Irregular Verbs Categories Catalina Cocan

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I. Form 1 = Form 2 = Form 3

Form 1 Form 2 Form 3

1. a costa cost cost cost
2. a tăia cut cut cut
3. a lăsa let let let
4. a pune put put put

II. 1 different from 2, but 1=3

Form 1 Form 2 Form 3

5. a deveni become became become
6. a veni come came come
7. a fugi run ran run

III. 1 different from 2, but 2=3

Form 1 Form 2 Form 3

8. a aduce bring brought brought
9. a cumpăra buy bought bought
10. a prinde catch caught caught
11. a se lupta fight fought fought

12. a construi build built built

13. a hrăni feed fed fed
14. a simți feel felt felt
15. a găsi find found found
16. a primi get got got
17. a ține hold held held
18. a avea have had had
19. a auzi hear heard heard
20. a păstra keep kept kept
21. a învăța learn learned/learnt learned/learnt
22. a părăsi leave left left
23. a da lend lent lent
cu împrumut
III. (continued) 1 different from 2, but 2=3

Form 1 Form 2 Form 3

24. a pierde lose lost lost
25. a face make made made
26. a însemna mean meant meant
27. a întâlni meet met met
28. a citi read read read
(formele 2 și 3 se pronunță /red/)
29. a spune say said said
30. a vinde sell sold sold
31. a trimite send sent sent
32. a sta jos sit sat sat
33. a dormi sleep slept slept
34. a petrece, spend spent spent
a cheltui
35. a spune tell told told
36. a se gândi think thought thought
37. a înțelege understand understood understood
38. a câștiga win won won

IV. Forms 1, 2 and 3 are different

Form 1 Form 2 Form 3

39. a fi be was/were been
40. a începe begin began begun
41. a sufla blow blew blown
42. a sparge break broke broken
43. a alege choose chose chosen
44. a face do did done
45. a desena draw drew drawn
46. a bea drink drank drunk
47. a conduce drive drove driven
48. a mânca eat ate eaten
49. a cădea fall fell fallen
50. a zbura fly flew flown
51. a uita forget forgot forgotten
52. a da give gave given
53. a merge go went gone
54. a ști know knew known
55. a călări, ride rode ridden
a se da cu bicicleta
56. a vedea see saw seen

IV. Forms 1, 2 and 3 are different

Form 1 Form 2 Form 3

57. a scutura shake shook shaken

58. a vorbi speak spoke spoken
59. a înota swim swam swum
60. a lua take took taken
61. a arunca throw threw thrown
62. a purta wear wore worn
(o haină)
63. a scrie write wrote written

Verbele de mai sus sunt neregulate (nu urmează o regulă clară la construirea
formelor 1,2 și 3).
(Verbele regulate – cele care se construiesc conform unei reguli - sunt mult mai
drăgălașe: doar adaugă ED la codiță pentru formele 2 și 3.
(de exemplu: work – worked – worked sau jump – jumped - jumped).
Mititelele, sunt mult mai ordonate decât verbele neregulate…Of, of… 

Formele 1,2 și 3 ale verbelor (fie regulate, fie neregulate) se folosesc în

următoarele situații:

Forma 1
I. La prezent:
I am writing my homework now. (Present Continuous)
I always write my homework carefully. (Present Simple)
II. La viitor:
You will help me tomorrow, right? (Future Simple)
III. În situații cu love/like/enjoy/hate etc.
We love learning English.
IV. În alte situații, pe care le vom învăța mai încolo… 

Forma 2 – doar la trecutul simplu, cel folosit în povești:

Snow White looked at the seven dwarves, smiled and
began telling them the story of her life.

Forma 3
I. La anumite forme de prezent sau trecut
We have already eaten all the apples. (Present Perfect – îl
vom învăța )
Grannie had already begun cooking when the kids arrived
home. (Past Perfect – îl vom învăța )
II. În construcții modale (nu am învățat această denumire, dar
tipul acesta de structuri vă este cunoscut din texte/din
My friend could have helped me, but he refused to…
We should have told you the truth, but we were afraid.
They may have finished their homework (I am not sure of

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