BCA SEE4111 Question Paper Internet Web Technology

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

School of Engineering Sciences & Technology
New Delhi-110062

Even Semester Examination-2021

Paper Name: Internet and Web Technology Paper Code: BCA-SEE411

Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75
Note: Mobile Phones or programmable calculator or any equipment with memory are not allowed inside
the examination hall.


All questions are compulsory (35 X 1 = 35)

Answer the following statements are true or false

1. URL stands for Uniform Resource locally

2. Chrome is a web browser
3. E-Commerce stands for Electronic Commerce
4. HTML is High level language
5. Hyper link in html is create by using <a>
6. Set of rules and regulation are define by INTERNET PROTOCOL
7. <Img> tag use to insert image in HTML document
8. SEO stands for search engine optic
9. <h5> is a type of heading tag
10. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol
11. <audio> tag is use to insert audio in HTML document
12. <b> is for making text in bold
13. Java and Javascript same concepts
14. HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
15. For (initialization; Condition; Increment) is a syntax for creating for loop in JavaScript
16. CSS is Cascading style sheet use for styling HTML documents
17. In India, cyber laws are contained in the Information Technology Act, 2000 (“IT Act”) which came into force on
October 17, 2000
18. Cyber law covers legal issues which are related to the use of communicative, transactional, and distributive
aspects of network information technologies and devices
19. <form> tag is use to input data from html document
20. DHTML is Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language
21. “WWW”, “W” and “W3” are same
22. Tim Berner-Lee invented WWW in 1990 at CERN
23. “WWW” feature is to support cross platform
24. Internet and WWW are two different words
25. “WWW” is way of accessing information

SECTION-B (4*5=20 Marks)

Attempt any FOUR Questions

1. Explain in details any 10 types of websites with domains

2. Explain File Transfer Protocol working with the help of architecture Diagram
3. What are functions in JavaScript. Write program in java script to display months of years

4. Differentiate between primitive datatype and non-primitive datatype in Javascript
5. What is Web Technology? Explain its applications
6. Differentiate between Internet, Intranet (5 points)
7. What is Array in JavaScript? Write a program to display Name, Age, Address, City name and
Enrollment number using Array

SECTION-C (2*10=20 Marks)

Attempt any TWO Questions
1. Explain string datatype in javascript. Write a program to display your college name and mobile
2. Explain types of Arrays in JavaScript with program
3. Write short note
i. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
ii. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
iii. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
iv. Email

4. Write a HTML program for following output

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