ITT202 - Ktu Qbank

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ITT202 PCC 3 1 0 4

This course is intended to make the students capable of
1. Compare the capabilities of Object oriented and Procedure oriented programming
2. Model the problem scenarios using object oriented concepts and UML.
3. Develop robust programs by optimally utilising the capabilities JAVA programming
Prerequisite: Programming Concepts

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO No Course Outcomes Bloom’s Category

CO 1 Describe the specific capabilities of Object-Oriented Understand
paradigm compared to procedure oriented paradigm
CO 2 Explain the use of object oriented concepts to analyse the Understand
given problem.
CO 3 Describe the different inheritance features available in Understand
CO 4 Construct robust programs using Exception Handling Apply
CO 5 Construct applets utilising multithreading, event handling Apply
and Graphical User Interface, also model the problem
scenarios using UML diagrams.

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CO 1 2 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - 1

CO 2 2 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - -

CO 3 2 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - -

CO 4 2 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - -

CO 5 2 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - -

3/2/1: high/medium/low
Assessment Pattern

Bloom’s Category Continuous Assessment End Semester Examination

1 2
Understand 25 25 50
Apply 25 25 50

Mark distribution


Marks Duration

150 50 100 3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks

End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A
contain 10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question.
Students should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which
student should answer any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry
14 marks.

Course Level Assessment Questions

Course Outcome 1 (CO1):

1. Compare and contrast the implementation of data abstraction in procedure oriented

and object oriented language.

2. Explain how encapsulation helps in data security. Justify your answer by comparing
the scenario in procedure oriented languages.

3. Describe TWO features of object oriented programming languages that promote

code reuse.
Course Outcome 2 (CO2):
1. Describe about the statement “String is a primitive data type or not in C++.

2. Describe the use of „static‟ functions in C and Java.

Course Outcome 3(CO3):

1. Explain the difference between the object oriented design concepts of generalisation
and specialisation, and describe how these relate to the inheritance feature in object
oriented programming languages.
2. Describe how is-a and has-a inter-class relationships may be implemented in object
oriented programming, giving code examples to support your answer.
3. What is multiple inheritance? Discuss how multiple inheritance is implemented in

Course Outcome 4(CO4):

1. Experiment with runtime and compile time errors. Would you rather have an error
discovered at run time or compile time?
2. Experiment with out of bound exception with example code.
3. Build java programs using following constructs.
a) try {}
b) catch {}
c) throw()

Course Outcome 5(CO5):

1. Experiment with multithreaded applets.

2. Experiment with inter-process communication mechanism in java.

3. Design a class diagram of the following System: Vending Machine. A vending

machine sells small, packaged, ready to eat items (chocolate bars, cookies,
candies, etc.). Each item has a price and a name. A customer can buy an item,
using a smart card (issued by the vending machine company) to pay for it. No
other payment forms (i.e. cash, credit card) are allowed. The smart card records
on it the amount of money available. The functions supported by the system are:
Sell an item(choose from a list of items, pay item, distribute item)Recharge the
machine Set up the machine (define items sold and price of items)Monitor the
machine (number of items sold, number of items sold per type, total revenue)The
system can be used by a customer, a maintenance employee (who recharges
items in the machines), an administrator (who sets up the machine).

Model Question paper

Course Code: ITT202


Max.Marks:100 Duration: 3 Hours


Answer all Questions. Each question carries 3 Marks

1. Explain the use of „static‟ functions in C and Java.

2. Comment on the statement “String is a primitive data type or not in C++.
3. Explain the use of „this‟ keyword in Java.
4. Write a short note on implementation of “write once, run anywhere” concept
in Java
5. Explain encapsulation using class in java.
6. Write short note on inner calss in Java.
7. Explain the use of dynamic method dispatch.
8. Differentiate between „throw‟, „throws‟, and „Throwable‟.
9. Explain event handling model with diagram.
10. Write short note on sand box security model for applets.

Part B
Answer any one Question from each module. Each question carries 14
11.a) Compare and contrast the implementation of data abstraction in procedure
oriented and object oriented language. 7Marks
b) Discuss how encapsulation helps in data security. Justify your answer by
comparing the scenario in procedure oriented languages. 7 Marks
12. a) Write a short note on garbage collection in java. 6 Marks
b) Describe with example, TWO features of object oriented programming
languages that promote code reuse. 8 Marks
13. a) Compare and contrast overriding and overloading with examples.
6 Marks
b) With an example, discuss the use of passing objects as parameters.
8 Marks
14.a) Discuss the uses of „static‟ keyword with example scenarios. 7 marks
b) Examine the use of „final‟ keyword in the context of access control.
15.a) Explain the difference between the object oriented design concepts of
generalisation and specialisation, and describe how these relate to the inheritance
feature in object oriented programming languages. 6 marks
b) Describe how is-a and has-a inter-class relationships may be implemented in
object oriented programming, giving code examples to support your answer.
8 Marks
16.a) What is multiple inheritance? Discuss how multiple inheritance is
implemented in Java. 7 marks
b) Compare and contrast the usage of abstract class and interface in Java. Give
examples of each. 7 Marks
17.a) Discuss the difference between runtime and compile time errors. Would
you rather have an error discovered at run time or compile time? 8 Marks
b) Explain out of bound exception with example code. 6 marks
18. a) Explain the use of following constructs in Java with example.
i)try {}
ii)catch {}
iii)throw() 6 Marks
b) Elaborate on the interprocess communication mechanism in java.
8 Marks
19. a) Discuss how to implement a multithreaded applet with an example.
6 Marks
b) Explain with an example the event model in Java. 8 Marks
20. a) Differentiate between static and dynamic models in UML. 4 Marks
b) Draw a class diagram of the following System: Vending Machine. A vending
machine sells small, packaged, ready to eat items (chocolate bars, cookies,
candies, etc.). Each item has a price and a name. A customer can buy an item,
using a smart card (issued by the vending machine company) to pay for it. No
other payment forms (i.e. cash, credit card) are allowed. The smart card records
on it the amount of money available .The functions supported by the system
are:Sell an item(choose from a list of items, pay item, distribute item)Recharge
the machine Set up the machine (define items sold and price of items)Monitor
the machine (number of items sold, number of items sold per type, total
revenue)The system can be used by a customer, a maintenance employee (who
recharges items in the machines), an administrator (who sets up the machine).
10 Marks

Module 1 No. of Lectures

Object-Oriented Programming vs Procedure-Oriented Programming, 10 hours

Procedural Languages - The Object-Oriented Approach - Characteristics
of Object-Oriented Languages
Objects –Classes – Inheritance – Reusability - Creating New Data Types -
Polymorphism and Overloading ,Object oriented concepts in Java -Java
Overview: Java virtual machine, data types, operators, control statements,
Classes fundamentals, objects, methods, constructors, this keyword,
Garbage collection
Module 2

Overloading Methods, Overloading Constructors, Using Objects as 8 hours

Parameters, Call by value and Call by reference, Acess control, use of
static and final keywords, Nested and Inner classes
Module 3

Derived Class and Base Class, Usage of super keyword, Creating a 8 hours
Multilevel Hierarchy, Method Overriding, Dynamic Method Dispatch,
Using Abstract Classes, Using final with Inheritance, Definition and
appliction of Packges and Interfaces

Module 4

Fundamentals of exception handling, Exception Types, Using try and 9 hours

catch, throw, throws, finally, Java‟s Built-in Exceptions, Creating
Exception subclasses, the Java Thread Model, Creating a Thread, Creating
Multiple Threads, Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Interthread
Module 5

Event Handling-delegation event model, event classes, sources, listeners. 10 hours

String class - basics. Applet basics and methods, AWT- working with
frames, graphics, color, font. AWT Control fundamentals. Swing
overview, Introduction to Object Oriented Modelling ,Unified Modeling
Language, UML class diagram, Use-case diagram, Familiarisation of UML
tools, Case study

Text Books

1. Herbert Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference, 8/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.

2. Bahrami A., Object Oriented Systems Development using the Unified Modeling

Language, McGraw Hill, 1999.

Reference Books

1. Flanagan D., Java in A Nutshell, 5/e, O'Reilly, 2005.

2. Sierra K., Head First Java, 2/e, O'Reilly, 2005.

3. Balagurusamy E., Programming JAVA a Primer, 5/e, McGraw Hill, 2014.

4. Barclay K., J. Savage, Object Oriented Design with UML and Java, Elsevier, 2004.

5. James Rumbaugh.,Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual,Addison-Wesley


Course Contents and Lecture Schedule

No Topic No. of Lectures

1 Object Oriented concepts 10 Hours
1.1 Object-Oriented Programming vs Procedure-orientated
Programming, Procedural Languages - The Object-Oriented 3 hours
Approach - Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages
1.2 Objects –Classes – Inheritance – Reusability - Creating New Data
Types - Polymorphism and Overloading 3 hours
1.3 Object oriented concepts in Java -Java Overview: Java virtual
4 hours
machine, data types, operators, control statements, Classes
fundamentals, objects, methods, constructors, this keyword,
Garbage collection

2 Method overloading 8 Hours

2.1 Overloading Methods, Overloading Constructors, Using Objects
4 hours
as Parameters
2.2 Access control, use of static and final keywords, Nested and 4 hours
Inner classes
3 Inheritance 8 Hours
3.1 Derived Class and Base Class, Usage of super keyword,
4 hours
Creating a Multilevel Hierarchy, Method Overriding

3.2 Dynamic Method Dispatch, Using Abstract Classes, Using final 4 hours
with Inheritance, Definition and application of Packages and
Exception handling and Multithreaded Programming 9 Hours
Fundamentals of exception handling, Exception Types, Using try
and catch, throw, throws, finally, Java‟s Built-in Exceptions, 4 hours
Creating Exception subclasses.
4.2 The Java Thread Model, Creating a Thread, Creating Multiple
Threads, Thread Priorities, Synchronization, Interthread
5 hours
5 Event Handling, AWT and UML 10 Hours
5.1 Event Handling-delegation event model, event classes, sources,
3 hours
listeners. String class – basics. Applet basics and methods

5.2 AWT- working with frames, graphics, color, font. AWT Control
3 hours
fundamentals. Swing overview

5.3 Introduction to Object Oriented Modelling-Unified Modelling 4 hours

Language, UML class diagram, Use-case diagram,
Familiarisation of UML tools, Case study

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