Professional Ethics Papers

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Group 2
1. Ni Putu Prima Dini Ananda Putri(P07131220037)
2. Komang Anggun Arya Diani (P07131220046)
3. I Gusti Agung Priyaniti Ananda Kresna Kepakisan (P07131220052)
4. Margaret Kondo(P07131220055)



Praise be to God Almighty for his mercy and his gift we were able to complete this paper
to fulfill the group assignment for the Professional Ethics course entitled "Philosophy of Ethics
and Norms".

We realize that writing this paper, it is inseparable from the help of many parties who
sincerely provide prayers, suggestions an,d criticisms so that this paper can be resolved.

We are fully aware that this paper is far from perfect due to the limited experience and
knowledge we have. Therefore, we expect all forms of suggestions and input and even
constructive criticism from various parties. Finally, we hope that this paper can provide benefits
for the development of the world of education

Denpasar, July 2022


A. Background
Basically, human beings as living beings think and always try to know everything,
do not want to take things for granted and always want to know what is behind what is
seen and observed. Everything he sees, experiences, and the symptoms that occur in his
environment are always questioned and analyzed or studied. There are three things that
encourage people to philosophize, namely astonishment, doubt, and awareness of
limitations. Philosophizing is often encouraged to know what one already knows and
what one does not yet know, philosophizing means being humbled that not everything
will ever be known in seemingly infinite infinity. Philosophy has a very important role in
human life. At least there are three main roles that are owned, namely as breakers,
liberators, and guides. Education is an effort to develop the human potentials of
students, both the physical potential of creation potential, taste, and taste, so that the
potential becomes real and can function in the course of their lives. While education is
one of the fields of science, as well as other sciences. Education is born from its parent,
namely philosophy, in line with the process of developing science, educational science
also slowly detaches from its mother. In the beginning education was in concert with
philosophy, for philosophy could never free itself with the formation of man. Philosophy
was created by man for the purpose of understanding human standing, human
development, and the improvement of human life. The basis of education is the ideal of
universal humanity. Education is aimed at preparing the person in balance, unity.
organic, harmonious, dynamic. in order to achieve the life goals of humanity. The
philosophy of education is a philosophy used in the study of educational issues. In
everyday life we cannot be separated from the rules of life that apply. Such rules are
often called norms. Thus norms are rules or rules that are agreed upon and provide
guidelines for the behavior of their members in realizing something that is considered
good and desirable. In short, norms are rules or guidelines for behavior containing
orders, recommendations and prohibitions.
B. Problem Formulation
1. What is philosophy and ethics?
2. What are legal norms?
3. What are religious norms?
4. What are moral norms and moral consciousness?
C. Formulation Objectives
1. Knowing about the meaning of philosophy and ethics
2. Understanding the meaning of legal norms
3. Understand deeply about religious norms
4. Knowing and understanding the moral normal and moral consciousness


The notion of philosophy, in the history of the development of
philosophical thought, between one philosopher and another is always different.
The definition of philosophy can be viewed from two aspects, namely etymology
and terminology.
The word Philosophy in Arabic is a philosophy which in English is known
as philosophy, is derived from the Greek philosophia. The word philosophia
consists of the words philein which means love and sophie which means wisdom,
so etymologically philosophy is the love of wisdom in its deepest sense. That
philosophy is a wisdom of life means, that what is thought of in philosophy is life
as a whole experience and understanding. In other words the object of
philosophy is universal, encompassing everything that man encounters.
Therefore to think about something philosophically is to seek the true meaning
of it by looking at it with the broadest horizon, which is all that exists.
While in the sense of terminology it means the meaning contained by the
term or statement of philosophy. Here is the notion of philosophy according to
a. Plate
Philosophy is knowledge that is interested in attaining the knowledge of
the original truth.
b. Aristotle
Philosophy is a science (knowledge) that includes the truths contained in
it the sciences of metaphysics, logic, rhetoric, ethics, economics, politics,
and aesthetics (beauty).
c. Al Farabi
Philosophy is the science (knowledge) of nature and the true nature of
d. Notonegoro
The philosophy examines the things that are its object from its absolute
and deepest core angles, the fixed and the unchanging, which is called
e. Ir. Poedjawijatna
Philosophy is a science that seeks to find the deepest cause for all things
based on mere thought.
But understanding philosophy can not only be explained by definition,
but can only be studied and experienced in a philosophical way itself. In other
words, the most important way to understand philosophy is to philosophize. To
philosophize is to think. In this case it does not mean that something that is said
to think is philosophizing, because philosophizing is thinking with certain
characteristics. There are several characteristics of philosophical thinking,
a. Philosophical thinking is characterized radically. To think radically is to
think to the roots. Thinking to the point. Essence, or getting to the
thought substance
b. Philosophical thinking is characterized universally (generally). Thinking
universally is thinking about things as well as processes of a general
c. Philosophical thinking is characterized conceptually. What is meant by
the concept here is the result of generalizations and abstractions and
experiences about individual things and processes.
d. Philosophical thinking is characterized coherently and consistently.
Coherent means in accordance with the rules of thinking (logical).
Consistent means that it does not contain contradictions.
e. Philosophical thinking is characterized systematically.which means
roundness and a number of interconnected elements according to the
regulatory system to achieve something intended or fulfill, something
role certain.
f. Philosophical thinking is characterized comprehensively. The meaning
covers thoroughly.
g. Philosophical thinking is characterized freely. Philosophy can be said to
be the result of free thinking. Free from social, historical, cultural, or
religious prejudices.
a. Philosophical thinking is characterized by responsible thinking. The
most important accountability is to his conscience.

In the Great dictionary Indonesian that ethics is the science of what is
good and what is bad and about moral rights and obligations (morals). In
relation to this ethic, Bartens explained that ethics comes from the ancient
Greek language, namely ethos in the singular which means customs, customs,
good morals.
James J. Spillane SJ revealed that ethics or ethies pay attention to or
consider human behavior in moral decision-making . Ethics directs or links the
use of individual reason to objectivity or determines one's "truth" or "error"
and behavior towards others.
Suhrawardi K. Lubis stated that in the language of the Islamic religion,
the term ethics is part of morals. It is said to be part of morals, because morals
are not just about human behavior that is outwardly deeds only, but include

more things broad, that is, covering the fields of akidah, worship, and sharia.
According to Austin Fagothey, ethics is the study of the human will, that
is, the will that deals with decisions about right and wrong in the form of human
deeds. The ethics of seeking and trying to show the values of life that are

humanely correct to everyone.

So Ethics is a branch of philosophy that talks about human behavior or
deeds in relation to good-bad. By learning ethics, it is hoped that it can
distinguish terms that often appear such as ethics, norms, and morals. In
addition, it can know and understand what behavior is good according to certain
theories, and a good attitude.
In its development, ethics can be divided into two, namely temperament
ethics and moral ethics. Temperament ethics is a custom or custom that
describes human temperament in social life in a certain area, at a certain time.
While moral ethics is related to the habit of behaving well and correctly
based on human nature. If this ethic is violated, evil arises, that is, unkind and
unrighteous deeds. This habit comes from a human nature called moral
K. Bertens classifies ethics into descriptive ethics, normative ethics and ethics.
Among others:
1. Descriptive ethics. This ethic describes moral behavior in a broad sense, for
example, customs, assumptions about good and bad, and actions that are
allowed or not allowed. This ethic does not give an assessment of a particular
behavior, but rather merely describes it.
2. Normative ethics. In this ethics, ethicists give a moral assessment of a
particular behavior. This assessment is based on the norms. In other words,
this ethic determines good or bad behavior.
3. Mataetika, this speaks something higher than ethical behavior itself, which
is a matter of "ethical language", language and logic used in the moral field.


There is a difference between ethics and morals. "ethics" comes from the
ancient Greek word ethos. This word has several meanings in the singular,
namely the usual dwelling, pasture, stable, custom, custom, morals, disposition,
feelings, attitudes and ways of thinking. Being in the plural is customary custom,
and so on as explained by K. Bertens.
Ethics can be understood as a critical reflection on how human beings
should live and act in concrete situations, certain situations. Ethics is a moral
philosophy, or science that metaphorically examines and critically examines the
issue of moral right and wrong, about how to act in concrete situations (A. Sonny
Keraf, 2002: 4-5). Ethics is often also said to be the philosopher's thought of
what is considered good and bad in human behavior that contains responsibility.
It is referred to as philosophical thought because historically ethics developed in
line with the development of philosophy.
While Moral in the great dictionary Indonesian, the word moral has many
meanings of teachings about good and bad that are generally accepted regarding
deeds, attitudes, obligations, morals, ethics, morals; the second is the mental
state that keeps people brave, passionate, passionate, disciplined, to the heart
and a state of feeling.
From the moral understanding above, in principle morals are the most
powerful guiding tool, guidelines and control tools in directing human life. A
human being who does not function perfectly the morals that have existed in
man who is precisely in the heart, then that human being will become a human
being who will always do false deeds or actions. Thus the man has degraded his
own dignity.
By looking at the above understanding between ethics and morals, it will
have almost the same meaning , namely with the values and norms that control
the life of a person or a group to regulate his behavior. Although it has the
same meaning, but in everyday judgment there is a slight difference. Morality
and or morality are used for the deeds that are being assessed. Ethics is used for
the study of existing value systems.

For a professional who is engaged in a certain field, especially in the legal
professional ethics course, this professional ethics is poured into a form called a
code of ethics. The code of ethics is a system of norms, values, and written
professional rules that expressly state what is right and good and what is not
right and not good for the professional. The code of ethics states what deeds are
right or wrong, what deeds should be done, and what should be avoided.
Professional ethics becomes very important to learn, regardless that even
outside of professional ethics there are already moral teachings available. The
presence of ethics, including professional ethics is still necessary. Therefore the
course of the legal profession is something very dynamic, then it is clear that in
practice new things will be found. The ethics of the legal profession, with all the
basics of rationality behindit will greatly help pave the way for solutions that are
acceptable to all parties from various circles.
The first role of professional ethics is as a moral "compass" or signpost for
the professional based on his ethical values, conscience, freedoms of
responsibility, honesty, trust, rights in the form of servants to the client. second
as a guarantor of public trust in the services provided by the professional.


In general, ethics is part of the discussion of philosophy, even on of the
inches of that. Speaking of philosophy, first of all, what must be distinguished is
that philosophy is not always interpreted as a science. Filsafat can also mean
pandangan life as previously explained. As a science, philosophy is a process that
must berolled out and never recognize the word finish. Sedangkan philosophy as
a view of life is a product (values or value system) that is believed to be true and
can be used as a guide for behavior by an individual or society. Ethics is oftenalso
said to be philosophical thinking about what is considered good or bad in
human behavior that contains a responsibility. It is referred to as philosophical
thought because historically etika developed in line with the development of
In addition, the relationship between philosophy and ethics, there are
also several benefits after studying the philosophy of ethics, including:
1. People can finally understand that human beings as social beings can
realize that their behavior is bound by moral values that grow and are
obeyed by everyone in order to create a harmonious social life.
2. One can realize that moral values can differ in place from one to another,
in one age to another.
3. Can shape the conscience of students in the field of education.

A. Definition of Legal Norms
Legal norms in general are provisions that bind the citizens of the group
in society. These legal norms are then used as guidelines, orders, and behaviors
that are in accordance with the rules or rules used as a benchmark for judgment
or comparison. Legal norms can also be interpreted as a set of rules aimed at
members of society. Legal norms contain provisions, orders, obligations, and
prohibitions, so that in social life can be created an order and justice of social
rules made by certain institutions, one of which is society.
Legal norms expressly regulate and can prohibit even forcing people to
be able to behave something with the wishes of those rule-makers. Therefore,
when there is a violation of legal norms, it will be sentenced to a fine and even
corporal punishment. Legal norms are contained in the 1945 Constitution Article
1 paragraph (3). In the rules, legal norms are considered as a necessity created in
order to regulate citizens in order to be able to exercise their rights and
obligations. In the 1945 Constitution Article 1 paragraph (3) reads "law is a
necessity in the life of the nation and state because the existence of law can
create order and justice in society."
B. The Nature of Legal Norms
According to Purnadi Purbacaraka and Soerjono Soekanto, legal norms have
properties including (Purbacaraka & Soekanto, 1982, p. 49):
a. Imperative, that is, a command that must a priori be obeyed in the form of
both orders and prohibitions;
b. Facultative, that is, it is not a priori binding or obligatory to obey.
In the book Encyclopedia of Pancasila and Citizenship Education: Norms,
Laws, and Regulations by Yana Suryana, et al. legal norms are:
1. Regulating: Legal norms contain rules that are used to regulate human
behavior in everyday life.
2. Coercive: Legal norms contain rules about orders and prohibitions of a
coercive nature that everyone must abide by.
3. Binding: Legal norms have rules that are binding and apply to everyone.
Everyone has an equal standing in the eyes of the law, therefore everyone
must abide by the applicable legal norms and binding legal norms for
everyone regardless of position or background.

C. Purpose and Function of Legal Norms

Based on the various notions of legal norms above, both in general and
expert opinion, the creation of legal norms certainly has a certain purpose and
function. Basically, legal norms become the right tool to regulate the
sustainability of social life. Then there are legal norms to create a stable and
orderly life based on the rights and obligations possessed. The following are the
purposes and functions of legal norms in living.
1. As a Guideline
Legal norms are aimed at being a guideline or rule of life for the whole
society of a particular region. It is appropriate, as a society we are obliged
to obey the applicable legal norms and those legal norms contain
guidelines and rules that are coercive and binding.
2. Providing Regularity of Stability
Legal norms are made aimed at creating order and stability in social life. A
peaceful and stable social life is the ideal of the whole society wherever
they live. So that then legal norms become a benchmark for the realization
of an orderly society and can prevent arbitrary behavior between
3. Restrictions in the Form of Prohibitions or Orders
Legal norms are created also aimed at being a limitation, such as
prohibitions or orders in behaving or acting. So that the community when
carrying out daily activities will stick to the limits and is inseparable from
the applicable legal norms If it violates or does not comply with applicable
legal norms, then the community will accept the risks from the
predetermined legal norms. Therefore, legal norms are considered
important to play an important role for environmental peace. Not only a
ban, legal norms are also in the form of orders contained to orderly protect
the environment and so on, such as obeying traffic or obeying community
rules because if they do not comply, they will be sanctioned both legal
sanctions and social sanctions.
4. Environmental Life Adjustments
Legal norms are also created so that people are able to make adjustments
to the rules and legal norms that apply in the environment where they live.
This is because the legal norms in each region or region certainly have
their own rules so they have to adjust where a person lives. It is hoped that
legal norms can regulate society to comply with legal norms that apply in
their respective territories.

D. Characteristics of Legal Norms

As a characteristic of a norm or rule, of course, legal norms have the
characteristics of legal norms that are also a differentiator. Here are the features
of legal norms that should be known.
1. Legal norms contain rules that guide the community when carrying out
activities or living in society. Therefore, legal norms usually contain
procedures, rules, and guidelines in carrying out life.
2. Legal norms are not arbitrarily created by society. In creating legal norms, it
is necessary to have the validity of the content and also its purpose.
Therefore legal norms are regulated and ratified by the government or
through official authorities. So that when it is ready to use, legal norms have
binding legal force.
3. The rules contained in legal norms are binding and coercive. Thus, legal
norms must be adhered to, meaning that whoever the community lives in a
region or region must comply with the applicable legal norms because it has
a force value.
4. For anyone who does not comply with legal norms, then in the legal norms
it has also been listed and agreed upon the existence of punishment.
Penalties for those who do not comply with legal norms can be in the form
of legal sanctions or social sanctions, either imprisonment, procurement of
fines, and so on.
E. Some Examples of Legal Norms

1. Every citizen is required to have an Identity Card (KTP) if he has turned 17

years old.
2. The head of the family must have a family card.
3. Maintaining safety and comfort in the environment such as participating in
carrying out siskamling.
4. Each child is required to attend education and school.
5. The person who commits the wrong, then it must be punished like
6. People who use road facilities must comply with traffic rules, such as
wearing a helmet when using a motorcycle, stopping when the red light is
7. When staying at one relative in another area, they are required to report
themselves to the local RT chairman.

A. Definition of Religious Norms
Religious norms are rules or rules that serve as instructions, guidelines, and
boundaries for humans to live their lives. The rules, instructions, and
recommendations contained in these religious norms come directly from the
almighty god, so that their nature is certain and unquestionable for those who
believe in them. Generally, these religious norms contain commands from god
directly to approach good things and stay away from His prohibitions. One of the
goals of religion is to guide its followers to the right path so that they can live a
better and more beneficial life for both themselves and others. Religious norms
are guidelines and guidelines for achieving these goals.
B. Sources of Religious Norms
Religious norms are one type of norm that can strengthen other norms.
Because religious norms come from God Almighty, so the existence of norms
can influence a person in behavior in his life. For every religious person, its
creator or God is something that must come first. Slightly different from other
norms, this religious norm is derived directly from god's commandments either
delivered directly or through other intermediaries. Generally, these religious
norms have clear and well-recorded sources such as scriptures, holy inscriptions
with inscriptions of commands, or other things that are clearly visible and
readable. However, it is not uncommon for this norm to be oral and hereditary,
for example from hadith and others that have not been recorded. Due to its
hereditary nature, it is very important to know the sanad or history and the
decline of the norm so as not to cause misguidance. In addition, as we know,
Indonesia is a country that has a fairly high religious diversity with 6 main
recognized religions. Therefore, the source of this norm also varies depending
on the respective religion.

C. Purpose and Function of Religious Norms

There are several functions in religious norms, which have been put forward by
several religious experts.
1. Education (Educational), Whether legally or juridically, religious teachings
function towards telling and inviting to things of a good nature. So that a
person can become a better person, who is accustomed to behaving well in
accordance with the teachings of their respective religions.
2. Peace, With the guidance of religion, a person or group has feelings of guilt
or sin when they make mistakes. With religion, the person will achieve inner
peace and peace in himself, the universe, others, and God. Obviously, the
person must change the way of life and repent first.
3. Savior, salvation that is in the teachings of a religion is believed to help
either in the world or in the hereafter depending on the teachings and beliefs
of each religious believer.
4. Social Control, religious teachings make its adherents increasingly sensitive
to the social problems around it. For example: intoxication, poverty, justice,
welfare and humanity.
5. Emotional Change, religious teachings mostly aim to purify mankind from
all wrongs and sins. As long as the attempt to purify oneself to mankind,
done in a good way can dampen one's emotions to calm down and be done
with sincere intentions because of God as worship.

D. Characteristics of Religious Norms

The characteristics of religious norms are:
1. Norms that originate directly from God Almighty
2. Universal or eternal
3. When it is carried out, it is rewarded, if it is violated, it will be sin and
punishment at the end of the day.
4. It is broad and applicable to all mankind in the world.

E. Some Examples of Religious Norms

1. Diligently worship or do five-time prayers for followers of the Islamic
religion, depending on the context of worship of each religion.
2. Read the scriptures and practice them also in everyday life.
3. Be always praying for others.
4. Gak lies either in words or in the form of attitude.

5. Gak stole something that's not ours.

6. Dedicated to both our parents.
7. Gak can kill fellow humans in the world.
8. It is not allowed to rob other people's property.
9. Gak can be obscene, which will be very detrimental to others.
10. It's easy to forgive someone else's guilt let alone apologize even if the
punishment remains in place.
11. Must respect both parents.
12. Love your fellow brothers like brothers and sisters.
13. Carry out all the things that have been commanded by God.
14. Not doing despicable acts in any form.
15. Always do good to your fellow human beings.
16. Love nature and all of God's creatures, such as animals and plants.


Moral norms are rules by which society decides what appears good, correct, or
adequate. They can be explicit or not and are defined by referring to cultural
traditions and traditional values, not on written codes or established by consensus, as
in the case of legal norms. Thus, moral norms come from society and are studied by
each subject. They are carried out by each individual at will, being able in most cases
to choose not to do so. This, contrary to other types of norms, does not carry
effective sanctions, such as remorse or, depending on the norm, rejection by society.
However, in most cases moral norms coincide with legal norms, and their violation
can be both immorality and evil. The morality of society is a broad subject to study,
and it responds to the confluence of various historical and cultural factors, such as
religion, social development, etc. That is why what is considered moral at some time
and society may be immoral at other times, and that is why certain changes in the
idea of morality occur from generation to generation.


The objectives of moral norms are :

1. guaranteeing the establishment of one's dignity and dignity and humanity

2. guaranteeing the physical and spiritual happiness of man
3. ensuring harmony between personal social relations


Broadly speaking, moral norms have an ethical and philosophical charge, which is
not the result of consensus, but rather comes from a certain way of understanding
and carrying out cultural identity.
All societies have some kind of moral norm. It is also possible that the same
society presents variations in moral regulation depending on socioeconomic strata
or classes.
Regarding its features, moral norms at once:

 Heteronomists. They are imposed on each individual by society without

consulting him.
 Autonomous. Its fulfillment depends on the ethical disposition of each of
them, bringing, more than certain sanctions, the rejection of others and self-


Examples of moral norms vary greatly from society to society. For example, in
Islamic society, it is considered immoral for women to show their hair, or to show
significant parts of their skin.
On the contrary, in the West this is the usual everyday reality. Furthermore, it
seems immoral to Westerners if a woman is severely punished for not covering her
hair or skin with a cloth, as is the custom of the most orthodox practitioners of Islam.
Something similar happened with pedophilia, a common practice in ancient Greece,
but today we not only consider it immoral, but this has also chosen to punish by law,
making it a crime.
Similarly, homosexuality is considered immoral in many regions of the world.
Even in some ways it can even be punished by law; but most Western countries, on the
other hand, are something more or less accepted.


This norm is derived from the human conscience, and is usually universal. These
norms are often also referred to as norms of decency or ethics. The purpose of this
norm is to realize a peaceful life for man, as well as harmonious relations. Sanctions for
violators of moral norms are remorse


1. Von Magnis mentions that there are 3 elements of moral consciousness.
a. The feeling of Duty or necessity to perform a moral act exists, and occurs in
every human heartstrings, anyone, anywhere and anytime.
b. The moral consciousness can be said to be rational, because it is generally
accepted, after all, it is open to justification or denial.
c. Freedom, upon his moral consciousness obeys it and determines his
2. Poedjawijatna, argues the word heart (another term for moral consciousness)
acts as follows :
a. Index or hints
Gives clues about the good and bad of something that someone might do.
b. Iudex or Judge
After the action is performed, the heart determines the good and bad of the
c. Vindek or Condemnation
If it turns out that the action is bad, then it is said unequivocally and
repeatedly that it is bad.
3. Prof. Notonagoro.
a. Before
Before taking action, the heart has decided on one of 4 things, namely,
governing, forbidding, advocating, and letting.
b. After
After committing an act, when morally rewarded, when immoral is
reproached, or punished.
4. Venom J. Bourke
The elements of moral consciousness are: the existence of obligations, rational,
objective and the existence of freedom.
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