The Laplace Operator: Definition and Self Adjointness
The Laplace Operator: Definition and Self Adjointness
The Laplace Operator: Definition and Self Adjointness
h∆φ, φi ≥ 0 ∀ φ ∈ Cc∞ (U )
Proof. Using integration by parts twice and using the fact that com-
pactly supported functions are zero in an open set, we get
h∆φ, ψi = ∆φ(x)ψ(x)dx
n Z
= −∂x2j φ(x)ψ(x)dx
j=1 U
Xn Z
= −φ(x)∂x2j ψ(x)dx
j=1 U
= hφ, ∆ψi
≥ 0 ⇒ ∆ is positive
1. Every self adjoint linear T : H → H operator is symmetric. On the
other hand, symmetric linear operators need not be self adjoint. The reason
is that T ∗ may be a proper extension if T i.e D(T ) 6= D(T ∗ ). Clearly, this
can not happen if D(T )is all of H. So
For linear operators T : H → H on complex Hilbert space H, the concepts
of symmetry and self adjointness are identical.
2. If there were no negative sign in the definition, the Laplace operator
would have been negative.
Theorem. Let U ⊂ Rd be a non empty open subset. Then the Laplace
operator admits self adjoint extensions. Proof : This follows at once from
the general theorem of Friedrichs.
Theorem. (Friedrichs) Let, H be a Hilbert space,.(D(T ), T ) ∈ DD∗ (H)
a symmetric operator which is positive i.e. such that
hT (v), vi ≥ 0,
for all v ∈ D(T ). Then T admits at least one self adjoint extension, called
the Friedrichs Extension (D(S), S) such that
U : L2 (Rn ) → L2 (Rn )
given by Z
U φ(x) = φ(t)e−2πihx,ti dt
Integrating by parts, we get
Im(∆ + z)⊥ = 0
Indeed, (D, M4π2 kxk2 ) is self adjoint and so is the closure of (U D(∆), M4π2 kxk2 ).
Now, from inverse Fourier transform, it follows that closure of ∆ is uni-
tarily equivalent with (D, 4π 2 kxk2 ).
Finally, the essential range of M4π2 kxk2 is [0, ∞), it follows that σ(∆) =
[0, ∞).
Also, since there is no eigen value of the multiplication operator, the
spectrum is purely continuous.
Example :
Next, we see for U=(o, 1)n The main idea corresponds to expanding of
function φ ∈ L2 (Rn ) in terms of orthonormal basis of H = L2 (U ) formed by
complex exponentials
Using this, we confirm that ∆ is not essentially self adjoint. Namely, for
any α ∈ C n with
∆∗ fα = ±ifα
Integrating by parts and using the fact that φ is compactly supported
(despite the fact that it is not for fα shows that ∆ is symmetric. However,
by definition this proves that (D (∆) , ∆) is not self adjoint.
The computation gives a rough idea of self adjoint extension of ∆ by
allowing more general functions rather than compactly supported one so
that boundary conditions will force the integration by parts to get symmetric
operators. But, the domain of such may be delicate to describe.
It is easy to think the situation for n=1. Define three subspaces of
L ([0, 1]) containing D(∆) = CC∞ ((0, 1)) as follows.
These spaces are distinct and have the laplace operators (Di , ∆), each
extending to the laplace operator (D(∆), ∆).
Then integrating by parts
Z 1
h∆φ, ψi = −φ” (x)ψ(x)dx
Z0 1
= −φ(x)ψ ” (x)dx
= hφ, ∆ψi ∀φ, ψ ∈ Dj
So, ∆ is symmetric.
Here,D1 , D2 and D3 are called respectively the Laplace operator with
periodic, Dirichlet and Neumann’s boundary conditions.
Proposition :
The three operators (Dj , ∆), 1 ≤ j ≤ 3 are essentially self-adjoint ex-
tensions of the Laplace operator (D(∆), ∆) on D(∆). Moreover, all three
σ (∆j ) = σp (∆j )-(pure point spectrum) and the eigenvalues are given by the
σ (D1 ) = 0, 4π 2 , 16π 2 , ...., 4π 2 k 2 , .....
σ (D1 ) = 0, π 2 , 4π 2 , ...., k 2 π 2 , .....
The spectrum is simple, i.e., the eigen spaces have dimension 1, for D2 and
D3 . For D1 , we have
Corollary :
Let U = (0, 1)n with n ≥ 1. Consider the operators ∆p = (Dp , ∆) and
∆d = (Dd , ∆) extending (D(∆), ∆) with domains given, respectively, by Dp ,
which is the space of restrictions of C ∞ functions on R which are Z n periodic,
and Dd which is the space of function φ ∈ C ∞ (U ) for which every partial
derivative of any order ∂α φ extends to a continuous function on Ū , and
moreover such that φ(x) = 0for x ∈ ∂U , where we use the same notation φ
for the function and its extension to Ū . Then ∆p and ∆d are essentially self-
adjoint. Their closures have pure point spectra, given by the real numbers
of the form
λ = 4π 2 k12 + .... + kn2 , ki ∈ Z