Grid Topologies Unit I
Grid Topologies Unit I
Grid Topologies Unit I
Distributed Supercomputing
Distributed supercomputing may seem like a fancy term but it’s very easy to understand. Let me put
it this way, a grid computing network spread across different geographical areas, even different
countries is distributed supercomputing. Easy right!
High-throughput Supercomputing
High throughput tasks give a little bit away by its name only, doesn’t it? Well, it can be characterized
by the tasks wherein you need a large amount of processing power for an extended amount of time.
Time can vary from few months to years. So to accomplish these tasks, there is a need for high
throughput supercomputing.
On-demand Supercomputing
One of the applications of grid computing is on-demand supercomputing. Came into existence to
overcome the problems that enterprises faced during fluctuating demand.
This happens when computing services are provided by the third party.
This model can be characterized by three attributes namely pay-per-use, self-service, and scalability.
On-demand supercomputing increases a business’ agility.
Data-intensive Supercomputing
This is a kind of parallel computing wherein a massive volume of data is divided into chunks of data
which are then processed simultaneously.
The data can be as big as the big data! This type of computing is very resourceful when there’s a
time constraint associated with the task/project as the operations work simultaneously.
So, the data is divided and worked upon at the same time.
Collaborative Supercomputing
As the name suggests, this kind of computing happens when one organization wants to
collaborate with another to make use of its supercomputing abilities.
Doesn’t matter if you’re a mid-size or a large size enterprise, if you don’t have the required
skill and resources this is the only way out.
Also, Rolls-Royce, a British aerospace and aviation firm, is one of the first companies to join
this collaborative supercomputing initiative.
So these were a few applications of grid computing. Now let me take you to a tour of how
some industries are applying grid computing.
The advances in the life sciences sector have led to some accelerated changes in the ways of
conducting drug discovery and drug treatment.
With these rapid changes, new challenges are also being surfaced like massive amounts of
data analysis, data caching, data mining, and data movement.
With great power comes great responsibility, likewise with these complexities came a few
surrounding requirements such as secured storage, privacy, secured data access, and more.
This requires a grid computing architecture that can manage all these complexities and all
the while accurately analyze the data.
It gives the ability to afford top-notch information while providing faster responses and
accurate results.
The pressure on the engineering firms and industry as a whole is increasing day by day
resulting in lesser turnaround time.
The industry is in grave need of capturing data and speeding up the analysis part.
We all can imagine the amount of data that the government has to process. Grid computing
can help in coordinating all the data, which is held across government agencies.
This will make way for clear coordination, not only in case of emergencies but in normal
situations as well.
Grid computing will enable virtual organizations which may include many government
agencies as participants.
This is an essential step to provide the required data in real-time and simultaneously analyze
the data to detect any problem and its solution.
Grid Topologies
A grid topology refers to the structure and organization of resources
within a grid infrastructure. There are three basic topologies associated with
grid computing: intra-grids, extra-grids and inter-grids.
Intra-grids are the simplest of the three grid topologies. A typical intra-grid
topology exists within a single organization, providing a basic set of Grid
services. The primary characteristics of an intra-grid are a single security
provider, bandwidth on the private network is high and always available, and
there is a single environment within a single network.
simple way, An extra-grid, typically involves more than one security provider,
Inter-grids are the most complicated of the three topologies. Inter-grids have the
same characteristics as extra-grids, except that data and resources within the
Regardless of the topology being used, the user is still presented with the
same view of the system. That is, grid data and grid resources are made to
organization or system. For example, the road system allows people to travel by
vehicle, the banking system allows people to transfer funds across borders, the
Internet allows people to communicate with each other and virtually any
secure mechanisms for the access, sharing and discovery of resources amongst
provide these services in a manner that hides the implementation details from
the user. The availability of high-speed networks, low cost components and the
ubiquity of the Internet and Web technologies make it feasible to realize this
There are some of the key software components that must be considered when
At the very least, a grid has a management component responsible for keeping
track of resource availability and the users of the grid. Some, if not most grids
registers a machine as part of the grid, enables grid management functions, and
utilization on the local machine (e.g., processor utilization, disk space, etc.) and
the grid and perform grid queries. For example, the user might want to find out
if certain resources are present on the grid, or query the status of a submitted
part of the user, such as requiring a username and password or obtaining some
with one another. For example, an application might consist of several sub-jobs
scheduled and deployed onto local machines on the grid, they need to be able to
and time.
the grid. It is sometimes referred to as “sensor” software. grids contain tools and
components that monitor the load and activity on each of its machines. Load
monitoring software can also be used for accounting purposes, for recording
application profiles, and many other things. Application profiles are used in
order to predict the run time and usage patterns for certain types of applications.
devices, etc.
Resource and Connectivity Protocols: This contains core communication
verifying the identity of users and resources and allow data to be shared
between resources.
communicating with one another. This communication can involve either data
There are three roles that are assumed in the Web Services model.
The requester is an entity that requests the use of a particular service. Services
(HTTP)). The server might support several styles of encoding and/or protocol
suitable implementations of the interfaces that it needs to use. The requester can
search for the interface it needs by filtering out interfaces based on criteria
Service request and response messages before sending them over a network.
encodings and the protocols that are used to communicate with a service. It
needs to be created. The transport protocol chosen for communications can be either
TCP or UDP in the TCP/IP protocol stack. The client also needs to specify the hostname
and port number that the server process is listening on. The standard socket API is well-
defined, however the implementation is language dependant. So, this means socket-
based programs can be written in any language, but the socket APIs will vary with each
language use. Typically, the socket client and server will be implemented in the same
language and use the same socket package, but can run on different operating systems
With the help of the stub and skeleton, RPC hides the low-level
These are:
ii. A server that runs the remote object which is an ordinary object
iii. The object registry (rmi registry), which is a name server that
The steps to implement and run a Java RMI client/server app are:
• Write an RMI interface;
• Use Java compiler (javac) to compile all the Java source codes;
application are: