Hunter Biden SPR Oversight Letter
Hunter Biden SPR Oversight Letter
Hunter Biden SPR Oversight Letter
Washington, DE 20515
July 26,2022
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
‘The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW.
‘Washington, DC 20500
Dear President Biden,
We are conducting oversight of the recently reported allegations that you have engaged in
unlawful activity in the saleofoil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). In the past
few days, it has come to our attention that you, acting as President ofthe United States,
participated in the saleofoil from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve to a company with
financial ties t0 your son, Hunter Biden. These allegations constitute an unethical and
potentially illegal abuse ofthe powersofthe office ofthe President of the United States. We are
formally requesting a response from you regarding these allegations and the facts that we present
On July 9th, British newspaper the Daily Mail published an article headlined
“REVEALED: Joe Biden sold nearly one million oil barrels from emergency reservesto state-
owned Chinese gas giant that Hunter's private equity firm had $1.7B stake in", alleging that you
directed the saleof 950,000 barrelsofoil to a company connected to your son. The company in
question is Unipec, which is a trading subsidiaryof the Chinese corporation Sinopec’. This sale
was confirmed by the US DepartmentofEnergy."
These reports come ata time when you and your administration have already
demonstrated a long stringofmissteps that involve the gross misuseofthe SPR in a futile
attempt to reduce gas prices. Specifically, your most recent decision to release approximately
one million barrelsofcrude oil every day from the SPR until October, hasledto roughly 5
Million barrels being exported by tanker ships to Europe and Asia. When American refineries
are already operating at almost 95%of their capacity, the excess crude oil you are releasing is
puton the path to be sold to foreign countries, not the American people.
Sadly, the allegations about Hunter's self-profiting did not come as a surprise to many of
us aswehave grown to expect seeing reportsofnepotism within this administration. We have
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received information and conducted oversight regarding many individuals within the Biden
family profitingoff the positions that you have held, going back to when you served as a Senator
from Delaware. These reports gobackto when James Biden used the Biden name to ake out
loans to open a nightclub in 1973, Hunter traveling on Air ForceTwoto China to make
‘multimillion dollar business deals with Chinese corporations’, Missy Owens using the family
name to secure a high paying executive job within General Motors in 2022", and Caroline Biden
avoidingjai time for a DUT after she crashed her car into a tree in 20197. Ifthe allegations
before us now are true, the American people deserve to know whether or not their President
directly participated and benefited from any and all unethical actions.
Upon further investigation, we found that according to the US Securities and Exchange
Commission's Form 6-K for Unipec from Septemberof2014, Bohai Harvest RST was listed as
a 1.68/29.99% shareholder in the company fora $1.7 billion dollar investment, Bohai Harvest
RST has been reported for years to be an organization that your son, Hunter, co-founded and has
yet to divest from." These allegations are severely unsettling, and iftrue, may even constitute an
impeachable offense under the “bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors” clause of
Article 2ofthe Constitution.
Therefore, we ask that you please direct the following individuals to provide the
information listed below no late than 25 July, 2022:
1. Sceretaryofthe Treasury, Secretary Janet Yellen: release all suspicious activity reports
regarding Hunter Biden and all corporate entities linked to him, including but not limited
to Bohai Harvest RST, Sinopec, Unipec, Rosemont Seneca Advisors LLC, Rosemont.
Seneca Partners, Rosemont Seneca Technology, RST If Alpha Partners, RSTP II Bravo
and Equity Distribution Trust, Hudson West 111, Owasco LLC, and Skaneateles LLC.
2. White House Counsel, Dana Remus: release all financial reports stating that Hunter
Biden has divested from ori still bound to Bohai Harvest RST. Release a signed
affidavit by Hunter Biden stating that he will not profit from any saleofoil from the US
Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
3. White House Chief ofStaff, Ronald Klain: release all communications as required under
the Presidential Records Act of 1978 between yourself, President Biden, and Hunter
Biden from January 21, 2021, to present relating to any communication regarding oil,
China, Sinopec, Unipec, Bankof China Limited, Bohai Harvest RST, and Hunter's
overseas business dealings.
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‘Those in power, especially our commander-in-chief, must think about how their actions
impact the people they were elected to serve. The purposeof the SPR is “primarily to reduce the
impactofdisruptions in supplies ofpetroleum products” and supply crude oil to Americans
during timesofnational emergency. The oil within the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was intended
for the American people, not for adversarial countries, and certainly not to make the Biden
Family richer at a time when our citizens are paying almost $5.00 a gallon for gasoline and $6.00
for diesel. To deliver documents or ask any related follow-up questions, please contact my office.
a202-225-5501. Thank you for your cooperation with this inquiry.
Ralph Norman
Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S.
‘Memberof Congress Memberof Congress
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