LR HAZID Study For LNG Fuel Supply
LR HAZID Study For LNG Fuel Supply
LR HAZID Study For LNG Fuel Supply
Economic Commission for Europe English
29 May 2015
Inland Transport Committee
Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
Joint Meeting of Experts on the Regulations annexed to the
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage
of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN)
Twenty-seventh session
Geneva, 24-28 August 2015
Agenda item 3 (b)
Implementation of the ADN:
Special authorizations, derogations and equivalents
Attached is the proposed text of a possible derogation for a vessel regarding the use
of LNG for propulsion.
Attached documents:
- Annex 1: HAZID Study
- Annex 2: Deviations from IGF Code
- Annex 3: Project description
- Annex 4: Bunkering procedure
- Annex 5: Crew Training
- Annex 6: Third party verification DNV-GL
- Annex 7: CCNR Recommendations
Annex 1 to RV (14) 59 = RV/G (14) 92 = JWG (14) 86
Working together
for a safer world
Report for:
Lloyd's Register EMEA
HAZID Report
Except as permitted under current legislation no part of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, published,
performed in public, adapted, broadcast, transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any form or by any means, without the prior
permission of the copyright owner. Enquiries should be addressed to Lloyd’s Register, 71 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M
©Lloyd’s Register 2014.
FSRU Floating Storage and Regasification Unit
HP High Pressure
LP Low Pressure
N2 Nitrogen
NG Natural Gas
1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1
2 Design Details ................................................................................................................................1
2.1 LNG Fuel Supply System .....................................................................................................2
2.2 LNG Storage Tank and Cold Box ........................................................................................2
2.3 Tank Room...........................................................................................................................2
2.4 Vaporizer ..............................................................................................................................2
2.5 PBU (Pressure Build-up Unit) ..............................................................................................2
3 HAZID .............................................................................................................................................3
3.1 HAZID Objectives.................................................................................................................3
3.2 Study Team and Attendance ...............................................................................................3
3.3 Study Methodology ..............................................................................................................9
3.4 Risk Rating .........................................................................................................................11
3.5 HAZID Study Results .........................................................................................................12
3.5.1 HAZID Meeting................................................................................................................ 12
3.5.2 Study Preparation and References ................................................................................. 12
3.5.3 Study Nodes.................................................................................................................... 12
3.5.4 Study Minutes ................................................................................................................. 13
3.5.5 Main HAZID Issues ......................................................................................................... 13
3.5.6 Items for Further Consideration ....................................................................................... 14
3.5.7 Consequence Assessment and Risk Assessment Results ............................................. 14
3.5.8 Overall HAZID Assumptions............................................................................................ 15
4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................................16
2 Design Details
Details of the proposed design are shown in the reference documents listed in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 – Reference Documents
LNG & Fuel Oil Bunker T – 201-18 Drawing no.10 Rommerts Ship Design
mts "ARGO GL" Hazard Area 31.12.2013
These documents were made available to the study attendees prior to the study and were
provided as hard copies during the study.
The process design, based on details in the reference documents, is summarised below.
2.4 Vaporizer
The function of the vaporizer is to convert LNG into natural gas for engine use. Heat is
supplied from the engine cooling system. A closed loop water/glycol system is used as the
heat transfer medium in a secondary loop the vaporizer shell (glycol/water) is made of
austenitic-stainless steel and the tubes in the vaporizer and PBU are made of austenitic-
stainless steel 316.
Chris Swift Lloyd's Principal Safety BSc (Hons) Process design and [email protected]
Register Consultant, Chemical assessment of safety on
Consulting HAZID Study Engineering operational sites (22 years).
Chair Safety Consultant (5 years).
MSc Process Safety Study Chair
Safety & Loss experience (18 years).
CEng, Grad
Afshan Hussain Lloyd's Safety BEng (Hons) Safety consultant in the Oil [email protected]
Register Consultant, Chemical and Gas industry.
Consulting HAZID Study Engineering Experienced study scribe.
Bas Joormann Lloyd's Principal BSc Naval 25 years’ experience, mainly [email protected]
Register Specialist IWW Architecture on Statutory Issues.
Matthijs Breel Lloyd's Senior Specialist BEng (Hons) 25 years’ experience in [email protected]
Register Machinery Mechanical Engines.
EMEA Systems Engineering
Liviu Porumb Lloyd's Senior Specialist MSc Electrical 6 years plan approval and [email protected]
Register Electro technical Engineering field surveys for LR. 4 year
EMEA Systems design and commissioning
electrical systems for ships.
Leender Korvink Flag State Observer BEng (Hons) > 15 years’ experience in [email protected]
t (NSI) Mechanical shipping.
Jim Kriebel MWM Sales/Project Electrical +15 years’ experience in Gas [email protected]
Benlux Engineer Engineering Engine Sales.
Ubbo Rommerts Rommerts Naval Ship Design 15 years’ experience working [email protected]
Ship Design Architect/Technic in Ship building environment
al Manager which includes
technical/financial design,
Claudia van Raster Technical BSc Electrical More than 10 years’ [email protected]
Batenburg Account Manager Engineering experience in engineering,
project management and
technical account
management in the field of
industrial automation in the
(Petro) chemical plants, both
on and offshore.
Claudia is involved in projects
executed according Safety
standards IEC 61508/61511
and projects containing SIL
Classification and
Verification. In her work she
is regularly engaged in
several safety meetings.
Piet van den ARGOS Project Manager BSc Process Over 25 years in offshore and [email protected]
Ouden and Safety onshore oil and gas industry, m
Automation including work on a chemical
plant, implementing SIL safety
Project Standards.
and Business Member of the Dutch NEN
Economics PGS 33 workgroup to making
safety standards for LNG
filling stations.
Node attendance
First Name Last Name 1.1 LNG Storage 1.2 PBU and 1.3 Gas supply 1.4 Cold Box 1.5 Engine Room
Tank Vaporiser to Engines and Ventilation Ventilation
the Engines System System
Jim Kriebel Present Not Required Present Not Required Not Required
1. Equipment
1.1 Equipment - failures Could equipment failure be hazardous? e.g. loss of function,
collapse, disintegration, component failure, incorrect
construction materials, overloading, operation outside of
design, release of flammable materials, generation of ignition
sources, rotating seals?
1.2 Control System failures If the control system (total or part) failed what would happen?
1.3 Electrical system failures Are there electrical hazards with the equipment being used?
2. Materials
3. Operating Parameters
3.4 Level High or low levels – can tanks be overfilled or run dry?
4. Location/Environment
4.2 Other activities Would any other activities be taking place in the area? Could
they present a hazard or could this activity affect the other
5.1 Operation on inland water Are there any hazards associated with operating on inland
ways water ways using the technology? i.e. operation alongside, in
emergency or blackout conditions.
5.2 Other Operations Are there any hazards while the ship is docked or undergoing
inspection, maintenance, commissioning or decommissioning?
The Terms of Reference (Lloyd’s Register Consulting Document No: 50102448 TN01 Rev 00)
was circulated to team members prior to the HAZID to provide additional details of the HAZID
approach taken.
It should be noted that the risk ranking is only based on the assessment of risk to personnel
and that low severity consequences that could result in minor injury have been excluded from
the assessment. This approach helps to ensure that the study team only concentrate on
significant risks; which is considered to be an appropriate approach for a HAZID at this stage
of design.
Study Details
Node Description Start Finish Duration
Session Date
Time Time (Minutes)
LNG Storage
1.1. 1 15/04/2014 9.10am 2.30pm 275
PBU and
1.2. 4 16/04/2014 11.00am 2.30pm 165
Gas Supply to
1.3. Engines and 2 15/04/2014 2.45pm 5.10pm 145
the Engines
Cold Box
1.4. Ventilation 3 16/04/2014 9.05am 11.00am 115
Engine Room
1.5. Ventilation 5 16/04/2014 2.35pm 3.35pm 60
15 April 2014
Leendert Korvink (ILT) was not present during the afternoon session (part of Node 1.1
and fully for Node 1.3).
16 April 2014
Piet van den Ouden (Argos) was not present for approximately 1.5 hours (Part of
Node 1.4).
Leendert Korvink (ILT) was not present during the morning session (part of Node 1.2
and fully for Node 1.4).
Jim Kriebel (MWM Benelux) was not available all day (Nodes 1.4, 1.2 and 1.5).
Peter Petersen (DNV GL) was not present during the afternoon session (Part of Node
1.2 and fully for Node 1.5).
None of the absences are judged to have reduced the overall competence of the team.
Note that the order selection of nodes for each day of the study was based on the availability
of personnel. e.g. the node detailing the gas supply to the engines was considered on day one
when Jim Kriebel (MWM Benelux) was available.
3.5.4 Study Minutes
On completion of the HAZID the study minutes were spell checked and proof read. Changes
to spelling or grammar have not been specifically identified. The study minutes are shown in
Appendix A. It is recognised that it is important that the context of the minutes are not
changed during checking and a copy of the study minutes in unchecked format has been
retained and can be made available if required.
3.5.5 Main HAZID Issues
The main issues identified during the HAZID are as follows:
Failure of the pressure control valve 5150NG – Could lead to the gas supply to the
engines which can lead to surges of gas or slightly high pressure to the downstream
system, possibly up to 10 barg to PCV5182NG. This can lead to damage to the
downstream system, possibly up to the engine inlet as it is not rated for 10 barg. Also,
failure of this PCV can lead to release of Natural gas onto the engine.
Gas Supply Control system failure - Control system failure can lead to pressure control
valves being too far open. This can lead to over pressurization of the downstream gas
systems and subsequent release of natural gas
Lesser concerns identified during the HAZID, which could be improved:
Overfilling of the LNG tank – an overfill of the tank due to human error, bunkering or level
instrumentation failure can lead to possible over pressurization of the tank leading to
failure if the bunkering pressure is high.
Single fatality or
multiple major B 3 3 1 MEDIUM
Prior to considering possible improvements two scenarios had risks rated as ‘high’. This
reflects a degree of concern in the design and these concerns have been summarised as the
‘Main HAZID Issues’ detailed previously. The majority of ratings (18) are in the ‘Medium’ risk
category with seven in the ‘Low’ category. This reflects the fact that a HAZID at this stage of
design with a relatively short duration study will primarily identify the most significant hazards.
It should be noted that as the project is at an early stage, risk ranking is difficult, particularly
where there are uncertainties in design.
3.5.8 Overall HAZID Assumptions
A number of overall assumptions are generally made as part of the basis for a HAZID of this
type, these are:
Personnel involved with operation and maintenance of the LNG fuel system will be
competent. It is therefore important that personnel have been trained in the use and
maintenance of any new equipment.
Safety systems will be designed to achieve an appropriate level of reliability. This
includes any shutdown system or process alarm.
Personnel will respond to alarms in sufficient time and will take appropriate action.
Throughout the study it was assumed that any releases of LNG could find an ignition
source and be ignited. The consequences of ignition could result in a number of
outcomes, such as a pool fire, jet fire, or explosion. These outcomes are described in the
ToR. As the outcome will depend upon a number of factors such as release size,
location, ventilation and duration before ignition, it is not possible in a study of this nature
to assess all possible outcomes. The overall assumption has been made that releases
could result in a fire or explosion and the severity category of release has been based on
the team’s judgement.
Rules, standards, codes and legislation for marine systems will apply where applicable.
While a detailed review of applicable rules, standards, codes and legislation was not
undertaken as part of the study it was recognised that these are relevant. Where
relevant, reference was made to standards and codes during the meeting.
Failure of the pressure control valve 5150NG – Could lead to the gas supply to the
engines which can lead to surges of gas or slightly high pressure to the downstream
system, possibly up to 10 barg to PCV5182NG. This can lead to damage to the
downstream system, possibly up to the engine inlet as it is not rated for 10 barg. Also,
failure of this PCV can lead to release of Natural gas onto the engine hence causing
possible damage to the engine.
Gas Supply Control system failure - Control system failure can lead to pressure control
valves being too far open. This can lead to over pressurization of the downstream gas
systems, possibly up to the engine inlet as it is not rated for 10 barg.
Twenty Seven items for further consideration have been identified. The responses to these
items along with details of potential failure scenarios and safeguards identified in the study will
further improve the design from a safety risk perspective.
Scope: To identify hazards associated with the design, operation and bunkering of the Argos LNG fuel system
Study: Early Stage HAZID based on a checklist of possible causes of failure (Equipment, Location/Environment, Materials, Operating Conditions, Operating Modes).
First Last Professional Supply
Company Position Experience E-Mail Address 1.1. 1.2. PBU 1.4. Cold 1.5. Engine
Name Name Qualifications to
LNG and Box Room
Storag Vaporis Ventilatio Ventilation
s and
e Tank er n System System
Chris Swift Lloyd's HAZID Study BSc (Hons) Process design and assessment [email protected] Present Present Present Present Present
Register Chair Chemical of safety on operational sites (22
Consulting Engineering. years). Safety Consultant (5
Principal MSc. Process years).
Safety Safety & Loss Safety Study Chair experience (18
Consultant Prevention years).
CEng, Grad
Afshan Hussain Lloyd's Safety BEng (Hons) Safety consultant in the Oil and [email protected] Present Present Present Present Present
Register Consultant, Chemical Gas industry. Experienced study
Consulting HAZID Study Engineering scribe.
Bas Joormann Lloyd's Principal BSc Naval 25 years’ experience, mainly on [email protected] Present Present Present Present Present
Register Specialist Architecture Statutory Issues
Matthijs Breel Lloyd's Senior BEng (Hons) 25 years’ experience in Engines. [email protected] Present Present Present Present Present
Register Specialist Mechanical
EMEA Machinery Engineering
Liviu Porumb Lloyd's Senior MSc Electrical 6 years plan approval and field [email protected] Present Present Present Present Present
Register Specialist Engineering surveys for LR. 4 year design and
EMEA Electro commissioning electrical systems
technical for ships.
Leendert Korvink Flag State Observer BEng (Hons) > 15 years’ experience in shipping [email protected] Partial Partial Absent Absent Present
(NSI) Mechanical
First Last Professional Supply
Company Position Experience E-Mail Address 1.1. 1.2. PBU 1.4. Cold 1.5. Engine
Name Name Qualifications to
LNG and Box Room
Storag Vaporis Ventilatio Ventilation
s and
e Tank er n System System
Peter Petersen DNV GL Observer BSc Civil 25 years’ experience in (petro) [email protected] Present Partial Present Present Absent
Engineering chemical and offshore industry.
Involved in Risk Based Inspection
studies, services in the area of
Asset Operations/Mechanical
Integrity, preparation of Safety
Reports, QRA's and risk
management audits and technical
integrity audits.
First Last Professional Supply
Company Position Experience E-Mail Address 1.1. 1.2. PBU 1.4. Cold 1.5. Engine
Name Name Qualifications to
LNG and Box Room
Storag Vaporis Ventilatio Ventilation
s and
e Tank er n System System
Claudia van Raster Technical BSc Electrical More than 10 years’ experience in claudia.van.batenburg@rast Present Present Present Present Present
Batenburg Account Engineering engineering, project management
Manager and technical account
management in the field of
industrial automation in the
(Petro) chemical plants, both on
and offshore.
Daily Attendance
1. 15/04/2014 2. 15/04/2014 3. 16/04/2014 4. 16/04/2014
Team Members
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
Afshan Hussain Present Present Present Present
Bas Joormann Present Present Present Present
Chris Swift Present Present Present Present
Claudia van Batenburg Present Present Present Present
Daniel Tabbers Present Present Present Present
Jereon van Tilborg Present Present Present Present
Jim Kriebel Present Present Not Required Not Required
Leendert Korvink Present Absent Absent Present
Liviu Porumb Present Present Present Present
Matthijs Breel Present Present Present Present
Peter Petersen Present Present Present Absent
Piet van den Ouden Present Present Partial Present
Stefan Kuijs Present Present Present Present
Ubbo Rommerts Present Present Present Present
Loss of vacuum Loss of insulation leading 1. Perlite insulation is not used C L2 2. Include procedures Argos/Cryonorm
caused by failure of to heat transfer into the as it has been found to settle for venting the tank in
the outer inner tank, leading to - super insulation used event of loss of
tank/insulation vaporisation in the tank, instead. vacuum in the O&M.
degradation. pressure increase and 2. Periodic checks of vacuum
possible overpressure of using portable instrument.
the tank leading to rupture. Vacuum can be restored by
portable instrumentation.
3. Drop off disk will provide
alarm on loss of vacuum.
4. Multiple relief valves on the
tank (4 x 50%, 3-way valve
5. Monitoring of process
conditions indicates loss of
vacuum, frosting may be
visible on the exterior of the
Leakage from liquid Small releases of NG or 1. Stainless steel drip tray with C L2 3. Ensure that the Rommerts/Cryon
or vapour piping LNG into the tank room, low temperature (TT5180) stainless steel drip orm
Fault condition in an Gas valves will close and 1. As the engine runs down gas 15. Include MWM 1. It is required that the
engine. any engine will stop. in the fuel supply will be consideration of this engine is approved by
Failure of non-return Flap fails to closed position 1. Power consumption of fan 19. Consider protecting Windex/Argos
flap on the fan outlet. leading to reduction in will indicate loss of flow. the counter weights
extraction capacity. 2. Visual inspection of counter on the non-return
weight on the valve will valves to prevent
indicate whether in the wrong movement being
position. blocked.
3. Valves designed/approved
for marine duty in this
Flap fails to the open 1. Valves designed/approved
position leading to for marine duty in this
recirculation of air around environment.
the non-operating fan. 2. Visual inspection of counter
weight on the valve will
indicate whether in the wrong
3. Power consumption of fan
will indicate loss of flow.
Blockage of the mist Reduction/loss of air flow. 1. The mist eliminator is large,
eliminator on the air total blockage is not thought
inlet to the tank to be credible.
room. 2. Alarms on the extraction
system motors will
indicate/alarm loss of air
flow. Control Second fan does not Reduction in extraction 1. Extraction system in the tank
system speed up/start when capacity room will provide some
the first fan fails. ventilation.
2. Operation and load alarms
on the fans provide indication
that stopped.
3. One fan is on a UPS.
4. Fans are on separate power
5. Redundant second fan.
Remarks/Considerations Place(s) Used Responsibility
1. Review the ventilation system sizing with regards to the maximum credible release rate from the drop off disk. Consequences: Cryonorm
What size hole in the LNG tank will lead to the ventilation system being exceeded.
2. Include procedures for venting the tank in event of loss of vacuum in the O&M. Consequences: Argos/Cryonorm
3. Ensure that the stainless steel drip tray is designed to contain the contents/releases of the bunkering line. Consequences: Rommerts/Cryonorm
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
Severity C
Severity Description
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
C Multiple
B Single fatality or
multiple major
Code Description Chance Per Year Chance Per Vessel Lifetime
L1 Remote <10E-6 > 1 in 40,000
L2 Extremely Unlikely 10E-6 to 10E-5 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 4,000
L3 Very Unlikely 10E-5 to 10E-4 1 in 4,000 to 1 in 400
L4 Unlikely 10E-4 to 10E-3 1 in 400 to 1 in 40
L5 Likely 10E-3 to 10E-2 1 in 40 to 1 in 4
Risk Ranking
Code Description
HAZID P&IDs Not all pipe connections to the tank The tank concept requires a bottom
pipe connections to the tank are above highest liquid level connection to be able to build pressure
normally mounted above in the tank for consumption.
highest liquid level Furthermore the filling level is
determined by means of the bottom
connection. Due to low air draught capacity of The actual opening of piping in the
outlet from pressure relief the vessel when passing bridges vent stack is located 2 m above main
valves located at least 6m this height is not possible deck, which is higher than the high jets
or B/3 (whichever is the of the cargo tanks.
greatest) above weather
deck No drip tray fitted under the tank The tank will be double walled. The
Drip tray below the tank stainless steel outer tank will function
(and tank filling station) as secondary barrier for the inner tank.
A drip tray with a capacity of 1 m is
foreseen under the cold box including
the root valves of the tank.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Strategy ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Vision ............................................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Mission .......................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Gasoil/LNG bunker ship project ..................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Design ............................................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Operational functions ................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.1 Gasoil cargo................................................................................................................................ 4
3.2.2 LNG cargo ................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.3 LNG propulsion .......................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.4 Facilitator for practical LNG training ......................................................................................... 5
4. Crew Competence & course ........................................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction
Argos is the largest independent player (not listed on the stock exchange or state affiliated) in the
Western European downstream oil market, combining storage and distribution with the international
trade in and sale of mineral oils and biofuels.
2. Strategy
To further expanding its current activities, in scale as well as geographically, Argos will focus on a
wider spectrum of low-emission energy products with safety, sustainability and environment getting
high priority at all times. These could also include activities that at first sight do not fit within the
current portfolio.
2.1 Vision
this will change in the near further regarding SECA area regulations for the see going vessels
national and internal stringent environment regulations for propulsion engines used for
vessels in inland waterways
economic drivers to use other type of bunker fuel
For the above criteria, LNG as bunker fuel can satisfy our customers to comply with dear needs.
2.2 Mission
Argos acts upon the changing demand for alternative energy sources by introducing the first LNG
bunkering vessel in 2015. Suitable to provide LNG as a fuel to inland shipping and see going vessels.
For operational and economic reasons, we made the decision to design an combined gasoil/LNG
bunker ship. Because in “one call” from our customers we can provide gasoil and LNG as bunker fuel.
It‘s the extra services we can give.
3. Gasoil/LNG bunker ship project
The work area of this ship is mainly in ARA (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerp) ports. This means that
the movability of this ship should be perfect to handle.
3.1 Design
The ship is designed with an extra (“Schelde huid”) double side construction to protect the ship for
external impact.
The maximum movability of this ship will be handled by, 2 L drives (650 kW each) in the after ship
and 1channel bow thruster (500 kW). ĞƚĂŝůĚĞƐĐƌŝƉƚŝŽŶĂŶĚĚƌĂǁŝŶŐƐŽĨƚŚĞ>E'ƉƌŽƉƵůƐŝŽŶƐLJƐƚĞŵ
As Argos Bunkering organization we have a lot of expertise in the World of bunkering regarding
operational, and environment regulations on the inland waterways including management skills at
our office in Rotterdam to operate the bunker fleet in a safe way. We will use those expertise in our
project. We will use similar systems, nautical technical equipment, cargo pumps e.g.
We will use for the LNG cargos tanks, GTT membrane technology to optimal the volume of the LNG
tanks in relation with the deign of the ship. With redundant Boill off Gas installations the LNG shall be
conditioned. For LNG bunkering, we will use Lloyds Register LNG hoses. Depending on the
size of the ship of our customer, we shall use our bunker arm to make a safe connection with
a double isolated LNG hose.
3.2.3 LNG propulsion
The main reasons to use LNG for propulsion for this ship are:
Environment benefits
The economics are positive in relation to use gasoil
Strategic choice, what we sell , we use also for our purpose
To get experience in the LNG marked
The design of our LNG propulsion system is similar of the other inland waterway projects the
company Cryonom Projects designed. The expertise of other projects is used for our project. The
main different is, we will use a smaller LNG propulsion tank. We will bunker ourselves from the LNG
cargo tanks. The power management of the ship will be handled by 3 x MWM gas engines of
400 ekW. Installed in the front engine room. For back-up we will use a Caterpillar diesel of 450 ekW,
installed in the after engine room.
We are member of the European LNG master plan project, this also creates obligations. As member
of the several workings groups we have the opportunity to facilitate students and teacher/ trainers
on the ship in a separate training room to transferring knowledge and see in practice the operational
activities on the ship regarding LNG bunkering e.g.
In cooperation with STC bv. (Shipping and Transport College) also member of the European LNG
master plan we will develop a practical LNG bunkering training for our crew and also available for
other crew members out site our organization.
The main purpose of the courses is to familiarize the crew of inland waterway vessels with the
properties and hazards of LNG and to get knowledge how to work with LNG as fuel onboard the
vessel. For instance in case of bunkering and maintenance.
The course will include a theoretical part, consisting of the main LNG topics and a practical training
on board of the vessel in which the theoretical items will be dealt with in practice.
Annex 4 to RV (14) 59 = RV/G (14) 92 = JWG (14) 86
Table of Contents
1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2. General ............................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Crew competence ........................................................................................................................... 3
4. Communication and Connection .................................................................................................... 3
4.1 Communication............................................................................................................................. 3
4.2 Connection .................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Pre Bunkering.................................................................................................................................. 4
5.2.Bunker check list ........................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Line–up .......................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Bunkering ........................................................................................................................................ 5
7. After- Bunkering ............................................................................................................................. 5
7.1 Inerting of the LNG bunker hose .................................................................................................. 5
7.2 Documents .................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Purpose
To fill the LNG holding tank(s) in a safe way, the following procedures should be followed closely:
2. General
Only class approved LNG bunker ship suppliers are allowed to perform ship to ship bunkering in the
Before the vessel’s LNG storage tanks can be filled on a certain place, (local) authorities should be
informed. These authorities could demand for extra safety precautions. The authority’s approval for
the bunker transfer must be available before bunkering is started.
3. Crew competence
Crew on board of an inland LNG bunker vessels shall be qualified according to:
ADN requirements applicable for gas carriers
followed a general LNG training (theoretical)
followed specific LNG bunker training (theoretical)
followed the LNG bunker training on our LNG bunker ship (practical)
4.1 Communication
As a general principle, the LNG bunker ship has to provide the communication equipment
(radio) to the receiving ship.
A dedicated working channel for communication has to be agreed upon and duly tested prior
to the transfer operation.
The ESD link between the ships (SIGTTO system for sea going vessels) is available.
The bunker vessel’s emergency plan including the emergency signals have to be
communicated to the receiving vessel prior to the transfer operation.
4.2 Connection
The LNG transfer line connection system has to be equipped with a dry disconnect coupling.
LNG hoses have to be adequately supported to prevent contact with sharp edges and
freezing to surfaces.
The ESD link between the ships (SIGTTO system for sea going vessels) is in place.
5. Pre Bunkering
All accommodation openings in the LNG bunker area on the receiving ship shall be closed during
transfer. Unauthorized personnel transit through the safety zone is not allowed during bunkering
unless in case of emergency.
The bunker transfer checklist (see appendix A and B) is a mutual document with steps to be made by
the supplier and the receiver, and signed by authorized persons to confirm that all points are
addressed. The LNG bunker supplier is responsible for the checklist to be properly filled in and signed
before delivery to the receiving ship. The receiving ship’s Master or the appointed responsible will
accept the checklist and issue the order to proceed. The checklist is to be further filled out and signed
by the receiving vessel’s responsible, and returned to the bunker operator before starting any
5.2 Line–up
The line-up procedure is to be sure that there is a no nitrogen left in the LNG bunker hose. This
means that the LNG bunker hose will connected to the LNG bunker pole on the LNG bunker ship. LNG
bunker pole is connected to the LNG gas propulsion system. A minimum of LNG will be pumped
trough the LNG bunker hose. When the temperature is below zero and no nitrogen is measured this
procedure is finessed.
6. Bunkering
The bunkering area is an EX-classified and restricted area during bunkering. Only authorized
personnel are allowed in the safety zone during bunkering. This is to be adequately supervised by the
receiving vessel’s responsible and the LNG bunker ship supplier.
The LNG cargo pumps shall be ramped down to an agreed topping up rate when the total transfer
amount is almost reached. The final filling requires special attention on the receiving ship to watch
the tank level and pressure. When the valves are confirmed to be lined up and the personnel are
confirmed to be outside the safety zone, the bunker operator and the receiving ship’s engineers
confirm that they are ready to commence bunkering by giving a ready signal via the agreed
communication link (VHF or other).
ESD system
Manual ESD will be used to prevent dangerous situations
Manual ESD will also be used when there are unforeseen operational actions
The ESD system will automatically stop the bunkering sequence at a maximum liquid level in
the fuel tanks.
7. After- Bunkering
Inerting with nitrogen, is performed in order to remove LNG in the bunker hose. The supplier of the
LNG shall make sure nitrogen is available. Nitrogen systems have to be checked prior to inerting. The
inerting sequence has to be adequately controlled and monitored.
The temperature of the LNG hose, give the status of inerting.
7.2 Documents
The LNG supplier is to deliver a document, clearly stating the quantity and quality of fuel
transferred, signed by both parties. The undersigned bunker check list stay at the LNG bunker
ship and will be archived (available for the port/local authorities).
LNG Bunker Checklist
Truck to Ship
(Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014)
Check Ship Terminal Code Remarks
LNG Bunker Checklist - Truck to Ship - Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014 FINAL
The bunker location is accessible for the LNG
supplying tank truck and the total truck weight
does not exceed the maximum permitted load of
the quay or jetty.
The bunker location can be sufficiently
9 A
Check Ship Terminal Code Remarks
Exclusion zone:
LNG Bunker Checklist - Truck to Ship - Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014 FINAL
I. PART B: Pre Transfer Checklist
(This part should be completed before actual transfer operations start)
Check Ship Terminal Code Remarks
An effective means of communication between ______________________
the responsible operators and supervisors on
24 the ship and at truck has been established and A R Primary System:
tested. The communication language has been
agreed upon.
Backup System:
LNG Bunker Checklist - Truck to Ship - Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014 FINAL
Check Ship Terminal Code Remarks
If applicable.
Bunker pumps and compressors are in good
38 A
working order.
The ship’s bunker tanks are protected against Intervals not exceeding
41 inadvertent overfilling at all times, tank content is R
constantly monitored and alarms are correctly set.
___________ minutes
LNG Bunker Checklist - Truck to Ship - Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014 FINAL
Check Ship Terminal Code Remarks
LNG Bunker Checklist - Truck to Ship - Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014 FINAL
I. PART C: LNG Transfer Data
(This part should be completed before actual transfer operations start)
bar / psi
LNG tank start pressure:
Tank 1 Tank 2
bar / psi
Starting pressure:
Starting rate:
per hour
Max transfer rate:
per hour
Topping of rate:
per hour
bar / psi
Max pressure at manifold:
Maximum Minimum
bar / psi
Maximum working pressure:
LNG Bunker Checklist - Truck to Ship - Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014 FINAL
We, the undersigned, have checked the above items in chapter I parts A, B and C in accordance
with the instructions and have satisfied ourselves that the entries we have made are correct.
We have also made arrangements to carry out repetitive checks as necessary and agreed that those
items coded ‘R’ in the checklist should be re-checked at intervals not exceeding ______ hours.
If, to our knowledge, the status of any item changes, we will immediately inform the other party.
Initials for
The presence of the letters ‘A’ or ‘R’ in the column entitled ‘Code’ indicates the following:
A (‘Agreement’).
This indicates an agreement or procedure that should be identified in the ‘Remarks’ column of the checklist or
communicated in some other mutually acceptable form.
R (‘Re-check’).
This indicates items to be re-checked at appropriate intervals, as agreed between both parties, at periods stated in the
P (‘Permission’)
This indicates that permission is to be granted by authorities.
The joint declaration should not be signed until both parties have checked and accepted their assigned responsibilities and
accountabilities. When duly signed, this document is to be kept at least one year on board of the LNG receiving vessel.
LNG Bunker Checklist - Truck to Ship - Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014 FINAL
II. After LNG Transfer Checklist
(This part should be completed after transfer operations have been completed)
Check Ship Terminal Code Remarks
We, the undersigned, have checked the above items in chapter II in accordance with the instructions
and have satisfied ourselves that the entries we have made are correct.
LNG Bunker Checklist - Truck to Ship - Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014 FINAL
Guideline for completing this checklist
The presence of the letters ‘A’ or ‘R’ in the column entitled ‘Code’ indicates the following:
A (‘Agreement’).
This indicates an agreement or procedure that should be identified in the ‘Remarks’ column of the checklist or
communicated in some other mutually acceptable form.
R (‘Re-check’).
This indicates items to be re-checked at appropriate intervals, as agreed between both parties, at periods stated in the
P (‘Permission’)
This indicates that permission is to be granted by authorities.
The joint declaration should not be signed until both parties have checked and accepted their assigned responsibilities and
accountabilities. When duly signed, this document is to be kept at least one year on board of the LNG receiving vessel.
LNG Bunker Checklist - Truck to Ship - Version 3.0 - June 26th, 2014 FINAL
Internal transfer, LNG Bunker Checklist
(LNG cargo - LNG propulsion tank)
The Internal transfer LNG Bunker Checklist
is made in line with the IAPH procedures.
Check Code Remarks
Exclusion zone:
Check Code Remarks
An effective means of communication between
the responsible operators and supervisors at
16 the LNG bunker vessel has been established AR Primary System:
and tested. The communication language has
been agreed upon.
Backup System:
bar / psi
LNG cargo tank 1 start pressure:
bar / psi
LNG cargo tank 2 start pressure:
Tank 1 Tank 2
bar / psi
Starting pressure:
Starting rate:
per hour
Max transfer rate:
per hour
Topping of rate:
per hour
bar / psi
Max pressure at manifold:
Maximum Minimum
bar / psi
Maximum working pressure: (abs)
I, the undersigned, (skipper or a person authorized by the skipper of the LNG bunker vessel) have
checked the above items in chapter I in accordance with the instructions and have satisfied myself
that the entries I have made are correct.
Bunker vessel
Guidelines for completing the Internal LNG cargo – LNG propulsion Bunker Checklist.
The presence of the letters ‘A’ or ‘R’ in the column entitled ‘Code’ indicates the following:
A (‘Agreement’).
This indicates an agreement or procedure that should be identified in the ‘Remarks’ column of the checklist or
communicated in some other form.
R (‘Re-check’).
This indicates items to be re-checked at appropriate intervals at periods stated in the declaration.
P (‘Permission’)
This indicates that permission is to be granted by authorities.
The declaration should not be signed until both parties have checked and accepted their assigned responsibilities and
accountabilities.This document is to be kept at least one year on board of the LNG bunker vessel.
I, the undersigned, (skipper or a person authorized by the skipper of the LNG bunker vessel) have
checked the above items in chapter II in accordance with the instructions and have satisfied myself
that the entries I have made are correct.
Bunker vessel
The presence of the letters ‘A’ or ‘R’ in the column entitled ‘Code’ indicates the following:
A (‘Agreement’).
This indicates an agreement or procedure that should be identified in the ‘Remarks’ column of
the checklist or communicated in some other form.
R (‘Re-check’).
This indicates items to be re-checked at appropriate intervals at periods stated in the declaration.
P (‘Permission’)
This indicates that permission is to be granted by authorities.
The declaration should not be signed until both parties have checked and accepted their assigned
responsibilities and accountabilities.This document is to be kept at least one year on board of the LNG
bunker vessel.
A. Introduction
The main purpose of the course is to familiarize the crew of inland waterway vessels with the
properties and hazards of LNG and to get knowledge how to work with LNG as fuel onboard the
vessel. For instance in case of operation, bunkering and maintenance.
The course will include a theoretical part, consisting of the topics mentioned under B and a practical
training on board the vessel in which the theoretical items will be dealt with in practice.
The selection of a suitable training institute and the extend of the training in accordance with the
competent authority. The training institute and the extend of the training shall be determined with the
competent authority. Every 2.5 years, the training shall be repeated.
After successful participation, the student shall be issued with a certificate by the training institute.
1. Legislation
1.1 General legislation / best practice for ADN, ROSR, European Directive EU
1.2 Available international legislation concerning LNG (for seagoing / best practices)
2. Introduction to LNG
2.1 The definition of LNG, critical temperatures, LNG hazards, atmospheric conditions
4.4. Alarms
4.6 Ventilation
5.4 Failures
6. Bunkering of LNG
7. Maintenance
9.1 Get familiarized with the content of the ships management system, in particular the
9.2 Check safety awareness and the use of safety equipment for LNG
9.3 Awareness of monitoring, controls and alarms of the LNG installation on board.
9.5 Awareness and familiarisation with the bunker procedure (preferable in practice)
Report of the Third Party verification of the HAZID-study of the LNG fuel system for the new gasoil/LNG
fuelled bunkership of Argos Bunkering B.V. The HAZID-study was performed on April 15th and 16th, 2014
in Capelle aan den IJssel.
Draft 2014-05-23 For comments Peter Petersen Matthé Bakker Matthé Bakker
0 2014-05-21 Client comments incorporated Peter Petersen Matthé Bakker Matthé Bakker
Table of content
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1
4 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 6
On request of Argos Bunkering B.V. (Argos), Det Norske Veritas (DNVGL) has performed a third party
verification of the HAZID-study that was performed on April 15th and 16th, 2014 in Capelle aan den IJssel.
The objective of the verification was to evaluate the preparation, execution and reporting of the study.
As part of the verification the study sessions have been attended by DNVGL (observer), furthermore the
following subjects have been reviewed:
Study scope and objective;
Study documents;
Applied methodology;
Selection of study nodes;
Study team composition;
Level of detail of the discussions;
Content and quality of study report.
In forelying report the results of the verification and the observations during the study sessions are
The ToR contains the information that is required for the study participants to familiarise themselves
with the study objective, methodology and subject.
The ToR includes a description of the scope of the study (LNG fuel system), the following operating
modes are specifically mentioned:
- Normal operation;
- Start-up;
- Normal shutdown;
- Emergency shutdown.
A brief description of the LNG fuel system is given and reference is made to the main (engineering)
From the description in the ToR it is concluded that the main study objective was to identify and discuss
loss of containment events and safety risks. The objective to identify causes, consequences, safeguards
and recommendations for improvement provides the basis for proper hazard identification and risk
evaluation. The study objective is similar to the objective of HAZID studies that are performed in other
industry sectors, although the identification of environmental risks and financial risks (e.g. availability) is
not included. Note: loss of containment is one of the direct causes for environmental and financial risks.
The scope of the study (LNG fuel system) is clearly indicated in the ToR, reference is made to the main
(engineering) documents. Since most study participants were involved in the project and familiar with
the development of the LNG fuel system the brief description of the system is considered sufficient.
The documents were sent to the study participants for familiarisation and preparation for the study. Most
participants were involved in the development of (a part of) the LNG fuel system and sufficient time was
available for other participants to prepare themselves.
The selected methodology is commonly used in various industry sectors for identification of hazards and
risks in early project stages. The HAZID prompts are selected taking the characteristics of LNG and the
design of the LNG fuel system into account.
The description of the methodology and selected subjects (HAZID prompts) in the ToR gives sufficient
information for the study participants.
The risk matrix is proposed by Lloyd’s Register Consulting and has been accepted by Argos prior to the
study sessions. The risk matrix is similar to other matrices that are used in the industry for HAZID
studies, for detailed risk identification studies (such as HAZOP) usually more detailed matrices are used.
In accordance with the objective of the study the matrix includes a scale for safety consequences only.
The LNG fuel system is split into study sections taking into account the complexity, size and function of
the system. The resulting four sections provide a proper basis for a complete and thorough study. During
the study it was decided to add a 5th section: “Engine room ventilation system”.
Representatives from the companies involved in the design and the assessment of the fuel system were
invited for the study. In the HAZID-report a detailed overview of the expertise and experience of the
team members is given. Sufficient knowledge and experience with respect to design, operation and
approval of gasoil/LNG fuel systems and associated systems was available during the sessions.
The contents and level of detail of the report are similar to HAZID-reports that are produced in other
industry sectors. The report contains the required information for future reference and for further
development of the fuel system design.
3.1 Introduction
To verify the results of the document review and to evaluate the application of the methodology DNVGL
has attended the study sessions that were held on April 15th and 16th, 2014 in Capelle aan den IJssel.
DNVGL was present on April 15th and the morning session of April 16th.
3.2 Observations
In this paragraph a summary is given of the findings and observations of DNVGL.
- The meeting place for the sessions provided sufficient space for the team members. The tables were
set up in U-form which assured that all team members had a clear view on the projector screen.
Enough table space was available for team members to lay out drawings and other documentation.
- Specific software for hazard and risk identification studies was used for recording the discussions
during the sessions. The study sections and the list with subjects (HAZID prompts), as identified
during the preparation for the study, were incorporated in the software.
- Real-time recording and projecting the log sheets on a screen allowed the team members to
comment on the content and wording of the identified scenarios.
- Full reporting was used, this means that all discussed topics are recorded, even those that the team
considered less relevant for safety (“No causes identified”, “No consequences identified”).
- Representatives from the companies involved in the design and the assessment of the fuel system
were included in the study team. In addition to the persons mentioned in the ToR additional team
members were present during the sessions.
- Each participant was provided with hard copies of drawings and other relevant documentation. The
HAZID sections were clearly indicated on the Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (colour coded).
- At the beginning of the first session an explanation of the background of the development of the LNG
fuel system was given by Argos.
- The HAZID methodology, the objective and the study approach were explained by the study leader.
- Prior to the discussion/analysis of each study section an explanation on the design and operation of
the section was given. During the study it was decided to add a 5th section: “Engine room ventilation
system”, detailed information for this system was not available during the session.
- During the sessions explanations and clarifications on the design of the fuel system were given (Argos,
Cryonorm, MWM Benelux, Windex, …).
- Sufficient time was available for (detailed) discussions during the sessions. Where appropriate, team
members participated in the discussions.
- Based on the discussions and questions that were raised during the sessions, the list with HAZID
prompts (discussion subjects) was adapted. For example, the subject ‘Water’ was added to make sure
that issues with respect to the possible presence of water were properly discussed and analysed.
- Although the main objective of the study was identification of hazards, consequences and existing
safeguarding measures, the participants were occasionally allowed to discuss solutions and other
improvements in detail (‘engineering discussions’).
- At appropriate intervals breaks were held.
Das Sekretariat übermittelt zur Information anliegend die von der Arbeitsgruppe
Untersuchungsordnung nach § 2.19 RheinSchUO ausgesprochene Empfehlung.
Das Tankmotorschiff „Argos GL“, (Europäische Schiffsnummer noch nicht bekannt), wird hiermit für
die Nutzung von flüssigem Erdgas (LNG Liquefied Natural Gas) als Brennstoff für die Antriebsanlage
Gemäß § 2.19 Nr. 3 ist für das Fahrzeug eine Abweichung von den §§ 8.01 Nr. 3, 8.05 Nr. 6, Nr. 9, Nr.
11 und Nr. 12 bis zum 30.06.2019. zulässig. Der Einsatz von LNG gilt als hinreichend sicher, wenn
folgende Bedingungen zu jeder Zeit erfüllt sind:
1. Die Konstruktion und Klassifikation des Schiffes soll unter der Aufsicht und Einhaltung der zu
befolgenden Regeln einer anerkannten Klassifikationsgesellschaft erfolgen, welche besondere
Regeln für Flüssigerdgas-Antriebssysteme hat. Die Klassifikation ist beizubehalten.
3. Von der Klassifikationsgesellschaft, die die Klassifikation des Schiffs vorgenommen hat, wurde
eine umfassende HAZID-Studie (siehe Anlage 1) vorgenommen.
6. Der LNG-Vorratstank entspricht den Vorschriften für Kryogentanks der Norm EN 13458-2.
Abgesehen von diesen Anforderungen muss der Tank mindestens einer Kraft von 2 g in
Längsrichtung, 1 g in Querrichtung und einem Krängungswinkel von 10° standhalten. Der Tank
ist so auf dem Schiff angebracht, dass gewährleistet ist, dass er unter allen Umständen fest mit
dem Schiff verbunden bleibt. An der Außenseite des Tankraumes ist eine Kennzeichnung
angebracht, die deutlich angibt, dass sich dort ein LNG-Vorratstank befindet.
7. Das Bunkern des Flüssigerdgases muss unter Einhaltung der im Anlage 4 aufgeführten
Verfahren erfolgen.
9. Alle Besatzungsmitglieder sind zu den Gefahren, zum Einsatz, zur Instandhaltung und Inspektion
des Flüssigerdgas-Antriebssystems nach den in Anlage 4 festgelegten Verfahren zu schulen.
10. Eine Sicherheitsrolle ist an Bord des Schiffes vorzusehen. Die Sicherheitsrolle beschreibt die
Pflichten der Besatzung und enthält einen Sicherheitsplan.
11. Alle Daten zum Einsatz des Flüssigerdgas-Antriebssystems sind vom Betreiber zu erfassen und
müssen mindestens fünf Jahre lang aufbewahrt werden. Die Daten sind der zuständigen Behörde
auf Anfrage zuzuschicken.
12. Ein jährlicher Auswertungsbericht, der alle erfassten Daten enthält, wird zur Verteilung an die
Mitgliedstaaten an das Sekretariat der ZKR gesandt. Der Auswertungsbericht soll wenigstens die
folgenden Informationen enthalten:
a) Systemausfall;
b) Leckage;
c) Bunkerdaten;
d) Druckdaten;
e) Abweichungen, Reparaturen und Änderungen des Flüssigerdgassystems einschließlich der
f) Betriebsdaten;
g) Emissionsdaten, einschließlich Methan-Emissionen;
h) Prüfbericht der Klassifikationsgesellschaft, die die Klassifikation des Schiffs vorgenommen
Anlage 1: Bericht Nr. Loyd’s Register 50102448 R01 vom 29.4.2014
Anlage 2: Übersicht mit den Abweichungen vom IGF-CODE (IMO Resolution MSC.285 (86))
Anlage 3: Verfahren für das Bunkern von Flüssigerdgas
Anlage 4: Projektbeschreibung „Gasoil/LNG bunker ship project“
RV/G (14) 92
JWG (14) 86
25 septembre 2014
Or. nl fr/de/nl/en
Communication du Secrétariat
du 9 septembre 2014
L'automoteur-citerne "Argos GL" (numéro européen unique d'identification des bateaux inconnu) est
autorisé par la présente à utiliser du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) en tant que combustible pour
l'installation de propulsion.
Conformément à l'article 2.19, chiffre 3, le bâtiment est autorisé à déroger aux dispositions des articles
8.01, chiffre 3 et 8.05, chiffres 6, 9, 11 et 12 jusqu'au 30.06.2019. L’utilisation du GNL est réputée
suffisamment sûre sous réserve que les conditions ci-après soient respectées à tout moment :
1. Le bâtiment doit être construit et classé conformément aux règles et sous le contrôle d'une
société de classification agréée ayant établi des règles spécifiques pour les installations
fonctionnant au GNL. La classe doit être maintenue.
2. Le système de propulsion au GNL doit être inspecté annuellement par la société de classification
qui a classé le bateau.
3. Une étude HAZID exhaustive doit avoir été réalisée par la société de classification qui a classé le
bateau (voir annexe 1).
4. Le système de propulsion au GNL doit être conforme au code IGF (Résolution MSC.285(86) du
1 juin 2009), à l'exception des points énoncés à l'annexe 2.
5. Le système de propulsion au gaz naturel liquéfié doit être conçu de manière à limiter autant que
possible les émissions de méthane.
6. Le réservoir de stockage de GNL doit être conforme aux exigences de la norme EN 13458-2
relatives aux réservoirs à basse température. Outre cette exigence, le réservoir doit résister à
une poussée de 2 g dans le sens longitudinal et d'1 g dans le sens transversal ainsi qu'à un angle
de gîte de 10°. Le réservoir de stockage doit être installé à bord du bateau de telle sorte qu'il y
demeure fixé en toutes circonstances. Sur la face externe du local où est placé le réservoir doit
être fixé un marquage indiquant clairement que s'y trouve un réservoir de stockage de GNL.
7. L'avitaillement de GNL doit être réalisé conformément aux procédures énoncées à l'annexe 4.
8. L'entretien du système de propulsion au GNL doit être assuré conformément aux instructions du
fabricant. Ces instructions doivent être conservées à bord. Préalablement à toute remise en
service à la suite d'une réparation ou d'une modification substantielles, le système de propulsion
au GNL doit être examiné par la société de classification qui a classé le bateau.
9. Tous les membres d’équipage doivent avoir suivi une formation sur les dangers, l’utilisation,
l’entretien et l’inspection du système de propulsion au GNL conformément aux procédures
énoncées à l'annexe 4.
10. Un dossier de sécurité doit être prévu à bord du bâtiment. Le dossier de sécurité doit décrire les
tâches de l'équipage et doit comporter un plan de sécurité.
11. Toutes les données relatives à l’utilisation du système de propulsion au GNL doivent être
conservées par l'exploitant durant au moins cinq ans. Ces données doivent être communiquées à
l'autorité compétente sur demande.
12. Un rapport annuel d’évaluation comportant l’ensemble des données collectées doit être adressé
au Secrétariat de la CCNR pour distribution aux Etats membres. Ce rapport d'évaluation doit
comporter au minimum les informations suivantes :
a) panne du système ;
b) fuites ;
c) données relatives à l'avitaillement ;
d) données relatives à la pression ;
e) dérogations, réparations et modifications subies par le système GNL, réservoirs compris ;
f) données de fonctionnement ;
g) données relatives aux émissions, y compris les émissions de méthane ;
h) rapport d'inspection de la société de classification qui a classé le bateau.
Annexes :
RV/G (14) 92
JWG (14) 86
25 september 2014
Or. nl fr/de/nl/en
Het secretariaat heeft het genoegen u hierbij ter informatie de door de Werkgroep Reglement van
onderzoek overeenkomstig artikel 2.19 van het ROSR geuite aanbeveling te doen toekomen.
Voor het motortankschip “Argos GL”, (Europees scheepsidentificatienummer nog niet bekend), wordt
bij deze de vergunning afgegeven voor het gebruik van vloeibaar aardgas (LNG, Liquefied Natural
Gas) als brandstof voor de voortstuwingsinstallatie.
Op grond van artikel 2.19, derde lid, mag bij genoemd schip worden afgeweken van de artikelen 8.01,
derde lid, 8.05, zesde lid, 8.05, negende lid, 8.05, elfde lid en 8.05, twaalfde lid, tot en met 30.06.2019.
Het gebruik van LNG wordt geacht voldoende veilig te zijn indien te allen tijde aan de volgende
voorwaarden wordt voldaan:
1. Het schip wordt gebouwd en geklasseerd onder toezicht en overeenkomstig de van toepassing
zijnde voorschriften van een erkend classificatiebureau dat specifieke voorschriften voor LNG-
installaties hanteert. De klasse blijft gehandhaafd.
2. Het LNG-voortstuwingssysteem wordt jaarlijks gekeurd door het classificatiebureau dat het schip
heeft geklasseerd.
3. Een volledige HAZID-keuring door het classificatiebureau dat het schip heeft geklasseerd is
uitgevoerd (zie bijlage 1).
5. Het LNG-voortstuwingssysteem is zodanig uitgevoerd dat uitstoot van methaan maximaal wordt
9. Alle bemanningsleden zijn opgeleid in de bestrijding van gevaren alsmede in het gebruik, het
onderhoud en de inspectie van het LNG-voortstuwingssysteem overeenkomstig de in bijlage 4
vermelde procedures.
10. Een veiligheidsrol is beschikbaar aan boord van het schip. De veiligheidsrol beschrijft de taken
van de bemanning en bevat tevens een veiligheidsplan.
11. Alle gegevens betreffende het gebruik van het LNG-voortstuwingssysteem worden verzameld
door de vervoerder en moeten minstens vijf jaar worden bewaard. Deze gegevens worden op
verzoek naar de bevoegde autoriteit verzonden.
12. Er wordt jaarlijks een evaluatierapport, waarin alle verzamelde gegevens zijn opgenomen,
opgesteld en naar het secretariaat van de CCR gezonden, ter uitdeling onder de lidstaten. Dit
evaluatierapport bevat ten minste de volgende informatie:
a) systeemuitval;
b) lekkage;
c) bunkergegevens;
d) drukgegevens;
e) afwijkingen, reparaties en wijzigingen van het LNG-systeem, de tank hieronder begrepen;
f) functioneringsgegevens;
g) uitstootgegevens, methaan hieronder begrepen;
h) verslag van het onderzoek opgesteld door het classificatiebureau dat het schip heeft
Bijlage 1: Rapport Nr. Lloyd’s Register 50102448 R01 dated 29-4-2014
Bijlage 2: Overzicht van de afwijkingen van de IGF-code (IMO-Resolutie MSC.285(86)
Bijlage 3: Project beschrijving ‘Gasoil / LNG bunker ship project’
Bijlage 4: Procedure voor het bunkeren van vloeibaar aardgas