Role of The Secretary
Role of The Secretary
Role of The Secretary
JUNI0 18 de 2022
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What this means in practice depends on the style and size of the organisation:
...the Secretary themselves will carry out all these duties and may also take a
greater role in the day-to-day administration of the organisation. This can
become a time-consuming role. Some management committees have more than
one person with formal responsibility for secretarial tasks (e.g. a Minutes
Secretary, Correspondence Secretary and Membership Secretary). Others
delegate some of the administrative responsibilities to volunteers outside of the
management committee to reduce the burden.
Each Management Committee will have its own way of doing things, and the way
in which work is shared out can also depend on the skills, interests or amount of
time that a person has to offer. Always ensure that the role description for your
Secretary matches the current dynamics of your organisation. (see links below or
click here for more on developing role descriptions).
Main responsibilities of the Secretary
Honestidad y ética.
Espíritu de servicio.
Capacidad de escuchar y de comunicar.
Tranquilidad y paciencia.
Sentido del humor.
A good secretary:
Be organized.
Keep copies of all correspondence.
Verify that quorum is met for meetings.
Respect confidentiality.
Work closely with the president.
Make it easy for others to take control by keeping clear records.
Prepare for meetings well in advance.
Summarize discussions effectively.
Keep people informed.
Ensure accurate minutes of meetings are kept.
Ignore correspondence.
Keep the information to yourself.
Arriving late to meetings.
Throw away important papers.
Write down the trivial details of all the discussions in each meeting.
Trust your memory.
Repeat private conversations.
Organize meetings at the last minute.
Private secretary.
Secretary of an association.
Secretary of embassy.
Secretary of a cooperative society.
Secretary of local body.
Secretary of Government department.
Company secretary.
The secretary’s role is to be the guardian of the process of meetings and the
maintainer of the official business records. He or she often manages
communication before meetings and keeps formal records of the group’s
process and decisions: the minutes of the meeting.
GOOD LUCK…..!!!!!!