SAF-WP-IMS-043 - Rodent Control Measures, Rev 0
SAF-WP-IMS-043 - Rodent Control Measures, Rev 0
SAF-WP-IMS-043 - Rodent Control Measures, Rev 0
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1.0 Purpose
2.0 Scope...
6.0 Procedure
8.0 Records
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Desig. /Sign
Sr Engr HsE
E-ll HSE ffm,tUrt,
ffi, / uM HsExU)$ DC E&r /w
This procedure provides systematic and documented guideline for adopting measures for control of
rodents inside site facilities and technical installations of PFL plant site and township
2.0 SCOPE:
3.1 PTW Procedure (SAF-WP-lN/S-04) is applicable to jobs performed under this procedure
3.2 Operational discipline Rev V is applicable for all jobs
3,3 Access application / requirements of JSA as per JSA procedure (SAF-WP-IMS-011).
3.4 0nly skill certified personnel will execute the jobs
3,5 MSDS of Chemicals / Substance (to be used) must be acquired & needful mitigation plan to be
4.1 Rodent:
Agnawingmammalofanorderthatincludesrats mice,squirrels,hamsters,porcupines,andtheir
reiarives drstinguished by strong constantly growing incisors and no canine teeth. They constitute the
largest order of mammals
4.2 Bird-X:
The USA based firm producing rodent control products and equipment since 1964
4.3 Rodenticides:
Chemical products that kill the rodents, these may be toxicants or anticoagulants poisons like Warfarin
These are siow acting poisons, and these also slow down the symptoms of sickness in rodents This
phenomenon misleads rodents not to associate poison with food unless they absorb a lethal dose ot
poison mixed in the food
It is a Rodent control product. lt uses the ultrasonic wave lengths for repulsion of rodents from a specific
5.1 E&l department has the lead of this rodent control program and deparlment coordinator will ensure
rmplementation of this procedure in true spirrt.
5.2 All UMs / SH of production deptt are responsible for implementation at their respective units and will
comply on the recommendations as highlighted during audits.
5,3 Admin depttwillfacilitate forprovision of cleaning & housekeeping services like Grass cutting, waste
disposai services etc as these are potential hideout of rodents.
5,4 UIVI HSE will facilitate rodeni audit at agreed frequency and its findings will be communicated at EHSE
5.5 Ctvil - F will facilitate for sealing, repair & maintenance of the facilities as highlighted during audits time
to time
5.6 lT department is responsible for implementation of this procedure & will comply on the
recommendations as highlighted during audits 1
6.0 PROCEDURE: %u,ct*o:!.,-,
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6.1 lntroduction.
Rodents mostcommonly mice, Lizard and rats are some of the most problematic pests in industrial
world These creatures live where ever the humans live Unmanaged population of rodenis causes
significant damage to industrialequipment and productivity Along with the business loss these rodent's
wide variety of diseases to humans
i- Leftover food not properly disposed off is a major source of attraction for rodents.
ii- Water spills especially if it has developed the algae/fungus
iii- Poor housekeeping that attracts insects/reptiles, serving as food for rodents
Desig /Sign
E-lr HSE t IWW uM asEr'k *Y DCE&
Sr Engr l,SE;/, 46b^
DOCUMENT CODE SAF-WP.IMS-43 REV. # 00 REV. DATE 11t10t2019 PAGE 5of8
iv- Uncontrolled growth of plants around the buildings also serves as a food source for the rodent
Anything creating a damp/moist and dark place will attract the rodents for living
These may be accumulation of junk materials
Places under the cupboards/furniture/panels
Holes in trenches
Accessible underground piping.
Open drain pipes
Space in between false ceiling and roof.
- Space between false floor and actual floor.
Pocket places inside and under the industrial equipment,
Uncleaned or untidy Washrooms i Bathrooms .t,
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Places with Cobwebs etc.
6.3 Rodent Management,
Unfortunately there is no Silver Bullet' available for the rodent control A consistent and systematic plan
must be put in place for sustained results. The major components of this plan are:
For access control following points are to be observed and sealed using either concrete, dilute cement
mix, packing materials, and foaming liquid or proper wooden sheets.
. Look for openings made for waste pipes and soil pipes.
. Look for openings made for electric / instrument / telephone cables.
o Look for openings made for air conditioning pipes / ducts.
o Look for openings made for under floor ventilation.
. Look for openings between false ceiling and ceiling or false floor and floor of the buildings
. Look for the gaps between doors & floor, window cracks, exhaust fans etc.
. Look for any access through conduit pipes, cable trays or equipment ventilation systems
Elimination of favorable condrtions of living for the rodents is the most effective measure. It requires
optimum housekeeping of the area/buildings. There should be no accumulation of junk materials, heap
formation, Cob webs, especially rubber and plastic materials, damp places, water spills There should
not be crack places available between furniture/fixtures and floors
Special measures are to be adopted for disposing of the left-over foods lt is recommended to use
covered waste bins. Waste bins should be emptied on daily bases For this purpose, it rs recommended
to use polythene shopping bags as inner liners in waste bins so that these may be replaced on daily
There should be fixed places, at least 3 feet above the floor height for daily food storage Storage and
dining shall be prohibited in (CCR's, Gas Turbine Chambers, DCS and Battery rooms) The food must
be stored in air tight pots/tiffin boxes to avoid spread of smell
The dine places should be fixed, designated, marked & cleaned after every mealto clean any drop over
food and particles
6.3.4: Rodent Repulsion.
WHfr'r li'l RED i
Rodent repulsion is another effective technrque. Rodents are sensitive to ultrasound and often
communicate using high frequency transmissions. Sonic and ultrasonic repulsion get rid of mice, bats,
spiders and other small pests using sound frequencies they hate and try to avoid.
The recommended repeller is 'Transonrc PRO' made by Bird-X Corporation for inside use
Another method of repulsion is the use of scent and taste aversion granules that keeps rodents away.
The 'Natures Defense Mouse and Rat Repellent" is branded product of Bird-X Corporation used
effectively for this purpose
Extinction is a suppo(ive measure used in conjunction with above mentioned methods However, if
above mentioned measures are not adopted then extrnction alone will not be effective. There are
following two methods used as elimination techniques:
Desrg /Sign
Sr Engr HSE
WN uMNs=fr,1w DCE&r /Wo
DOCUMENT CODE SAF-WP-I[4S.43 REV. # 00 REV. DATE 11t1012019 PAGE /of8
. lnspect bait points on daily basis and top up where required lncrease the amouni of bait where
all has been consumed Replace completely any bait that has deteriorates
o Use of cheese spread of bread is the most effectrve bait for rodents
2. Use of Rodenticides.
These are the rat poisons easily available in markets. These come in the form of small tablets are dosed
mixing up with food. The most commonly used rat poison is warfarrn lt is anticoagulant in its effect
When rodents eat it at low concentrations mixed wtth the food, symptoms of illness are slow to appear
So, the rodents don't associate them with their food Feeding continues until a lethal dose has been
absorbed This may take several days
Fumigation I Sprays of areas mentions in the 2 0 shall be carried out at least once per year
Strict administrative control is vital for effectiveness of above-mentioned techniques. This procedure
recommends the following,
o Monthly survey of each area I location by the operations area owner. Observations to be timely
communicated to respective E&l area engineers.
Quarterly audit of each area by E&l deptt as a lead role and include members from respective plant for
aud it
Maintaining of traceable record of surveys, as per the developed and distributed XL sheet format for this
purpose by the respective area owner,
Desrg /Srgn
E-r HSE I\l^r[W
Sr Engr NSE7=,
uM HSE -MLty DCE&] ,/fu^
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DOCUMENT CODE SAF-WP-IMS.43 REV, # 00 REV. DATE 11110t2019 PAGE 8of8
Following records shall be maintained with UM Operations and Area Engineer lnstrument.
Desig. /Sign.
E-il HSE / 4lrfrll^ uMHsE..bil@ DC E&I /,1fr4
Sr. Engr HSE
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