BRM Question Bank

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Question Bank

UNIT :I a) 14
C. 16
1. Probability error is d) 17
a) 0.6475 S.E Ans c
C. 0.6754 S.E. 6. If r=0, then Cov(x, y) is equal to
b) 0.6745 SE a) +1
d) 0.6547 S.E C. 0
Ans b b) -1
2. Covariance varies from d) None of these
a)-1 to +1 Ans c
C. 0 to +1 7. A scatter diagram is
b)-1 to 0 a) A relation between x and y values
D. -∞ to +∞ b) A statistical test
Ans d c) Both (a) and (b)
3. Karl Pearson's coefficient is defined d) None
for Ans a
a) Ungrouped data 8.If there exists any relation between the
Both (a) & (b) sets of variables, it is called
b) Group data a) Skewness
d) None of these c) Linear
Ans b b) Correlation
4. Rank coefficient correlation was d) None of these
developed by Ans b
a) Karl pearson's 9.Which of the following is the highest
C. Spearman range of r?
b) R.A. Fischer a) 0 and 1
d) None of these b) 1 and 0
Ans c c. -1 and +1
5. Ifr 0.9 and P.E. 0.032, then the value d) None of these
of n will be Ans c

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between them
10.Which of the following is a formula of a)-1
Karl Pearson's Coefficient of b) +1
Correlation? c. 0
d) None of these
Compute Coefficient of variation from
following data; Sample mean (x bar) of
11. Coefficient of correlation has X is 3.8857, Sample standard deviation
maximum value (Sx) of X is 1.063 and Sample variance
a. +1 (S2x) of X is 1.1299?
c. 0 Answer: Coefficient of variation is
d) None of these CV= SX/ x bar= 1.063/ 3.8857 x
Ans a 100= 27.36
12. If N=10,¢x =3; ¢y=2 and €XY=0.8,
then the value of r will be
a) 0.133
c) 0.013
b) 1.333
d) None of these
Ans c
13. The Spearman Correlation is used
a) Ordinal data
Ⓒ) Interval data
b) Nominal data
d) None of these
14. If two variables are absolutely
indepenent of each other the correlation

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UNIT :II b) Tossing of coins

1. The probability can be denoted Ans. C
a) P 5. A dice is rolled. Find the
b) q probability of an even number
c) E a) 2
d) None of these c.1/3
Ans a b) 1
d) 1/2
2. What is the probability of Ans d
getting an even number when a
dice is tossed? 6. The probability of getting head,
a) 1 it tossing a coin twice is
b) 1/2 a) 1
c) 1/3 c) 0.25
d) 1/6 b) 0.50
Ans b d) 0.125
3. What is the probability of Ans c
getting more than 3, if a die is 7. Best method of variability is
tossed? a) Mean
a)1 C. Mode
b)1/2 b) Median
c. 1/3 d) Standard deviation
d. 2/3 Ans a
Ans b 8. Standard error is a measure of
4. Which of the following a) Sampling error
examples of random experiment c) Observer error
are b) Instrumental error
a) Rolling a dice d)None of these
c) Both (a) & (b) Ans c

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9. True about normal distribution Sol. i) Abnormal in more than

curve is 95% of cases
a) Mean, median and mode all ii) Normal limits are (2.29, 3.81)
coincide Q.5. Calculate the probability that
b) Standard deviation equalt to in a tossing of coins three times,
+1 there will appe
c) Mean equal to twice of median
d) None of these a) Three tails
Ans a b) Two tails and one head
NUMERICAL QUESTIONS c) At least one head
Q.1. If a bag contains 8 red balls d)Not more than one head
and 5 blacks balls. Find the Sol.
probability of getting ball a)=1/8
Sol. P-8/13 b)=3/8
Q.2 What is the probability of c) = 7/8
finding an odd number, if we d) 1/2
throw a die? Q.6. A die is thrown six times. If
Sol P=1/2 getting of an even number" is a
Q3. A problem in statistic is given success, what is probability of
to three students, whose chance getting four success. Sol.
of solving if are2/5,1/2,3/4 P=15/64
Obtain the probability that the Q7. Show that the mean
problem will be solved. deviation from the mean of the
Sol. P-3/40 normal distribution is about4/5of
Q4. Average weight of baby at its standard deviation.
birth is 3.05 kg. The standard Q.8 If x is normally distributed
deviation of 0.39 kg birth weight with mean 4 and variance 9.
are normally distribution would
you regard.
i) Weight of 4 kg as abnormal?
ii) Weight of 2.5kg as normal?

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b) Systematic sampling
1. Which of the following techniques d) All the above
fields a random sample? Ans c
a) Choosing school randomly and then
sampling of everyone within the school 4. How often does the census bureau
b) Numbering all the elements of a take a complete population sample
sample design and using a random count?
number table to pick cases from the a) Every year
table C. Every 7th year
C. Choosing a proportion from within b) Evey 5 year
each ethnic group at random d) Every 10 year
d) None of these And d
Ans b
5. For a survey, a village is divided into
2. Which of the following statements are five lanes, the each lane is sampled ran
true? size and the greater the sampling domly. It is an example of:
a) The larger the sample a) Simple random sampling
b) As sample size decreases, so does b) Systematic random sampling
the size of the confidence interval c) Multi-phase random sampling
c) The more categories you want to d) Stratified random sampling
make in your data analysis, the larger Ans d
the sample needed
d) None of these 6. A random sampling, chance of being
Ans c selected is
a) Not same & not known
3 Sampling in quantitative research is b) Same and known
similar to which type of sampling in c) Same and not known
quantittive research? d) Not same but known
a) Simple random sampling Ans b

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7. True about simple random sampling

a) All units have unequal chance to be
b) All units have equal chance to be
c) Every fixed unit is taken for selection
d) None of these
Ans b

8. Which is true of cluster sampling

a) Every n case is chosen for study
b) A stratification of population is done
c) A stratification of population is not
d) A natural group is taken as sampling
Ans d

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UNIT III a) Data must be measured on the same

Which of the following tests must be scale
two-sided? b) Data at least ordinal scale
a) Kruskal-Wallis test c) Data must be from two independent
b) Wilcoxon Signed rank test samples
c) Runs test d) Data must be distributed at least
d) Sign test approximately as a t-distribution
In testing for the difference between Ans B
two populations, it is possible to use----
a) The Wilcoxon rank-sum test The format of thesis writing is the same
b) The sign test as in__
c) Either of the two tests a) Writing of Seminar representation
d) None of the these b) Preparation of research paper/article
Ans C c) A research dissertation
The sign test assumes that the samples d) Presenting a workshop/conference
are___ paper
a) Independent Ans C
b) Dependent
c) Have the same mean Which of the following does not
d) None of these correspond to characteristics of
Ans B research?
The Wilcoxon rank-sum test a) Research is not passive
compares__ b) Research is systematic
a) Two populations c) Research is not a problem-oriented
b) Three or more populations d) Research is not a process
c) A sample mean to the population mean Ans D
d) None of these Which of the following is not the method
Ans A of Research?
The Spearman rank-correlation test a) Survey
requires that the___ b) Historical
c) Observation

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d) Philosophical
Ans C
What are the core elements of a
a) Introduction; Data Collection; Data
Analysis; Conclusions and
b) Executive Summary; Literature Review;
Data Gathered; Conclusions;
c) Research Plan; Research Data;
Analysis; References
d) Introduction; Literature Review;
Research Methodology; Results;
Discussions and Conclusions
Ans D

You are guilty of plagiarism if you__

a) Make use of the works of others to
gather information.
b) Use the work of another and
misrepresent it as your own.
c) Make use of the works of others to
support your own arguments.
d) Examine the ideas and arguments of
others to help you shape your own
thoughts or views on a particular issue.
Ans B

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UNIT IV 4. The difference between the actual Y value

and the predicted Y value found using a
1. The process of constructing a mathematical regression equation is called the
model or function that can be used to predict A. slope
or determine one variable by another variable is B. residual
called C. outlier
A. regression D. scatter plot
B. correlation
C. residual 5. The total of the squared residuals is called
D. outlier plo the
A. coefficient of determination
2. In the regression equation Y = 21 - 3X, the B. sum of squares of error
slope is C. standard error of the estimate
A. 21 D. r-squared
B. -21 6. In regression analysis, R2 is also called the
C. 3 A. residual
D. -3 B. coefficient of correlation
2. In the regression equation Y = 21 - 3X, the C. coefficient of determination
slope is D. standard error of the estimate
A. 21 7. The coefficient of determination must be
B. -21 A. between -1 and +1
C. 3 B. between -1 and 0
D. -3 C. between 0 and 1
D. equal to SSE/(n-2)
3. In the regression equation Y = 75.65 + 0.50X, 8. For a data set the regression equation is Y =
the intercept is 21 - 3X. The correlation coefficient for this
A. 0.50 data
B. 75.65 A. must be 0
C. 1.00 B. is negative
D. indeterminable C. must be 1
D. is positive

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9. The coefficient of correlation for a problem

was calculated to be 0.36. The coefficient of
determination for this would be
A. 0.6
B. either -.6 or +.6
C. 0.13
D. 0.36

10. If X and Y in a regression model are totally

A. the correlation coefficient would be -1
B. the coefficient of determination would be 0
C. the coefficient of determination would be 1
D. the SSE would be 0

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. B

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UNIT V 5. Factorial designs allow us to study both ______

1. What term refers to the situation where two effects of the independent variables on the

independent variables have an effect when dependent variables.

they are in combination? (a) main and interactive

(a) artifact (b) dependent and independent
(b) confounding variable
(c) symbiotic and dichotomous
(c) dependency
(d) rank order and correlationa
(d) interaction
Ans A
Ans D 6. Which of the following statements is correct
2. A 2 X 2 factorial design about interactions?
(a) is called a one-way ANOVA.
(a) They are enhancements of the effect.
(b) results in a four-cell matrix.
(b) They are additive effects.
(c) cannot yield interactions.
(d) must include an organismic independent
(c) They are spurious effects.
variable. (d) They occur only in interaction with
Ans B organismic dependent variables.
3. What does an A X B interaction mean in a two- Ans A
way ANOVA? 7. What are the factors in a factorial design?

(a) There must be significant main effects for (a) the independent variables
Factors A and B. (b) the dependent variables
(b) The main effects for Factors A and B must (c) the organismic variables
be short of significance. (d) the experimental variables
(c) The affect of factor A depends on the level Ans A
of factor B. 8. Factorial designs
(d) If there are significant main effects, they (a) include no more than one research
must be interpreted first before interpreting hypothesis.
the interaction. (b) cannot test participants across more than
Ans C
one condition.
4. Factorial experiments
(c) are ineffective when matched participants
(a) include two or more dependent variables.
are included.
(b) include two or more independent variables. (d) contain more than one null hypothesis.
(c) focus on unmeasured factors. Ans D
(d) focus on organismic factors. 9. What is the appropriate statistical test for a
Ans B factorial design?
(a) the Modes test

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(c) t-test
(d) chi-square
Ans B

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