Equity and Poverty - Global - POVEQ - MYS
Equity and Poverty - Global - POVEQ - MYS
Equity and Poverty - Global - POVEQ - MYS
April 2020
Malaysia is an upper middle income country with a GNI per capita of nearly US$ 31,000 (2011 PPP). The national poverty line is
approximately US$ 4.00 (2011 PPP) per person per day, and has not increased in real terms since 1977, despite the country's
rapid economic development. As a result, only 0.4 percent of households live below the current national poverty line. At the
WBG's Upper Middle Income Class poverty line of US$ 5.50 (2011 PPP), poverty has declined from 16.7 percent of the
population in 2008 to 2.7 percent in 2015. Malaysia introduced a national multidimensional poverty index (MPI) in 2015, and by
that measure 0.9 percent of Malaysian households were estimated to be multidimensionally poor in 2015. Based on the World
Bank's Multidimensional Poverty Measure, only 0.2 percent of Malaysians were multidimensionally poor as of 2015.
Annual growth of the bottom 40 percent's mean household income per capita was 8.3 percent from 2011 to 2015, which was
2.4 percentage points faster than the corresponding growth for the country's total population. Median household income per
capita grew at 7.1 percent per year, also outpacing the growth in mean income. The inclusive pattern of growth has led to
significant reductions in relative income inequality, with relative Gini index decreasing from 43.9 in 2011 to 41.0 by 2015. Even
so, public discourse and policy statements have tended to focus on the continued increase in absolute income gaps, as the
absolute Gini index has increased by 17 percent from 2011 to 2015.
Malaysia's economy is projected to contract in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic disruptions,
with GDP forecast to decline in the range of 0.1 to 4.6 percent. As a result, the poverty rate at the US$ 5.50 (2011 PPP) poverty
0 0 0.0
2008 2010 2012 2014 2008 2010 2012 2014
Source: World Bank using HIS/EAPPOV/GMD Source: World Bank using HIS/EAPPOV/GMD
Upper Middle Income line(%) Relative group (%)
Distribution among groups: 2015 Multidimensional Poverty Measures (% of people): 2015
Non-Poor Poor Bottom 40 Top 60
Urban population 99 1 33 67 Monetary poverty (Income)
Rural population 93 7 64 36 Daily income less than US$1.90 per person 0.0
Males 97 3 40 60 Education
Females 97 3 40 60 At least one school-aged child is not enrolled in school 0.6
0 to 14 years old 95 5 52 48 No adult has completed primary education 0.7
15 to 64 years old 98 2 36 64 Access to basic infrastructure
65 and older 99 1 33 67 No access to limited-standard drinking water 1.6
Without education (16+) 95 5 54 46 No access to limited-standard sanitation 13.2
Primary education (16+) 97 3 49 51 No access to electricity 0.6
Secondary education (16+) 98 2 40 60
Tertiary/post-secondary education (16+) 99 1 15 85
Source: World Bank using HIS/EAPPOV/GMD Source: World Bank using HIS/EAPPOV/GMD
Notes: N/A missing value, N/A* value removed due to less than 30 observations
The numbers presented in this brief are based on the EAPPOV database. EAPPOV is a database of socio-economic statistics constructed using microdata from household
surveys in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) region and is managed by the East Asia & Pacific Team for Statistical Development (EAPTSD). As of January 2019, the
collection includes 19 countries and 93 surveys. Harmonized surveys in the EAPPOV database are compiled into 4 modules following Global Monitoring Database (GMD)
Harmonization guidelines. A subset of the harmonized variables form the basis of the GMD collection, including the welfare aggregate which is used for Global Poverty
Monitoring. Terms of use of the data adhere to agreements with the original data producers.