
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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

(b) Centre-lines and centre of gravity for lifting by both crane/ suspended lift and also
forklift, including forklift requirements, where capability of lifting by forklift exists
• Lifting (with maximum sling angle identified) and tie down points
• Mass
• List of all components with the suppliers' catalogue/part number

(c) A drawing showing the rating and terminal marking plates for each transformer rating.

(d) Erection, testing and maintenance information - the following information with particular
reference to the equipment being supplied to this specification shall be provided:
• A comprehensive description of the substation, its construction, operation and
performance capabilities.
• A tabulation of the guaranteed electrical and mechanical performance
characteristics of the equipment.
• Detailed procedure for receiving, handling and storage
• Pre-energisation checks on components and assemblies
• Repair procedures for surface coatings
• Special precautions during disassembly and reassembly (including bushings)
• Relevant special requirements for reassembly (eg. nut/bolt tensions, crimp
connections, welding, etc.)
• Routine maintenance recommendations
• Disposal at end of service life

Note: Each erection and testing procedure will be illustrated by clearly identifiable and
labelled photographs, drawings or similar, acceptable to the Purchaser.

19. Quality Of Drawings

19.1 Drawing Title Block

19.1.1 The drawing title will be a concise description of the contents of the drawing; it will contain a
sufficient number of distinct lines each describing an aspect of the drawing so that all lines
together represent an accurate and complete description.

19.1.2 The title will be designed so that it reads from the general to the particular, top to bottom, as
indicated in the following example:

MANUFACTURE TYPE eg 11000/433V 500 kV.A

19.2 Drawing Revisions

19.2.1 A revision space will be provided on each drawing sheet. The original issue of the drawing
is usually indicated as an 'A'; the first revision is therefore 'B'.

19.2.2 Revision descriptions should be as brief and concise, as possible and where appropriate
should indicate the previously existing situation, eg "Section 'B' dimension 1028 mm was
1044 mm".

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
19.2.3 It is preferred that standard industry practice, for example, such as on circuitry drawing
revisions, where there are numerous revisions on the same drawing it will be necessary to
highlight the revision note with a `cloud effect' or similar highlighting, and similarly each
correspondingly revised area of the drawing.

19.2.4 The revision block for each revision will preferably contain:
a) The revision letter in prominent display.
b) A brief description of the revision.
c) The draftsperson's initials.
d) An approval signature and date.

19.3 Drawings in Electronic Format

19.3.1 Tenderers will also provide drawings in electronic format to AS 1102 and AS 1103. The
Purchaser has a preference for MICROSTATION format however AutoCAD format is also

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)


20. Attachment 1 – Specific Requirements / Guaranteed Particulars

The Tenderer will complete this attachment and guarantee the particulars provided. Attach
additional sheets as necessary.

Specified Guaranteed Performance

Ref. Particulars Unit Value/
All Items
(A) Substation (Common requirements for all Items)

Manufacturer of complete
1. transformer and country of -
2. Lifting & Transport Facilities
• Clearly Marked with
2.1 Yes/No
Permanent Label or Stencil?
2.2 • Fully Rated? Yes/No
3. Protective Coating -
• Are full details of protective
3.1 coating included with tender Yes/No
3.2 • Time to first maintenance Years
4. Maximum Dimensions
4.1 • Width (including base) mm
4.2 • Length mm
• Height (including base)
4.3 maximum, interchangeability mm
requirements have changed
Guard provided over transformer
5. Yes/No
All bolts (fasteners, studs, etc.)
6. nuts and washers 316/304 grade Yes/No
stainless steel?
Tamper proof bolts used for all
7. unenclosed components Yes/No
accessible to the public ?
8. Serviceable life expectancy Years
9. Inspection free interval Years
10. Maintenance free interval Years

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
Specified Guaranteed Performance
Ref. Particulars Unit Value/
All Items
1. Oil Preservation System - Type -
2. Service -
3. Rated frequency Hz
4. Number of phases -
5. Vector Reference Group -
6. Rated voltage -
6.1 • Primary Voltage V
• Secondary Voltage (No
6.2 V
7. Method of cooling
8. Suitable for loading in Yes/No
accordance with AS 2374, Part
Normal Loading Curves
Supplied with Tender (corrected
9. Yes/No
for maximum ambient
10. Maximum Ambient Temperature ºC
11. 7 HV winding tappings, rated Yes/No
+10% to –5% of rated voltage,
2.5% steps, off-circuit.
12. Insulation Level:
• HV winding impulse voltage kV
withstand peak
• Power frequency voltage
12.2 kV rms
withstand of HV winding
• Power frequency voltage
12.3 kV rms
withstand of LV winding
13. HV Terminals -
• Cast epoxy pad type capable
of accepting a Holec 502-
13.1 Yes/No
0024 termination kit (or
• HV terminal height above
13.2 mm
14. Clearances in air (minimum)
14.1 • LV phase-to-phase mm

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
Specified Guaranteed Performance
Ref. Particulars Unit Value/
All Items
• LV phase-to-earth (and
14.2 mm
15. Insulating oil -
• Does it comply with AS 1767
15.1 and non-corrosive as per Yes/No
Clause 6.8?
15.2 • Type -
15.3 • Brand of oil used -
15.4 • Method of filling -
15.5 • PCB in oil detection limit ppm
16. Material thickness
16.1 • Tank sides/floor mm
16.2 • Lid mm
16.3 • Fins mm
17. Maximum deflection of side walls mm

(B) LV Switchboard (Common requirements for all Items)

1. Dead front operation Yes/No
2. Busbar short circuit rating kA
3. Busbar mounting centres mm
4. Gap provided between switches mm
All switchgear complying with AS
5. Yes/No
400 A switches capable of only
6. Yes/No
accepting DIN 2 fuses?
630 A switches capable of
7. Yes/No
accepting DIN 2 & 3 fuses?
8. All switches padlockable? Yes/No
Circuit-fuse-disconnectors able
9. to be installed and or removed Yes/No
Distance between hole centre of
10. mm
lowest phase terminals and base
Minimum thickness of silver
11. mm
plating switch contacts.

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
Has the Tenderer completed all
schedules in Technical
Specification TS-479 LV
Transformer Monitoring
12. Capability Requirements for Pad Yes/No
Mount and Dry Type
Transformers, and provided full
details and information as
required by same
(C) Enclosure and Base (Common requirements for all Items)
1. Enclosure Material -
2. Enclosure Material Thickness mm
3. Enclosure IP Rating -
4. Minimum clear door opening mm
5. Enclosure fitted with removable Yes/No
6. Base -
6.1 • Material -
6.2 • Removable sections for cable Yes/No
6.3 • Height mm
• Suitable for all standard
6.4 Yes/No

Particulars Unit Specified Value Guaranteed Performance

Ref. Items Items Items ITEMS ITEMS ITEMS
1&6 2&7 3&8 1&6 2&7 3&8
(D) Specific Parameters
Rated Power (ONAN
1. kVA
2. Impedance Voltage %
Sound Level
As per ‘reduced limit’
3. dBA
of Appendix AA of
Overall substation
4. Complete with all kg
fittings filled with oil
and ready for service
Does this transformer
5. comply with AS Yes/No
2374.1.2 (MEPS)
6. No Load Loss kW

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
Particulars Unit Specified Value Guaranteed Performance
Ref. Items Items Items ITEMS ITEMS ITEMS
1&6 2&7 3&8 1&6 2&7 3&8
7. Load Loss kW
Calculated MEPS
8. %
Temperature rise
9.1 Top oil C
9.2 Winding C
Minimum insulation
resistance at 20OC (1
kV test after 1 minute)
10.1 HV winding MΩ
10.2 LV winding MΩ
10.3 Core MΩ
Insulating oil (required
11. to fill to correct level at litre
12.1 Positive Sequence Z  R
Impedance  j.X
12.2 Positive Sequence Z = A(x
Impedance deg
13.1 Zero Sequence Z  R
Impedance as vector  j.X
13.2 Zero Sequence = A(x
Impedance deg

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

Ref. Particulars Unit Specified Value Guaranteed Performance

Item Item 4
(E) Specific Parameters
Rated Power (ONAN
1. kVA
2. Impedance Voltage %
Sound Level
As per ‘reduced limit’
3. of Appendix AA of dBA
Overall substation
4. Complete with all kg
fittings filled with oil
and ready for service
Does this transformer
5. comply with AS Yes/No
2374.1.2 (MEPS)
6. No Load Loss kW
7. Load Loss kW
Calculated MEPS
8. %
Temperature rise
9.1 Top oil C
9.2 Winding C
Minimum insulation
resistance at 20OC (1
kV test after 1 minute)
10.1 HV winding MΩ
10.2 LV winding MΩ
10.3 Core MΩ
Insulating oil (required
11. to fill to correct level at litre
12.1 Positive Sequence Z  R
Impedance  j.X
12.2 Positive Sequence Z = A(x
Impedance deg
13.1 Zero Sequence Z  R
Impedance  j.X
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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
Ref. Particulars Unit Specified Value Guaranteed Performance
Item Item 4
13.2 Zero Sequence Z = A(x
Impedance deg

Ref. Particulars Unit Specified Value Guaranteed Prformance

Items 5 & 9 Items 5 & 9
(F) Specific Parameters
Rated Power (ONAN
1. kVA
2. Impedance Voltage %
Sound Level
As per ‘reduced limit’
3. dBA
of Appendix AA of
Overall substation
4. Complete with all kg
fittings filled with oil
and ready for service
Does this transformer
5. comply with AS Yes/No
2374.1.2 (MEPS)
6. No Load Loss kW
7. Load Loss kW
Calculated MEPS
8. %
Temperature rise
9.1 Top oil OC
9.2 Winding OC
Minimum insulation
resistance at 20OC (1
kV test after 1 minute)
10.1 HV winding MΩ
10.2 LV winding MΩ
10.3 Core MΩ
Insulating oil (required
11. to fill to correct level at litre
12.1 Positive Sequence Z  R
Impedance  j.X
12.2 Positive Sequence Z = A(x
Impedance deg
13.1 Zero Sequence Z  R
Impedance  j.X
13.2 Zero Sequence Z = A(x
Impedance deg

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
(G) Quality Assurance

1. Does the Tenderer have a quality YES/NO

assurance system?
2. List the QA Standards that the
Tenderer’s Quality Assurance System
conforms to.
Attach documentation including
capability statement.
3. Do all local and overseas YES/NO
Subcontractors (if any) have Quality
Assurance Systems?
4. List all major Subcontractors and
List the QA Standards that the
Subcontractors’ Quality Assurance
Systems conform to.
Attach documentation including
capability statement.
5. Has the Tenderer attached the YES/NO
documentation requested in Refs 2 and
4 above.
(H) Tracebility
1. Sub-components incorporating
traceability – for all Tendered main,
optional and alternative items - please




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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

21. Attachment 2 – Additional and Special Requirements

The Tenderer will list here and provide full details and supporting information for each of the
Additional and Special Requirements as detailed in Clause 8 and 10.

Ref. Particulars Has the

included full
details and
information ?
Yes / No
Special Requirement
8.2.13 LV Monitoring Capability
CT Class CT Ratio

Additional Requirements
10.1 Maximum Demand Indicator
10.2 Improved IAC Rating




DATE: ______________________

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Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

22. Attachment 3 – Risk Assessment

The Tenderer will complete the relevant items (as applicable):
Ref. Particulars Response
1. Has the plant tendered been designed and manufactured in
compliance with the Queensland Workplace Health and Safety
Plant Code of Practice and can documentary evidence be
2. Does the design of substation, and the recommended methods
for: Assembly, erection, operation, testing, inspection,
maintenance of repairs, comply with the requirements of the
Queensland Workplace Health and Safety Plant Code of
3. Has a risk assessment been performed on the plant tendered,
which meets the requirements of AS/NZS 4360?
4. A copy of the above mentioned risk assessment will be
included with the tender.
5. Mechanical Design Considerations
5.1 Is the plant designed to provide fault containment?
5.2 Is guarding provided for protection from moving parts, sharp
edges, hot/cold surfaces, etc?
5.3 Are AC and DC secondary terminals protected by insulation?
5.4 Is the plant designed to allow for routine maintenance without
encroaching upon electrical approach limits?
5.5 Is access to the plant necessary above 2.0 metres in height?
5.6 If yes to 5.6 confirm compliance with the Queensland
Workplace Health and Safety Codes of Practice and noted
Major Hazards such as Risk Management and Work at Heights
5.7 What is the three dimensional clearances required for
installation, operation, maintenance and testing of the plant.
5.8 Indicate if there is any special stability requirements for
transportation, installation, operation and maintenance of the
5.9 Is safe access provided for normal operational conditions?
6. Ergonomic Considerations:
6.1 When designing the plant what ergonomic standards were
adopted for the following conditions:
6.2 (a) Working in confined spaces?
6.3 (b) Operating forces, eg opening and closing switches?
6.4 (c) Undesirable posture, eg installing HV cabling?
6.5 (d) Access to components for installation, operation and

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)
Ref. Particulars Response
7. Manual Handling Considerations:
7.1 Is special lifting/handling equipment provided/required for
individual components with a mass in excess of 15 kg?
7.2 Is labelling provided on individual components with a mass in
excess of 15 kg?
7.3 Are lifting points/handles provided for individual components
with a mass in excess of 15 kg?
7.4 Are lifting points/handles provided to ensure a balanced lift?
8. Hazardous Substance Considerations:
8.1 What hazardous substances are used/produced (including
after failure):
8.2 Are normal hazardous substance controls compatible with
operational requirements?
8.3 Is a Safety Data Sheet available for all hazardous substances
contained within the plant?
8.4 What are the expected hazardous substance changes/by
products associated with the deterioration of a substance?
8.5 What are the hazards associated with handling hazardous
substances after plant failure?
9. Environmental Considerations:
9.1 Does the plant contain components which could cause an
environmental hazard should plant failure occur?
9.2 If yes to 9.1 please list these components
9.3 Can the tenderer demonstrate that the plant is designed to limit
the extent of environmental hazard should plant failure occur?
9.4. Do all symbols and labels provided on the plant conform to the
requirements of the Queensland Workplace Health and Safety
Plant Code of Practice?
9.5 What hazards, if any, are created should the plant be left in
short or long term storage?
9.6 Indicate if special training, unique for this plant, is required.
9.7 Has the required EMF information (refer clause 16.2) been
provided with the tender?




DATE: ______________________

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

23. Attachment 4– Rating Plate Details for Transformer

Ergon Energy Structured Plant Number

(Available from Purchase Order):






Page 41 of 43 Specification JTS02-02-01 Ver 9

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

24. Attachment 5 – Rating Plate Details for the Ring Main Unit

Ergon Energy Structured Plant Number

(Available from Purchase Order):

SIGNATURE OF TENDERER: _________________________________




DATE: ______________________

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for 12kV Padmounted
Distribution Substations (Rectangular Type)

25. Attachment 6- Drawing 02-02-01 B

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

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