Lesson Plan: Name of The Teacher: Hrishik Roy
Lesson Plan: Name of The Teacher: Hrishik Roy
Lesson Plan: Name of The Teacher: Hrishik Roy
Students will be tought to use bar graph to read and display data.
Solve problem by orgnising and interpreting numerical data in a bar graph correctly.
Previous knowledge:
Describe a bar graph featuring (tile & axes)
Extract & interpret information from bar graph
Construct bar graph to illustrate giver information
Data Handling
A Pictograph
A bar graph
Double Bar Graph
Organising Data
Grouping Data
Bars with a difference
Circle Graph or Pie Chart
Data Handling
In your day-to-day life, you might have come across information, such as:
The information collected in all such cases is called data. Data is usually collected in the
context of a situation that we want to study. For example, a teacher may like to know
the average height of students in her class. To find this, she will write the heights of all
the students in her class, organise the data in a systematic manner and then interpret it
A Pictograph:
A bar graph:
A display of information using bars of uniform width, their heights being proportional to
the respective values.
A bar graph showing two sets of data simultaneously. It is useful for the comparison of
the data.
Organising Data
Art, Mathematics, Science, English, Mathematics, Art, English, Mathematics, English, Art,
Science, Art, Science, Science, Mathematics, Art, English, Art, Science, Mathematics,
Science, Art.
Which is the most liked subject and the one least liked?
The number of tallies before each subject gives the number of students who like that
particular subject.This is known as the frequency of that subject.
Frequency gives the number of times that a particular entry occurs.
From Table, Frequency of students who like English is 4. Frequency of students who like
Mathematics is 5
The table made is known as frequency distribution table as it gives the number of
times an entry occurs.
Grouping Data
The data regarding choice of subjects showed the occurrence of each of the entries
several times. For example, Art is liked by 7 students, Mathematics is liked by 5 students
and so on. This information can be displayed graphically using a pictograph or a
bargraph. Sometimes, however, we have to deal with a large data. For example,
consider the following marks (out of 50) obtained in Mathematics by 60 students of Class
21, 10, 30, 22, 33, 5, 37, 12, 25, 42, 15, 39, 26, 32, 18, 27, 28, 19, 29, 35, 31, 24, 36,
18, 20, 38, 22, 44, 16, 24, 10, 27, 39, 28, 49, 29, 32, 23, 31, 21, 34, 22, 23, 36, 24,
36, 33, 47, 48, 50, 39, 20, 7, 16, 36, 45, 47, 30, 22, 17.
If we make a frequency distribution table for each observation, then the table would be
too long, so, for convenience, we make groups of observations say, 0-10, 10-20 and so
on, and obtain a frequency distribution of the number of observations falling in each
group. Thus, the frequency distribution table for the above data can be.
Each of the groups 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, etc., is called a Class Interval (or briefly a
Observe that 10 occurs in both the classes, i.e., 0-10 as well as 10-20. Similarly, 20
occurs in classes 10-20 and 20-30. But it is not possible that an observation (say 10 or
20) can belong simultaneously to two classes. To avoid this, we adopt the convention
that the common observation will belong to the higher class, i.e., 10 belongs to the class
interval 10-20 (and not to 0-10). Similarly, 20 belongs to 20-30 (and not to 10-20). In
the class interval, 10-20, 10 is called the lower class limit and 20 is called the upper
class limit. Similarly, in the class interval 20-30, 20 is the lower class limit and 30 is the
upper class limit. Observe that the difference between the upper class limit and lower
class limit for each of the class intervals 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 etc., is equal, (10 in this
case). This difference between the upper class limit and lower class limit is called
the width or size of the class interval.
Let us again consider the grouped frequency distribution of the marks obtained by 60
students in Mathematics test.
The height of the bars show the frequency of the class-interval. Also, there is no gap
between the bars as there is no gap between the class-intervals. The graphical
representation of data in this manner is called a histogram. The following graph is
another histogram.
From the bars of this histogram, we can answer the following questions:
1. How many teachers are of age 45 years or more but less than 50 years?
2. How many teachers are of age less than 35 years?