PE-ME702H 26900720064 Mechanical
PE-ME702H 26900720064 Mechanical
PE-ME702H 26900720064 Mechanical
ROLL : 26900720064
does not guide the tool. It provides only a reference surface or a device. What makes a fixture unique is that each
one is built to fit a particular part or shape. The main purpose of a fixture is to locate and hold a work piece during
either a machining operation or some other industrial process. A jig differs from a fixture in that as it guides the
tool to its correct position in addition to locating and supporting the work piece. In welding their main function is
to position components accurately, hold components rigidly and prevent movement during working in order to
ensure greater productivity and part accuracy. Jigs and fixtures are specially designed so that large no of
components can be machined or assembled identically and to ensure interchangeability of components. It promotes
good fitting tolerance in the final product and the quality of work piece is very high which are produced at low
The fixtures can be classified into three categories, they are,
• Assembly fixtures
Assembly fixture produces a satisfactory fit up quickly without any temporary welds to the work piece. Precision jigs
and welding fixtures are used to produce accurate fabrications. Robotic welding fixtures have several specific
requirements depending on the requirement of the work piece to be welded. They are usually made of hardened materials
to avoid frequent damage and to resist wear. Example-MS, Cast iron, Die steel, CS, HSS. The most commonly used
o All the other components surrounding the weld area should be prevented from weld spatter.
o The fixture should allow assembly of work with a minimum of temporary welds that are visible on
o The work piece must be easily fixed and removed before and after welding.
Fixture carrying a ball valve on a positioner
∙ Jigs and fixtures are used to reduce the cost and increase the production.
∙ To enables heavy and complex shaped parts to be machined by holding rigidly to a machine.
∙ Saving labor.