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LINK TO STP STPM 2014/P1/0Q2 eaeiaiamammmenmmamen] St M% Saws By ap rs re 8) 23 BINOMIAL EXPANSIONS A binomial is an expression which has two terms, such ey, An expansion of the form (a + bY! is called a binomial nig Consider the following expansions: n=0, (a+bP=1 n=l, (a+b)'=atb n=2, (atdi=@+20b+b n=3, (a+ bP = a+ 3b + Bab? +b n=4, (a+ b= a + 4a + 60Fb? + dab? + bt n=5, (a+b) =a + 5th + lab? + L0arb* + Sab' + b° For each of the expansions shown above, if the coefficients of a anf bare extracted, a triangular array of numbers is obtained. n=0, 1 n=l, lod n=), 121 n=3, 133 4 a4, 1464 1 n=5, 15 0 0 5 1 The coefficients are culled binomial coefficients and the triangult array of numbers is known as Paseal’s triangle. The first and last coetficients of each row are 1 and there is a symmetry to the coefficients. Every other value can be obtained by adding the pair of numbers immediately above it The expansions also show the following pattems 1 Starting with a, the power of @ is reduced by | cach time and decreases t0 0 at the last term, The last term, b’, has no factor of a. The first term has no factor of h The power of b iy inereased by 1 each time and increases tom at the last term, 3 Inc h term, the powers of @ and b always add up to 7. Henee. it i Possible to obtain the expansion of (a +h)! as follows: ‘The coefficients for the expansion of (a + b)° can be obtained from the previous row of Pascal's triangle. t 4 0 0 5 1 1 6 15 2 15 6 1 It follows that (a+ bY =a" + 6a + 15a°B? + 200 + Sab + Cabs + b* For any binomial a +b and any natural number 1, (a+ bY Seg + ca" b+ ea t+ +c, abn + oat where the numbers «,, ¢, are from the nth row of Pascal’s triangle and ¢, = ¢, ERIS a Expand (2x ~ 3)° using Pascal's triangle. Solution Note that a 3 and n=5. The Sth row of Pascal’s triangle is used: (2x = 3) = 12x) + S(20)(-3) + 10(2x)(-3)? + 10(2x)(-3)* + 5(2x)(-3)* + 1-3) = 32x — 240x4 + 720x° — 1080.7 + 810% — 243 Binomial Theorem Theoretically speaking, Pascal's triangle can be used to obtain the expansion of (a + by’ for any positive integral value of n. However, this becomes impractical for large values of since getting the relevant row of the triangle would be troublesome and inefficient, In general, the coeflicient of the (r+ 1th term in the expansion of (a+ by is n(a=Ayn= 2) =F od rr-1)- ‘TAKE NOTE! “The signs of the terms, alternate between + and - when a or b is a negative number Nel A, (b) Note that a= x. h = — binomial theorem, war ears (4) oy V2 and n= 6. Then, using the +) e) +(9)eey (as) cay cay SP 6/ENS4 Mat 4OE 0+ 600 = ER D> Expansi: 0 + iene ion of (1 + x)" where n is a Positive Note that for the special case where a= | and b (tape le ty mn 4 Maz INn=2)-- (nr) wl . os fee tnx’ bt or (+xf=1 +({je+(Se+ wo (thee stat neZt The expansion of (a+b) can be related to that of (1 +x)" follows: (a+ b= felt + oy ne =a(t + *y =a"(1 + xy’ where x a The binomial expansion of (1 +.x)* instead of (a + 5) is used when finding an approximation. If xis small such that the values of successive powers of x become insignificant, then the sum of the first few terms of the expansion of (14 xy gives an approximate value for (1 + x)" IE SE Write down the first four terms, in ascending powers of x, the binomial expansion of (I +x)". Hence, evaluate (a) 1.004)", and ea (b) (0.998)", correct to 4 significant figures. Sohuion 10)9) 5, (OY) 21 4 ly UD LORIE 6 214 10x + 5x2 + 12000 4 + (the first four terms) 1g x = 0.004, (1+) (a) Substitutin Resa ol ees ts et 20proximation HS FILE :n mis a postive integer, may be evaluated on a ntific calculator using “C, —_ Tr can be written in a compact form using the factorial nota, (") n! ° rh rar where ni! = n(n — 1m — 2) +++ 3.2.1 (called 1 factor definition, 0! = 1, Heneg, for any binomial a +b and any natural number 1, and Where ' * by 1 We (a+ by art thar lb+ MD bo w(nartl) n= (n= 2) a +nabe- + bt aD poe or (a+ by'=a't (ila (iar + ey bynez + (") arth + This result is known as the binomial theorem. The form of the expansion given in (Dis useful when the first few terms of an expansion are required while that given in @) is useful when the coefficient ofa lary power of a and b is required, or when the general term is required, Note that the expansion of (a+ 6" is a finite series with n+ 1 terms, The binomial theorem can also be written using sigma notation; (a+or= (lew Expand the following using the binomial theorem. ; (a) (x * 4 (b) (v2) Soltdion (a) Note that a = 2x, b = binomial theorem, (x+4)= en «(Nevers + Glave + (jen +(Jeoreys Gene and n = 7, Then, using the + (ese wy = (128)x7 + 7(64)x5 + 21(32)x* + 35(16) + 35(8)x"1 + 21(4)x3 + TQ)v8 NT = 128x7 + 448x° + 67223 + 5604 + 2800 + + B40 + Let 7 (b) Note that @ = binomial theorem, Oars) 8) (2) +(e a) +f) sa) Carboy = 62a 4 Met OT 4 Oe 2 VEe 8 h =~ JF and n= 6, Then, using the > Expansion of (1 + x)" where nis a Positive Integer Note that for the special case where a= | and b=.x, a tae le te Oe ) 24 + Ma 1in-2) a elie Dey. tnt! +x or (+xy"=1 +(}e+( peewee nce, nez ‘The expansion of (a+ by can be related to that of (1 +.) as follows: (a+by= fat + oF 7 a(t + a =a'(I +x)" where 2 The binomial expansion of (1 +x) instead of (a-+ 6) is used when finding an approximation. If xis small such that the values of successive powers of x become insignificant, then the sum of the first few terms of the expansion of (1 +x) gives an approximate value for (1 + x) Write down the first four terms, in ascen binomial expansion of (1 + x)", Hence, evaluate (a) (1.004)", and (b) (0.998), correct to 4 significant figures. Solution é (10y9) coos) (ene! OD OP 2 COE = y+ 1x +4532 + 12002 + + (the first four terms) (a) Substituting *= 0.004, Cees (te) eect: ee .004)? + 120(0.004)s (1 + 0,004)" = 1 + 10(0,004) + 450.004)" + Ny. (1.004)! = 14 0.04 + 7.2 x 10% + 7.68 x 10- ‘ = LOA [to 4 significant figures} (b) Substituting x = 0.002, ae 0.002)" 1+ 10(— 0.002) + 45(— 0.002) + 120(~ 0.002) (0.998)! = | = 0,02 + 1.8 x 104 —9.6 x 107 = 0.9802 [to 4 significant figures} ind, in ascending powers of x, the first four terms jn the expansion of ( + 3. By substituting an appropriate value 4 i of x into this expansion, find the value of (2.0025)* correct ry three decimal places. Solution xy x] e m y - +) ‘TAKE NOTE! ah. 8p +4 =p +gf =2 if -2[-g) 2.0025 = 2 + 0,0025 where 0.0025 = and not ee: Substituting x = 0.01, ————— oor) _ 8 (0.01) _ 8(7)/0.01)" , 8(7)(6)/0.01)° ofr #00), an(aaty , sme(ooy,, (2.0025) = 21 + 0.01 + 4.375 x 10°*-+ 1.09375 x 107] = 258.571 [10 3 decimal places] If xis so small that x? and higher powers of may be neelecte, show that (lay t = 3} 20-19 ; Solution STRATEGY * | (= x)= 14 6-5) 4 xs xy? Expand (1 - xf and (2+3)" =| gia for the relevant terms only ( s)- Fi sla and multiply 243) = "+ 10(2y(3) 4... spenenoremmamemarseas | = 4+ xy 4, a eee TRA + 10x) + 3] Z HDA 2 1x4.) 2 * AC a 22 — 7x) specific Term of an Expansion if only & specific term of an expansion is required, the binomial theorem can be used to determine such a term without computing all the rows of P ‘al’s triangle or all the preceding coefficients. The (r + Ith term of (a + by" is : a(n Find the term indicated in the binomial expansions of the following functions. (a) Gu + 4y)’, 4th term. (b) (p + @)%, term containing p? (c) (Vx + *Vx)§, middle term. (a) (~ = Solution (a) r= 3, a = 3u, b = 4y and n= 7. The required term is (3jow ~3(4y) 35(812e)(640°) 81 440u43 (b) For the term containing p’,n-r=3,r=5,a=p,b=q Zz and 11 = 8. The required term is We (jo -@) = 56p°q° (©) There are 9 terms in the expansion of (Vx + ‘Vx)". The middle term is the 5th term. Thus, r= 4, a =Vx, b= and n = 8. The required term is _— (S)usy “ey = 70(x7)(x) =70x* 12 , term independent of x. 454 = (d) a=2x1, b=—4 and n= 12 -_ =(4 2Jore ely eer The term is independent of x if 36 — 4r=0 > r=9, Therefore, the required term is w= (B)@rrey = (220)8)(-1) =-1760 Find the coefficient of x? in the expansion of (4 — 3x°)(2 + 3x), Solution aden (4-3x)2 +3x)'=(4- sx[2* et FERS OB + -] = eee + 86423 — 48x9 + ++ = 816x* Therefore, the coefficient of x? is 816. The coefficient of xt and x° in the expansion of (1 + kx*)° are 90 and 270 respectively. Find the value of & and the coefficient of x* Solution The general term for the expansion of (1 + kx?)° is = (Foxy. For the term in x4, r= 2:0, (Saas = 10K2x4. For the term in x, r= 3:4,,,= Qhous! = 10K3x%. 10k? = 90 =9 =k=30rk=-3 10k? = 270 kR=27>k=3 Hence, k =3 For the term in x87 = 4: u,,, = (Joa = (5814) = 405x* Therefore, the coefficient of x is 405, Use binomial expansion to evaluate (V5 + 2)' + (V5 - 2)’ Hence, show that $777 < (v5 + 2)" < 5778. Solution (5 +2)'= (5) (v5) ey + 15(05)' "+ 2008)" +15(V5) 29+ 6(¥5)Qy'+ = 125 + 300(5)+1500 +800(V5) + 1200 + 192(V5) + 64 = 2889 + 1292(y5) (5-2) = (V5) + 65) ay + 15(05) 2p + 20605) +13(V5)2y¢+ 6(V5)-295 + 29° = 2889 - 1292V5 (v5 +2)" + (V5 -2)° = 2890 + 1202/5 + 2889 - 129245 =57m “> gocher As < (v5 -2)<1,0<(V5-2)'< 1 and (+2) + (V5 - 2) = 5778 A 2) = 578 -(v5 +2)" 0<5778- (V5 +2)’<1 ~S78 <- ie Fate sm 3117 < (v5 +2)'< 5778 Checkpoint 2.9 1 Expand the following using Pascal's triangle. @ @-)y (©) (1+ 2xy' (b) (5 +24) (d) (1-2x)! MATHS FILE Use (a+ DF = b+ 6tb+ 5A? 120090 + 15a7b! + Gabi tf eel: 2) rok wo rusts Gry PoseI> 7 S33 Este 7 333373924 © Fares ' WO<(a+b)<1 then 0.< (a ~vB)"<1, ‘nis a positive integer ee eee Th oon eerie eur) 2 Expand the following using the binomial theorem ) pat wo) (3-9 oo yo wo (Le) | cated for the binomial expansion . fa) (ay oy = 2 @) wee! 3 Without expanding completely, write down the term indi a cach of the expressions below. fe 1 fos sainiiowse oo v (a) (P+qy.antterm ** Se Ww 0 Pea 3): term containing x () (w= 2 ath tem Peace ayy? —@) (143 koay) (h) (1 - 2x)", term containing Mt (©) Gv vi. Sth term Bey (a93) (4) (ne - ia Elmers? x yr & s 05s 1 204-4 4g Find the values of 1», ¢ and d. . dN foe "1 os ial expa f 1 ” 15 The binomial expansion of P+ 4) is 5120+ 576% ps4 ag. Find (a) the nume (b) the coett ind q, Iient of ¥” when the expansion of (a + i is multiplied by 4y 1, 16 Write down thy ] (1-3) 17 Obtai first three terms, in ascendin, g powers of x, jnomia "enc, Find te value of (0.996) core ge bitomial expansion of ee 2. > Correct to 4 significant figures, ‘he binomial expansion of (/3 + Yin the fonm m2 +n Where m and m are integers, State the corresponding result for the expansion of (YE ~ 1) and show that (J — 1) is the reciprocal of (V3 + 1) 18 Obtain the first four terms in the expansion of b + i in ascending powers of. By subtuting an appropriate valu places. 19 Show that the exact value of (5+ 2V3)'+(5-=2, 20. Bvaluate (4 + 293)’ (4 of into this expansion, find the valu of (2.0025) cont to three decimal ud an integer, and find he value of this integer. Hence, show that 23 167 < (4.4 23)'< 23 168. D Expansion of (1 + x)" where nis a Rational Number Ithas been shown previously that eee ae retonal number and identity the Cea es % of this expansion (4x14 tty 4 Ma= In with the expansion terminating at the term x" when n is a positive integer. ; It can be proven that this is also true for negative and fractional Values of n, However, the expansion is infinite and is only valid for (b) (1 = 2x)" (c) GB - 2xy? in id state the s = =n 2 tre ta ty 4 Me 1) 2 4 BOD 2) oa Fos kd< (a) Replacing n by 3, 2 XS + 2 (+x) alta 3 x Fas Fd Z = 145-37 + 7g to Provided [x] <1 | | | | (b) Replacing 7 by —3 and x by —2x, | C= 2xy3 = 1+ Prev» + ca =D Hayy: | $EDEIRES 29.9 4. = 14+ 6x + 24x? + 8025+ + provided |-2x| <1 r 1 1 2x] <1 = -1<-2x vOxs j DP J52 = 1(1.03015) ¥13 = 7.21105 Ce VIB ~ 3.605525 = 3.606 [10 3 decimal pl STRATEGY \ Linen éegeectrunestr = ERATE > degree of denominator, aces) canyout ong division. =) Express f(x) = 2. Express f(x) as partial j Oey ™ partial fractions, fractions. Hence, obtain an e xXpansion of f(y i ! 3. Expand f(x) by converting | Of F(x) in g 2 hehe ania j up to the term in e steering: pavers ot ae Determine the set of values of x for which the expansion is valid. “@FDR—3H 6+5 i 145 (+ 2) =3) St eg ot: B Let GeD@—3) "Neate 5 = A(x - 3) + B(x + 2) Substituting x =—-2,5=-54 > A=-1 Substituting x=3, 5=5B8 => B=1 j= 1 1 Hence, f(x) =1 ee ey 1 f(xy =1- 1 =144e (r+ 2 3 : 3, (3) +... provided |] < ! (1+3) =1+3+(3) + P’ | ; ic ,ansion is valid is fx for which the expal The set of values © fxly <—3 or x > 3} Sane ils 1 Obtain the fi Tange of values of x for which each is vali f@) (42° @) (=x)? ® 7a (b) (423 © (-3: (ny JT-5x (©) (L=2y)* Od+xey 2 Obtain the expansion of cach of the following up to and including the term in x*, giving the Tange of values of «x for which each is valid, (a) +a)" (@) (5 -2x)* ® tx 1 () @-x° ©) ch) ~ (hy (6) (100 sox)? (f) 44x atl oss Cay 3 Given that x is so small that x? and higher powers of x can be ne, glected, write down a quadratic approximation to cach of the following. a) L¥8 245 xe +s oes () (6-2 V6 (b) 145s © 6-xVie=x Wy Tex @ lt+x © 44x 4 Expand each of the following in ascending powers of 4 + Stating the first four non-zero terms and the value of x for which the expansion is valid, f@ GB- y (b) (1 + 3xy! (©) (64x)? 5 (a) Expand cach of the following in ascending powers of x Up to the term in x2, (i) (+ 4x c di) V7 (b) Hence, obtain a quadratic approximation for (1 + 4xy*/T oy which is valid for small values of x. 6 (a) Given that vis s1 ¢ ‘ vis small, write down a quadratic approximation for each of the following, () VI=ay “— wy — (42x Vi-4e (42 b) Henee, aby j 7 ( obtain the first three terms in the series expansion of stating the range of values of x f \e Of Values of x for which the series is valid, 7 (a) Given that vis 5 i mati 7 hat x is small, write down a cubic approximation for each of the following. @) N1ex he range of b) Hence, i () oe obtain the first four terms in the series expansion of values of x for which the series is valid. 8 If xis so small that x* and higher powers of x may be neglected, show that (1=2x) V4+er 2 9 Given that |x] < ~ 8x4 5518 2 23x, 1s. write down the binomial expansion of in ascending powers of x ‘em up to the term in 2°. By substituting x= 1 2p find an approximation for Y3T- 10 When (1 + px)" is expanded in ascending powers of x, the first three terms of the expansion are | — 2x + 7x2. Find the values of p and of n. 2 11 Given that Lees = + Sue 21g 4, eset the values of the constants ead 12 Expand (1 - whi in ascending powers of x up to the term in «°. Hence, evaluate v 0.96 correct to four decimal places. 13 (a) Show that (1 + x ee (b) By substituting x = 1 into your answer in part (a), show that 14 (a) Write down the first four terms in the binomial expansion of [1 +795 nswer in part (a), deduce that (b) By substituting a suitable value of into your S104 ~ 10.19804. w : . 15 (a) Show that (1+) = 14797-36864 (b) By substituting 4 suitable value of x into your 31055, wy 65 ~ “9216 * (a te) ne EF Tao Bes oP os oot answer in. a (a), deduce that —{+ 16 (a) Write dove the fist three trans inthe binomial expansion of { (d) Dextuce that 4/80) ~ 2.9907. = in partial fractions, Hence, show that, iF is so small that x and igh, xyl+ powers of ¥ may be neglected, 17 Expres 5 let (-yQ+y 2 ervise, Find, in simplified form 18 Express fly) = in partial fractions, and hence oF othe VEN the first three non-zero terms in the expansion of f(x) in ascending powers of x. State the se of values of y for which the expansion is valid. B . A and that f(s) may be expressed in the form 5+ 7. 19 Given that f(x) ——, (+x higher powers to be neglected, then f(x) = Ix+4 e xy xy . find the numbers 4, Band C. Hence, show that, if is sufficiently small for x° ang 245x415 20, Find the values of P, Q and R that satily the identity 5 95 obtain the expansion of a in ascending powers of x, giving the five terms in the expansion. State the set of values of x for which the expansion is valid. Summary 1 Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) _ (b)- Sum of the first n terms is given by a, at dat 2d, at Bde AEP ore> tors, Lr (a) The nth term or general term is given by a. u,=a+(n~ Id. (b) Sum of the first. terms is (6) Sum to infinity is given by S_= % ar" vhere fy < 1, that is, -L< rs b 3 Method of Differences 2. Geometric Progression (G.P.) If the general term of a series #, can be express oC ay fe a, ar, ar, ur dats f(r + 1) = £(7), then i) Zu =flne )-f(). 4 Bino The series is fi santos te and vatid for all values (a) If isa positive integer ots (as brane wpa ed red (b) If nis gi” Bebe 7 an nn nin In n—r+ Ces UP Tae =a seer e+ +o _nn= Win =2)n= FD oy rf . The series is infinite and valid only ior or (at dysat +(Tle w+(3 Jerse -lex 1 Given that u, = 9, write down each of these terms t,t, and u, Find a formula for u, in terms of n 16 A sequence 14,1. i defined as 4,=3n—2,n2 1. The sum, S,, where m2 ; 1 ! is defined as S, = ee tatty a ay (a) Find the exact values of S,,5, and 3 show that $= =, 10 (b) By considering (3m - 2)S,, for nt = 2+ 3,4, find a formula for S,, in terms of for m2 2, 17 The sum of the first n terms of a sequettee 1 tb stl i8 given by S, Explain why the series Bu, converges, and wilt down the value of the sum to infinity. Find a formula for u, in the simplest form. yg The ft first term of an inereasing arithmetic n is 1. S, is the sum of the first ymtetic progression ~y form a geometric ance of the arithmetic progression is 2. J the least value of n such that is Without assuming any general formula for he sum of @ geometric series, show that for I-x “I=x suppose that x= 1+ 4, where > 0, show nell txee tit et may be expanded in the form U(Ghe (heme py pay 5 4) . exes) etme 129 Given a sequence with 1, A ke @) «where k isa constant Show that the sequence is a geometric progression and find 2 1 Verify the identity Qe} ret 2 Hr=t)rrtly) = Det)” Hence, using the method of difference, prove that g_ 2 % bert) Deduce the sum of the infinite series 14 ao) tata ths +The) * Cr 1 1 ee Wel ~ Ger?) rr + r+ 2) 2ntl n(n + 1) Hence, find a simplified expression for i 2 r+ re 2) 1 2B (a saa i (a) Express pape ay i Partial fractions (b) Hence, or otherwise, show that nth = Dans 1)” 1 Fn Or DRT n= where a and h are integers to be determined. (6) Determine the limit as n > of » 1 2 G-nerD 1 tiek Hrut 24 Express asyaraay i ati Hrations Hence, find the sum of the series tog i 1 3x5 3x7 Ge A” Show that the series Lit 1 3x5 3x7 Gee is convergent and state the sum to infinity. 25 Given that 1 1 4, - nat 2a x express 3 u, in terms of V. Deduce the value of 51, 26 Show that fa all rir +0! ae Hence, evaluate & —- oe, eS rs sre). 27 Show that reloor ; ra per ena ee Henee, find & u 1 +2) giving your ans terms of n. single fraction i 28 Show theif (= Hae pay the —— 4 fl D=-—S are neredy Hence, find the sum of the series 4 1 L 1 T3x5 * SNSRT * TRTRD 1 1 “Tox + * Gee 29 Find the sum of the first m terms of the series Lo 1 1 3x7 * Txt * Theas * xt9 7" 1 “Gea k++, find the value of J 30 If fi = - | Ww Mx+6) +24) 1x7 | 2x8 | 3x9 3x5 4x6 * Sx7 31 Express in partial fractions. Hence, show that * n(n+6)—_ n(n +1)Gn+11) at 2a44) Sort 34) 32 Expand (2+ 3x)! as a series of ascending powers of x. Write down the expansion of (2 = 3x), Hence, find the value of (2+ 3V2)'- 2 3y2}. 33 (a) Find the coefficient of x* in the al-4 (b) Obtain the term independent of x in the 2 y. is so small that x ang ff x are negligible, sf, i&he sof xa + show i it +37 = 64-4 961199, J ww If x power 1px = 2) in asen dir (b) Expand (I-53 Scending powers of up to the term in xt a) Find the coefficient in 2° in the se) expansion of (I + 3x4 2x2)! 1 (6) Expand (1-+29"4-+2°)7 a8 series o¢ ascending powers of Up tothe term ig 12 State the set of values of x for yh, the expansion is valid. 142x437 fa)= 36 Express in parti (=x) +7) fractions. Show that if x is so small that the terms in x‘ and higher powers may be neglected, then f(x) = 1+ 3x4 Sx°43¥!, 37 (a) Without using tables or a calculator find the vatue of 5 +2) ~(5~2 w5 (b) Expand (1~-3x)¥ in ascending powes of x up to the term in .°, By taking 1 tt find a value for V5, giving your answer correct to two decimal places ley Tay) in ascending powers of 38 Bapand up to term in By substituting suitable values of n and y. '49\5 _ 79.601 1 (3) 80.000 3 IC the coefficients of 1 and x? are zero inthe expansion of C3)" + 2529) = (1+ axe + bx) fi the values of @ and b, show that the coefficient of xt in the tvs evs (+4) 4) 0) Show that. if a is so small that x! and higher powers of y can be neglected, o where pis a S¥iy constant to be determined, By substituting a suitable value of x show, that the difference between VT.02 is approximately 1.28 x 10°, and 52 41 Given that the coefficients of x and x? in the expansion of (1 + ax + bx’) are I and 0 respectively, find the values of a and b. Hence, expand (1 + x)? up to the term i 1+ 9x + 39x2 + 113x3 + os and use this expansion to obtain a value for (098) giving your answer correct to 1.02 thiee decimal places. 43 Expand Vix in ascending powers of x up to the term in x‘, Show that the error is 1 > when 1 +9- ta is roughly s used as an approximation for JI, if x is sufficiently small. b b 44 14s small enough for powers of “higher than the third to be neglected show that 4, br) a 8a 10 deduce a rational Use your result t approximation to V3 ~ V3. = Hence, deduce a rational approximation to V5 +3. 45 Given that y= Vv I Siestee esd x>—4, show that, provided x #0, eT — JT), Usina this second form for 9, express y as a series of ascending powers of .x up to the term in °, Hence show, by putting . where Le hag —O 79213 jon fi0s + J1or ‘160000 poem 46 (a). Given that bE 35x42 A_, B+Cx (1=2x)1+x") 1-2 0 1+ find the values of the constants A,B and C, Write down the series expansions, up to _ and including the term in x°, of (b) T=3 Ty. ‘Deduce that, if x is small enough for terms =~ in x* and higher powers of x to be ignored, ~ — then £ (1-2xXl+) ~ where a, b and ¢ are constants to be determined. > © tax tb cx’ f 47 Given that f(x) ‘Show that the expansion of f(x) in ascending powers of x, ! up to the third term is x > + By putting x = 8, find an approximation for | V7 asa fraction in its lowest form. 48 Given that y Prove that y=2-x-2QI=a. Expand y in ascending powers of x up to the term in x". , ecm 50 Expnes app po i tl ain Deduce that / Show that the expansion of j ascending powers of is 49 Expand — x r=3r42 2, 2, 103 I 3 YY 2ix' ov I — up to the term in < and determine the range Of values of ie for which the expansion is valid,

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