Street Bowl Rules

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★ Street Bowl teams are not very well-trained or reliable.

Street Bowl is a set of variant rules for Team re-rolls cost double their listed cost. For example,
Games Workshop’s Blood Bowl, the a re-roll for a Human team would cost 100,000 GC.
game of fantasy football.
…... Street Bowl is played out in an
unforgiving urban environment rather than on the grassy ★ Did we mention Street Bowl players are poorly trained?
turf of a traditional pitch, resulting in games that are even It’s very highly recommended that tournaments
faster and more violent than usual. severely limit added skills and ban Leader.

Street Bowl was originally developed by Ramsay “Norse” ★ No staff (Apothecaries, Assistant Coaches, Cheerleaders)
McPherson, Niels Vegter, Louis Dauget, and Ruediger may be purchased. Undead and Necromantic teams get
Rickkassel. By some accounts, alcohol might have been their Necromancer as usual.
involved. This document represents an update from the
NAF’s Variant Committee, which is intended to make the ✶ STREET BOWL RULES ✶
rules more suitable for modern tournament play. This will GAME LENGTH: Street Bowl is made up of two 6-turn
serve as the base rules document for Street Bowl halves, rather than the normal 8-turn halves used in Blood
tournaments sanctioned by the NAF. Bowl.

As with other Blood Bowl events, organizers can choose to THE PITCH: The Street Bowl pitch is only 7 squares wide;
customize their Street Bowl tournaments, but alterations 3 squares in the center zone and 2 squares in each of the
should be kept within reason. Such judgments will be wide zones, as pictured on p. 3. It is the same length as a
made by the NAF Tournament Director when an event is standard Blood Bowl pitch. The field is covered with
submitted for sanction. cobblestones and the entirety of each sideline is blocked
by a wall (imaginary in most cases, but feel free to create a
✶ BLOOD BOWL RULES ✶ 3D pitch). The effects of cobblestones and walls are
Outside of those modifications specifically described described below.
below, games will be played using the most current rules
THE SET-UP: A team MUST set up as many players as
for Blood Bowl.
possible for each kickoff, up to a maximum of 7 players for
each drive. Due to the narrower width of the pitch, it is
only mandatory to set up one player on the line of
These Team Creation rules are highly recommended, as
scrimmage (they must also be between the hash marks),
they have been play tested at length and changes may
though more can be set up there if desired. Only one
unbalance this version of the game. That said,
player may be set up in each wide zone.
modifications are allowed unless they are thought to be
too transformative or unbalancing. The Tournament KICK-OFF: As in all Sevens variants, when the ball is
Director may ask you to alter them or refuse sanction. kicked off 2D6 are rolled to determine scatter and the
lower result is used.
★ Teams may be purchased using 600,000 GC.
COBBLESTONES VS. ARMOR: Add +1 to the Armor roll
★ The only available inducements are Magic Potions and
for any player that is knocked over while playing Street
the Halfling Master Chef. Each team gets 1 Potion for
Bowl (whether by a block or a failed action or in any other
free, additional draughts are 50,000 GC each, and there
is no limit on how many can be bought. See the Magic
Potion chart on p. 3. COBBLESTONES VS. BALLS: The ball scatters as normal
when kicked or thrown, but bounces twice if it is dropped
★ Teams may be selected from any of the 23 / 26 NAF
after a failed catch, or hits the ground after a pass, kick or
approved rosters.
throw-in. If a ball does hit the ground, roll a D8 and scatter
the ball in that direction. If the square is not occupied, roll
★ In Street Bowl, a team may not have fewer than 7 or
another D8 to bounce the ball a second time. After this the
more than 11 players on the roster. A team will only field
ball will stop bouncing and play can continue as normal.
7 players at a time.
The ball may be caught if it bounces into an occupied
★ In addition, only 4 “specialist” players (meaning any square, but it scatters twice more if is not caught.
player whose availability is less than 0-12) may be
WALLS VS. ARMOR: Being pushed into a brick wall Treat them as if they were pushed back and down against
hurts, even if the player is not knocked over! A player can the wall (+2 to the AV roll). On a 6, the player has
only be pushed into a wall if there is no available managed to successfully kick himself off of the wall. The
unoccupied square. When a player is pushed back against Coach may determine which direction the player will
a wall, but not knocked over, leave the player standing, but continue on in by using the throw-in template. Roll a D3
make an Armor roll adding +1 because the wall is as hard to determine the number of squares the player will travel
as the cobbles! If the armor is penetrated the blocked from the wall, and then treat the landing roll as normal in
player falls down, and you may roll for injury straight that square.
away. If a player is pushed back against a wall and knocked
over, then the blocking player may add +2 to the Armor NO REF: Street Bowl games are not watched over by a
roll (+1 for the wall and +1 for the cobblestones!). If the Referee, which means players cannot be sent off, but they
armor is penetrated, roll to injure as normal. If a player is can be hurt in retribution. A player wishing to commit a
pushed into the crowd at either end of the street, roll to foul does so as normal, taking assists into account.
injure using the same rules as Blood Bowl.
Irrespective of the success of the foul attempt, the coach
WALLS VS. BALLS: Due to walls on either side of the of the fouled player may roll a D6; on a 1-3 nothing
street, the ball can never leave the pitch except over the happens, on a 4+ angry fans have hit the fouler with a
low barriers at each end of the street. When a ball bounces rock. Make an AV roll for the player committing the foul
out of bounds in the end zone, the fans will throw it back adding +1 to the roll. If the roll is enough to break amour,
in using the same rules as in Blood Bowl. If a ball bounces make an Injury roll as normal. If armor is broken on the
into a wall during play then it will scatter D6 squares in a player committing the foul, his team suffers a turnover.
random direction using the standard Throw-in Template,
and then bounce twice upon hitting the ground as SECRET WEAPONS: The fans aren’t too crazy about
described above. This rule affects bouncing balls, and also Secret Weapons, either. Any player with the Secret
any kick-offs which hit a wall. Note that there is no Weapon skill is safe for as long as the game is going on.
touchback in Street Bowl unless the ball bounces back into As soon as a drive ends, however, the fans rush in to
the half of the kicking team or out the end of the street. attack them. Each coach must roll a D6 for each of his
players with the Secret Weapon skill. On a roll of 1-3, the
BALLS VS. WALLS: Some throwers will deliberately try
player is dragged away by the riotous crowd. Consider
to pass the ball to another player by bouncing it off a wall.
said player Badly Hurt, but Potions may not be used to
Passing a ball off a wall is extremely difficult, as well as
alter his condition. On a roll of 4-6, the player manages
quite unpredictable. Any such pass suffers a modifier of -1
to fight his way free of the crowd and may play on until
to the Agility roll to pass the ball. A pass, which is bounced
the next game break, when such a roll is made again. If
off the wall can never be intercepted, though players with
the player with Secret Weapon also has Loner, he can
Pass Block may still move to place tackle zones on either
only fight his way free on a roll of 6!
the thrower or intended receiver. Holding the range ruler
sideways, it is possible to bend the ruler so that it goes
from the thrower to the intended receiver (or to an empty
square) and also touches one of the walls along the side of
its intended path. This marks the section of the wall,
which the thrower is aiming for when he makes the pass.
Make the Pass action taking into account the -1 modifier
for bouncing it off the wall as described above. If the
throw is fumbled it lands at the thrower’s feet as normal
and bounces twice. If the throw is inaccurate it hits the
wall, but then scatters unexpectedly D6 squares in a
random direction using the Throw-in template. An
inaccurate pass which bounces off the wall in this way may
be caught by any player on either team in the same way as
a bouncing ball, failing which it will hit the ground and
bounce twice. If the pass is accurate the receiver as normal
may catch it.
WALLS VS. STUNTIES: Throw Teammate works the
same way as usual, with the exception of the thrown
player hitting one of the walls. If a thrown teammate
scatters into a wall, roll a D6. On a 1-5 the player stops
scattering as they violently hit the wall.
These potions may be administered to any player who is
Knocked Out, Badly Hurt, or Seriously Injured (if the 2D6 Result
player is Dead, it’s too late) just after Knock-outs are
rolled. Coaches can also feed potions to healthy players
prior to setting up for any drive, though it usually isn’t the 2 SMOG: Smog makes it almost impossible to
best idea. After a player has been given a potion, roll a D8 see how many players are on the street. Each
and refer to the following table: coach rolls a D6 prior to each kickoff, on a roll
of 1, they may only field 6 players, on a roll of 6
✶ MAGIC POTIONS TABLE ✶ they may field 8 players (if they have the
reserves). The thick Smog also prevents players
1D8 Result
from throwing very far, so only Quick Passes
may be attempted.
1 SQUIG PISH: It’s poisonous! The player is killed
immediately. You get what you pay for!
WIND: Strong winds are whistling down the
2 TAP WATER: It does no good. If the team has street, making passing the ball very difficult. All
more potions, the player may try another one attempts to pass the ball are subject to an
after the next drive is finished. additional -1 modifier.
3 LAUDANUM: This dulls the player’s pain
enough to get him back onto the pitch. He gains 4-10 NORMAL: No effect.
Really Stupid, Thick Skull and a -2 AG modifier
for the rest of the match. 11 RAIN: It’s raining, making the ball slippery and
difficult to hold. A -1 modifier applies to all
4 DWARF ALE: The player returns to play, but is
somewhat wasted. He gets -1 AG and Bone-Head catch, intercept, or pick-up rolls.
for the rest of the match.
12 SNOW: It’s cold and snowing! The ice on the
5 HEALING BALM: Just the thing! The player pitch means that any player attempting to
may return to play with no ill effects.
move an extra square (GFI) will slip and be
6 WARPSTONE TINCTURE: The player returns Knocked Down on a roll of 1-2. The snow also
to play and gains Sprint and Jump-Up, but must means that only Quick or Short passes may be
be the first player to act every turn for the rest of attempted.
the match.

7 ORCA-COLA: The player returns to play, but

has picked up a taste for a certain soda. If he ever
ends an action in a wide zone or end zone, he
leaves the pitch to visit the concessions stand
and misses the rest of the drive (may still score a
FUNGUS BEER: Look out! The player gains +2
ST and Frenzy, but suffers from Wild Animal for
the rest of the match. Furthermore, he must roll
a die at the start of every turn (his team’s and the
opponents’), whether he is on the field or not. On
the roll of a 1, he dies immediately.

(NOTE: Potions may not be administered to players with

the Regeneration skill, as their natural healing abilities
will fight off the effects.)
2D6 Result 2D6 Result

2 LOOSE MASONRY: Bricks rain down on one side 8 BRILLIANT COACHING: Each team rolls a D6
of the field. Randomly select one wide zone. Any and adds their FAME modifier. The team with a
players (from either team) in that area must make higher score gains a Team Re-roll. In the case of a
an immediate unmodified Armor roll. If their tie, neither side gets a re-roll.
armor is broken, proceed with an Injury roll as
usual. POTION PEDDLER: A passing merchant is
9 handing out free samples. Each team gains 1
3 RIOT: Roll a D6 for each player on the pitch, potion. This can be used on KO’d or injured
adding the opposing team’s FAME score. On a roll players following the current drive, or
of 6 or higher, the player is stunned. immediately by a player on the field.

4 STRAY PONY: The stable boy at a nearby tavern BLITZ!: The defense starts their drive a fraction
forgot to bolt the door! Suddenly a galloping pony 10 before the offense is ready, catching the receiving
runs right across the street, throwing the game team flat footed. The kicking team receives a free
into disarray. Each player on the line of ‘bonus’ turn; however, players that are in an
scrimmage is moved into the square directly enemy tackle zone at the beginning of this free
behind them (away from midfield) and must make turn may not perform an Action. The kicking
a standard Dodge roll. If another player is team may use team re-rolls during a Blitz. If any
occupying that square, he is pushed directly player suffers a turnover, the bonus turn ends
backwards and stays on his feet. If the dodge roll is immediately.
failed, the player is knocked over. Roll armor for
any knocked over players as normal, except THROW A ROCK: An enraged fan hurls a large
adding +2 to the roll: +1 for the cobblestones and 11 rock at one of the players on the opposing team.
+1 for the trampling hooves of the pony. Players Each coach rolls a D6 and adds their FAME to the
with ST5 or higher do not have to roll as the pony roll. The fans of the team that rolls higher are the
wisely detours around them. ones that threw the rock. In the case of a tie a rock
is thrown at each team! Decide randomly which
5 HIGH KICK: The ball is kicked very high, allowing player in the other team was hit (only players on
a player on the receiving team time to get under it. the pitch are eligible) and roll for the effects of the
Any one player on the receiving team who is not injury straight away. No Armor roll is required.
in an opposing player’s tackle zone may be moved
into the square where the ball will land no matter GUARDS!: The city watch are called out to
what their MA may be, as long as the square is 12 discourage the game! The slowest player on each
unoccupied. team (randomize ties) is targeted by an
unmodified ST3 block from a player without any
6 CHEERING FANS: Each team rolls a D6 and adds skills. Examples: A ST 2 player would roll 2 dice
their FAME modifier. The team with a higher and his opponent would choose the result; a ST3
score gains a team re-roll. In the case of a tie, player would roll 1 block die and be stuck with
neither side gets a re-roll. that result; a ST 4+ player would roll 2 block dice
and choose his favored result. If the player is
CHANGING WEATHER: Make a new roll on the knocked down by that roll, he is subsequently
7 Weather table. Apply the new Weather roll. If the arrested and misses the rest of the game. Any
new Weather roll was a ‘Nice’ result then a gentle pushes move a player directly toward their own
gust of wind makes the ball scatter one extra end zone (i.e. backwards).
square in a random direction before landing.

These rules and the layout of this document were originally developed on behalf of the NAF by Gaixo, Norse,
ManticoreRich and TheHurricane with special thanks to LouisX, Niels, Traveller. Following a variant review process in
2019, this updated version of the document was developed by montanhas18, Raveen and Templar with art by Garion.

Blood Bowl and all associated trademarks are the property of Games Workshop.

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