POM-3.3-Operations Management and Strategy

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Principles of Management
POM:3.3- Operations
Management and Strategy
Department of HSS
April 2022
“thestep-by-step conversionof oneformofmaterialinto anotherform

through a chemicalormechanicalprocessto createorenhancetheutilityof

the productto theuser.”

• Thus production is a value addition process.

• At eachstageof processing,therewil bevalueaddition.

•Edward Buffa defines production as‘a process bywhichgoods and

services are created’.

Why study Operations Management ?
⚫ This Operations Management course wil introduce you to basic

businessideasandtheir implementations.

⚫ Operations and Supply Chain Management wil enable you to solve

complex business problems related to the journey of products and

services from the manufacturer or provider to the end customer.

⚫ It is suchacostly part of anorganization.

⚫ A large percentage of the revenue of most firms is spent in the

Operations Management function.


⚫ OM is oneof the three major functions of any organization, and

it is integraly related to al the other business functions.

⚫ Westudy OM because we want to know how goods and

servicesare produced.

⚫ It is to understand what operations managers do.

Operations as a
Transformation Process
Quality of Quality of
inputs monitored outputs monitored
INPUT Random Disturbance OUTPUT
• Material
• Goods
• Services
• Management
• Capital


Transformation Process
⚫ For getting desired output the quality of Inputs has to be
⚫ The quality of actual output obtained also has been
continualy compared with the desired output.

⚫ Feedback mechanisms are required to monitor the

performance of the transformation process.

⚫ Random disturbances are unexpected and sometimes not

planned for. They are mostly due to external environment.

Transformation Process of Service Industry
(MBA College/ Business School)
Transformation Process of a
Manufacturing Company
Transformation Process of a
Contributions to the field of
Operations Management
Year Contribution Contributor
1776 Specialization of labour in manufacturing Adam Smith
1799 Interchangeable parts, cost accounting Eli Whitney and others
1832 Division of labour by skill; assignment of jobs Charles Babbage
by skill; basics of time study
1900 Scientific management time study and work Frederick W. Taylor
study developed; dividing planning and doing
of work

1900 Motion of study of jobs Frank B. Gilbreth

1901 Scheduling techniques for employees, Henry L. Gantt
machines jobs in manufacturing
1915 Economic lot sizes for inventory control F. W. Harris
Year Contribution Contributor
1927 Human relations; the Hawthorne studies Elton Mayo
1931 Statistical inference applied to product W. A. Shewart
quality: quality control charts
1935 Statistical sampling applied to quality H. F. Dodge and
control: inspection sampling plans H. G. Roming
1940 Operations research applications in World P. M. Blacker
War II and others
1946 Digital Computer John Mauchlly and
J. P. Eckert
1947 Linear Programming G. B. Dantzig, William
1950 Mathematical programming, on-linear and A. Charnes, W. W.
stochastic processes Cooper & others
1951 Commercial digital computer: large-scale Sperry Univac
computations available.
Year Contribution Contributor
1960 Organizational behaviour: continued study L. Cummings,
of people at work L. Porter

1970 Integrating operations into overall strategy W. Skinner

and policy, Computer applications to J. Orlicky and
manufacturing, Scheduling and control, G. Wright
Material requirement planning (MRP)

1980 Quality and productivity applications W. E. Deming and

from Japan: robotics, CAD-CAM J. Juran
What is Operations Strategy?
According to Slack and Lewis,
⚫ “Operations strategy is the total pattern of decisions which shape the

long-term capabilities of any type of operations and their contribution to

theoveral strategy.”

⚫ Operations strategy is the tool that helps to define the methods of

producinggoodsor a serviceofferedto thecustomer.

⚫ It is typicaly driven by the overal business strategy of the organization,

and is designed to maximize the ef ectiveness of production and

support elements while minimizing costs.
Criteria of Performance for the OMSystem
⚫ Three objectives / criteria of performance of the operations management

system are:

⚫ 1. Customer satisfaction

2. Efectiveness
3. Eficiency
⚫ Customer satisfaction refers to the extent to which customers are

happy with the productsand servicesprovidedby a business.Customer

⚫ Effectiveness is any kind of practice that alows a business or other

organization to maximize the use of their inputs by

developing products at a faster pace than competitors or reducing

⚫ Efficiency is performing in the best possible manner with the least

wasteof timeandeffort.

⚫ Companies usualy seek to increase and improve the efficiency of their

operations and sales processes. When working with limited resources,

theywouldpreferto maximizetheuseof eachof the resources.

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